Kitabı oku: «Сборник русских сказок», sayfa 4

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Сказка про злую колдунью

Однажды в одном отдалённом городке был церковный приход. Там служители обучали детей грамоте. Среди детей был мальчик по имени Тихомир и девочка по имени Белава. У них не было родителей, для них были наставниками служители церкви. С детства ребята всё время проводили вместе. Они часто пользовались тем, что наставники полны хлопот и часто сбегали в город, когда проходили праздники. В городке издавна ходило поверье про старую колдунью. Вечером, когда темнело, она ходила по городу в компании чёрного кота, у которого было девять жизней. Говорили, что колдунья была уже слаба и её колдовство, и чары действовали только на маленьких детишек. Она похищала всех, кого сможет, чтобы заколдовать и заставить служить ей. А своего кота она заколдовала, чтобы он сторожил похищенных детей.

На весенние праздники была ярмарка и Тихомир с Белавой решили посмотреть на городские гулянья. Тайком пробравшись с церковных занятий, дети отправились на ярмарку. Осмотрев все достопримечательности и наевшись угощениями, дети не заметили как наступил вечер. Белава предложила вернуться в приходскую школу, так как было уже поздно и значит наставники уже начали их искать. Ребята пошли знакомой дорогой и уже виднелась их церковь. Как вдруг они заметили какое-то движение. Из темноты раздался женский голос и попросил о помощи. Ребята подбежали и спросили что случилось. Они увидели сутулую старушку. Она сидела на уличной лавочке и держала одну руку на кривой палке, а второй рукой подзывала ребят к себе. Старушка сразу пожаловалась, что потеряла своего старого кота. Она сказала, что уже темно, а зрение у неё слабое и кота ей самой не сыскать. Как только старушка рассказала про своего кота, Белава вспомнила, что на ярмарках часто рассказывали поверье про старую колдунью. Белава отвела в сторону Тихомира и предупредила его. Тут ребята заметили в темноте кота, они вернули его старушке. Она обрадовалась и предложила зайти к ней в гости, её дом был на окраине города. Ребята в ответ на предложение сказали, что им нужно двигаться дальше, их уже заждались. Тогда старушка попрощалась. А ребята, не успев сделать и пару шагов, заметили, что старушки и след пропал. Когда они вернулись в церковь, сразу рассказали обо всём наставнику. Он внимательно их выслушал и отругал за то, что они без спроса убежали с занятий. А поверье про старую колдунью ему было знакомо. Церковный наставник решил показать детям библиотеку. В ней было собрано много знаний, и они помогут Тихомиру и Белаве стать мудрее. Наставник сказал, что ребята не могут стать взрослыми, но мудрость им поможет в трудную минуту. С тех пор Тихомир и Белава стали чаще проводить время за чтением и на занятиях с остальными детьми!

Мораль – век живи, век учись!


The tale of winter wonders

In a distant village in an ordinary peasant family, a boy lived with loving parents. He was the youngest among the brothers and sisters. The father worked a lot around the house and goes hunting. The boy's grandfather often talked about their winter forest, which was full of wonders, on long evenings. And the grandson always listened to his stories with great interest. They was always about forest dwellers and about the beauty of the forest.

And then one day the boy asked his father to take him and grandfather with him to the forest. It was real winter outside by that time. When mother and father wrapped their son in warm clothes, the boy was ready to way. The day was sunny and calm. There were snowdrifts in the yard, in the distance the forest was covered with snow. Following the path, the boy tried to help his grandfather, who slowly walked around the snowdrifts. When he reached the forest, the father noticed that his son was already sad from the difficult journey. By the forest, the boy looked around and realized what he were really wonderful. There were large spruces around them, covered with snow on top. The sun was shining brightly and beautifully, shining in every snowflake. Everything around said that the forest was sleeping a wonderful dream. Grandfather walked with his grandson along the forest and stopped, pointing up. The boy looked closer and saw little squirrels jumping on the tops, looking for suitable cones for food. Suddenly there was a rustle from the forest. The depths, the guests saw a hare-hare in a fur coat as white as snow. Which a second later disappeared into the depths of the forest, leaving only footprints in the snow. As they walked through the forest, there was a rustle again and a beautiful roe deer in winter clothes came out to meet them. She stood for a while and then left. When the guests came out of the forest, they saw in the distance a lonely moose without horns, which followed them with a curious look. She stood for a while and then left. The boy was very happy with the winter beauty and agreed with his grandfather that their forest is truly magical. Having seen enough of the winter wonders, the travelers set off towards the house.

P.S. Take care of nature, she will respond with kindness!

The tale of winter mittens

Once one the village lived people, and they were a tradition after harvesting the fall went to visit each other. The residents together believed will for them the cold winter would be easy and fun. The village in which they lived was the most ordinary one, the fall them everyone was busy. Parents to work and children went to church school. One summer day, not far from the village grandfather and his granddaughter walked along the path towards the forest. They went out to a beautiful forest edge, where they saw a lot of mushrooms and berries. Having collected, full of baskets, they went towards the house. Azalea, that was the beautiful name of the girl, was fond of helping her grandmother with household chores. Therefore, upon returning from the forest with her grandfather, she went into the yard. There she began to help her grandmother until late in the evening.

In the morning Azalea woke up and completely forgot about her studies. Together with her grandmother, they began to collect things and prepare notebooks with books. After collecting everything she needed, Azalea set off towards the school. On the way, she saw the friends and they went to the lesson together. The guys began to tell that a new girl with the name Aida appeared in the class. She is the daughter of a carpenter and their family has just arrived from a neighboring village. At school, the children went to their places and Azalea noticed a new girl in her class. Azalea offered to sit together at the lesson. The new girl was in a beautiful outfit. After the lesson, the girls went to visit Aida to get to know her family. When the girls entered the courtyard, Azalea saw a nice clean courtyard and the neighbors' children. They ran and played with toy swords and shields. Having heard about the new carpenter, the guys immediately came running and asked to make them toys. Aida introduced Azalea to her mother. She was a dressmaker and sewed things. Azalea traditionally invited all of their to visit for a holiday on Harvest Day. To which Aida and her mother said a big thank you, and that they will come with great joy. Then Aida's mother invited her daughter to decorate the recently sewn mittens with a beautiful pattern in honor of the holiday. But suddenly she realized that there were no threads. Azalea offered to take the threads from her grandmother. They have a farming family and her grandmother often spins yarn from wool. The kind dressmaker said that she could even knit two pairs of holiday mittens. Then the joyful girls ran for yarn. The farmhouse, it wasn't as clean and tidy as Aida's yard. Next to the house there was a large barn for animals and little pigs and lambs were running. This a little alarmed Aida, but she did not show it so as not to offend new girlfriend. Then the girls went to the house where Azalea 's grandmother found beautiful yarn in her chest and gave for Aida. The girls said goodbye and began to prepare to meet the coming Harvest Day.

Autumn, meanwhile, turned into the first cold weather. The villagers gathered their last harvests. The animals were shuttered in the barns and prepared for the frost. It started snowing on the first winter day, to everyone's delight. And everyone took up household chores, waiting for the guests to meet on a holiday. Azalea, waking up as usual, began to help her grandmother in business and was preparing to meet the guests. Suddenly she saw Aida in the window. The girlfriend was in a beautiful snow-white fur coat, and in her hands she had new mittens. Azalea at once ran to meet her. The girls tried on new clothes and got ready to go play. But Aida said that she can't to visit Azalea's family. She was afraid that the animals on the farm would stain her fur coat and new mittens. Then Azalea thanked Aida for the beautiful gift and walked towards the house. Aida saw that Azalea was very upset. Looking after her, she noticed Azalea's yard. It had already been removed, there was snow everywhere, there were no animals. There was only smoke from the chimney, which spoke of a warm and cozy home. Then Aida realized that she was mistaken and how much she offended her friend. Grandmother also noticed the upset granddaughter and decided to immediately help her. When they talked, and they suddenly heard a knock. Grandma went to the door and saw guests on the threshold. It was Aida and her family. After meeting the guests and putting on new mittens, the girls ran to play in the winter yard with other friends.

P.S. Tastes differ!

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
23 şubat 2021
Yazıldığı tarih:
39 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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