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Kitabı oku: «Buffon's Natural History. Volume X (of 10)», sayfa 2

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We must, therefore, to find out the origin of these animals, turn back to the time when the two continents were not separated, and refer to the first changes which happened on the surface of the globe. We must, at the same time, place before our view the two hundred species of quadrupeds as constituting thirty-eight families; and although this is not the state of nature, such as it is come down to us, and as we have represented it, but, on the contrary, a much more ancient state, which we can only attain by inductions and relations nearly as fugitive as time, which seems to have effaced their traces, we have endeavoured, by facts and monuments still existing, to return to those first ages of nature, and to exhibit those epochas which appear to be most clearly indicated.


ALL the powers of Nature with which we are acquainted, may be reduced to two primitive forces; the one which causes weight, and that which produces heat. The force of impulsion is subordinate to them; it depends on the first for its particular, and on the latter for its general effects. As impulsion cannot exercise itself but by the means of a spring, and the spring only acts by virtue of the force which approximates the remote parts, it is clear, that to perform its power it has need of the concurrence of attraction: for if matter ceased to attract, if bodies lost their coherence, every spring would be destroyed, every motion intercepted, and every impulsion void; since motion cannot transmit itself from one body to another but by elasticity, it is demonstrable, that one body absolutely hard and inflexible, would be absolutely immoveable, and entirely incapable of receiving the action of another. Attraction being a general and permanent effect, impulsion, which in most bodies is neither constant nor fixed, depends on it as a particular effect; for, if all impulsion were destroyed, attraction would still equally subsist and act; it is, therefore, this essential difference which makes impulsion subordinate to attraction in all inanimate and purely passive matter.

But this impulsion depends still more immediately, and generally, on the power which produces heat; for it is principally by the means of heat, that impulsion penetrates organized bodies; it is by heat that they are formed, grow, and develope themselves. We may refer to attraction alone all the effects of inanimate matter; and in this same power of attraction, joined to that of heat, every phenomena of live matter. By live matter I understand not only every thing that lives, or vegetates, but also every living organic molecule, dispersed in the waste or remains of organized bodies. In it I comprehend also light, heat, fire, and all matter which appears to be active in itself. Now this live matter always tends from the centre to the circumference, whereas brute or inanimate matter tends from the circumference to the centre. It is an expansive power which animates the live matter, and it is an attractive force to which the inanimate matter is obedient. Although the directions of these two powers be diametrically opposite, yet they balance themselves without ever being destroyed, and from the combination of these two powers equally active, all the phenomena of the universe result.

But it may be said, by reducing all the powers of Nature to attraction and expansion, without giving the cause of either, and by rendering impulsion, (which is the only force whose cause is known and demonstrated to our senses) subordinate to both, do you not abandon a clear idea, and substitute two obscure hypotheses in its place? To this I answer, that as we know nothing except by comparison, we shall never have an idea of what general effect will produce, because such an effect belonging to every thing, we should be unable to compare it to any, and consequently there is no hope of ever knowing the cause or reason why all matter attracts, although we are sensible such is the fact. If, on the contrary, the effect were particular, like that of the attraction of the loadstone and steel, we might expect to discover the cause, because it might be compared to other particular effects. To ask why matter is extended, heavy, and impenetrable, are ill-conceived propositions, and merit not an answer; it is the same with respect to every particular property, when it is essential to the subject, and we might as well be interrogated why red is red? The philosopher becomes a child when he puts such questions; and however much they may be forgiven to the last, the former ought to exclude them from his thoughts.

It is sufficient that the forces of attraction and expansion are two general, real, and fixed effects, for us to receive them for causes of particular ones; and impulsion is one of these effects, which we must not look upon as a general cause, known and demonstrated by our senses, since we have proved that this force of impulsion cannot exist nor act, but by the means of attraction, which does not fall upon our senses. Nothing is more evident, nay, certain, than the communication of motion by impulsion; it is sufficient for one body to strike another to produce this effect. But even in this sense, is not the cause of attraction most evident, and that motion, in all cases, belongs more to attraction than impulsion?

The first reduction being made, it might perhaps be possible to adduce a second, and to bring back the power even of expansion to that of attraction, insomuch that all the forces of matter would depend solely on a primitive one; at least this idea seems to be worthy of that sublime simplicity with which nature works. Now cannot we conceive that this attraction changes into repulsion every time that bodies approach near enough to rub together, or strike one against the other? Impenetrability, which we must not regard as a force, but as a resistance essential to matter, not permitting two bodies to occupy the same place, what must happen when two molecules, which attract the more powerfully as they approach nearer, suddenly strike against each other? Does not then this invincible resistance of impenetrability, become an active force, which, in the contact, drives the bodies with as much velocity, as they had acquired at the moment they touched? And from hence the expansive force will not be a particular force opposed to the attractive one, but an effect derived therefrom. I own, that we must suppose a perfect spring in every molecule, and in every atom of matter, to have a clear conception how this change of attraction into repulsion is performed. But even this is sufficiently indicated by facts; the more matter is attenuated, the more it takes a spring. Earth and water, which are the most gross aggregates, have a less spring than air; and fire, which is the most subtle of all the elements, is also that which has the most expansive force. The smallest molecules of matter, the smallest atoms with which we are acquainted are those of light, and we are sensible of their being perfectly elastic, since the angle under which the light is reflected, is always equal to that under which it comes. We may therefore infer, that all the constitutive parts of matter in general, are a perfect spring; and that this spring produces all the effects of the expansive force, every time that bodies strike by meeting in opposite directions.

We know of no other means of producing fire, but by striking or rubbing bodies together2; since by supposing man without any burning glasses, and without actual fire, he will have no other means of producing it; for the fire produced by uniting the rays of light, or by application of fire already produced, had the same origin.

Expansive force, therefore, in reality might be only the re-action of the attractive, a reaction which operates every time that the primitive molecules of matter, always attracted one by the other, happen immediately to touch; for then it is necessary, that they be repelled with as much velocity as they had acquired in a contrary direction, at the moment of contact; and when these molecules are absolutely free from all coherence and only obey the motion alone produced by their attraction, this acquired velocity is immense in the point of contact. Heat, light, and fire, which are the greatest effects of expansive force, will be produced every time that bodies are either artificially or naturally divided into very minute parts, and meet in opposite directions; and the heat will be so much the more sensible, the light so much the more bright, the fire so much the more violent, according as the molecules are precipitated one against the other with more velocity by their force of mutual attraction.

From the above it must be concluded, that all matter may become light, heat, and fire; and that this matter of fire and light is not a substance different from every other, but preserves all its essential qualities; and even most of the attributes of common matter, is evidently proved by, first, light, though composed of particles almost infinitely minute, is, nevertheless, still divisible, since with the prism we separate the rays, or different coloured atoms one from another. Secondly, light, though in appearance endowed with a quality quite opposite to that of weight, that is, with a volatility which we might think essential, is, nevertheless, heavy like all matter, since it bends every time it passes near other bodies, and finds itself inclined to their sphere of attraction. It is very heavy, relatively to its volume, which is very minute, since the immense velocity with which light moves in a direct line, does not prevent it from feeling sufficient attraction near other bodies, for its direction to incline and change in a manner very sensible to our eyes. Thirdly, the substance of light is not more simple than all other matter, since it is composed of parts of unequal weight; the red rays are much heavier than the blue; and between these two extremes there are an infinity of intermediate rays, which approach more or less the weight of the red, or the lightness of the blue according to their shades. All these consequences are necessarily derived from the phenomena of the inflection of light, and of its refraction, which, in reality, is only an inflexion which operates when light passes across transparent bodies. Fourthly, it may be demonstrated, that light is massive, and that it acts, in some cases, as all other bodies act; for, independently of its ordinary effect, which is to shine before our eyes, and by its own action, always accompanied with lustre, and often with heat, it acts by its mass when it is condensed, and it acts to the point of putting in motion heavy bodies placed in the focus of a good burning glass: it turns a needle on a pivot placed in its focus: it displaces leaves of gold or silver before it melts or even sensibly heats them. This action, produced by its mass, precedes that of heat: it operates between the condensed light and the leaves of metal in the same manner as it operates between two other bodies which become contiguous, and, consequently, have still this property in common with all other matter. Fifthly, light is a mixture, like common matter, not only of more gross and minute parts, more or less heavy or moveable, but also differently shaped. Whoever has observed the phenomena which Newton calls the access of easy reflection, and of easy transmission of light; and on the effects of double refraction of rock and Iceland chrystal, must have perceived that the atoms of light have many sides, many different surfaces, which, according as they present themselves, constantly produce different effects.

This, therefore, is sufficient to demonstrate that light is neither particular nor different from common matter; that its essence, and its essential properties are the same; and that it differs only from having undergone, in the point of contact, the repulsion whence its volatility proceeds; and in the same manner as the effect of the force of attraction extends, always decreasing as the space augments, the effects of repulsion extend and decrease the more, but in an inverted order, insomuch that we can apply to the expansive force all that is known of the attractive. These are two instruments of the same nature, or rather the same instrument, only managed in two opposite directions.

All matter will become light, for if all coherence were destroyed it would be divided into molecules sufficiently minute, and these molecules, being at liberty, will be determined by their mutual attraction to rush one against the other. In the moment of the shock the repulsive force will be exercised, the molecules will fly in all directions with an almost infinite volatility, which, nevertheless, is not equal to their velocity acquired in the moment of contact, for the law of attraction being augmented as the space diminishes, it is evident, that at the contact the space is always proportionable till the square of the distance becomes nil, and, consequently, the velocity acquired by virtue of the attraction must at this point become almost infinite: and it would be perfectly so if the contact were immediate, and, consequently, the distance between the two bodies void; but there is nothing in nature entirely nil, and nothing truly infinite; and all that I have observed of the infinite minuteness of the atoms which constitute light, of their perfect spring, and of the nil distance in the moment of contact, must be understood only relatively. If this metaphysical truth were doubted, a physical demonstration may be given. It is pretty generally known that light employs seven minutes and a half to come from the sun to the earth; supposing, therefore, the sun at thirty-six millions of miles, light darts through this enormous distance in that short space, that is (supposing its motion uniform), 80,000 miles in one second. But this velocity, although prodigious, is yet far from being infinite, since it is determinable by numbers. It will even cease to appear so prodigious, when we reflect on the celerity of the motion of the comets to their perihelia, or even that of the planets, and by computing that, we shall find that the velocity of those immense masses may pretty nearly be compared to that of the atoms of light.

So, likewise, as all matter can be converted into light by the division and expulsion of its parts, when they feel a shock one against another, we shall find that all the elements are convertible; and if it have been doubted whether light, which appears to be the most simple element, may be converted into a solid substance, it is because we have not paid sufficient attention to every phenomena, and were infected with the prejudice, that being essentially volatile it can never become fixed. But it is plain that the fixity and volatility depend on the same attractive force in the first case, and become repulsive in the second; and from thence are we led to think that this change of matter into light, and from light into matter, is one of the most frequent operations of Nature.

Having shewn that impulsion depends on attraction; that the expansive force, like the attractive, becomes negative; that light, heat, and fire, are only modes of the common existing matter; in one word, that there exists but one sole force, and one sole matter, ever ready to attract or repel, according to circumstances; let us see how, with this single spring, and this single subject, Nature can vary her works, ad infinitum. In a general point of view, light, heat, and fire, only make one object, but in a particular point of view they are three distinct objects, which, although resembling in a great number of properties, differ nevertheless in a few others, sufficiently essential for us to consider them as three distinct things.

Light, and elementary fire, compose, it is said, only one and the same thing. This may be, but as we have not yet a clear idea of elementary fire we shall desist from pronouncing on this first point. Light and fire, such as we are acquainted with, are two distinct substances, differently composed. Fire is, in fact, very often luminous, but it sometimes also exists without any appearance of light. Fire, whether luminous or obscure, never exists without a great heat, whereas light often burns with a noise without the least sensible heat. Light appears to be the work of nature while fire is only the produce of the industry of man. Light subsists of itself, and is found diffused in the immense space of the whole universe. Fire cannot subsist without food, and is only found in some parts of this space where man preserves it, and in some parts of the profundity of the earth, where it is also supported by suitable food. Light when condensed and united by the art of man, may produce fire, but it is only as much as it lets fall on combustible matters. Light is therefore no more, and in this single instance, only the principle of fire and not the fire itself: even this principle is not immediate, for it supposes the intermediate one of heat, and which appears to appertain more than light to the essence of fire. Now heat exists as often without light as light exists without heat: these two principles might, therefore, appear not to bind them necessarily together; their effects are not contemporary, since in certain circumstances we feel heat long before light appears, and in others we see light long before we feel any heat. Hence is not heat a mode of being, a modification of matter, which, in fact, differs less than all the rest from that of light, but which can be considered apart, and still more easily conceived? It is, nevertheless, certain, that much fewer discoveries have been made on the nature of heat than on that of light; whether man better catches what he sees than what he feels; whether light, presenting itself generally as a distinct and different substance from all the rest, has appeared worthy of a particular consideration; whereas heat, the effect of which is the most obscure, and presents itself as a less detached and less simple object, has not been regarded as a distinct substance but as an attribute of light and fire.

The first thing worthy of remark, is, that the seat of heat is quite different from that of light: the latter occupies and runs through the void space of the universe; heat, on the contrary, is diffused through all solid matter. The globe of the earth, and the whole matter of which it is composed, have a considerable degree of heat. Water has its degree of heat which it does not lose but by losing its fluidity. The air has also heat, which we call its temperature, and which varies much, but is never entirely lost, since its springs subsist even in the greatest cold. Fire has also its different degrees of heat, which appear to depend less on its own nature, than on that of the aliments which feed it. Thus all known matter possesses warmth; and, hence, heat is a much more general affection than that of light.

Heat penetrates every body without exception which is exposed to it, while light passes through transparent bodies only, and is stopped and in part repelled, by every opaque one. Heat, therefore acts in a much more general and palpable manner than light, and although the molecules of heat are excessively minute, since they penetrate the most compact bodies, it seems, however, demonstrable, that they are much more gross than those of light; for we make heat with light, by collecting it in a great quantity. Besides, heat acting on the sense of feeling, it is nececssary that its action be proportionate to the grossness of this sense, the same as the delicacy of the organs of sight appears to be to the extreme fineness of the parts of light; these parts move with the greatest velocity, and act in the instant at immense distances, whereas those of heat have but a slow progressive motion, and only extend to small intervals from the bodies whence they emanate.

The principle of all heat seems to be the attrition of bodies; all friction, that is, all contrary motion between solid matters produces heat; and if the same effect do not happen to fluids, it is because their parts do not touch close enough to rub one against the other; and that, having little adherence between them, their resistance to the shock of other bodies is too weak for the heat to be produced to a sensible degree; but we often see light produced by an attrition of a fluid, without feeling any heat. All bodies whether great or little become heated as soon as they meet in a contrary direction; heat is, therefore, produced by the motion of all palpable matter; while the production of light, which is also made by motion, but in a contrary direction, supposes also the division of matter into very minute parts: and as this operation of Nature is the same with respect to both, we must conclude, that the atoms of light are solid of themselves, and are hot at the moment of their birth. But we cannot be equally certain, that they preserve their heat in the same degree as their light, nor that they cease to be hot before they cease to be luminous.

It is well known, that heat grows less, or cold becomes greater, the higher we ascend on the mountains. It is true that the heat which proceeds from the terrestrial globe, is of course sensibly less on those advanced points, than it is on the plains; but this cause is not proportionable to the effect; the action of heat, which emanates from the terrestrial globe, not being able to diminish but by the square of the distance, it does not appear that at the height of half a mile, which is only the three thousandth part of the semi-diameter of the globe, whose centre must be taken for the focus of heat, that this difference, which in this supposition is only a unit and nine millions, can produce a diminution of heat nearly so considerable; for the thermometer lowers at that height, at all times of the year, to the freezing point. It is not probable, that this great difference of heat simply proceeds from the difference of the earth; and of that we must be fully convinced, if we consider, that at the mouth of the volcanos, where the earth is hotter than in any other part on the surface of the globe, the air is nearly as cold as on other mountains of the same height.

It may then be supposed that the atoms of light, though very hot at the moment of quitting the sun, are greatly cooled during the seven minutes and a half in which they pass from that body to the earth; and this in fact would be the case if they were detached; but, as they almost immediately succeed each other, and are the more confined as they are nearer the place of their origin, the heat lost by each atom falls on the neighbouring ones; and this reciprocal communication supports the general heat of light a longer time; and as their constant direction is in divergent rays, their distance from each other increases according to the space they run over; and as the heat which flies from each atom, as a centre, diminishes also in the same ratio, it follows, that the light of the solar rays, decreasing in an inverted ratio from the square of the distance, that of their heat decreases in an inverted ratio of the square of the same distance.

Taking therefore the semi-diameter of the sun for a unit, and supposing the action of light to be as 1000 to the distance of a demi-diameter of the surface of this planet, it will not be more than as 1000/4 to the distance of two demi-diameters; as 1000/9 to that of three demi-diameters, as 1000/16 to the distance of four demi-diameters; and finally, when it arrives at us, who are distant from the sun thirty-six millions of leagues, that is about two hundred and twenty-four of its demi-diameters, the action of light will be no more than as 1000/50625, that is, more than 50,000 times weaker than at its issuing from the sun; and the heat of each atom of light being also supposed 1000 at its issuing from the sun, will not be more than as 1000/16 1000/81 1000/256 to the successive of 1, 2, 3, demi-diameters, and, when arrived at us, as 1000/2562890625 that is, more than two thousand five hundred millions of times weaker than at issuing from the sun.

If even this diminution of the heat of light should not be admitted by reason of the squared square of the distance to the sun, it will still be evident that heat, in its propagation, diminishes more than light. If we excite a very strong heat, by kindling a large fire, we shall only feel it at a moderate distance but we shall see the light at a very great one. If we bring our hands by degrees nearer and nearer a body excessively hot, we shall perceive that the heat increases much more in proportion than as the space diminishes; for we may warm ourselves with pleasure at a distance which differs only by a few inches from that at which we should be burnt. Every thing, therefore, appears to indicate, that heat diminishes in a greater ratio than light, in proportion as both are removed from the focus whence they issued.

This might lead us to imagine, that the atoms of light would be very cold when they came to the surface of our atmosphere; but that by traversing the great extent of this transparent mass, they receive a new heat by friction. The infinite velocity with which the particles of light rub against those of the air, must produce a heat so much the stronger as the friction is more multiplied: and it is, probably, for this reason, that the heat of the solar rays is found much stronger in the lower parts of the atmosphere, and that the coldness of the air appears to augment as we are elevated. Perhaps, likewise, as light receives heat only by uniting, a great number of atoms of light is required to constitute a single atom of heat, and this may be the cause why the feeble light of the moon, although in the atmosphere, like that of the sun, does not receive any sensible degree of heat. If, as M. Bouguer says, the intensity of the light of the sun to the surface of the earth is 300,000 times stronger than that of the moon, the latter must be almost insensible, even by uniting it in the focus of the most powerful burning glasses, which cannot condense it more than 2000 times; subtracting the half of which for the loss by reflexion or refraction, there remains only a 300dth part intensity to the focus of the glass.

Thus, we must not infer that light can exist without any heat, but only that the degrees of this heat are very different, according to different circumstances, and always insensible when light is very weak. Heat, on the contrary, seems to exist habitually, and even to cause itself to be strongly felt without light; for in general it is only when it becomes excessive, that light accompanies it. But the very essential difference between these two modifications of matter is, that heat, which penetrates all bodies, does not appear to fix in any one, whereas light incorporates and extinguishes in all those which do not reflect, or permit it to pass freely; heat bodies of all kinds to any degree, in a very short time they will lose the acquired heat, and return to the general temperature. If we receive light on black or white bodies, rude or polished, it will easily be perceived, that some admit, and others repel it; and that instead of being affected in a uniform manner as they are by heat, they are only so relatively to their nature, colour, and polish. Black will absorb more light than white, and the rough more than the smooth. Light once absorbed remains fixed in the body which received it, nor quits it like heat; whence we must conclude, that atoms of light may become constituent parts of bodies by uniting with the matter which composes them; whereas heat not fixing at all, seems to prevent the union of every part of matter, and only acts to keep them separate. Nevertheless, there are instances where heat remains fixed in bodies, and others where the light they have absorbed re-appears, and goes out like heat.

After all there appear to be two kinds of heat, the one luminous, of which the sun is the focus; the other obscure, of which the grand reservoir is the terrestrial globe. Our body, as making part of the globe, participates of this obscure heat; and it is for this reason, that it is still obscure to us, because we do not perceive it by any one of our senses. It is with respect to this heat of the globe, as with its motion, we are subject to and participate thereof without feeling or doubting of it: from hence it happened that physicians at first carried all their views and enquiries on the heat of the sun, without suspecting that it makes but a very small part of what we really feel; but having made instruments to discover the difference of the immediate heat of the rays of the sun, they with astonishment found that the heat of them was sixty-six times stronger in summer than in winter, notwithstanding the strongest heat of our summer differs only a seventh from the strongest cold of our winter; from whence they have concluded, that, independent of the heat we receive from the sun, there emanates another, even from this terrestrial globe, which is much more considerable; insomuch, that it is at present demonstrable, that this heat, which escapes from the bowels of the earth, is in our climate at least twenty-nine times in summer, and four hundred times in winter, stronger than the heat which comes to us from the sun.

This strong heat which resides in the interior part of the globe, and which, without ceasing to emanate externally, must, like an element, enter into the combination of all the other elements. If the sun is the parent of Nature, the heat of the earth must be the mother; they both unite to produce, support, and animate organized beings, and to assimilate and compose inanimate substances. This internal heat of the globe, which tends always from the centre to the circumference, is, in my opinion, a great agent in nature. We can scarcely doubt but it is the principal influence on the perpendicularity of the trunks of trees, on the phenomena of electricity, on the effects of magnetism, &c. But as I do not pretend to make a physical treatise here, I shall confine myself to the effects of this heat on the other elements. It is alone sufficient to maintain the rarefaction of the air to the degree that we breathe in: it is more than sufficient to keep water in its state of fluidity, for we have lowered the thermometers to the depth of 120 fathoms, and have found the temperature of the water was there nearly the same as at the like depth in the earth, namely, ten degrees two thirds. We must not, therefore, be surprized, especially as salt acts as a prevention, that the sea in general does not freeze, that fresh water freezes but to a certain thickness, and that the water at bottom always remains liquid, even in the most intense frosts.

2.The fire, which arises from the fermentation of herbs heaped together, and which manifests itself in effervescences, is not an exception that can be opposed to me, since this production of fire depends, like all the rest, from the action of the shock of the parts of matter one against the other.