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Kitabı oku: «History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Vol. 1», sayfa 27

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Chap. IV. – Page 61

Royal warrant establishing a Regimental Train of Artillery, to be composed of officers and men who had served on the old and new Establishments, and chiefly to find employment for Artillerymen who had served under William III. in his trains in Flanders.


Whereas Wee have thought fitt to dismiss as well the Trayne of Artillery that hath Served Us during the late Warre in Flanders as also the several Traynes that have been employed in Our Service by Sea, Yet that such persons as have served Us well and faithfully during the Warr might have some reasonable provision made for their subsistence in time of peace And for having a Trayne of Artillery in greater readiness to march upon any occasion for the necessary defence of Our Realme and Dominions Wee have thought fitt to direct that a Small Trayne of Artillery should be composed of such persons as had served Us well in ye said Trayne durying the Warr. And the Annexed Scheme of such a Trayne of Artillery having been accordingly prepared and laid before Us for Our approbation. Wee have perused and considered thereof and do hereby approve of and establish ye same to be entertayned in Our Service and kept in Our pay in time of peace untill such tyme as Wee shall think fitt to signify Our further pleasure therein. Our Will and Pleasure therefore is And Wee do hereby authorize and direct yt out of such money as shall at any time be paid into the Treasury of Our Ordnance on accompt of Land Service to cause the severall sums and yearly allowances mentioned in ye said Annexed Scheme amounting in ye whole to Four Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Two Pounds and Tenn Shillings to be paid to the respective Officers Engineers Gunners and others therein mentioned the said allowances to commence from the fifth day of this instant May and to be continued durying Our pleasure And Wee do hereby further Authorize and Empower ye as often as any Occasion shall happen on this Our Establishment by the Decease of any person now placed there upon or otherwise to fill up the same with such persons as have served in any of the above mentioned Traynes and could not at present be provided for or with such other persons as shall apply themselves to study the Mathematicke and duly qualify themselves to serve as Engineers Fireworkers Bombardiers or Gunners on Our said Establishment. And for so doing this shall be as well to ye as the Auditors of Our Imprest and all other Our Officers therein concerned a sufficient Warrant Given at Our Court at Kensington this 24th day of May 1698 in ye tenth year of Our Reign.

By His Majesty's Command.

Ja. Vernon.

To Henry, Earle of Romney, M.G.O.

A Regimental Trayne of Artillery to consist of Field Officers and four Companies of Gunners wth Engineers, Firemasters, Fireworkers, and Bombardiers as followeth: —

Names of Officers of William's Peace Train. 1698.

On 14th Feb. 1699, an addition to the Regt. was made of —

(Sd. Romney.)

Chap. VII. – Page 81

ROYAL WARRANT for the establishment of two Companies of Artillery, dated 26th May, 1716. These companies were never reduced, and represent the infancy of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.


Whereas Our Right Trusty and Right entirely beloved Cousin and Councillor John Duke of Marlborough Master General of Our Ordnance hath laid before Us a representation of Our Principal Officers of Our Ordnance setting forth the inconveniences and defects of the present Establishment of the Military Branch of Our said Office amounting to 16,829l. 11s. 3d. and therewith a scheme showing that a greater number of Gunners Engineers and other proper Officers may be maintained for less than the present expense. And whereas by Our Warrants of the 27th November 1715 two Companies of Gunners and Mattrosses were raised for the service of Our Artillery sent upon the late Expedition to North Britain and having been found always necessary that a sufficient number of Gunners with proper Officers should be maintained and kept ready for Our Service. And whereas it has been represented unto Us by Our said Master General of Our Ordnance that there are several salaries now vacant of the present old Establishment which are not useful and that other savings may be made by which part of the two said Companies may at present be maintained. It is our will and pleasure that the said vacancies and savings be immediately applied for the payment and maintenance of one Sergeant three Corporals thirty Gunners and thirty-two Mattrosses being such as have served well abroad during the late Wars and are not otherwise provided for and as other salaries shall become vacant in the said military branch that you apply the same to complete the pay of the rest of the Officers and others according to the annexed list, which with their respective pays We do hereby approve and establish and for so doing this shall be as well to you as to the Auditors of Our Imprest and all other Officers concerned a sufficient Warrant. Given at Our Court of St. James's this 26th day of May 1716 in the second year of Our reign.

By His Majesty's Commands

(Signed) James Stanhope.

To Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely beloved Cousin and Councillor John Duke of Marlborough, Master-General of Ordnance.

Establishment for two Companies of Artillery with their respective pays and employments: —


An account of the Master Gunners and other Gunners upon the Establishment of Guards and Garrisons for the year 1720, with a proposal for some alterations more advantageous to the Service, without exceeding the sum granted for that purpose: —

Establishment of the year 1720, compared with that proposed for the year 1721: —



Chap. XXIII. – Page 251

Establishment of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, March 15th, 1771.

N.B.– The above establishment has been given, as representing the state of the Regiment a century previous to the publication of this work.

Chap. XXIV. – Page 265


Our Will and Pleasure is that for the future the Captain-Lieutenants in Our Royal Regiment of Artillery and Corps of Engineers shall take rank as well in Our Army as in their respective Corps and that the present Captain-Lieutenants shall take their rank as Captains from the 26th day of May 1772 and all future Captain-Lieutenants in the said Corps from the date of their respective Commissions.

Dated St. James's, 22nd of June 1772.

(Signed) Suffolk.

Changes in the Designation of the Troops and Companies on and after the reorganization of 1st July, 1859



Changes in the Designation, &c. – continued.