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The material given in parentheses and following certain titles indicates the form in which those titles have been cited in the footnotes

Acts and Laws. See United States Statutes.

Adams, Henry. History of the United States of America. 9 vols. New York. 1889-1911. (Adams: U.S.)

– John Randolph. Boston. 1892. [American Statesmen series.] (Adams: Randolph.)

– Life of Albert Gallatin. Philadelphia. 1879. (Adams: Gallatin.)

Adams, Henry, editor. Documents relating to New-England Federalism, 1800-1815. Boston. 1877. (N.E. Federalism: Adams.)

Adams, John. See Old Family Letters.

Adams, John Quincy. Memoirs. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. 12 vols. Philadelphia. 1874-77. (Memoirs, J. Q. A.: Adams.)

– Writings. Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 5 vols. New York. 1913-15. (Writings, J. Q. A.: Ford.)

Addison, Alexander. Trial on an Impeachment by the House of Representatives before the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Reported by Thomas Lloyd, stenographer. Lancaster. 1803. (Addison Trial.)

Allen, Gardner Weld. Our Navy and the Barbary Corsairs. Boston. 1905.

Allibone, Samuel Austin. Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vols. Philadelphia. 1870-71.

Ambler, Charles Henry. Thomas Ritchie – A Study in Virginia Politics. Richmond. 1913.

American Historical Association. Annual Report. 1896, vol. ii; 1913, vol. ii. Washington, D.C.

American Historical Review. Vol. iv-xix, inclusive, 1899-1914. New York. (Am. Hist. Rev.)

American Law Review. Vol. i, 1867; Boston. Vols. xix, xxix, xlvi, 1885, 1895, 1912; St. Louis. (Am. Law Rev.)

American Political Science Review. Vol. viii, 1914; vol. ix, 1915. Baltimore. (Am. Pol. Sci. Rev.)

American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. Selected and edited under the Authority of Congress. 38 vols. Washington. 1832-61. [Citations in this work are from "Foreign Relations" (Am. State Papers, For. Rel.); "Miscellaneous." (Am. State Papers, Misc.); and "Public Lands."]

Ames, Fisher. Works. Edited by Seth Ames. 2 vols. Boston. 1854. (Ames.)

Anderson, Dice Robins. William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation from 1790 to 1830. Menasha [Wisconsin]. 1914. (Anderson.)

Anderson, John E., and Hobby, William J. Contract for the Western Territory made with the Legislature of Georgia in the year 1795, considered with a Reference to the subsequent Attempts of the State to impair its Obligation. Augusta. 1799.

Arnold, Samuel Greene. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 2 vols. New York. 1860.

Athenæum; Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts. (Weekly.) 1835. London.

Bassett, John Spencer. Life of Andrew Jackson. 2 vols. New York. 1911.

Bay, Elihu Hall. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Superior Courts of Law in the State of South Carolina. Vols. i and ii, 1809, 1811. New York.

Bayard, James Asheton. Papers, from 1796 to 1815. Edited by Elizabeth Donnan. [Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1913, vol. ii.] Washington. 1915. (Bayard Papers: Donnan.)

Beard, Charles Austin. Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy. New York. 1915. (Beard: Econ. Origins Jeff. Dem.)

– Supreme Court and the Constitution. New York. 1912.

Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah. Life of John Marshall. 4 vols. Boston. 1916-19.

Biddle, Alexander. See Old Family Letters.

Bishop, Abraham. Georgia Speculation Unveiled. [Two pamphlets, in two parts each.] Hartford. 1797-98. (Bishop.)

Blackwood's Magazine. Vol. xvii, 1822. Edinburgh and London.

Blennerhassett Papers, embodying the private Journal of Harman Blennerhassett. Edited by William H. Safford. Cincinnati. 1864. (Blennerhassett Papers: Safford.)

Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo. History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated from the Italian by George Alexander Otis. 3 vols. Philadelphia. 1820.

Bouvier, John. Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia. Third Revision by Francis Rawle. 3 vols. Kansas City and St. Paul. 1914.

Brady, Joseph Plunkett. Trial of Aaron Burr. New York. 1913.

Brockenbrough, William, and Holmes, Hugh. Collection of Cases decided by the General Court of Virginia, chiefly relating to the penal laws of the Commonwealth, commencing in the year 1789 and ending in 1814. [Also known as the first volume of Virginia Cases.] Philadelphia. 1815. (Va. Cases.)

Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart. History of the National Capital from its Foundation through the Period of the Adoption of the Organic Act. 2 vols. New York. 1914-16. (Bryan.)

Burr, Aaron. Private Journal: Reprinted in full from the original manuscript in the library of William Keeney Bixby of St. Louis, Missouri. 2 vols. Rochester. 1903.

– Trials, for Treason and for a Misdemeanor. Reported by David Robertson, stenographer. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1808. (Burr Trials.)

And see Brady, Joseph Plunkett; Davis, Matthew Livingston; Jenkinson, Isaac; McCaleb, Walter Flavius; Parton, James.

Cabot, George. See Lodge, Henry Cabot.

Call, Daniel. Reports of Cases argued and decided in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Vol. iv. Richmond. 1833. (Call.)

Carson, Hampton Lawrence. Supreme Court of the United States: Its History. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1891. (Carson.)

Chandler, Peleg Whitman. American Criminal Trials. 2 vols. Boston. 1844.

Channing, Edward. History of the United States. Vols 1-4. New York. 1905-17. (Channing: U.S.)

– Jeffersonian System, 1801-11. [Vol. 12 of "The American Nation, a History," edited by Albert Bushnell Hart.] New York and London. 1906. (Channing: Jeff. System.)

Chappell, Absalom Harris. Miscellanies of Georgia, Historical, Biographical, Descriptive, etc. Atlanta. 1874. (Chappell.)

Chase, Samuel. Trial, before the High Court of Impeachment, composed of the Senate of the United States, for charges exhibited against him by the House of Representatives … for high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Reported by Charles Evans, stenographer. Baltimore. 1805. (Chase Trial.)

Chastellux, François Jean, Marquis de. Travels in North America in the years 1780-81-82. New York. 1828.

Clark, Daniel. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr. Philadelphia. 1809. (Clark: Proofs.)

Clark, Joshua Victor Hopkins. Onondaga; or Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times; being a Series of Historical Sketches relative to Onondaga; with Notes on the Several Towns in the County, and Oswego. 2 vols. Syracuse. 1849. (Clark: Onondaga.)

Clay, Henry. Private Correspondence. Edited by Calvin Colton. New York. 1855. (Priv. Corres.: Colton.)

– Works. Edited by Calvin Colton. 7 vols. New York. 1897. (Works: Colton.)

Cleveland, Catherine Caroline. Great Revival in the West, 1797-1805. Chicago. 1916.

Colton, Calvin, editor. See Clay, Henry. Private Correspondence, and Works.

Congress. See United States Congress.

Corwin, Edward Samuel. Doctrine of Judicial Review – Its Legal and Historical Basis and other Essays. Princeton. 1914. (Corwin.)

Cox, Isaac Joslin. West Florida Controversy, 1798-1813. Baltimore. 1918. (Cox.)

Coxe, Brinton. Essay on Judicial Power and Unconstitutional Legislation, being a Commentary on Parts of the Constitution of the United States. Philadelphia. 1893.

Cranch, William. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1801-08. 6 vols. New York. 1812.

– Same February term, 1810. Vol. vi. New York. 1812.

Also Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States and others. [Lawyers' edition.] 1, 2, 3, 4 Cranch, Book ii. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Cranch, Book iii. Edited and annotated by Stephen K. Williams and Walter Malins Rose. Rochester. 1901. (Cranch.)

Cutler, William Parker, and Julia Perkins. Life, Journals, and Correspondence of Menasseh Cutler. 2 vols. Cincinnati. 1888. (Cutler.)

Dallas, Alexander James. Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the several Courts of the United States and of Pennsylvania. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Philadelphia. 1798, 1799, 1835.

Also Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the United States and others. [Lawyers' edition.] 1, 2, 3, 4 Dallas, Book i. Edited and annotated by Stephen K. Williams and Walter Malins Rose. Rochester. 1901. (Dallas.)

Davis, John Chandler Bancroft, reporter. See United States Supreme Court.

Davis, Matthew Livingston. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. 2 vols. New York. 1836. (Davis.)

Debate in the House of Representatives of the Territory of Orleans, on a Memorial to Congress, respecting the illegal conduct of General Wilkinson. New Orleans. 1807.

Debates in the Several State Conventions. See Elliot, Jonathan.

Dillon, John Forrest, compiler and editor. John Marshall. Life, Character, and Judicial Services, as portrayed in the Centenary Proceedings throughout the United States in Marshall's Day. 1901. 3 vols. Chicago. 1903. (Dillon.)

Dodd, William Edward. Life of Nathaniel Macon. Raleigh. 1903. (Dodd.)

Donnan, Elizabeth, editor. See Bayard Papers.

Dougherty, John Hampden. Power of Federal Judiciary over Legislation. New York. 1912.

Dwight, Nathaniel. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. New York. 1895. (Dwight.)

Eaton, William. Life, principally collected from his correspondence and other manuscripts. Edited by Charles Prentiss. Brookfield. 1813. (Eaton: Prentiss.)

Elliot, Jonathan. Debates in the several State Conventions, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia in 1787. 5 vols. Washington. 1836-45.

Evans, Charles, reporter. See Chase, Samuel. Trial.

Farrand, Max, editor. See Records of the Federal Convention.

Federalist, The. Commentary on the Constitution of the United States from original text of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. New York. 1895.

First Forty Years of Washington Society. See Hunt, Gaillard.

Ford, Paul Leicester, editor. See Jefferson, Thomas. Works.

Ford, Worthington Chauncey, editor. See Adams, John Quincy. Writings.

Gallatin, Albert. See Adams, Henry.

Garland, Hugh Alfred. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. 2 vols. New York. 1851.

Gibbs, George, editor. Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and John Adams. See Wolcott, Oliver.

Giles, William Branch. See Anderson, Dice Robins.

Girard, Stephen. See McMaster, John Bach.

Great American Lawyers. See Lewis, William Draper.

Green Bag: An Entertaining Magazine for Lawyers. Edited by Horace Williams Fuller. Vol. ii, 1890. Boston.

Greene, Nathanael. See Johnson, William.

Grigsby, Hugh Blair. History of the Virginia Federal Convention of 1788, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author and Illustrative Notes. Edited by Robert Alonzo Brock. 2 vols. [Collections of the Virginia Historical Society, new series, vols. ix and x.] Richmond. 1890-91.

– Virginia Convention of 1829-30. Richmond. 1854.

Gulf States Historical Magazine. Vol. ii, 1903. Montgomery [Ala.].

Hamilton, Alexander. See Lodge, Henry Cabot.

Hammond, Jabez Delano. History of Political Parties in the State of New York from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840. Albany. 1842.

Harden, Edward Jenkins. Life of George Michael Troup. Savannah. 1859.

Harper, Robert Goodloe. Case of the Georgia Sales on the Mississippi considered with a Reference to Law Authorities and Public Acts, and an Appendix containing certain Extracts, Records, and Official Papers. Philadelphia. 1797. (Harper.)

Harris, Joel Chandler. Georgia from the Invasion of De Soto to recent Times. New York. 1896. (Harris.)

Harris, Thomas, and Johnson, Reverdy. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland from 1800 to 1805 inclusive. Vol. i. Annapolis. 1821. (Harris and Johnson.)

Haskins, Charles Homer. Yazoo Land Companies. [Reprinted from the papers of the American Historical Association for October, 1891.] New York. 1891. (Haskins.)

Haywood, John. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity of the State of North Carolina from the year 1789 to the year 1798. Halifax. 1799.

Henry, William Wirt. Patrick Henry. Life, Correspondence and Speeches. 3 vols. New York. 1891.

Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States of America. 6 vols. New York. 1854-55. (Hildreth.)

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Quarterly Publication. Vol. ix, Nos. 1 and 2; January and April, 1914. Cincinnati. (Quarterly Pub. Hist. and Phil. Soc. Ohio.)

Howard, Benjamin Chew. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, December term, 1856. Vol. xix. Washington. 1857. (Howard.)

Hoyt, William Henry, editor. See Murphey, Archibald Debow.

Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. New York. 1873. (Hudson.)

Hughes, Robert William. Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of the Fourth Judicial Circuit sitting in Admiralty. Vol. v, edited by Robert Morton Hughes. New York. 1883.

Hunt, Gaillard, editor. First Forty Years of Washington Society, portrayed by the Family Letters of Mrs. Samuel Harrison Smith. New York. 1906. (Hunt.)

Indiana Territory. Laws of the Indiana Territory, 1801-06 inclusive. Paoli [Indiana]. 1886.

Iredell, James. Life and Correspondence. Edited by Griffith John McRee. 2 vols. New York. 1857-58. (Iredell: McRee.)

Irving, Pierre Munroe. Life and Letters of Washington Irving. 4 vols. New York. 1869. (Irving.)

Jackson, Andrew. See Bassett, John Spencer; Parton, James.

Jay, John. Correspondence and Public Papers. Edited by Henry Phelps Johnston. 4 vols. New York. 1890-93. [Letter-press edition.] (Jay: Johnston.)

Jefferson, Thomas. Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Charlottesville. 1829. (Jefferson: Randolph.)

– Works. Edited by Paul Leicester Ford. 12 vols. New York. 1904-05. [Federal edition.] (Works: Ford.)

– Writings. Edited by Henry Augustine Washington. Washington. 1853-54. (Jefferson: Washington.)

See Parton, James; Randall, Henry Stephens.

Jenkinson, Isaac. Aaron Burr. His Personal and Political Relations with Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Richmond [Indiana]. 1902. (Jenkinson.)

Johnson, Allen. Union and Democracy. Boston. 1915.

Johnson, William. Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene. 2 vols. Charleston. 1822.

Johnston, Henry Phelps, editor. See Jay, John.

Jones, Charles Colcock, and Dutcher, Salem. Memorial History of Augusta, Georgia. Syracuse. 1890.

Kennedy, John Pendleton. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1849. (Kennedy.)

King, Rufus. Life and Correspondence, comprising his Letters, Private and Official, his Public Documents and his Speeches. Edited by Charles Ray King. 6 vols. New York. 1894-1900. [Letterpress edition.] (King.)

Knight, Lucian Lamar. Georgia's Landmarks, Memorials and Legends. 2 vols. Atlanta. 1913-14.

La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre Frédéric, Duc de. Travels through the United States of North America. 4 vols. London. 1800. (La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt.)

Lewis, William Draper, editor. Great American Lawyers: A History of the Legal Profession in America. 8 vols. Philadelphia. 1907-09. (Great American Lawyers: Lewis.)

Literary Magazine and American Register. Vol. ii, April to December, inclusive, 1804. Philadelphia.

Lodge, Henry Cabot. Alexander Hamilton. Boston. 1882. [American Statesmen series.]

– Life and Letters of George Cabot. Boston. 1877. (Lodge: Cabot.)

Lodge, Henry Cabot, editor. See Federalist.

McCaleb, Walter Flavius. Aaron Burr Conspiracy. New York. 1903. (McCaleb.)

McHenry, James. See Steiner, Bernard Christian.

McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. Courts, the Constitution and Parties. Studies in Constitutional History and Politics. Chicago. 1912. (McLaughlin.)

Maclay, Samuel. Journal. Annotated by John Franklin Meginness. Williamsport. 1887. (Maclay's Journal.)

McMaster, John Bach. History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. 8 vols. New York. 1883-1914. (McMaster: U.S.)

– Life and Times of Stephen Girard, Merchant and Mariner. 2 vols. Philadelphia and London. 1918.

Macon, Nathaniel. See Dodd, William Edward.

McRee, Griffith John, editor. See Iredell, James.


Breckenridge, John. Library of Congress.

Dreer, Ferdinand Julius. Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Etting, Frank Marx. Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Hopkinson, Joseph. Possession of Edward P. Hopkinson, Philadelphia.

Jefferson, Thomas. Library of Congress.

Kent, James. Library of Congress.

Letters in Relation to the Burr Conspiracy. Library of Congress. (Letters in Relation.)

Letters of the Corresponding Secretary. (Marshall to John Eliot.) Massachusetts Historical Society.

Miscellaneous. New York Public Library.

Peters, Richard. Pennsylvania Historical Society.

Pickering, Timothy. Massachusetts Historical Society.

Plumer, William. Library of Congress. [The Plumer Papers are listed in several divisions, as "Congress," "Diary," "Journal," "Letters," "Register," and "Repository."]

Records of the United States Circuit Court, Boston, Mass.

Records of the United States Circuit Court, Richmond, Va.

Wilkinson, James. Chicago Historical Society.

Marshall Family. See Paxton, William McClung.

Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. [1st edition.] 5 vols. Philadelphia. 1805-07. (Marshall, 1st ed.)

– Same. [2d edition.] 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1840. (Marshall, 2d ed.)

– Same. [School edition.] Philadelphia. 1838. (Marshall, school ed.)

And see Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah; Dillon, John Forrest; Paxton, William McClung.

Martin, François Xavier. Notes of a few decisions in the Superior Courts of the State of North-Carolina, and in the Circuit Court of the U[nited] States, for North-Carolina District. Newbern. 1797. (Martin.)

Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of Western Travel. 2 vols. London and New York. 1838.

Maryland Historical Society. Fund-Publications. No. 24, 1887. Baltimore. (Md. Hist. Soc. Fund-Pub.)

Massachusetts Historical Society. Proceedings. Boston. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc.)

Massachusetts. Senate Journal, 1798-99. Vol. xix. Manuscript volume, Massachusetts State Library.

Meginness, John Franklin, annotator. See Maclay, Samuel. Journal.

Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. See Richardson, James Daniel.

Monthly Anthology and Boston Review. Vol. v. 1808. Boston.

Moore, Thomas. Poetical Works, collected by himself, with a Memoir. 6 vols. Boston. 1856.

Mordecai, Samuel. Richmond in By-Gone Days, being the Reminiscences of An Old Citizen. Richmond. 1856. (Mordecai.)

Morison, John Hopkins. Life of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith. Boston. 1845. (Morison: Smith.)

Morison, Samuel Eliot. Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Federalist, 1765-1848. 2 vols. Boston. 1913. (Morison: Otis.)

Morris, Gouverneur. Diary and Letters. Edited by Anne Cary Morris. 2 vols. New York. 1888. (Morris.)

Murphey, Archibald Debow. Papers. Edited by William Henry Hoyt. [Publications of the North Carolina Historical Commission.] 2 vols. Raleigh. 1914.

New England Mississippi Land Company. Memorial of the Agents to Congress, with a Vindication of their Title at Law annexed. Washington. 1804.


New York Review. Vols. ii and iii. 1838. New York.

New York State Library Bulletin. Vol. iv, 1900. New York.

North American Review. Vol. 46, 1838; Boston. Vol. 185, 1907; New York.

North Carolina Booklet. Vol. xvii, 1917. Raleigh.

Old Family Letters. Copied from the Originals for Alexander Biddle. Series A. Philadelphia. 1892.

Otis, Harrison Gray. See Morison, Samuel Eliot.

Parton, James. Life and Times of Aaron Burr. New York. 1858. (Parton: Burr.)

– Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. New York. 1861. (Parton: Jackson.)

– Life of Thomas Jefferson. Boston. 1874.

Paxton, William McClung. Marshall Family. Cincinnati. 1885. (Paxton.)

Pennsylvania Bar Association. Report of the Twenty-first Annual Meeting, 1915. Philadelphia.

Peters, Richard, Jr. Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, January term, 1828. Vol. i. Philadelphia. 1828. (Peters.)

Pickering, Timothy. Review of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams and the late William Cunningham, Esq., beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. Salem. 1824.

Pickett, Albert James. History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period. 2 vols. Charleston. 1851. (Pickett.)

Plumer, William. Life. Begun by William Plumer, Jr., completed and edited, with a sketch of the author's life, by Andrew Preston Peabody. Boston. 1857. (Plumer.)

Prentiss, Charles, editor. See Eaton, William. Life.

Priest, William. Travels in the United States of America, 1793-97. London. 1802.

Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts. Boston. 1867. (Quincy.)

Ramsey, James Gattys McGregor. Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Charleston. 1853.

Randall, Henry Stephens. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 3 vols. New York. 1858. (Randall.)

Randolph, John. Adams, Henry; Garland, Hugh Alfred.

Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, editor. See Jefferson, Thomas.

Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. Edited by Max Farrand. 3 vols. New Haven. 1911. (Records Fed. Conv.: Farrand.)

Richardson, James Daniel, compiler. A Compilation of Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. 10 vols. Washington. 1896-99. (Richardson.)

Ritchie, Thomas. See Ambler, Charles Henry.

Robertson, David, reporter. See Burr, Aaron. Trials.

Safford, William Harrison, editor. See Blennerhassett Papers.

Scott, Lieut. – General [Winfield]. Memoirs. Written by Himself. 2 vols. New York. 1864.

Semple, Robert Baylor. History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia. Richmond. 1810.

Shelton, William Henry. Jumel Mansion, being a Full History of the House on Harlem Heights built by Roger Morris before the Revolution, together with some Account of its more Notable Occupants. Boston. 1916.

Singleton, Esther. Story of the White House. 2 vols. New York. 1907.

Smith, George Gillman. Story of Georgia and the Georgia People, 1732 to 1800. Macon. 1900. (Smith.)

Smith, Jeremiah. See Morison, John Hopkins.

Smith, Mrs. Samuel Harrison. See Hunt, Gaillard.

Smith, William Steuben, and Ogden, Samuel Gouverneur. Trials for Misdemeanors. Reported by Thomas Lloyd, stenographer. New York. 1807. (Trials of Smith and Ogden.)

South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Vol. vii, 1906. Charleston.

Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Vol. xvii, 1909. Austin. (Southwestern Hist. Quarterly.)

Sparks, Jared, editor. See Washington, George.

State of Facts, showing the Right of Certain Companies to the Lands lately purchased by them from the State of Georgia. United States. 1795.

State Trials. Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High-Treason, and other Crimes and Misdemeanors; from the Reign of King Richard II. to the End of the Reign of King George I. [1377-1727.] 6 vols. London. 1730. (State Trials Richard II. to George I.)

Statutes at Large. See United States Statutes.

Steiner, Bernard Christian. Life and Correspondence of James McHenry. Cleveland. 1907.

Stevens, Thaddeus. See Woodburn, James Albert.

Stevens, William Bacon. History of Georgia from its First Discovery by Europeans to the Adoption of the Present Constitution in 1798. 2 vols. Vol. i, New York, 1847. Vol. ii, Philadelphia, 1859. (Stevens.)

Story, Joseph. Life and Letters. Edited by William Wetmore Story. 2 vols. Boston. 1851. (Story.)

Supreme Court. See United States Supreme Court.

Thayer, James Bradley. Cases on Constitutional Law. 4 vols. Cambridge. 1894-95.

– John Marshall. Boston. 1904. [Riverside Biographical Series.]

Troup, George Michael. See Harden, Edward Jenkins.

Tucker, George. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. Philadelphia. 1837. (Tucker.)

Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Letters and Times of the Tylers. 3 vols. Richmond. 1884-96. (Tyler.)

United States Congress. Debates and Proceedings, First Congress, First Session, March 3, 1789, to Eighteenth Congress, First Session, May 27, 1824. [Known as the Annals of Congress.] 42 vols. Washington. 1834-56. (Annals.)

– Documents, Legislative and Executive. See American State Papers.

– History of the Last Session of Congress, which commenced on the seventh of December, 1801. [Taken from the National Intelligencer.] Washington. 1802. (Hist. Last Sess. Cong, which commenced 7th Dec. 1801.)

United States Senate. Document No. 610. 63d Congress, 2d Session. Washington. 1914.

– Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America, from the Commencement of the First to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress. 3 vols. Washington. 1828. (Journal Exec. Proc. Senate.)

United States Statutes at Large. Vols. i, ii, iii. Boston. 1850. (U.S. Statutes at Large.)

United States Supreme Court. Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court at October term, 1883. Reported by John Chandler Bancroft Davis. Vol. iii. New York and Albany. 1884.

See also Cranch, William; Dallas, Alexander James; Howard, Benjamin Chew; Peters, Richard, Jr.; Wallace, John William.

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