Kitabı oku: «Simple Truths of Life», sayfa 35

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This proves again that people have power, but they need to be as one unit, and not allow someone to divide them. If people try to calmly teach other people the simple truth, then more and more people will push their country in the same direction.

These understandings show the incorrectness of the decisions of some people who want to move from a “troubled” country to a “prosperous” one, or which they consider to be prosperous, without having at their disposal certain knowledge. They do not understand that their own actions are being manifested in the kind of government that they have, and, accordingly, in the kind of life that we all have on this planet; and if they run away from problems, instead of solving them, then the result will be of the negative nature – what you sow, you reap – in fact, this is the Law of the Universe about suffering for mistakes, and about finding happiness for the right decisions. I myself, as you may remember, wanted to live in the USA when I was 18 years old. I was looking for a better life, without having certain knowledge and without understanding then all those simple truths about which I wrote in this book. Now I understand that there is a chance that I would have been disappointed had I actually been able to go to America…

In some modern countries, people living in villages and urban areas hardly know each other since childhood. I would suggest living 50 years under a full democracy regime so that people can normally distribute and settle in the country, and only then conduct their first election of Seven Leaders according to the Mu’s electoral system, which I spoke about in my Manifesto.

Another way could lie in a temporary (for example, a week) online record about whom each village and urban area wants to choose, so that old acquaintances, in case of anything bad, could report a person's bad behavior and, accordingly, his low spirituality, so that local residents are no longer able to choose him as a representative. Such old acquaintances will need to prove that they personally know the potential representative – so that there are no false, malicious reports.


In conclusion, I will write that it was not easy for me to write my first book, and I could have approached its creation from a slightly different angle. For example, if I were to write this book with my current experience and knowledge, I would most likely write a chain of cause and effect concerning the main things that I have learned and experienced in my life, and only then I would be engaged in writing out the detailed events that surrounded those main moments of my life.

In fact, I wrote the book starting from the very first significant events of my life, and I often had to add missing details between the already written lines of the book.

Then I tried to fill in the gaps that actually were in my book. So, the topics of homosexuality and transgender people, about which I initially did not plan to write, but only “accidentally” found answers to my questions, filled in a huge number of those gaps. I was very glad to realize those simple truths, the understanding of which can help many people to live a happy life, and I myself now understand even more the significance of that dream with gaps.

Of course, I only wrote the most important (in my opinion) things that led me to my very important experience with people from Thiaoouba. The book, unexpectedly for me, was already very large, and I did not want it to become even longer. Here I also had to try to maintain a balance in order to write all the important details, but at the same time not write too many unnecessary details of my life.

Apart from the gaps, I also tried to make sure there were no other problems in the book. For example, I once spent a little time trying to explain the reality of COVID-19 to a person on YouTube who was actively spreading lies about the virus, saying that it did not exist and urging people not to wear masks. In one of my sentences, I wrote to him “to find people who were sick with coronavirus” and ask them how the disease went and whether it was similar to what we were sick with in childhood; and after his comment where he essentially said that he could not find those who [in his opinion] did not exist, I realized my small mistake and corrected that part of the text to “find people who were diagnosed that they were sick with COVID-19”. So, I tried to make sure that there are no such moments in my book either.

I wrote this book to try to help people – and I have already helped myself quite a lot with my book.


Having almost completed the book, I realized that perhaps there is a connection between my graph of 3 types of relationships between individual people and resources/products with why people on the continent of Mu had 7 leaders, and the vote of the seventh leader was worth two. It is also worth noting that people on Thiaoouba also have 7 leaders: the main one sits in the middle between the other 3 leaders. We understand that the number 7 was not chosen just like that.

Why my “3D Social Graph” (You can download my 3D graph file from my cloud storage.[29]), as I called it for myself, might be important here? This graph simply depicts all the physically possible ways of organizing society; it is impossible to go beyond that graph’s boundaries. And the boundaries themselves outline a cube – a form within which there are all possible ways to organize society in the Universe.

And if we turn on the Orthographic view and position the camera so that there are two cube vertices on its line of sight, between which the center of the cube is located, then we get the following picture:

We have the following extreme values in this cube (the data in square and curly brackets are not that important now. I just decided to include them here from my file with my thoughts):

8 most extreme ways to organize society (in magenta)

(3 in extreme – 0 in balance)

[3 lines from the vertex]

{7 vertices visible in the Orthographic image}

12 less extreme ways to organize society (in yellow)

(2 in extreme – 1 in balance)

[4 lines from the vertex]

{9 vertices visible in the Orthographic image}

6 even lesser extreme ways to organize society (in cyan)

(1 in extreme – 2 in balance)

[5 lines from the vertex]

{3 vertices visible in the Orthographic image}

1 way to organize a balanced society (in gold; big cube in the middle)

(0 in extreme – 3 in balance)

[6 lines from the vertex]

{0 vertices visible in the Orthographic image – covered by magenta vertex}

So, we have 27 ways to organize a society, in which 26 ways have at least one extreme (error), and only 1 way has no extremes and therefore is correct (further, for simplicity, I will refer to this sentence using the acronym WOS).

This reminded me of my longtime reflections that each new spiritual category of the planet teaches three new lessons (1st category teaches how to live, suffer and die; as for the 9th, the inhabitants of Thiaoouba are assigned to assist, guide and sometimes punish the inhabitants of planets under their guardianship). Since there are 9 categories of planets, then, if I am right, we have 27 lessons that we need to learn in this Universe. But there is one more lesson – to develop ourselves spiritually as much as possible. We could assume that the entire cube personifies this one and only spiritual development, when we keep in our souls all the spiritual knowledge that we have acquired during all our lives in this Universe.

Then I remembered Thao telling Michel that people from the continent of Mu had established settlements all over the mainland. They included 19 large cities, 7 of which were sacred. Here it should be understood that people in Mu knew a lot of things about the Universe, and personally I would be surprised if they did not know about the 3 types of relationships between individual people and resources/products – and of course they probably also knew about the cube that I showed you.

If you look at my Orthographic view of the cube, you will see that only 19 WOS’ out of 27 are visible in it. The eight other WOS’ are hidden from view by other WOS’ standing between them and the camera.

Further, we see only 7 magenta WOS’, since the 8th is hidden behind the medium, balanced WOS, as well as behind the central magenta WOS in this Orthographic image. It is important to note here that the 7th magenta WOS is in the middle and 6 other magenta WOS’ surround it. Then the middle 7th magenta WOS is on the same line with the hidden 8m WOS. I cannot help but see in this the symbolism of the 7th leader, whose vote is worth two votes, and 6 leaders who surround the seventh, and their vote is equal to one.

Why am I paying attention to magenta WOS’ and not to yellow and/or cyan? Because the purple WOS’ are the most extreme WOS’, having 3 extremes and 0 balanced points – they form the eight vertices of the cube, without which there would be no cube itself.

Why not put 8 people as leaders, each of whom will have one vote? This would mean that there is no leader, and without a leader, all 8 people could, consciously or unconsciously, strive to come out ahead, become a leader, and this, in turn, could lead to quarrels in the government that are not at all necessary in a civilized society.


Since the publication of this book, I have received several responses from people who have read it. Some thanked me for writing it and for doing something regarding the current situation we live in.

Then I realized that I finally stopped worrying about what people thought about me. I got stronger.

Further, I began to feel calmer – I wanted to let go of all the thoughts that overwhelmed me, and now I am actually able to do so since I no longer have any unspoken things to say, there is no feeling that something is missing in my life, that I did not do something, did not help the society, etc.

Before, I was in almost constant hurry, I was full of thoughts that I needed to do this or that – quickly, quickly – but now this is not the case, and I am almost in no hurry. I have done my duty in trying to help people with my knowledge and understandings.

Naturally, after publishing the free e-book, I spent some time trying to share it on various websites, forums, and social media groups. Little depends on me now – I did everything I could.


[1] The story about the lost time:

(“11. We lost 10 hours”)

The text can also be found on my YouTube channel: Русская версия Английская версия

[2] Forum with old text by Roman Snezhko about stuttering

Roman Snezhko's YouTube channel

My videos about stuttering: Русский English


[4] Русский English













[17] A Boy And His Atom: The World's Smallest Movie







[24] Aphantasia




[28] I provide links to these channels, as I believe they give correct information regarding money, politics, and general history. But it is quite possible that we have different views and knowledge regarding the spiritual side of life, and some channels may give incorrect information about those still little-known things.


Константин Сёмин:

Вестник Бури:

Простые Числа:Простыечисла2019

[29] My public folders with files:

Google Drive:

Yandex Drive:


Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
14 aralık 2020
Yazıldığı tarih:
657 s. 13 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
İndirme biçimi:
epub, fb2, fb3, ios.epub, mobi, pdf, txt, zip

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