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[0828] Frank J. Donner papers, 1897-1992 (inclusive), MS 1706

Location: Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library, Sterling Memorial Library, 128 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520

Description: Frank Donner (1911-1993) was a lawyer, journalist, historian, and civil libertarian who was best known for his research and writings on government surveillance and the use of informers. From 1971 until his death in 1993, he was director of the ACLU Project on Political Surveillance, which was housed at the Yale Law School. The papers consist of clippings, court documents, correspondence, publications, interview transcripts, writings, and other materials documenting the research, writing, and activism of Frank Donner. The collection includes extensive documentation on every major political informer from the anti-Communist wave of the 1950s to the social protest movements of the 1960s and 1970s. The informer files include biographical information, court documents and testimonies, and interview transcripts with and about individual informers. The collection also holds files on a significant cross-section of the social and political protest groups of the 1960s through the 1980s. Series II. Informers and Surveillance Files 1897-1983, contains files on Elizabeth Bentley, Louis Budenz, Whittaker Chambers, Paul Crouch, Matthew Cvetic, Bella Dodd, Martha N. Edmiston, Benjamin Gitlow, Kenneth Goff, Gordon Hall, Sidney Hook, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, John Lautner, Joseph B. Matthews, Harvey Matusow, Frank S. Meyer, Herbert A. Philbrick, Rena Vale, Max Yergan, and Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities. Series III. Subject Files1941-1992, contains files on Accuracy in Media, American Opinion, Robert Bork, California Assembly Committee on Constitutional Amendments [hearings regarding limitations on the rights of Communists], Chicago Police Department [spying activities], Christic Institute, Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), Counter Spy, Covert Action Information Bulletin, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Group Research Report, Group Watch [profiles on the Western Goals Foundation and the World Anti-Communist League], Heads Up, Heritage Foundation, House Committee on Un-American Activities, Iran/Contra, Jewish Defense League, Joseph McCarthy, People for the American Way, Antonin Scalia, and The Smith Act. Series IV. Writings, contains copies of "Old Nazis, the New Right and the Reagan Administration: The Role of Domestic Fascist Networks in the Republican Party and Their Effect on U.S. Cold War Politics," by Russ Bellant (1988); "The American Right Wing," by Ralph E. Ellsworth and Sarah M. Harris (1960) [online at­gslisoccasionalpv00000i00059.pdf?sequence=1]; "The Politics of the Word: Meaning as Power on the Religious Right," by Richard French (1981); "Bringing It All Back Home: A Strategy to Deal with the Radical Right," by Michael Lerner, Laurie Zoloth, and Wilson Riles, Jr. (ca. 1981); "Anti-Abortion, Anti-Feminism, and the Rise of the New Right,'" by Rosalind Petchesky (1981); and "The American Ultras: The Extreme Right and the Military Industrial Complex," by Irwin Suall (1962). Accession 2003-M-016. Additional Material, contains topical files on Abortion, Abortion gag rule, Patrick Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Iran/Contra, Edwin Meese, Pornography, and Antonin Scalia.

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[0829] Frank J. Donner Papers, circa 1958-1966, TAM.456

Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

Description: This collection contains the papers of Frank J. Donner (1911-1993), author of an account of HUAC's abuse of power and its opposition. The papers contain collected clippings, editorials, and reports on the hearings, hearing transcripts, related flyers and newsletters and correspondence with Donner.

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[0830] Robert Donner Collection. Donner Shelved Holdings

Location: Callie Faye Milliken Special Collections/Abilene Christian University Archives of the Margaret and Herman Brown Library, 760 Library Court, Abilene, Texas 79699-9208

Description: The Robert Donner collection consists of books, serials, pamphlets and ephemera on American history, political science, economics, Americanism, minority groups, and Communist and Socialist activities within America. Robert Donner, Sr. (1891-1964), a steel executive and investment banker, collected most of his library, which he housed in his Colorado Springs, Colorado, office, after his retirement from the Donner Corporation in 1957. His collection consisted of about 4,000 volumes of books and over 3,000 pamphlets and ephemera. Contains a copy of Alerte (Advocates of Our Lady), November 1954. Authors of books and pamphlets include Silas Walter Adams, Lewis Albert Alesen, Marilyn R. Allen, Gary Allen, T. Coleman Andrews, Adrien Arcand, Richard Arens, George W. Armstrong, Karl H.W. Baarslag, Jack Barbash, Harry Elmer Barnes, John U. Barr, Paul C. Bartholomew, Fanchon Battelle, Morris A Bealle, Henry Hamilton Beamish, Don Bell, Ezra Taft Benson, George S. Benson, Elizabeth Bentley, William Benton, L.P. Beria, Hilaire du Berrier, Aldrich Blake, Anthony T. Bouscaren, Frank T. Bow, Tom P. Brady, Styles Bridges, Frank L. Britton, William F. Buckley, Louis Francis Budenz, Edgar C. Bundy, Usher L. Burdick, James Burnham, Eric D. Butler, Harry F. Byrd, James F. Byrnes, William Guy Carr, William Henry Chamberlin, A.K. Chesterton, Frank Chodorov, Fred G. Clark, Grenville Clark, J. Reuben Clark, Upton Close, R. Swinburne Clymer, Roy M. Cohn, Kenneth Colegrove, Eugene Cook, Oscar W. Cooley, Hilary Cotter and R. de Roiste (World Dictatorship by 1955? Why Forrestal Threw Himself Out of the Window), Charles E. Coughlin, Earnest Sevier Cox, Lucille Cardin Crain, Cathrine Curtis, Matt Cvetic, Ira M. Darden, Christopher Dawson, Bertrand De Jouvenel, G.E. Deatherage, P.A. Del Valle, Martin Dies, Elizabeth Dilling, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Milovan Djilas, Robert Donner, John Dos Passos, Robert B. Dresser, James O. Eastland, Robert Edward Edmondson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, T.S. Eliot, John R. Elsom, Edith Essig, Harry T. Everingham, Myron C. Fagan, Denis Fahey, Raymond T. Feely, Bonner Fellers, Lawrence Fertig, A.N. Field, Hamilton Fish, Austin T. Flett, John T. Flynn, L. Fry, William Fulton, W.O.H. Garman, Garet Garrett, Wesley Critz George, G.T. Gillespie, Hermann Goering, Kenneth Goff (including "Reds Promote Racial War" (1958), Barry Goldwater, Rosalie M. Gordon, R. Gordon-Canning, Ron Gostick, J. Peter Grace, Joseph C. Grew, Elgin Groseclose, Ralph W. Gwinn, Ernest van der Haag, Alfred P. Haake, Anne Burrows Hamilton, Billy James Hargis, F.A. Harper, Merwin K. Hart, Vincent W. Hartnett, Paul Harvey, F.A Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Karl Hess, Clare E. Hoffman, Paul G. Hoffman, Frank E. Holman, Sidney Hook, John Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Bela Hubbard, T.W. Hughes, Edward Hunter, P.J. Huxley-Blythe, Newton Jenkins, William E. Jenner, B. Jensen, August E. Johansen, Jenkin Lloyd Jones, George Racey Jordan, Emanuel M. Josephson, Joseph Peter Kamp, Verne P. Kaub, Willmoore Kendall, T.G. Kent, Husband E. Kimmel, Henry H. Klein, William F. Knowland, Fred C. Koch, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Irving Kristol, Irene Corbally Kuhn, Rose Wilder Lane, Owen Lattimore, Arnold S. Leese, Robert LeFevre, Fulton Lewis, Charles A. Lindbergh, Don Lohbeck, Milton M. Lory, Eugene Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, Russell Maguire, George Malone, Victor E. Marsden, Fred R. Marvin, Joseph Brown Matthews, Reuben Maury, Irving G. McCann, Joe McCarthy, Colonel Robert R. McCormick, Louis T. McFadden, Carl McIntire, Philip M. McKenna, Arthur U. Michelson, Robert A. Millikan, Ludwig von Mises, Raymond Moley, Ben Moreell, George V.H Moseley, Carl H. Mote, John Francis Neylan, Richard Nixon, Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Edmund A. Opitz, Winfred Overholser, Melchior Palyi, Paul O. Peters, Samuel B. Pettengill, George Pitt-Rivers, R. Carter Pittman, A Plot for the World's Conquest (1936), Paul L. Poirot, Stefan T. Possony, Eugene C. Pulliam, Howard B. Rand, Leonard E. Read, B. Carroll Reece, Lawrence Reilly, Bryson Reinhardt, Victor Riesel, Richard Stanton Rimanoczy, Jess M. Ritchie, George Washington Robnett, Archibald B. Roosevelt, E. Merrill Root, Murray N. Rothbard, Edward A. Rumely, Eugene Nelson Sanctuary, John C. Satterfield, Phyllis Schlafly, Fred C. Schwarz, Marjorie Shearon, William J. Simmons, Earnest Sincere, Gerald L. K. Smith, Dan Smoot, John Howland Snow, Frederick Soddy, Harvey H. Springer, Dillard Stokes, Jeremiah Stokes, George Edward Sullivan, Robert A. Taft, Herman E. Talmadge, Jack B. Tenney, T.H. Tetens, J. Thorkelson, Strom Thurmond, Nora de Toledano, Ralph Townsend, Rufus S. Tucker, James B. Utt, Hugo Valentin, Harold Lord Varney, Harold Velde, Wickliffe B. Vennard, Ludwig von Mises, Edwin A. Walker, Francis E. Walter, James P. Warburg, Louis B. Ward, J.K. Warner, V. Orval Watts, Nesta H. Webster, Robert H.W. Welch, Alice Widener, Robert H. Williams, John Bell Williams, Charles A. Willoughby, Gerald B. Winrod, Jennings C. Wise, Felix Wittmer, Frederick Woltman, Felix Edgar Wormser, Glenn O. Young, and Leonard Young.

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[0831] Robert Donner Collection. Donner Vertical Files, 1932-1982

Location: Callie Faye Milliken Special Collections/Abilene Christian University Archives of the Margaret and Herman Brown Library, 760 Library Court, Abilene, Texas 79699-9208

Description: The vertical files consist of pamphlets on American history, political science, economics, Americanism, minority groups, and Communist and Socialist activities within America. Authors include Karl Baarslag, Elizabeth Terrill Bentley, Gregory G. Bern (ed., "Annual Report to Republicans," 1951-52 (Partisan Republicans of California)), Anthony T. Bouscaren, Frank Cullen Brophy, Louis Francis Budenz, Edgar C. Bundy, Harry F. Byrd, Whittaker Chambers, Council for Statehood, Lucille Cardin Crain, Matt Cvetic, Martin Dies, Elizabeth Dilling, Robert Donner, Myron C. Fagan, Denis Fahey, John T. Flynn, Kenneth Goff, W.D. Herrstrom, Clare E. Hoffman, J. Edgar Hoover, Zora Neale Hurston, Emanuel M. Josephson, Joseph P. Kamp, Irene Corbally Kuhn, William La Varre, Eugene Lyons, Ben Moreell, Felix Morley, National Council for American Education, Thurman Sensing, Freda Utley, Robert Welch, and Gerald B. Winrod (including "Philip Dru: Administrator").


Jeff Hasseman, "American Studies and Campus Politics at Abilene Christian College, 1958-1970," http://www.ange

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[0832] Dmytro Dontsov fonds, 1898-1987, MG 31 D 130

Location: Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada

Description: Dmytro Dontsov (1883-1973) was a Ukrainian nationalist writer, publisher, journalist and political thinker. He was active in Ukrainian political and revolutionary organizations promoting the cause of an autonomous and later independent Ukraine. At the end of the Second World War he sought refuge in England and in 1948 immigrated to Canada, where he taught at the Université de Montréal. Fonds consists of biographical information relating to Dontsov and includes diaries, memoirs, personal, financial and educational material. Fonds also consists of correspondence with various individuals and organizations, notebooks, lecture material, draft articles and manuscripts of works completed by Dontsov. Also included is a series of published material consisting of periodicals, bulletins, newspapers, newspaper clippings and pamphlets collected by Dontsov during the course of his career, n.d., 1898-1987.

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[0833] William Jennings Bryan Dorn Papers, 1912-1995

Location: South Carolina Political Collections, Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library, University of South Carolina Libraries, 1322 Greene Street, Columbia, SC 29208

Description: William Jennings Bryan Dorn (1916- 2005) represented South Carolina's Third District in the United States Congress for thirteen terms between 1947 and 1974. The series Congressional Papers. [Subseries] Topical Files, 1947-1974, contains files on Abortion; American Party; American Security Council; "Americanism Preferred" (radio show); Americans for Constitutional Action; Bob Jones University Greenville, S.C.; Bricker Amendment; Busing; Civil Rights; Communism; Conservative Groups; Desegregation; Hilaire du Berrier (Foreign Correspondent for H. du B. Reports, American Opinion, etc.); Equal Rights Amendment; General Bonner Fellers, National Director of Citizens Foreign Aid Committee; Flag Desecration; Fluoridation; Barry Goldwater; Gun Control; Dr. Billy James Hargis (of the anti-Communist organization Christian Crusade, Tulsa, OK); Jesse Helms (WRAL-TV Vice-President, Raleigh, N.C.); House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); John Birch Society; Olin D. Johnston; Bob Jones, Sr. correspondence; Katanga; Fulton Lewis, Jr. Poll; Liberty Lobby (conservative political advocacy group); Little Rock (Arkansas); Lynching; Douglas MacArthur; Manion Forum; Moral Rearmament, World Assembly for Moral Rearmament in Switzerland; National Council of Churches; Operation Abolition, film screenings (1960); Operation Free Enterprise, booklet on economic literacy; Prayer in School; Project Alert of Kershaw Co. (anti-Communist organization); Right-to-Work; Segregation; States' Rights; Strom Thurmond; Townsend Plan; Voice of America; Edwin A. Walker case (anti-Communist military commander); Walter-McCarran Act; and Young Americans for Freedom. Files on Douglas MacArthur, 1951-1955, concern the relief of General MacArthur from duty in Korea by President Truman; Dorn's defense of MacArthur; the possibility of a MacArthur bid for the presidency; and his proposed appointment in 1955 as General of the Armies. The series Audio-Visual material contains audio recordings of Dorn interview with Kent Courtney on the radio program "The Independent American" (1959); Dorn interview in D.C. with C.W. Burpo on the Bible Institute of the Air, Mar. 30, 1960; and recordings of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to assassination (1963).

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[0833a] John Dos Passos Collection

Location: Rare Books and Special Collections, University Libraries, Northern Illinois University, 1425 W. Lincoln Hwy., DeKalb, IL 60115

Description: This is a collection of publications written by and about John Dos Passos, in various editions. The collection includes ephemeral materials, such as publications about Dos Passos in scholarly journals, article offprints, dealer catalogs, and newspaper reviews. There is also a small cache of manuscript materials related to Martin Kallich's bibliographical work on Dos Passos. Includes a copy of John Dos Passos: An Appreciation, by Max Eastman ... [et al.] (New York: Prentice-Hall, c1954).

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[0833b] John Dos Passos Collection, 1930-1966, undated, Manuscript Collection MS-1197

Location: Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 300 West 21st Street, Austin, Texas 78712

Description: Includes manuscripts and letters by the American novelist John Dos Passos (1896-1970).

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[0834] Papers of John Dos Passos, 1865-1998, Accession #5950

Location: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4110

Description: Dos Passos (1896-1970) was an American novelist. In the 1950s, Dos Passos, whose politics had moved from the left to the right, contributed to publications such as the libertarian journal The Freeman and the conservative magazine, National Review. The papers comprise manuscript material (published and unpublished) of most of his novels, plays, poems, articles, speeches, lectures, readings and his reportage on history, politics, society and travel; corrected and uncorrected typescripts, galley and page proofs, notes, outlines, related research material; publisher and literary agent correspondence; diaries and notebooks; letters written to him over his lifetime from close friends, literary associates, and random correspondents; and Dos Passos family papers. Series I. General correspondence with Dos Passos, contains files on William F. Buckley, Max Eastman, Lewis Gannett, Sidney Hook, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry R. Luce, H. L. Mencken, Richard Nixon, Albert Jay Nock, Westbrook Pegler, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, Rama Swarup (Asian People's Anti-Communist League), and H. Keith Thompson. Series II: Writings. [Subseries] Contributions to books, periodicals and newspapers, contains copies of his contributions to National Review and a copy of The American Cause, by Russell Kirk, Foreword by John Dos Passos (1966).


John Dos Passos Newsletter 6 (Summer 2000).

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[0834a] John Dos Passos papers, 1923-1970 (bulk 1925-1933), Collection number: 73-28

Location: Special Collections, University of Maryland Libraries, Hornbake Library, College Park, MD 20742

Description: John Dos Passos (1896-1970) was an American novelist and a newspaper correspondent during World War II. The papers include manuscripts and notes relating to his translation of Panama; or, The Adventures of My Seven Uncles, by Blaise Cendrars (1931), his play Fortune Heights (1934), and his novel Manhattan Transfer (1925), as well as correspondence and manuscripts related to his work in the theater.

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[0834b] John Dos Passos papers, 1939-1946, Collection 1972-001

Location: Department of Special Collections and University Archives, McFarlin Library, University of Tulsa, 2933 E. 6th St., Tulsa, OK 74104-3123

Description: Consists of 4 typed short stories, 6 handwritten letters to Sherwood Grover, and miscellaneous items.

Finding aid:

[0834c] Frank N. Doubleday and Nelson Doubleday Collection, 1734-1966 (bulk 1890s–1940s), C0162

Location: Princeton University. Library. Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections, Manuscripts Division, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Description: Consists primarily of papers of Frank Nelson Doubleday and his son, Nelson, relating to their personal and business relationships with prominent authors and artists published under the Doubleday imprint. Files on John Buchan, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Rudyard Kipling, Charles A. Lindbergh, Kenneth Lewis Roberts, Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt, Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, and Owen Wister.


Howard C. Rice, Jr.,"'Into the hold of Remembrance': Notes on the Kipling Material in the Doubleday Collection," The Princeton University Library Chronicle, Volume XXII, Number 3 (Spring 1961),; Something of Kipling 1865-1965: An Exhibition in the Princeton University Library October 30, 1965 - January 15, 1966. Catalogue compiled by H. C. Rice, Jr. (Princeton University Library, 1966),

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[0834d] Cardinal Dennis Joseph Dougherty Correspondence, 1918-1851, MC-78

Location: Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center (PAHRC), 100 E. Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096

Description: Dennis Joseph Dougherty (1865-1951) was Archbishop of Philadelphia from 1918 until his death in 1951. Correspondence with A. Reynolds Allison [of Knights of the Tiger's Eye, Inc., an anti-Ku Klux Klan organization], Jane Anderson, Isaiah Bowman, Spruille Braden, Miss Bessie R. Burchett, Luigi Criscuolo, Reverend John F. Cronin [on Communism], Reverend Edward L. Curran [on the American Association Against Communism], Richard L.G. Deverall (co-editor, The Christian Front), Ralph M. Easley, Charles Edison, H.W. Evans [Imperial Wizard, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan], Hamilton Fish [on the American Alliance, an anti-Communist group], James Forrestal, John H. Galbraith [on Veterans Committee Against Communism], Clarence J. Gamble, M.D., Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, Ku Klux Klan, National Blue Star Mothers of America [Anti-Jewish Propaganda], Margaret Sanger, Walter S. Steele [the National Republic Lettergram], Robert A. Taft, Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., and Wendell Willkie. Folder of booklets, etc., against Communism, Nazism, Coughlinism. A copy of The Herald of the Epiphany for March 5, 1924, with article accusing the Pope of having political pull in America. Second folder of Anti-Communist material (literature). House Investigation of Communist Activity in the United States, 01/17/1931. Copies of several birth control pamphlets, "The Church and Eugenics" (1929), and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

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[0835] Susan H. Douglas Political Americana Collection, [1783?]-1961, Call number: 2214 [partly digital collection]

Location: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, 2B Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Description: The collection houses approximately 5,500 promotional and commemorative items in a variety of formats, including cartoons, prints, and posters; lapel buttons, ribbons, medals, textiles, hats, and other costume items; ballots, broadsides, leaflets, and other ephemera; pamphlets and other formal publications; sheet music and songbooks; scrapbooks; and three-dimensional items relating to United States presidential campaigns, as well as a small amount of material on candidates for other offices. Includes Herbert Hoover poster, 1928; Landon-Knox Campaign Items, ca. 1936; Wendell Willkie poster and sheet music, 1940; Dewey-Bricker Campaign Buttons, ca. 1944; Thurmond-Wright "States' Rights Democrats" Postcard, ca. 1948; MacArthur Campaign Buttons and Badges, ca. 1948-1952; Robert A. Taft Campaign Items, ca. 1948-1952; Goldwater Campaign Buttons, ca. 1960; and a copy of Before And After The Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 Referred to as The Taft-Hartley Law. Also includes a letter from Ezra Cornell to the American Citizen of Ithaca, August 20, 1856, in opposition to the American Party, popularly known as the Know-Nothing Party, an anti-Catholic and anti-immigration movement. Series VIII. Pamphlets, contains copies of America Wants No Third Term! (1940) and You Will Decide: Is It Time To Change Horses? (ca. 1940) [anti-third term].

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Finding aids:;cc=rmc;rgn=main;view=text;­didno=RMM02




Finding aids for digital collection:


[0836] Douglas Social Credit Movement of Western Australia papers and correspondence, 1932-1937

Location: Special Collections, Murdoch University, 90 South Street, Murdoch, Western Australia, 6150, Australia

Description: Papers, correspondence, clippings and notes compiled by Dr. Alfred Jacobs while an office-holder of the Douglas Social Credit Movement of Western Australia, 1932-1937.

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[0836a] Patrick Dowd Papers, 1968-1971, Coll. 73052

Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010

Description: Patrick Dowd was Northern California Chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), 1968-1969, and YAF State Chairman, 1969. Correspondence, reports, memoranda, circulars, minutes of meetings, and printed matter, relating to political activities on college campuses, and to the YAF. Includes copies of a newsletter, YAF in the News.

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[0837] Papers of John Dowdy, mid-1920s-1995

Location: Baylor University, Poage Legislative Library, One Bear Place #97153, Waco, TX 76798-7153

Description: John Vernard Dowdy (1912-1995) was a member of Congress for the 7th Texas District, served in the 83rd through 92nd Congress, 1952-1973. Subjects include Bible and Prayer--Christian Amendment Movement; Tom P. Brady Speech; Bricker Amendment; Busing; Civil Rights; Committee to Restore the Constitution; Common Sense; Communism; Communist Propaganda; Confederate Government of America; Connally Amendment Speech; Conservatives, ultra- ; Constitutional Restoration; Cross and the Flag; Dan Smoot Report; Daughters of the American Revolution; Declaration of Constitutional Principles [i.e., Southern Manifesto] (re: Segregation); Defenders of the American Constitution, Inc.; Don Bell Reports; Economic Council Letter; Dwight D. Eisenhower Speech; Equal Rights Amendment; Fluoridation; Foreign Policy; Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.; George B. Fowler Speech; Free Enterprise; Gen. Douglas MacArthur Speech; John L. Grady Speech; A.G. Heinsohn, Jr. Speech; Human Events; John Birch Society; Liberty Letter; Liberty Lobby; Liberty Lowdown; Life Line; Manion Forum; Joseph McCarthy; Ben Moreell Speech; National Review; New Christian Crusade Church; Otto Otepka Case; Panama Canal; Patriotism - Max Rafferty Speeches; Racism; Right-to-Work Laws; School Desegregation, D.C.; Segregation; Southern Conservatives; Southern Libertarian Messenger; Southern Manifesto (March 12, 1956); States' Rights; Supreme Court; Taft-Hartley Act; Texas Committee for the Constitution; United Nations; James P. Warburg Speech; Washington Observer Newsletter; White Majority; and Young Americans for Freedom.

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25 mayıs 2021
5250 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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