Kitabı oku: «The Nine of Hearts», sayfa 10

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"August 27, 1885.

"Dear Mr. Laing, My intermediate letters will have placed you in possession of all that has occurred. Edward Layton is released with honor, and it has been the subject of hundreds of leading articles that the obstinacy of one juryman, who refused to be guided by circumstantial evidence, saved a noble young fellow from an unjust death. A great blow has been struck against the jury system. Eleven men wrong, and one man right! – people could hardly believe it. But it was so in this instance, and I have no doubt it has been so in others. You being now a married man, domestically happy and contented, the news I have to impart will give you pleasure. Edward Layton is in Switzerland. He has gone upon a long summer and autumn tour. Alone? No. Mabel Rutland, restored to health, is with him. Well, but that is not enough? I take a satisfaction in prolonging the interest. I could almost fancy myself a novelist. Mr. and Mrs. Rutland are also of the company, and it is Mr. Rutland himself who invited Edward Layton to travel with them. In less than a year from this date the lovers will be united, and faith and self-sacrifice will be rewarded. Mr. James Rutland, Mabel's uncle, to whose obstinacy Edward Layton undoubtedly owes his life, and before whose obstinacy Justice should bow, is also travelling with them. No one else? Yes. Mabel's brother, Eustace, repentant, humbled, reformed.

"I have had painted for me a very simple picture on a large canvas. It is the Nine of Hearts, which I intend shall always occupy the place of honor in my house. It cannot fail to attract attention, and when inquiries are made about it I shall have a story to tell.

"With a full appreciation of your rare generosity, I remain, dear sir,

"Yours faithfully,
"Horace Bainbridge."