Kitabı oku: «Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives», sayfa 73
Finding aid to Women in North Carolina 20th Century History incorporating Equal Suffrage Amendment Collection:
[0912] Equal Suffrage League. Records, 1909-1938, Accession 22002 [partly digital collection]
Location: The Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000
Description: The Equal Suffrage League of Virginia was formed in 1909 by a small group of Richmond activists. Despite the efforts of the Equal Suffrage League, Virginia was one of the nine southern states which refused to grant the vote to women. Within a few weeks of the national victory in 1920, the Equal Suffrage League disbanded. Includes correspondence, organization records for both the Equal Suffrage League and the League of Women Voters, printed materials, newspaper clippings, "Votes for Women" buttons, and postcards. Includes publications of the Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.
Websites with information:
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Broadside Collection finding aids:
Copies of What a vote will not do (Virginia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage) and Anti-suffrage arguments: danger!: woman's suffrage, the vanguard of socialism (Virginia Association Opposed to Woman's Suffrage).
[0913] Equality Colorado Records, 1988-2000, WH1787
Location: Western History Collections, Western History and Genealogy, The Denver Public Library, Level 5, 10 W. Fourteenth Ave. Pkwy, Denver, Colorado 80204-2731
Description: Equality Colorado was a political organization whose mission was to promote equal rights for Colorado's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities and their families through non-partisan state legislative advocacy. Series 4. Subject Files 1992-2000, consists of articles, correspondence, emails and reports collected by Equality Colorado about people, issues and organizations that either supported or opposed their beliefs. Samples of newsletters from major organizations have been kept. Newspaper clippings are arranged first chronologically, then alphabetically. Files on America for Family Values, American Family Association, Anti-Gay, Boy Scouts, Pat Buchanan, Christian American, Christian Coalition, Colorado for Family Values, Concerned Women for America, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, George W. Bush's Anti-Gay Age Agenda, Newt Gingrich, Hate crimes, Jesse Helms, Heritage Foundation, Lifeline, Rush Limbaugh, Nazis, Oliver North; Freedom Alliance, Reverend Peter Peters; Death Penalty for Homosexuals campaign, Fred Phelps, Pro-Life Right to Life, Pro-Family Coalition Inc., Promise Keepers, Radical Right, Right wing view of diversity, Pat Robertson, Rocky Mountain Family Council, Rutherford Institute, same sex marriage, S.T.R.A.I.G.H.T. (Society to Remove Immoral Gross Homosexual Trash), Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum: reports), Lou Sheldon (Traditional Values Coalition: articles, flier), Shawn Slater (Ku Klux Klan: newspaper clippings), Spring of Life Ministries anti-gay video, The Berean League (Coalition of Concerned Christians), The Religious Right, Traditional Values Coalition, and United Conservatives of America.
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[0914] Equality Florida Records, 1994-2008, E17
Location: Special & Digital Collections Tampa Library, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave., LIB122, Tampa, Florida 33620
Description: Equality Florida, formed in 1997, is the largest civil rights organization dedicated to securing full equality for Florida's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LBGT) community. This collection of records consists of documents concerning the work of Equality Florida, including projects, corporate documents and research. Series 2: Projects, contains a file on Anti-Gay Crime. Series 3: Research, contains files on American Family Association, Anti-Gay Marriage Bills, Hate Crimes, Opposition, and Racism.
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[0915] ERAmerica Records, 1974-1982, MSS60475
Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680
Description: ERAmerica was a nationwide alliance of civic, labor, church, and women's organizations founded in 1976 to promote ratification of the amendment that had passed Congress in 1972. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, bylaws, speeches, subject files, press files, state files, organization files, bibliographies, petitions, legal files, financial records, card files, photographs, and other records relating to the Equal Rights Amendment. Field File, 1978-1982, has files on Abortion poll, Conservative political action committees, New Right, Ronald Reagan, Rescission, Stop ERA targets, and Washington for Jesus Day. Organizations File, 1974-1982, has files on Anti-Right Wing, Christian Right Wing, Eagle Forum, and Moral Majority. Subject File, 1976-1982, has files on American Independent Party, Anti-ERA boycott (Buchanan, Patrick J., column, Moral Majority of Illinois, Pro-family movement, Conservative Right, Reagan, Ronald, radio anti-ERA, Right Wing, Schlafly, Phyllis, report, Stop ERA, Summary of items Far Right), Group Research Report, Ku Klux Klan, Phyllis Schlafly, Opposition to the ERA, Responses to anti-ERA material, and Right Wing.
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[0916] Sam J. Ervin Papers, Subgroup A: Senate Records, 1954-1975, Coll. 03847A
Location: Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, 4th Floor, Wilson Library CB# 3926, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-8890
Description: Samuel James "Sam" Ervin, Jr. (1896-1985) was a U.S. Senator from North Carolina from 1954 to 1974. Ervin was an opponent of civil rights legislation and the Equal Rights Amendment and an advocate of separation of church and state and the right to privacy. Series 1. Correspondence Files, 1954-1974. Subseries 1.1. Correspondence Files, 1954. Subseries 1.1.1. General Correspondence Files, 1954, contains files on McCarthy Censure; McCarthy, Pamphlets; Anti-McCarthy Mail, North Carolina; and Pro-McCarthy Mail, North Carolina. Subseries 1.4. Correspondence Files, 1957. Subseries 1.4.2. Legislative Correspondence Files, 1957, contains files on ASC [Armed Services Committee], Status of Forces; Bricker Amendment; Equal Rights Amendment; McCarran-Walter Act; and Segregation. Subseries 1.5. Correspondence Files, 1958. Subseries 1.5.2. Legislative Correspondence Files, 1958, contains files on Judiciary Committee, Equal Rights Amendment; Judiciary Committee, Jenner and Jenner-Butler Bills [85-S-2646: A bill to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in certain cases]; and School Segregation. Subseries 1.19. Correspondence Files, 1972. Subseries 1.19.2. Legislative Correspondence Files, 1972, contains files on Judiciary Committee, Revision and Codification Subcommittee, Equal Rights Amendment. Subseries 1.20. Correspondence Files, 1973. Subseries 1.20.2. Legislative Correspondence Files, 1973, contains files on Judiciary Committee, Revision and Codification Subcommittee, Equal Rights Amendment. Subseries 1.21. Correspondence Files, 1974. Subseries 1.21.2. Legislative Correspondence Files, 1974, contains files on Judiciary Committee, Revision and Codification Subcommittee, Equal Rights Amendment. Series 2. Subject Files, 1954-1974, contains files on Civil Rights: School Integration: Busing; Equal Rights Amendment, 1970-1973: General, Pro/Anti Material, Sex Discrimination Cases, State-Related Material; Foreign Relations: Communism; Foreign Relations: Connally Reservation; Foreign Relations: Panama Canal; Foreign Relations: Status of Forces Treaty; Genocide; Labor: Right to Work Laws; Labor: Taft-Hartley Act; and States' Rights Bill, 1959 [HR 3: A bill to permit Federal courts to strike down state laws under the Federal preemption doctrine only if Congress had specified its intention to preempt the field of legislation involved or if a state and a Federal law were in irreconcilable conflict, and to permit state enforcement of laws barring subversive activities against the Federal Government].
Websites with information:
Finding aids:,Sam_J.,Senate.html
[0916a] Sam J. Ervin Papers, Subgroup B: Private Papers, 1898-1990 (bulk 1954-1990), Coll. 03847B
Location: Southern Historical Collection, Manuscripts Department, 4th Floor, Wilson Library CB# 3926, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-8890
Description: Sam J. Ervin (1896-1985) was a North Carolina legislator, judge, United States senator, and long-time champion of civil liberties. Ervin was an opponent of civil rights legislation and the Equal Rights Amendment and an advocate of separation of church and state and the right to privacy. The Private Papers Subgroup contains letters, subject files, financial material, and writings chiefly of Ervin and his wife Margaret. Series 17. Correspondence, 1898-1987. Subseries 17.1. General Correspondence, 1921-1985, contains correspondence with Robert Dole, Gerald Ford, Jesse Helms, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, and Strom Thurmond. Series 18. Writings, 1920s-1985. Subseries 18.1. Speeches and Statements, 1917-1983, contains files on American Legion, Civil Rights and Desegregation, Compulsory Unionism, ERA, Federal Jury Reform, Free Enterprise, Freemasonry, Genocide Convention, Good Government Society, McCarthy, Joseph: Censure Resolution, Nixon, Richard M.: Pardon and Impeachable Offenses, Prayer in Public Schools, Privacy, SALT Agreement, School Busing, Subversive Activities Board, and Voting Rights Act, 1965. Subseries 18.4. Notes, 1920s-1980s, contains a file on Joseph McCarthy. Series 19. Subject Files, 1915-1985. Subseries 19.1. General Subject Files, 1918-1985, contains files on Busing School Children; Editorials (Senator McCarthy's Censure), June-December 1954 and undated; Equal Rights Amendment; Genocide Convention; Richard M. Nixon: Pardon, September 1974; Panama Canal Treaty; and Voting Rights Act. Series 21. Biographical Material, 1918-1987. Subseries 21.9. Death of Sam J. Ervin, 1985, contains a condolence letter from Ronald Reagan, 25 April 1985.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:,Sam_J.,Private_Papers.html
[0917] Arthur H. Estabrook Papers, 1908-1962, APAP-069
Location: Archives of Public Affairs and Policy, M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University Libraries, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222
Description: Dr. Arthur Howard Estabrook (1885-1973) worked in the Eugenics Record Office of Carnegie Institution of Washington (1910-1929) and served as a special investigator for the Indiana State Commission on Mental Defectives (1916-1918). Estabrook traveled to Virginia on behalf of the Eugenics Record Office to study the issues and people involved in the Virginia sterilization case of Carrie Buck. He served as president of the Eugenics Research Association in 1925-1926. The papers of Dr. Arthur H. Estabrook contain correspondence, news clippings, research materials, and reports and publications on his research on racial integrity, sterilization of the mentally defective, venereal disease campaign in New York City, crippled children in Buffalo and Erie County, and a housing study in Buffalo. Series 1: Correspondence regarding studies of Indian families in Pembroke, North Carolina and Robeson Counties, North Carolina, by Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle, 1916-1917, 1923-1927, contains correspondence with W. A. Plecker. Series 3: Manuscripts by Others, 1924-1925, contains a copy of Plecker, "The New Virginia Law 'To Preserve Racial Integrity'" ([1924]), with "Amended Senate Bill 219 as passed by the Senate February 27th, 1924." Series 7: Clippings, 1912-1936, undated, contains copies of "State Registrar Plecker Comments On Criticism of Virginia's Efforts To Enforce Racial Integrity Law," The News Leader, Richmond, September 9, 1924; "Plecker Aroused By Blow Aimed At Racial Law," Richmond Times-Dispatch, 3-31-1925; "Pamunkey Chief Answers Plecker," The Richmond News Leader, July 8, 1925; John Powell, "For Sake of Justice;" [Voice of the People], Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 5, 1926; and John Powell, "The Last Stand," Richmond Times-Dispatch, Feb. 16-18, [undated], 22, [23], 24, [25?], 26, [ undated], Mar. 1, 1926. Series 8: Miscellaneous Publications by Others, 1914, 1917, 1922, 1924-1926, contains copies of White America Society. White America by Earnest Sevier Cox [publisher's leaflet], and Cox, The South's Part in Mongrelizing the Nation (Richmond: White America Society, c1926); Plecker, "The New Virginia Law To Preserve Racial Integrity," Virginia Health Bulletin, v. 16, extra no. 2, March 1924; and Carter W. Wormeley, "Illegitimate Births in Virginia Discussed by Head of Vital Statistics." Release for Sept. 11, 1924. Files on Buck v. Bell.
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[0918] Ethnic Millions Political Action Committee (EMPAC!) Records, 1969-1981 (bulk 1975-1976), Collection 3094
Location: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Description: Ethnic Millions Political Action Committee, or EMPAC!, was incorporated in 1975 in Bayville, New York, by Michael Novak (1933- ) and others as a national civil rights committee representing white ethnics. EMPAC! came to an end around 1978. The collection consists of correspondence and editorial files, reference and research materials, membership records, newsletters, pamphlets, financial materials, articles, essays and reports, general mailings, and a dues book. Series 3. Institutional Correspondence, 1972-1977. b. Organizations, 1972-1977, contains a file on National Republican Heritage Groups Council. Series 4, Publications, 1973-1977, contains copies of the EMPAC! newsletter, originally called A New America and later renamed EMPAC! Series 5, Resource Material, 1974-1981, contains files on journals, pamphlets, magazines, and newspaper clippings on topics including busing.
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[0919] Ethnicity and Migration Collections
Location: University of Warwick Library, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
Description: This unique collection of books, periodicals, newspapers and original documentary materials covers all aspects of race relations, both domestically and internationally, through the second half of the 20th century. It includes the UK Book Collection, which treats a range of subjects, including politics and the far-right, and the Periodicals Collection, which contains a number of key far-right publications.
Websites with information:
[0919a] Orval Etter papers, 1942-2003, Coll 338
Location: University of Oregon Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives., UO Libraries--SPC, 1299, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Orval Etter (1915-2013) was a professor at the University of Oregon who founded the Pacifica Forum in 1994. He was a professor of planning, public policy, and management. He was also a pacifist, and was a conscientious objector during World War II. The collection includes information on the Pacifica Forum and the Emerald Chamber Players, including articles, newsletters, writings by Etter, material on the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and subject files. Series I: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1942-2002, contains copies of Design for War, by Frederic R. Sanborn; American Foreign Policy in the Making, by Charles A. Beard; and Fellowship of Reconciliation Reporter. Series II: Pacifica Forum, 1949-1997, contains files on Anarchism, Civil and Human Rights, Conspiracy and propaganda Information, Global Warming, Gun Control, Holocaust and WWII information, David Irving, Jewish/Anti-Semitism information, Journal of Historical Review, and Oklahoma City militias.
Finding aid:
[0920] Eugenics Pamphlets, QH 431 .E9
Location: Department of Special Collections and University Archives, The Library, California State University, 2000 State University Dr E, Sacramento, CA 95819
Description: Selected issues of this periodical, published from the 1930s to 1954 by the Eugenics Society of Northern California (Sacramento, Calif.).
Library catalogue:
[0921] Eugenics papers of Frederick H. Osborn and Gladys C. Schwesinger, 1921-1943 (bulk 1929-1940)
Location: American Museum of Natural History, Central Park W and 79th St, New York, NY 10024
Description: Osborn's book, Preface to Eugenics, for which Schwesinger (1893-1964) provided research help, was published in 1940; a revised edition came out in 1951. Osborn (1889-1981) was among the founding members of the American Eugenics Society in 1926, but his particular interest was population trends. The collection consists of material collected or produced by Osborn and Schwesinger during the time of their collaboration at the AMNH, from 1929 to 1940. The bulk of the collection is typescripts and printed matter, primarily the text of Osborn's and Schwesinger's books and other publications, and the research material they used: papers and pamphlets published by various government and private organizations, both domestic and international, including some from the American Eugenics Society; typescripts with handwritten notations by both Osborn and Schwesinger; extracts of book chapters and periodical articles; unpublished manuscripts; and galley proofs. There are also 13 blueprint sketches of human physical characteristics and a small amount of Schwesinger's personal correspondence.
Websites with information:
[0922] Eugenics Record Office Records, 1670-1964, Mss.Ms.Coll.77
Location: Library, American Philosophical Society, 105 S 5th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-3386
Description: The Eugenics Record Office Papers (1670-1964) contain trait schedules, newspaper clippings, manuscript essays, pedigree charts, article abstracts, reprints, magazine articles, bibliographies, photographs, hair samples, postcard pictures, card files, and some correspondence which document the projects of the Eugenics Record Office during the thirty-four years of its operation. Series X consists of Harry H. Laughlin Files, 1915-1938.
Finding aid:
[0923] The Eugenics Society Archives, 1908-1979, SA/EUG [digital collection]
Location: Archives and Manuscripts, Wellcome Library, Part of Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England
Description: The Eugenics Society was founded in 1907 as the Eugenics Education Society (the name was changed in 1926) with Sir Francis Galton as Honorary President: he was the coiner of the word "eugenics", as well as Charles Darwin's cousin. To carry out its mission to increase eugenic awareness, the Society held meetings, published a journal (The Eugenics Review), endowed lectures and research fellowships, and funded investigations in fields which were deemed to have relevance to the objects of the Society. Among the many subjects in which the Society took an interest were the treatment of the physically and mentally handicapped, and social policy concerning them, the development of birth control provision, the legalization of sterilization, the use of artificial insemination, intelligence testing, family allowances and the taxation system, sex education, demography, genetics, the compilation of pedigrees, pre-marital health examinations, statistics, marriage guidance, abortion law reform, social medicine, and public health. The collection consists of correspondence and other files, minutes, annual reports and other publications, press-cuttings books, some financial records, posters and wall-charts, and photographs. Also includes a small collection of the papers of Marie Stopes as well as records of the Birth Control Investigation Committee and the Joint Committee on Voluntary Sterilisation.
Lesley A. Hall, "The Eugenics Society Archives in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre," Medical History, Vol. 34 no. 3 (July 1990), pp. 327-333, and; Lesley A. Hall, "Illustrations from the Wellcome Institute Library: The Eugenics Society archives in the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine," The Galton Institute Newsletter, 45 (September 2002),
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Finding aid to digital collection:
[0924] The Papers of the Eugenics Survey of Vermont and the Vermont Commission on Country Life, 1925-1956, Series ID: PRA-005
Location: Vermont State Archives and Records Administration, 1078 Route 2, Middlesex, Montpelier, Vermont 05633-7701
Description: The Eugenics Survey of Vermont (1925-1936) was a privately funded organization organized and directed by Henry F. Perkins, former chairman of the University of Vermont's Zoology Department. Its purpose was to conduct studies of Vermont families and communities based on eugenics research models, to publicize its findings, and to support a program of social legislation that would allegedly improve the inborn quality of future generations of Vermonters. The Survey's most enduring legacy was its role in the passage of Vermont's Sterilization Law of 1931. An Act for Human Betterment By Voluntary Sterilization was designed "to prevent the procreation of idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded or insane persons." The Eugenics Survey of Vermont led to the formation of the Vermont Commission on Country Life and its survey work. The Eugenics Survey of Vermont papers contain files on American Eugenics Society, Eugenics Congress, Eugenics Research Association, Birth Control, Eugenics and Education in Eugenics, Human Betterment Foundation, Immigration, Population Association of America, and Sex Hygiene and Social Hygiene.
Nancy Gallagher and Gregory Sanford, "Regrants & Regeneration: The NHPRC and Records of the Vermont Eugenics Survey," Annotation, Vol. 28, No. 1 (March 2000), pp. 8-9,
Websites with information:
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[0925] Herndon J. Evans Collection, 1929-1982, 82M1 [digital collection]
Location: Special Collections and Digital Programs, University of Kentucky Libraries, Margaret I. King Building, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0039
Description: Herndon J. Evans (1895-1976), a resident of Bell County, Kentucky, was editor of the Pineville Sun and local correspondent for the Associated Press (AP) in the early 1930s, a period of labor unrest in the Kentucky coalfields, especially in Harlan and Bell Counties. Includes anti-Communist materials: Organized Communism in the United States (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1958); Chronicle of Treason: Reprint of series of articles by Representative Francis E. Walter, appearing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, March 3-9, 1958 (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1958); What to do about Communism in Unions: Statement before a Senate Subcommittee by L. R. Boulware, G. H. Pfeif, W. J. Barron; The Ass and The Barnacles (An Allegory) (Stearns Coal & Lumber Company, Incorporated); Investigation of Communist Propaganda (1931); International Communism (Communist Propaganda Activities in Canada) (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1958); The Joint Conference on the Russian Situation; Edwin Marshall Hadley, TNT (Chicago, The Tower Press, Inc., 1932); address by Isaac Don Levine to the Joint Conference on the Russian Situation, July 15, 1931 (mimeograph); and address by James W. Gerard to the Joint Conference on the Russian Situation, July 29, 1931 (mimeograph).
Finding aids:
[0926] Rowland Evans Jr., and Robert D. Novak Papers, 1945-2008, Mss 764; Audio 1457A; PH 6565; VDA 002-007; VBC 110-115; VHA 644-757
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1417
Description: Papers, 1948-2008, of Rowland Evans Jr. (1921-2001), and Robert D. Novak (1931-2009), one of the nation's longest journalistic partnerships. Evans and Novak were best known for their newspaper column "Inside Report" and the Evans & Novak cable television program. The series Speeches, Writings, and Reporting Files contains Insight videorecordings (America's Voice network) of Gary Bauer, Patrick J. Buchanan, William Buckley, Ann Coulter, M. Stanton Evans, Newt Gingrich, William Kristol, Grover Norquist, Ron Paul, Ralph de Toledano, Robert Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., Jude Wanniski, and Daniel Yergin. The series Subject Files contains files on Abortion, American Conservative Union, American Spectator, Americans for Constitutional Action, Americans for Tax Reform, Dick Armey, Balanced Budget Amendment, Haley Barbour, William J. Bennett, Chip Berlet, Brent Bozell, Pat Buchanan, William Buckley, Busing, Christian Coalition, Citizens for America, Civil rights, Coalition for Peace Through Strength, Communists, Conservative Action Teams, Conservative Political Action conference, Tom DeLay, Detention camps, Drugs, Eagle Publishing, Inc., Dwight Eisenhower, Empower America, M. Stanton Evans, Fair Tax Amendment (HR 2525) [107-HR-2525: To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States], Jerry Falwell, Family Research Council, Federal Reserve, Frontiers of Freedom, Newt Gingrich, Barry Goldwater, Phil Gramm, Gun control, Jesse Helms, Heritage Foundation, J. Edgar Hoover, Human Events, Lawrence A. Hunter, Eliot Janeway, Judicial Watch, Jack Kemp, William Kristol, Lawrence Kudlow, Lyndon LaRouche, Lewis Lehrman, Liberty Lobby, Rush Limbaugh, Lawrence Lindsey, Trent Lott, Media Research Center (Brent Bozell), National Committee for an Effective Congress, National Conservative Political Action Committee, National Review, National Right to Life Committee, National Right to Work Committee, National Taxpayers Union, New York Conservative Party, Richard Nixon, Oliver North, Panama Canal, Phillips Foundation, Reader's Digest, Ronald Reagan, Alfred Regnery, Rhodesia, Right-to-Work, Ripon Society, Karl Rove, Phyllis Schlafly, School integration, John Stewart Service, Cal Thomas, Clarence Thomas, U.S. Term Limits, Richard A. Viguerie, George Wallace, Jude Wanniski, Paul Weyrich, Young America's Foundation, and Young Republicans. The series Rowland Evans Files contains files on John Birch Society, Busing, Civil rights, "far right," Newt Gingrich, Liberty Lobby, Richard Nixon, Ripon Society, and school integration.