Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe (19 Ocak 1809 - 7 Ekim 1849), Amerikalı şair, yazar, editör ve edebiyat eleştirmeni. Çoğunlukla şiir ve kısa öykü yazdı. Özellikle gizem ve macabre öyküleri ile tanınır. ABD'de ve Amerikan edebiyatında Romantizm akımının önemli figürlerinden bi

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We can hardly analyse our mental features 1 . We appreciate them only in their effects 2 . We know, that they are a source of the largest enjoyment. As the athlete finds his delight in the hardest exercises, so the analyst finds pleasure in enigmas, conundrums, and hieroglyphics. An ordinary man thinks that it is just magic. The wonderful results have, in truth 3 , the whole air of intuition. The faculty of resolution can possibly exist thanks to the mathematical study, and especially to that hi

И после смерти клевета продолжала преследовать поэта. Его душеприказчиком

That’s all the police knew. This was the strangest killing in Paris of all time. Later, we read in the paper that the police arrested and imprisoned Adolphe Le Bon, although nothing appeared to criminate him. I could tell that Dupin was interested in the progress of this affair. He asked my opinion on the murderers. I said I saw no means by which it would be possible to trace the murderer.

О, безмерное противоречие, ужасное в своей непостижимости!

Но к чему продолжать? Сегодня я закован в эти цепи и нахожусь здесь . Завтра я буду свободен от оков – но где ?

Кто испытал привязанность к верной и умной собаке, тому нет нужды объяснять, какой горячей благодарностью платит она за это

По-вашему, я сумасшедший. Сумасшедшие ничего не соображают