Kitabı oku: «Burnett Rediscovered», sayfa 2
1.2 Pathological Similimum
As stated above, the pathological similimum is the remedy that covers the organ affinity and the organ pathology. Burnett wrote that many cases cannot be covered with just one remedy. The more complicated the case, the more likely a number of prescriptions are needed. The symptomatic similimum may cover the pathology, or it may not. If it does not cover the pathology then it cannot and will not cure. This means that to cure cases of pathology we must start with a sound diagnosis whenever possible. When taking and analysing cases it is necessary to consider if the symptomatic similimum is also homoeopathic to the pathology.
1.3 List of Organ Remedies
This list is, at present writing, as close to definitive as I know. The sources used are principally the books of Burnett, Clarke’s A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Ian Watson’s Guide to the Methodologies of Homoeopathy. The remedies follow the repertory standard of Bold type, Italic type, Plain type, for strength of indication. The emphasis used here is mine. Remedy potency indications are generally those most frequently used by Burnett himself, or suggested by me in an attempt to field the prickly, perennial potency question asked by students.
Nervous System
Avena sativa Ø, Hypericum Ø-6c, Ignatia 1c-3c, Kalium phosphoricum 1x-6x, Zincum aceticum 1x, Cypripedium pubescens 3x, Scutellaria 3x
Ceanothus Ø-1x-1c, China 6c, Chininum sulphuricum 6c, Quercus Ø-3x, Rubia tinctorum Ø, Scilla maritima Ø, Urtica urens Ø, Berberis Ø, Chelidonium Ø, Conium 3x, Helianthus Ø, Oleum succinum Ø, Polygonum persicaria 30c, Ferrum phosphoricum 6c, Juglans regia Ø
Uterus Aurum 3x, Aurum muriaticum 3x, Aurum muriaticum natronatum 3x, Bellis perennis Ø, Caulophyllum 1c, Cimicifuga Ø-1c, Fraxinus americana Ø, Helononias Ø, Pulsatilla Ø, Sabina 30c, Thlaspi bursa pastoris Ø, Guaco 3c, Hydrastis Ø, Secale 3x, Viburnum opulus Ø, Aletris farinosa Ø, Cedron 3x, Cypripedium pubescens 3x, Fragaria vesca Ø, Sabal serrulata Ø, Salix nigra Ø
Colocynthis 3x, 3c, 6c, 12c, Folliculinum 12c, Ovininum 12c, Visccum album 1x
Bellis perennis Ø, Lac caninum 12c, Phytolacca Ø, Fragaria vesca Ø
Carduus marianus Ø, Chelidonium Ø, 3x, 3c, Chelone glabra Ø, Cholesterinum 3x, Hydrastis Ø, Myrica cerifera Ø, Natrium sulphuricum 4c, Nux vomica 1x, 1c, 30c, Berberis Ø, Crocus Ø, Diplotaxis tenuifolia Ø, Euonymus europaeus 3x, Ferrum picricum 3x, Helianthus annuus Ø, Iodoformum 3x, Leptandra 3x, Magnesium muriaticum 30c, Muriaticum acidum 6c, Podophyllum 6x, 6c, Quassia amara Ø, Sanguinaria Ø, Terebinthinae 3x, Bilirubinum 5c, Calendula Ø, Picricum acidum 3c, Prunus spinosa Ø, 6x, 6c, Taraxacum 6c
Iris 30c, Phosphorus 30c, 100c, Kalium iodatum 30c, Nux vomica 1x, 1c, 30c, Pulsatilla 6c, Mercurius solubilis 12c, Iodum 1c, Jaborandi 3x, Pilocarpinum, Atropinum 12c
Sabal serrulata3x, Thuja 3x, Conium 3x, Chimaphila umbellata12c, Pulsatilla 6x, Ferrum picricum 3x
Male Genitallia
Agnus castus Ø, Titanium 30c, Caladium 6c, Chionanthus Ø, Oxalicum acidum 3x, Selenium 5c, Stigmata-p Ø, Stillingia silvatica Ø, Urea 6c
Berberis Ø, Cantharis 3x, 3c, Solidago 1x, Coccus cacti Ø, Cocculus 6c
Equisetum Ø, Cantharis 3x, 3c, Triticum repens Ø, Taraxacum 6c
Cactus Ø, Convallaria Ø, Crataegus Ø, Digitalis 3c, Glonoinum 3x, Naja 30c, Strophanthus Ø, Kalmia 12c, Lycopus virginicus 12c, Spongia 12c, Adonis Ø
Hydrastis Ø, Alfalfa Ø
Blood Echinacea Ø, Ferrum 1x, Pyrogen 5c, 6c, Sulphur 30c, Gunpowder 6x, Baptisia 3x
Belladonna 30c, Glonoinum 3x, Sanguinaria Ø, 1x, Bryonia Ø
Levico aqua Ø, Berberis aquifolium Ø
Fucus vesiculosus Ø, Iodum 6c
Aesculus Ø, 3x, 3c, 12c, Ferrum phosphoricum 3x, 12x, 6c (acts brilliantly in the older patient), Fluoricum acidum 5c, 6c, 12c (acts well in the young), Nux vomica 1x, 1c, 30c, Pulsatilla Ø, Sulphur Ø, Ferrum 3x, Rhus toxicodendron 3x, 3c
1.4 Materia Medica of Leading Organ Remedies
The materia medica section is arranged in the following format:
Remedy name and abbreviation for Repertory
Common name
Natural Order (N.O.)
Related remedies
Liver Remedies
Carduus marianus, Chelidonium majus, Chelone glabra, Cholesterinum, Hydrastis canadensis, Leptandra virginica, Myrica cerifera
Carduus marianus (Card-m)
Common Name St. Mary’s Thistle, Silybum Marianum
N.O. Compositae
Clinical Alcohol, abuse. Cirrhosis. Epistaxis. Gallstones. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hepatitis. Influenza. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Metrorrhagia. Pleurisy. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Spleen, affections of. Typhlitis. Varicose ulcer. Varicose veins.
Characteristics Silybum is also known as lady’s thistle, milk thistle, blessed thistle. English name called Our Lady’s thistle from the spotted white leaves supposed to have been from milk dropped by the Virgin Mary.
Symptoms Carduus marianus is primarily a liver and portal system remedy. Particularly indicated in alcohol abuse, especially beer. Chronic liver weakness, cirrhosis, hepatitis, portal stasis and gallstones. Liver enlarged and swollen, particularly in transverse direction (Chelidonium in vertical direction), see Figure 1 below. Burnett called this a remedy’s Line of Action. Carduus marianus has a line of action that is horizontal from liver to spleen. Stitches in liver, worse lying on left side. Stitches in spleen worse inspiration and on stooping. Liver disease affecting lungs causing haemoptysis.
• Melancholy, apathetic and joyless.
• Liver headaches (Chelidonium, Lycopodium, Sanguinaria) and migraines, frequently worse right side. Headache better eating. Vertigo better for epistaxis (nosebleed).
• Bitter taste in mouth, tongue coated white; mucous membrane of palate has smooth sensation as if covered with fat.
• Nausea, retching and vomiting. Stitch in left side of stomach, spleen region.
• Stool very hard and knotty.
Burnett identified a Keynote symptom for Carduus marianus. The symptom is what he called the Sternal Patch. This is a cutaneous eruption, brownish in colour, located on the sternum that is concomitant to liver and heart symptoms. If the left lobe of the liver is enlarged and the heart has palpitations or systolic murmur and this skin eruption is on the sternum then this strongly indicates a prescription of Carduus marianus.
Related remedies Lycopodium, Chelidonium, Chionanthus, Nux vomica, Podophyllum.
Dose Tincture and low decimal/centesimal potencies.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn (Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners).
Figure 1
Figure 1.) Line of Action. Anatomical figure below shows the location of the liver and spleen (shaded areas). The “Lines of Action” of the remedies Carduus marianus, Chelidonium and Chelone glabra are also shown.
Note that Carduus marianus has a horizontal or transverse line of action, from liver towards the spleen. Chelidonium enlarges in the perpendicular measurement, a line of action up towards the right nipple. Chelone glabra has a line of action downwards in the direction of the bladder and uterus.
Chelidonium majus (Chel)
Common Name Greater Celandine
N.O. Papaveraceae
Clinical Bilious. Cancer. Gallbladder, pains. Gallstones. Headaches. Hepatitis. Influenza. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Nose-bleed. Pneumonia. Tumours. Warts. Whooping cough.
Characteristics Chelidonium is from the Greek chelidon, meaning a swallow. Traditionally, the herb flowers when the swallows arrive.
“Of Chelidonium majus, I would say that it is in this country the greatest liver medicine we have and there is, in all conscience, no lack of hepatics.” (Diseases of the Liver p.30)
• Chelidonium was one of Burnett’s favourite remedies to use for hepatic cases. In one case, he attended a female patient for another physician but the patient strongly objected to new doctors. She spied on Burnett, did not like the look of him, big beardy man, and so had her daughter send him away. Within a few days her liver pains returned, and the physician sent for Burnett again. This time he was admitted, found the patient in great pain in the hepatic region with a much enlarged liver. Chelidonium was prescribed, the liver pains of thirty years eased quicker than ever before and finally cured. She gave Burnett a present and sent many of her friends to him for treatment.
• It has a perpendicular line of action, ranging from the liver up towards the right nipple. (See diagram.) This remedy has a strong keynote of stitching pain under inner and lower angle of the right scapula associated with liver derangements. Burnett called this a Synalgia, which are pains concomitant with inflammation or pathology in certain organs but located in a different part of the body.
• Cross, Irritable, upset easily. Forceful and very obstinate. Anxiety about health.
• Flapping of alae nasi. (Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Antimonium tartaricum)
• Keynote of yellow due to jaundice. Yellow sclera/whites of eyes, yellow/grey colour of skin. Tongue yellow and flabby with imprints of teeth (Mercurius, Hydrastis). Urine yellow, foaming, like beer. Stool pasty, yellow, floating. Itching skin. Neo-natal jaundice (Chamomilla, Phosphorus).
• Better after eating. Desires and ameliorated by hot food and hot drinks (Arsenicum album, Lycopodium).
Related remedies Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus.
Dose Tincture and low decimal/centesimal potencies.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
Chelone glabra (Chelo)
Common Name Turtle Head or Snake Head
N.O. Scrofulariaceae
Clinical Jaundice, Liver, diseases of. Varicose veins. Worms.
Characteristics Greek word chelone means tortoise, in allusion to flower appearance of this perennial. Hence also turtle and snake head.
Symptoms Seat of action/affinity is the left lobe of the liver. (See diagram.)
• Line of action is in the direction of the navel, bladder and uterus. “Chelone acts in a line between the hilus of the liver and the fundus of the uterus.” (Clarke, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica p.467.)
• Burnett states that Chelo is an important hepatic, acts from right to left and from above downwards.
Related remedies Carduus marianus, Hydrastis.
Dose Tincture.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
Cholesterinum (Chol)
From the epithelium lining of the gallbladder and larger ducts. Trituration (grinding together with a pestle in a mortar) of gallstones.
Clinical Gallstones. Jaundice. Liver, diseases of, cancer of. Vitreous opacities of eye.
Symptoms Burnett learnt of the use of Cholesterinum from Dr. Ameke of Berlin. Burnett used this remedy for obstinate hepatic engorgements and liver cancer, especially if the malignancy was located in the left lobe.
“Cholesterine is my sheet anchor in organic liver diseases in which the commoner hepatics Chelone glabra, Carduus marianus, Myrica cerifera, Kalium bichromicum, Mercurius and Diplotaxis tenuifolia have failed.” (Diseases of the Liver p.122.)
• Cholesterinum is a Sarcode, a remedy prepared from healthy tissues. Nosode is prepared from diseased tissues or secretions. (See Part 3 for nosodes.)
Related remedies Iodoformum (Burnett frequently alternated Cholesterinum 3x with Iodoformum 3x in malignant cases.)
Dose 3x, 3c.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy.
Hydrastis canadensis (Hydr)
Common Name Golden Seal, Orange Root
N.O. Ranunculacea
Clinical Alcoholism. Breast, colon, liver, rectum, stomach, tongue, cancer of. Constipation. Emaciation. Gallstones. Jaundice. Liver, diseases of, cancer of. Sinusitis. Tawniness of skin. Ulcers.
Characteristics Hydor is Greek for water, name suggested by the leaf of Hydophyllum canadense, (water-leaf) which Hydrastis was confused with. Used by the Cherokee American Indian for medicine and as part of a compound to treat cancer. Also used as a dye. Canadensis means from Canada, early writers also used this term to cover the northeastern United States.
Dr. Henry Thomas suggested that Burnett used Hydrastis for gallstones and gallstone colic. Clarke writes that by no means a specific remedy it is nevertheless one of the main remedies to consider when prescribing in cancer cases.
Symptoms Absent minded, irritable, depression. Sure of death and desires it.
• Frontal headache from sinusitis, thick, yellow-green mucus. Eustachian catarrh, hearing impaired (glue ear).
• Bitter taste in mouth, tongue yellow, white stripe. Tongue swollen, flabby, imprints of teeth (Chelidonium, Mercurius). Tongue feels scalded, vesicle on tip.
• Ulcers in throat and mouth.
• Obstinate constipation; with dull headache. Haemorrhoids.
• Weak digestion, debility, emaciation.
• Atrophy of liver, cutting pains extends to right scapula. Cutting pain in hypogastrium extending to testes. Jaundice, with catarrh of stomach. Skin can be yellow or tawny as if dirty. Gallstones and colic. Liver cancer.
Related remedies Bacillinum. Burnett often gave Hydrastis for one to two months after treating with Bacillinum or intercurrently between two doses of Bacillinum. He maintained that it increased the appetite and helped emaciated patients put on weight.
Dose Tincture 5 drops morning/evening. In gallstone colic 10 drops every half hour in very warm water for a few hours.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
Leptandra virginica (Lept)
Common Name Culver’s Root, Black Root, Tall Speedwell
N.O. Scrophulariacea
Clinical Black stools. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Headaches. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Typhoid. Yellow fever.
Symptoms Gloomy, drowsy and irritable.
• Severe frontal headache, sensation hair is being pulled out.
• Canine hunger, wakes 5am very hungry. Craves cold drinks, which aggravate. Sinking in pit of stomach (Dig, Tab).
• Digitalis has the keynote white stools, Chelidonium has yellow stools while the grand keynote of Leptandra is black stools. The stool is tar-like, black and foul. Often with pain at the umbilicus. Dull burning in liver. Jaundice with black, tarry stools or clay-coloured stools.
Related remedies Bacillinum (deep-in-headache), Digitalis, Myrica cerifera, Podophyllum.
Dose Tincture to third centesimal.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy.
Myrica cerifera (Myric)
Common Name Bayberry, Wax myrtle, Candleberry, Bog myrtle, Gale
N.O. Myricacea
Clinical Catarrh. Conjunctivitis. Heart, affections of. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Pharynx, affections of. Urticaria.
Characteristics Myrica is derived from the Greek word myrike for tamarisk. The fruit has a greasy covering that provides aromatic tallow that is used to make bayberry candles. Cerifera means wax-bearing.
Symptoms Burnett used Myrica for treating diseases of the liver such as cancer, especially when jaundice is evident.
• Exhilaration and excitement, disturbing sleep, alternating with depression, dull, drowsy state. On waking has dull, heavy aching in temples and forehead.
• Sclerotics-dirty yellow colour. Lids abnormally red. Tongue coated dirty yellow. Breath offensive. Thick mucus.
• Dull pain in liver region, griping pains, urge to stool but pass only flatus. Rumbling above umbilicus. Stool light yellow, clay-coloured and mushy. Neo-natal jaundice.
• Insomnia.
Related remedies Chelidonium, Cholesterinum, Hydrastis.
Dose Tincture to 6x.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
Spleen Remedies
Ceanothus, Helianthus, Quercus, Rubia, Scilla, Urtica urens
Burnett associated the following symptoms to spleen affections:
Pain in left side, left hypochondrium, pain in stomach, consecutive cough, violent and suffocative, chronic diarrhoea, constipation, asthma, disturbed renal function and oedema, uterus- excessive menstrual flow and leucorrhoea, anaemia, marked chilliness, heart disturbances-palpitations, varicose veins of left leg.
Aetiology to spleen affections: Infectious diseases, sycotic miasm, vaccinosis.
Ceanothus americanus (Cean)
Common Name New Jersey Tea, Red Root
N.O. Rhamnaceae
Clinical Anaemia. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea. Malaria. Menses, suppressed. Metrorrhagia. Spleen, affections of.
Characteristics Ceanothus is from the Greek name for a spiny plant thought to be Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense). The remedy in our materia medica is not a thistle but a shrub. The lilac and blue flowers associated with this shrub are common. However, this variety of Ceanothus has white flowers.
Symptoms The three main symptoms of Ceanothus are spleen enlarged with left-sided pains, extreme chilliness and profuse, thick leucorrhoea.
• Chronic enlargement of spleen with fullness sensation and deep-seated or cutting pains. Unable to rest on left side. Worse in cold weather, constant chilliness, sits next to fire.
• Menses are profuse and early, every two weeks, resulting in anaemia. Metrorrhagia with spleen pain. Thick, profuse leucorrhoea with pain under left ribs.
• Dreams of snakes and robbers.
Related remedies Followed well by Berberis, Conium, Myrica cerifera, Quercus.
Dose Tincture and low potencies.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
Helianthus annuus (Helia)
Common Name Sunflower
N.O. Compositae/Asteracea
Clinical Cold. Constipation. Epistaxis (nosebleed). Haemorrhoids. Nasal obstruction. Spleen, affections of. Throat, sore. Urticaria. Vomiting. Wounds.
Characteristics Helianthus is a fast-growing annual that flowers in the summer/autumn with oval, serrated leaves with a daisy-like brown or purple centre. The name is derived from the Greek helios which means sun and anthos which means flower. Can grow very fast in one season, up to ten feet in height.
Symptoms Spleen enlarged and painful. Black stools (Leptandra). Symptoms aggravated by heat and ameliorated by vomiting. Dry mouth.
• Skin red and hot with urticarial-like eruption on inner forearms and legs. Worse for warmth.
Related remedies Leptandra (Black stools), Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum (Wounds), Ceanothus (Spleen).
Dose Tincture.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Stearn.
Quercus glandium spiritus (Querc)
Common Name English Oak
N.O. Fagaceae
Clinical Alcoholism. Breath, offensive. Fistula. Gout. Intermittent fever. Leucocythemia. Spleen, affections of.
Characteristics The oak tree is an old symbol of strength and legend. Sacred to Jupiter and Thor. The Druids located their altars beneath these trees.
Symptoms Burnett’s symptoms for Quercus
• Pain in left side. Giddiness. Flushed state.
Rademacher used this remedy for chronic spleen affections and noted that under its use the flow of urine may increase and that eliminative diarrhoea often appears with amelioration of the general symptoms. Burnett read Rademacher’s use of Quercus and noted that one of the effects of its use was to induce a drunk-like state in some patients. This led Burnett to trial it, with success, in cases of alcoholism. He found that it does not stop the alcohol habit, but it can diminish craving and antidote the alcoholic state.
• Nervous, depressed and easily moved to tears.
• Spleen affections with vertigo, worse moving, giddiness as if very drunk. Unable to walk without support due to great giddiness.
• Foul breath. (Stercoraceous (odour of faeces) in one patient, who was examined, almost caused Burnett to vomit.) The smell is the unmistakable sign of the chronic drinker, one who takes frequent nips throughout the day, the chronic tippler, with the undigested alcohol causing halitosis.
• Reduces craving for alcohol.
• Increased flow of urine. Eliminative diarrhoea with amelioration of symptoms.
Related remedies Angelica atropurpurea for reduction in craving for alcohol, Ceanothus, Cedron, Rubia tinctorum, Scilla maritima, Urtica urens.
Dose Tincture and low potencies 1–3x.
References Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Murphy, Stearn.
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