Kitabı oku: «Simple Truths of Life», sayfa 7

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Due to the fact that I did not want to meet girls, I continued to masturbate from time to time, because thoughts about sex prevented me from thinking, and the urge to masturbate while browsing porn sites was quite strong at a time when my defense was breaking through, and constant thoughts about sex consumed my mind after all…

All that has a beginning has an end. It was two years since I found my answer about stuttering. To this day, I consider those years to be the best in my life, since then I for the first time started to really live a free life, and I had many choices. Yes, there were problems, but I no longer ran away from them, and tried to solve them… but I was not solving all my problems, thinking that I would solve them in the future… which never came.

Because I continued to masturbate, not wishing to redirect the time spent on masturbation and pornography to searching for a girlfriend and love, my health could no longer recover quickly enough after each such session…

Once I went out for a walk. I remember exactly how while walking along Bul'var Marshala Rokossovskogo I tried to concentrate on my breathing in order to slow it and my pulse down. Previously, with normal meditations at home, I could successfully normalize both breathing and heart rate, after which I felt perfect. This time it was different. On Boytsovaya Ulitsa I started experiencing strong coronary symptoms and my mind became cloudy. It was very scary, and I immediately went home. I felt very sick during the whole walk, and I was just thinking about getting to the house and not falling down somewhere. The distance to the house was not at all great, but because of my panic it seemed painfully huge…

Since then I was in bed for a long time, not being able to walk even a few meters, as I began to have difficulty in breathing and I was overcome by an almost all-consuming panic. My heart then beat very hard, and if before by a new day the pulse returned to normal, during those times my heart was beating constantly. At one time an old acquaintance came to my apartment, and when I opened the door I could barely stand on my feet. I do not know how I did not fall then… And when I was washing, I could not help noticing how a huge amount of hair began to come out of my head.

A door that was suddenly and loudly opened two years ago was no less loudly shut in front of me.

This was the third time that I could really say goodbye to this life, as I was disappointed in it. I did nothing bad to anyone: I did not harm anyone; did not lie to girls to sleep with them; stopped swearing with my mother; was educating myself and just wanted to live a normal life, just like everyone else – no more and no less – but it seemed that exactly and only I was punished. I was also disappointed in a capitalist-oriented society.

As before, I still had the last thread of hope, which was then Aura about which I had read so long ago and not so long ago I had thought about writing a screenplay where Aura would play a role. My idea was very simple – if Auras really exist, and people could see them in ancient times, then this means that anyone can learn to see them, including me. If I could prove to myself their existence, it would mean that in this world there is something more worth living for, that life is not an empty pursuit of money, which it is for many people of our time.

With these thoughts I typed in the Google browser “how to see Auras”…

Chapter 5. Thiaoouba

The first on the search list in that fall of 2008 was the website The owner of the site, Tom Chalko, wrote about Auras and about an exercise for the eyes which, as he says, should help train the human brain for the vision of the Aura. That exercise consisted in looking with crossed eyes at a picture with a black dot in the middle and two circles on the sides. One circle was red with a thick horizontal strip passing through its center, and the other was blue, with a vertical strip of the same thickness crossing its center. During a crossed staring at that picture, both circles merge into one in our mind, and, depending on which hemisphere of the brain is active, it will seem that one circle is in front of the other. The goal is for a person to see a white cross in the middle of a single circle, which would mean the simultaneous operation of both hemispheres of the brain.

While reading Tom’s website, I often came across the name of Michel Desmarquet, who wrote the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy”. I was interested to know more about that person, and I found Michel’s video lecture on Google Videos.

That lecture was very modest, and Michel Desmarquet looked very open, kind, and playful man despite his age. As I watched the video, it became clear to me that extraterrestrials took him to their planet, Thiaoouba, and with each new minute of watching the lecture everything was getting more and more interesting to me. I think it was the time when Michel started talking about Auras that I realized I wanted to read his book “Thiaoouba Prophecy”. The fact that the free version of that e-book was officially posted on the Internet only strengthened my inner sense of the correctness of my decision to read Michel’s book.

I read it in English, as I already knew the language quite well, only occasionally having to look in the dictionary. As I read the book, I realized within myself – as if something warm was “saying” in my chest – that everything that was written in that book was the truth. I had the impression that I had once known about those things, but then forgot about them…

In the book, Thao, Michel's mentor, said that the human body is surrounded both by an Aura and by an etheric force field of oval shape. Further in the book, it became clear that all people really could learn to see the Aura – this is not a gift inherent in any one person. Encouraged after reading the book, I began to diligently try to learn to see the Aura.

(This is my version of the circle exercise. Here I am using squares instead of circles.)

I started with exercises with colored circles. I put a pen between the black dot of the image on the screen and my eyes. Having focused my eyes on the tip of the pen, I began to bring it closer until the two circles started to overlap each other. Soon, I was able to remove the pen and still maintain the necessary focus with my eyes. I realized just as quickly that I could consciously switch between my two cerebral hemispheres! If the right hemisphere of the brain was active, then the left circle overlapped the right, and in the case of the left, the right circle was in front of the left. I managed to create a cross for a while – a sign of the simultaneous work of the two brain hemispheres.

But one thought did not leave my head – such a crossed position of the eyes is not natural! I believe that this exercise is very well suited for a short self-teaching about the simple truth that we can consciously activate different parts of our brain, because we can instantly see the result when different brain hemispheres are activated. Although now, when I am writing this book, I understand that if you move the picture away and move the focal point of the eyes as far away from the eyes as possible, the sensations cease to be uncomfortable.

I decided to do one experiment, recalling how my mother said that my great-aunt Koka could write with both her left and right hands. I had been writing with my right hand all my life and I wanted to see if a simple activation of my right hemisphere could help me write with my left hand just as well as with my right. To begin with, I just started to write with my left hand, without thinking about which hemisphere is active – and since I am right-handed, this is usually the left hemisphere. The result? My left hand clearly refused to cooperate with me and, not listening to me, drew scribbles that only remotely resembled the letters of the Russian alphabet. Then I switched the hemispheres of the brain, activating the right one, and I instantly began to write with my left hand just as well as with my right one. At that moment, my left hand was completely under my control, and I no longer felt any awkwardness in movements. It was as if I could always write with my left hand.

That experiment showed and proved to me once again that we have control over our own brain and its work. With this knowledge, I went online to read other websites where people shared their thoughts on how to see Auras.

On one such website a woman said the following: you had to sit in front of a mirror with a light, white background behind your back, so that it becomes easier to distinguish colors. In this position, it was necessary to make the left eye look behind the left ear, and the right eye past the right ear respectively. It may sound complicated, but I managed to do it during my first try. Then you need to imagine how the information from the eyes enters the front of the brain. I managed to achieve this too, and at that very moment I suddenly began to clearly distinguish two colored layers around my body. The first layer from my body was of a purple color, and its shape was almost round at my head, gradually diminishing in thickness as it went down to my shoulders. The second layer, which was several centimeters away from my body, was dark blue in color, and its outlines no longer resembled as much the silhouette of my physical body as it was with the first layer. From surprise and excitement, I quickly lost my focus and could no longer see those levels.

For some time, I believed that those layers I saw around my body were the Aura. One reason I thought so was because the first purple layer very much resembled in shape a halo around the saints – but not in color.

Having a lot of free time due to being unemployed, I experimented a lot in trying to learn to see Auras at that time. Some people on the Internet were saying that Auras of people can be seen simply by looking at their photos on a monitor screen. I thought that I really began to see something in the photographs of people on a white background, but then I realized that these were simple afterimages from looking at one point for a long time. People confuse them with Auras only because it is very difficult not to move the head and the eyes during a long staring at the image, and after such movements the afterimage also shifts slightly in different directions, expanding because of this and creating the impression that the edges of objects on the photographs begin to emit colors in different directions.

I also remembered the fact that when Thaora gave Michel a temporary gift of seeing Auras, he apparently activated Michel’s pineal gland for this. And then I thought that if I can activate different hemispheres of my brain, then we probably can consciously turn on other parts of our brain!

And then one evening I was lying in bed, looking at the palm of my hand on a white background of the screen of my laptop, trying to concentrate on different hemispheres of my brain in order to see the Aura around my fingers. I think that it was exactly when I started trying to activate my pineal gland that a stream of thoughts flew out from the front part of my brain into space. I do not remember the contents of those thoughts since this was my first telepathy experience that happened by accident.

At night, I had a dream in which I stood in the bath, and in front of me was, as I identified her, Thao. I asked her about the green and yellow colors that I thought I saw in my Aura. She looked a little to the left of my head and said that she saw black in my Aura in addition to other colors that she did not talk about.

I woke up and felt in the forehead area something like a channel, which, as the girl Anna tells on her website, connects all people and others. I read her website a little earlier in search of knowledge on how to learn astral projection and remote viewing, and when I sensed that channel, I immediately remembered her words.

The dream’s theme itself reminded me of how my mom and dad tried to wash me in that bathtub when I was very little, and I rushed from one end of the bathtub to the other, as I was somewhat afraid of water. For some considerable time, I also did not know how to swim, and I was afraid to swim in deep pools, which is why I had to skip gym classes at school, when at one time we were taken to the pool at the local house of creativity. But I also remember how one day I came to another shallow pool and I was alone there. The whole pool was at my disposal, and on that day I easily began to swim and got a lot of pleasure from the whole process, as if I had never been afraid of water and always knew how to swim.

Several days passed and in the evening, while also lying in bed, I received a stream of thoughts that seemed to enter the front of my brain from the space in front of me. Those thoughts were actual pure thoughts – they did not have “words”. But even though those thoughts had no sounds or words, I understood that they were interpreted by my brain as English: “We won't/cannot help you”. I am not sure if it was “won’t” or “cannot” since in their mental form they are very similar in meaning.

Since I had recently read the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy,” which I was constantly thinking about at that time because I knew in my heart that the truth was written in it, I knew that the message came from Thiaooubians, and from that moment I knew that the book is true.

Another important event in my life happened a bit later, when I was lying in bed and watching a tennis match on TV during the day. I was alone in my mother’s Moscow apartment, and, as I recall, the windows were closed. My bed was far from the window next to the wall located to my left. During the break, I looked away from the screen. I was focused and did not daydream or think about anything. I clearly remember that it was then that I heard the English word “Look!” in several centimeters from my right ear. I immediately looked at the screen where in a close-up shot an electronic clock was showing 33 minutes.

Here two points need to be clarified for those who have not read the book Thiaoouba Prophecy.

First, Thao said the word “look” several times when speaking with Michel. I had never had cases before when I heard something, and no one was around, especially indoors. For these reasons I knew that it was Thao – which additionally showed, or, if you like, proved to me that the book is true.

Secondly, Thao gave something like a mathematical riddle during the demonstration of the Thiaooubian forest to Michel. Their year consists of 333 days. In one day they have 26 karses. A karse is a period of 55 lorse, and one lorse consists of 70 kasios. A kasio is almost identical to our second. If you would try to calculate the resulting sum, you would get 33 333 300 kasios (seconds) in their year. Being curious, I made this calculation when I first read the book and found interesting not only the fact that the total number of kasios in their year almost entirely consists of 3’s, but also that only 33 kasios were required so that the final sum consisted entirely of 3’s.

Since then, I see the number 33 very often. There were times when something or someone seemed to make me look at something – and there was the number 33. For example, while writing this book I very often look at the clock when it shows 33 minutes. One of the numerological descriptions says that the number 33 means the presence of highly spiritual beings near a person. They want the person to know that he has their support, love, and friendship.

So, having at my disposal this invaluable experience, I knew that I had found what I had been looking for almost all my life – knowledge about what life and the Universe exist for. Since Thao “dictated” to Michel the details of his trip, when at the request of Thiaooubians he wrote his book about everything that he saw during his nine-day voyage, it became clear to me that you can safely trust everything that was written in his book – for all the details must be very accurate.

I was very glad to know that we are immortal, however my life was not without minor chagrins. One of them was caused by a conflict of truth with my thoughts, when before reading Thiaoouba I tried to find some meaning in the Christian faith. There is no point in writing about what I then imagined regarding souls and death, since my assumptions turned out to be wrong, albeit beautiful. But here is the truth that I need to tell you so that you can understand the further story of my life:

In the beginning there was nothing except darkness and the Spirit. The Spirit, or the Superior Intelligence, decided to create everything that exists materially to satisfy his spiritual need. In other words, the Spirit sought spiritual experience through the material world. The Spirit imagined everything: atoms, planets, stars, animals, people and all the events that will ever happen in the Universe – the Spirit imagined absolutely everything. When he had an overall view of what he wanted to create, the Spirit was able to instantaneously create the four forces of the Universe by his exceptional spiritual force. With their help, the Spirit prompted the first and most gigantic atomic explosion of all time – the Big Bang. The Spirit, being the creator of the Universe, will always be at its center.

During billions of years (for the Spirit it is all eternally the “present”) all the worlds, stars and atoms were formed. At certain times, in certain star systems, some planets cool down, on which continents and oceans form, rocks solidify, and soil forms. After some time, these planets become suitable for the emergence of certain forms of life. This first force Thao named “Atomic force”.1

At this stage, the Spirit conceived the primary living creatures and many of the primary plants, from which later derived the sub-species. Thao called this second force “Ovocosmic Force”2 since these creatures and plants were created by simple cosmic rays that ended up with cosmic eggs.

At the very beginning, the Spirit imagined experiencing feelings through a special creature, which is a human being. Thao called this third force “Ovoastromic Force”.3

I will focus on the third force in more detail.

When Thao just started talking about the creation of the Universe, she said: “On an ancient stone tablet, which I believe is Naacal, it is written: In the beginning there was nothing – all was darkness and silence.”.4 – and then I thought to myself why would a representative of one of the three most developed races in our galaxy refer to ancient stone tablets? What is the reason for such a reference?

There is a law in the Universe which says that if a person (I do not know about animals) makes a mistake, then he should suffer for that mistake – instantly, after many years, or even lives, but all errors must be paid for. Because of this law Thiaooubians, as well as other people living on other planets, cannot serve us prepared food on a platter, so to speak. The Law of the Universe allows them, Thiaooubians, only occasionally to offer a helping hand to us, but for the rest of the time they would be making a mistake by helping us, and they would not have lived on the ninth category planet if they were making errors right and left.

It is worth saying that this is why the real history is important – the way it was, without any embellishments – because it teaches what is an error and what is not. People need to be very careful with the history since its distortion will not teach people the mistakes of their ancestors, which will lead to a new repetition of errors and, consequently, to suffering.

So, when I started looking for information about the Naacal tablets, I learned that they were written by the inhabitants of the sunken continent of Mu, which was located in the South Pacific – I know that from the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy” – and a man by the name James Churchward managed to translate them, after one of the three Indian priests who could speak that dead language taught him to read the language of Naacal, which was spoken in Mu. In his book “The Lost Continent of Mu” James Churchward translates the eleventh character, “Keh” as “the leaping deer”.5 It means “first man,” since the people of Mu knew that humans, unlike animals, did not go through the stage of evolution, but jumped over it, like a leaping deer.

As far as I understand, after the initial life was more or less formed on the planets in the form of animals and plants, “Ovoastromic” eggs, containing the first human beings, which were almost what we are now, began to emerge on some of these planets. Naturally, environmental conditions affect the appearance of people, but otherwise all people in the Universe are similar to each other – we can all learn to see Auras and communicate using telepathy, since, as a special creature, we have always had special “tools” for this.

The Fourth force had a very important role to play for it had to bring to fruition all that the Spirit had imagined. This force ‘inserted’ an infinitesimal part of the Spirit in the human body.6

There are nine categories of planets in the Universe. People who have never lived in the Universe are born on the planets of the first category.

After the death of the physical body, the Astral body of a person, or soul, flies through the psychic canal to the light, which is the Higher Self of that person. Each person of the first category shares his Higher Self with eight other people.

The Astral body itself contains about four billion trillion electrons that were created at the moment of creation of the Universe. The life span of these electrons is approximately equal to ten billion trillion Earth years. Each of these electrons has a “memory” and is able to store in itself as much information as is contained in all books that fill the shelves of an average town library.

When a person dies, 81 percent of the electrons reunite with their Higher Self and usually wait for a new incarnation, and the remaining 19 percent reunite with the electrons of the Universe and wait until they are needed to form a new body, tree, or animal. Due to some effects of static electricity, it is these nineteen percent of the electrons that can sometimes be visible in the form of a physical body, of which they used to be a part. Usually people call them ghosts. Sometimes I wonder if the remaining memory in the electrons of the Universe has any effect on animals and plants in the creation of which they are used – provided, of course, that all accumulated knowledge is not erased from those 19% of electrons that are not part of the Astral body.

Between a person of the first category and the Superior Intelligence there are nine Higher Selves. One of their tasks is to filter the sensations, or sensory experiences, that a person experiences during a lifetime in a physical body. These sensations are constantly transmitted by our Astral body to our Higher Self. If it has nothing to filter, these sensations go further to the next more superior Higher Self. Those sensations that pass through the filters of all nine Higher Selves enter the etheric “ocean” that surrounds the Spirit. If these sensations are based mainly on materialism, then the Higher Selves have great difficulties in filtering them. And if during the course of our lives we ensure that our Astral body benefits in the spiritual sense, it will gain more and more spiritual understanding. After 500 or even 15 000 Earth years, the Higher Self of the first category will have nothing left to filter. In this case, after death of the physical body the Astral body of a person detaches itself from the Higher Self of the first category and joins the Higher Self of the second category. From this moment the person will live on a planet of the second category along with other people who have achieved similar spiritual progress. There they will learn the lessons that people must understand on the planets of the second category in order to get to the third category. This learning process takes place until a person is so perfect that he will be able to reunite with the Superior Intelligence, thereby ending his life cycle in this Universe.

When the Astral body reunites with its Higher Self after the death of the physical body, it assimilates all these truths.

Also, all material knowledge that has been accumulated during a life gets erased from the Astral body in the River of Oblivion, while spiritual knowledge remains in the soul forever.

Sooner or later, the Higher Self will offer the Astral entity to live a new life. After previewing its potentially new life, the Astral entity may either refuse to live the proposed life, or agree. In both cases, the acquired material knowledge is erased in the River of Oblivion – why we do not remember who we were in our past lives and what must happen to us in the future.

The Higher Self of the first category is capable of curing illness and resuscitating the dead. When I was reading these lines in the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy”, I immediately remembered about my instantaneous cure, when I consciously made the choice not to experience bad emotions during the illness. I realized that my it was my Higher Self who healed me that day.

Then I read how the Higher Self constantly monitors what is happening to us and can intervene to help us – to save us from premature death, for example. This knowledge helped me find a clue for my childhood awakening at exactly five o’clock in the morning to go with my mother to the village. It became clear that I was awakened by my Higher Self back then.

Once I was looking for recipes for normal, healthy food and found information about “Sungazing”, or looking at the sun, which should nourish a person no worse than ordinary food, at least according to people promoting this idea. Since people often watch the sunsets, I decided that nothing bad would happen if I tried to look at the early sun for a few seconds. In order to protect myself, I learned that nothing bad should happen to my eyes if I looked at the sun in the first thirty minutes after sunrise and before sunset. Instead of setting an alarm, I decided to try to ask my Higher Self – aloud or to myself – to wake me up every morning at a certain time before sunrise. And I really was awakened at the exact time I asked for! Moreover, I seemed to feel that I was awakened by someone, and did not just wake up. At the moment of awakening I seemed to feel the presence of intelligence near me.

It was mid-spring. I continued to experience health problems, which made it difficult for me to walk even a couple of hundred meters from my house. I tried not to panic and clung to reality, which I now saw with new eyes, having at my disposal new knowledge and understanding about the world. It was not easy to find a place from which to watch the rising sun. But after a few days I managed to do it at one place in the middle of bare trees, and I was able to look at the sun for several dozens of seconds – maybe forty. When I got home, I went to bed to continue to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, I began to see a winding gray tunnel with dark stripes in front of my “eyes”. Apparently, I was “flying” through it who knows where. If I remember correctly, there were branches in that tunnel. Not understanding what was going on, I opened my eyes. Everything was absolutely normal. I was not dizzy or anything like that. When I closed my eyes, the tunnel was still visible, but soon this vision was gone, and I have never had it again.

When I woke up, I went to make myself sandwiches for breakfast. I always needed to eat at least three sandwiches so as not to be hungry. But when I bit off the first piece of the sandwich and ate it, I immediately realized that I was full and did not want to eat anything else.

Fortunately or unfortunately, when the next day I came to the place where I could normally look at the sun the previous day, I saw leaves appearing on the trees that were between me and the sun. I have never conducted a similar experiment again.

I believe that there is something in this sungazing, given that I really was not hungry after a good sleep for the first and last time, and this happened on the day when I was able to stare at the sun for a long time. But I must remind you that there is a chance of damaging your eyesight when looking at the sun. If you want to repeat my experiment – do it only after fully learning all the details of this subject. I will not be responsible if something happens to you.

It is worth mentioning that once I asked my Higher Self to wake me up only if the sky was clear at sunrise – there were many times when I woke up and the sun was hidden behind the clouds. And then on one such day I woke up on my own and, still lying in bed, I saw a completely clear sky. “Why didn't my Higher Self wake me up?” I thought. I got my answer when I went to the window and saw a wall of clouds hiding behind the roof of my house, moving from east to west.

Then I had another experience in communicating with my Higher Self. As far as I remember, I asked her (being a straight man, I often like to think of my Higher Self as “she” rather than “he” or “it”) about my dream with the mirror, because after reading the book I began to suspect that my Higher Self created for me that dream, which I often recalled, fearing that it was prophetic. And although I had many moments when I completely “got out of myself”, I could not live in such a pure state of mind for several days. Honestly, at that time it seemed to me that if it was not for that dream, I would not have returned to the old habits that estranged me from my humanity. While meditating, I asked my Higher Self about this dream and whether a disservice had been done to me. Having asked this, I realized that the dream was trying to help me and in itself could not influence me in any way. The fact of the matter is that since I let it take such a large part of my life and suffer for it, it means that I did not have the necessary spiritual understanding and knowledge, without which I cannot be born on higher spiritual planets and ultimately reunite with the Superior Intelligence. I immediately felt as if someone full of what could probably be called true love gave me a telepathically confirming “message”.

1.Michel Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet (Arafura Publishing, 1999), 85.
4.Ibid., 83.
5.James Churchward, The Lost Continent of Mu (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2007), 24.
6.Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 116.
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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
14 aralık 2020
Yazıldığı tarih:
657 s. 13 illüstrasyon
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