Людмила Жебрунова

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    The bear knew what the people were doing down in the settlement just as he always knew what the man was thinking about. Some days passed and the bear said again, “This is the day when the Topknots will come to kill me, but the Split-noses will come first and find us. When they have killed me they will drag me outside the cave and take off my clothes and cut me in pieces. You must cover the blood with leaves, and when they are taking you away look back after you have gone a piece and you will see something.” Soon they heard the hunters coming up the mountain (вскоре они услышали, как охотники поднимались в горы; to hear), and then the dogs found the cave (и затем собаки нашли пещеру; to find) and began to bark (и начали лаять). The hunters came and looked inside (охотники пришли и заглянули внутрь) and saw the bear (и увидели медведя) and killed him with their arrows