Kitabı oku: «The Earth for savages», sayfa 3

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The planet was splendid! The first thing that caught their eye was the tall trees; they were so green and dense that you could think that this was heaven. Birds of unearthly beauty were flying in the sky, singing in a sweet voice that calmed any tension. The sun was shining brightly without a single cloud, so strange, it had been raining steadily on the Earth lately, with flashes of lightning. Dahlia and Nim had only to get used to such an unusual view and think about how to settle here.

The wife saw the vast blueberry bushes and hazel nearby, so she immediately ran to collect them in the folds of her dress, turning the lower part as if it was a bag. Meanwhile, the husband went to look for the other relatives among the thickets of the forest, noticing before that the familiar white cape of his younger sister, which she apparently took off because of the unbearable heat.

By evening, everyone was there. Sitting comfortably by the fire, from time to time supporting it with the help of dry branches, they began to sing the words from the song that was customary to perform at the birth of a child. After all, for the former earthlings, this day was like a rebirth, the beginning of something new and radiant.