Kitabı oku: «The Royal Puzzle», sayfa 2
Chapter 3 A Disturbing Message
– So, Kat, is there anything I should know? -Maggie enquired with an aprehensive look.
Should I tell her now, or can it wait until the morning. I do have to digest a lot, considering what I’ve been through tonight.
– I suppose, no. I’m really sorry for such a late intrusion, but I suppose it would be reasonable to spare the information for tomorrow. There is still a lot to figure out.
– I see. For the record, you can trust me with whatever it is. You know that, right?
– Of course, Meg. It’s just… It’s been a long evening.
How rude of me to keep secrets from my one and only intimate friend, but freaking her out with all the details of the cafe fight would be even worse.
– I’ll prepare a berth for you. There is this brand new sofa Peter and I purchased a while ago. Such a comfy sleeping place.
– That would be great, Meg. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay you.
– Don’t mention it. Aren’t best friends designed to help each other out?
– No arguing.
As soon as the beds were ready, and the two friends had some herbal tea to make their sleep deeper, Katherine decided to finally check out her inbox being extremely agitated. Maggie was already having a deep sleep.
Meg is that rare kind of person who sleeps like a baby. These days it’s something of a superpower.
Katherine felt her hands trembling when opening the laptop. An agitating thought was endeavouring her mind as fast as a lightning during a thunderstorm.
It’s from dad. Goodness gracious, we haven’t seen each other for ages. I realise our relationship has been far from excellent, but let’s hope father hasn’t got himself into all sorts of trouble.
When opening the message Katherine was stroke by the very first lines that got into her sight:
My dearest Kitty, if you’re reading this letter, then I’m afraid I got myself into real trouble, that only you are currently able to get me out of. I’ve been tracked down and spied for the last few days. I’ve made a groundbreaking discovery that might change the British history, and the history of the Tudors precisely, forever!
Oh, father! You’ll never change. Even being in grave danger, you keep using those pretentious phrases…
And this discovery is the very reason I’ve been followed recently. These are dangerous people that will stop at nothing when it comes to treasure. All the information I’ve collected concerning this treasure I have cautiously submitted to one of my most loyal friends (I don’t want any harm coming to you because of this data). Unfortunately, now you’re the only one to solve this mystery. In case you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to contact Daniel Lawrence. He’s one of my best students. You can trust him. He’ll take care of you.
Oh, father… What could possibly happen to you? If only I could rewind everything like those old video tapes I used to watch as a child, things could have been different. I shouldn’t have let those insulting words out of my mouth the last time we saw each other…
Katherine nearly bursted out crying, pulling herself together at the last moment when realising there was Maggie sleeping next door. A tear of despair ran down her cheek.
P.S. My beloved daughter, I’ve messed up. Forgive me all the rude words I happend to tell you in the course of our last meeting. I want you to know, I didn’t mean any of it. It might be my last letter, so please, don’t hold it against me. You and your mother are and will remain the only people I hold dear in this world.
Katherine spent the remainder of the night sobbing into her pillow. That was too much to withstand…
Chapter 4 A Friendly Chat
When getting up the next morning Katherine went straight to the bathroom, to spare her friend the worry about her restless ‘weeping all night long’ looks.
I’ve already made her agitated enough, when turning up at her treshold out of the blue. Actually, my face doesn’t look that bad. No, it does… At least I have to try.
Having washed her face to make it look as normal as possible, Katherine went straight to the kitchen, wearing as calm expression as possible. Maggie was in the middle of cooking breakfast.
– Maggie, I’m so grateful for letting me stay overnight! Forgive me for appearing on your treshold out of the blue. -Katherine thanked her best friend.
– Oh, please, don’t mention it! We discussed it early on, didn’t we? Are we not friends after all? – Maggie comforted her friend. – By the way, you haven’t told me yet, about what happened last night? When turning up at my door you seemed confused, frightened and messed up? Is there anything I should know? -Katherine’s friend enquired.
Should I let her know, or keep it all secret? She might get into a big trouble after hearing what I got myself involved into… I should probably keep quite about my father’s email and all this British legacy and Tudors stuff. Probably, my encountering Daniel would be enough to feed her curiosity, and keeping away from all sorts of problems that might arise.

– So, let’s hear it? – Maggie taking a pose of one of those “Good Morning Britain”[1] hosts ready to delve into their guest’s story.
– Well, I met someone last night, under extraordinary circumstances. He…
– Heeeeeeee! – Maggie cut her off cheerfully. – Christ, you finally met someone!!! The world’s turned upside down!!!
– Stop making fun of me, Maggie! You know it’s something I’m really sensitive about. Love is not something to make quick decisions about. – Katherine smirked.
– Oh, come on! Don’t be too hard on me. Honestly, I’m happy there’s finally someone who managed to make an impression on you. -Maggie noted, hugging her friend tightly.
– I know you are. Forgive me my rudeness. There’s been a lot of stress lately. If not for Daniel… Oh, God! – Katherine couldn’t finish the phrase hiding her head in her hands.
– So, Daniel. That’s quite the name I should say. Is he handsome? Witty? -Maggie enquired trying to calm Katherine down.
I have to be honest, she does know how to cheer people up.
– I’m sorry for being so annoyingly nervous, it’s just – Katherine gasped. – I’ve never been assaulted before…
– Jesus Christ! Assaulted? Are you serious? -Maggie exclaimed leaping up from the chair getting a glass to pour some water. -Who would do such a thing? – she handed the glass to Katherine.
– If only I knew – Katherine sighed eagerly drinking water, emptying the glass at a draught, tears running down her cheeks.
– Ok, just stay calm, don’t worry! Whatever happened, it’s over now. Come. – Maggie embraced her friend directing her to the sofa nearby.
Having seated comfortably, Katherine proceeded – There were two of them, American enforcers trying to make me follow them…
– Well, I’m not surprised at all. Having watched all sorts of American action films, I know exactly how they act. -Maggie frowned.
It’s not an action film, though! It was shockingly real…
– Then, suddenly, Daniel appeared behind them. I wish you could see the way he beat them up. – a light smile crossing Katherine’s face finally calming her down.
– Wow, is he some kind of ‘James Bond’[2] then? -Maggie sighed gleefully.
– That’s as maybe, I’m not sure a regular Oxford professor is aware of such fighting techniques, well if it’s not some kind of a hobby.
– Well, you never know.-Maggie giggled, imagining one of their straight-faced English Literature professors having a martial art class.
Katherine bursting out laughing watching her friend’s face expression.
– I like the way you can brighten the day, Maggie.-Katherine remarked. – I guess that’s why Peter started going out with you. By the way, when were you going to tell me? He’s our mutual friend? We’ve known each other for ages. Besides, I don’t recall you falling for IT specialists. I thought you’ve always considered them dull and far from those macho guys you used to hang out with?
– Things change, you know. He appeared to be completely the opposite of what I imagined. As they say, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I’d never thought finding you in a company of a “James Bond’ type of guy, and yet, here you are.
Neither had I.
– No kidding, I’m really happy for you both! -Katherine confessed hugging her friend.
– I know you are! Anyway, let’s get back to the point, what’s next? Are you going to keep in touch with him?
– I don’t know, really. He made sure I can give him a call in case of emergency.
– Well, I might sound banal, but there’s always a ‘case of emergency’ to come up with as far as one’s love interest is concerned.
– Ah, I wouldn’t call him a ‘love interest’. We barely know each other. I’m simply grateful for getting me out of trouble. One against two, that’s suicide! – Katherine shuddered at the thought.
– May be, but I’m sure you won’t deny his good looks?
– I won’t. That would be a delusion. – Katherine smiled at the thought.
Chapter 5 A Ransacked Home
Having spent a restless night caused by the evening incident and an unsettling email sent by her dad and chit-chatting with her friend over breakfast, Katherine was now heading back to her flat aware of the fact that it might be indiscreet after being attacked by two bastards, though still hoping things won’t get worse.
Anyway, there’s still a chance these two bruisers still figuring out my place of residence. I have few things with me, so I cannot possibly get along without packing up. I am about to move house, after all.
Katherine carried on repeating these phrases in her head as some kind of mantra, trying to calm herself down and make sure she has made the right decision to get back home.
This mysterious and disturbing email coming from my dad. Something’s off here. My dad is a man of character and he would only send such kind of letter as a last resort, that’s for sure. What did he mean by saying “If you’re reading this letter, I’m currently in great danger?”
With such thoughts on her mind Katherine reached the door of her flat and halted in shock. The door was open with the lock being savagely ripped.
“What the…” – Katherine nearly cursed in shock. Entering the room she witnessed quite a spectacle. All her stuff being thrown around the room. Chair thrown, books lying open all around the floor.
Who could actually have caused such a mess? What have I gotten myself into? These two American gorillas are behind all of this, no doubt!
Fearful that there still might be someone inside, Katherine stepped out into the hall and went straight down to the main entrance with her entire body quavering.
When getting outside she made out a bench close to the park nearby. This bench appeared to be a real salvation, as Katherine felt her trembling legs giving way. Having finally settled down, Katherine took out the phone and entered her mailbox searching for the incoming message from her father she read overnight.
“If you you end up in trouble, don’t hesitate to contact Prof. Daniel Lawrence. He’s one of my best students. He’ll take care of you. Feel free to trust him.”
I guess, for now, Prof. Lawrence is my only option…
Chapter 6 A Call To Salvation
Katherine double checked Prof. Lawrence’s contact details before making up her mind on the next possible scenario the outcome of which was terrifyingly blurry.
So, what do we have here:
“Associate Professor Daniel Lawrence.”
Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL
01865 343-211-72”.
I see, consider I should start my search at Gerorge Street, or even make a call in advance, not to drop from the clouds. Poor manners are out of favour.
Setting foot to George Street, sanctum sanctorum of History, the place where all the professors and students were hanging out in their daily “learn and study” routine, and fishing her mobile out of her backpack side pocket, where Katherine tended to keep her cell phone, she felt a slight buzzing (turning on a rington was not in her custom, as an abrupt sound of an incoming call startled her every single time. This habit drove her closest friends and family mad as they couldn’t reach her in case of emergency. “What can I say. I have a sensitive ear, besides, I don’t want to embarass myself on public transport with people gaping at me every time I jump out of my skin when receiving a sudden call”. -Katherine said in her defence).
Who might that be? The circumstances I’m currently finding myself in, receiving an unexpected call is even more intimidating than usual.
Upon closer examination Katherine nearly dropped the phone.
This is not happening… Am I dreaming?
She took one more glance at the contact details from the email.
It has to be him. But how did he find out I was about to give a call? Is this professor some sort of “Charles Xavier” type of guy or the Delphi Oracle? Okay, assumptions aside, just answer the call.
– Hello.
– Hello, is that Katherine? -the familiar voice inquired.
The cafe savior…
– Yes. Who’s speaking?
– Oh, thank God! I’m glad I made it to you. It’s Daniel. The cafe last night, remember?
– Oh, sure. Daniel. It’s so nice to hear from you and may I tell you how grateful I am for saving my life yesterday.
– Oh, please, don’t mention it. I’m glad I could be at service to you. I was just wondering if you are safe and sound and out of trouble? Frankly speaking, I’ve been anxious about you since yesterday. Your well-being made me quite unsettling.
– Oh, how very kind of you to enquire. I don’t want to be a drag. I’m sure you have a lot on your plate…
Seriously, you’ve only just met the guy! Overwhelming a near stranger with personal issues is quite a “mauvais ton”.
– Please, Ms. Winters, feel free to share whatever it is with me.-Daniel responded to dispel all the doubts and inconviniences.
– Well, to be perfectly honest, a great deal of things took place overnight and this morning, and I’m afraid there’s no one else I can turn to.
– Ok, please, Ms. Winters, firstly, don’t panic and calm down. I’m afraid I’m having a lecture in five minutes. How does it sound if we meet in my office at George Street to sort everything out?
– Sounds good. – Katherine replied with relief vibrating through her body.
– Perfect. The lecture finishes at 2.30 p.m. When getting inside the faculty let the receptionist know that you’ve got an appointment with Prof.Lawrence. I’ll make sure they escort you straight to the office. Wait there for me, will you?
– Of course. I owe you a lot, Mr.Lawrence.-Katherine replied, her voice full of gratitude.
– Ms. Winters, would you please stop thanking me? I’m a man of honour and trust me, for now, that’s the least I can do.-Daniel pleaded, his voice as comfortable and soothing as usual.
I should probably stop thanking people too much.
– See you in the office then?
– Sure. See you soon.
Having hung up, Katherine went on thinking what has just happened.
Trusting a stranger? Is it really a safe way? Well, I suppose in this situation it’s my ONE and ONLY way out. I shouldn’t forget that it’s due to Professor Lawrence that I’m still walking these streets and not struggling to get out of some dungeon or wherever they tend to keep hostages.
With these disturbing thoughts in mind, Katherine went straight to Gerorge Street, hoping to clear up all this mess she had absolutely no idea how to deal with.
Chapter 7 Balliol College
Balliol College was about twenty minutes away from where Katherine resided, so it didn’t take her long to get there. When getting through a massive set of doors reminding the passers by of a medieval “Game of Thrones” -like castle gate, Katherine found herself inside an archway taking her straight to the college campus.
Every time I enter such a space, I feel just like Lyra Belaqua[3] scouting the corridors of Jordan College and exploring all the hidden corners of Oxford. Hope HBO won’t screw up the last season of “His Dark Materials”[4] they scheduled for Christmas.
Contemplating books, TV shows and films was a usual thing for Katherine when feeling uneasy.
Although, Jordan College[5]is fictional, it has so much in common with its Oxford counterparts.
Walking through the archway, Katherine spotted some floral carvings on its upper part.
It was an ordinary “learn and study” day at Balliol College with the students in their early or mid-twenties, scattered all around the place. Some of them sitting on the lawn being in the middle of a lively discussion, others debating some hot issues or just having a good laugh in each other’s company.
Wish I could time travel to experience my bachelor degree days once more. Such moments are eternal!
Walking the gravel path, Katherine remembered to check her watch so that she doesn’t get late for the meeting. She was a type of a person who chose classic watch with a dial and an hour hand over a smart one. “These new gdgets you guys wear day and night kill all the charm”. – Katherine retorted whenever she had a light dispute over new technologies with her friends, trying to convince Katherine to change her attitude towards smart watch. To be honest, they already got used to her ways of life. No matter what people thought, Katherine liked it that way.
2.40. Great I still have some time to spare.
She couldn’t help but enjoying the majestic gothic buldings with spiral towers, sophisticated carvings decorating the roofs and walls of Balliol College.
Unbelievable! Every inch of these set of buildings has a story to tell. Whatever they may say, there’s no place like Oxford. I do miss home at times, but this town owns special place in my heart! I’ve never felt more content and relaxed anywhere else.
Carrying on admiring the fairy-tale like views Katherine reached the main entrance where she was supposed to meet up with Prof.Lawrence. Suddenly the main doors swung open and the lawn got flooded with even more students leaving the college grounds, pacing up to make it to their next class scheduled in a completely different building.
When chosing Oxford out of countless British universities, make sure you’re in good shape to move around between classes.
This thought made Katherine smile, first time in the course of this disturbing and unsettling day.
Having noticed the way Katherine was admiring the view, Daniel, who was now standing behind her, couldn’t help but making a remark:
– You know…
Having got carried away and not expecting someone talking behind her, Katherine nearly jumped out of her skin.
– Forgive me, Ms. Winters. I did not intend to scare you. It’s just, the way you observe things is so heartwarming.
– No need to apologise, Mr.Lawrence. I have a sensetive ear, that’s all. Sorry, you were saying?
– I happen to have crazy and extremely busy days as a professor, when you need to meet all the deadlines, give multiple lectures and run a great deal of classes, nevertheless, I still find myself enjoying all the serenity and beauty Oxford has to offer. I would exchange it for nothing!
– That’s funny, I had the exact same thoughts a few minutes ago.
Clearly, our mindsets are alike. It’s not every day that I come across such a man.
– Really? Well, that makes two of us then. – a broad smile touching Daniel’s lips. – I’m glad you’ve made it here! It’s such a pleasure to see you again.
– The pleasure is all mine, Professor Lawrence.
– Please, call me Daniel. It would be fitting, concerning what we’ve been through recently.
– Sure. In that case, would you please call me Katherine?
– Agreed.
– I’m pleased to see you smiling, Katherine
Him watching me and smiling that way makes me blush. Suppose I should smile back.
– Seems you’re getting back to normal after what’s happened a while ago.
– It’s no easy feat, but I’m managing.-Katherine confessed.
– And yet, you sounded concerned on the phone. Please, do tell me what’s troubling you.
– Actually, it’s a long story.
– No worries. I have plenty of time. This was my last class for today, so I’m in no hurry. We can discuss whatever’s alarming you on the way to The History Faculty. I have to collect some of my students’ home assignments from my office to check over the weekend.
– Only if I’m not distracting you from some urgent matters to settle. – Katherine accepted.
– Not at all. Please, leave the worrying part to me.
He offered Katherine a hand.
His ancestors certainly belonged to chivalry. Am I daydreaming?
Taking Daniel by the arm, finally feeling secure and out of trouble, Katherine went on telling her story.
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