Kitabı oku: «Your Stars»
A Dynamic Astrology™
Journal for 2020
An empowering guide
for the year ahead
Carolyne Faulkner
HarperCollinsPublishers 1 London Bridge Street London SE1 9GF
First published by HarperCollinsPublishers 2019
© Carolyne Faulkner, 2019
Illustrations © Dynamic Astrology Ltd, 2019
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Page design by Hugh Adams
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To my teachers and to you, the reader
We have to care for ourselves, humanity and our beautiful home, Earth, in order to create new ways of living and more positive karma all round. Kindness is something that we really need to crank up and pump out into the world. This begins within and will instil a sense of belonging in us all, delivering much greater security in our crazy and equally fabulous and creative world.
Title Page
For You, the Reader
Dynamic Astrology™
Our Time is Now
Your Journal, Your Birth-Chart
About the Publisher
For You, the Reader
Hello, my name is Carolyne, and I am your translator, one who, more than anything, wishes you to learn and use astrology, the most beautiful language on Earth (French, Italian and Spanish are perhaps a close joint second). In this journal I am offering you star knowledge, along with well-being tips that work and power tools that never lose their power, and I am giving you room for your own reflections, which will give your soul the chance to be heard and you the space to write down what it is saying.
I am so grateful for the karma that has brought me here. All the magic, turbulence and transitions in my own life have brought me to this very moment, and in this moment you and I are connecting. All the twists and turns on your own journey have led you here. Think for a moment about exactly how or why you discovered this journal and the series of events in your own life that directed you to it. That is karma, and it’s magical – but more on that throughout, as I am very big on karma.
My journey so far has enabled me to be in the fortunate position to share not only the wisdom of the stars and my spiritual teachers with you, but also effective life coaching designed to enhance your everyday life and deepen your connectivity and receptivity overall. I am beyond thrilled to be alive and experiencing first-hand the spiritual revolution that has roused enough of a readership to warrant this journal! For so many years I, like many others, was advised to tone down my depth and wear a mask in order to survive. How times have delightfully changed.
We are only on this wonderful planet for a relatively short time, so make yours count. No matter who you are or what you do, be happy!
I am happy to enable everyone to skip over the complexities and start practising the art of Dynamic Astrology™. Every word I write and tip I offer is laced with meaning and holds fast to the echoes of the ageless words and sage teachings of my great, mostly departed teachers. That’s why this journal is dedicated to my teachers and to you, the reader.
It is a magical world, so live your very best life and enjoy every single day and, in a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be you.
Love from your friend

Dynamic Astrology™
This is not just astrology, this is Dynamic Astrology™, a contemporary self-improvement method based on the ancient language of the stars. Dynamic Astrology™ is, without doubt, the result of an alchemical process. The motivation behind it, as well as the result, is pure gold.
You may ask why I am so passionate about the language of the stars. Quite frankly, it changed the game of life for me – and that’s why I want to share it with as many people as possible. A deep love and innate understanding of astrology, combined with the passion to learn and the patience to reflect, changed the way I saw myself and transformed how I related to the people in my life and the everyday situations I faced; prior to this, I struggled.
With an understanding of your own birth-chart (or someone else’s), you can begin to cross-reference it with the astrology of the day and understand how the stars are impacting the way you feel, think and act. This can help you in many ways, for example, to stop you taking things personally and ultimately allowing more space for wisdom and compassion – and I absolutely love that. My late, great Buddhist master once told me, ‘there is nothing greater than compassion.’ This is such a simple lesson, there is nothing greater than compassion. Why? The energy of the universe acts as a magnet and brings us more of the same; so, if we are less judgemental of ourselves and others and kinder in all aspects of our life, then this is what we draw back. You can help make it happen. Astrology is wonderfully empowering, and when you harness it, it can feel as though you can press a ‘pause’ button before responding to a situation and give yourself more space to check in with your higher mind. That space is crucial for empowering your moves and interactions to deliver better outcomes.
For me, astrology is the most powerful and magical language on Earth: it never discriminates, it helps us to attune to universal energy, which exists within us all, and, when used effectively, it has the capability to reconnect us to our most authentic self and illuminate our deeper path. I try not to make promises that cannot be kept, because doing that weakens the auric field of protection that we each have. But I can promise you that the journal you have in your hands will enhance your life, however you use it, inform you and help to prepare you for each month, week and day of this revolutionary year.
Our Time is Now
The highly prophesized shift in consciousness that took a hold in 2012 is awakening our thirst for spirituality without hypocrisy or hierarchy and our authentic connections to the universe and all other beings. Authenticity is an effective tonic for combating the emptiness of superficiality and discovering cool ways of translating ancient knowledge and decoding sacred systems such as astrology. I truly believe that in each of us there lies an immense source of untapped power, as well as unlimited potential for greatness. Within the cells of our body there are the remnants of stars that exploded, and as blood courses through our veins, so does stardust.
We are all part of the universe, and the stars’ movements and activities impact us all. Realizing this is a game-changer. I would say that, wouldn’t I? But this is the revolution, and it’s one brimming with awareness, synchronicities and, above all, loving kindness, including towards ourselves. When the internal wars raging inside our mind reduce, then we positively shift the energy in our life and our environment. If we wish to live in peace and happiness, then our first step must be towards cultivating peace and happiness within. There is no better time than now.
Know that the future is not written. Nothing is fixed: everything changes, and so is impermanent, which also means that our past negative karma can be purified by our present deeds. Your future is pure potential based on your choices now. I don’t believe that any star, god or man writes the future; it’s solely ours to create. So, how do we do that? Through awareness and managing energy.
Energy … and Vibes
People often talk about ‘energy’ and ‘vibes’. Everything is energy, and astrology is a framework that we use to assess that energy, what it is and how it is manifesting. In many situations, with awareness of what is happening astrologically, we have the power to control, and even change, the energy and, significantly, our personal dynamics.
Energy: ‘our spirit and vibe and its impact on others’ | Energies: ‘feelings that evoke tension or positive vibes’ |
Interestingly, there is scientific research out there that has concluded that the key to our own happiness lies in helping others. But before we can really help others, we first have to help ourselves. And we can begin by being kinder to our heart. The first step is to stop judging ourselves so harshly, to become more aware and to take the time to reflect on our situation, so that we have time to recognize choices and contemplate outcomes. We will also be able to recognize our potential and nurture our deeper, more authentic nature, and doing this will in turn give us a sense of purpose that will result in a skip to our step and a sense of knowing in our heart. It doesn’t have to be grandiose or difficult – just one kind word can change someone’s whole day, including our own. I have suggested some mantras and affirmations throughout this journal, but I do encourage you to regularly use your own.
The Age of Aquarius
I believe that 2020 has rebooted the enlightened Age of Aquarius. Let me explain why! To really understand something, it’s wise to study the history. There are many conflicting opinions around TAOA’s actual start date and some believe it began as far back as the early twentieth century. According to Helena Blavatsky, the nineteenth-century Russian occultist, philosopher, author and co-founder of The Theosophical Society, 1900 was ‘the commencement of the Aquarian Age’ and a time when ‘the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter on a great change’. Despite this, some people believe the Age of Aquarius is yet to begin, though it seems that no academic, astronomer or astrologer can quite agree on it. I have studied both the prevailing and past astrology, as well as current events, and listened to many masters speak on the topic, so perhaps this summary of my research and discoveries will provide the means for you to decide for yourself.
Aquarius is the sign that provides enlightenment and evokes revolution; it promotes equality, freedom, tolerance, humanitarian ideals, awareness and consciousness. It also triggers inventions, new technologies and most things that connect the masses, like the media and technology industries; and reaches out to connect with the multiverse and beyond. Think space travel. In short, anything that serves to awaken people to the ‘bigger picture’. However, Aquarius also causes chaos and is extremely rebellious, which, let’s face it, can either go wrong or spectacularly right!
So, before we go any deeper, let’s pause and define what a ‘spiritual’ person is. Ancient prophets said, in differing ways, ‘Treat others as you would have them treat you,’ and it’s the same thing. Work, play, friendship, love, whatever, the same rule applies. And so we must also apply it to ourselves. Period.
Modern everyday life can be challenging for the sensitive folk among us, those who feel the pain of humanity and the suffering of the planet, but it’s worth remembering that light cannot exist without darkness; it is the natural law of the universe, and where angels walk, demons follow. The rather highly prophesied ‘big shift in consciousness’ that began in 2012 was also predicted to be the ‘end of time’. We know of course that it was not the ‘end of time’. But perhaps it was the ‘end of time’ as we had known it. The year 2012 was bloody and violent, highlighting the need for humanity to adopt an attitude of tolerance and find new ways of handling negativity, and it possibly triggered a collective desire for a better, more unified world. A covert spiritual revolution swept through our weary world.
In 2012, for example, a fifteen-year-old angel stood up to oppressive Earthly demons, demanding the right for girls to be educated; America’s first African-American President was re-elected; the UK hosted the Olympics, which pumped heart, soul and the results of great teamwork around the globe; the Arab Spring rolled out as folk continued to protest against fascistic regimes; and Silicon Valley began to promote daily meditation practice in the workplace as a ‘must’, after a visit from a Buddhist monk. Many of us, all around the world, began to wake up and stop believing all that we heard from those in public positions of authority or what we saw in the media and to initiate the search for our own deeper truth.
Life-changing spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga, are now commonplace once again and, when combined with the ability to use the universal language of the stars, provide a winning formula, one that promotes awareness: enhancing our connections to life, the rhythms of the universe and all that lies beyond.
Does this mean that 2012 was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Many say no, because it actually began in the 1960s. Perhaps it did. Saturn takes around twenty-eight years to complete a full cycle through the twelve astrological signs; Jupiter takes about twelve to thirteen years. By 1962 those planets were united in the sign of Aquarius.
And two years later, the Civil Rights Act was finally enacted in the USA, ending racial segregation and promoting equal rights, and before the end of the decade the first man walked on the Moon, the first Trans-Atlantic television signal was broadcast, an oral contraceptive was approved, giving women control over their own destinies, and the hippie movement took off, promoting peace, free love, music festivals and marijuana!
However, as far as I am concerned, 2020 is the real dawning of the Age of Aquarius. We have had a few trial runs, but this one is for real, as Saturn (the queen of the planets) and Jupiter (the great teacher) join the sign of Aquarius (the great awakener). Jupiter creates an expansive energy, Saturn provides structure and pragmatism, and Aquarius is all about the awakening of humanity, so this combination is rare and electrifying. You certainly won’t be bored.
Nor will I. I feel that we are now back in the throes of TAOA, and it’s exciting! These two magnificent and powerful planets are returning to the revolutionary sign of Aquarius for the first time since the 1960s, and this time we are more than prepared. We have this, 2020 journal!
Your Journal, Your Birth-Chart
Many Moons ago, astrology, my own soul and the incredible spiritual teachers that I trained with changed my life for the better. In turn I discovered, through experience, that helping others however I could (in my own way, and always creatively!) made me feel incredible, and I believe that sharing the know-how and giving back are the key to ultimate happiness. And so, new friend, I am honoured to be your guide in the exciting months ahead.
Your Journal
In this journal I have mapped out the astrology for the year 2020 and translated it into simple enough terms to be used in everyday life, guiding you through the shift in consciousness that is accelerating this year due to the Age of Aquarius. It works both on a spiritual and worldly basis, to steady and enhance your everyday life and nourish your soul. You can use it lightly, without any further research or input, or you can delve more deeply and use it in conjunction with your birth-chart. You are in control. You can dip in and out or immerse yourself fully. Either way, it will help you to align with the energy of the stars and master the art of living your very best life. And as we each do this, and raise our vibration, we harness the power to help both ourselves and our Divine Mother, the Earth.
Remember these words and keep them in your heart at all times:
It only takes one light to illuminate a dark room. You are that light.
Using this journal will help you to shine. It will empower you to become your own life coach, maximize your potential and, perhaps, even prevent you from making the mistakes that you can avoid. It will inform you and help you to plan your moves accordingly. Astrology is a report on the energy fields surrounding us. We often react to these according to our own astrology, and so, some basic knowledge of your own birth-chart, combined with the information in this journal, will give you an edge and enable you to perfect your sense of timing.
All astrology is subject to interpretation, so I only offer potentials for how certain alignments may play out. But the more you know your own chart, the more your own insights will flow through. Also, as your personal coach this year, I have designed ‘missions’ to better manage the energy of the coming months and help you raise your awareness, open up your heart and mind to the enlightening rhythms of the universe and increase your physical well-being. You are not obligated to complete any of them, but they will serve as a safety net that is always there to support you, whenever you feel you need it.
So, use this journal in one of three ways:
1 As you would your everyday diary. Read the tips and guidance and note down your thoughts. Oh, and notice the impacts of the Moon phases and astrological movements on your life …
2 More personally: lean in and use your own birth-chart to match the movements of the planets and signs throughout the journal with your chart. That way you will know when the stars and planets are majorly impacting you.
3 Alongside your own birth-chart: use the astrological information to go deeper and enhance your everyday life and interactions.
Whichever way you choose, you can’t lose! Nobody is judging you.
Find a notebook where you can record all your observations, ideas and insights as you work through this journal.
Ready to dive in?
Remember, awareness is first, then informed action follows! Are you aware of what’s in your birth-chart?
Your birth-chart is a snapshot of the position of certain stars and planets at the moment of your birth. Information is power, and the knowledge and insight that this snapshot provides will enable you to become more empowered. You can find out how to draw your birth-chart here.
We all have major planets and a sprinkling of every astrological sign in our birth-chart and, with a little know-how, we can figure out not only when and how they are likely to impact us, but also how we can make the most of the star-sent energies to enhance our daily life. Whether you are a barrister or ballet dancer, knowing what’s going on energetically enables you to choose how and even when to respond.
The path to enlightenment is never easy, but it is always rewarding. There are plenty of tools available to assist you, but it’s a journey that ultimately only you can choose to make. Making the commitment to understanding yourself is the first step. So, go on, draw your chart:
Go to and click on ‘Let’s Chart’, where you may draw your chart for free. If you don’t know what time you were born, no worries, just click ‘time unknown’.
We will be working with the planets and signs in this journal, for example the Moon in Libra (as pictured).

The planets represent ‘what’ – what that means for you. Each planet represents something. For example, the Moon represents ‘emotional strength’, ‘emotional well-being’ and how we ‘feel’ in general.
The signs are ‘how’ – how that plays out for you. It can play out well or not so well, of course. For example, in Libra, ‘gone right’, the Moon indicates ‘emotional balance, fairness, diplomacy, and a drive to form harmonious relationships’, and ‘gone wrong’, it can be ‘judgemental, desperate for any relationship, and vain’.
Click on all the planets, signs, houses and symbols in your chart and on the website and fill in the table opposite. I find writing something down helps you to remember it.
Although the stars’ and planets’ movements affect us all, certain signs are more impacted than others at differing times, so to make the most of this journal, refer to this table to discover when the astrology of a month, week or day will impact you most. In the journal I also list the signs that are due for a power surge. So, again, check your chart and see when and where the signs’ and planets’ influence will be intensified. Note that influence can ‘go right’ or ‘go wrong’; how we handle it is our choice!
The Planets
![]() | The Sun We all have our very own Sun in our birth-chart. Our Sun sign is the sign that most of us know; it’s also known as the star sign. You might like to make a note in your journal of when the actual Sun moves into your sign. This is your time of ultimate strength and potential for brilliance. |
![]() | The Moon We all have our very own Moon in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to manage our moods. It’s helpful to make a note in your journal of when the actual Moon is in your sign. It’s going to happen every month. This is your time of emotional strength. And if the New or Full Moon falls in your sign, its impact is amplified. |
![]() | Mercury We all have our very own Mercury in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to manage our mind, or negotiations and communications in general. Once you’ve drawn your chart and know where your planets are, make a note in your journal of when Mercury meets them or is in your sign. This is your time of mental strength and heightened intelligence. |
![]() | Venus We all have our very own Venus in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to enhance our love life and attractiveness. Make a note in your journal of when Venus connects to your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of charm and attractiveness. |
![]() | Mars We all have our very own Mars in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to manage our overall energy and powers of attraction. Make a note in your journal of when Mars meets your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of physical energy, power of attraction and drive. |
![]() | Jupiter We all have our very own Jupiter in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to attract good fortune or be aware of when we might go over the top. Knowing when Jupiter meets your other planets, or is in your sign, will ensure that you make the most of your time of abundance and good fortune. Remember that we often only recognize good fortune long after the event! |
![]() | Saturn We all have our very own Saturn in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to master certain aspects of our life or overcome challenges from the past (even past lives). Make a note in your journal of when Saturn connects to your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of learning, achieving and succeeding through hard work and valuable lessons. |
![]() | Uranus We all have our very own Uranus in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to increase our overall awareness and hone our ability to progress. Make a note in your journal of when Uranus connects to your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of heightened awareness, power, insight, ideas and ingenuity. |
![]() | Neptune We all have our very own Neptune in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to know what to let go of in order to avoid confusion and illusion, and also how to increase our intuition and heed our dreams. Make a note in your journal of when Neptune connects to your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of surrender and also time to increase your connection to the spiritual realms. |
![]() | Pluto We all have our very own Pluto in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to know where our power lies or where we may experience the most transformative experiences and attune to our motivation. Make a note in your journal of when Pluto connects with your other planets or is in your sign. This is your time of power and also when your potential for transformation is increased. |
![]() | Chiron We all have our very own Chiron in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if we wish to know where our ‘karmic wound’ lies and which area offers the most potential for soul healing. Recognize wounds and pain as the great teachers and opportunities for growth that they are. |
![]() | The North Node We all have our very own North Node in our birth-chart. This is useful to know, especially if you wish to know the sign that holds the key to your karmic direction in this life. Make a note in your journal of when the North Node connects to your planets or is in your sign. This is your time of purpose and is also the time to increase your understanding of the most rewarding path for you. |
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