Kitabı oku: «Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives», sayfa 10

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Ross Lambertson, "Activists in the Age of Rights: The Struggle for Human Rights in Canada - 1945-1960" (Ph.D., University of Victoria, 1998),

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[0085] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2: Subject Files Series, 1947-1995, MC001.02.03

Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. Series 3: Subject Files; 1921-1990, consists of records gathered by the ACLU on various topics of interest pertaining to its mission. Files on ACLU Criticism of 1954 Report on "Neo-Fascist" Hate Groups [Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups, December 17, 1954 [Committee on Un-American Activities]]; Alaska Mental Health Bill; American Nazi Party; America's Future, Inc.-Operation Textbook; America's Concentration Camps [by] Allan R. Bosworth. Introd. by Roger Baldwin (New York, W.W. Norton and Co., 1967); Americanism Committee; Anti-Communist Seminar: Charles E. Woolery; Anti-Lynching Legislation; Anti-Poll Tax Constitutional Amendment; Anti-Poll Tax Legislation; Anti-Right Wing Groups; Conferences, Materials, etc.; Anti-Semitism; Association for Voluntary Sterilization; America First Party; Joseph V. Beauharnais; Becker Amendment (H.J. Res 693): General Information, Prayer, Bible Reading, Statements Opposing; Daniel Bell; Walter Bergman; John Birch Society; Blacklisting: Anti-Communists in Radio/TV; Blacklisting: Red Channels, Vincent Hartnett; Bricker Amendment; William F. Buckley's Refusal to Join Television Union; Hardy Burt: Complaint of Pressure-Group Activity against Facts Forum; Busing Legislation; James F. Byrnes; California Right to Work Law; Chinese Exclusion Laws; Christian Nationalist Party [Gerald L. K. Smith]: California Election Ban; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade: Dr. Fred C. Schwarz; Church League of America; Roy Cohn; "Communism on the Map"; Communist Party, Legislation to Outlaw; Communist Propaganda; Concerned American Citizens Association, U.S.A.; Connally Amendment; Conservatives of West Virginia (Ballot Case); "Containment or Liberation?" (James Burnham); Corporate Anti-Communist Programs: Notes on the Industrial-Military Complex; "Counter Attack" Counter Attack on Author Millard Lampell; Cox Committee Investigating Tax-Exempt Foundations; Dan Smoot Report Attack (Fairness Doctrine), Station Responses; Defense of Right Wing Groups; Right of Assembly: Ku Klux Klan Meeting Ban; Dirksen Prayer Amendment; Hilaire du Berrier; Education: Governor Talmadge - Georgia: Remarks; Englewood Anti-Communist League (NJ) (charged Mary McLeod Bethune with Communist affiliations in 1952); "Euthanasia Controversy," Dr. Hermann Sanders; Facts Forum Panel; Myron Fagan - Blacklisting in Hollywood Materials; Fascism Curbs; Father Feeney Religious Books: Ban on Sale; Flanders' Resolution to Strip Senator McCarthy of Committee Chairmanship; Fluoridation; Foundations - House (Reece) Investigation; Free Speech by Military Personnel - Sen. John Stennis: Speech; Free Speech: Dismissal from Army, Right Wing Speech: Maj. A.E. Roberts; Fund for the Republic (sponsor): Cancellation of Henry Cabot Lodge, ABC Interview with Mike Wallace (1958); Genocide Convention; William S. Girard case; Girl Scout Handbook - "Internationalist" References; Goldwater Anti-Communist Labor Bill (1953); Group Libel; Group Libel Legislation; Group Research Inc.: Wesley McCune; Gwinn Amendment - Banning Subversives from Public Housing; Rev. Billy Hargis: Broadcast Transcript, Warren Commission; Hate Legislation; Hate Literature Bill; Hate Propaganda through the Mails; Highlander Folk School: (TN) (Integrated Highlander School Raided by Ku Klux Klan; Tennessee Efforts to Close; Tennessee Legislative Hearing); Alger Hiss; House Un-American Activities Committee (ACLU Criticism of; ACLU Statement on Abolition HUAC; Dr. John Haynes Holmes - Testimony of Benjamin Gitlow; Ku Klux Klan Investigation; Letter to Congressman Walter; Operation Abolition; Report on "Hate" Groups (1954); Subpoenaing of Truman, et al. to Testify on Harry Dexter White Case); House of Representatives: Reece Subcommittee Report Attacking Foundations; William Huie (Contempt Case Rule); Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1953 (McCarran-Walter); Japan-MacArthur Dismissal Comments; John Birch Society; John Birch Society Members in Police Forces; Joseph Kamp - Lobbying Activities 1948; John Kasper - Contempt Case Related to School Integration; August Klapprott (De-naturalization); Ku Klux Klan; Owen Lattimore; David Lawrence Columns Attacking Supreme Court Rulings; David Lawrence and Osmond K. Fraenkel Correspondence Debates on Congressional Investigations; Legislation: Challenges to "Right to Work" Laws; Legislation: Study of Right to Work Laws; Let Freedom Ring: Automatic Telephone Service, Smear Messages; Letters from FBI to ACLU (J. Edgar Hoover); Fulton Lewis - Libel Indictment; Louisiana "Right to Work" Law; Kurt Ludecke; A.B. Magil; Harvey Matusow v. U.S. (Government Witness-Perjury); McCarran Act - Internal Security Act of 1950; McCarthy (Army Report on Cohn-Schine Affair; Cohn and Schine - McCarthy Anti-Semitism Charge; Democratic Digest Article; "McCarthyism" - J.B. Matthews - Resignation; Miscellaneous; The Progressive Magazine - Documentary on McCarthy ["McCarthy: A Documented Record." The Progressive, April 1954; online at]; Resolution to Oust from Senate Seat; Voice of America Hearings; World Telegram Series on McCarthy 1954 [Frederick Woltman, "The McCarthy Balance Sheet," New York World Telegram, July 1954]; Lucille Miller - Due process/commitment; Minute Women of America; NAACP: "Birth of a Nation"; Nazi Handbill Distribution Case: George Lincoln Rockwell and Kenneth Morgan; Reitman Neier and William F. Buckley Correspondence on Unionism and Free Speech; Operation Abolition, Film to Counteract Operation Abolition; L.H. Oswald; "Oswald and the Law" Documentary; O. Otepka - Saturday Evening Post Article 1964 [Ben H. Bagdikian, "Big Brother is Listening," Saturday Evening Post (June 6, 1964,]; Panama Canal; Drew Pearson v. Senator Joseph McCarthy (Defamation Suit); Poll Tax Amendment; Poll Tax Bills; Poll Tax, Discrimination: Virginia; Poll Tax Issue (Texas); Post Office: Anti-Jewish Week Mail; Post Office: G. Sokolsky: Saturday Review of Literature [George Sokolsky, "Open Letter to the Post Office," Saturday Review of Literature, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 17, April 23, 1955]; Post Office: Ezra Pound Book Ban; Ezra Pound: Commitment at St. Elizabeth's Hospital; Press: Easton Express and Congressman Francis Walter: Refusal to Print, Pennsylvania; Protest Movement: SCLC Opposed Ku Klux Klan in South; Public Schools: Regent's Prayer [Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), prohibiting the use of a Regent's prescribed prayer in New York public schools] - George Sokolsky's Column; Radical Right: Report on Attacks on UNICEF; Reapportionment: Dirksen Amendment; Red Channels; Regent's Prayer - George Sokolsky's Column; Alan Reitman Correspondence on Buckley Lawsuit against TV Union (AFTRA); Victor Riesel: Article Attacking ACLU Labor Policy; Right to Work Committee Workers Defense League; Right Wing Groups; Right-Wing Movement: Printed Documents; George Lincoln Rockwell; Rogge-Ebey Controversy, Board of Education, Houston, Texas; School Integration; Rosika Schwimmer; Senate: Senate Committee Investigating Charges Against Senator McCarthy; Shockley Incident (1973); Smith Act; Status of Forces Treaty; Sterilization Bill - North Carolina; Subversive Activities Control Bills (Mundt-Nixon); Swain (Martin) et al. v. Florida: Father Feeney Books; Taft Hartley Act; Governor [Herman] Talmadge -Georgia (1950); Tax Exemption Denial Case, U.S. v. Armstrong Foundation; Tenney Committee - California; Harold K. Thompson; Emmett Till Murder Case; "Tokyo Rose" - Mrs. Iva Toguri d'Aquino; Treaty Making Powers - Bricker Amendment; Moïse Tshombe - President of Katanga; (Ultra) Right Wing: Documents; Ultra-Right Organizations: Report, Alan Reitman; George S. Viereck; General Edwin A. Walker: Confinement without Due Process, Controversy re: indoctrination of troops; and Gov. Wallace: Disclosure by Senator Wayne Morse.

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[0086] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Audiovisual Materials Series, 1947-1995, MC001.02.06 [films]

Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections, Public Policy Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University, 65 Olden Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. Series 6, Audio-Visual materials, circa 1920-1995. Subseries Film, 1950 December 13-1983. Sub-subseries 16mm Film, 1952-1982, contains "Operation Abolition," a 1960 documentary produced by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (a.k.a. House Un-American Activities Committee or HUAC), [which] focused on an incident on May 13, 1960, when the Committee convened in San Francisco's City Hall. While the committee met, students protested in the hallways and outside the building, leading to clashes with the police and the arrest of 64 students. Operation Abolition shows footage of the incident taken from subpoenaed San Francisco TV station newsreels, using that footage to allege that the students were Communists and/or instigated by Communist agents. The film's narrators, Representative Francis E. Walter, Chairman of HUAC, and Fulton Lewis III, son of a prominent anti-Communist radio commentator, suggest that the protesters were members of and/or 'duped' by groups whose ultimate goal was to destroy the committee, weaken the FBI, and reduce the enforcement powers of the Federal government." This description, along with the film itself, is online at Also contains "Operation Correction," which shows the same footage as Operation Abolition, interspersed with added commentary by Ernest Besig, the Executive Director of the ACLU of Northern California. Also contains a Facts Forum program with William F. Buckley, Patrick Malin, Richard Combs, and Prof. Charles Hodges; and tapes about the Bork Nomination; Hate on Trial (1992 documentary about the trial of Tom and John Metzger, leaders of the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) for inciting the murder of Mulugeta Seraw); David Duke's Candidacy; What is Un-American? (1961; TV Debate with Fulton Lewis III, M. Stanton Evans, and Frank Donner, among others); Iran Contra Affair; The Ku Klux Klan's right to be on television; Race Relations; Flag Burning; and Anti-abortion Laws.

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[0087] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Series 3: Subject Files, 1969-1996, MC001.03.03

Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: The Subject Files series contains articles, reports, court documents, and other materials collected by the ACLU during the course of their work. Files on racial discrimination, the Supreme Court nomination of Robert Bork, and Clarence Thomas.


Merrell Noden, "New trove of ACLU papers opens at Mudd Library," Princeton Alumni Weekly, July 11, 2012,

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[0088] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 3, Series 5: Regional Offices, 1894-2005 (bulk 1970-1990), MC001.03.05

Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: The Regional Offices series documents the work and administration of the ACLU's three regional offices: Mountain States Regional Office, concerned with civil rights in the west and Native American rights, the Southern Regional Office, focusing on civil rights in the south, and the Washington, D.C. office, which concentrates on national legislation and the actions of the federal government. The files include correspondence, case files, office publications, research files, and the papers of individual staff members. Subseries 5A: Mountain States Regional Office, contains files on Busing; Creationism; Desegregation - Schools; Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, 1994; Ku Klux Klan (KKK); and Skinheads. Subseries 5B: Southern Regional Office, contains files on ACLU Attacks and Replies, 1954-1965; Civil Rights; School Desegregation; Frank Donner; Ku Klux Klan (KKK); and Racial Crisis and Race Relations. Subseries 5C: Washington, D.C. Regional Office, contains files on Robert Bork; Civil Rights; Charles Colson; Communist Influence on the Civil Rights Movement; Robert Dole; Frank Donner; Fake Abortion Clinics; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) / Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), 1966-1980; Flag Desecration Amendment; Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances act of 1993, S. 636, 1993, and H.R. 796, 1993; Hate Propaganda (Plans dealing with); House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); Hyde Amendment; Internal Security Act of 1950; Internal Security - Institutionalization of McCarthyism, 1965-1966; Iran-Contra; Ku Klux Klan (KKK); Letter to House From Former Member of Congress Bob Barr on H.R. 3313, the Marriage Protection Act, 2004; McCarran Act; Edwin Meese; MKULTRA (Central Intelligence Agency, CIA); National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie, 1976; Nicaraguan Contras; Richard Nixon; Oliver North; Lee Harvey Oswald; Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Ronald Reagan; Antonin Scalia; School Voucher Program; Clarence Thomas; Senator Strom Thurmond; and Thurmond Amendment on Religious Sub - Units to S. 557, the Grove City Bill, 1988.


Merrell Noden, "New trove of ACLU papers opens at Mudd Library," Princeton Alumni Weekly, July 11, 2012,

Websites with information:

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[0089] American Civil Liberties Union--Southern Women's Rights Project, 1976-1981, M 178

Location: Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Box 842003, 901 Park Ave, Richmond, VA 23284-2003

Description: The Southern Women's Rights Project (SWRP), located in Richmond, is affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union. The project deals with issues of special concern for women. Topics include abortion, employment discrimination, ERA, education discrimination, prisoner's rights, children's rights, sexual harassment, and spousal abuse. The series Legislation 1976-1981, contains files on Abortion, Con. Con. Project, Constitutional Convention, ERA, Ku Klux Klan, Nazis-Skokie1978, Nazis Right Wing 1978, Right to Life, Ronald Reagan, and Sterilization. The series Periodicals contains files on "The Impact of the Hyde Amendment on Medically Necessary Abortions" (ACLU) and "National Right to Life News."

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[0090] American Civil Liberties Union Washington, D.C. Office Records, 1948-1970, MC190

Location: American Civil Liberties Union Washington, D.C. Office Records; Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: The ACLU is a leading defender of civil liberties in the United States. Founded in 1920, it has been the recipient of sharp criticism for its willingness to defend unpopular causes and has participated in a majority of the landmark cases to come before the Supreme Court in the twentieth century. This collection consists of the papers received and generated by the staff of the Washington, D.C. Office of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) during the 1950s and 1960s.Series 1, Irving Ferman Records, 1948-1959, documents Irving Ferman's tenure as director of the ACLU's Washington, D.C. Office. The Legislative Investigating Committees section contains records related to the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and several folders on U.S. v. Lattimore, a case in which Owen Lattimore was charged with perjury for having falsely represented his Communist associations. The Civil Rights section, 1953-1959, documents the Washington Office's involvement with school desegregation in Little Rock, Arkansas, Equal Rights Amendment, and opposition to the Bricker Amendment. The Rights of Mentally Ill section, 1955-1958, contains a file on Ezra Pound. The Loyalty/Security section, 1948-1965, contains a file on a Gwinn Amendment test case. Series 2, Lawrence Speiser Records, 1951-1970, relates to his work in Washington, D.C., and in San Francisco in connection with the National ACLU and the Northern California affiliate. The Voting Rights section, 1960-1966, contains files on Literacy Tests and poll taxes and several folders on reapportionment and the Dirksen Amendment. The Court Proceedings section, 1959-1969, contains a file on Edwin A. Walker: Psychiatric Exam, 1963. The Military Justice section, 1955-1970, contains a file on Right Wing Speech: Edwin A. Walker. The Assembly & Public Protest section, 1964-1969, contains a file on Koel v. Resor regarding the defense of the American Nazi Party's right to wear their uniforms at the burial of George Lincoln Rockwell in a national cemetery. The Loyalty and Security section, 1952-1969, contains files on test cases about the requirement of an oath for tenants to live in public housing (part of the Gwinn Amendment) and on Otto Otepka.

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[0091] American Committee for Cultural Freedom Records, 1939-1957, TAM.023

Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

Description: The American Committee for Cultural Freedom was formed in the 1950s as an affiliate of the International Congress for Cultural Freedom and membership included prominent liberal and leftist artists and intellectuals across a broad political spectrum. The group's activity involved the organization and execution of numerous anti-Communist campaigns and programs. Series III: American Committee for Cultural Freedom. Subseries A: Correspondence, General, contains correspondence with Aware, Inc., Whittaker Chambers, Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Sidney Hook, Irving Kristol/Encounter, George S. Schuyler, and Peter Viereck. Subseries F: Public Activities. Sub-subseries 1: Topics, includes a file on Facts Forum Radio Show Proposal (Protest) (1954). Sub-subseries 2: Individuals' Cases, contains files on William Buckley/Haverford News Case (Ethical Issue) (1955) [Buckley spoke before the Forum for Free Speech at Haverford, Mar. 14, 1955], Milovan Djilas Case (Arrest and Book Burning) (1956), Alfred Lilienthal Case (Radio Program Cancellation) (1954), and Ezra Pound Case (Institutionalization) (1955). Sub-subseries 3: Miscellaneous, has files on McCarthy and the Communists: Book Reviews and Notices (1954), Alfred Kohlberg Correspondence (1954), and Owen Lattimore Libel Charges (1955). Subseries H: Miscellaneous Activities, has a file on Owen Lattimore Case (Protest Against New Republic Article Supporting Lattimore) (1954-1956). Subseries J: Miscellaneous, has files on Fund for the Republic / ACCF Controversy (1956), Joseph P. Kamp Attacks on ACCF (1954), Submitted Ms.- Anthony Bouscaren (1954-1956), Submitted Ms.- Ernest van der Haag (1952-1956), Americans for Intellectual Freedom (1949), and Facts Forum (1954-1955). Restricted Material includes a file on McCarthy and the Communists: Beacon Press Contract & Correspondence (1954).

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[0092] American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born Records, 1926-1980s, ACPFB

Location: Special Collections Library, Labadie Collection, Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library (South), 913 S. University Avenue, Office/Gallery 7th Floor; Reading Room 8th Floor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190

Description: The American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (ACPFB) was founded in 1933 on the initiative of Roger Baldwin of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The purpose of the Committee was to defend the constitutional rights of foreign-born persons in the United States. In practice, the Committee assisted individuals facing deportation and those wishing to become naturalized citizens; it attempted to combat harassment and official persecution of the foreign-born; and it worked for the repeal or revision of legislation considered discriminatory. In the 1950s the Committee assisted individuals charged with having Communist affiliations under the Internal Security Act of 1950 (also known as the McCarran Act) or who faced denaturalization or deportation for such activities under the Walter-McCarran Immigration Act. Records include correspondence, administrative files, clippings and publicity files, subject files and case files. Series III: Publicity/Activities, 1934-1977, contains a file on Emergency Conference to Defeat the Hobbs Concentration Camp Bill, May 8, 1941. Series V: Legislation, 1930-1972, contains files on the Walter-McCarran Act. Series VII: Subject Files, 1933-ca. 1974, contains files on anti-alien writings, Fascist literature, Fascism: "This is Fascism" Pamphlet, 1942, William Randolph Hearst, House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), Informers (Paul Crouch, Matthew Cvetic, Joseph Zack Kornfeder), Palmer Raids, and Tokyo Rose (Iva d'Aquino).

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[0092a] American Committee on Africa records addendum, 1949-2001 (bulk 1970-1997)

Location: Amistad Research Center, Inc., Tilton Hall, Tulane University, 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118

Description: The American Committee on Africa (ACOA) was founded in 1953 to support liberation and anti-colonial struggles in Africa. The records addendum covers the era of Africa's liberation (independence) movements against British, Dutch, French, German, and Portuguese colonialism and their imperialistic policy toward the continent, including aspects of both settler and exploitation colonialism, mainly in the African countries of Angola, Guinea Bissau, Namibia, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), and South Africa. Series 3: Research, 1949-1997. Sub-Series 2: South Africa, 1953-1997, contains files on Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging; Apartheid; Apartheid and International Law; Politics: White Nationalists; and Right Wing. Sub-Series 3: South Africa-United States, 1954-1997, contains files on Right Wing and Right Wing: Conservative Caucus. Sub-Series 4: Countries, 1949, 1961-1989, contains files on Rhodesia: Apartheid; Rhodesia: Right-Wing Government Information; and Rhodesia: United States (Right Wing Propaganda).

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[0093] American Conservative Union Records, 1964-1980, MSS 176

Location: 20th &21st Century Western and Mormon Americana, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, 1130 HBLL, Brigham Young University, P.O. Box 26800, Provo, UT 84602-6800

Description: In December 1964, the American Conservative Union (ACU) was organized to meld the splintered conservative movement into a unified whole after Barry Goldwater's defeat in the November election. The first Chairman of the ACU was Donald C. Bruce, a conservative Republican Congressman from Indiana, followed by John Ashbrook, a Congressman from Ohio; M. Stanton Evans; Philip M. Crane, an Indiana Congressman; Congressman Robert Bauman; and Congressman Marvin Henry "Mickey" Edwards. The ACU has been active in raising funds, corresponding with conservative political leaders, supporting projects, helping candidates, providing advice, and addressing issues relating to conservative causes and political activities all over the United States. The records consist of correspondence, notes, newsletters, memoranda, meeting minutes, charters, bylaws, resolutions, and miscellaneous items. Series I: Founding, contains corporate records of the American Public Affairs Educational Fund, Inc.; a memorandum from Marvin Liebman regarding the initial steps for organizing the ACU; news articles from the National Review concerning ACU's beginning and early activities; and a transcript of an interview with M. Stanton Evans by Dan Manion on the radio program, "The Manion Forum," Feb. 27, 1977. Series III: ACU "Special Projects," contains transcripts of speeches by Robert E. Bauman, James L. Buckley, Philip M. Crane, William Dannemeyer, Mickey Edwards, Orrin Hatch, Jesse Helms, Jack Kemp, James McClure, Larry McDonald, Dan Quayle, Ronald Reagan, and Phyllis Schlafly; publications of the ACU Education and Research Institute by James L. Buckley and James A. McClure, Philip M. Crane, and Lawrence P. McDonald; and Speakers Bureau files on Rep. John M. Ashbrook, Dr. Anthony T. Bouscaren, L. Brent Bozell, Dr. Philip M. Crane, James Jackson Kilpatrick, Frank S. Meyer, William F. Rickenbacker, William A. Rusher, Ralph De Toledano, Senator John G. Tower, and Dr. Ernest van der Haag. Series IV: The Board of Directors, contains correspondence with Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, Rep. Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn, M. Stanton Evans, Ronald Reagan, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Hon. Margaret Thatcher, Sen. Strom Thurmond, and John Wayne; news releases regarding Major General John Singlaub; and letters, papers, and documents regarding William F. Buckley, Orrin Hatch, Senator Jesse Helms, James A. McClure, William A. Rusher, Phyllis Schlafly, and Ralph de Toledano. Series V: The Advisory Assembly, contains files on Spruille Braden, Sen. James L. Buckley, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Rep. Jack Kemp, Howard E. Kershner, Walter Knott, Maj. Gen. Thomas Lane (Ret.), Adm. Ben Moreell (Ret.), Adm. Arthur W. Radford, Hon. John Tower, and Will Herberg. Series VI: Executive Directors, contains correspondence with Patrick J. Buchanan, Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Sen. Peter H. Dominick, Sen. Strom Thurmond, and John Tower. Series VIII: Financial Records, contains correspondence with Richard A. Viguerie. Series XI: Field Operations, contains a file on Tax Reform Immediately (TRIM), a John Birch Society affiliate. Series XI: Field Operations. Arkansas Conservative Union, contains a file on Dr. George S. Benson, President, National Education Program. Series XI: Field Operations. Maine Conservative Union, contains files on Charlotte Iserbyt. Oregon Conservative Union, contains a file on Walter Huss. Series XIII: Issues Files, 1965-1980, contains information on the Panama Canal issue; studies by Dr. Stefan T. Possony; publications by M. Stanton Evans; and a copy of A Program for American Survival 1973-78, by William Schneider. Series XV: Media Materials. ACU Productions, contains copies of ACU Report; Battleline; The Conservative Answer to Pollution, by Frank S. Meyer and John C. Meyer, 1971; The Conservative Mandate, by Dr. Philip M. Crane, 1968; "Conservative Outlook" (ACU weekly newspaper column), with articles by Bob Bauman, Philip Crane, Jesse Helms, and James McClure; An Effective Labor Policy for the United States, by Sylvester Petro, 1968; The First 1,000 Days--One Legislator's Viewpoint, by John M. Ashbrook, 1971; The G.R.I. Report, "A look into the operations of 'Group Research, Inc.'--America's foremost source of anti-conservative smear material," 1968; Public Monitor Report; and Ratings of Congress. Series XV: Media Materials. Non-ACU publications, contains copies of American Spectator; Citizens for the Republic Newsletter; Cornerstone, by the Foundation of Law and Society; Conservative Party, by the Conservative Party; Enterprise, journal of the National Association of Manufacturers; Heritage Foundation publications, including "The Key to Peace," by Clarence Manion, 1975; Human Events reprints; Intercollegiate Review; New Guard (publication of the Young Americans for Freedom); Persuasion at Work, by the Rockford College Institute, Sept. 1978; Review of the News; The Right Report (Richard A. Viguerie Company, Inc.); The Rockford Papers; and Secret U.S. War Against South Africa, by Aida Parker. Series XVI: ACU Audio Tape Collection, contains recordings of John Ashbrook, Robert E. Bauman, Patrick Buchanan, James L. Buckley, William Buckley, Harry Byrd, Philip M. Crane, Lee Edwards, Mickey Edwards, M. Stanton Evans, Milton Friedman, Philip Gramm, Orrin Hatch, Jesse Helms, Jack Kemp, James McClure, Larry McDonald, Stefan Possony, Ronald Reagan, John Rousselot, William A. Rusher, Phyllis Schlafly, John Singlaub, Strom Thurmond, and Ernest van der Haag.

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25 mayıs 2021
5250 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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