Kitabı oku: «Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives», sayfa 6
State Archive web page:
[0045] All Volunteer Clinic Escort for the Summit Women's Center Records, 1995-2002, MS 546
Location: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Description: The All Volunteer Escort Service for the Summit Women's Center in Bridgeport, Connecticut, was founded by Patricia Hendrickson in 1993. The Summit Women's Center is an abortion facility. The All Volunteer Escort Service was formed to escort patients and staff from the parking lot of the Summit Women's Center to the building, shielding them from harassment by anti-abortion protestors. The All Volunteer Clinic Escort Service Records include legal documents relating to court cases and legal actions involving the service, memorabilia including photographs and volunteer vests, and videotapes created by Donald Hendrickson documenting the anti-abortion protestors who formed around the Summit Medical Center.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0046] Norman Allderdice Collection, 1895-1984, Coll. 2000C53
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010 [formerly the Social and Political Action Documents Collection at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ]
Description: Norman Allderdice (1894-1961) was vice president and director of Pennsylvania Central Airlines from 1927 to 1935. Allderdice assembled this collection as an outgrowth of his conservative beliefs and interest in individual freedom. Contains pamphlets, leaflets, and other printed ephemera issued by right-wing, left-wing and other political organizations, and by governmental, business, labor, religious, educational and other organizations, relating to political, social and economic conditions in the United States and abroad, and especially to right-wing and left-wing movements in the United States. Information on Einar Åberg; Alabama Legislative Commission to Preserve the Peace; Alert Americans Association; Alerted Americans; Gary Allen; Allen-Bradley Company (Milwaukee, Wisconsin); Alliance, Inc. ("Race, Heredity, and Civilization," by Wesley Critz George (1963)); Alliance, Inc. ("Brainwashing and Senator McCarthy," by Joseph Zack Kornfeder (1954)); America First Committee (Chicago, Illinois); American Afro-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc.; American Bar Association; American Birthright Committee (Los Angeles, California); American Coalition of Patriotic Societies (Washington, D.C.); American Committee on Immigration Policies; American Committee to Free Cuba (Arcadia, California); American Conservative Union (Washington, D.C.); American Council for Judaism; American Council of Christian Laymen (Madison, Wisconsin); American Council of Christian Churches (New York); American Economic Foundation (New York); American Education Association; American Educational League; American Enterprise Association (Washington, D.C.); American Eugenics Party (Los Angeles, California); American Flag Committee (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania); American Friends of the Captive Nations; American Heritage Protective Committee (San Antonio, Texas); American Heritage Protective Committee ("Unfolding Social Security" (1952)); American Institute for Economic Research, Great Barrington, Massachusetts; American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights (later the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights); American Legion; American Legion National Americanism Commission; American Legion--Anti-Subversive Committee, Seattle, Washington; American Medical Association--Physicians opposed to fluoridation, Detroit, Michigan; American Mercury; American Nationalist, Inglewood, California; American Nazi Party, Arlington, Virginia; American Opinion; American Party; American Patriots in Defense of Christian Observances; American Progress Foundation; American Public Relations Forum ("Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics" (undated)); American Public Relations Forum, Inc.; American Renaissance Book Club, Chicago, Illinois; American Renaissance Book Club ("The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost," by Harry Elmer Barnes (1953)); American Security Council (ASC), Washington, D.C.; American States' Rights Party; American Survival Party; American Taxpayers Union of California, Inc.; American Way Program; American-Asian Educational Exchange, New York; American-Southern Africa Council; Americanism Educational League; Americans for America; Americans for Conservative Education; Americans for Constitutional Action ACA Index; Americans for Constitutional Action, Washington, D.C.; Americans for Freedom, Santa Barbara, California (Karen McKay); Americans for Mental Freedom, Merced, California; Americans for National Security; Americans United Council; Americans United for Separation of Church and State; America's Future; Thomas J. Anderson, Editorial articles; Tom Anderson "Farm Ranch"; Anglo-Saxon Committee; Anti-Communist Liaison (Committee of Correspondence), Arlington, Virginia; Appeal to Reason; Arizona Captive Nations Committee; Arizona Committee for Economic Freedom; Arizona Committee of Taxpayers, Inc.; Arizonans for America; Arizonans for General Walker, Phoenix, Arizona; Arizonans for Mental Freedom; Herbert W. and Ted Garner Armstrong; George W. Armstrong; John M. Ashbrook; "A Jewish View on Segregation" (Association of Citizen's Councils of Mississippi, undated) [online at]; Assembly of Captive European Nations; Associates for Americanism; Association of Citizen's Councils, Greenwood, Mississippi; Australian League of Rights; Karl Baarslag; Harry Elmer Barnes; Barry Goldwater for President Committee; Fanchon Battelle; Bay Area Conservatives; Hilaire Belloc; Ezra Taft Benson; Bible News Flashes ("The Seven Judgments," by W. D. Herrstrom (1934)); E. M. Biggers; Bilderberg conferences; Bill Knowland for Governor Committee; Aldrich Blake; Bookmailer, Inc.; Anthony T. Bouscaren; Spruille Braden; John W. Bricker; Bricker Amendment; British Israel Association; The Buckman Press; "How the Communists Use Religion," by Edgar C. Bundy (undated); Eric D. Butler; California Free Enterprise Association; California Freedom Forum II; California League of Christian Parents; Californians' Committee to Combat Communism; Campaign for the 48 States; Canadian Intelligence Publications; Canadian League of Rights; Candour Publishing Company ("B.B.C.: A National Menace," by A. K. Chesterton (1972)); Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri; The Catholic Challenger (W. L. King); Catholic Race Preservation Committee; Caxton Printers Limited; Caxton Printers ("Ex America," by Garet Garrett (undated)); "Persecution--Jewish and Christian," by Charles E. Coughlin; Chedney Press ("Wake Up America!" by Emanuel Josephson (1958)); A. K. Chesterton; Christian Alliance Against Illuminism; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade--Fred Schwarz; Christian Beacon Press; Christian Crusade Publications; Christian Crusade, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Christian Crusader; Christian Educational Association, Union, New Jersey; Christian Freedom Foundation--Howard E. Kershner; Christian Nationalist Crusade, Los Angeles, California; Christian Nationalist Party, Los Angeles, California; Christian Patriotic Rally; Christian Patriots, Chester, Pennsylvania; Christian resistance; Christian Scientists to Combat Communism in the Christian Science Movement; Christian Youth against Communism, Los Angeles, California; Church League of America, Wheaton, Illinois; Church infiltration by communists; Cinema Educational Guild, Hollywood, California; Circuit Riders, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio; Circuit Riders, Inc. ("Recognize Red China?" (1958)); Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba; Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties; Citizens Committee on Fluoridation; Citizens Committee to Restore U.S. Constitutional Sovereignty, Dallas, Texas; Citizens Council, Jackson, Mississippi; Citizens for Educational Freedom; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee, Washington, D.C.; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee ("Foreign Aid and You" (1959)); Citizens Protective Association, St. Louis, Missouri; Citizens' Council of Greater New Orleans; Citizens' Councils of America; Upton Close; Closer Ups ("The Anti-Defamation League and its Use in the World Communist Offensive," by Robert H. Williams (1947)); Committee for Survival of a Free Congress, Washington, D.C.; Committee on Anti-Communist Action, Centerville, Ohio; Committee of the States ("Save the Republic," by Robert C. Olney (1967)); Committee for 48 States, Washington D.C.; Committee of One Million ("Red China and the United Nations," by Peter H. Dominick (undated)); Committee on State Sovereignty ("The Citizen in Politics" (1958)); Committee of Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism, Union, New Jersey; Committee against Summit Entanglements, Belmont, Massachusetts; Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East; Committee on Un-American Activities; Committee for the Hollywood Ten, Hollywood, California; Committee for McCarthyism ("The Red-addled 'brain' behind the Scripps-Howard smear of Senator Joe McCarthy," by Joseph P. Kamp (1954)); Committee on Pan-American Policy ("The Panama Canal: it must remain American," by Dr. Charles Callan Tansill (1963); Committee of Christian Laymen; Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc., New York; Committee for Pillion Resolution; Committee of Endorsers; Committee of One Million against the Admission of Communist China; Committee to Defend the Rights of the Arab Students and Workers, San Francisco, California; Committee to Save the McCarran Act; Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution ("What Is Metropolitan Government?" (1958); Common Sense, Union, New Jersey; Communism; "Israel's Fingerprints: Biblical Identification of the True Israel," by Bertrand L. Comparet (1949); Congress of Freedom ("The Secret Government of the United States," by Mary M. Davison (undated)); Congress of Freedom, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska; Connally Amendment; Conservative Book Club, New Rochelle, New York; Constitution Party U.S.A. ("To Restore and Preserve ..."); Constitution Party; Constitutional Educational League; "Communist Psychological Warfare (Brainwashing)," consultation with Edward Hunter (1958); Council for Statehood--Mary M. Davison (The Robbers' Roost (1964), The Second Rebellion (1971), and The Tale of the Guinea Pigs "greeting girls" (1960s)); Counterattack, New York; Kent Courtney; Kent and Phoebe Courtney; John G. Crommelin; Cathrine Curtis; Dan Smoot Report; Daughters of the American Revolution; Mary Davison; Defenders of the Christian Faith--Gerald B. Winrod ("The Great Christian Pledge" (1954) and "The United Nations, a tower of Babel" (1953)); Defenders of American Education; Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties, Arlington Chapter, Virginia; Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties; Defenders of the American Constitution, Washington, D.C.; Defenders of the Christian Faith; Defenders, Inc.; "Blueprint for Victory," by Robert DePugh (1966) [online at]; Devin-Adair Company ("The Constitution Be Damned," by Orson Kilborn (1952)); Martin Dies; Elizabeth Dilling; Hilaire du Berrier; Eagle Forum ("The Real World of Working ..." (undated)); James Oliver Eastland (The Supreme Court's Modern Scientific Authorities in the Segregation Cases. Speech of Hon. James O. Eastland of Mississippi in the Senate of the United States Thursday, May 26, 1955) [online at]; Edmondson Economic Service; Education Information, Inc.; Educational Fund of the Citizen's Councils--"The Ugly Truth about the NAACP," by Eugene Cook (circa 1955)); Educational News Service; "The American Eagle Weapons for Freedom," by Edwin A. Walker (1961); Elmore County White Citizens Council, Wetumpka, Alabama; Harry T. Everingham; Facts Forum ("The Communist Party of the United States of America: What it Is, How it Works: A Handbook for Americans" (1955); Myron C. Fagan; Fascism; Federation for Constitutional Government; Bonner Fellers; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Florida Minuteman; Florida Coalition of Patriotic Societies, Tampa, Florida; Fluoridation; John T. Flynn; For All Comprehensive Truth Committee; For America; For America of Arizona; For America of California; For America, Washington, D.C.; Foreign Policy Association; Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York; Foundation for Re-education (Samuel Evans Hayes); Foundations; Free Enterprise Institute; Free Gold Market; Free Men Speak; The Free Society; Free Trade Union Committee of the American Federation of Labor [publisher of "Gulag"-Slavery, Inc. The Documented Map of Forced Labor Camps in Soviet Russia (1951)]; Flick-Reedy Corporation; Benjamin H. Freedman; Freedom Builders of America; Freedom Center (Portland, OR); Freedom Club of Downtown Chicago (Harry T. Everingham); Freedom Fighters; The Freedom School (The Pine Tree Press, Colorado Springs, Colorado); Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; Freeman, New York; Friends of General Walker, Dallas, Texas; Friends of Louis F. Budenz; Friends of Rhodesian Independence; Fundamental American Freedoms, Washington, D.C.; Garet Garrett; Goldwater for 1964; Greater Phoenix School of Anti-Communism; Greater Nebraskan; Elmore D. Greaves; Guardians of our American Heritage; Billy James Hargis; Headlines; Heads-Up; W. D. Herrstrom; Highlander Folk School, Knoxville, Tennessee; Alger Hiss; Adolf Hitler; Frank E. Holman; J. Edgar Hoover; Housewives Organized for Better Living; Bela Hubbard, Tucson, Arizona; Human Events; Humanitarian Society--R. Swinburne Clymer; Independent American, New Orleans, Louisiana; Industrial Defense Association, Inc.; Institute for American Democracy, Inc.; Institute for Special Research; Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Inc.; Interim Committee for a New Party; International Alliance Against Communism; International Youth Federation for Freedom, Inc.; "Let's Try Freedom Again," by Jack B. Tenney (1954); "Mind-washing in America; a conspiracy against liberty," by Jack B. Tenney (undated); "Zion's Trojan Horse," by Jack B. Tenney (1954); Joint Council for Repatriation (Willis Carto); John Birch Society, Belmont, Massachusetts; George Racey Jordan; Justice for Pelley Committee; Joseph P. Kamp; Verne P. Kaub; Keep America Committee, Los Angeles, California; Kingdom Tract Society; Granville F. Knight; William F. Knowland; Fred C. Koch; Ku Klux Klan; Bracken Lee; Fulton Lewis, Jr.; League for Peace with Justice in Palestine (Benjamin H. Freedman); Liberation, New York; Liberation News Service; Liberty Amendment Committee of the U.S.A.; Liberty and property; Liberty Bell Press, Florissant, Missouri; Liberty Line, Bellingham, Washington; Liberty Lobby, Washington, D.C.; Life Line, Dallas, Texas; Charles Lindbergh; Lutheran Research Society, Detroit, Michigan; Douglas MacArthur; Joseph R. McCarthy; W. Henry MacFarland; Carl McIntire; MacArthur Freedom Association; George Malone; Clarence Manion; Manion Forum, South Bend, Indiana; MARAH, Inc., Florida; Vito Marcantonio; Maricopa County Co-ordinating Council of Federated Women's Republican Clubs; Victor E. Marsden; Maryland Constitutionalists, Baltimore, Maryland; J. B. Matthews; Mental health; Mesa Citizens Information Center; Methodist Laymen of North Hollywood; Metropolitan government; Minute Women; Minute Women U.S.A., Inc., Virginia Branch; Minutemen; Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission; Modern Age; Ben Moreell; George Van Horn Moseley; Mothers' Crusade for Victory over Communism; Karl E. Mundt--Historical and Educational Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Lyle H. Munson; National Association for the Preservation of White People, Columbia, South Carolina; National Blue Star Mothers of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; National Christian Association, Chicago, Illinois; National Citizens Protective Association; National Citizens Union; National Committee against Fluoridation, Washington, D.C.; National Committee for Economic Freedom, Los Angeles, California; National Committee of Christian Laymen, Phoenix, Arizona; National Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, New York; National Council for American Education; National Defense Committee of the Daughters of the American Revolution; National Economic Council, New York; National Education Program; National Indignation Convention, Dallas, Texas; National Policy Committee; National Putnam Letters Committee; National Renaissance Party, New York; National Republic; National Research Bureau, Inc.; National Review; National Right to Work Committee, Washington, D.C.; National States Rights Party, Louisiana branch, New Orleans; National States Rights Party, Birmingham, Alabama; National Strategy Committee (American Security Council); National White Americans Party; National White People's Party, Asheville, North Carolina; National Youth Alliance, Washington, D.C.; Network of Patriotic Letter Writers; 1976 Committee (William J. Grede); New Republic: "The Financial Affairs of McCarthy ...," 1953; Nuremberg trials; Revilo P. Oliver; OMNI Publications, Hawthorne, California; Operation America, Washington, D.C.; Organization to Repeal Federal Income Taxes, Los Angeles, California; Patrick Henry Group, Richmond, Virginia; Patrick Chenoweth Defense Committee, Oakland, California; Patrick Henry League, Yonkers, New York; Patriotic Research Bureau--Chicago; Patriotic Order--Sons of America, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Paul Revere Associated Yeomen, Inc.; Paul Revere Patriots, Phoenix, Arizona; Westbrook Pegler; Plain-Speaker Publishing Company; Potsdam Agreement; Ezra Pound; Karl Prussion; Rampart College; Ronald Reagan; "Treaties to Destroy America," by Bryson Reinhardt (1954); Review of the News; Eddie V. Rickenbacker; Right, San Francisco, California; Rockwell reports; Archibald B. Roosevelt; Murray Rothbard; John H. Rousselot; Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism, Union, New Jersey; S. O. Sanderson, Rochester, Minnesota; Schlafly for Congress Committee, Alton, Illinois; John G. Schmitz, Santa Ana, California; J. Creagh Scott; Segregation; W. Cleon Skousen; Gerald L. K. Smith; Dan Smoot; George Sokolsky; Spiritual Mobilization; Standard Publications, Hollywood, California ("The Jews Won't Take Jack Tenney," by Jack B. Tenney (undated)) Alan Stang; States sovereignty; States' Rights Council of Atlanta, Georgia; Jeremiah Stokes; Subversive organizations; George Edward Sullivan (Wolves in sheep's clothing (Washington, D.C.: Sodality Union, 1937)) [online at]; Supreme Court Amendment League (SCALE), Washington, D.C.; Charles Callan Tansill; Strom Thurmond; Ralph de Toledano; Torchbearers of America, Inc.; Truth about Civil Turmoil; Truth about Cuba Committee, Miami, Florida; Twentieth Century Evangelism; Twentieth Century Reformation Hour, Collingswood, New Jersey; United Klans of America, Inc.; United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United Republicans of America; United Societies of Methodist Laymen, Inc.; United States Day Committee, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma; United States Flag Committee; United World Federalists, Inc.; University of Arizona Young Republicans; Wickliffe B. Vennard; Vigilant Women for the Bricker Amendment, Hinsdale, Illinois; Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government; Voice of Americanism; Volunteers for Goldwater; Edwin A. Walker; Walker Defense Fund, Dallas, Texas; George C. Wallace, Montgomery, Alabama; Agnes Waters; We the People; Robert Welch; White American; Alice Widener; Robert H. Williams; Charles A. Willoughby; Gerald B. Winrod; Women Investors Research Institute, Washington, D.C.; Women's Voice, Chicago, Illinois; World Youth Crusade for Freedom; Yalta Agreement; Glenn O. Young; Young Americans for Freedom - National; Young Americans for Freedom - Phoenix Chapter; and Youth for the Voluntary Prayer Amendment.
James Howard Fraser, A Guide to the Political and Social Action Documents in the Special Collections Division, Northern Arizona University Library (1967).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0047] Norman Allderdice Collection, 1902-circa 1990, D-404
Location: Department of Special Collections, General Library, University of California, Davis, 100 NW Quad, Davis, California 95616-5292
Description: Norman Allderdice (1894-1961) was a Pennsylvania industrialist. Collection of serial publications in the fields of conservative political and economic philosophy, Communism, socialism, Russian history, anti-Communism, and Soviet-American relations.
Websites with information:;Institution=UC%20Davis::Special%20Collections;descriptions=sh
Finding aid:
[0048] Marilyn R. Allen papers, 1943-1967, Accn1718
Location: Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, 295 South 1500 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0830
Description: Marilyn Ross Allen lived in Atlanta, Georgia, sometime before 1947, then moved to Ohio before settling in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was a far right-wing, anti-Communist, and anti-ethnic minority author of such books as Alien Minorities and Mongrelization, and the pamphlet series, I Love America. Collection contains correspondence, published and unpublished manuscripts, circulars, articles, news clippings, and letters to the Salt Lake Tribune (1952-1963).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0049] Rowland Allen Papers, 1830-1972, M 508
Location: Manuscripts & Archives, Indiana Historical Society, 450 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Description: William Rowland Allen (1897-1973) was a personnel director in Indianapolis, one of the founders of the Indianapolis Civil Liberties Union in 1953, and a crusader against a number of radical organizations and movements including the Ku Klux Klan, National Socialism and Fascism, McCarthyism, and the John Birch Society. The papers include Rowland Allen's personal, professional, and civic correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, publications, and related materials. Box 23: Political Extremism, 1951-1967, contains folders on Joseph McCarthy v. State Dept., 1951-1953; McCarthy; John Birch Society; Papers on Communism; Communism and "Operation Abolition," 1960-1961; and anti-Communist newsletters.
Finding aid:
[0049a] Alliance for Life Fonds, R3172
Location: Social and Cultural Archives, Manuscript Division, Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada
Description: Alliance for Life Canada, founded in 1968 in Ottawa, was an umbrella group for more than 200 local and provincial right-to-life organizations and Canada's first national anti-abortion organization. Alliance for Life Canada ceased operations in the late 1990s. The series Briefs - Reports - Submissions contains documents on abortion, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization, population, Roe vs. Wade, and assisted suicide. The series Publications includes copies of Actualité Vie, Alliance for Life - Bulletin, Alliance for Life - National Newsletter, Alliance for Life - Press Release, Alliance for Life - Report, Alliance for Life Resource Manual for the 90's, Pro-Life News, and The Uncertified Human. The series Subject Files contains files on Abortion, Canadian Physicians for Life, Pro-Life Brochures, and Abortion scrapbook.
Finding aid:
[0049b] Records of the "Alliance Raciste Universelle," Berlin Branch (fond 1299), 1933-1935, RG-11.001M.14 [microfilm]
Location: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2126
Description: This collection contains organizational information about this pro-Nazi alliance, also known as European Union of Racists, whose purpose was to repulse purported Jewish influence on national life in various countries. Included are organizational bylaws, samples of the alliance periodical Judenkenner, materials on Jews and Freemasons, correspondence with local branches of the alliance and with Munich NSDAP headquarters, announcements of lectures, reports from sympathetic visitors to Germany who repudiated "Jewish hate propaganda," membership lists, and proofs of racial purity. Files on World Union of the Alliance of Racists; European Union of Racists; and Federation of European Nationals, whose purpose was to assist Aryans throughout Europe to avert foreign nationalist and particularly Jewish influences on their cultural life.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0049c] Alliance to End Repression records, 1969-1986, M1973.0056, M1975.0005, M1975.0
055?, M1976.0026, M1981.0019
Location: Research Center, Chicago History Museum, 1601 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614-6038
Description: The Alliance to End Repression, created in 1970, was a fifty-member consortium of politically liberal or leftist organizations, including churches, labor unions, and human relations and community groups, which chose to work together to change government practices that threatened civil liberties. The Alliance addressed issues such as opposition to the death penalty, protection of prisoners' rights, gay rights, constitutional rights, and opposition to police surveillance for political purposes. The records consist of correspondence, memos, announcements, meeting minutes, topical files, and constituent organization files. Series 1. Operating files, 1969-1986. Subseries 1. General administrative and topical file, 1969-1986, contains files on "America's secret police network" by George O'Toole 1976 [George O'Toole, "America's Secret Police Network," Penthouse (December 1976) [on the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit], online at]; Hate groups; Hate groups Nazism; impeachment of Richard M. Nixon; and school desegregation. Series 5. Legislative Efforts, 1971-1979, contains a file on Prayer in Schools.
Finding aid:
[0049d] Dorothy Allison Papers, 1965-2010
Location: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 90185, 103 Perkins Library, Durham, North Carolina 27708
Description: Dorothy Allison (1949- ) is an author and feminist. The Dorothy Allison Papers include drafts and manuscripts of her writings, personal and professional correspondence, research materials and subject files, her personal journals, photographs, electronic files, and oversize materials. Subject Files Series, 1974-1998 and undated, contains files on Paul de Man pro-Nazi writings; Jesse Helms; Homophobia; Firing Line transcript: William Buckley, Andrea Dworkin and Harriet Pilpel; and Meese Report [Attorney General's Commission on Pornography].
Finding aid:
[0049e] Edward M. Almond Papers
Location: U. S. Army War College Library and Archives, U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center, U.S. Army Military History Institute (MHI), 950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013-5021
Description: Edward Mallory "Ned" Almond (1892-1979) was a United States Army general during World War II and the Korean War. He was a member of conservative organizations such as the American Security Council, the American Conservative Union, Americans for Constitutional Action, and the John Birch Society.
Michael E. Lynch, "'Sic 'em Ned': Edward M. Almond and His Army, 1916-1953" (Ph.D., Temple University, 2014),
Websites with information: