Kitabı oku: «Non vowel resources of some good mood», sayfa 8
If you want someone to become your enemy, lend him money. (When he does not give them back to you, he will become your enemy).
No one needs to exaggerate the value of money, although there are those who live by this, there are many facts of the end of life by suicide by some businessmen and cases when they start to «greatly fan» when instability occurs in their business and commit murders, and, as already mentioned, suicides when they believe that they cannot maintain their standard of living, in which, for example, as some businessmen, they usually have a woman in each city where they go for business.
Someone strives for independence, believing that money gives it, that’s true, but the profession that is in demand in society also gives independence, but when it is not there, then there really can’t be any independence when, as the people say, «hands under x… are imprisoned, «that is, when you don’t know how to do anything, it’s not really good, when you’re at home, you need to» hook «on someone in order to survive, like the heroine of the film» Cruel Romance ” (USSR), but the one for whom someone is hooked will then begin to manipulate him if he wants.
Many, for example, who need relationships with the opposite sex, but there is no way to come to them because of ignorance of how to do this, replace the missing «drivers» of behavior (more on that below) with money, buy relationships is also a good option.
In some regions and cases (but only in some, there are rich states where there are many taboos), the less wealthy the state, the more moral and legislative imperatives it has, and these restrictions on the rights of citizens of poor countries are a necessity for the survival of the state, since the government has nothing to plug «holes» in the economy, if the population wants to lead the same lifestyle that the population of the states considered rich can afford, there is nothing to compensate for these «holes», because, unlike the rich states For those who are not wealthy, there is no way to plug this very «hole», namely, for example, a sufficient amount of oil or other minerals; therefore, people living in countries with not very high living standards do not have to relax, as it can to allow the population of some rich countries, sitting all their lives on social benefits, and work (and there are people who have never worked anywhere all their lives, and many do not work for generations: my grandfather, father, son, grandmother, mother, daughter).
Courage, strength, conviction: if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, if it’s easy for you, then you fall into the abyss – do not forget that science has not yet reached the point where everything is good for everyone? The more you succeed in visiting large social strata and social institutions (army, prison, civil service, construction site, elsewhere), the more realistic approaches to life, the more you will understand how to behave in a particular situation, the better analysis and forecasting of situations? Some were neither in the army, nor in the prison, nor in the civil service, nor at the construction site, did they have realistic approaches to life even without these institutions, and in order to reach their level of psychological development, some needed to go to both the prison and the army? What is a pragmatic approach, and each comes to him at a different time? In the modern world, what is considered adulthood comes only at 30 or even at 40, and sometimes does not come at all – what is what is called infantilism? Earlier, in earlier periods of history, people grew up quickly – is that the whole problem? What is growing up – is it the understanding that everything around is empty, except for money?
What does it mean if it’s hard for you, then you climb the mountain, and if it’s easy for you, then you fly into the abyss – it’s something objective or simply complacency when things are worse than ever, because sometimes it’s not true that is felt in some expressions, and some kind of calming self-psychotherapy, although there is some truth, probably in some sayings, for example, such as «there would be no happiness, but unhappiness helped», so you need to analyze each situation and not look for only one minuses, but pluses, and vice versa.
In fact, judging by the actions of some professional politicians, if we take their behavior model as an example, we should strive to create the possibility of realizing emotional decisions, but so far there is no such possibility, emotions have to be restrained to varying degrees depending on the situation. In modern conditions of life, one has to use intelligence to satisfy emotional needs and get a little closer to one’s emotional goal, many do so, they would be ready to come to what they want by any means, but are forced to restrain themselves within certain limits due to prevailing circumstances caused by the realities of modernity, and realize your emotion a little bit, use the intellect, which is aimed at finding a way to realize emotion in full, and not a little bit, for example, how any businessman wants to multiply the number of people of the opposite sex that he has, for this he must think about where to get resources for this – money.
It turns out that in most cases, intelligence is needed for most people just to find ways to realize their emotions (to throw out, for example, their hidden aggression on the offender not by physical impact, but by writing a denunciation (anonym)) and physical needs, with the exception of probably, there can only be the same scientists and astronauts and similar people – pick up a laptop or satellite tuner and say to yourself: «This (computer) was invented by someone who has no emotions, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate on anything».
Let’s digress again: as you know, politics implies a balance of power between states and continents, and this is correct, since the world should be multipolar (higher forces probably want to see competition in everything), and there is nothing wrong with someone striving for power, most importantly, to like it, and if you like it, then the person is in his place. Indeed, if only one state rules the whole world, then there will not be what they call and consider freedom, and freedom is the realization of what the higher forces put into a person, starting from instincts, ending with the implementation of intellectual activity, higher forces, judging by the fact that there is such a profession as a politician, and the presence of different languages that people speak, see the existence of multipolarity, that is, the presence of competition, as appropriate? The role of a politician in society to save the state from chaos, to build civilization, only for some it is better, but for others worse?
A person, at least one who is engaged in science, should not and cannot, according to his psychological constitution, think about everyday things – is this an axiom? Who is Yusu Yundur, and did he speak the truth?
Scientists and astronauts were mentioned for a reason – it’s a layer of people that, if not completely, then more than the average person, has left the instincts and emotions that are common to all biological organisms, so if someone is not a scientist, then he lives in a world where he is either in a sense in certain situations a hunter or a victim, and he must reckon with this in order to survive, although in connection with the achievement of civilization this is not so pronounced in some places.
Caught at a bus stop with a friend, turned his and his attention to a lying drunk person, the approximate response of a friend to my attention to a drunk was the following: «You are above him, do not pay attention to him.» Moreover, the acquaintance was not a supporter of any ideologies in the political sense – there are people who live by what they want to be better than others, in connection with this, some have some kind of political ideology regardless of whether they realize it or if they want it or no, and also some begin to cultivate some thoughts, turning them into political trends? We discover a new type of man-hated theory, present in some: those who seek spiritual purity in other people and hate those who do not have it – an aggressive person, and not so white and fluffy, did anyone think about this? It’s interesting how they become good and how they become evil: if someone lived in a rich place, received a large unemployment benefit, and suddenly everything changed – he needs to get up early in the morning to go to work and not to somewhere in the office, but to the construction site, and to engage in physical labor, will he remain kind? A simple test of kindness – you live in a rich place, you don’t work all your life sitting on benefits, and at some point they tell you that there is no more money in the budget in order to maintain your standard of living and people like you, and you need to go to work at a construction site or factory, but there is a way out, you can send troops to the same rich place and take wealth, naturally, there will be human casualties – whatever you choose, hard physical work or send troops and take everything else and further, due to this, to live without working? Can people’s relations be built on trust, as K. Marx dreamed, or is there always and will be hidden motivation behind the official one? Some figures must justify each step, and do not always these justifications reflect true motives?
The children’s film «Auburn, honest, in love» (USSR, 1984, directed by Leonid Nechaev), which tells about the decency of someone who cannot be a priori decent by nature in the usual sense of the word – since he is a fox predator.
It is generally accepted that those who are called dishonest, greedy, cunning, deceitful people (they need these qualities to achieve their goals and, perhaps, not some ambitious ones, but just so as not to starve to death), this is something bad, because everyone considers bad those who did not do good to them or did what they call filth (apparently, people are programmed).
Gospel of John 8:32. … and know the truth, the truth will set you free. And you will meet when you are not waiting, and you will find it not where you are looking…
The joy of parents is the joy of God, the anger of parents is the anger of God.
…The whole world is a computer game in a super-powerful computer, created by our descendants, as they say in one of the series called «Is there a creator?», The popular science-fiction film «Through the Wormhole», TV series, 2010—2017, USA, directors Jeffrey Sharp, James Younger, Kurt Sayenga, Anthony Land, Laura Verklan, David Isser, David Lamattina.
Evolutionism or creativity – did something create us or someone or did we appear on our own? Higher powers are controlled by pleasant and unpleasant sensations: is the suffering for the dead created so that people strive for immortality – there is no death – there is no suffering from the death of a neighbor, and so on in everything else? Higher forces created us, maybe we appeared in a different way – maybe this way, maybe not that way – maybe? Maybe – maybe a lot, there are a lot of options, so you need to calm down and wait for the moment when science can answer global questions and explain everything? What drives us – fundamental knowledge is not enough to give answers to some questions? Who created the creator – if we were created, someone then had to create the one who created us, maybe our descendants created us – is there a logical chain in this sense or is it not, as at the moment it is not in quantum physics? What created us – the element or something reasonable? Was man created by science? The process of reproduction is not just pleasant, but it was done so that biological organisms do not die out, therefore, if sex is pleasant, it is so that all living things do not disappear, which means we are made by someone rational, because the elements haven’t before would have thought? Higher forces communicate with us through instincts and endorphins invested in us: did something necessary for higher forces – do you get a portion of pleasure? There is a system of rewards and punishments for a person by the formation in his body of chemicals that cause pleasant and unpleasant emotions, such as pleasure or irritation? Endorphin – a way to influence human behavior with higher powers? A person with scientific inventions supplements the body with something that was not given to him by higher powers – skype and mobile phones to communicate at a distance, binoculars and night vision devices, to see distant and in the dark, computers to help the brain solve problems that it can solve Is it hard or not, by the Internet, to know any information, etc.? Death is a transition to a quantum state, if one exists, and a weapon is a tool for a faster transition into it, or is death simply when you are not there, and is that all? Does everyone see something different? From pornography to films about quantum physics: what a theoretical physicist will say when he sees pornography is that during sex, not the atoms touch each other, but their shell in the form of electrons, repelling the bodies from each other, which will be said in the films, the fact that porn actors have no high sexual temperament, do they just take pathogens before shooting? Is an atom a building material of all material? If quantum physics were not a confirmed reality, then whoever spoke of it would be hidden in a madhouse? Sent to a madhouse, all whose reasoning diverge from reality? Is truth set when the argument ends? All the trouble from not knowing the true nature of things? Is there an illusion that your view of reality is correct? The latest discoveries in quantum physics seem to show that reality is not what it is, or was it all just invented so that it would not be boring to live?
…The experiments gave incredibly interesting results about the path of subatomic particles in various interactions and observations. It was found that when observing these particles, they begin to act like physical units, and if they are left unnoticed for some time, they act like energy waves. (To make this clearer, we can compare the quantum world with ours, in our world, with the presence of an observer, the behavior of an object can also change, for example, when a beautiful person of the opposite sex looks at someone, the one who is looking at will behave differently, he will have an algorithm of actions for the maximum idealization of himself, for example, the one who looked at, straightens the hair on his head, draws his stomach into himself if he is large, etc.) This allowed us to conclude that the material world is held together consciousness, not material reality. You do not feel it, because you can only see light, and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with your eyes closed, millions of telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages pass through your head. You do not perceive it, because there is no resonance of frequencies between the atoms of which your body consists and radiation. But if there is a resonance, then you immediately react. For example, when you think of a loved one who just thought of you. «Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance…» – this is an extract made by a friend of the author and transmitted to him, the source, unfortunately, he could not indicate.
«All reality is made of things that cannot be considered real,» are words attributed to quantum physics researcher Niels Bohr.
The truth and the world may not be what we are accustomed to – if our vision was different, then we could see each other not in the usual form, but, for example, we could, looking at each other, see not the body, but the atoms of which it consists.
«The difference between the quantum world and the classical one is that in the quantum world you can influence events by simple observation, if you thought to observe and study it, just your observation is enough, and the matter of the quantum world changes, in the classical world there isn’t such, watch it, study, it still remains unchanged, the classical world is also predictable, but there’s no quantum one, classical concepts of reality are turned off in quantum physics, «are exemplary words from the documentary Quantum Tamers: What the Future Prepares for Us / Qua ntumTamers: RevealingOurWeirdWiredFuture ” (release year 2009, Canada, director Chris Malington).
It seems that the times of the dinosaurs ended because their creation was an unsuccessful breakdown of higher powers to populate the earth with living creatures, which is why higher forces decided to redo everything again, as the artist crumpled and throws out his unsuccessful works.
Evolutionism and creativity are two theories of creation, evolution explains the origin of all living spontaneously from outer space or elsewhere and somehow, creativity says that the creator created us.
Many people are inclined to believe that the program in a person is laid down by some higher mind, and you can try to prove this with an example such as sexual relations. Why is the copulation process understandable for reproduction, why is it nice to have sex? After all, if you think about it, it’s not just like that – this is to ensure that no organism dies out. Who will argue now that this is not arranged by any higher forces (after all, the truth begins where the argument ends), cannot all this happen spontaneously, the fact that sex is pleasant cannot be created spontaneously? This is a well-thought-out thing, someone made it pleasant, so that, again, returning to what was said, no species died out, the logical meaning of other human qualities is further explained: laziness does not allow you to expend energy and body resources, ambition makes you take care of yourself, envy makes you compete. Yes, here, of course, questions immediately arise, who did the one who made us then, but no one knows this yet, unfortunately, there is too little information to think about. I also can’t believe that disgust for such creatures as rats turned out spontaneously, they feel an aversion to them, since rats have always been carriers of dangerous diseases, such as the bubonic plague, from which millions of people died from an epidemic, a separate conversation about people living in some Asian countries who eat animals and insects that disgust people not from their culture.
Ultrafine particles can be in different places at the same time – it’s, like, already proven, or even this is a fact that does not require proof – on the basis of this, assumptions were born that a person can be in different places at the same time, only in different worlds: a person is not human only a brother, but also his double duplicate, triple duplicate, and so on? Why look for a copy of yourself, but only with a different fate in parallel worlds – look at the people around you, is that you, only with a different fate? You didn’t just split, you became one million – you are just like everyone else, just circumstances made you different from the others, and you are already here in this world in several places at the same time, and your destiny in this real world has already developed differently, and not as theoretical physics suggests that in some parallel worlds your double went differently from your path? There is something schizophrenic in this, but again, quantum mechanics can be blamed for this, it turns out that the fireman is you and the military man is you, the bandits who attacked you on the street are you too, but with a different fate, you communicate with a person of the opposite sex – this is you too, and you can go deeper: animals, insects, microorganisms, plants are you too, only under other circumstances? Each person is one of the options of who you could be? You are here, and not on some other planet lost in space and not in another reality, you are in a lot of options of who you could become – is all the available biomass what you could be? Many options walk you down the street, and, as already mentioned, it is not necessary that they look like you physically – it turns out that you really are in several places at the same time as a subatomic particle?
Let’s try to compare quantum physics with the topic under discussion that each person in childhood is initially similar to each other or almost similar, and in the process, everyone can «mold» anything, while he grows up and lives, then it turns out that I, you, he, she, they are, according to quantum mechanics, in different places at the same time, already here, in the real world, and not in parallel universes – as already mentioned, I saw on the street the one who is called a bandit – this is you in that case if circumstances were different, I saw a scientist on TV – this is you, if things would turn out differently again, and so on, you are here in the real world in different places at the same time, despite the fact that you and everyone else are not physically alike, each person is you, only, as theoretical physics says, it’s you whose life has taken a different path, again, despite the fact that you are physically different from everyone else.
You are all in the instincts given by higher forces: desires, fear, love, passion, etc., this is so that higher forces have the ability to manipulate and control you, so they communicate with you through chemicals in the form, for example, endorphins? Higher forces stimulate you to certain actions by means of endorphins and direct your actions by means of endorphins to what is necessary for them, and therefore, your channel? The biochemical processes in living organisms are built on the principle of a stick and a carrot: did something that higher forces need – get the carrot in the form of pleasant sensations given by endorphins, did not do it – do not get anything? When you understand what you are intended for, the possibility of self-realization opens up? If a person communicates with a machine through numbers and symbols, then do higher forces communicate with a person through chemistry?
By the way, about love – also a «thought-out» thing, emotional attachment to each other is formed specifically to make and grow a child, however, the duration of this emotional attachment is different for everyone. The invention of the Internet with such a feeling as love does an extremely inconvenient thing for lovers – if you fall in love with a person from another continent whom you met via the Internet and there is no money to come to him, then this is not torment, nature or higher powers the presence of the Internet and the lack of money, apparently, the higher forces laid down a program of emotional attachment, considering only that the person in whom the other person will fall in love will be nearby, the lover will have to wait until there is a person more interesting than that in he fell in love over the Internet so that feelings of falling in love pass, or save money for a meeting.
«My back also freezes when I see you,» is a phrase from a dialogue between two lovers from a film that the author did not watch from the beginning and whose name does not know in this connection.
If someone is haunted by the philosophical question about their purpose, then everyone has their own, and their purpose can be understood and found out simply, if someone has problems with this, as already mentioned, do not forget – higher forces manipulate you and they lead you with the help of endorphins: what you like to do, what pleases you, that’s your purpose, you like money, you enjoy increasing it – it’s yours, you like to have power – it’s your destiny, you like the army – that is yours, you like science – it means that you were programmed by higher forces just for it, for science, and in this case it doesn’t matter what or who programmed you, higher forces or partially society, the main thing is that there is such a program, that you get something dose of endorphin. Do you like a person – that means he is for you, you like work – that means that it is for you (through the development of hormones of pleasure you are made to understand from above what you should do), but, as a rule, the same cognitive dissonance pushes you away from making the right decision – for example, such an emotion as fear, fear of a person of the opposite sex who you like, but who you fear because he is too bright (in fact, as a rule, if you think someone is pretty, then you are for this people are pretty in almost 100% of cases – this is from personal experience, and, oddly enough, that person whom you are afraid of and who shakes you when you meet is just for you). There are such kinds of psychologists as they are called subjective fears (there are also constructive fears), subjective fears are those that do not appear in any danger, and so, subjective fears interfere with the achievement of goals that are predetermined for you, a kind of conflict of programs occurs, like in a computer (cognitive dissonance), at the moment we have in mind some need and instinct for self-preservation, which works in an unnecessary place, something like a collision of intellectual and emotional or even emotional th constructive emotional unconstructive: you need it, but you’re afraid of, is if the bird was afraid to fly, she would have died of hunger.
In some countries that are considered rich, some of them who live there (mostly young people) do not work anywhere, receive social benefits that are considered great and, after receiving this allowance, go to seek the meaning of life in other countries (mainly Asian) – what to look for, this meaning of life, each of all has his own? The meaning of life is simple as well as the desire for food, you eat what you want to eat, and don’t eat what you don’t want to eat, you have such a taste setting, and you don’t reason why you eat it, you eat because that you want to eat it, it’s tasty for you, and in life it’s the same, everything is already decided for you, do what you like, if you like it, then this is necessary for the one who created the world, it’s another thing, that in some cases What will you do and what you like may not please others? Live instincts or, in other words, follow your heart? One acquaintance, who is 41 years old, asks: «Have I done the right thing or have I done the right thing in such and such a situation?» But at 41 there shouldn’t be such questions, in these years people no longer doubt the correctness of their actions, since they live by desires, instincts and do everything as the soul lies, unnecessary settings are erased?
As a child, in the 1980s, when almost every apartment in the kitchen had a wired radio with one radio channel, I heard the ending of the radio show of a science fiction story, where the words of the hero of the work, the announcer said: then unknown mechanisms forced him to swallow. "As I understood it, the point was that some person found out that he was made a humanoid robot.
As forensic psychiatry teaches in some higher educational institutions, there are areas in the human brain that are responsible for pleasure, if I am not mistaken, this area is the hypothalamus, a chemical laboratory that releases pleasure hormones – endorphins. What is their purpose (now prove that you are not a biological robot that created a higher mind and gave endorphin as motivation)? The brain, or rather, the hormones of pleasure, tells you itself what you need and what your task is on planet Earth and not only, the hormone of pleasure is released when you do what you are ordered from above, and vice versa, is not released when you do what you are not instructed to do, that is, you are doing something, and you are pleased from your action – this is the effect of an internal drug, endorphin, it must be assumed that the purpose of endorphin is to show you higher powers by using it you have to study on Earth, and maybe And outside its borders, if you get pleasure from Space. But some people have found workarounds, taking pleasure in an artificial way with alcohol and drugs, forcing the parts of the brain responsible for the pleasure to give out pleasant sensations for free, but the human program is set up so that a pleasant dose of endorphin is thrown away when you do what the program embedded in the higher mind is required of you. For example, I am writing this material at the moment, the brain ejects the same endorphins into the bloodstream during this process, which means that I am on the right track and doing what is prescribed for me (it doesn’t matter by whom, by nature, by higher powers, or my actions are just a product of upbringing), if my actions bring me pleasure, even if one or two people read this material or no one prints it, because the editors decide that it has no literary and commercial value, it means that I still had to create and print it at your own expense. The situation is as if an unknown owner gives a dose of pleasure for someone doing what the same «owner» wants from him, showing thus: this is what you are ordered to do here on Earth. It seems that the higher reasonable forces, through the distribution of endorphins, communicate with you in the same language as the owner communicates with his pet, giving him a tasty prize for the fact that he correctly executes his commands, since there is no other way that the pet does not understand the language of the host in which he communicates with his own kind.
There is only one conclusion: the above cannot happen due to some abstract category, such as evolution, evolution, if any, is some part or stage of creativity, and not something separate. All this arrangement of all biological organisms, as can be seen from the above, excludes the fact that life on earth appeared somehow by chance. The higher mind, through the distribution of hormones of pleasure, manipulates living beings, people themselves also manipulate people, and the manipulation of some people by other people occurs not only with the help of hormones of pleasure, but also with the help of fear, hunger, aggression, desire for sex.
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