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I Shall Not Die

By Gabriel Agbo

Copyright – Gabriel Agbo 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations in this book are taken from the New Living Translation (NLT) version of the Holy Bible.

Publisher: Gabriel Agbo


Tel: +234-8037113283

From the author of the bestselling book Power of Midnight Prayer


It is not yet over. God has not finished with you. You are not dying now. Yes, you are not. This book is to reassure you that He still has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how dark things look. Here you will find many interesting chapters like:  I SHALL NOT DIE, ALL POWER BELONGS TO GOD, GO BACK AND TELL HIM, PRAYER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?, DON’T BE AFRAID, DON’T RUN AWAY and GET MORE VESSELS.

There is no need to give up now. Don’t kill yourself. You must stand up, with faith and hope and fight on, face those challenges. Don’t be afraid and don’t run away from them. God has come to help you. Here you will also read how to resist the spirit of frustration, depression and death. Why is the rate of suicide rising? Any solutions?


I dedicate this book to Maliah Khatoon and Sophia Kirkeiner. They have been instruments of blessing and a symbol of God’s faithfulness to his willingness and power to deliver. God wants us to live in total freedom and prosperity. May God bless you both and keep you!

Chapter One
I Shall Not Die

A child of God is not supposed to die anyhow. Yes, when you walk in the knowledge of a functional covenant with God nothing is permitted to take away your life prematurely. Nothing! Be it disease, demonic powers, evil, hardship, or whatever. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is permitted to terminate your life before fulfilling your destiny. Everybody has an assignment(s) that brought them into the world. God cannot just waste His time and resources making a wonderful creature like you. Also look at all the things – the time, resources, emotions, prayer, love and sometimes planning and expectations put into the process of bringing a baby into this world. Like your parents coming together, the relationship, your miraculous conception and formation in the womb, the preparations, your birth and your growth, etc.

Millions do not survive these stages, but you did! This clearly shows that there is a definite divine plan for your life. True. I recently overheard a respected gynecologist / surgeon, a professor, a dean of a collage of medicine saying that nobody, not even experts has totally understood what God did in the process conception and child-bearing. And immediately those words registered in my spirit.  I remember my first daughter Joy was delivered in his clinic. My wife had been in labor for about fourteen hours and I believe they were getting ready deliver through cesarean section, when the baby suddenly began to come out. When the nurses call him on phone that the baby was already coming, he could not believe it until he spoke directly with my wife. I don’t exactly know what happened, but I suspect that with the position of baby he knew that it would take an operation to come through. But God overruled. Prayers were being poured on her and the baby for those fourteen hours until God did it. You can do all you know scientifically and medically, but it is only God that permits, perfects and natures life. I think it is also a standing belief in medicine. Every life must come from and end in Him. Even when you are treating or praying for a fruit of the womb, you must have it at the back of your mind that it is only God that can bring forth life. Yes, science is helpful, yes medicine is very great and always necessary, but it is still God perfects the outcome. You can apply everything that you know and it will still not work. And you also may not do anything at all and still things work out perfectly. It is God – that unseen hand. True.

Now, also look at all you’ve been through in life. Almost everybody has some painful stories to tell.  Some have theirs characterized with protracted pains, ‘bumps’ of life, calamities, disappointments and regrets that though they are now successful, they still shed tears each time they remember what they have been through. Even presidents, business moguls, kings, celebrities, men of God are all in this category. So, you may not be wrong to describe this world as generally unkind. Once you are born, the world begins to unleash its unkindness on you. Yes, even great men like Jesus had their own fair share of pains and tears. Yet, in all these, an unseen hand kept you alive and going! I remember preaching like this many years ago and my boss, a very wealthy man in Lagos, with tears, sat me down and began to tell me all he went through in life and how God’s grace has miraculously kept him. I was couldn’t believe it. So with all this vast wealth and estates this man still had scares of pain and tears in his life. Yes, in the midst of all these, God has a purpose for your life.

You have a mission and when you eventually discover it and walk in the knowledge of God’s will for your life it automatically makes it impossible for your life to be truncated. When you locate and obediently function in your divine place, nothing; no sickness, no devil, no agent of Satan or situation and nobody is permitted to eliminate you before your time. The Psalmist understood this very well when he said,

“I will not die, but I will live to tell what the LORD has done.”

Psalm 118:17

Yes, it is only the living that can tell the goodness of God. It is only the living that can give testimonies of God’s deliverance. It is only the living that can praise Him. Your staying alive after all those tough times, near-death situations, dangers, betrayals, accidents, impossible missions, encounters will certainly bring glory to God. That is the will of God. You must live to proclaim all he has done. You must not die now! Yes, like the Psalmist, you must refuse to die before your time. You must insist that the will of God be fully executed in your life. This is the only way His name will be glorified. When you die prematurely please don’t ever delude yourself that the will of God had been done. No way!  I have problem with many statements that I see on obituaries today. Most proclaim the submission to the will of God, when actually they were against the will of God. They were caused by Satan or by our carelessness and disobedience or even lack of knowledge. The will of God is not for you to commit suicide. The will of God is not for you die by accident. The will of God is not for you to be incapacitated by that sickness. The will of God is not for you to die of depression or by sexually transmitted diseases or by demonic attacks. No. But unfortunately even Christians; who are supposed to know better also die this way. True! The word of God says that the will of God for us is to prosper, be in good health as our souls prospers.

You are fortunate to be reading this message now. You can refuse to die prematurely. You can refuse to die through that sickness, through that demonic attack, through that difficulty. Yes, you can! The choice is absolutely yours. The Psalmist said that he shall not die but live to proclaim the goodness of God. It was a declaration. He totally believed and also declared God’s will over his life. No wonder he lived out his life in ripe old age and in good health, in victory and prosperity. He lived to see all that God promised him and personally handed over his throne, the covenant, kingdom, projects to his predecessor. Today, I free you from those clutches of death and fear in the mighty name of Jesus! God said that we will live out our years in good health and in prosperity and nothing can change this.

Chapter Two
All Power Belongs to Him

Yes, you are not supposed to die prematurely. That death threat over your life can be averted. True! Nothing has the right to terminate your life just like that. This is the way I spoke to a man who had death sentence passed on him by one of these dreaded secret societies; a secret cult where they do so many unprintable things which include using blood to wash their heads. He read one of my articles on this in the newspapers and quickly contacted us. They had given him a date – 5th of June that year to die and it was remaining about two months to go. And truly, he was almost gone when we met. He was already being paralyzed, shaking as we talked in my sitting room that afternoon. He could barely talk. Yes, almost dead!

But after praying and obeying the Holy Spirit, that covenant of death he made with Satan was completely broken by Jesus. It is ten years now. He is still alive and healthy today. In fact, on that very day they gave him to die, I was physically present in his new home to celebrate his birthday. Our God is the most powerful! But this is not to encourage you to go look for wealth, power and fame from the devil. You will sure pay for it if you do. The devil has no free gift. He is terribly wicked. And anybody that associates with him will always end up in pain, sorrow and regrets. Please, always wait for God’s timing and blessings; for his will not add any sorrow. Are you hearing me?

Has the enemy in any way passed any decree or death sentence on you? Did they give you a date to die? Are you hearing or having the urge to take your life? God can reverse that today. Have they sent evil arrows, spells, curses, diseases against you? They shall no more have effect on you and your family in Jesus’ name! All the plans being made against you will SURELY fail in the mighty name of Jesus! Look at our LORD Jesus. All the plans made by the enemy to terminate his life never materialized. When he was born, Herod did everything to kill him but God foiled all the plans and in anger and frustration, the king slaughtered thousands of Jewish male babies around Bethlehem. But Jesus escaped! And today, I also see you escaping that trap of the enemy! You can read my analysis on this particular divine maneuvering in my best-selling book Power of Midnight Prayer. It is very illuminating! God does exactly the same today.

When he grew up and started his ministry, the Jews didn’t like his teachings, his boldness and claims; especially that he was the messiah, the Son of God, etc. So, they made several attempts to kill him, but he will always from them. I hope you understand what we are talking about here? They will raise stones to smash him to death and suddenly, miraculously, God would remove him from their midst. Powerful! Every plan, every attempt or process to terminate your life will be miraculously foiled by heaven in the mighty name of Jesus! This is exactly what the Psalmist means when he says that even when our enemies trapped us, rejoicing that our end has come, we mysteriously, miraculously, divinely, surprisingly, suddenly escaped like a bird would from the trap of the fowler. Oh My God!

If they were unable to kill Jesus, their evil plans against you shall also not succeed! Now, Jesus, at the appointed time, willingly, in obedience to his covenant with his father, temporally, and just for three days, submitted his life. Even at the point of his arrest, immediately he identified himself, all the soldiers fell down. Nobody could touch Jesus until he willingly submitted himself. And the bible clearly said that as He is, so we are. That is true! From today, nobody, nothing shall be able to destroy you!


Obedience is the key to defying untimely death. When we live a holy life and totally walk in obedience to God’s laws and leading, then, it will become impossible to die untimely through sickness, diseases, enemy’s attacks, demonic arrows, etc. And I hope you know that obedience includes respecting natural, spiritual, psychological, health and even nutritional laws; for they all stem from the divine laws. For example, when you smoke, do drugs, live in immorality, take alcohol, you are already breaking spiritual and health laws and you are inviting death.

When you live in bitterness, unforgiving, fear, hatred, envy, anxiety, impatience, regrets, etc, you are breaking psychological as well as spiritual laws. When you don’t eat right, you eat junk, you don’t expect to live long and healthy because you are already breaking a law that God has put in place to help you. Even wrong and extended fasting can also kill. Thousands Christians are dying because of this. This is also the same when you break physical laws like lack exercises, overworking yourself, exposing yourself to physical dangers, etc. God said that we should be wise in all areas of life. And that is complete wisdom. True! Most Christians neglect all these and unfortunately pay heavily for it. Now, you may ask yourself why the older generations live longer, healthier and even more spiritual than us. Please, let me know your thought. Tell me.

Now, back to Jesus, he was able to defy and conquer death because he totally lived in obedience to God. He was always conscious and anxious to observe divine laws as written. He was always eager to seek and obey directives from His Father – ‘Let his will be done’. He was working for the kingdom’s interest. Heaven cannot afford to lose you when all you think and do is to proclaim, protect and propagate the gospel and goodness of Jesus Christ. When you give yourself totally to the work of God, all the machinery of heaven will be put in place to protect, provide and keep you. This is just what preserved Jesus while he finished his divine assignment on earth. And that was what he meant when he said that if you work in the light you will not stumble and the darkness will not defeat you. Get up today and throw yourself totally into His work and His grace will totally preserve you. Don’t expect to live long when you are not adding any value to humanity his kingdom.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
17 ağustos 2020
51 s. 2 illüstrasyon
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