Kitabı oku: «The Memoirs of a White Elephant», sayfa 8
We wandered on, going from village to village, from town to town, from city to city, till we finally reached Calcutta. And here my life was once more changed.
It happened in this way.
We had been stopping a long time in this great city, where Moukounj was always able to find work for us both. The English language which he had learned in his youth was often of great advantage to him here.
We had been working for several days on the wharves, where we were employed in unloading vessels. The heaviest burthens were as nothing to me, and Moukounj was alert and insinuating, and so was able to render a thousand little services to the travellers and also to the sailors. He was now earning a generous living for us; but alas! it only resulted in more frequent and more furious fits of drunkenness for him – and for me in blows and humiliations.
It often happened that he went off to drink at the neighbouring taverns, and left me alone to stand and await his return – he knew very well that I would be faithful!
Now, one day we had been helping to unload the cargo of a large merchantman, and Moukounj had left me a few vegetables to eat, and had gone off to drink, when there came in, at the same wharf, a large Liner, bringing a great many passengers. I was distressed that my master should miss a chance to gain so many rupees – but I felt it would be useless to go in search of him. The wisest way would be to wait patiently for his return, and that was what I did. Moukounj might return in time – I could only hope he would not be drunk!
I watched the passengers as they disembarked. They were Europeans, mostly English, who ran about, here and there, asking questions of the porters, not making themselves understood, nor understanding what was said to them. The spectacle amused me greatly, and I watched them closely, trying to imagine from their looks what each one would do… It was not long before I remarked among them a group of persons whose calmness contrasted with the agitation of the others. They numbered something like twenty; there were about as many women as men; all were young, and well dressed. It did not seem that the voyage had fatigued them; they stood together on the wharf, taking but little notice of their surroundings.
One of them now quietly reviewed the company, and, seeing that none of them were missing:
"We may as well-go to the Hotel," said he to his companions.
Then, addressing one of the young men, he said:
"Mr. Oldham, you will please remain here and see to the unloading of our baggage."
"Yes, Mr. Hardwick, I will do so," replied he. Then all except Mr. Oldham went quietly off.
I looked curiously at this Mr. Oldham; he was a most singular young man – tall and thin, with very long arms and legs, and enormous hands. His head was small, his mouth stretched from ear to ear, and his cheek-bones projected strangely. While waiting for the luggage to be landed, Mr. Oldham strode up and down, seemingly impatient, and murmuring something to himself which I did not understand.
I was in despair at Moukounj's absence. These strangers, thought I, must have a lot of baggage, perhaps very heavy, and if my master were here we would get plenty to do.
While thinking about it I was playing mechanically with a great ring of iron which lay at my feet. It had once been fastened into the ground, but it was no longer secure, and in playing I had unintentionally loosened it. I was now amusing myself by tossing it up in the air, and catching it on my trunk as it fell.
All at once the eyes of Mr. Oldham turned in my direction, and he began to watch me closely. My play seemed to interest him, and he called one of the workmen on the wharf, and inquired:
"Do you know who is the owner of that elephant?"
"Oh, yes," said the man, "it is a poor fellow who works here at unloading ships."
"He has got a very intelligent animal!"
That was all.
But Mr. Oldham continued to look at me; and as for myself, my vanity being awakened, I made a point of not missing a single ring, and Mr. Oldham gave vent to "Ohs!" and "Ahs!" of admiration, and murmured:
"'The Elephant Juggler' – That would look well on our play bills!"
They now began to bring ashore the luggage of Mr. Oldham and his friends.
There were enormous boxes and crates of strange shapes, bales of rope, stacks of poles, and many things scarcely covered at all, of which I could not imagine the use. Then they brought up out of the ship great chariots, cages of wild animals, and at last numbers of horses, who seemed bewildered by the voyage.
Well, these are strange travellers, thought I – and they have strange luggage! They loaded the boxes and bales onto the chariots, and harnessed to them the least fine-looking of the horses; a number of men, who seemed to be the servants of Mr. Oldham, took the horses by the bridle, or mounted on the chariots, and all were moving off, when Moukounj arrived!
He was not very drunk, and he went at once to Mr. Oldham to offer his services. It was too late. – But as he pointed towards me, Mr. Oldham said to him:
"Ah! You are the owner of that intelligent beast? You had better come to the Hotel Victoria, and ask for Mr. John Hardwick, Director of the 'Grand Circus of the Two Worlds'– he may have something to say to you that will be to your advantage."
And Mr. Oldham went off with the chariots and baggage.
At first Moukounj never thought of going to see Mr. John Hardwick. He could not understand what the Director of the "Circus of the Two Worlds" could have to say to him. But fate ordained that for the next two days we had almost no work, and were reduced to the verge of starvation. It was then that he remembered Mr. Oldham's invitation. He thought that even if Mr. Hardwick had nothing of importance to propose, he might at least take pity on him, and give him a little something in charity.
So, having warned me – a useless precaution – to remain patiently where I was, he set off for the Victoria Hotel.
In about an hour Moukounj returned, joyous, and as he came near me he embraced my trunk.
"Ah! my brave companion! My faithful friend! How great is the wisdom of the Sage who says: 'He who is clever will be a stranger in no country; for him who is contented with little, there is no anxiety; for him who is wise, there are no surprises; for him who is determined, nothing is impossible!' – How true are these sayings! And equally so is this one: 'The life of mankind is as uncertain as the reflection of the Moon on water; for this reason we must practise Virtue!' … Yes – yes – we must practise Virtue; and it is because I have done so, and because I have so cheerfully endured my misfortunes, that to-day the Gods have sent me better luck!"
He ceased speaking, and danced around me, clapping his hands. Then he resumed:
"Yes, yes, old fellow! life is, indeed, as uncertain as the reflection of the Moon on water. When I was young and was studying books of wisdom at Lahore, I would have laughed at anyone who told me that I would one day be employed in unloading ships on the wharf at Calcutta; and yesterday I would have laughed at him who said that to-day I should belong to the troupe of Mr. John Hardwick, Director of the 'Grand Circus of the Two Worlds' – and nevertheless – that is what has happened!"
He hugged me again, and continued:
"Oh, my friend! My saviour! thou, who, for all I know, may be Ganesa Himself!.. Henceforth, we shall have a sure refuge! We will no longer have to sleep in a ditch by the roadside on rainy nights… We will not have to go hungry! No! we shall live in comfort, well-paid, and fed by the kind Mr. John Hardwick… Good Fortune has found us at last!" And thereupon he told me of his interview.
"I went to the Hotel Victoria," said he; "I asked for Mr. John Hardwick, and was shown into the presence of a man, still young, but of so serious and grave an appearance that I felt timid and embarrassed – I who had never before felt fear! (For, what says the Sage? 'In the forest, in the jungle, on perilous roads, in fierce encounters, and in troubles, under the threatenings of swords – Virtuous men feel no fear!) Mr. Hardwick had with him the young man who spoke to me the other day, whom he called Mr. Oldham. On seeing me this young man said:
"'Ah! this is the man I spoke to you about, who has the clever elephant,' And he began at once to sound your praises, talking about something which I could not quite understand; he spoke continually of an 'iron ring' with which he had seen you playing…
"Mr. Hardwick then asked if I would sell you.
"'I? – Sell an elephant sent to me by the Gods … who perhaps is a God himself?.. Never! – Never!' said I.
"'That is a pity,' said Mr. Oldham: 'for this elephant would undoubtedly be a great addition to the attractions of our company.'
"'Well, it cannot be helped,' said Mr. Hardwick.
"I was about to retire when Mr. Oldham signed to me to remain, and addressing Mr. Hardwick, said:
"'Perhaps matters might be arranged in a way that would be satisfactory to all. How would it do to engage both the elephant and his master?"
"'Give me five minutes to think,' said Mr. Hardwick. Oh! there is a man who knows how to make up his mind in a hurry! The five minutes being ended, Mr. Hardwick turned to me and asked:
"'Will you agree to form, with your elephant, a part of our Troupe?'
"As for me I had no need to ask time for reflection; it took me but a minute to make up my mind, and accept!.. To tell the truth, I did not exactly understand in what way Mr. John Hardwick was expecting to employ us; but he seemed to be a man of wealth, who would at any rate provide us with a living. So I said, 'Yes,' And I do not think that I shall regret it."
And once more, singing and laughing, he capered around me. Then, all at once becoming serious, he added:
"Mr. Oldham later on told me something of Mr. Hardwick's business. It seems he exhibits trained animals; and the members of his company perform feats of strength and skill. So now, my friend, in place of toiling and exhausting yourself in hard work, you have only to amuse the public with your accomplishments – and we shall never know want again!"
I must confess I was not so delighted as my master. Although I had been glad to divert dear ones like Saphire-of-Heaven and Parvati, I felt very disinclined to entertain those to whom I was indifferent. My present life was certainly hard enough, but at least it afforded me an opportunity to indulge my regrets; while I understood that I would be called upon to be gay at stated times, even if the most melancholy thoughts were at the moment distressing me. However, I could not spoil the happiness of Moukounj, and I responded in a friendly manner.
We soon left the wharf, and went to join Mr. John Hardwick. And thus it was that I entered the company of "The Grand Circus of the Two Worlds."
That evening Mr. Hardwick introduced us to his Troupe. He had hired a large vacant space on which his circus was encamped; it was a great framework of wood and iron, which could be set up and taken down very quickly. When put together it presented a very elegant and comfortable appearance, and no one would suppose that only a few hours would be required to take it apart and pile it on the chariots. It was arranged in two sections – the Circus proper with the Ring and the Benches, and the Stables, with rooms where the grooms and inferior employees of the company were accommodated; the important members lodged at the Hotel, with the Director. When we reached the Circus, Mr. Hardwick designated the place I was to occupy in the Stable, and the room which Moukounj (who refused to allow anyone else to look after me) was to share with one of the grooms.
We were then conducted to the Ring, where all the company were assembled. They were the very persons whom I had seen arriving three days before.
The Director then made a speech, as follows:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you Monsieur Moukounj and his Elephant. My valued friend and assistant, Mr. Oldham, informs me that this Elephant is a remarkable animal, whom he has seen execute a difficult and interesting exercise without any previous instruction. As a member of our Troupe, he will do honour to our Company, already so celebrated. I bespeak, therefore, a kind reception for the Elephant and his Master."
The Company came forward very politely, one after another, to greet Moukounj, and to caress me; and Mr. Hardwick, addressing Moukounj, introduced each one by name.
"This, Monsieur, is Mr. Oldham, with whom you are already acquainted. He is our Premier Clown, and Stage Manager.
"This is Mr. Edward Greathorse, our Ringmaster, and his wife, one of the most distinguished Equilibrists in the world, and their two children, Master William Greathorse, who has not his equal for vaulting through a paper circle, and coming down plumb in the right spot on his horse – and Miss Annie Greathorse, who has made a study of the Trapeze, and has acquired all the secrets of that difficult art."
Mr. and Mrs. Greathorse did not please me at all. Mr. Greathorse was a very tall, thin man of about forty; one felt at once that he was in the habit of speaking only to horses – and of speaking to them brutally! Mrs. Greathorse was about the same age as her husband, and quite as tall. She was as fat as he was thin; her vulgar face had a look of hardness, and her nose was extraordinarily flat. The reason of this I learned later on; it was occasioned by her specialty of balancing upon that feature a pole with a heavy iron ball on the end!
Master Greathorse, who might have been about seventeen or eighteen years old, displeased me excessively; he had a sly look, and seemed to enjoy nothing so much as playing malicious jokes at the expense of the other members of the company. The only one of the family who attracted me was Miss Annie. She was a very young girl, almost a child, not over fifteen at the outside, and very fragile, with arms developed out of all proportion by her exercise on the trapeze. It was easy to see that she worked too hard and was a sufferer; she had a pale, gentle face and fair, pretty hair.
After the Greathorses there advanced six persons, all wonderfully alike, although their ages varied from nine or ten to thirty-five years.
"The Smith Brothers, Monsieur," said Mr. Hardwick: "most interesting gentlemen! – Until you have seen them form the 'uman Pyramid,' you do not know to what heights the Acrobatic Art has attained!"
The "Smith Brothers" all smiled at once, with the same smile, which seemed to have coagulated and become a fixture upon their lips.
The next to come forward was a very pretty and elegant young woman:
"Miss Clara Morley, our accomplished 'Amazon' – you will have an opportunity to admire her in her clever equestrian exercises."
After Miss Morley came three men and three women, none of them either fat or thin, tall or short, handsome or ugly – but all very well dressed and civil.
"Our Riders, Mr. and Mrs. Crampton, Mr. and Mrs. Bampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Mapton."
Mr. Hardwick next presented:
"Mr. Nilo Bong, the famous Gymnast from Tonquin – the Ulverstone Sisters, Miss Jane and Miss Lucy Ulverstone, who every evening, Monsieur, astonish and delight the audience by their dexterity on the Horizontal Bar.
"Mr. Pound – to whom the lifting of a two-hundred pound weight is a mere joke, and Mrs.
"Mr. Pound, his wife, the 'Fairy of the Revolver' – at 100 feet she would not miss a nut!..
"Mr. Tom Liverpool, the Champion Pugilist, whom no one has ever been able to vanquish!
"Miss Alice Jewel, who crosses the Ganges at its widest part on a Wire!"…
All these people I found uninteresting and insignificant. Mr. Nilo Bong might call himself a Chinese, and his eyes were a little oblique, but his complexion proved him to be a European; Mr. Pound and Mr. Liverpool were huge men, but very unintelligent in appearance; Mrs. Pound was a small woman – very thin, with a sharp expression; Miss Jane and Miss Lucy Ulverstone were modest, well-mannered young women, who bowed politely.
There remained to be introduced only four more persons, two men, and two women.
The two men were strikingly alike, and both bore a singular resemblance to Mr. Oldham; but the features which in him were merely quaint and amusing, were in them so exaggerated as to be grotesque; and the oddity of their appearance was increased by an affected air of extreme gravity.
When their turn came to be introduced; "Mr. Trick and Mr. Trock, Monsieur" said Mr. Hardwick: "I should not hesitate to call them the most brilliantly amusing Clowns in the world, if they themselves did not recognize their superior in Mr. Oldham … they are Gaiety's favorite children!"…
Messrs. Trick and Trock bowed to Moukounj, and a very handsome young woman with black eyes and golden hair approached:
"Miss Sarah Skipton, Monsieur – the divine Artiste to whom we owe the 'Dance of Light'."
Miss Sarah Skipton bowed pleasantly, and last of all Mr. Hardwick presented a young girl who seemed to me the very embodiment of grace – with hair of delicate blond, and blue eyes that were a smile in themselves.
"Miss Sarah Skipton is, one may say, the Star of our Troupe; Miss Circé Nightingale is the Pearl! She is the gentle 'Charmer of Birds' and when you see her surrounded by her escort of warblers and nightingales, you would take her as one of your divine Goddesses!.."
Circé Nightingale smiled graciously on Moukounj, and caressed me with her pretty hand a long time – for which I thanked her, feeling that already we were friends.
To sum up, all these people, with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Greathorse, young Greathorse, and Mrs. Pound, seemed fairly agreeable, and I felt that it ought not to be particularly unpleasant to live with them. For four of them I already felt a certain sympathy; the elegance of Miss Clara Morley pleased me; she seemed so gentle with animals, and it was evidently not by severity that she managed her horses. For Miss Annie Greathorse I felt a sincere pity; I was sure that she was unhappy and badly treated, and thought that perhaps the time might come when I would be able to protect her. I admired the radiant beauty of Miss Sarah Skipton, and the exquisite grace of Miss Circé Nightingale delighted me; and I said to myself: "I shall have here four Friends – and four Enemies!"
When the Troupe had all been introduced, Mr. Hardwick said to Moukounj:
"This is our first evening in Calcutta, and I would like to present your elephant to the public as soon as possible; what is his name?"
"As it was at a time of distress that he came to me, from I know not where, and as he brought me consolation – I call him 'Devadatta,' which in our language signifies 'Sent-by-the-Gods.'"
"Very good! We will then call him on our bills, 'The Famous Elephant Devadatta'… But, tell me, is there not one of your gods whom you represent with the head of an elephant?"
"The Divine Ganesa, God of Wisdom, has an elephant's head," replied Moukounj.
"Excellent!" cried Mr. Hardwick: "'The Famous Elephant Devadatta, Brother of Ganesa, in his various Acts' – that is the thing! What do you think of that, Mr. Oldham?"
"It will be admirable," replied Mr. Oldham.
"Now," continued Mr. Hardwick, "we must decide what exercises to teach him. You are the one who discovered him, and it is to you that I shall confide his education."
"I feel honoured, Mr. Hardwick," said Mr. Oldham; "his lessons will not take long, and will be commenced at once. But first, I would like to have him repeat before you the game with which he was amusing himself on the wharf."
Mr. Oldham ordered the Iron Ring to be brought, and I understood that I was to play with it as I had done before. Mr. Hardwick was satisfied.
"That is very well," said he, "and if he could play with several at a time it would be perfection."
Some more Rings were brought; I threw them all into the air and caught them all on my trunk, I did not miss one. And Mr. Hardwick was enthusiastic.