Kitabı oku: «Kazakhs and Jews», sayfa 2
Chapter 6
Who do Kazakhs study with?
You can love yourself. You can love people. Jews are obviously the most ideological in this sense.
When the sages were looking for the Philosopher’s Stone, other revolutionaries constantly fought for freedom, equality, and justice; the Jews believed in themselves and their people. Or rather, they had exceptional faith. This cannot be called simple nationalism, which is known to the world relatively recently. How was it recently? Approximately, maybe 300 years. And the Jews had «nationalism» when no one yet knew what money, property, and the economy were (money has always been in human society, but not everyone). Because of the specific behavior because of the desire for isolation, many looked at Jews with suspicion. The Jews were locked up all the time, one might say, in their little world. More precisely, they gathered to perform a religious cult – others were jealously not allowed into this world. Do you want to marry Moisha’s daughter? Convert to Judaism – make a giyur. Keep the commandments of the Torah. And no more questions. In this sense, Jewish women have always been more zealous and submissive: they followed «don’t marry them» more strongly than men. (Well, they couldn’t, especially after the Babylonian captivity. Moreover, the priest Ezra ordered all Jews to divorce those who had got the «wrong» wife or the wrong husband in 70 years. And after all, everything was fulfilled. In order not to dissolve or disappear among other nations. But that was before our era. However, then, everything was repeated. Jews were being chased. Jews were oppressed. A lot has changed. But the fundamentals have remained the same. Today, the times are liberal, it seems, if we are talking about marriages. That is not the point. There is even an opinion that the USSR was destroyed, too, on purpose because there were many mixed marriages. What nonsense! We know that the USSR collapsed independently – see my book «Tradition Against Communism.» When the Russian Revolution took place in 1917, who was accused? No secrets, no Jews. When Russia became a democracy, who did it? Why are there solid oligarchs and bankers …There’s something wrong here. The oligarch Berezovsky said that Jews are more adapted to everything. What is, is. They are always ahead. Who are all newspaper editors in our area? Yes, what is there in the region – all over Kazakhstan. First, this is the so-called tabloid press, which provides a quick and guaranteed income. Could any Kazakh have guessed about the income? Could any Kazakh write about all sorts of «obscenities» – topics that ordinary people read? No, it’s not. The Kazakh will say: «Uyat.» Like, «It’s a shame.» Once, Mingrel Loria, provincial editor, told me: «If I print your philosophical opuses, my newspaper will have fifty readers.» And he’s right, unfortunately. Jews are immune, on the contrary, as it were. They know people. They know what people want. And Kazakhs are always interested in fame and honor – some kind of position. The Kazakhs hired editors to create an «illumination» of Kazakh democracy – the Kazakh showcase. Thirty years of independence have passed. And who are the editors? They’ve grown quite old. But they continue to depict full news counters for the Kazakhs. No, it’s not just Jews there. There are few Jews among the Kazakhs at all – this happened according to history. Basically, during the Great Patriotic War, intellectuals of all kinds moved from the western regions of the USSR to Tashkent and Alma-Ata, including professors, artists, and engineers. I looked at the teaching staff of the Aktobe Medical Institute when the first streams of Kazakh doctors were being prepared (my parents received diplomas in the first stream). Today, their children work well in human rights protection, first of all. In business, it’s kind of just supposed to be. Legal protection is always on the side of business.
Moreover, even if the very first human rights defender stumbled, all Kazakhstani human rights defenders and, of course, international human rights protection actively stood up for him (no Kazakh dreamed of such protection, especially his small educational newspaper «Bak», «bak» in Kazakh is happiness, short for «bakyt». When it was closed, no one noticed, no one said anything. Except for my late comrade in the opposition, Andrei Klimonov. Because officials and rich Kazakhs, and indeed all Kazakhs, «rights and freedoms» are not in the first place. Officials and the new rich want more money, and ordinary Kazakhs want to compete or are busy looking for daily bread).
Interestingly, all Jews used to be socialists, advocating equality and justice. Today, everyone is liberal. For human rights, for freedom. I will say that for a Kazakh and a Jew, freedom is something completely different (Kazakhs are paternal; they can lose everything if they are free). But the Kazakhs, again, as if they got into the first year and got excellent marks from the teachers. The Elbasy of the first one has already been replaced by the second president after thirty years of rule, and only liberals are on the air. Not Jews, and not Russians, but Kazakhs. These Democrats of the first wave have suffered a complete defeat and must sink through the ground, but again and again, the same faces. Kazakhs are liberals, piece pensioners + plus urban burghers from NGOs, which means that they receive money from the West for their views (bla- bla- bla), and they run ahead of the locomotive. We are liberals! We are Democrats! We are the best students! It looks somewhat comical. It causes nothing but irony. Everyone knows that money rules the whole world. But we want to demonstrate something. What do they say? A Kazakh without show-offs is a non-showy Kazakh. (This does not mean that «nagyz» Kazakh should be engaged exclusively in the glorification of ancestors).
Chapter 7
Unusual laws. 613
«The closer a state is to falling, the more laws it has.»
«The ruin is not in the closets, but in the heads.»
Bulgakov. A dog’s heart
Formal laws and regulations are laid down in codes.
There are informal laws. They are more effective in conservative communities, among people who adhere to tradition.
There are many informal laws. But much less than formal ones. However, it is believed that the more cultured and civilized a people are, the more formal laws they have.
What happens if the conservative people «with traditions» have too much civilizational formality, and the laws do not work, after all, total corruption, mafia, and crime?
What is an informal relationship? It’s when you’re to me, I’m to you. You and I are relatives, brothers – in – law, and classmates – we can always come to an agreement.
What to do? How do you avoid «you to me, I to you»? How do you stop writing new laws that don’t work in such an environment?
This means that there is no need to chase after «advanced countries»
But let’s think about it. Let’s look back.
Let’s compare it.
To begin with, the history of all peoples is connected with religion. Moreover, the economic side, or what people were doing, directly impacted spiritual life.
We Kazakhs are Muslims. Jews are adherents of Judaism. This, for example.
The nomadic tribes of Central Asia did not immediately become Orthodox. The adoption of Islam stretched among the Nomads for five hundred years (more than five centuries). Moreover, the nomadic Turks were the main rivals of the same nomadic Arabs before the fall of the Western Turkic Khaganate. Well, intraspecific rivalry is much more cruel than interspecific rivalry – it has long been known if such a strange similarity of a nomadic «species» is appropriate here at all. In those days, the Arabs and Turks had cattle breeding as their primary occupation. Both the Nomadic Arabs and the Nomadic Turks had something to share. The question immediately creeps up: isn’t that why almost all Turks became Muslims? The Western Turkic Khaganate collapsed like the USSR. (When all the newly minted presidents who appeared after the collapse of the USSR republics immediately proclaimed the direction of «democracy.» They built communism, and afterward, they turned 180 degrees. This is all because the winners always dictate the direction: in the case of the USSR, it is the USA; in the competition of nomads, it is the Arabs). Thus, the Arabs, in the form of winners, first rode to the oases of Transoxiana to control the caravans with goods. Then, they took care of the rest of the nomads so that they would not rob passing caravans out of savagery and indiscipline. Everything is logical.
Of course, faith is of great importance already because it determines the future. But this is not our topic: although Kazakhs and Jews come into contact with each other spontaneously and indirectly. Spontaneity and mediation are already in the fact that Kazakhs did not directly contact Jews until the 21st century. However, due to the development of «democracy» and market relations after the collapse of the USSR, they joined the global liberal market trend. There is no need to remind you who the inventor of banking is. The fact that Kazakhs today trade everything (primarily natural resources) and do not roam «according to their grandfather’s habit» is a spontaneous and age-old mediation. As befits all conservative peoples, Kazakhs have never recognized money as the meaning of life. Kazakhs got acquainted with money, and now monetary relations, we can say recently, in the 19th century so-so, in the 20th century in the form of a Soviet salary, and only in the 21st century in the form of a bank loan and a means of enrichment.
And the Jews?
The Jews, both before and after their dispersion and wandering around the world, have always been conservative. They were bullied and persecuted precisely for their adherence to conservative values – namely, for observing the Sabbath and other Torah precepts. They did not want to merge with others in one burst of the deepest feelings because they had specific feelings. This is the most «their,» only their own, which has always looked strange and suspicious to others. Therefore, if all sorts of disasters, misfortunes, and epidemics happened, everyone immediately found the reason – who was to blame for the disaster and misfortune? It was very convenient. The reason has always lived in the neighborhood. Do you know when the first Jewish ghetto appeared?
In Alexandria, Egypt.
This is the Jewish quarter of Delta.
In 38, the Greeks staged the first known Jewish pogrom in history.
The Jews had a king. The Greeks didn’t have it. The Jews had their ethnarch leader, and the Greeks had a crowd of elders. The Jews did not want to send their children to the Alexandrian gymnasiums, to Greek-type educational institutions where semi-naked young men studied (historically, physical perfection has always been in trend among the Greeks; what can you do). Why didn’t they want to give their sons to it? So that Jewish youths would not switch to Greek culture. Although the Jewish community lived autonomously, at the same time, wealthy Jews wanted to have Roman citizenship in order not to pay a poll tax for like «non-citizens».
Moreover, the Jews refused to erect statues of emperors – the Roman gods at that time so as not to desecrate the synagogues with pagan cults. It’s in the Roman Empire! When Caligula was informed about this, he immediately ordered his statue to be erected in the Jerusalem temple (if the statue had been placed in the temple, it would immediately have caused another Jewish uprising). This order was then safely forgotten (because the conspirators in Rome overthrew Caligula).
You must have a crowned leader (Caesar, kagan, Khan) to have your state.
To have a sacred leader, one must observe rituals. And not just pagan impersonal ones. All pagan rituals are impersonal. All the rituals of the nomads of the pre-Muslim period were impersonal.
To observe the rituals, you need to stop. Take a look around. In the end, you can put any inanimate object, anything, in the center of the village and pray for this inanimate object. When the whole family and all the relatives roam from place to place, no one will carry an extra load. There is no time to erect a portable altar on the way or at the next parking lot. Then, in a difficult moment, no one will remember something inanimate. Therefore, there will be no internal contact. It is easier to remember all the relatives who can help if they can help both the living and those who are no longer in the world. This is how the cult of ancestors appeared. This is how Shamanism appeared.
But when tribes join a military alliance, each clan has its ancestors. How can they unite even deeper to form a single whole? Apart from a common enemy or a future victim, there is nothing to come up with. The motive of «capture and robbery», the motive of «extraction». Nothing more. But there has always been an interest in a long union.
Then the cult of the eternal sky appeared – the cult of Tengri.
The whole problem is that the Tengrian cult did not have rituals.
And why were there no rituals?
When the prophet Moses descended from Mount Sinai, he brought the Jews tablets – stone plates with laws carved on them. 613 laws! Is it a lot or a little?
It is enough to create a strong state because these are unusual laws.
Chapter 8
«You give me; I give you.»
Yes, you are right; it is the laws of morality, or even more precisely, the sacred laws, that consolidate civil laws. Without morality, little works. There are no citizens at all. Actually, with tribal thinking, there have never been citizens – these are all evolutionary bells and whistles. Where shamans rule, prosecutors and lawyers cry bitterly out loud and to themselves because no one listens to them. Or it executes by inertia. If no one sees, he does what he wants. And what does any Zeref want in any part of the world (even now, even before our era)? Provide for yourself and your family.
(This is natural and does not concern the «chosen ones». They created a people-family long ago; over 2000 years, it has contributed to a compacted cortex among in everyone in the «family». The real Goyim that practice you give me, I give you – it’s the opposite – the cortex is thin. These traditionalists have been practicing the same thing for a thousand years and would have practiced another thousand years: brotherhood to their own and hostility to others. You can bring anyone under your own or someone else’s, but do not forget about the intraspecific struggle, which is much tougher than interspecific. Still, the world’s democratizers do not give up, and all the time, they expose the level of some local native corruption. They repeatedly shake their fingers, reproach, and threaten to provoke the Maidan. They scare by Maidan, various dictators, and autocrats who have bred tribalism, nepotism, and corruption. And who helps them? Who are the leading Kazakh liberals from various NGOs helping there to get rid of the costs of autocracy? We talked about the world’s financiers. My friends! I try to present the facts as they are. Unbiased. Anyway, as it turns out. So that everyone can read and then compare.
We went through the ads last summer. One talkative woman told how someone helped her son at the competition. One person bought a sports uniform and paid for the trip. She was surprised, and we were surprised by her words: How did they know her son was Jewish? He had a Slavic surname. His father is from Ukraine.
This someone was most likely the head of the jury, one of the Eurasian group – very famous in the republic. That’s what solidarity is, carried through the centuries. This proxy help is planetary solidarity, unlike Zeref, «You give me, I give you.» Conservative Zerefs have local solidarity at commemorations, weddings, and other ceremonies. If a relative has risen, you can safely apply for a job. According to the conservative principle, they will never let you down. So it was, so it is).
Chapter 9
Why is there no democracy in Asia?
Probably everyone has asked themselves this question. Either he was embarrassed or embarrassed – why are all despotic regimes located only in Asia? It’s so not prestigious, so not fashionable, even disgusting. Is the whole world literally raving about democracy today? All young people are maximalists. And you? (Why, in fact, democracy? Who needs this democracy? Well, not to traders from the markets, most of whom have never been distinguished by their ideas. But there’s something about democracy that everyone likes. What is it? And why?).
So, freedom and democracy are only in America and Europe, and autocracy and totalitarianism are only in Asia (with rare exceptions).
Many thinkers have asked themselves the question: why? What exactly is «Asian despotism» and why exactly «European culture? Why is Asia always associated with harsh regimes?
Many people thought about it, but they never found an answer.
We shouldn’t be concerned about what was bothering these people.
We will answer so simply. Which confirms the thesis of simplicity.
So, do you find many people of Jewish nationality in Asia? Yes, yes, specifically Jews?
This thesis of simplicity is immediately corrected with our theme of this book. Moreover, we will try to infiltrate the plan of providence. Into the secret plans of G-d. can say.
Jews are called the yeast of various revolutions.
The role of revolutionaries in the Russian Revolution is especially noticeable. However, Jews were also active in Europe, as we recall the Bavarian Soviet Republic, the Bremen Soviet Republic, and the Hungarian Soviet Republic.
But Jews alone will not be enough if the people are not ready for freedom, for civil rights, if the people are traditional, conservative and used to living in a hierarchy for centuries.
In this case, no ideological yeast will help. Everything will return to normal. If peoples have lived in a traditional trend for centuries, it is so convenient for them, all riots can be attributed to natural disasters.
For the emergence of the spirit of freedom, a search for freedom is needed, liberation from some infringement.
In my other books, I wrote: for any new thinking, for the revolution of the spirit, migration is needed – flight from my father’s house, flight from the place of birth. It’s not just about the memory of others who know everything, know their father, mother, relatives, ancestors, and what they did. It’s all about inertia. There should be no black sheep in a flock of sheep. All upstarts must escape from this hell of collective memory.
Look around in a new place, get used to it, and evaluate your chances and opportunities. There are already new people here – the same fugitives, the same hodgepodge of children without inheritance. If people are used to order and discipline, no Hasidic Jew will help. We need Jews who have broken away from the community, who have renounced Judaism, Sabbatai Jews, Morans, crosses, socialists, and Marxists. Why are they? Because Jews have a lot of experience of wandering. Most of all. What is not clear here?
How many Persians, Hindus, or Chinese have wandered the world?
What are the Jewish communities in India and China, and how many people are there in them? Several thousand.
And how many Jews live in France? And how many of them were there in tsarist Russia? Do you understand that?
One escape of extra mouths from the countryside from landlessness is not enough here. This is the main, but not the main, factor of any unrest, but above all, tension. Tsar Stolypin’s prime minister tried to solve the land issue by resettling and reformatting peasant thinking. It didn’t work out. If we follow our logic, then the disease was treated by the disease itself. Capitalist relations provoke a «migration» of the spirit – away from places of permanent residence, despite the current morality. That’s when you need the yeast of new consciousness from people wandering for 2000 years. No Zeref needs freedom. Zeref needs land. It’s simple. For the Zerefs to look at least a little beyond today, an idea is needed. When revolutionaries pass away, they must be on the same wavelength as the people. Bring a hundred Marx, Trotsky, Luxemburg to the pygmies, they’ll just eat them. Literally. Today some nations literally eat, but curse. They reduce all their troubles to Jews.
G-d’s plan was not to punish his eternally rebellious people within Judea. It’s not that they became hypocrites, Pharisees and scribes («Pharisees and scribes»), who mumbled 613 rules and turned everything into a formality. Not because they deviated from the commandments and not because they crucified Christ and continued to be Pharisees. «We are the chosen ones!». It’s about them rocking Europe with their banks and then with revolutions. It was pointless for them to go to Asia. Inertial people have always lived in Asia. They are very disciplined. Little traveling, little migrating.
Only nomads could understand Jews!
And the Khazar Turks were the first to do this.
What came out of it did not work out (and why it did not work out), we will explore further.