Фрэнсис Бэкон

33 abone
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The Advancement of Learning

Ortalama puan 5, 1 oylamaya göre

“The TVVOO Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, divine and humane. To the King. At London. Printed for Henrie Tomes, and are to be sould at his shop at Graies Inne Gate in Holborne. 1605.” That was the original title-page of the book now in the reader’s hand — a living book that led the way to a new world of thought.

The Essays

Ortalama puan 5, 1 oylamaya göre

But my hope is, that if my extreme love to learning carry me too far, I may obtain the excuse of affection for that "it is not granted to man to love and to be wise".