Kitabı oku: «Museum Guide Berlin 2015», sayfa 2

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3.4 Special…

• Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum (Charité)

Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité

• Computerspiele Museum Berlin

Computer Games Museum Berlin

• DDR-Wohnung

GDR Flat

• Deutsches Currywurst-Museum

German Currywurst Museum

• Gaslaternen-Freilichtmuseum Berlin

Gas Lanterns Open Air Museum Berlin

• Hanf Museum Berlin

Hemp Museum Berlin

• Ramones Museum Berlin

• Schwules Museum

Gay Museum

3.5 Editor’s Pick

• Berliner Unterwelten-Museum

Berlin Underworld Museum

• C/O Berlin

• Centrum Judaicum (Neue Synagoge)

• Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

• Dokumentationszentrum Berliner Mauer

Documentation Center Berlin Wall

• Haus am Checkpoint Charlie

• Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Jewish Museum Berlin

• Martin-Gropius-Bau

• Museum Berggruen

• Museum Europäischer Kulturen

Museum of European Cultures

• Museum für Kommunikation Berlin

Museum for Communication Berlin

• Museumsinsel

Museum Island

• Olympisches Dorf 1936

Olympic Village 1936

• Reichstagskuppel

Dome of the Reichstag (seat of the Bundestag)

• Sammlung Boros

The Boros Collection

• Sammlung Hoffmann

The Hoffmann Collection

• Stasi-Unterlagen / Dauerausstellung

Stasi Archives / permanent exhibition

• Stiftung Olbricht im Me Collector’s Room

Olbricht Foundation in the Me Collector’s Room

• Topographie des Terrors

Topography of Terror

4 Adlershof


Memorial for the writer Anna Seghers

Anna-Seghers-Straße 81, 12489 Berlin-Adlershof

Tel.: 030/ 677 47 25

Opening hours: Tu. + Th. 10.00-16.00. With guided visit only.

Entrance fee: 4.00 EUR/ red. 2.00 EUR

The eventful life of the German writer Anna Seghers (name at birth: Netty Radványi) is traced in her originally preserved living and working spaces. She came from Mainz; her parents were Jews and so Anna came early in the cross hairs of the Nazis. In Germany, her books were burned, and she fled to Paris. Lahe emigrated to Mexico, but in 1947 came back to East-Berlin. These events have left marks on her work as well as her political views. The exhibited pieces in her apartment comprise her belongings, photographs and documents like the rare first editions of her work as well as sound recordings.

5 Charlottenburg

Abguss -Sammlung antiker Plastik

Cast Collection of Ancient Sculpture

Schlossstr. 69b, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel.: 030/ 34 24 054

Opening hours: Th.-Su., 14.00-17.00

Free entrance!

The Cast Collection is unique and has been existing for over 300 years now; today it is part of the Free University of Berlin. The exhibition showsthe importance plaster casts had in the last few centuries - they did not only serve the worship of beauty - and how much today's research owes this craft.

Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität Berlin

Museum of Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin

Straße des 17. Juni 150-152, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 31423116

Opening hours: Mo.-Th. 12.00-16.00

Free entrance!

The museum was founded in 1885 and is today located in the University’s library. It shows architectural drawings of mainly Prussian architect.

Beate Uhse Erotik-Museum

The museum has closed its doors in September 2014 after nearly 20 years. The reason is the redevelopment of the area and the elimination of the rental space. The owners have not yet found a new place.


Schlossstr. 1a, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 326 906 00

Opening hours: Tu.-Su. 10.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 8.00 EUR/ red. 5.00 EUR,

Minors up to 18 years of age: free

1st Wednesday of the month free entrance for everybody.

The Bröhan Museum's private collection was introduced to the public by Charles H. Bröhan in 1973. The museum is also "Regional Museum of Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Functionalism (1889-1939)", representing from this period various objects such as graphics, lamps, glass, ceramic, porcelain, silver and metalwork, furniture, carpets, etc. Particularly noteworthy is the porcelain and glass collection. The exhibition stretches over two levels; graphics, paintings and drawings are exhibited at the gallery on the 1st floor.

C/O Berlin

Hardenbergstr. 22-24, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 284 44 16-0

Opening hours: daily 11.00-20.00

Entrance fee: 10.00 EUR / red. 5.00 EUR

As a private initiative with an innovative cultural management and worldwide co-operations, the C/O Berlin has developed into a recognized institution for the promotion of photography that now enjoys an international reputation. Contemporary and content photographic works are the current exhibitions. In the past, the C/O presented the works by Annie Leibovitz, Peter Lindbergh and Karl Lagerfeld. Since the end of October 2014, the house is located in Charlottenburg in the America House, only a few minutes away from the Photography Museum from Helmut Newton, behind the train station Zoologischer Garten.

Gedenkstätte Plötzensee am Gefängnis Plötzensee

Memorial Plötzensee at the Plötzensee prison

Hüttigpfad, 13627 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Opening hours: daily 09.00-16.00 (in summer until 17.00)


Free entrance!

The Memorial Room of this site is the place where the Nazi regime put to death nearly 3,000 people. The 14 plates on the wall document the Nazi judiciary.

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis Kirche

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church

Breitscheidplatz, 10789 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 218 50 23

Opening hours: daily 09.00-19.00

Worship: Su. 10.00 & 18.00, Prayers: Mo.-Fr. 13.00, 17.30, 18.00

Free entrance!

The church was consecrated until 1895 and then destroyed in 1943 during an air raid. The ruins later became the symbol of West Berlin whose inhabitants massively defended it as such. The first plan, presented by architect Egon Eiermann, did not consider a combination of a new building and the remains of the old church. He then decided to adopt his plans to the what you see today: the modern elements frame the ruins.

Käthe-Kollwitz -Museum

Fasanenstr. 24, 10719 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 882 52 10

Opening hours. Daily 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 6.00 EUR/ red. 3.00 EUR

The museum is located in an elegant town house. The collection started with the private initiative of the Berlin based painter and art dealer Hans Pels-Leusden. The permanent exhibition comprises about 200 drawings and prints. Twice a year the museum organizes a special exhibition on the personal life of Kätze Kollwitz.

Keramik-Museum Berlin

Ceramic Museum Berlin

Schustehrusstr. 13, 10585 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 321 23 22

Opening hours: Fr.-Mo. 13.00-17.00

Entrance fee: 2.00 EUR

It is one of the oldest mansions, in the heart of Charlottenburg and home to a museum that owes its existence to the research and collecting activities of Heinz-J. Theis. For many years, Theis investigated the history of ceramics in the German culture. This led to a museum which exhibits today a remarkable collection of ceramics of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Königliche Porzellan Manufaktur

Royal Porcelain Manufactory

Wegelystraße 1, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 39009-0

Opening hours: Mo.-Sa. 10.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 10.00 EUR, children 13-18 years 5.00 EUR, until 12 years free, including the audio guide

The KPM world shows exhibits from three centuries, as well as the complex workflow which is necessary until a piece of porcelain is ready for use. After visiting the model collection in the basement, the visitors can watch the masters finish the noble and unique pieces. In the Boccherini hall, a festively decorated table shows how impressive exclusive porcelain looks in our modern times.

Kunsthalle Koidl

Art Hall Koidl

Gervinusstraße 34, 10629 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 310 14 640, 0180- 502 50 30

Opening hours: Th.-Sa. 14.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 5.00 EUR / red. 2.50 EUR, guided tour included

Under the auspices of Mary Roman Koidl this substation from 1928, was brought back to life at the Charlottenburg S-Bahn station. Externally, the architectural style "New Objectivity" remains intact, while the interior was modified to meet the needs of the exhibition hall. The exhibited modern art collections are from both institutional and private collectors.

Museum Berggruen

Schlossstraße 1, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Mo.-Fr. 10.00-18.00, Su.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 10.00 EUR/ red. 5.00 EUR, children under the age of 18 free

The ticket is also valid for the Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection on the other side of the street.

Some years before he died, art dealer Heinz Berggruen donated his private collection to the City of Berlin, which led to the founding of the museum. It is an important collection of classical modern art. The impressive portfolio of Picasso, M Klee, Giacometti as well as African Art is of world fame. Together with the Scharf-Gerstberg foundation from the other side of the street, the Berggruen Museum is part of the National Gallery Berlin.

Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Villa Oppenheim)

Schlossstr. 55, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 902 924 108

Opening hours: Tu.-Fr. 10.00-17.00, Sa. & Su. 11.00-17.00

Free entrance!

In addition to the historical insights, the visitors get to see an art collection that was initiated by the then independent city of Charlottenburg in 1908. Most of the art works date back to the 19th century and are attributed to the Berlin Secession, a German group of artists to which also belonged Max Liebermann.

Museum für Fotografie/ Helmut Newton Stiftung

Museum for Photography/ Helmut Newton Foundation

Jebensstr. 2, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Tu.-We. 10.00-18.00, Th. 10.00-20.00, Sa.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 10.00 EUR/ red. 5.00 EUR

Children under the age of 18 free.

The museum is split into two main areas: the ground floor and the first floor are dedicated to Helmut Newton, presented by the Helmut Newton Foundation. On the second floor, in the Imperial Hall, the collection of photography is presented in the art library.

Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg

The Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection

Schlossstr. 70, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Mo.-Fr. 10.00-18.00, Sa.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 10.00 EUR/ red. 5.00 EUR, children under the age of 18, free.

The ticket is also valid for the Museum Berggruen on the other side of the street.

Otto Gerstenberg, a popular Berlin art collector of the early 20th century, was the initiator of this collection. It was severely damaged during the war, and some pieces were among the looted art that can still be found in Russian museums today. His grandson Dieter Scharf gathered what was left and started what is known as the Scharf-Gerstenberg collection. Dalí, Magritte, Max Ernst, etc.; the collection Scharf-Gerstenberg could be described as a continuation of the Berggruen museum. Some artists are represented in both places, such as Klee, Giacometti and Picasso. The focus lies on graphic works.

Story of Berlin

Kurfürstendamm 207-208, 10719 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Tel. 030/ 887 20 100

Opening hours: daily 10.00-20.00

Entrance fee: 12.00 EUR/ red. 9.00 EUR, children under the age of 16, 5.00 EUR, family ticket 25.00 EUR

The museum offers a walk through 800 years of history, presented in 23 theme rooms. The highlights include an original nuclear shelter, which still works.

6 Dahlem


Allied Museum

Clayallee 135, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 818 199-0

Opening hours: Tu.-Su., 10.00-18.00 (free guided tour on demand)

Free entrance!

The museum houses the permanent exhibition "How Enemies Became Friends". It tells the story of the Allied in Germany since the end of World War II. From time to time, the museum organizes special exhibitions around this theme as well as events and movie nights. The movie theater “Outpost Theater” is today a protected monument. Both, the movie theater and the Nicholson Memorial Library are located at the site. Major Arthur D. In 1985, Nicholson Jr. was shot by a Russian sentry during an inspection tour on GDR territory.

Bernhard-Heiliger-Stiftung/ Offene Ateliers

Bernhard-Heiliger-Foundation/ Open Studios

Käuzchensteig 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 831 20 12

Opening hours: Sa. 10.00-14.00

Note: not open every Saturday. Please consult website or call.

Free entrance! Donations welcome.

Bernhard Heiliger was one of the largest German sculptors and internationally renowned. Many of his sculptures can be seen today in the public space, such as the Max Planck monument in the courtyard of the Humboldt University of Berlin. His studio is open on Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00, guided tours available to the studio and the sculpture garden. Please call for appointments. Groups must register in principle.

Botanischer Garten und Botanisches MuseumBerlin-Dahlem

Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem

Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 838-50100

Opening hours garden: daily 09.00-16.00, depending on the season until 21.00 (see website)

Opening hours museum: daily 10.00-18.00

Entrance fee garden and museum: 6.00 EUR/ red. 3.00 EUR.

Entrance fee museum only: 2.50 EUR/ red. 1.50 EUR

Children under the age of 6 free.

In the Botanical Garden, over 22,000 plants are waiting for you to be discovered. In the Botanical museum, you can see some of them under the microscope and study all their facettes in more detail.

Brücke-Museum Berlin

Bussardsteig 9, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 831-2029

Opening hours: We.-Mo. 11.00-17.00, groups are requested to schedule an appointment

Entrance fee: 5.00 EUR/ red. 3.00 EUR, pupils free

The Brücke Museum exhibits the works of the members of the expressionist group "Die Brücke" (the bridge), which was founded in Dresden in 1905. The group has made a significant contribution to the development of Expressionism in Germany. All former group members are represented in the museum which is today the world's most comprehensive collection of Brücke expressionism.

Domäne Dahlem

Königin-Luise-Str. 49, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 66 63 00 -0

Opening hours: We.-Mo. 10.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 3.00 EUR/ red. 1.50 EUR, children under age 16 free.

On the grounds of the former manor, you can follow the path our food from its origins to the table. The visitor can do his grocery shopping in the organic store on the farm and watch the craftsmen. The mansion is one of the oldest residential buildings in Berlin, today it hosts interesting exhibitions of paintings, prints and sculptures. The historical grocery store, the butcher and the photo exhibition of agricultural journalist Hans Haase give a vivid impression of the past.

Ethnologisches Museum

Ethnological Museum

Lansstraße 8 / Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Tu.-Fr. 10.00-17.00, Sa.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 8.00 EUR/ red. 4.00 EUR, children under the age of 18 free.

The Berlin Ethnological Museum is one of the largest of its kind in the world and has the most comprehensive collection in Europe. The treasure of exhibits is subdivided by region. It contains stocks of music and film ethnology like approximately 50,000 meters uncut footage. The museum is also active in research and initiated in the past several expeditions. It maintains contact with the cultures and peoples shown in the exhibition.

Museum Europäischer Kulturen

Museum of European Cultures

Lansstraße 8 / Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Tu.-Fr. 10.00-17.00, Sa.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 8.00 EUR/ red. 4.00 EUR, children under the age of 18 free.

In 1999, the 100-year-old Museum of Folklore and the European Collection of the Ethnological Museum merged. The focus lies on both traditions such as weddings or funerals, as well as art and cult. The time period covers more than 300 years until today. The permanent exhibition "Cultural contacts. Living in Europe" reflects current issues and topics like the question how of the Europeans has developed and what will be the consequences from these new contacts? It also looks into the question of what is identity? Unusual exhibits such as the splendor of a Venice Gondola show how diverse European cultures are.

Museum für Asiatische Kunst

Museum for Asian Art

Lansstraße 8 / Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem

Tel. 030/ 266 42 42 42

Opening hours: Tu.-Fr. 10.00-17.00, Sa.-Su. 11.00-18.00

Entrance fee: 8.00 EUR/ red. 4.00 EUR, children under the age of 18 free.

The museum is divided into four different sections of the collection: South, Southeast, East and Central Asia. Each collection was originally a private museum, since the end of 2006, they present themselves as one. The oldest exhibits are up to 5,000 years old. The highlights include a replica of a Buddhist cult cave and the Gandhara collection. The East Asian collection is one of the oldest of its kind in Germany. However, founded in 1906 by Wilhelm von Bode, it has largely been deported to Russia during the Second World War as looted art. They have never been returned. The current collection was started after the war. It includes about 13,000 exhibits of Japanese, Korean and Chinese art.

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