Kitabı oku: «On the History of Gunter's Scale and the Slide Rule during the Seventeenth Century», sayfa 2
We begin with a brief statement of the relations between Oughtred and Delamain. At one time Delamain, a teacher of mathematics in London, was assisted by Oughtred in his mathematical studies. In 1630 Delamain published the Grammelogia, a pamphlet describing a circular slide rule and its use. In 1631 he published another tract, on the Horizontall Quadrant.16 In 1632 appeared Oughtred’s Circles of Proportion17 translated into English from Oughtred’s Latin manuscript by another pupil, William Forster, in the preface of which Forster makes the charge (without naming Delamain) that “another.. went about to pre-ocupate” the new invention. This led to verbal disputes and to the publication by Delamain of several additions to the Grammelogia, describing further designs of circular slide rules and also stating his side of the bitter controversy, but without giving the name of his antagonist. Oughtred’s Epistle was published as a reply. Each combatant accuses the other of stealing the invention of the circular slide rule and the horizontal quadrant.
Different editions or impressions
There are at least five different editions, or impressions, of the Grammelogia which we designate, for convenience, as follows:
Grammelogia I, 1630. One copy in the Cambridge University Library.18
Grammelogia II, I have not seen a copy of this.
Grammelogia III, One copy in the Cambridge University Library.19
Grammelogia IV, One copy in the British Museum, another in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.20
Grammelogia V, One copy in the British Museum.
In Grammelogia I the first three leaves and the last leaf are without pagination. The first leaf contains the title-page; the second leaf, the dedication to the King and the preface “To the Reader;” the third leaf, the description of the Mathematical Ring. Then follow 22 numbered pages. Counting the unnumbered pages, there are altogether 30 pages in the pamphlet. Only the first three leaves of this pamphlet are omitted in Grammelogia IV and V.
In Grammelogia III the Appendix begins with a page numbered 52 and bears the heading “Conclusion;” it ends with page 68, which contains the same two poems on the mathematical ring that are given on the last page of Grammelogia I but differs slightly in the spelling of some of the words. The 51 pages which must originally have preceded page 52, we have not seen. The edition containing these we have designated Grammelogia II. The reason for the omission of these 51 pages can only be conjectured. In Oughtred’s Epistle (p. 24), it is stated that Delamain had given a copy of the Grammelogia to Thomas Brown, and that two days later Delamain asked for the return of the copy, “because he had found some things to be altered therein” and “rent out all the middle part.” Delamain labored “to recall all the bookes he had given forth, (which were many) before the sight of Brownes Lines.” These spiral lines Oughtred claimed that Delamain had stolen from Brown. The title-page and page 52 are the only parts of the Appendix, as given in Grammelogia III, that are missing in the Grammelogia IV and V.
Grammelogia IV answers fully to the description of Delamain’s pamphlet contained in Oughtred’s Epistle. It was brought out in 1632 or 1633, for what appears to be the latest part of it contains a reference (page 99) to the Grammelogia I (1630) as “being now more then two yeares past.” Moreover, it refers to Oughtred’s Circles of Proportion, 1632, and Oughtred’s reply in the Epistle was bound in the Circles of Proportion having the Addition of 1633. For convenience of reference we number the two title-pages of Grammelogia IV, “page (1)” and “page (2),” as is done by Oughtred in his Epistle. Grammelogia IV contains, then, 113 pages. The page numbers which we assign will be placed in parentheses, to distinguish them from the page numbers which are printed in Grammelogia IV. The pages (44) – (65) are the same as the pages 1-22, and the pages (68) – (83) are the same as the pages 53-68. Thus only thirty-eight pages have page numbers printed on them. The pages (67) and (83) are identical in wording, except for some printer’s errors; they contain verses in praise of the Ring, and have near the bottom the word “Finis.” Also, pages (22) and (23) are together identical in wording with page (113), which is set up in finer type, containing an advertisement of a part of Grammelogia IV explaining the mode of graduating the circular rules. There are altogether six parts of Grammelogia IV which begin or end by an address to the reader, thus: “To the Reader,” “Courteous Reader,” or “To the courteous and benevolent Reader.,” namely the pages (8), (22), (68), (89), (90), (108). In his Epistle (page 2), Oughtred characterizes the make up of the book in the following terms:
In reading it.. I met with such a patchery and confusion of disjoynted stuffe, that I was striken with a new wonder, that any man should be so simple, as to shame himselfe to the world with such a hotch-potch.
Grammelogia V differs from Grammelogia IV in having only the second title-page. The first title-page may have been torn off from the copy I have seen. A second difference is that the page with the printed numeral 22 in Grammelogia IV has after the word “Finis” the following notice:
This instrument is made in Silver, or Brasse for the Pocket, or at any other bignesse, over against Saint Clements Church without Temple Barre, by Elias Allen.
This notice occurs also on page 22 of Grammelogia I and III, but is omitted from page 22 of Grammelogia V.
Description of Delamain’s instrument of 1630
In his address to King Charles I, in his Grammelogia I, Delamain emphasizes the ease of operating with his slide rule by stating that it is “fit for use.. as well on Horse backe as on Foot.” Speaking “To the Reader,” he states that he has “for many yeares taught the Mathematicks in this Towne,” and made efforts to improve Gunter’s scale “by some Motion, so that the whole body of Logarithmes might move proportionally the one to the other, as occasion required. This conceit in February last [1629] I struke upon, and so composed my Grammelogia or Mathematicall Ring; by which only with an ocular inspection, there is had at one instant all proportionalls through the said body of Numbers.” He dates his preface “first of January, 1630.” The fifth and sixth pages contain his “Description of the Grammelogia,” the term Grammelogia being applied to the instrument, as well as to the book. His description is as follows:
The parts of the Instrument are two Circles, the one moveable, and the other fixed; The moveable is that unto which is fastened a small pin to move it by; the other Circle may be conceived to be fixed; The circumference of the moveable Circle is divided into unequall parts, charactered with figures thus, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. these figures doe represent themselves, or such numbers unto which a Cipher or Ciphers are added, and are varied as the occasion falls out in the speech of Numbers, so 1. stands for 1. or 10. or 100., &c. the 2. stands for 2. or 20. or 200. or 2000., &c. the 3. stands for 30. or 300. or 3000., &c.
After elaborating this last point and explaining the decimal subdivisions on the scales of the movable circle, he says that “the numbers and divisions on the fixed Circle, are the very same that the moveable are,.” There is no drawing of the slide rule in this publication. The twenty-two numbered pages give explanations of the various uses to which the instrument can be put: “How to performe the Golden Rule” (pp. 1-3), “Further uses of the Golden Rule” (pp. 4-6), “Notions or Principles touching the disposing or ordering of the Numbers in the Golden Rule in their true places upon the Grammelogia” (pp. 7-11), “How to divide one number by another” (pp. 12, 13), “to multiply one Number by another” (pp. 14, 15), “To find Numbers in continuall proportion” (pp. 16, 17), “How to extract the Square Root,” “How to extract the Cubicke Root” (pp. 18-21), “How to performe the Golden Rule” (the rule of proportion) is explained thus:
Seeke the first number in the moveable, and bring it to the second number in the fixed, so right against the third number in the moveable, is the answer in the fixed.
If the Interest of 100. li. be 8. li. in the yeare, what is the Interest of 65. li. for the same time.
Bring 100. in the moveable to 8. in the fixed, so right against 65. in the moveable is 5.2. in the fixed, and so much is the Interest of 65. li. for the yeare at 8. li. for 100. li. per annum.
The Instrument not removed, you may at one instant right against any summe of money in the moveable, see the Interest thereof in the fixed: the reason of this is from the Definition of Logarithmes.
These are the earliest known printed instructions on the use of a slide rule. It will be noticed that the description of the instrument at the opening makes no references to logarithmic lines for the trigonometric functions; only the line of numbers is given. Yet the title-page promised the “resolution of Plaine and Sphericall Triangles.” Page 22 throws light upon this matter:
If there be composed three Circles of equal thicknesse, A.B.C. so that the inner edge of D [should be B] and the outward edge of A bee answerably graduated with Logarithmall signes [sines], and the outward edge of B and the inner edge of A with Logarithmes; and then on the backside be graduated the Logarithmall Tangents, and againe the Logarithmall signes oppositly to the former graduations, it shall be fitted for the resolution of Plaine and Sphericall Triangles.
After twelve lines of further remarks on this point he adds:
Hence from the forme, I have called it a Ring, and Grammelogia by annoligie of a Lineary speech; which Ring, if it were projected in the convex unto two yards Diameter, or thereabouts, and the line Decupled, it would worke Trigonometrie unto seconds, and give proportionall numbers unto six places only by an ocular inspection, which would compendiate Astronomicall calculations, and be sufficient for the Prosthaphaeresis of the Motions: But of this as God shall give life and ability to health and time.
The unnumbered page following page 22 contains the patent and copyright on the instrument and book:
Whereas Richard Delamain, Teacher of Mathematicks, hath presented vnto Vs an Instrument called Grammelogia, or The Mathematicall Ring, together with a Booke so intituled, expressing the use thereof, being his owne Invention; we of our Gracious and Princely favour have granted unto the said Richard Delamain and his Assignes, Privilege, Licence, and Authority, for the sole Making, Printing and Selling of the said Instrument and Booke: straightly forbidding any other to Make, Imprint, or Sell, or cause to be Made, or Imprinted, or Sold, the said Instrument or Booke within any our Dominions, during the space of ten yeares next ensuing the date hereof, upon paine of Our high displeasure. Given under our hand and Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the fourth day of January, in the sixth yeare of our Raigne.
Delamain’s later designs, and directions for using his instruments
In the Appendix of Grammelogia III, on page 52 is given a description of an instrument promised near the end of Grammelogia I:
That which I have formerly delivered hath been onely upon one of the Circles of my Ring, simply concerning Arithmeticall Proportions, I will by way of Conclusion touch upon some uses of the Circles, of Logarithmall Sines, and Tangents, which are placed on the edge of both the moveable and fixed Circles of the Ring in respect of Geometricall Proportions, but first of the description of these Circles.
First, upon the side that the Circle of Numbers is one, are graduated on the edge of the moveable, and also on the edge of the fixed the Logarithmall Sines, for if you bring 1. in the moveable amongst the Numbers to 1. in the fixed, you may on the other edge of the moveable and fixed see the sines noted thus 90. 90. 80. 80. 70. 70. 60. 60. &c. unto 6.6. and each degree subdivided, and then over the former divisions and figures 90. 90. 80. 80. 70. 70. &c. you have the other degrees, viz. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. each of those divided by small points.
Secondly, (if the Ring is great) neere the outward edge of this side of the fixed against the Numbers, are the usuall divisions of a Circle, and the points of the Compasse: serving for observation in Astronomy, or Geometry, and the sights belonging to those divisions, may be placed on the moveable Circle.
Thirdly, opposite to those Sines on the other side are the Logarithmall Tangents, noted alike both in the moveable and fixed thus &c. unto 45.45. which numbers or divisions serve also for their Complements to 90. so 40 gr. stands for 50. gr. 30. gr. for 60 gr. 20. gr. for 70. gr. &c. each degree here both in the moveable and fixed is also divided into parts. As for the degrees which are under 6. viz. they are noted with small figures over this divided Circle from &c. and each of those degrees divided into parts by small points both in the moveable and fixed.
Fourthly, on the other edge of the moveable on the same side is another graduation of Tangents, like that formerly described. And opposite unto it, in the fixed is a Graduation of Logarithmall sines in every thing answerable to the first descrition of Sines on the other side.
Fifthly, on the edge of the Ring is graduated a parte of the Æquator, numbered thus 10 20. 30. unto 100. and there unto is adjoyned the degrees of the Meridian inlarged, and numbered thus 10 20.30 unto 70. each degree both of the Æquator, and Meridian are subdivided into parts; these two graduated Circles serve to resolve such Questions which concerne Latitude, Longitude, Rumb, and Distance, in Nauticall operations.
Sixthly, to the concave of the Ring may be added a Circle to be elevated or depressed for any Latitude, representing the Æquator, and so divided into houres and parts with an Axis, to shew both the houre, and Azimuth, and within this Circle may be hanged a Box, and Needle with a Socket for a staffe to slide into it, and this accommodated with scrue pines to fasten it to the Ring and staffe, or to take it off at pleasure.
The pages bearing the printed numbers 53-68 in the Grammelogia III, IV and V make no reference to the dispute with Oughtred and may, therefore, be assumed to have been published before the appearance of Oughtred’s Circles of Proportion. On page 53, “To the Reader,” he says:
Gram̄elogia | or, | The Mathematicall Ring. | Shewing (any reasonable Capacity that hath | not Arithmeticke) how to resolve and worke | all ordinary operations of Arithmeticke. | And those which are most difficult with greatest | facilitie: The extraction of Roots, the valuation of | Leases, &c. The measuring of Plaines | and Solids. | With the resolution of Plaine and Sphericall | Triangles. | And that onely by an Ocular Inspection, | and a Circular Motion. | Naturae secreta tempus aperit. | London printed by John Haviland, 1630.
De la Mains | Appendix | Vpon his | Mathematicall | Ring. Attribuit nullo (praescripto tempore) vitae | vsuram nobis ingeniique Deus. | London, |
.. The next line or two of this title-page which probably contained the date of publication, were cut off by the binder in trimming the edges of this and several other pamphlets for binding into one volume.
Grammelogia | Or, the Mathematicall Ring. | Extracted from the Logarythmes, and projected Circular: Now published in the | inlargement thereof unto any magnitude fit for use: shewing any reason- | able capacity that hath not Arithmeticke how to resolve and worke, | all ordinary operations of Arithmeticke: | And those that are most difficult with greatest facilitie, the extracti- | on of Rootes, the valuation of Leases, &c. the measuring of Plaines and Solids, | with the resolution of Plaine and Sphericall Triangles applied to the | Practicall parts of Geometrie, Horologographie, Geographie | Fortification, Navigation, Astronomie, &c. | And that onely by an ocular inspection, and a Circular motion, Invented and first published, by R. Delamain, Teacher, and Student of the Mathematicks. | Naturae secreta tempus aperit. |
There is no date. There follows the diagram of a second circular slide rule, with the inscription within the innermost ring: Typus proiectionis Annuli adaucti vt in Conslusione Lybri praelo commissi, Anno 1630 promisi. There are numerous drawings in the Grammelogia, all of which, excepting the drawings of slide rules on the engraved title-pages of Grammelogia IV and V, were printed upon separate pieces of paper and then inserted by hand into the vacant spaces on the printed pages reserved for them. Some drawings are missing, so that the Bodleian Grammelogia IV differs in this respect slightly from the copy in the British Museum and from the British Museum copy of Grammelogia V.