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Judicial – Hon. David Cameron, Judge Supreme Court; Attorney-General, Geo. H. Carey; Sheriff, G. W. Heaton.

Colonial Secretary’s Office – W. A. G. Young, R. N., colonial secretary; clerks, Philip Nind, Joseph Porter.

Treasury – Capt. W. D. Gossett, R.E., treasurer.

Lands and Works – J. D. Pemberton, colonial surveyor; surveyors and draughtsmen, B. W. Pearse, H. O. Tedieman.

Police – A. F. Pemberton, J. P., commissioner police; superintendent, Jno. Bayley, four sergeants and twelve constables.

Postmaster, Victoria, J. D. Ewes; clerk, J. Morrison.

Harbor Master – J. Nagle, J.P.

Postage – To Australia, via England, 48c.; to France, 50c. To Great Britain, 34c.; Germany, 40c.

It will be seen that the postage was high and letters a great luxury, and I have only mentioned the four principal countries we have an interest in; also I would call attention to the number of police constables required in those early days, there being a total of seventeen.

I have thought it might be interesting to the few remaining pioneers of 1862 to revive an interest in events of fifty years ago. I often wonder whether our old pioneers think of the days that are gone like I do, recall events and persons, take notice of the removal of old landmarks, such as the James Bay bridge and Sceeley’s "Australian House," at the north end of it, not forgetting the old pioneers who have passed away recently, among whom were Simeon Duck, Jacob Sehl, Thomas Storey, Wm. P. Sayward, Capt. Lewis, Isadore Braverman, Edward Mallandaine and Jeremiah Griffiths. There is a certain amount of pleasure in these reminiscences, melancholy though it may be to those concerned. I shall now quote from the editor’s preface of the directory of 1863 on the progress of the city:

"At no time since the excitement attending its first settlement in 1858 has Victoria made greater strides, or her prosperity so materially increased, as during the past year. Since the commencement of last year her population has at least doubled, and the increase of buildings and improvements has been almost in proportion. During the winter season the town is thronged with strangers from British Columbia and elsewhere, who migrate in the spring. Apart from that the number of the inhabitants may be set down at 6,000. Victoria contains about 1,500 buildings, some of them very creditable to the size of the city, among them the Government offices and the jail. There are several commodious brick hotels, the principal being the St. Nicholas, the St. George and the Royal. The city is adorned with five churches, two belonging to the Church of England, one Roman Catholic, one Wesleyan and one Congregational. A Jewish synagogue and a Presbyterian church (Pandora Street) are in course of construction. There are also a theatre (Theatre Royal, Government Street) and a hospital, the latter being supported by voluntary contributions.

"The sittings of the Legislature and law courts of Vancouver Island are held in the city. There are two joint stock banks (British North America and British Columbia), and three private banking houses. Until lately Victoria was without a corporation; during the past year (1862) an act to incorporate the town was passed by the Legislature. The authorities consisted of a mayor and six councillors. Effective and speedy measures will now be adopted to complete the grading of the streets and laying down sidewalks. The water frontage of the town has since the removal of the old bridge (from foot of Johnson Street to Indian reserve) been greatly extended, and several wharves are now available for shipping above the point where that obstacle to navigation existed. A company has been formed to build a railway connecting Victoria with the capacious harbor of Esquimalt. Among other institutions the town may now boast of its gas works. A company has also been organized to supply the town with water from Elk Lake, eight miles distant. The value of real estate in the city has increased in many places over 75 per cent. during the last nine months. The city is a ‘free port,’ and therefore not troubled with custom duties. Vessels drawing fifteen feet of water may cross the bar of the harbor at high water, and a sum of £10,000 has been voted by the Legislature to the improvement of the harbor. Steam communication is carried on three times a month between Victoria and San Francisco, every alternate trip being made via Portland. A surprising impetus has been given to agriculture by the number of newly-arrived immigrants, who have settled in the most fertile districts around Victoria.

"With land at four shillings an acre, and time allowed for payments, together with the improved state of communication between Victoria and the back settlements, we may hope that the inhabitants of the town will not in future be so dependent on neighboring countries for their supplies of produce."

Official List for Vancouver Island.

• James Douglas, C.B., Governor.

• W. A. G. Young, Colonial Secretary.

• Joseph Porter, Chief Clerk.

• George H. Carey, Attorney-General.

• A. Hensley, Clerk.

• Alex. Watson, Treasurer.

• Jos. Despard Pemberton, Surveyor-General.

• W. B. Pearse, Assistant.

• Robert Ker, Auditor (father of D. R. Ker).

• Thos. E. Holmes, Clerk.

• Edward G. Alston, Registrar-General of Deeds.

• Charles G. Wylly, Assessor (still with us).

• Henry Wootton, Postmaster (father of Stephen and E. E. Wootton).

• J. M. Sparrow, Clerk (still with us).

The Legislature.

• Hon. Rodk. Finlayson, Hon. Donald Fraser, Hon. David Cameron, Hon. Alfred J. Langley, Edw. G. Alston and Hon. Alex Watson, nominative.

• J. S. Helmcken, G. H. Carey and Selim Franklin, Victoria City.

• Wm. Cocker, Esquimalt.

• W. F. Tolmie, M.D., J. W. Trutch, and Jas. Trimble, M.D., Victoria District.

• Geo. F. Foster and W. J. Macdonald, Lake District.

• J. J. Southgate, Salt Spring Island.

• D. B. Ring, Nanaimo.

• John Coles, Saanich.

• Robert Burnaby, Esquimalt.

Victoria Fire Department.

• John Dickson, Chief Engineer.

• John Malovanski, Assistant Engineer.

• Chas. Gowen, President Board Delegates.

• Jas. S. Drummond, Secretary Board Delegates.


• Union Hook and Ladder, November 22nd, 1859, D. A. Edgar, Foreman.

• Deluge Engine, No. 1, March 5th, 1860. Jas. S. Drummond, Foreman.

• Tiger Engine No. 2, March 23rd, 1860. Samuel L. Kelly, Foreman.

Note. – Of these pioneer firemen of Victoria of this date, Sam Kelly is (1910) the only surviving member of the executive.

H. M. S. Ships of the Pacific Station.

Rear-Admiral, Sir Thomas Maitland.

Bacchante, 51 guns; Chameleon, 17 guns; Charybdis, 17 guns; Clio, 22 guns; Devastation, 6 guns; Forward, 3 guns; Grappler, 3 guns; Hecate, 6 guns; Mutine, 16 guns; Naiad, 6 guns; Nereus, 6 guns; Tartar, 20 guns; Termagant, 25 guns; Topaz, 51 guns; Tribune, 23 guns; Sutlej, 51 guns.

Note. – One-third of these were on southern station. – Ex.

Consuls at Victoria.

• France, P. Mene, Esq.

• United States, Allen Frances, Esq.

• Sandwich Islands, Henry Rhodes, Esq. (father of Chas. Rhodes).


• Thomas Harris, first mayor of Victoria.

• John Copeland, James M. Reid, Richard Lewis, William M. Searby, Michael Stronach and Nathaniel M. Hicks, first councillors of Victoria.

• Algernon Austen, Town Clerk. J. C. Colquhoun, City Inspector.


• Henry Claypole, Master at Craigflower.

• William H. Burr (my old master), Master at Victoria.

• Cornelius Bryant, Master at Nanaimo. Salary £150 and fees.

Police Department.

• A. F. Pemberton, Commissioner.

• Horace Smith, Superintendent.

• Preston Bennett, Storekeeper and Clerk.

• George Blake, Sergeant Police, with eleven constables, including Francis Page.

• Steph. Redgrave, Cook and Steward.

• George Newcombe, Jailer.

• D. B. Reid, Assistant Jailer.

• Edward Truran, Superintendent of Convicts.

It was customary for the "chain gang" to emerge every morning from a side gate of the jail yard on Bastion Street and march to Government Street to the music of their chains, with two guards in the rear with loaded shotguns. The gang often contained seamen from the ships at Esquimalt who were serving sentences, usually for desertion. This in course of time caused such indignation that the practice of putting men-of-warsmen in the chain gang was discontinued. The gang worked on the streets, on the Government ground and at other Government work. The uniform consisted of moleskin trousers with V.P., a checked cotton shirt and a blue cloth cap. It was thought a wrong to put a Jack Tar with malefactors of all grades, such as Indian murderers, thieves and whiskey sellers to Indians. It was the custom when a fire of any dimensions took place to telephone or send word to Esquimalt, and squads of Jacks were soon on the way to town, running all the way. After working maybe all night in saving property they would walk back to their ship, tired out and wet through, and all for nothing in the way of recompense. All the time they were at work they sang and joked as they do now. Is it any wonder that we have a soft place in our hearts for Jack? I know I shall not forget them and the days that have gone by, and I think we all shall regret the late change that takes him away, and his merry laugh and joke are things of the past.

To return to the directory. Of those remaining whose names are recorded, there are, alas! only sixty-two to-day with us. I have been carefully over the list from A to Z and sixty-two is the number. Of course there may be others that I did not know, and doubtless there are some; there are omissions also, I am sure, and several I have added to make up the sixty-two. There is one thing sure, that as a rule only the head of a family was recorded, male or female, as there are many residents to-day who were young men or youths, or young women or girls, when this directory was compiled. I shall give here the names of these sixty-two who are still privileged to be residents of this beautiful city that we old residents are so proud of, as well as those of two living abroad and one in Kamloops.

The list alphabetically is:

• Adams, Daniel F., contractor.

• Anderson, E. H., variety store.

• Alport, Charles (in South Africa).

• Anderson, J. R., agricultural department.

• Barnett, Josiah, in United States.

• Barnswell, James, carpenter.

• Bauman, Frederick, confectioner.

• Beaven, Hon. Robert.

• Botterell, Mat., butcher.

• Blaguiere, Edward.

• Bullen, Jonathan, bricklayer.

• Boscowitz, Joseph, fur dealer.

• Borde, August, Chatham Street.

• Burnes, Thomas, saloonkeeper.

• Carey, Joseph W.

• Cridge, Edward, rector Christ Church.

• Crowther, John C., painter.

• Davie, Doctor John C.

• Dougall, John, iron moulder.

• Drake, M. W. T., solicitor.

• Elliott, W. A., engineer Labouchere.

• Fawcett, R. W., house decorator.

• Gerow, G. C., carriagemaker.

• Helmcken, Honorable John S., M.P.P.

• Geiger, Thomali, barber.

• Gilmore, Alexander, clothier.

• Glide, Harry, with Plaskett & Co.

• Harvey, Rout., commission merchant.

• Higgins, David W., publisher Chronicle.

• Kelly, Samuel, tinsmith.

• Kent, Charles, hardware, K. & F.

• King, J. H., Mousquetaire saloon.

• Kinsman, John, contractor.

• Levy, H. E., special officer.

• Levy, Joseph, fruit store.

• Lissett, James, painter.

• Macdonald, W. J., Reid & Macdonald.

• Maynard, Richard, bootmaker.

• Marvin, Edward B., sailmaker.

• McMillan, J. E., publisher Chronicle.

• Monro, Alexander, accountant Hudson’s Bay Company.

• Nuttall, Thomas C., book-keeper.

• Pearson, Edward, tinsmith.

• Porter, Arthur, brickmaker.

• Powell, Doctor I. W.

• Richardson, George, proprietor of first brick hotel.

• Roper, S., Kamloops.

• Styles, S. T., plasterer.

• Shotbolt, Thomas, druggist.

• Stockham, F., baker.

• Sparrow, J. M., post office.

• Stewart, John, plumber.

• Sylvester, Frank.

• Turner, John H. (Todd & Turner), Victoria Produce Market.

• Vowell, Arthur, Indian superintendent.

• White, Edward (late Brown & White).

• Wilson, Alexander, messenger, Bank British North America.

• Wilson, William, draper.

• Wilson, Thomas Sidney, cabinetmaker.

• Wriglesworth, Joseph, London Hotel.

• Wylly, C. G., accountant.

• Welch, George, Esquimalt Waterworks.

Many of these since died.

List of those deceased, but whose descendants are residents here now, or living elsewhere:

• Barron, David F., cabinetmaker, widow, son and two daughters.

• Belasco, Abraham, tobacconist, two sons.

• Broderick, R., coal dealer, widow and two sons.

• Cameron, Thomas, blacksmith, two daughters and sons.

• Chadwick, Thomas, hotelkeeper, two sons and daughter.

• Courtney, H. E., solicitor, sons.

• Cotsford, Thomas, sons.

• Davies, J. P., auctioneer, several sons.

• Doan, J. H., captain, daughter.

• Duck, Simeon, carriagemaker, sons.

• Ella, Captain H. B., Hudson’s Bay Company, all family, two sons and two daughters living in Victoria.

• Flett, John, Hudson’s Bay Company, several sons.

• Gowen, Charles, brewer, widow, several sons and daughters.

• Hall, Richard, agent, two sons – Richard and John.

• Hall, Philip, several sons.

• Harris, Thomas, mayor, two daughters.

• Heal, John, boarding-house, two sons.

• Heathorn, William, bootmaker, three sons and three daughters.

• Heisterman, H., Exchange reading room, sons and daughters.

• Heywood, Joseph, butcher, wife and daughter.

• Hibben, Thomas Napier, widow, two sons and two daughters.

• Huston, Guy, gunsmith, two daughters.

• Irving, William, captain steamer Reliance, son and daughters.

• Jackson, Doctor William, three sons and daughters.

• Jungerman, J. L., watchmaker, daughter (Mrs. Erb).

• Jewell, Henry, sons.

• Leigh, William, second Town Clerk of Victoria, who held the position from about 1863, to the time of his death. He was in charge of Uplands Farm (1859) for the Hudson’s Bay Company, and under the supervision of Mr. J. D. Pemberton, built Victoria District Church, and as an amateur musician helped at charitable entertainments. Son in San Francisco, granddaughter in Victoria (Mrs. Simpson).

• Leneven, David, merchant, son and daughters.

• Lewis, Lewis, clothier, son and daughter.

• Lindsay, Daniel, son and daughter.

• Loat, Christopher, sons and daughter.

• Lowen, Joseph, brewer, widow, sons and daughters.

• Lowenberg, L., estate agent, a nephew.

• McDonell, R. J., captain, a widow.

• Mason, George, brickmaker, a widow.

• McKeon, William, hotel, wife, son and daughter.

• McLean, Alexander, son.

• McQuade, Peter, ship chandler, son and two daughters.

• Meldram, John H., two sons.

• Moore, M. (Curtis & Moore), widow and two sons.

• Mouat, William, captain Enterprise, sons and daughters.

• Nesbitt, Samuel, biscuit-baker, two sons.

• Nicholles, Doctor John, one son.

• Pitts, John H., son and daughters.

• Rhodes, Henry, merchant, sons and daughters.

• Sayward, William, sons.

• Sehl, Jacob, sons and daughters.

• Short, Henry, sons and daughters.

• Smith, John, carpenter, Mears Street, sons and daughters.

• Smith, M. R., baker, sons and daughters.

• Stahlschmidt, Thomas L., son.

• Stemmler, Louis, upholsterer, son (spice mills).

• Thain, Captain John, son and daughter.

• Todd, J. H., sons and daughters.

• Tolmie, Doctor W. F., sons and daughters.

• Waitt, M. W., stationer, widow and two daughters.

• Williams, John W., livery stable, widow and daughters.

• Woods, Richard, Government clerk, sons and daughters.

• Wootton, Henry, postmaster, sons and daughters.

• Workman, Aaron, daughters.

• Yates, James Stewart, two sons.

Many deaths since this list was made.

I must again repeat that this list of sixty-two may be augmented by others who were heads of families even at that time. I might take our own family for an example, although it does not prove the rule. It consisted of my father, mother and three brothers, and is represented in the directory by my father, Thomas L. Fawcett, and my eldest brother, Rowland W. Then, again, there is the Elford family, of father, mother, three sons and two daughters. This family is not recorded, and to-day there are two sons, John and Theophilus, and two married sisters.

Among the names in the list of those living now, but not recorded, is a son of Abraham Belasco, tobacconist of Yates Street in 1862, by name David. Those interested in theatricals (and who is not?) will recognize the name as the prominent theatrical manager of New York. I little thought when going to school with him at the Collegiate School, under Rev. C. T. Woods, that he would be so well known a character as he is to-day. In closing this reminiscence I would ask to be pardoned for any errors or omissions, for my memory will bear refreshing. I also must thank my old friend Dick Hall, and others, for names of early pioneers who have been left out of the directory.

Before closing this imperfect sketch allow me to offer a suggestion to the mayor and aldermen. It is that a portrait of Thomas Harris, the first mayor of the city, should be procured and hung in a prominent place in the council chamber, and this at the public expense. I think this would at least meet with the approval of the pioneers of 1862, when Mr. Harris was elected first mayor.


On Wharf Street, from the corner of Fort, looking north to the corner of Yates, the buildings looked pretty much the same as now, being all built of brick, with the exception of the wooden one to the south of Sutro’s wholesale tobacco warehouse on the corner of Yates and Wharf. This wooden building was a saloon, kept by one who formerly had been a prominent man politically, that is prior to 1859. I think this building can be identified with the Ship Inn. The two-story brick block to the south, erected and owned by Senator Macdonald, was occupied by John Wilkie, one of the earliest of our wholesale merchants. The next corner was Edgar Marvin’s hardware store. Mr. Marvin and his son Eddie, who came from the States in 1864, will be well and favorably remembered by old-timers. He resided on Marvin’s Hill, at the back of St. Ann’s Convent. Next comes the building occupied by Henry Nathan, who was afterwards one of the early members in the Commons to represent Victoria City. He was an English Hebrew, and he and his father were prominent men and large property-holders in the city, and I have no doubt are so still. He is standing in the front of his office in the photo. I can well remember the day that Henry Nathan and the balance of the Victoria contingent left for Ottawa for the first time. They left on the steamer Prince Alfred from Broderick’s Wharf, in the inner harbor, and there was hardly a square foot of room on the wharf to spare, the crowd was so great. In fact, half of the town went to see them off, many locking up their business places to do so. In the front of the next store may be seen Thomas Lett Stahlschmidt, who represented the English wholesale firm of Henderson & Burnaby. Next to Mr. Stahlschmidt is James D. Robinson, who was bookkeeper for J. Robertson Stewart & Co., and who is a resident of this city to-day, just died. Skipping the next two buildings, we come to the auction rooms of a well-remembered business man, P. M. Backus, one of the two prominent auctioneers of that time; the other being James A. McCrea, spoken of by my friend, Mr. Higgins, in one of his intensely interesting stories of early days in Victoria. Both he and Mr. Backus were Americans, as were so many of our business men of that day. Next Mr. Backus is Mr. J. R. Stewart, just mentioned, and on the corner is Mr. Joseph Boscowitz. They stand in front of the building occupied by Thomas C. Nuttall & Co. Mr. Nuttall I remember as the agent of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, and he did a large business in the city. Mr. Nuttall is still a resident, although confined to the house through illness. His was a familiar face on the street in those days, being a very energetic business man. (Since died).

Upstairs in the building was the Oddfellows’ Hall, where I was initiated into the mysteries of Oddfellow-ship in 1868. Among the prominent brothers present that evening were John Weiler, James S. Drummond, James D. Robinson, Hinton Guild, James Gillon (manager Bank of British North America), Joshua Davies, Judah P. Davies, Richard Roberts, Joseph York, and Thomas Golden. All these prominent Oddfellows, with the exception of James D. Robinson and Joseph York, have gone to their rest. The waterfront side of Wharf Street, from the Hudson’s Bay Company’s store south, is a blank until you reach the old cooperage, next to the late custom house. There is an historic oak tree alongside the cooperage, which is said to have been used to tie up the Hudson’s Bay Company’s vessels in the earliest times when wharves were few and far between. Beyond the old customs house was Sayward’s wharf and lumber yard, the lumber being brought by schooner and scow from the mill to Victoria. The business had not then attained the proportions that it has to-day under Joseph Sayward, son of the founder of the business, who now lives in San Francisco.

The next view represents Government Street, east side, from the Brown Jug north to the St. Nicholas Building. The first building south from there of any prominence was that now occupied by the British Columbia Market, and then known as the Alhambra Building. The upper floor was used as a public hall, and many grand balls were given here, as well as other social events. The lower floor was used as Zelner’s pharmacy, and next door by Gilmore, the clothier. Alongside and using the upper portion of Gilmore’s Building also, is the Colonial Hotel, one of the swell places of that day. I next recognize the store of the well-known firm of W. & J. Wilson, clothiers and outfitters, which was then conducted by the father and uncle of the present proprietor, Mr. Joseph Wilson. With the exception of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Hibben & Co. (then Hibben & Carswell) and Thomas Wilson, the draper, the firm of W. & J. Wilson is, so far as I can remember, the longest established in Victoria. I can remember being fitted out there on occasions as a school-boy. Their advertisement in the Colonist, with their autograph underneath, occupied part of the front page of the paper continuously for years.

The two-story wooden building in the middle of the block, between Trounce Alley and Fort Street, is the Hotel de France, kept by P. Manciet, and one of the two principal hotels of that day. Next was McNiff’s grotto, Mon’s Laundry, The Star and Garter, Thomas Wilson & Co., drapers, and farther on the two-story brick building, now Hibben & Co., and farther on south J. H. Turner & Co. Of course all will recognize the name as that of the Hon. J. H. Turner. The firm occupied the whole of the building up and downstairs, as drapers and carpet warehousemen, and I might state that the late Henry Brown, Walter Shears, late custom appraiser, and Edward White were on the staff. Next is one of the two meat markets, owned by Thomas Harris, the first mayor of Victoria. His prominent figure may be seen on the sidewalk looking across the street. With my mind’s eye I can see him at the Queen’s Birthday celebration on Beacon Hill. The chief event of the year was the racing on that day, and the mayor was an enthusiastic horse fancier, and a steward of the Jockey Club. These celebrations were nothing without Mr. Harris. The bell rings (John Butts was bellman) and the portly figure of Mr. Harris on horseback appears. "Now, gentlemen, clear the course," and then there is a general scattering of people outside the rails; the horses with their gaily dressed jockeys canter past the grandstand, make several false starts, and off they go for the mile heat around the hill and back to the grandstand. Oh, what exciting things those races were! Another prominent figure at these race meetings was John Howard, of Esquimalt. The race meetings without Messrs. Harris and Howard would not have been the genuine thing, and, I must not forget to mention Millington, who always rode Mr. Harris’ horses at these meetings. I believe he is still in the land of the living. I would we had such Queen’s weather as we had then. May was equal to July now for warmth, and with beautiful clear skies, they were days worth remembering. Everyone went out for the day and the hill was covered with picnickers. The navy was represented by bluejackets and marines by the hundreds, bands of music, Aunt Sally and the usual other side shows. And lastly, I must not forget the music. The flagships of those days were large three-deckers, line-of-battleships, such as the Ganges or Sutlej, which would make an ordinary flagship look small. It was understood that the officers, being wealthy men, subscribed liberally towards a fine band. It was a great treat to hear the Ganges’ full band, as I have heard it in the streets of Victoria preceding a naval funeral to Quadra Street Cemetery, and very few I missed. But I have digressed and will proceed to finish Government Street. The corner building, now torn down to make way for the Five Sisters’ Block, was occupied by William Searby, chemist, who was my Sunday School teacher. He left Victoria for San Francisco, and I had the pleasure of renewing his acquaintance years later, and, I think, he is still in business in Market Street. In the front of Searby’s stands John Weiler, father of the Weiler brothers of our day. The upper portion of this building was called the Literary Institute, and the first I remember of Mr. Redfern was at an entertainment given here for some charity, when he sang that beautiful tenor song from "The Bohemian Girl," "Then You’ll Remember Me," and it has been a favorite with me ever since. W. K. Bull, who presided over so many municipal elections, and was a very well-read man, also took part, giving a reading on Australia, and ending up with a recitation.

Crossing the street, we come to the Brown Jug, the same to-day as then, but kept by Tommy Golden, a well-known character then. In the front is a hydrant with a water-cart getting its load for distribution through the city. The water was conveyed in wooden pipes from Spring Ridge and sold by the bucket, which may be seen on the shafts of the cart. Forty of these buckets represented one dollar. Opposite the Brown Jug and across the street is a vacant lot, now occupied by the Bank of Commerce. The opposite corner to this is also vacant, but soon after was built the present brick building by J. J. Southgate and Captain Lascelles, R.N., of the gunboat Boxer.

This view represents the south side of Fort Street, from the Brown Jug corner east. The wooden building next is a photograph gallery owned by Fred. Dally. He with R. Maynard were the only ones in the business at that time, I think. Next is Dr. Powell’s residence and surgery; the house is not visible, being set back from the street. Alexander McLean’s "Scotch House" clothing store is plainly seen. Amongst those standing in front are Mr. McLean, the proprietor; James Fell, who later on was mayor; William McNiffe, of the "Grotto," and Thomas Harris, already mentioned, who is on horseback. Above McLean’s is Murray’s Scotch bakery, where I have gone often for bread and shortcake. Four doors above is A. & W. Wilson’s, plumbers and gas fitters, and Tom Wilson may be seen standing on the sidewalk – he is the only one of the brothers not here to-day. Next is Birmingham House, Kent & Evans, Charles Kent, the city treasurer, being senior partner. Across Broad Street is John Weiler’s upholstery store. Then comes James Fell & Co., grocers; then M. R. Smith & Co., bakers. Above Douglas Street there were few or no stores. On the upper corner was D. Babbington Ring, an English barrister, who always walked about with a dog-whip in hand and several dogs after him.

Above the corner lived Dr. Baillie, a cousin of Sir M. B. Begbie, who was afterwards drowned in South America. We come next to the Congregational Church, which lived a short life as a church, for Dr. Ash bought it and turned it into a residence, taking down the steeple, which may now be seen in the photo. It passed into the hands of Dr. Meredith Jones after Dr. Ash’s death. Above this I remember little as to individual houses, but know that they were very scattered.

This view represents Yates Street, from the corner of Wharf, south side. I have briefly mentioned Sutro’s tobacco warehouse, and this is the Yates Street side of it. There was a large figure of a Turk with a turban and large pipe as a business sign on the corner of the street. Next to Sutro’s is Joseph Boscowitz’s, the pioneer dealer in furs, and as may be seen he is not now far from his former place of business. Next door is the firm of Wolf & Morris, that I cannot now remember. The saloon next door was kept by Burns & Dwyer – the latter, I think, still lives on Pandora Street. Next door but one is William Dalby’s saddlery shop, and he is with us to-day. Guy Huston, the gunsmith, occupied the next store. He was the principal gunsmith in the city, and his two daughters, both married to prominent men of business, are still residents of the city. Alfred Fellows, iron and hardware merchant, who comes next, was the founder of the business of E. G. Prior & Company. The Fashion Hotel was kept by John C. Keenan, an American, and was a first-class gambling house and dancing hall. High play was the order, and many a Cariboo miner in the winter months threw away his easily-got gold by the hundreds here. Keenan was a prominent fire chief in those days of volunteer firemen. Wells Fargo’s Express comes next, presided over by Colonel Pendergast and Major Gillingham. On the arrival of a San Francisco steamer there was a rush to Wells Fargo’s for letters, and soon after the receipt of the express bags at the office the place would be full to the doors. I might state that it was the custom then for all mail steamers to fire a gun on arrival, either at the mouth of the harbor or inside the harbor itself, so that we gathered at the post-office and express office soon after. Either Colonel Pendergast or Major Gillingham then mounted a chair and called off the addresses, and the letters were either flipped or passed on to their owners by those nearest the caller, for it seemed as if everybody knew each other. Twenty-five cents was the postage paid in advance. Next door is the telegraph office and Barnard’s express. Our old friend, Robert McMicking, had charge of the telegraph, and maybe the express also, but I have forgotten. Langley & Co., the well-known druggists, I can remember ever since I can remember Victoria. The building is pretty much now as it was then, only larger. Those connected with its early history have passed away, excepting it may be Mr. Pimbury; Mr. A. J. Langley, who died in late years; Mr. Jones, who went into business in Cariboo and died there, and Mr. Pimbury, who went to Nanaimo and into business for himself. Between Langley’s and the corner of Langley Street, was Jay & Bales’ seed store. Both these early pioneers have gone to their rest, although the business is still carried on on Broad Street by Mr. Savory.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 eylül 2017
281 s. 2 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain

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