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Kitabı oku: «Dombey and Son», sayfa 69

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‘Will it ever be, Mama? It is! Freely, freely, both by Walter and by me. If that is any consolation to you, there is nothing that you may believe more certainly. You do not – you do not,’ faltered Florence, ‘speak of Papa; but I am sure you wish that I should ask him for his forgiveness. I am sure you do.’

She answered not a word.

‘I will!’ said Florence. ‘I will bring it you, if you will let me; and then, perhaps, we may take leave of each other, more like what we used to be to one another. I have not,’ said Florence very gently, and drawing nearer to her, ‘I have not shrunk back from you, Mama, because I fear you, or because I dread to be disgraced by you. I only wish to do my duty to Papa. I am very dear to him, and he is very dear to me. But I never can forget that you were very good to me. Oh, pray to Heaven,’ cried Florence, falling on her bosom, ‘pray to Heaven, Mama, to forgive you all this sin and shame, and to forgive me if I cannot help doing this (if it is wrong), when I remember what you used to be!’

Edith, as if she fell beneath her touch, sunk down on her knees, and caught her round the neck.

‘Florence!’ she cried. ‘My better angel! Before I am mad again, before my stubbornness comes back and strikes me dumb, believe me, upon my soul I am innocent!’


‘Guilty of much! Guilty of that which sets a waste between us evermore. Guilty of what must separate me, through the whole remainder of my life, from purity and innocence – from you, of all the earth. Guilty of a blind and passionate resentment, of which I do not, cannot, will not, even now, repent; but not guilty with that dead man. Before God!’

Upon her knees upon the ground, she held up both her hands, and swore it.

‘Florence!’ she said, ‘purest and best of natures, – whom I love – who might have changed me long ago, and did for a time work some change even in the woman that I am, – believe me, I am innocent of that; and once more, on my desolate heart, let me lay this dear head, for the last time!’

She was moved and weeping. Had she been oftener thus in older days, she had been happier now.

‘There is nothing else in all the world,’ she said, ‘that would have wrung denial from me. No love, no hatred, no hope, no threat. I said that I would die, and make no sign. I could have done so, and I would, if we had never met, Florence.’

‘I trust,’ said Cousin Feenix, ambling in at the door, and speaking, half in the room, and half out of it, ‘that my lovely and accomplished relative will excuse my having, by a little stratagem, effected this meeting. I cannot say that I was, at first, wholly incredulous as to the possibility of my lovely and accomplished relative having, very unfortunately, committed herself with the deceased person with white teeth; because in point of fact, one does see, in this world – which is remarkable for devilish strange arrangements, and for being decidedly the most unintelligible thing within a man’s experience – very odd conjunctions of that sort. But as I mentioned to my friend Dombey, I could not admit the criminality of my lovely and accomplished relative until it was perfectly established. And feeling, when the deceased person was, in point of fact, destroyed in a devilish horrible manner, that her position was a very painful one – and feeling besides that our family had been a little to blame in not paying more attention to her, and that we are a careless family – and also that my aunt, though a devilish lively woman, had perhaps not been the very best of mothers – I took the liberty of seeking her in France, and offering her such protection as a man very much out at elbows could offer. Upon which occasion, my lovely and accomplished relative did me the honour to express that she believed I was, in my way, a devilish good sort of fellow; and that therefore she put herself under my protection. Which in point of fact I understood to be a kind thing on the part of my lovely and accomplished relative, as I am getting extremely shaky, and have derived great comfort from her solicitude.’

Edith, who had taken Florence to a sofa, made a gesture with her hand as if she would have begged him to say no more.

‘My lovely and accomplished relative,’ resumed Cousin Feenix, still ambling about at the door, ‘will excuse me, if, for her satisfaction, and my own, and that of my friend Dombey, whose lovely and accomplished daughter we so much admire, I complete the thread of my observations. She will remember that, from the first, she and I never alluded to the subject of her elopement. My impression, certainly, has always been, that there was a mystery in the affair which she could explain if so inclined. But my lovely and accomplished relative being a devilish resolute woman, I knew that she was not, in point of fact, to be trifled with, and therefore did not involve myself in any discussions. But, observing lately, that her accessible point did appear to be a very strong description of tenderness for the daughter of my friend Dombey, it occurred to me that if I could bring about a meeting, unexpected on both sides, it might lead to beneficial results. Therefore, we being in London, in the present private way, before going to the South of Italy, there to establish ourselves, in point of fact, until we go to our long homes, which is a devilish disagreeable reflection for a man, I applied myself to the discovery of the residence of my friend Gay – handsome man of an uncommonly frank disposition, who is probably known to my lovely and accomplished relative – and had the happiness of bringing his amiable wife to the present place. And now,’ said Cousin Feenix, with a real and genuine earnestness shining through the levity of his manner and his slipshod speech, ‘I do conjure my relative, not to stop half way, but to set right, as far as she can, whatever she has done wrong – not for the honour of her family, not for her own fame, not for any of those considerations which unfortunate circumstances have induced her to regard as hollow, and in point of fact, as approaching to humbug – but because it is wrong, and not right.’

Cousin Feenix’s legs consented to take him away after this; and leaving them alone together, he shut the door.

Edith remained silent for some minutes, with Florence sitting close beside her. Then she took from her bosom a sealed paper.

‘I debated with myself a long time,’ she said in a low voice, ‘whether to write this at all, in case of dying suddenly or by accident, and feeling the want of it upon me. I have deliberated, ever since, when and how to destroy it. Take it, Florence. The truth is written in it.’

‘Is it for Papa?’ asked Florence.

‘It is for whom you will,’ she answered. ‘It is given to you, and is obtained by you. He never could have had it otherwise.’

Again they sat silent, in the deepening darkness.

‘Mama,’ said Florence, ‘he has lost his fortune; he has been at the point of death; he may not recover, even now. Is there any word that I shall say to him from you?’

‘Did you tell me,’ asked Edith, ‘that you were very dear to him?’

‘Yes!’ said Florence, in a thrilling voice.

‘Tell him I am sorry that we ever met.’

‘No more?’ said Florence after a pause.

‘Tell him, if he asks, that I do not repent of what I have done – not yet – for if it were to do again to-morrow, I should do it. But if he is a changed man – ’

She stopped. There was something in the silent touch of Florence’s hand that stopped her.

‘ – But that being a changed man, he knows, now, it would never be. Tell him I wish it never had been.’

‘May I say,’ said Florence, ‘that you grieved to hear of the afflictions he has suffered?’

‘Not,’ she replied, ‘if they have taught him that his daughter is very dear to him. He will not grieve for them himself, one day, if they have brought that lesson, Florence.’

‘You wish well to him, and would have him happy. I am sure you would!’ said Florence. ‘Oh! let me be able, if I have the occasion at some future time, to say so?’

Edith sat with her dark eyes gazing steadfastly before her, and did not reply until Florence had repeated her entreaty; when she drew her hand within her arm, and said, with the same thoughtful gaze upon the night outside:

‘Tell him that if, in his own present, he can find any reason to compassionate my past, I sent word that I asked him to do so. Tell him that if, in his own present, he can find a reason to think less bitterly of me, I asked him to do so. Tell him, that, dead as we are to one another, never more to meet on this side of eternity, he knows there is one feeling in common between us now, that there never was before.’

Her sternness seemed to yield, and there were tears in her dark eyes.

‘I trust myself to that,’ she said, ‘for his better thoughts of me, and mine of him. When he loves his Florence most, he will hate me least. When he is most proud and happy in her and her children, he will be most repentant of his own part in the dark vision of our married life. At that time, I will be repentant too – let him know it then – and think that when I thought so much of all the causes that had made me what I was, I needed to have allowed more for the causes that had made him what he was. I will try, then, to forgive him his share of blame. Let him try to forgive me mine!’

‘Oh Mama!’ said Florence. ‘How it lightens my heart, even in such a strange meeting and parting, to hear this!’

‘Strange words in my own ears,’ said Edith, ‘and foreign to the sound of my own voice! But even if I had been the wretched creature I have given him occasion to believe me, I think I could have said them still, hearing that you and he were very dear to one another. Let him, when you are dearest, ever feel that he is most forbearing in his thoughts of me – that I am most forbearing in my thoughts of him! Those are the last words I send him! Now, goodbye, my life!’

She clasped her in her arms, and seemed to pour out all her woman’s soul of love and tenderness at once.

‘This kiss for your child! These kisses for a blessing on your head! My own dear Florence, my sweet girl, farewell!’

‘To meet again!’ cried Florence.

‘Never again! Never again! When you leave me in this dark room, think that you have left me in the grave. Remember only that I was once, and that I loved you!’

And Florence left her, seeing her face no more, but accompanied by her embraces and caresses to the last.

Cousin Feenix met her at the door, and took her down to Walter in the dingy dining room, upon whose shoulder she laid her head weeping.

‘I am devilish sorry,’ said Cousin Feenix, lifting his wristbands to his eyes in the simplest manner possible, and without the least concealment, ‘that the lovely and accomplished daughter of my friend Dombey and amiable wife of my friend Gay, should have had her sensitive nature so very much distressed and cut up by the interview which is just concluded. But I hope and trust I have acted for the best, and that my honourable friend Dombey will find his mind relieved by the disclosures which have taken place. I exceedingly lament that my friend Dombey should have got himself, in point of fact, into the devil’s own state of conglomeration by an alliance with our family; but am strongly of opinion that if it hadn’t been for the infernal scoundrel Barker – man with white teeth – everything would have gone on pretty smoothly. In regard to my relative who does me the honour to have formed an uncommonly good opinion of myself, I can assure the amiable wife of my friend Gay, that she may rely on my being, in point of fact, a father to her. And in regard to the changes of human life, and the extraordinary manner in which we are perpetually conducting ourselves, all I can say is, with my friend Shakespeare – man who wasn’t for an age but for all time, and with whom my friend Gay is no doubt acquainted – that its like the shadow of a dream.’

CHAPTER 62. Final

A bottle that has been long excluded from the light of day, and is hoary with dust and cobwebs, has been brought into the sunshine; and the golden wine within it sheds a lustre on the table.

It is the last bottle of the old Madiera.

‘You are quite right, Mr Gills,’ says Mr Dombey. ‘This is a very rare and most delicious wine.’

The Captain, who is of the party, beams with joy. There is a very halo of delight round his glowing forehead.

‘We always promised ourselves, Sir,’ observes Mr Gills,’ Ned and myself, I mean – ’

Mr Dombey nods at the Captain, who shines more and more with speechless gratification.

‘ – that we would drink this, one day or other, to Walter safe at home: though such a home we never thought of. If you don’t object to our old whim, Sir, let us devote this first glass to Walter and his wife.’

‘To Walter and his wife!’ says Mr Dombey. ‘Florence, my child’ – and turns to kiss her.

‘To Walter and his wife!’ says Mr Toots.

‘To Wal’r and his wife!’ exclaims the Captain. ‘Hooroar!’ and the Captain exhibiting a strong desire to clink his glass against some other glass, Mr Dombey, with a ready hand, holds out his. The others follow; and there is a blithe and merry ringing, as of a little peal of marriage bells.

Other buried wine grows older, as the old Madeira did in its time; and dust and cobwebs thicken on the bottles.

Mr Dombey is a white-haired gentleman, whose face bears heavy marks of care and suffering; but they are traces of a storm that has passed on for ever, and left a clear evening in its track.

Ambitious projects trouble him no more. His only pride is in his daughter and her husband. He has a silent, thoughtful, quiet manner, and is always with his daughter. Miss Tox is not infrequently of the family party, and is quite devoted to it, and a great favourite. Her admiration of her once stately patron is, and has been ever since the morning of her shock in Princess’s Place, platonic, but not weakened in the least.

Nothing has drifted to him from the wreck of his fortunes, but a certain annual sum that comes he knows not how, with an earnest entreaty that he will not seek to discover, and with the assurance that it is a debt, and an act of reparation. He has consulted with his old clerk about this, who is clear it may be honourably accepted, and has no doubt it arises out of some forgotten transaction in the times of the old House.

That hazel-eyed bachelor, a bachelor no more, is married now, and to the sister of the grey-haired Junior. He visits his old chief sometimes, but seldom. There is a reason in the greyhaired Junior’s history, and yet a stronger reason in his name, why he should keep retired from his old employer; and as he lives with his sister and her husband, they participate in that retirement. Walter sees them sometimes – Florence too – and the pleasant house resounds with profound duets arranged for the Piano-Forte and Violoncello, and with the labours of Harmonious Blacksmiths.

And how goes the wooden Midshipman in these changed days? Why, here he still is, right leg foremost, hard at work upon the hackney coaches, and more on the alert than ever, being newly painted from his cocked hat to his buckled shoes; and up above him, in golden characters, these names shine refulgent, GILLS AND CUTTLE.

Not another stroke of business does the Midshipman achieve beyond his usual easy trade. But they do say, in a circuit of some half-mile round the blue umbrella in Leadenhall Market, that some of Mr Gills’s old investments are coming out wonderfully well; and that instead of being behind the time in those respects, as he supposed, he was, in truth, a little before it, and had to wait the fulness of the time and the design. The whisper is that Mr Gills’s money has begun to turn itself, and that it is turning itself over and over pretty briskly. Certain it is that, standing at his shop-door, in his coffee-coloured suit, with his chronometer in his pocket, and his spectacles on his forehead, he don’t appear to break his heart at customers not coming, but looks very jovial and contented, though full as misty as of yore.

As to his partner, Captain Cuttle, there is a fiction of a business in the Captain’s mind which is better than any reality. The Captain is as satisfied of the Midshipman’s importance to the commerce and navigation of the country, as he could possibly be, if no ship left the Port of London without the Midshipman’s assistance. His delight in his own name over the door, is inexhaustible. He crosses the street, twenty times a day, to look at it from the other side of the way; and invariably says, on these occasions, ‘Ed’ard Cuttle, my lad, if your mother could ha’ know’d as you would ever be a man o’ science, the good old creetur would ha’ been took aback in-deed!’

But here is Mr Toots descending on the Midshipman with violent rapidity, and Mr Toots’s face is very red as he bursts into the little parlour.

‘Captain Gills,’ says Mr Toots, ‘and Mr Sols, I am happy to inform you that Mrs Toots has had an increase to her family.’

‘And it does her credit!’ cries the Captain.

‘I give you joy, Mr Toots!’ says old Sol.

‘Thank’ee,’ chuckles Mr Toots, ‘I’m very much obliged to you. I knew that you’d be glad to hear, and so I came down myself. We’re positively getting on, you know. There’s Florence, and Susan, and now here’s another little stranger.’

‘A female stranger?’ inquires the Captain.

‘Yes, Captain Gills,’ says Mr Toots, ‘and I’m glad of it. The oftener we can repeat that most extraordinary woman, my opinion is, the better!’

‘Stand by!’ says the Captain, turning to the old case-bottle with no throat – for it is evening, and the Midshipman’s usual moderate provision of pipes and glasses is on the board. ‘Here’s to her, and may she have ever so many more!’

‘Thank’ee, Captain Gills,’ says the delighted Mr Toots. ‘I echo the sentiment. If you’ll allow me, as my so doing cannot be unpleasant to anybody, under the circumstances, I think I’ll take a pipe.’

Mr Toots begins to smoke, accordingly, and in the openness of his heart is very loquacious.

‘Of all the remarkable instances that that delightful woman has given of her excellent sense, Captain Gills and Mr Sols,’ said Mr Toots, ‘I think none is more remarkable than the perfection with which she has understood my devotion to Miss Dombey.’

Both his auditors assent.

‘Because you know,’ says Mr Toots, ‘I have never changed my sentiments towards Miss Dombey. They are the same as ever. She is the same bright vision to me, at present, that she was before I made Walters’s acquaintance. When Mrs Toots and myself first began to talk of – in short, of the tender passion, you know, Captain Gills.’

‘Ay, ay, my lad,’ says the Captain, ‘as makes us all slue round – for which you’ll overhaul the book – ’

‘I shall certainly do so, Captain Gills,’ says Mr Toots, with great earnestness; ‘when we first began to mention such subjects, I explained that I was what you may call a Blighted Flower, you know.’

The Captain approves of this figure greatly; and murmurs that no flower as blows, is like the rose.

‘But Lord bless me,’ pursues Mr Toots, ‘she was as entirely conscious of the state of my feelings as I was myself. There was nothing I could tell her. She was the only person who could have stood between me and the silent Tomb, and she did it, in a manner to command my everlasting admiration. She knows that there’s nobody in the world I look up to, as I do to Miss Dombey. Knows that there’s nothing on earth I wouldn’t do for Miss Dombey. She knows that I consider Miss Dombey the most beautiful, the most amiable, the most angelic of her sex. What is her observation upon that? The perfection of sense. “My dear, you’re right. I think so too.”’

‘And so do I!’ says the Captain.

‘So do I,’ says Sol Gills.

‘Then,’ resumes Mr Toots, after some contemplative pulling at his pipe, during which his visage has expressed the most contented reflection, ‘what an observant woman my wife is! What sagacity she possesses! What remarks she makes! It was only last night, when we were sitting in the enjoyment of connubial bliss – which, upon my word and honour, is a feeble term to express my feelings in the society of my wife – that she said how remarkable it was to consider the present position of our friend Walters. “Here,” observes my wife, “he is, released from sea-going, after that first long voyage with his young bride” – as you know he was, Mr Sols.’

‘Quite true,’ says the old Instrument-maker, rubbing his hands.

‘“Here he is,” says my wife, “released from that, immediately; appointed by the same establishment to a post of great trust and confidence at home; showing himself again worthy; mounting up the ladder with the greatest expedition; beloved by everybody; assisted by his uncle at the very best possible time of his fortunes” – which I think is the case, Mr Sols? My wife is always correct.’

‘Why yes, yes – some of our lost ships, freighted with gold, have come home, truly,’ returns old Sol, laughing. ‘Small craft, Mr Toots, but serviceable to my boy!’

‘Exactly so,’ says Mr Toots. ‘You’ll never find my wife wrong. “Here he is,” says that most remarkable woman, “so situated, – and what follows? What follows?” observed Mrs Toots. Now pray remark, Captain Gills, and Mr Sols, the depth of my wife’s penetration. “Why that, under the very eye of Mr Dombey, there is a foundation going on, upon which a – an Edifice;” that was Mrs Toots’s word,’ says Mr Toots exultingly, “‘is gradually rising, perhaps to equal, perhaps excel, that of which he was once the head, and the small beginnings of which (a common fault, but a bad one, Mrs Toots said) escaped his memory. Thus,” said my wife, “from his daughter, after all, another Dombey and Son will ascend” – no “rise;” that was Mrs Toots’s word – “triumphant!”’

Mr Toots, with the assistance of his pipe – which he is extremely glad to devote to oratorical purposes, as its proper use affects him with a very uncomfortable sensation – does such grand justice to this prophetic sentence of his wife’s, that the Captain, throwing away his glazed hat in a state of the greatest excitement, cries:

‘Sol Gills, you man of science and my ould pardner, what did I tell Wal’r to overhaul on that there night when he first took to business? Was it this here quotation, “Turn again Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, and when you are old you will never depart from it.” Was it them words, Sol Gills?’

‘It certainly was, Ned,’ replied the old Instrument-maker. ‘I remember well.’

‘Then I tell you what,’ says the Captain, leaning back in his chair, and composing his chest for a prodigious roar. ‘I’ll give you Lovely Peg right through; and stand by, both on you, for the chorus!’

Buried wine grows older, as the old Madeira did, in its time; and dust and cobwebs thicken on the bottles.

Autumn days are shining, and on the sea-beach there are often a young lady, and a white-haired gentleman. With them, or near them, are two children: boy and girl. And an old dog is generally in their company.

The white-haired gentleman walks with the little boy, talks with him, helps him in his play, attends upon him, watches him as if he were the object of his life. If he be thoughtful, the white-haired gentleman is thoughtful too; and sometimes when the child is sitting by his side, and looks up in his face, asking him questions, he takes the tiny hand in his, and holding it, forgets to answer. Then the child says:

‘What, grandpa! Am I so like my poor little Uncle again?’

‘Yes, Paul. But he was weak, and you are very strong.’

‘Oh yes, I am very strong.’

‘And he lay on a little bed beside the sea, and you can run about.’

And so they range away again, busily, for the white-haired gentleman likes best to see the child free and stirring; and as they go about together, the story of the bond between them goes about, and follows them.

But no one, except Florence, knows the measure of the white-haired gentleman’s affection for the girl. That story never goes about. The child herself almost wonders at a certain secrecy he keeps in it. He hoards her in his heart. He cannot bear to see a cloud upon her face. He cannot bear to see her sit apart. He fancies that she feels a slight, when there is none. He steals away to look at her, in her sleep. It pleases him to have her come, and wake him in the morning. He is fondest of her and most loving to her, when there is no creature by. The child says then, sometimes:

‘Dear grandpapa, why do you cry when you kiss me?’

He only answers, ‘Little Florence! little Florence!’ and smooths away the curls that shade her earnest eyes.

The voices in the waves speak low to him of Florence, day and night – plainest when he, his blooming daughter, and her husband, beside them in the evening, or sit at an open window, listening to their roar. They speak to him of Florence and his altered heart; of Florence and their ceaseless murmuring to her of the love, eternal and illimitable, extending still, beyond the sea, beyond the sky, to the invisible country far away.

Never from the mighty sea may voices rise too late, to come between us and the unseen region on the other shore! Better, far better, that they whispered of that region in our childish ears, and the swift river hurried us away!

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 eylül 2017
1250 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain

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