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Daniele Villa


The energy of life that man must not have

© 2021 - Daniele Villa

All rights reserved

Translated by Nevia Ferrara

Table of Contents


  The Sun

  The Sun.2



  Internet references:


This ebook is a limited version of the original printed text, also deprived of the photographs which are fundamental for the overall understanding of the text due to the limitation of the type of electronic format that hardly supports graphic files and is highly influenced by the type of device used for reading. Those wishing a clearer vision and greater understanding and deepening of the topics covered are advised to purchase the paper version.

I have always had the feeling that some chosen people including the greatest of our history had hidden the knowledge of a very powerful energy, always thinking that the secret had been ingeniously hidden in all the known arts because one day the men who will neither be ready will be able to understand and use it for the progress of humanity avoiding, perhaps, an incredible catastrophe as it already happened in the past due to the lack of control of this energy, condemning us to a partial vision of reality and an induced state of unawareness. The writings that follow are mostly a series of personal notes, a series of ideas, news, researches to which I have tried to give an order for my personal path that I have now decided to share, hoping that may be of help for some readers for their growth as it was for mine, increasing mutual awareness. The topics covered were not written in a temporal sequence but simply by a personal intuition that led me from time to time in a concatenation of one topic with another, as on the other hand it could not be otherwise. Division is something that they have always imposed and accustomed to us but that does not exist in reality. Even in the apparent confusion there is a precise order.

This was one of the reasons why I decided not to divide the book into chapters as is usually done. I realized when writing these notes that each topic interpenetrated into the next, removing more and more that hazy veil that obscured knowledge and overall vision. Each single topic would apparently seem like something in its own right but one immediately realizes that they are like single pieces of a disassembled puzzle that, once joined, reveal the final image. I immediately notice that for many topics covered there is no scientific value, for those looking for concrete and absolute proofs this is not the right book, and the initial formulas were nothing more than my starting point for beginning to think about some aspects that have then triggered all my research. I would advise the reader to go into reading as he would when reading an excellent science fiction novel, indeed to consider it as such and not to believe in anything, to question everything and to carry out his own research. I could not and I wanted to deepen all the topics covered, not only to avoid overloading the discussion too much with notional, technical or specialist aspects, but also because they believe that this is part of the path that each reader must take individually. The sequence with which I wrote the topics, I repeat, is my own, I'm sure that anyone who decides to deepen and create their own personal sequence, would still come to the same conclusions.

It doesn't matter from which piece you start assembling the puzzle !!!!

The result will be the same. I hope I have been able to use as clear language as possible to expose concepts that probably, due to the way I have treated them, might seem, for some, obvious and banal and for others extravagant and controversial. I ask the reader a little patience not to stop at the appearance of the arguments, especially the initial ones, which may simply seem like a collection of news or information but to understand the subtle message.

I think that in the end each reader will see reality in a completely different way and will co-participate in a new world.

Daniele Villa.

The Sun is a bubble or torus on whose surface this energy "condenses", present in all the universal planes at the same time and in which it spreads in a spiral form.

The interior of the Sun is cold because it "condenses" in the spheroidal/toroidal electro-magnetic field.

These “condensations” have charge/discharge cycles (pulsations).

All bodies hit by light pulsate like this energy, energy is obtained from matter and vice versa. The speed of light is constant on our dimensional plane and is presented in the form of an undulatory movement that becomes spiral in the totality of the universal planes, light is a connection between the various universal times and spaces, light has no movement on our material plane but we perceive the stroboscopic effect of the undulatory movement, also for this reason its speed appears constant. Each body has its own vibration so from different vibrations different materials are created, matter can be created from selective vibrations. Sound can order matter, so different sound vibrations affect matter differently. Sound organizes matter (atoms), a material form generates energy, each form has its own energy so also each matter has its color (vibration) determined by the non-absorbed vibration.


Light :

- becomes visible by "condensing" in the orgone energy of matter for this reason the objects become visible,

- produces heat from the objects it hits.

The energy is concentrated in the corners of the shape. A conical shape will have all the energy at the tip.

F = E

F = shape ; E = energy

each energy corresponds to a specific form,

to each form a certain vibration

V x E = F

V = vibration; F = shape; M = matter

for each matter there is a specific form (F); vibration (V); energy (E);

M = F + V + E = (TIME).

Video: Photoelectric effect,

Matter is created from light; therefore matter can be broken down into pure orgone/ethereal energy which is the mother of all known forces or energies (magnetism, gravity, electricity, inertia, etc.). This energy can be controlled by our mind via our thoughts and can be intensified with materials and shapes. Matter in nature develops following this energy by "condensing" into certain precise geometric shapes (eg Fibonacci - some plants grow and use geometric shapes to collect and transmit

electromagnetic and acoustic waves). By arranging some shapes and geometric materials in precise patterns, energy flows can be influenced by compensating and transmitting this energy. The charge of matter depends on the orgone exchange that flows inside the matter like a vortex from a point in space and time of different concentration than the local concentration. This energy can also affect the force of gravity: if the concentration of this energy around an atom changes, gravity also changes, so the entire mass is synchronized with the flow of energy that passes through it. Synchronization is achieved in two ways; with rotation or movement and sonically. Water seems to have some influence or be decisive in these processes. Water has its own memory as well as accumulating orgone energy. Castel del Monte was built to exploit orgone energy with its geometric shapes and the numerous channels that crossed it, it was certainly used to treat people (including infertile women who regained fertility! Frederick II married a woman who was no longer fertile and had a son she gave birth publicly as a demonstration of the power she held; it was no coincidence that he was excommunicated) even the pyramids drew from underground sources to create energy (e.g. study of the great pyramid conducted by Nikola Tesla). Using the ultrasonic frequency of 42,800 cycles per second, the water is etherized, releasing very powerful energy from countless applications including the cancellation of the force of gravity! (John Kelly's experiments) John Kelly showed that all sympathetic energy flows are composed of triple currents of vibratory flows, this also applies to brain/mental flows. Laws governing all masses from the smallest (atom) to galaxies. These flows start from the Suns (stars) and go towards the planets entering the nucleus of the atom (as high as below!). These flows are vibrational in nature. If water (or any fluid/gas) is rotated in a vortex, it collects energetic charge (Victor Schauberger's experiments). In 1930 Victor Schauberger, on this principle, develops anti-gravity flying machines and free Energy devices with output powers many times greater than those of input (probably he used electrostatic current/charge). Viktor discovers an universal energy that is the opposite of normal electricity that exists everywhere and is the basis of matter and life, but above all he is able to use it. Diamagnetism was transmitted by non-conductors. The spiral works as a concentrator of this type of energy precisely because it moves in a spiral form. Then channeling it in spiral paths, the matter included in this vortex loses weight and rises (antigravity). By making hydrodynamic fluids (eg water) flow in this type of path, the principle of levitation motors is obtained. This type of energy is also shown to have healthful vitalizing effects and the foods that are loaded with it improve the person's health. Our planet has its own energy lines with nodes that generate both positive and negative energies vertical above them. If vegetation, such as a tree, grows above these negative points the development will be a twisted growth. The ancient peoples knew this well and built many of their sacred sites above these nodes (eg Stonehenge). These lines are called Ley-Lines and are streams of aetheric energy that envelop the entire planet. Many of the Ley-Lines with positive energy are associated with the presence of underground water. These benefit people. Negative lines take away energy and if you build a house for example above it is very likely that people will get cancer. The energy of these lines can be controlled and modified using artificial structures (e.g. building devices in a certain way). In addition to the Ley-Lines there are various energy grids distributed on the planet, the two best known are Curry and Hartmann.

It seems that the so-called UFOs use these energy lines for their movements, not only but also in the face of electromagnetic energy emissions emitted by experiments such as those of Marconi, Tesla, Ighina etc ... they found themselves in navigation difficulties to the point that cause, as told by Pierluigi Ighina, makeshift landings.

The Hartmann grid has a phase change four times a day sunrise/midday/sunset/midnight, during the change the grid disappears, affected by cosmic activity and moon phases, sunspot activity, weather conditions.

All these energies of our planet interact with different shapes and materials. Experimentation and knowledge of these materials is necessary to have new forms of energy, a new way of designing our architecture, of dressing etc ..., we must therefore learn to control these energies for a harmonious and conscious growth in harmony with the cosmos and nature.

The menhirs, among the most ancient architectures on earth, could find their function. These positioned in strategic areas where the concentration of "condensation" of orgone/ethereal energy is in excess work as drains of this excess energy, exactly in the same way as Pierluigi Ighina's seismic valve. These valves certainly don't stop all earthquakes but they are good shock absorbers for energy overload. The menhirs collaborate with the Ley-lines and have the purpose of releasing negative earthly energy towards the sky. The dolmens, on the contrary, collect the energy of the solar rhythm towards the subsoil.

The menhirs and dolmens arranged individually or in groups modify the geobiological networks present on the surface of the planet, stabilizing earth movements, improving the energy quality of the places, balancing atmospheric phenomena, increasing agricultural production and pastures. The secret of the capabilities of these structures lies in the constitution of the rock that composes them. It is composed of granite with a very high percentage of piezoelectric crystalline quartz. The energy produced by these is concentrated on the top of the menhir. Even today, quartz crystals are used in reception-transmitting technologies because they are able to receive, transmit, transform and stabilize certain frequencies. Crystal structures can store large amounts of information. Hitachi in 2012 devised a method for storing digital information on fragments of quartz glass that does not degrade for hundreds of years or even forever, and even if it were to break, the contents could be traced. Quartz crystals have also been discovered inside the stone found in the Great Pyramid, which gives off a low-intensity electromagnetic field. The stone circles, menhirs, columns inside cathedrals, temples and similar constructions were built to modulate, receive and transmit certain information and energies even among them through alignments at a distance of kilometers. The menhirs deform the nets within a certain radius of the position in which they are placed. It seems that a certain energy crosses the menhirs from north to south and that after being accumulated it is retransmitted by the same depending also on the material of which it is composed. The emission angle expands horizontally by 30 degrees, vertically by 60 degrees and in the center with an angle of 10 degrees where the most concentrated energy resides. In megalithic culture, man was able to capture the geopathogenic nodes, areas with negative energy, which he sanitized through the placement of obelisks. The ancient peoples conceived the earth as a living and pulsating being capable of acting and reacting and interacting with man and his energy. These men knew the places of natural energy and created others to increase perceptions, well-being, metabolism, until they came into direct contact with the transcendent. The pagan and early Christian holy places are full of positive energy. The cathedrals of the Middle Ages were built on energetic places and had towers with the function of transceiver antenna of cosmos telluric energies. As happened in Castel del Monte (Italy) also in Britain in the Montargis forest there is a menhir where women who are unable to give birth go.

Corridor of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, we note the great similarity with the entrance to the well

Its orientation matches perfectly with the alignment between the Earth and the Sun. On the occasion of the equinoxes (between 21 and 23 September, and between 18 and 21 March) the Sun perfectly illuminates the pool at the bottom of the well; vice versa, being in the underground room, it is possible to see the star perfectly framed. This well was linked to lunar rites, the women who sought fertility went during the night in the well tank inside which, immersed in the water, there is a special circular seat, sitting very similar to the one that was created in the tank central that occupied the courtyard of Castel Del Monte in Puglia, which coincidentally, the internal courtyard resembles a well. Stonehenge, Castel del Monte, the well of Santa Cristina and megalithic Sardinia in general, the Great Pyramid in Egypt have something in common that their designers knew very well, a cleverly used system to collect vibrations and energies.

The Sardinian Nuraghi drew on a well-known energy, their orientation is proof of this. This cosmic orientation was not the main function, as is often thought, but a consequence of obtaining the maximum yield for the exploitation of this energy. Architectures engineered for maximum performance, real architectural machines. Nothing in these architectures is left to chance.

The discoveries that will be made in Sardinia could help rewrite the history of humanity.

Water is a "dipole" that is a structure in which it has a negatively charged area and a positively charged area, the materials with which it comes into contact, dissolved in it or ionized, give it unique properties also energetically. The water currents that circulate in the subsoil, endowed with electrochemical properties, passing through sands, gravels, soils of various kinds generate electric current that can be measured on the surface of the soil, this current is generated by the potential difference between the flow bed (negative-) and the water that assumes a positive charge. Positive electric particles usually have very slow speeds so they generate very low currents (millivolts), but if the fluid takes on high speeds this causes a release of energy that determines an electromagnetic induction field capable of influencing the microwave field on the ground surface by perturbing the telluric radiation. As discovered by Victor Schauberger, forcing the water into vortices also collect electrostatic charges (diamagnetism) up to losing weight and having antigravity effects. Energy perturbations harmful to living beings are created on underground water courses, which can reduce immune defenses by up to 1/3. The waters that circulate under the cathedrals have a beneficial and therapeutic effect for the body, Menhirs and cathedrals rebalance the energies of the planet and amplify them. The ancient builders therefore knew how to convey and amplify these energies, water is an element in support of this manipulation, amplification and elevation. It has its own memory, it remembers its energetic and entropic path, and each molecule that composes it has its own geometric identity, it also carries with it the imprint of the element with which it comes into contact and geometrically fixes it in its memory. Experiments conducted by Masaru Emoto on water have shown how geometric characteristics can vary under the influence of music/sounds/phrases etc.

Masaru addressed words of different meanings to the water or made it listen to different music, then took a sequence of photographs of the same water at the same temperature of five degrees below zero. The water hit by the phrase "you make me sick" or that had listened to "Heavy metal" assumed a chaotic structure similar to a tumor, the water that had received the word "love" or had listened to a symphony, presented perfect geometric characteristics , like those of a crystal. The word "Adolf Hitler" transformed molecules into the shape of a plague bubo. The words "Maria Theresa of Calcutta" formed a small six-pointed flower.

In these experiments, called "Caramel Experiment" to test the theory of interaction between the information memory of water and music, he concluded that, music energizes the water, and that the water that has been exposed to the "positive" vibrations of music have a beneficial power on our body. Water collects this energy, transports and releases it, once introduced into our body, taking the acquired information with it.

On the other hand, Dr. Bernard Grad has shown, by having patients suffering from strong depressive syndromes hold containers of water with which he then watered barley plants, that the growth of these was delayed. Jean Pagot demonstrates the memory of water with an experiment in which he puts in front of a television, which transmits images of sex, blood, rape, violence, etc ..., a bottle of water which is then made to drink, to unaware people, before to sleep. They will later have nightmares at night and will be disturbed in their sleep for days. Studies have been carried out on waters from sacred sources. Among the most relevant studies emerge those relating to the frequencies they emit. These vary from 2.5 to 160 Hertz and are defined according to the parameters of the auricular medicine with the letters of the alphabet from "A" to "G".

Frequency A — it is an electric type energy, it has a particular resonance on the skin.

Frequency B — it is a magnetic type energy, it regulates the visceral system, the digestive system, the respiratory system and the endocrine system.

Frequency C — it is a magnetic-polarized energy, it regulates the cardiovascular, muscle and bone functions, the renal system and the genital system.

Frequency D —it is a conductor energy of all other energies, it regulates the balance of symmetries, the balance between the right and left hemisphere.

Frequency E — it is a magnetic-polarized energy, it is the energy of the spinal cord, the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Frequency F — it is a magnetic type energy, regulates the subcortical centers, it is related to the feeling of being comfortable or not.

Frequency G — it is an electric type energy, it resonates with the most elaborate structure of the organism, it corresponds to consciousness, it is an energy influenced by all the other frequencies but is also able in turn to influence them

Common waters emit frequencies relative to one of the seven classes. Waters drawn from sanctuaries emit multiple frequencies. Lourdes water emits them all at the same time. Therefore the therapeutic waters are those that emit frequencies of the whole range. Lee Lorenzen, biochemist and nutritionist, also discovered that the waters of these sources were curative because they contained "Clusters", that is the electrostatic interactions between the H atoms (hydrogen) of a water molecule and the O (oxygen) atoms of another molecule, which gave rise to the formation of "hydrogen bonds", natural in their water. The properties of these waters, however, were not maintained over time so it was necessary to drink directly from the springs to enjoy the effects. He studied a process to lock water in symmetrical rings by patenting a process that creates stable clusters.

The human body is a set of organs and tissues in perennial vibration, the alteration of these levels is the basis of all pathologies, water can restore the correct levels and re-tune the vibratory regime of all or some organs.

Sound frequencies can affect water, in bioresonance we study how sound frequencies can affect the water contained in the cells of the human body.

Herbert Fröhlichs found that the fundamental oscillation of cell membranes occurs at frequencies of the order of 100 GHz and that, since cell membranes are composed of dielectric materials, a cell behaves like a dielectric resonator: the applications of some frequencies of frequency generation devices can improve or interfere with cell resonance and create changes in the structure of water within a cell, and some theories speculate that they also affect DNA.

The water present in healthy tissues has a different structure from that of diseased tissues.

Fabien Mamanche discovered that cancerous and healthy cells conduct sound frequencies differently and that these can influence them.

But it has also been found that substances can be influenced by exposing them to electrical oscillations.

Likewise, organic tissues and / or entire organs can be affected by some electronic oscillations. There are machines in Bio Electronics able to analyze and influence the frequencies (substances) found in a living body, and provide the technician, doctor, researcher, with notions on the health and / or disease of the subject examined. Alfred G. Gilmann of the University of Southwestern Medical Center, Martin Rodbell of the National Institute of Environmental Health Science discovered how cells in the human body communicate with each other through radio signals. Recent research has highlighted the great properties of the thermal water which show that itis effective in terms of 'blue therapy', moreover, the water is able to receive, store and transmit the 'wave frequencies' of the substances dissolved in dilution. arbitrary, or absorbed, for example, through the transmission of frequencies from a quantum device, or through the musical waves coming from a radio.

Researches clinically demonstrated for the first time the existence of the memory-information of water.

The memory-information of water was exploited using water energized by a quantum device capable of capturing the frequencies of drugs and then re-transmitting them into the water. The ancient peoples knew the power of water so its presence was essential to determine where a sacred building / church should rise.

Waterways often flow under the floors of medieval churches that convey cosmotelluric energies that transform the building into an energy machine along with orientation, size and proportions. In many Romanesque churches the longitudinal axis is oriented at 77° with respect to the north (off the East-West axis of 23° - earth axis inclination) this alignment called "Wave of Isis" gives the church a high energy value. The measurements were expressed in "cubit" (distance from the elbow to the fingers) which helped harmonize the equinoctial and latitudinal coordinates to follow the harmonic and numerical ratios for the development of spaces and elevations. With the Gothic architecture the forms were perfected and slender towards the sky (arch and pointed towers) to perfect the circulation of energies. The electrical / energetic charges are mostly localized in sharp structures, the towers placed on the facade, such as the menhirs, serve as transceiver antennas. Cathedrals were in harmony with creation.


The pyramid is an energy machine capable of conveying and amplifying energies; the maximum energy is found at about 1/3 of the total height, this is concentrated and conveyed around the vertical axis that passes through the apex thereof, emerging from the top in the form of a spiral. Placing foods inside at 1/3 dehydrate and then mummify, the milk does not degrade but turns into cheese.

The seeds of the plants sprout, mathematically the pyramids are projections of the terrestrial hemispheres. The pyramid of Cheops is in perfect harmony with the dimensions of creation. Meditation improves, by entering inside, high psychological effects are achieved, the wounds of people and animals heal more quickly, it generates static electricity.

Many experiments have shown that only the outline (edges) of the pyramid is needed to have the effects of its energy. Even a small copper pyramid can generate electrostatic energy, this reaches its maximum charge generation when aligned in a north / south-east / west direction. Placing a magnet on each side of the pyramid intensifies the energy field above the apex. The maximum energy is obtained when the pyramid and the magnets are aligned with the magnetic field of the earth. Even a drawing on paper of a 3D pyramid has the same energy as the copper one, the visualization focuses the energy as if the pyramid were really there. In the same way, visualizing a pyramid shape over a place also focuses the real energies of the pyramid on the place itself. The pyramid shape generates a magnetic field. Metals (conductors) concentrate the energy of the pyramid, plastic etc. they do not conduct energy.

The energy increases when the pyramid is inside a magnetic field in proportion to the field. Research conducted by Joe Parr has shown that a solid pyramid must have holes to maximize energy effects which is why there are air ducts in the great pyramid. Also in the pyramids with a frame structure, a three-dimensional force field is formed on each of the faces of the pyramid and the vortices that are created in the corners are three-dimensional and attract energy from all directions concentrating it in them. All these forces, as already mentioned, are concentrated at the geometric center of the pyramid, that is, at 1/3 of the height. The pyramid is an electrostatic energy generator. This also converts etheric / orgone energy into electrical energy. An example is the experiment that Les Brown did. When Les Brown connected the wool wire to the ground antenna, a strong energy hit him, throwing it at a distance of 6 m from the pyramid. The pyramid was 9 m high, the ground antenna was placed on a 6 mm plywood and grounded and was counterclockwise.

The concentrated orgone energy is hygroscopic, that is, it collects (removes) moisture, this explains the drying effects that occur inside the pyramid. The same effect can be obtained with William Reich's Cloud Busters and with Pierluigi Ighina's Helix of the Rain. These show that it is possible to dissipate the new ones by removing orgone energy from them and creating them in reverse. The pyramid works as a charge generator because the orgone energy revolves around it in a counter-clockwise spiral, forming electrons and generating a magnetic field; therefore it is also a magnetic field generator. These effects are obtained regardless of the materials with which the pyramid is built. The pyramid shape is an electromagnetic energy transducer. All pyramids and triangles with the same proportions as the great pyramid collect and concentrate the orgone energies. Inside the great pyramid in the "King's Chamber" we find a perfect right triangle with sides of numbers 3/4/5. Joe Parr, thanks to his discoveries, managed to build a free Energy machine and to have a space propulsion based on the generation of gravitational force fields. Using rotating pyramid shapes, he also deduces that the pyramid ceases to respond energetically at some times of the year and identifies a correlation between celestial events and these moments. The activity of solar machines seems to affect the intensity of the energy bubble. At some times of the year, the energy bubble blocks the force of gravity, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation. He also discovers that the pyramid resonates at 500/1000 Hz. This means that the bubble becomes non-conductive to all known forces. Joe Parr continues his experiments and discovers that the earth moves through energy conduits that go from the Sun to other planets and solar systems.