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Kitabı oku: «The Colleen Bawn», sayfa 4

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Danny I’m wake and cowld! What’s this come over me? Mother, mother, acushla.

Enter Sheelah, R

Sheelah What is it, Danny?

Danny [Staggering to table.] Give me a glass of spirits!

[Falls in chair – Change quickly
SCENE IV. —The old Weir Bridge, or a Wood on the verge of the Lake– [1st grooves.]
Enter Anne Chute, R

Anne Married! the wretch is married! and with that crime already on his conscience he was ready for another and similar piece of villainy. It’s the Navy that does it. It’s my belief those sailors have a wife in every place they stop at.

Myles [Sings outside, R.]

“Oh! Eily astoir, my love is all crost,
Like a bud in the frost.”

Anne Here’s a gentleman who has got my complaint – his love is all crost, like a bud in the frost.

Enter Myles, R
Myles “And there’s no use at all in my goin’ to bed,
For it’s drames, and not sleep, that comes into my head,
And it’s all about you,” etc., etc.

Anne My good friend, since you can’t catch your love, d’ye think you could catch my horse? [Distant thunder.

Myles Is it a black mare wid a white stockin on the fore off leg?

Anne I dismounted to unhook a gate – a peal of thunder frightened her, and she broke away.

Myles She’s at Torc Cregan stables by this time – it was an admiration to watch her stride across the Phil Dolan’s bit of plough.

Anne And how am I to get home?

Myles If I had four legs, I wouldn’t ax betther than to carry ye, and a proud baste I’d be. [Thunder – rain.

Anne The storm is coming down to the mountain – is there no shelter near?

Myles There may be a corner in this ould chapel. [Rain.] Here comes the rain – murdher! ye’ll be wet through.

[Music – pulls off coat.] Put this round yez.

Anne What will you do? You’ll catch your death of cold.

Myles [Taking out bottle.] Cowld is it? Here’s a wardrobe of top coats. [Thunder.] Whoo! this is a fine time for the water – this way, ma’am.

[Exeunt Myles and Anne, L
Enter Eily, cloak and hood, R

Eily Here’s the place where Danny was to meet me with the boat. Oh! here he is.

Enter Danny, L

How pale you are!

Danny The thunder makes me sick.

Eily Shall we not wait till the storm is over?

Danny If it comes on bad we can put into the Divil’s Island Cave.

Eily I feel so happy that I am going to see him, yet there is a weight about my heart that I can’t account for.

Danny I can. [Aside.] Are you ready now?

Eily Yes; come – come.

Danny [Staggering.] I’m wake yet. My throat is dry – if I’d a draught of whisky now.

Eily Sheelah gave you a bottle.

Danny I forgot – it’s in the boat. [Rain.

Eily Here comes the rain – we shall get wet.

Danny There’s the masther’s boat cloak below.

Eily Come, Danny, lean on me. I’m afraid you are not sober enough to sail the skiff.

Danny Sober! The dhrunker I am, the better I can do the work I’ve got to do.

Eily Come, Danny, come – come.

[Exeunt Eily and Danny, R. —Music ceases
Re-enter Anne Chute and Myles, L

Myles It was only a shower, I b’lieve – are ye wet, ma’am?

Anne Dry as a biscuit.

Myles Ah! then it’s yerself is the brave and beautiful lady – as bould an’ proud as a ship before the blast. [Anne looks off, R.

Anne Why, there is my mare, and who comes with – [Crosses to R.

Myles It’s Mr. Hardress Cregan himself.

Anne Hardress here?

Myles Eily gave me a letter for him this morning.

Enter Hardress, R

Hard Anne, what has happened? Your horse galloped wildly into the stable – we thought you had been thrown.

Myles Here is a lether Eily tould me to give him. [To Hardress.] I beg your pardon, sir, but here’s the taste of a lether I was axed to give your honor. [Gives letter.

Hard [Aside.] From Eily!

Anne Thanks, my good fellow, for your assistance.

Myles Not at all, ma’am. Sure, there isn’t a boy in the County Kerry that would not give two thumbs off his hands to do a service to the Colleen Ruaidh, as you are called among us – iss indeed, ma’am. [Going – aside.] Ah! then it’s the purty girl she is, in them long clothes. [Exit Myles, R.

Hard [Reads, aside.] “I am the cause of your ruin; I can’t live with that thought killin’ me. If I do not see you before night you will never again be throubled with your poor Eily.” Little simpleton! she is capable of doing herself an injury.

Anne Hardress! I have been very blind and very foolish, but today I have learned to know my own heart. There’s my hand; I wish to seal my fate at once. I know the delicacy which prompted you to release me from my engagement to you. I don’t accept that release; I am yours.

Hard Anne, you don’t know all.

Anne I know more than I wanted, that’s enough. I forbid you ever to speak on this subject.

Hard You don’t know my past life.

Anne And I don’t want to know. I’ve had enough of looking into past lives; don’t tell me anything you wish to forget.

Hard Oh, Anne – my dear cousin; if I could forget – if silence could be oblivion. [Exeunt Hardress and Anne, L.

SCENE V. —Exterior of Myles’ Hut. [1st grooves.]
Enter Myles, R., singing “Brian O’Linn.”
“Brian O’Linn had no breeches to wear,
So he bought him a sheepskin to make him a pair;
The skinny side out, the woolly side in,
‘They are cool and convanient,’ said Brian O’Linn.”

[Locks door of cabin.] Now I’ll go down to my whisky-still. It is under my feet this minute, bein’ in a hole in the rocks they call O’Donoghue’s stables, a sort of water cave; the people around here think that the cave is haunted with bad spirits, and they say that of a dark stormy night strange unearthly noises is heard comin’ out of it – it is me singing, “The night before Larry was stretched.” Now I’ll go down to that cave, and wid a sod of live turf under a kettle of worty, I’ll invoke them sperrits – and what’s more, they’ll come.

[Exit Myles, singing, R. Music till Myles begins to speak next scene
SCENE VI. —A Cave; through large opening at back is seen the Lake and the Moon; rocks R. and L. —flat rock, R. C.; gauge waters all over stage; rope hanging from C., hitched on wing, R. U. E
Enter Myles, singing, top of rock, R. U. E

Myles And this is a purty night for my work! The smoke of my whisky-still will not be seen; there’s my distillery beyant in a snug hole up there, [Unfastens rope, L.] and here’s my bridge to cross over to it. I think it would puzzle a gauger to folly me; this is a patent of my own – a tight-rope bridge. [Swings across from R. to L.] Now I tie up my drawbridge at this side till I want to go back – what’s that – it was an otter I woke from a nap he was takin’ on that bit of rock there – ow! ye divil! if I had my gun I’d give ye a leaden supper. I’ll go up and load it, may be I’ll get a shot; them stones is the place where they lie out of a night, and many a one I’ve shot of them.

[Music. – Disappears up rock, L. U. E

Eily What place is this you have brought me to?

Danny Never fear – I know where I’m goin’ – step out on that rock – mind yer footin’; ’tis wet there.

Eily I don’t like this place – it’s like a tomb.

Danny Step out, I say; the boat is laking.

[Eily steps on to rock, R. C

Eily Why do you spake to me so rough and cruel?

Danny Eily, I have a word to say t’ye; listen now, and don’t trimble that way.

Eily I won’t, Danny – I won’t.

Danny Wonst, Eily, I was a fine brave boy, the pride of my ould mother, her white haired-darlin’ – you wouldn’t think it to look at me now. D’ye know how I got changed to this?

Eily Yes, Hardress told me.

Danny He done it – but I loved him before it, an’ I loved him after it – not a dhrop of blood I have, but I’d pour out like wather for the masther.

Eily I know what you mean – as he has deformed your body – ruined your life – made ye what ye are.

Danny Have you, a woman, less love for him than I, that you wouldn’t give him what he wants of you, even if he broke your heart as he broke my back, both in a moment of passion? Did I ax him to ruin himself and his ould family, and all to mend my bones? No! I loved him, and I forgave him that.

Eily Danny, what do you want me to do?

[Danny steps out on to rock

Danny Give me that paper in your breast?

[Boat floats off slowly, R

Eily I can’t – I’ve sworn never to part with it! You know I have!

Danny Eily, that paper stands between Hardress Cregan and his fortune; that paper is the ruin of him. Give it, I tell yez.

Eily Take me to the priest; let him lift the oath off me. Oh, Danny, I swore a blessed oath on my two knees, and would ye ax me to break that?

Danny [Seizes her hands.] Give it up, and don’t make me hurt ye.

Eily I swore by my mother’s grave, Danny. Oh! Danny dear, don’t. Don’t, acushla, and I’ll do anything. See now, what good would it be? sure, while I live I’m his wife. [Music changes.

Danny Then you’ve lived too long. Take your marriage lines wid ye to the bottom of the lake.

[He throws her from rock backwards into the water, L. C., with a cry; she reappears, clinging to rock

Eily No! save me! Don’t kill me! Don’t, Danny, I’ll do anything – only let me live.

Danny He wants ye dead. [Pushes her off.

Eily Oh, heaven! help me! Danny – Dan – [Sinks.

Danny [Looking down.] I’ve done it – she’s gone.

[Shot is fired, L. U. E.; he falls – rolls from the rock into the water, R. C
Myles appears with gun, on rock, L. U. E

Myles I hit one of them bastes that time. I could see well, though it was so dark. But there was somethin’ moving on that stone. [Swings across to R. U. E.] Divil a sign of him. Stop! [Looks down.] What’s this? It’s a woman – there’s something white there. [Figure rises near rock, R. U. E.; kneels down; tries to take the hand of figure.] Ah! that dress! – it’s Eily. My own darlin’ Eily.

[Pulls off waistcoat – jumps off rock. Eily rises, R.; then Myles and Eily rise up, C.; he turns, and seizes rock, R. C.; Eily across left arm


SCENE I. —Interior of an Irish hut; door and small opening, R. C. Door L. C. in flat

Truckle bed and bedding, R. C., on which Danny Mann is discovered; table with jug of water; lighted candle stuck in bottle, L.; two stools– Sheelah at table, L. Music.

Danny [In his sleep.] Gi’ me the paper, thin – screeching won’t save ye – down – down! [Wakes.] Oh, mother! darlin’ mother!

Sheelah [Waking.] Eh! did ye call me, Danny?

Danny Gi’ me a dhrop of wather – it’s the thirst that’s a killin’ me.

Sheelah [Takes jug.] The fever’s on ye mighty bad.

Danny [Drinks, falls back, groans.] Oh, the fire in me won’t go out! How long have I been here?

Sheelah Ten days this night.

Danny Ten days dis night! Have I been all that time out of my mind?

Sheelah Iss, Danny. Ten days ago, that stormy night, ye crawled in at that dure, wake an’ like a ghost.

Danny I remind me now.

Sheelah Ye tould me that ye’d been poachin’ salmon, and had been shot by the keepers.

Danny Who said I hadn’t?

Sheelah Divil a one! Why did ye make me promise not to say a word about it? Didn’t ye refuse even to see a doctor itself?

Danny Has any one axed after me?

Sheelah No one but Mr. Hardress.

Danny Heaven bless him!

Sheelah I told him I hadn’t seen ye, and here ye are this day groanin’ when there’s great doin’s up at Castle Chute. To-morrow the masther will be married to Miss Anne.

Danny Married! but – the – his —

Sheelah Poor Eily, ye mane?

Danny Hide the candle from my eyes – it’s painin’ me; shade it off. Go on, mother.

Sheelah The poor Colleen! Oh, no, Danny, I knew she’d die of the love that was chokin’ her. He didn’t know how tindher she was when he gave her the hard word. What was that message the masther sent to her, that he wouldn’t let me hear? It was cruel, Danny, for it broke her heart entirely; she went away that night, and, two days after, a cloak was found floatin’ in the reeds, under Brikeen Bridge; nobody knew it but me. I turned away, and never said – . The creature is drowned, Danny, and woe to them as dhruv her to it. She has no father, no mother to put a curse on him, but the Father above that niver spakes till the last day, and then – [She turns and sees Danny gasping, his eyes fixed on her, supporting himself on his arm.] Danny! Danny! he’s dyin’ – he’s dyin’!

[Runs to him, R. of bed

Danny Who said that? Ye lie! I never killed her – sure he sent me the glove – where is it?

Sheelah He’s ravin’ again.

Danny The glove – he sent it to me full of blood. Oh, master, dear, there’s your token. I told ye I would clear the path foreninst ye.

Sheelah Danny, what d’ye mane?

Danny I’ll tell ye how I did it, masther; ’twas dis way – but don’t smile like dat – don’t, sir! She wouldn’t give me de marriage lines, so I sunk her and her proofs wid her. She’s gone! she came up wonst, but I put her down agin. Never fear – she’ll never throuble yer again – never – never!

[Lies down; mutters. Sheelah on her knees, in horror and prayer

Sheelah ’Twas he! he! – my own son – he’s murdered her, and he’s dyin’ now – dyin’, wid blood on his hands! Danny! Danny! spake to me!

Danny A docther! will they let me die like a baste, and never a docther?

Sheelah I’ll run for one that’ll cure ye. Oh, weerasthrue, Danny! Is it for this I’ve loved ye? No, forgive, acushla, it isn’t your own mother that ’ud add to yer heart-breakin’ and pain. I’ll fetch the docther, avick. [Music – puts on cloak, and pulls hood over her head.] Oh, hone! oh hone!

[Exit Sheelah, L. door in flat – a pause – knock – pause – knock
Enter Corrigan, door in flat, L. C

Corrig Sheelah! Sheelah! Nobody here? I’m bothered entirely. The cottage on Muckross Head is empty – not a sowl in it but a cat. Myles has disappeared, and Danny gone – vanished, bedad, like a fog – Sheelah is the only one remaining. I called to see Miss Chute; I was kicked out. I sent her a letter; it was returned to me, unopened. Her lawyer has paid off the mortgage, and taxed my bill of costs – the spalpeen! [Danny groans.] What’s that? Some one is asleep there. ’Tis Danny!

Danny A docther! – gi’ me a docther!

Corrig Danny here – concealed, too! Oh, there’s something going on that’s worth peepin’ into. Whist! there’s footsteps comin’. If I could hide a bit. I’m a magistrate, an’ I ought to know what’s goin’ on – here’s a turf-hole, wid a windy in it.

[Exit Corrigan, opening in flat, R. C
Enter Sheelah and Father Tom, L. C. door

Sheelah [Goes to Danny.] Danny!

Danny Is that you, mother?

Sheelah I’ve brought the docther, asthore. [Danny looks up.

Danny The priest!

Sheelah [On her knees, R. of bed.] Oh, my darlin’! don’t be angry wid me, but dis is the docther you want; it isn’t in your body where the hurt is; the wound is in your poor sowl – there’s all the harrum.

Father T Danny, my son – [Sits L. of bed.] – it’s sore-hearted I am to see you down this way.

Sheelah And so good a son he was to his ould mother.

Danny Don’t say that – don’t! [Covering his face.

Sheelah I will say it – my blessin’ on ye – see that, now, he’s cryin’.

Father T Danny, the hand of death is on ye. Will ye lave your sins behind ye here below, or will ye take them with ye above, to show them on ye? Is there anything ye can do that’ll mend a wrong? leave that legacy to your friend, and he’ll do it. Do ye want pardon of any one down here? tell me, avick; I’ll get it for ye and send it after you – may be ye’ll want it.

Danny [Rising up an arm.] I killed Eily O’Connor.

Sheelah [Covers her face with her hands.] Oh! oh!

Father T What harrum had ye agin the poor Colleen Bawn?

[Corrigan takes notes

Danny She stud in his way, and he had my heart and sowl in his keeping.

Father T Hardress?

Danny Hisself! I said I’d do it for him, if he’d give me the token.

Father T Did Hardress employ you to kill the girl?

Danny He sent me the glove; that was to be the token that I was to put her away, and I did – I – in the Pool a Dhiol. She would not gi’ me the marriage lines; I threw her in and then I was kilt.

Father T Killed! by whose hand?

Danny I don’t know, unless it was the hand of heaven.

Father T [Rising, goes down – aside.] Myles na Coppaleen is at the bottom of this; his whisky-still is in that cave, and he has not been seen for ten days past. [Aloud – goes to Danny.] Danny, after ye fell, how did ye get home?

Danny I fell in the wather; the current carried me to a rock; how long I was there half drowned I don’t know, but on wakin’ I found my boat floatin’ close by, an’ it was still dark; I got in and crawled here.

Father T [Aside.] I’ll go and see Myles – there’s more in this than has come out.

Sheelah Won’t yer riverince say a word of comfort to the poor boy? He’s in great pain entirely.

Father T Keep him quiet, Sheelah. [Music.] I’ll be back again with the comfort for him. Danny, your time is short; make the most of it. [Aside.] I’m off to Myles na Coppaleen. Oh, Hardress Cregan – [Going up.] – ye little think what a bridal day ye’ll have!

[Exit door in flat, L. C

Corrig [Who has been writing in note-book, comes out at back.] I’ve got down every word of the confession. Now, Hardress Cregan, there will be guests at your weddin’ to-night ye little dhrame of.

[Exit L. door in flat, L. C

Danny [Rising up.] Mother, mother! the pain is on me. Wather – quick – wather!

[Sheelah runs to L. table; takes jug; gives it to Danny; he drinks; Sheelah takes jug; Danny struggles – falls back on bed; close on picture.

SCENE II. —Chamber in Castle Chute. [1st Grooves.]
Enter Kyrle Daly and Servant, R

Kyrle Inform Mrs. Cregan that I am waiting upon her.

Enter Mrs. Cregan, L

Mrs. C I am glad to see you, Kyrle. [Exit Servant, L.

Kyrle [R. C.] You sent for me, Mrs. Cregan. My ship sails from Liverpool to-morrow. I never thought I could be so anxious to quit my native land.

Mrs. C I want you to see Hardress. For ten days past he shuns the society of his bride. By night he creeps out alone in his boat on the lake – by day he wanders round the neighborhood, pale as death. He is heart-broken.

Kyrle Has ye asked to see me?

Mrs. C Yesterday he asked where you were.

Kyrle Did he forget that I left your house when Miss Chute, without a word of explanation, behaved so unkindly to me?

Mrs. C She is not the same girl since she accepted Hardress. She quarrels – weeps – complains, and has lost her spirits.

Kyrle She feels the neglect of Hardress.

Anne [Without, R.] Don’t answer me! Obey, and hold your tongue!

Mrs. C Do you hear? she is rating one of the servants.

Anne [Without.] No words – I’ll have no sulky looks, neither.

Enter Anne, R., dressed as a bride, with a vail and wreath in her hand

Anne Is that the vail and wreath I ordered? How dare you tell me that? [Throws it off, R.

Mrs. C Anne! [Anne sees Kyrle —stands confused.

Kyrle You are surprised to see me in your house, Miss Chute?

Anne You are welcome, sir.

Kyrle [Aside.] She looks pale! She’s not happy – that’s gratifying.

Anne [Aside.] He doesn’t look well – that’s some comfort.

Mrs. C I’ll try to find Hardress. [Exit Mrs. Cregan, L.

Kyrle I hope you don’t think I intrude – that is – I came to see Mrs. Cregan.

Anne [Sharply.] I don’t flatter myself you wished to see me; why should you?

Kyrle Anne, I am sorry I offended you; I don’t know what I did, but no matter.

Anne Not the slightest.

Kyrle I released your neighborhood of my presence.

Anne Yes, and you released the neighborhood of the presence of somebody else – she and you disappeared together.

Kyrle She!

Anne Never mind.

Kyrle But I do mind. I love Hardress Cregan as a brother, and I hope the time may come, Anne, when I can love you as a sister.

Anne Do you? I don’t.

Kyrle I don’t want the dislike of my friend’s wife to part my friend and me.

Anne Why should it? I’m nobody.

Kyrle If you were my wife, and asked me to hate any one, I’d do it – I couldn’t help it.

Anne I believed words like that once when you spoke them, but I have been taught how basely you can deceive.

Kyrle Who taught you?

Anne Who? – your wife.

Kyrle My what?

Anne Your wife – the girl you concealed in the cottage on Muckross Head. Stop, now – don’t speak – save a falsehood, however many ye may have to spare. I saw the girl – she confessed.