Kitabı oku: «Loner in the rush hour crowd. I am going to kill», sayfa 4

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Today there is the real defile of «cool» cars here – of the «cool» cops. So they serve the people selflessly, that they have reached the «Lexus», or even two «per nose»! This is not counting the elite apartments, cottages, furnishings and «elite» accounts of the «closed type»! «To whom a great deal is entrusted, much is given to that!» And, if not given, then taken! Our «righteous tenants» are the real specialists on the interpretation in their favor not only human laws, but also divine! That’s another «point» in their «debit».

But today I will have to sweat. And much more than those pedestrians, some of which combines cross-country running with running with obstacles, and the other should be set «away from sin». That is, retreats to the starting line for a circumvention maneuver in the hope of avoiding a meeting with the «defenders». And, here, «we will go another way». For them, the shortest distance is a curve. But I remain loyal to the «golden classics»: «I attach a ruler».

The fact, that people dematerialized, that’s even good: I do not need and sympathetic views. The best help from the side is her absence. Because «in many wisdom there is a lot of sadness…". Or, as the same Mayor said: «Sometimes a lot of mind is worse, than if it hadn’t been at all!» Comrades passersby relieve themselves from the sin of meeting with me, and me from the sin of meeting them. Let not themselves deliver, but thanks to the «masters of life», who did not allow them to become even random passersby. And this already helps them not to become «victims of an accident»: true to the classics, I leave no witnesses. And this is not my fault, but them: always have to be in that time, and in that place.

But I deduct this merit to the «valiant» guardians as not active, and in passive. After all, they did a good deed on the way to evil. Not even that: the good turned out to be only a by-product of evil. «Waste production».

I proceed to reconnaissance. Not all cars are habitable. Part of the car owners managed to disperse in the corridors of the magnificent building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, which was once the temple of science. At the time of «totalitarianism», the Research Institute of some exact sciences flourished here. But with the «triumph of democracy» the sciences did not disappear – and the need for churches to worship them disappeared. And the amenities of «defenders of the people» also had to think! After all, science will not protect the new owners of life from the people – and this is the primary concern of the «servants of the people»! Well, how can you not please the native man?!

On the one hand, the «lack of personnel» is distressing. I came not then to walk twice. It turns out the shortfall of the plan. But on the other hand… As a finished materialist, I cannot fail to recognize the law of the unity and struggle of opposites. Therefore, the other party must have a place to be – and has. And on the other hand, my task is made easier: «it is impossible to grasp the immensity». It was only the hero of the song, who could smugly say: «I am the holder of the sky with strong hands!». For all their fortresses, my hands will not suffice not only to heaven, but also to the piece of the earth! We, realists, must be… realists! After all, optimizing two dozen violators – namely, so many violates the rules of the road today – and remaining incognito at the same time is akin to a feat in the square!

And I «go to the goal» with peace of mind. For additional calm for the time of work, I «turn off» the soul. Even «iron Felix» the Chekist’s parameters: «hot heart» and «cold head». And am I not a security officer?! At least, along the line of work in the deep underground, even under his window?! That and it: the security officer!

First of all – the second after reconnaissance – I produce inventory. There are in stock five goals for twenty-four units. I must manage, because it is necessary. There is a word: «We must!» And we, fools, have such a right, which is a duty: first to jerk a stripped vest on the chest, and then – from the trench! Nothing obliges us, but we still do it! But if you took a tug – take away life and the jackpot! I do not need a jackpot – I need lives! And therefore, not even called, I answer: «Yes!» I answer myself – not to someone else’s man, who sometimes says, it seems, the right words, but it turns out, as in the saying: «Not the mistress who says – but the one who cooks soup!»

All car owners are of the titular nation. «Aliens do not go here», especially, they do not drive. This simplifies my task even more: our «love» is mutual. Because I used to perceive Kipling as abstract literature – about the fact that «there,» they have it.»

Take up the White Man’s burden —

Send forth the best ye breed —

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need;

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild —

Your new-caught sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.»

Now I read these verses as an autobiography. And so the bill to «those who are», I have a little bit personal. But it is a seasoning to the dish: the objectivity of the consumer does not interfere. On the contrary: promotes learning – in this case, of the souls of men. Conditionally human: after all, «the owners of life» are «beings of a higher order». That is how they themselves and «position», in vain, that they themselves – only in the first generation are not «from the plow». But conditionally human they are for me. True, «from the other side»: nothing human, with the exception of external resemblance, I do not observe in them. Therefore, I agree with the classification: «creatures». And, if they are beings, then I have no sin either. Sin is our human construction «for internal use» only. Therefore, I do not even need an indulgence: there is no crime object.

Is it conceptual confusion? «Mixing genres»? It may be, although, hardly. But if this is so, it is not from a lack of thoughts and arguments. And those and others – an excess, even though the competition arrange! Now I am satisfied: I have not one line of defense, but as many as you like! And every argument is like a bayonet! And all together they stand like a mountain for me! But I’m not hiding behind them. I just declare their presence to all interested parties, and, above all – to me, because we, intellectuals, love to delve into the soul. We love to tear it up and turn it inside out. But when she is under the reinforced concrete foundation of authority, when she is in a bullet-proof vest of arguments and arguments – try, dig it up! And I have such a defense – «blood from the nose»! I have to go to work! What are we security officers, if not with a cool head?!

Of the five objects of work, four are officers in uniform, and only one is a sergeant. But he has such an impudent, such fat face that I begin to moan with grief: the comrade obviously brought a big boss. And, judging by only the details of the driver, the boss deserves at least an extraordinary optimization. I know these and not according to rumors: «We were once trotters once…».

But to «no» there is no trial. That is, it is, but postponed. And this is not a big word: I’m memorizing the number of the car. In absentia I sentence the absent client. But the «presence of absence» does not detract from the presence of de facto: after all, but four souls. Four waiting for my close attention soul! I use this noble word only in an arithmetic sense: as a unit of account, because I do not even doubt the absence of «souls» of the soul. That is normal, human. There is a bulletproof vest, but, unlike me – not to protect the soul, but instead of it. And body armor is of a police officer. And that says it all. No comments.

Reconnaissance leads me to a disappointing conclusion: I am at a strategic disadvantage. The cars are lined up, but of the two, the number one closest to me with the client, is well visible. I do not have time to work them all in turn. No matter how lazy and stupid they are – and I have only one of them all. I simply will not reach the last in the list. Even if he is not armed with a pistol, at least he is armed with a «cellular» one. Horseradish radish is not sweeter!

So, we must collect them all to the heap! Think, head, think! Although… what is there to think!

«Hey, you! What the fuck are you here crowded on the footpath? But you, your mother, are servants of the law… lousy!»

I work on option «number two». At first, I wanted to «introduce myself» to local state security. I have a travel card – the appropriate one: a red crust with gold embossing. Until you figure out what is written there – and I am already a «special service»! Yes, and I will not let you understand!

But this thought is good only for the first time, because the idea is rough and it does not always have a chance to pass. Much depends not only on you, but also on the client and the case also. With this option, a lot is needed for success: speed, onslaught, impudence. But the main thing is reliability: artistic data is always needed. And now I am «not in the image»: no suitable state of mind. No creative mood.

But there is a duplicate option. And I use it. Principality – it is arrogance in relation to the «servants of the law» – is the trouble-free method. «Servant» will not always lead to imposture, but always provocation bite! But how else: he is the «master of life»! And therefore he must teach me life – and at the same time «give life» by giving on vital organs.

The «guardians» are taken aback: they have obviously lost the habit of «compliments» in their address. But their confusion does not last long: a couple of seconds, not more. And already at the third second, they are amicably, as if on cue, get out of their cars.

«Yes, yes, all – here!» I continue «to cause a fire on myself». In their interpretation: «seek adventure on your ass». My call stimulates the movement activity of the «watchmen». Almost by jumping, they overcome the distance that divides us. Two of them on the move unbutton holster. The average citizen with these gestures should already «ship in his pants». My pants are working in the provision of the regime «hands – in the pants.» And not figuratively: my hands are where my instrument of production.

«Hands behind head! Face – to the car!» commanded me dashing major. Apparently, for excitement, he forgets about the team about the legs. We must also order: «Legs – shoulder-width apart!» As in the morning gymnastics: «Lean forward!» But this scenario is not the same. According to this scenario, now they should put me on the ground, carry out explanatory work among me – by means of my legs, and then escort me to the «office»: it’s not just one of them – such a pleasure. The guys honestly share me with colleagues. After that, I will be installed, attracted and transfered through the court. Load me up so that little does not seem. «My back» will be offered the entire «gentleman’s set»: from the provision of resistance, accompanied by violence – to the storage and distribution of drugs. No, of course, the valiant guards will not declare that I tried to distribute drugs among them. For this business, they always have a «public rations».

«Comrades» are waiting for the execution of the team. They are waiting with impatience: they are no longer eager to expose me… with their feet. I take my hand out of my pocket. I don’t have time to show clients the image of death: the object is in the line of fire, even at a distance of aimed shooting. And laughter about my «argument» I had already heard enough. This is not the repetition that is the mother of learning. The simpler is the better in this particular case.


The major does not have time to duplicate his order, because Christ’s logic comes into play: «And what do you look at the bough in your brother’s eye, but do you not feel the log in your eye?» I don’t know if the major had time to feel it, but the «beam» of my blade sticks out in his eye. Very small the tail sticks out: the rest is already «permeating the space», taking the next client into the past.

Beyond the time limit, I cannot allow his companions to even be taken aback properly. Therefore, the «shots» follow, one after the other. And one after another my clients in ironed uniforms are falling to the ground. I am not Hercules in part of the musculature and not Bruce Lee in the field of martial arts. But on the part of «call in the eye» – I am a little bit of Robin Hood. I will not say that, like him, I will split the blade with a blade, but at five paces I will not give the slip, as they used to say in Pushkin’s times! Well, here is a talent I have one! I would have to fight for gold at the Olympics – and, I understand, I am fighting for the truth at my place of residence! But I take my job professionally – not worse than the Olympians. I respect clients «for the whole ten», otherwise I would be guaranteed a completely different one from their side!

So it’s done. To admire the still life – here, really, that’s strictly: «dead nature»! – I am busy. And so the saved moments I spend, or rather, invest in a circular review, as I was once taught both in the soldiers and in the students. The review pleases with the desired «presence of absence»: no one in sight. I hope, and me too. I return the knife to my pocket and mentally I spit with clients. It’s time to tackle the issue of an alibi: after all, for the third time I am «giving a tip to myself».

I giving a farewell glance at foreign cars. A hot wave of desire rises within me, because I want them all to burn to the ground! I have a specific desire. Because I «greet»… more precisely, «welcome» not only «motorists», but also cars. Optimization of the car would have caused me no more regrets than the optimization of their owners. And regrets about optimizing the owners I have no more, than regrets about crushed cockroaches. It is more appropriate to say, that it is desirable to consider the optimization of a car «in one package» with the optimization of their owners. And I would have done it if it were not for a whole bunch of «but».

On the one hand, cars, like, and nothing to do. But the whole thing is what a car! A normal citizen can see such a car… only on the pedestrian path in the place of residence. This car is an exclusive for the «owners of life»! And he will pass by inheritance to the next «owner». Hence: the absence of exceptions for the owner excludes them for his «iron horse», the one, that is, albeit unwittingly, but a means of violating traffic rules. The one that is of noble origin is intended solely for violations.

So what: sorry nothing. In the sense of: not about anyone, except myself: I don’t have time for «extra services». And there is no it because there is no magic wand! This is one thing: to wave the wand – and «here it was – and no!» And quite another thing is the world without wizards, especially in conditions of hard time trouble. And the distraction to unscheduled volume is what is, and a departure from the principles. For my claims to the «gland» are mediated through the «living organism». But I am not only not the avenger, but not luddit. Therefore, my glance is filled with bitterness, but the thought is sober: to leave without fireworks! Especially since «representatives of the alibi» were waiting for me – those, who are destined to give it to me.

I do not suffer from searches. This time I don’t have to go far lands. I after all changed the parameters of the clientele. Therefore, I only need to «fix the past». Fix in the brains of those, who follow in my footsteps. Or rather, according to the one that I will provide.

I know where I should go for the alibi: to the places of the greatest concentration of «watchmen». And where are these places? That’s right: where it is quiet and light, where law-abiding people skip themselves, offspring and dogs. Our «watchman» is not a fool, even being an idiot. He will not go where the «element» has already gone, because there is the lack of light with an excess of trouble there. And the «servant of the law» must also return home in order to spread «extrabudgetary» butter on his budget piece of bread, «voluntarily donated by a grateful population».

And I’m going to the park. Rather, in what was left of him through the efforts of the chief architect and chief of staff of the city magistracy. The sun is already beginning to fall beyond the horizon: the meeting in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on the subject of «even more devoted service to the people» was clearly drawn out. But the «survivors» lanterns have not yet lit, because for «time «x»… it’s not time yet. The latest light resources and the presence of a wide avenue, «theoretically illuminated,» allows watchful guards to leave the workplace relatively quietly. Today, they have already managed to earn money for butter – and, if they knew Mayakovsky, they could rightfully exclaim: «And life is good, and live well!»

But they didn’t need to linger: the sun was already red-faced from shame for its inconsistency. Therefore, they confidently keep the course on the «even more central» street: there, no one will hurt them. And, here they may be lucky – for the road.

It turns out, that we are going out with the «comrades» at the same time «from point A and point B». Our meeting is inevitable, because I correctly solved the problem in terms of speed calculations. Therefore, our meeting will take place in a relatively secluded place: each park has its own appendix. Ours is no exception. I do not try to attract the attention of the guards, but for some reason I have no doubt that I will surely attract him. This is evidenced by my experience – both in life and in meetings with the «supervisors». Therefore, I have no doubt that the «comrades» will try to complicate my task – and at the same time life. This is not included in my plans, but does not interfere with them. On the contrary: «one more brick in the wall», as Pink Floyd aptly defined at one time: another stone in the foundation of my righteousness and legitimacy.

We «discover» each other. True, I do it a little earlier, because I need this meeting a little more. We are entering the opposite course – and the meeting is already inevitable. I see how «comrades» «for some reason» look at each other meaningfully and even joyfully. Well, that: I look forward to you, friends!

«Your documents!»

Sergeant is full of official significance and civil greatness. Start, not so hot, what, but that’s good to start.

«Has the curfew already arrived?»

I am not joking: I’m asking for trouble. And it seems, that I succeed in this: the smirk that settled on my vis-a-vis’s face slowly leaves it. The «guardian» is not yet aware of the enormity of my crime, but already understands, that I am on the right track, and he and his colleague even more so.

I do not have time to group – and get a baton on the ribs. That’s oddly enough, but I am satisfied: it was not I, who «opened fire on the headquarters». Now the optimization will go for a sweet soul, even if not for a sweet soul. «The servants of the law», meanwhile, had already «armed themselves with their feet» with the clear intention of knocking me out «for one more portion of butter». In general, the calculation is correct, if you count on the average citizen, intimidated by power, wife and life. But this time, the «comrades» are mistaken in the calculations, because I first calculated. And this is for me to knock out… sticking.

I «groan from pain» artistically – and reach into my pocket. «Comrades» joyfully «rub their hands» – through the eyes. But they will not shine for long: this is already my concern and my little iron friend, the one, that I extract instead of the notes. The sergeant even manages to resent his face: his disappointment is so strong, that I did not live up to the expectations placed on me. He is clearly already going to impose responsibility on me – through hands and, maybe, legs, because I am incorrectly «guided by the place». Because I «disturb public order». More than that: I try on social foundations! After all, this society is only on such foundations! He has no others! And that means that I am the enemy of society! The enemy of all that is dear to these people, even if it is expensive – from the pockets of other people!

I work on the lead: the sword – in the form of a fist – is already brought over my head. That is, already moving in the direction of my nose. And I put a «retaliatory strike». Bah! Bah! «Comrades» are optimized. At least, one of them – a sergeant – deserves to say goodbye to him. Individually: spitting in the face. But I appreciate too much the possibility of forensic biological expertise. I don’t want to give detectives an extra clue. And therefore I am limited to a friendly kick in the ass goodbye. Do not worry: if the dust will be identified, then only as a generic concept. Like dust, that is.

In the autumn evening comes quickly. The sun has just shone – and now it is increasingly replacing the pale sickle of the moon. But its activity is only in the work with his elbows: in matters of energy supply comrade is not a competitor to the star. And this circumstance more than suits me. I calmly look around at the place, calmly fix the «presence of absence» and calmly «retreat to the rear». For today I executed the program, although I did not program anything…

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
04 aralık 2019
320 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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