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[0937] Records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Record Group 65, 1896-2008

Location: National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001

Description: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was established in the Department of Justice (DOJ) by an act of March 22, 1935 (49 Stat. 77). The FBI enforces federal laws and investigates violations. Subgroup 65.2 General Records of the FBI, 1907-93. Sub-subgroup 65.2.2 Investigative records, contains microfilm copies of investigative records relating to civil rights, including the Bureau of Investigation's 1922 correspondence about the Ku Klux Klan and state lists of federally employed Klan members (Classification 44 – Civil Rights). The early records in this classification from 1921 to 1950 document FBI involvement in stopping the Ku Klux Klan, lynching, and institutional segregation and in ensuring voting and other constitutional rights for American citizens. Classification 157 – Civil Unrest 1957-1978, contains case files relating to investigations of Ku Klux Klan-type organizations, hate organizations, and associated individuals, including Christian Knights of Ku Klux Klan, Frederick John Kasper, Arthur Cole, Edward R. Fields, J. B. Stoner, Joe C. Bryant, National States Rights Party, and Porter Freeman. The bombing matter cases involve the bombing of a religious or educational facility or a bombing or attempted bombing having apparent racial or religious aspects. During the 1960s, after the assassination of President Kennedy, the FBI began to include investigations of the American Nazi Party, anti-Semitic and other hate groups, and attacks on civil rights workers in this classification. Classification 170 (Extremist Informants) includes files on civil rights. Also in the same sub-subgroup, Classifications 004, 009, 015, 017, 019, 039, 040, 044, 045, 046, 050, 052, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 072, 073, 077, 087, 087B, 089, 093, 095, 096, 097, 098, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 121, 123, 124, 134, 138, 140, 151, 161, 163, 163A, 164, 177, 185, 199, 201, 203, 216, and 218 contain records which are indexed in the series Indices to Headquarters Files Released Under The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Acts, 1938-2002. This series consists of indices to records released in compliance with the Nazi War Crimes, and Japanese Imperial Government, Disclosure Acts (Public Laws 105-246 and 105-567). The Acts call for an Interagency Working Group (IWG) to locate, inventory, recommend for declassification, and make available all classified Nazi and Japanese war criminal records, subject to certain specified exceptions. Indexed persons, organizations, and subjects include Einar Åberg, Axis Sally, Croatian National Resistance, Léon Degrelle, Free Germany Movement, Free Ukranian Movement, Reinhard Gehlen, Joseph Goebbels, Dino Grandi, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Adolph Hitler, Hlinka-Luda Party, William Joyce (a.k.a. Lord Haw Haw), Katyń Forest Massacre (two folders for file 62-96286 and a folder for file 62-60950), Robert Ley, Malmedy Massacre, Nazi war crimes, Franz von Papen, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Ulrich Rudel, Rumanian Iron Guard, Dinko Sakic-Bilanovic, Hjalmar Schacht, Stephen Skubik, Otto Strasser, Julius Streicher, Tokyo Rose [Iva Toguri D'Aquino], Valerian Trifa [Viorel Trifa], Ukranian Bandera Organizations, United American Croats, Ustashi, Weltdienst [World Service], Wendell Willkie, and General Charles Willoughby.


Federal Records Relating to Civil Rights in the Post-World War II Era. Compiled by Walter B. Hill, Jr., and Lisha B. Penn. Reference Information Paper 113. National Archives and Records Administration. Washington, DC, 2006,; David Chalmers, Notes on Writing the History of the Ku Klux Klan (Gainesville, FL, University Press of Florida, 2013), p. 13,

00016532/00001; Selected Records Relating to the Katyń Forest Massacre at the National Archives and Records Administration,ń-massacre/selected-records.pdf

Websites with information:

Finding aids:

[0938] FBI Asa Earl Carter Investigation Files

Location: Department of Archives and Manuscripts, Birmingham Public Library, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL 35203-2794

Description: Asa Earl Carter (1925-1979) founded the North Alabama Citizens Council (NACC), an independent offshoot of the White Citizens' Council movement. Carter started a white supremacist newspaper called The Southerner.

Websites with information:

[0939] FBI File on Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers (Woodbridge, CT, Scholarly Resources Inc., An Imprint of Thomson Gale, 2005) [microfilm]

Description: Alger Hiss (1904-1996) was an American lawyer and State Department official. Hiss was accused by Whittaker Chambers (1901-1961), a former Communist Party member and later an anti-Communist activist, of espionage, a charge which Hiss denied under oath to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Hiss was subsequently indicted on two counts of perjury and convicted in 1950. The FBI file contains correspondence between supposed Communist Party members and sympathizers, and interviews with associates of the accused.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers ([Woodbridge, Conn.] Scholarly Resources, 2005),

Websites with information:

Finding aids:

[0940] FBI File on the America First Committee (Wilmington, DE, Scholarly Resources Inc., 1999) [microfilm]

Description: The America First Committee, an anti-interventionist group formed in September 1940, advocated isolation from the war in Europe. This file, which covers the group's activity from 1937 to 1941, contains newspaper accounts, America First literature, speeches, letters, reports and press releases. The group was investigated for possible Communist infiltration. The FBI file includes copies of the following pamphlets: A Platform to which every American can Subscribe; "Our Foreign Policy" by Gen. Robert E. Wood (Chicago, America First Committee, 1940); Is this Our War? by Clay Judson (Chicago, America First Committee, 1940); President Roosevelt said: "Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." (Boston, Oct 1940); "Can Hitler Cripple America's Economy?" (Chicago, America First Committee, 1941); "War, what is it?"; "Stop: Uncle Sam, a Fellow Traveler?" (Chicago, America First Committee, 1941); "War in the Mails"; "Neutrality or War"; "To the Jewish People of America"; "Dangers Without & Within"; "I Hate War" by Franklin D. Roosevelt (Chicago, America First Committee); "Why America Cannot be Invaded" by Col. Robert R. McCormick; "The immediate Relation of the United States to this War," an address by Herbert Hoover (1941); "Franklin Delano Roosevelt and 80% of the American People are Against the War"; "Is FDR a War-Waging Fanatic or a Shrewd War-Using Politician?" (Jun 5, 1941); "Wings Over Nome" (Jul 1941); "The British Invasion of America" (1941); "The Truth about England and the New Europe" (1940); "Must We Fight for our Foreign Trade"; "Mr. President!" a radio address by Archbishop Francis J. L. Beckman (Jun 1941) (Chicago, America First Committee, 1941; and "Can Hitler Invade America?" (Chicago, America First Committee, 1940). Copies of "A Letter to Americans" by Charles A. Lindbergh (offprint, originally appeared in Collier's Magazine, Vol. 107, no. 13 (March 29, 1941), pp. 14-15, 75-77); a Westbrook Pegler column, "Fair Enough, Labor Day Is Mockery" (Sept. 1941); an America First Committee mailing (Oct 25, 1941) "The Crisis is Here"; excerpts from speeches by Charles Lindbergh (Aug 1941 and Dec 19, 1941); and Report No. 1: Subversive Activities in America First Committee in California (Americanism Committee, 17th District, The American Legion, Department of California, 1941) [online at]. Report on America First Committee meetings attended by Charles Lindbergh. Subjects include Allegations of pro-Fascist group"s involvement with the America First Committee; America First Committee, propaganda among soldiers; Involvement of Charles Lindbergh with the America First Committee and the formation of the "Copperheads"; America First Committee, Italian Fascist Infiltration; Allegations of anti-Semitism against Charles Lindbergh; Fight for Freedom Committee formed in opposition to America First Committee; Allegations of anti-Semitism are hurting the America First Committee; Allegations of anti-Semitism against the America First Committee; Investigation into groups characterized as "Isolationists" and alleged ties to the America First Committee; Allegations of Fascist groups and Nazi sympathizers involved in America First Committee; Investigations into the "Americans for Peace" group as an anti-American organization; Investigation into the activities of Dr. Paul Cotton and his "Peace Group"; and Allegations that "Americans for Peace" is an alias for the America First Committee.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on the America First Committee (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1999),

Websites with information:

Finding aids:

[0941] FBI File on Ezra Pound ([Wilmington, Del.]: Scholarly Resources, 2001) [microfilm]

Description: Ezra Pound (1885-1972) was an American poet who made radio broadcasts over Rome Radio directed at the United States during World War II. Charged with treason by the United States government, he was captured after the war in Italy and was brought to the United States for trial. Included in the FBI file are radio transcripts, correspondence with Italian and German officials, and a memo from Adolf Hitler. Transcripts of radio addresses by Ezra Pound include "Question of Motive" (Apr. 13, 1942), "Superstition" (July 20, 1942), "Disbursement of Wisdom" (July 2, 1942), and "Freedom Forum" (July 12, 1942).


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Ezra Pound (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources Inc., 2001).

Websites with information:


[0942] FBI File on Harry Dexter White (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 2001) [microfilm]

Description: Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White (1892-1948) was one of the highest-ranking New Deal officials accused of espionage by Communist underground couriers turned government informants, Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers. This FBI file contains reports, correspondence, news clippings and four pages of White's documents that were found in a hollow pumpkin on a Maryland farm in 1948.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Harry Dexter White (Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources, 2003).

Websites with information:

[0943] FBI File on Herman Milton Greenspun [digital collection]

Description: Greenspun's public battles with Senator Joseph McCarthy. Includes Greenspun columns about McCarthy as well as McCarthy correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover.

Finding aid:

[0944] FBI File on Huey Long ([Wilmington, Del.]: Scholarly Resources, 2000) [microfilm]

Description: The political career of "Kingfish" Huey Long was marked by corruption, obsession with and abuse of power, and Populist rhetoric calling for redistribution of wealth. His maverick politics, while an outrage to his political opponents, nevertheless gained him enough popularity to catapult him to both the Louisiana governor's post as well as a U.S. Senate seat. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Long was in control of virtually every aspect of the Louisiana political system, probably wielding more power than any other governor in American history. This file on Huey Long details the FBI's investigation of Long during the 1920s and 30s.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI File on Huey Long (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 2000).

Websites with information:

[0945] FBI File on Joseph McCarthy (Wilmington, DE, Scholarly Resources Inc., 1996) [microfilm]

Description: This file documents Joseph McCarthy's "witch hunt," from the beginning of his allegations that 205 members of the State Department were active members of the Communist Party to the Senate's condemnation of McCarthy in 1954. Documents herein detail the FBI's observations of and involvement in McCarthy's accusations. Documents and subjects include a proposed McCarthy speech against Secretary of Defense Marshall; a Drew Pearson news article "McCarthy Ouster Move Detailed" (Aug. 1951); an internal memoranda signed: J. Edgar Hoover; an investigation of sodomy charge alleged against Sen. Joseph McCarthy; a transcript of a McCarthy speech given at the Palmer House, Chicago (Oct. 1952) critical of presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson; Herman (Hank) Greenspun's column "Where I Stand," Las Vegas Sun (Oct. 1952); Sen. Joseph McCarthy: Alleged Sex Deviate; a transcript of a McCarthy radio address (Nov. 3, 1952); allegations by Sen. Joseph McCarthy: Communists in the State Department; loyalty investigation of government employees; the 81 cases furnished by Sen. McCarthy to the Tydings Subcommittee; remarks made on Senate Floor by Sen. Joseph McCarthy (Jun. 6, 1950); transcripts of speeches delivered by Sen. William E. Jenner; a transcript of a speech delivered by Sen. Joseph McCarthy; Communist infiltration of the State Department; a pamphlet: "The Truth about the Subcommittee's Investigation of the State Department"; Sen. Millard Tydings refutes radio commentator Fulton Lewis, Jr. (Oct. 19, 1950); a copy of Report on Southern Conference for Human Welfare. Investigation of un-American activities in the United States. Committee on Un-American Activities House of Representatives, Eightieth Congress, June 16, 1947; a transcription of a radio broadcast (Apr. 6, 1949), Sen. Joseph McCarthy with his guest J. Edgar Hoover; a pamphlet: "McCarthy, the Man and the Ism," by Joseph Morton (c. 1953); "Secret Lives of Joe McCarthy" [Hank Greenspun, "The Secret Lives of Joe McCarthy," Rave (June 1954): 58-72]; a transcript of a 7-part newspaper series on Sen. McCarthy as it appeared in the Las Vegas Sun, written by Hank Greenspun (Feb. 1954); misc. information concerning Alfred Kohlberg and Miriam de Haas; Chesly Manly, "Good and Bad Aggressors," Human Events, Apr. 21, 1954, pp. 1-4; Transcript of Fulton Lewis, Jr. radio broadcast (May 2, 1957) reporting on the death of Sen. Joseph McCarthy; transcript: Communist interrogation, indoctrination, and exploitation of American military and civilian prisoners. Hearings of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, U.S. Senate (Jun. 1956); Hank Greenspun,"Where I Stand," Las Vegas Sun (Jan. 1954); and transcripts of radio broadcasts featuring George Sokolsky (Aug., Nov.-Dec. 1954).


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on Joseph McCarthy: a microfilm publication (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1996),

Websites with information:

Finding aid:

FBI files on Joseph McCarthy in The Vault (FOIA Library):

[0946] FBI File on the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) (Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1986) [microfilm]

Description: Established by the House of Representatives in May 1938 as the Special Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities, the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) was made the permanent, standing Committee on Un-American Activities seven years later. HUAC received a new name (Committee on Internal Security) and mandate in 1969 and was abolished in January 1975 as both houses of Congress were preparing to investigate the intelligence community in the wake of Watergate. From 1938 through 1975, HUAC and the FBI developed a working relationship that both increased the power of the committee and gave the bureau another means of investigating suspected Communists. This file, which contains hundreds of reports centered on HUAC's major investigations, is divided into three parts. The first section, 1938-1945, covers clashes between HUAC chairman Martin Dies, a conservative Texas Democrat, and the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. The second section, 1946-1969, records the process by which the FBI and HUAC chose their targets, including the Ku Klux Klan. The last section follows HUAC, renamed the Internal Security Committee, in its attempt to protect the FBI from other congressional investigative committees.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on the House Committee on Un-American Activities, edited by Kenneth O'Reilly (Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources, 1986),­fbi_file_on_huac.pdf.

Websites with information:

[0947] FBI File on the Posse Comitatus ([Wilmington, Del.]: Scholarly Resources, 2000) [microfilm]

Description: A group of right-wing extremists, the Posse Comitatus was formed in Oregon in the early 1970s. Established as a group of citizens "voluntarily acting in the name of the local sheriff to enforce the law," the Posse Comitatus hated Jews, African-Americans, and government officials above the rank of sheriff. Holding the federal government in contempt as illegitimate, and recognizing lawful authority only on the county level, the Posse also advocated tax rebellion. Covering the period 1973-1977 and 1980-1996, this collection contains copies of hate literature, details of a bombing, and notes from several income tax evasion trials.


Guide to the microfilm edition of the FBI file on the Posse Comitatus (Wilmington, Del., Scholarly Resources, 2001).

Websites with information:

[0947a] Federal Bureau of Investigation Confidential Files: The J. Edgar Hoover Official and Confidential File (Bethesda, MD, University Publications of America, An Imprint of CIS, 1990) [microfilm]

Description: This file was one of two secret files Hoover maintained in his office. The file contained important policy documents pertaining to wiretapping, bugging, break-ins, and authorizations to investigate subversive activities. Other documents provide insights into the relationship between the FBI director and several presidents, as well as other prominent Americans. Files on Elizabeth Bentley; Civil Rights and Domestic Violence; Communist Party; Thomas E. Dewey (Governor of New York); Samuel Dickstein; Martin Dies; Colonel William Donovan; (General) Dwight D. Eisenhower; Henry Cabot Lodge; Senator Joseph McCarthy; Richard M. Nixon; Gerald P. Nye; 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack—December 7; Charles Poletti; Admiral Arthur W. Radford; Gary Thomas Rowe; Wendell Willkie; and Walter Winchell.

Finding aid:

[0948] Federal Bureau of Investigation. Domestic Investigative Counterintelligence Files, ca. 1927-1978 (copy at the University of Alaska, Anchorage) (Scholarly Resources, Inc., ca. 1984) [microfilm]

Description: The collection contains the domestic investigative counterintelligence files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Included are bureau manuals of instruction/investigative operations, and guidelines; filing records; the Malcolm X surveillance file; investigation files on communist infiltration of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, including Hoover's Martin Luther King files; and counterintelligence program files. The counterintelligence program files are divided into records on nationalist groups, black nationalist hate groups, the New Left/Socialist Workers Party, special operations, the Communist Party of the USA, and white hate groups.


Guide to the Manuscript Collections at the University of Alaska Anchorage, by Dennis F. Walle and Carolyn J. Bowers (University of Alaska Press, 1990).

Websites with information:

[0949] Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Personality Files (Michael Ravnitzky Donation)

Location: The National Security Archive, The George Washington University, Gelman Library, Suite 701, 2130 H St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037

Description: Michael Ravnitzky, a Washington, DC, researcher and attorney, donated a group of more than 500 FBI files on a diverse range of prominent people to the National Security Archive, an independent nongovernmental research institute and library located at George Washington University. Ravnitzky requested these files between 1990 and 1996. Includes FBI files on John Owen Beaty, William Guy Carr, Charles Coughlin, Charles Edison, Hamilton Fish III, George Racey Jordan, Douglas MacArthur, Carl McIntire, Ezra Pound, Henry Regnery, and George Sokolsky.

Websites with information:

[0950] FBI Freedom Of Information Act Archive Of Radical Right-Wing Groups And Individuals

Location: Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies, 2420 Bowditch Street, MC5670, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-5670

Description: This archive contains an extensive collection of materials released in redacted form by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in accordance with requests made under the Freedom of Information Act. A major part of the archive contains printed material the Bureau collected on radical right-wing groups and individuals, as well as newspaper articles dealing with groups and individuals being monitored by the FBI. In addition, the FBI files often contain detailed background information about individuals, as well as private correspondence. Files on Wallace H. Allen; American Legion Firing Line newsletter; American Legion National Americanism Commission; American National Party; American Nationalist newspaper (Frank L. Britton); American Nazi Party; American Security Council (Chicago); Paul G. Anderson [American Nazi Party--Chicago; Max Nelsen associate]; Bombing of Atlanta GA Temple, October 1958; Bombings and Attempted Bombings—Racial Matters; Boris Brasol; George M. Bright; William F. Buckley, Jr.; Edgar C. Bundy (Church League of America); William Guy Carr; Central Alabama Citizens Council; Whittaker Chambers / Alger Hiss; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (Fred Schwarz); Christian Crusade (Billy James Hargis); Christian Patriots Crusade (F. Allen Mann—Hinsdale IL); Church League of America (Edgar C. Bundy); Cinema Educational Guild (Myron C. Fagan, Los Angeles); Circuit Riders, Inc. (Myers G. Lowman); Citizens Councils and States Rights Movement; COINTELPRO—Disruption of White Hate Groups [The initial 26 white hate groups targeted for possible COINTELPRO activities were:; Alabama States Rights Party; American Nazi Party; Association of Arkansas Klans of the Knights of the KKK; Association of Georgia Klans; Association of South Carolina Klans, Knights of the KKK; Christian Knights of the KKK - Hinton, WV; Council For Statehood (aka Freemen); Dixie Klans, Knights of the KKK, Inc.; Fighting American Nationalists; Improved Order of the U.S. Klans, Knights of the KKK; Independent Klavern, Fountain Inn; Independent Klan Unit, St. Augustine FL; Knights of the KKK; Mississippi Knights of the KKK; National Knights of the KKK, Inc.; National Renaissance Party; National States Rights Party; Original Knights of the KKK; Pioneer Club, Orlando Fl; United Florida KKK; United Freemen; United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the KKK; U.S. Klans, Knights of the KKK, Inc.; Viking Youth of America; White Knights of the KKK of Mississippi; and White Youth Corps]; Communism on the Map / Operation Abolition - filmstrips; Congress of Freedom; Constitutional Educational League (Joseph P. Kamp); Covenant, Sword, Arm of the Lord; Matt Cvetic; Dallas Freedom Forum; Dan Smoot Report; Democratic Nationalist Party (Max Nelsen); Robert B. DePugh (Minutemen—see also Patriotic Party); President Dwight D. Eisenhower; Myron C. Fagan; Orval Faubus; FBI Monograph: American Nazi Party; FBI Monograph: National States Rights Party; Fiery Cross (KKK newspaper); Fighting American Nationalists; Foreign Policy Association; Benjamin Harrison Freedman; Kenneth Goff (aka Oliver Kenneth Goff); Gordon D. Hall; Highlander Folk School, Monteagle TN (Myles Horton); Alger Hiss—Whittaker Chambers; H.L. Hunt; John Birch Society; Joseph Peter Kamp; John Kasper (aka Frederick John Kasper; also see Seaboard WCC); Matt Koehl (American Nazi Party); Korean Air Lines Flight 007; Robert T. LeFevre (founder, Freedom School, Rampart College--Colorado); James H. Madole (National Renaissance Party); Sen Joseph McCarthy; Conde J. McGinley (Christian Educational Assn; Common Sense); Minutemen; Montgomery County AL Citizens Council; Eustace C. Mullins, Jr. [Also see: Realpolitical Institute, National Renaissance Party, Max Nelsen, and Women's Voice files]; National Alliance aka National Youth Alliance [also see: William Pierce]; National Association for the Advancement of White People; National Citizens Protective Association; National Goals, Inc. (John Rees); National Indignation Convention (Frank B. McGehee—Dallas TX); National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (James Venable); National Renaissance Party aka Animist Party; National Rifle Association; National States Rights Party [Also see J.B. Stoner]; Nationalist Conservative Party [Also see: William B. Wernecke]; Max Nelsen (aka Maynard Orlando Nelsen) [Also see: Realpolitical Institute, Democratic Nationalist Party]; Northern Alabama Citizens Council; The Order (Robert J. Mathews); Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; Otto F. Otepka [Deputy Director of the State Dept Office of Security]; Harry A. Overstreet; Patriotic Party (also see: Robert B. DePugh); Westbrook Pegler; Leander Perez; William L. Pierce (also see: National Alliance); Karl K. Prussion; Realpolitical Institute, Chicago, Il. (Max Nelsen, Eustace Mullins); George L. Rockwell (See also: American Nazi Party and Fighting American Nationalists]; Joseph Rudden [also see: National Renaissance Party]; Phyllis Schlafly; Fred C. Schwarz (Christian Anti-Communism Crusade); Seaboard White Citizens Council (John Kasper); Robert M. Shelton (Grand Wizard, United Klans of America); Willard C. Skousen aka W. Cleon Skousen; Gerald L.K. Smith (Christian Nationalist Crusade); Dan Smoot; Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI; George E. Sokolsky; John Stormer - None Dare Call It Treason, 1964 book; Tax-Exempt Foundations; H. Keith Thompson, Jr.; Venona; Wackenhut Corporation; George R. Wackenhut; John Wayne; Robert H.W. Welch; Western Minute Men (W.H. Harold); and White Circle League of America (Joseph Beauharnais).

Websites with information:

Finding aids:


[0951] FBI Investigation and Surveillance Records, 1919-[ongoing]

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25 mayıs 2021
5250 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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