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Kitabı oku: «The Lettsomian Lectures on Diseases and Disorders of the Heart and Arteries in Middle and Advanced Life [1900-1901]», sayfa 3

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The Heart in Alcoholism

Let us now pass on to consider, from the clinical point of view, the effect on the organs of circulation of another morbific influence of a definite kind, namely, alcohol, or perhaps more correctly alcoholism, leaving on one side the questions of form and strength of the drink taken and its purity.

The direct effects of alcohol on the heart and the blood-vessels are by no means so easily determined as those of tobacco. In the first place, they are complicated with the many indirect effects which it produces on these organs by deranging the functions of alimentation and assimilation, the nervous system and the kidneys, and with the secondary effects on the vessels and heart of chronic nephritis due to the same cause. In the second place, as we saw in my first lecture, alcoholism is very commonly associated with nervous strain, with gout and goutiness, with tobacco, with syphilis, and not uncommonly with two, or more, or all of these together. Eliminating as far as possible these sources of error by careful selection of cases, I find that the alcoholic heart in middle and advanced life presents clinical characters, as a whole, very different from those of tobacco heart, which we have just studied. The most striking and important of these are the evidences of actual pathological change in the size of the heart and the condition of the myocardium. We found no evidence that tobacco causes serious cardiac enlargement, and neither may alcohol in quite young subjects, who present mainly excited action both in force and in frequency. But of 28 cases of alcoholic heart which I examined clinically in connection with the present inquiry in older subjects, only two hearts were of ordinary size (and as a matter of fact both of these patients were under 40 years of age). This result is in accord with my pathological observations. For instance, I have carefully followed the condition of the heart in an intemperate man of 43, and post mortem found the heart to weigh 17 ounces, to be universally dilated in all its chambers, and to present enlargement of the mitral opening without valvular lesion, corresponding with a weak apex systolic murmur heard during life. These results are also in accord with those in Dr. Maguire's cases of acute dilatation of the heart from alcoholism, which he recorded as long ago as 18887 (when, I may add, doubts were expressed of the correctness of his conclusions by several of our best authorities on cardiac disease), and one of which occurred in a man of 23. Dr. Mott has found fatty degeneration of the myocardium in patients dying suddenly during alcoholism.8 With hardly an exception the præcordial impulse is weak – indeed, it is often imperceptible; the sounds are small and feeble, and may be almost inaudible; in 20 per cent. of my cases a weak apex systolic murmur could be heard, varying with posture and from day to day, significant, no doubt, of leakage through a dilated mitral opening. The alcoholic heart is irregular and accelerated in about half the cases. The pulse tension is usually low; in one-third of the instances the radial artery was sclerosed; in one-fifth of them there was slight albuminuria; the legs may be œdematous. The complaints which the patient makes to us are commonly of palpitation of the heart, faintness or actual faints, and præcordial pain; but it is very interesting to observe that angina pectoris is rare in the alcoholic as compared with the tobacco heart, in the ratio of 4 to 15 per cent. With these cardiac symptoms proper there are usually associated the sweats, coldness of the extremities, and depression, sinking or lowness characteristic of alcoholism. But it is unnecessary for me to fill in this outline sketch of the condition of the victim of either acute, or sub-acute, or chronic alcoholism. I would rather mention one form of acute alcoholic failure of the heart of which I have recently seen a case, but which appears to be rare. A middle-aged woman, at the end of each of her repeated bouts of active alcoholism, has violent sickness; prostration passes into collapse, and for 24 hours or more she lies flat on her back, with all the phenomena of what may be called acute air-hunger. She breathes loudly and deeply, at the rate of 36 per minute, with groaning expiration. The expression is alarmed, despairing and imploring; the nose is pinched; the surface is livid and cold; the breath is cold; the pulse is practically imperceptible at the wrist; and yet the præcordial impulse is both strong and extensive, and the rate of the heart greatly accelerated. The condition is at once one of collapse and urgent dyspnœa, quite as in one form of so-called diabetic coma; and it is further remarkable in that it may pass off suddenly after having lasted, as I have said, for many hours. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that in such a condition as this some product of alcohol, present in the blood, is the cause of the remarkable phenomena.

The course of alcoholic heart in older subjects usually becomes affected by the appearance of cirrhosis of the liver, Bright's disease, neuritis, and possibly dementia. The method of termination is very various, including ordinary cardiac failure with dropsy; and sudden death occasionally occurs. Still, recovery is far from being impossible, even after dropsy has made its appearance, for the size of the heart may decline under strict abstinence from alcohol, and the œdema disappear. This is a matter of great practical interest, inasmuch as we know that, whilst the effect of alcohol on the heart and circulation is for a time functional only, it presently becomes truly nutritional, as in the cases I have just narrated. The myocardium is not always beyond repair, although it and the fine myelinated fibres of the vagus undergo fatty degeneration according to Dr. Mott,9 just as there are changes in the pyramidal cells and fibres of the cerebral cortex in the alcoholic; and the feebleness and irregularity of the heart are analogues of the depression and confusion of the brain.


Of the many instances of disorder and disease of the heart and arteries that I have met with in gouty subjects at or over 40 years of age, I have made a careful study of 29 taken from my private case-books. Twelve of these (10 M. + 2 F.) had suffered from ordinary articular gout, the other 17 (6 M. + 11 F.) had irregular gout, as defined in my first lecture. The average age was 62. In no instance was there albuminuria. The physical condition of the heart and arteries and the patient's complaints were remarkably alike in the two groups. In 23 of the 29 the heart proved to be enlarged, either on one or both sides. In less than half the number the cardiac action was feeble; in a small number the impulse was entirely imperceptible; the heart- and pulse- rate was ordinary; the rhythm was but seldom irregular. It is a very remarkable fact that in no fewer than 12 out of the 29 cases of gouty heart a systolic murmur was to be heard over the aortic area, the manubrium and the right carotid, significant of disease either of the aortic arch or of the aortic valves – in every instance independently of rheumatism or other obvious cause than gout. This result is an interesting confirmation of the pathological observations of Dr. Norman Moore and Sir Dyce Duckworth given by the latter,10 and of the statement of Murchison11 of his experience "that atheroma of the arteries at an unusually early period of life, and diseases of the aortic valves which are not congenital, and are independent of injury or rheumatism, are met with far oftener in persons who are the subjects of the lithic acid dyscrasia, or who have had gout, than in those who have had no such tendencies." In seven (25 per cent.) of my cases a more or less developed systolic murmur was found in the mitral area, significant either of valvular atheroma and sclerosis or of leakage from ventricular dilatation. Very curiously I have never met with aortic incompetence of gouty origin. When no murmur exists the cardiac sounds are commonly somewhat feeble, and the second sound may be of ringing quality – this more commonly in goutiness than in developed gout. In agreement with this connection, the radial pulse is more often tense in the subjects of irregular than of regular gout12; altogether, high tension is found in more than one-half of the cases. The great majority presented distinct thickening of the arterial walls. As I suggested in our study of the etiology, these pathological changes appear to be the result of malnutrition of structures (the myocardium, valves and arteries) worked at high pressure; and in addition to the local disturbance of metabolism in the cardiac and arterial walls, which are fed with gouty blood, there is the damaging effect on them of similar disease of the vasa vasorum and vasa cordis or coronaries.13 Besides a distressing feeling of irregularity, fluttering or intermittency, and dyspnœa on exertion, men who are the subjects of gouty heart complain most frequently of præcordial pain; women more often of palpitation and faintness or actual faints. In quite one-fourth of all cases of gouty heart the pain is anginal, and such angina may be of the most pronounced type. A friend of my own, aged 60, began to suffer from gouty angina (diagnosed to be such by his family physician 40 years ago) at the age of 20. Almost every year, somewhat more frequently for the last 12 years of his life, he was liable to be seized with intense pain in the left side of the chest, which rapidly extended to the neck and down the left arm, with tingling in the hand; a sense of great constriction in the chest; faintness, and difficulty of breathing. He had immediately to rest, whereupon the distress subsided; but it did not perfectly disappear for hours. On different occasions also, in connection with these anginal seizures, I have known him have free hæmoptysis, complete unconsciousness, vomiting, and sudden violent evacuation of the bowels. He also suffered from articular gout, and from irregular gout in almost every possible form.

Obesity and Glycosuria

Closely related to goutiness is a clinical type of disturbed metabolism, mainly characterised by corpulence, a bulky, flabby build, and glycosuria. Of this type, represented by 12 cases in my series, nine had glycosuria and two albuminuria; eight were men; the average age was 58. Only one had suffered from true articular gout. Here, again, the interesting observation was made that no less than three-fourths of the number had a systolic aortic murmur, none of them a regurgitant aortic murmur, and nearly one-half of them an ill-developed mitral systolic murmur. Thus there appears to be more liability to atheroma in the gross corpulent diabetic even than in the gouty man. In all the cases the heart appeared to be enlarged, but accurate physical examination is difficult or impossible in many of these subjects. The impulse was more often feeble than in the gouty; the cardiac sounds were equally weak, and the second aortic sound was occasionally accentuated. The pulse corresponded with the gouty pulse in thickness and tension, but it was more often found irregular and hurried. As for the complaints of corpulent and diabetic patients, they prove to be very similar to those of gouty individuals in respect of pain, but neither palpitation, faintness nor irregularity was so often mentioned.

It must not be understood from what I have just said in my account of these cases that all disturbances of the heart in gouty subjects progress to valvular or vascular degeneration, with associated cardiac enlargement and degeneration. The friend whose case I have just described at some length had led an active life, as I said, for 40 years; and, as I hope to show in my next lecture, the condition is amenable to treatment if this is based on a correct appreciation of the cause that is at work. But it is equally true that if correct advice be not given, or if it be given but be neglected, as happens so frequently, the endocardium and the aorta and other arteries steadily degenerate, chronic interstitial nephritis makes its appearance, and the patient dies either slowly from cardiac failure or suddenly from cerebral hæmorrhage.

Cardiac Strain

I will now proceed to consider the clinical characters of a class of cases in which you, Sir, are particularly interested – strain of the heart in middle and advanced life. To make this part of my subject more plain, I will discuss in the first place acute strain of the heart as it occurs after the fortieth year; afterwards I will consider the condition of the heart and arteries at this age in persons who have strained them in youth or early manhood.

A man of 65, who came to me complaining of his heart, gave the following account of the commencement of his trouble: – Four years previously, on making a very hard stroke at golf (the ball was bunkered), he was suddenly seized with a sensation of something having happened in his heart. He played up to the next hole, but now felt the chest oppressed; he sat down and got relief. This experience was repeated, and he gave up the round. Walking home two miles, he had to sit down occasionally with the same feeling. Ever since that occurrence exertion had produced the same effect. I found the ordinary physical signs of enlargement of both sides of the heart; a scarcely perceptible impulse; the cardiac sounds extremely feeble, the second being of a finely ringing quality; the pulse tense, quiet and regular, but the radial artery by no means sclerosed. The patient's principal complaints were of irregular action of the heart, which troubled him on lying down or when he was dyspeptic; and, as I have said, of post-sternal oppression on exertion. This man had neither albuminuria nor emphysema, but he had frequently suffered from ordinary articular gout. Belonging to this type of cardiac strain I have notes in all of 11 cases, which I will briefly summarise. Eight were men, three women; and their average age was 56. In all but one of them the heart was large, with feeble præcordial impulse; the sounds were small and feeble; the aortic diastolic sound was often ringing; in but one case was there a murmur – aortic systolic; with few exceptions the rhythm and the rate of the heart were ordinary. In half the cases the radial artery was sclerosed; in the majority the tension was not increased. Persons who strain their heart after middle life chiefly complain of præcordial oppression, dyspnœa on exertion, a sense of palpitation and irregular action of the heart, and pain, which may amount to angina; and they may tell us that distress and disability in these different forms have troubled them for years. You will have observed that the man whose case I have read in particular was the subject of gout; and this brings me to the interesting fact that of these 11 individuals seven were gouty. We have already seen how greatly reduced is the resistance of the cardio-vascular system in gouty subjects; and we are prepared for the readiness with which their heart may be strained by exertion – a matter of obvious importance prophylactically. In other cases not included in this group the strain took the form of valvular injury, or it affected hearts already the seats of old-standing valvular lesions of rheumatic origin; but the present is not the occasion to discuss these. Nor need I add that a not infrequent result of acute strain of the aged heart, whether its valves have been already damaged or its myocardium badly nourished, is sudden death. Now, I can understand that some of my audience might object to the application of the term "strain" to the effect of exertion in gouty and senile hearts, just as Professor Clifford Allbutt, who is universally recognised as the earliest and highest authority on this subject, suggests that the clinical expression "strain of the heart" relates only to comparatively young subjects free or nearly free from degeneration.14 It might be contended with great reason that exertion in these subjects is not a cause of strain or dilatation of the heart, but simply a test, as it were, or the proof, of cardiac debility and disability. But when we come to consider cardiac strain a little more closely, it may be just as easily maintained that every dilated heart, every dilated cardiac chamber, every dilated blood-vessel has been strained. Whether, on the one hand, valvular disease, Bright's disease or emphysema, or, on the other hand, myocardial degeneration, has disturbed that cardinal condition of a normal circulation that the driving power must always exceed the resistance ahead, over-distension and dilatation of the cavities, with excessive stretching of their walls, constitute or consist in mechanical strain. However, laying aside theoretical discussions of this character, the great practical fact remains, that when the aged and ill-nourished heart is over-distended from sudden and severe exertion, neither the elastic nor the muscular tissues of its walls can bear the strain; it becomes dilated; for the future it acts at a mechanical disadvantage; and as often as this may occur it suffers still more in its efficiency. On the other hand, it is really in confirmation of this consideration, though apparently in opposition to it, that the heart may diminish somewhat in size, and præcordial distress disappear, under strict treatment continued for a sufficient length of time.

7.Maguire, 'Trans. Clin. Soc. of London,' vol. xx, p. 235.
8.Mott, "Cardio-Vascular Nutrition and its Relation to Sudden Death," Practitioner, xli, p. 161.
9.Mott, 'The Croonian Lectures on the Degeneration of the Neurone,' p. 110, 1900.
10.Dyce Duckworth, 'A Treatise on Gout,' 1889, p. 108.
11.Murchison, 'Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Liver,' 3rd edition, 1885, p. 637.
12.Cf. Clifford Allbutt, "Selections from the Lane Lectures," Philadelphia Med. Journ., January 27th, 1900.
13.Mott, Practitioner, loc. cit., p. 169.
14.Clifford Allbutt, 'System of Medicine,' v, p. 843.
Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2017
80 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain