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Quhou Turnus to this batal bownys to ga,
And als this weirlyke woman Camylla.
Turnus him self, of weir the cheif capitane,
Amyd pryncis and gret chiftanys ilkane
Enarmyt walkis, turnand to and fro
With corps of statur eligant, that so,
Quhar as he went throw out the rowtis on hie,
Abuf thame all hys hed men mycht weil se,
Quharon his helm set ful richly schane
With cristis thre lyke til ane lokkyrrit mane;
Tharon as tymbrill standing Chymera,
That wondrus monstre, with wide chaftis bla
Furth blawand fyre and flambe sulphureus,
Lyke byrnand Ethna, that mont peralus:
The mair wod wraith and furyus wolx sche,
With sorofull fyre blesys spowtand hie,
Evir as the batale worthis mor cruell
By effusioun of blude and dyntis fell.
Hys schynand scheld was all of fyne gold bet,
Quhar in thar was, insted of armys, set
Io the wench, sum tyme but hornys, now
With hair ourgrow, transformyt in a kow;
Quhilk was gret argument and probatioun
That he was of his blude a Gregioun.
The kepar eik of this ilk maid, Argus,
Was porturit thar, and fader Inachus,
Furth of ane pantyt pig, quhar as he stude,
A gret ryver defundand or a flude.
Ane ost of fut men, thik as the hail schour,
Followys this Turnus, dryvand vp the stour;
With scheildis schrowdyt mony huge rowt
Thik forgaderis the large feildis about:
Thai ȝonkeris quhilk of Grekis war discend
The power of Arunca thiddir send,
The garnysons alsso of Rutilyanys,
And the ancyent pepill hait Sycanys,
Of Sacrane the army bald in feildis,
The Lybicanys eik with thar pantit scheildis.
Quhilk telys on thy bankis, Tybyr flude,
Or ȝit endlang thy gresy brays gude,
O Numycus, thou hallowit fresch ryver,
And thai that with scharp cultyr teil and scheir
Of Rutuly the hilly knowis hie,
Or camy eyge, and holtis fair to se,
That Circeus to surname clepit ar;
Quhar Anxurus, the berdles Jupiter,
For patron is hallowit our the planys,
And Juno eik ful joyusly remanys
In Feronya, hir sweit schaw ay greyn,
Neir by the blak laik clepit Satureyn,
Quhar as the chil ryver, hait Vfens,
Sekis with narrow passage and discens
Amyd holl valeis his renk and ische,
And hydis hym self within the Tyrrhene see.
Abuf all thir the stowt wench Camylla,
Of the famyl and kynrent of Volsca,
Com ledand armyt ostis and stern feldis,
In burnyst plait arrayt and schynand scheldis;
Forsuyth, ane worthy weriour was sche:
Hir womanly handis nothir rok of tre
Ne spyndill vsit, nor brochis of Mynerve,
Quhilk in the craft of claith makyng doys serve;
Bot ȝit this maid was weil accustumate
To suffer bargane dowr, and hard debait,
And throu the speid of fut in hir rynnyng
The swift wyndis prevert and bakwart dyng:
Or than alsso so spedely couth scho fle
Our the cornys, ourtred thar croppis hie,
That with hir curs na reid ne tendir stra
Was harmyt ocht, na hurt by ony way:
And, throu the boldnand fludis amyd the see
Born soverly, furth hald hir way mycht sche,
The swyft solis of hir tendir feyt
Nocht twichand onys the watir hir to weit.
All ȝong folkis, on hir forto ferly,
Furth of howsys and feldis flokkis in hy.
Litil childer and matronys awondring
On far behaldis hir stowt pays in a lyng,
So manfully and baldly walkis sche,
With spreit abasyt thai gove hir forto se:
Quhat wys hir slekyt schuldris war array
With kyngly purpour, honorabill and gay;
And quhou the hair was of this damoysell
Knyt with a button in a goldyn kell;
And how a quavir clos scho bair alssua,
With grondyn dartis wrocht in Lycia;
And ane hail sipplyn of a gret myr tre,
Quhilk hyrdis mycht ourheld with bewis he,
In maner of a speir in hand scho bair,
Hedit with forgit steill full scharp and squair.
Alswith as Turnus, our the master towr
Of Lawrentum, hys baner quhite as flour
In syng of batale dyd on breid display,
The trumpys blast and hornys maid deray;
And stern stedis stampyng for the dyn,
The armour clattris, fast ilk man can ryn:
Incontinent togidder, with myndis amovit,
All Latyum assemblit sone controvit
Ane coniuratioun or hasty convyne,
As in feirfull affray thar land to tyne,
And wod wraith wolx thir ȝonkeris, he and he,
With byrnand hartis fers to the melle.
The first chiftanys for assay or defens,
The gret Mesapus, and the strang Vsens,
With Mezentyus of Goddis contempnar,
The rowtis for supple baith neir and far
Compellis to assemble with thar poweris,
And large feildis laid waist of lawboreris.
Ane Venulus alsso was send, a Greik,
To gret Diomedis cite, to beseik
Supple and help, and to schaw all and sum
Quhou Troianys war discend in Latyum;
Ene with navy arryvit vp at hand,
And brocht his venquyst Goddis in thar land,
Sayand that, by the fatis and destance,
He thiddir callit was as kyng tobe:
And that he suld eik to Diomedis schaw
That mony pepill war adionyt and draw
Onto this ilk forsaid strangear knycht,
For he was cummyn of Dardanus the wyght,
And wyde quhar our al partis of Italy
Hys name begouth to spreid and multiply.
And sen he had begun sic thing on hand,
Quhat syne he etlyt mycht be vnderstand;
That is to knaw, gif forton war so heynd
By aventour of weir tobe his frend,
Mair evidently he covat to proceid
Agane his ancyent ennemy, Diomed,
Than to ourset the ȝong knychtly Turnus,
Or ȝit ourcum the ald kyng Latynus.
Of dreflyng and dremys quhat dow it to endite?
For, as I lenyt in a ley in Lent this last nycht,
I slaid on a swevynnyng, slummyrrand a lite,
And sone a selcouth seg I saw to my sycht,
Swownand as he swelt wald, sowpyt in syte,
Was nevir wrocht in this warld mair wofull a wycht;
Ramand, Resson and rycht is rent be fals ryte,
Frendschip flemyt is in Frans, and faith hes the flycht,
Leys, lurdanry, and lust, ar our laid starn;
Peax is put owt of play,
Welth and weilfar away,
Luf and lawte baith tway
Lurkis ful darn.
Langour lent is in land, all lychtnes is lost,
Sturtyn study hes the steir, distroyand our sport,
Musyng marris our myrth half mangit al most;
So thochtis thretis in thra our brestis ourthwort,
Bailfull bessynes baith blys and blithnes can bost:
Thar is na sege for na schame that schrynkis at schort,
May he cum to hys cast be clokyng, but cost,
He rekkis nowder the rycht nor rakles report;
All is weill done, God wate, weild he hys will.
That bern is best can nocht blyn
Wrangwys gudis to wyn;
Quhy suld he spair, for ony syn,
Hys lust to fulfyll?
All ledis langis in land to laucht quhat thame leif is:
Lufferis langis only to lok in thar lace
Thir ladeis lufly, and louk but let or releifis,
Quha sportis thame on the spray sparis for na space;
The gallyart groym grunschis at grammys hym grevis,
The fillok hyr deformyt fax wald have a fair face,
To mak hir maikles of hir man at myster myscheif is;
The gudwif grulyng befor God gretis eftir grace,
The lard langis eftir land to leif to his ayr;
The preist for a personage,
The seruand eftir his wage,
The thral tobe of thrillage,
Langis ful fair.
The myllar mythis the multyr with a met skant,
For droucht had drunkyn vp his dam in the dry ȝeir;
The cadgyar callis furth his capill with crakkis wail cant,
Calland the colȝar a knafe and culron ful qweir:
Sum schippart slais the lardis scheip, and says he is a sanct,
Sum grenys quhil the gyrs grow for his gray meir,
Sum sparis nowder spiritual, spowsyt wife, nor ant,
Sum sellis folkis sustynance, as God sendis the feir,
Sum glasteris and thai gang at, and all for gait woll:
Sum spends on the ald vse,
Sum makis a tvme ruse,
Sum grenys eftir a guse,
To fars his wame full.
The wrach walis and wryngis for this warldis wrak,
The mukkyrrar murnys in his mynd the meil gaue na pryce,
The pyrat pressys to peill the peddar hys pak,
The hasartouris haldis thame hereyt, hant he nocht the dyce;
The burges byngis in hys boith, the brovne and the blak
Byand bessely, and bane, buge, bevir, and byce;
Sum ledys langis on the land, for love or for lak,
To sembyll with thar schaftis, and set apon sys;
The schipman schrenkis the schour, and settis to schor:
The hyne crynys the corn,
The broustar the beir schorn,
A fest the fedlar to morn
Covatis full ȝor.
The ralȝear raknys na wordis, bot ratlis furth ranys,
Full rude and ryot ressons baith roundalis and ryme;
Swengeouris and scurryvagis, swankeis and swanys,
Gevis na cur to cun craft, nor comptis for na cryme,
With berdis as beggaris, thocht byg be thar banys,
Na laubour list thai luk till, thar lufsis ar byrd lyme:
Get ane bysmer a barn, than all hir blys gane is,
Scho will nocht wirk thocht scho want, bot wastis hir tyme
In thiggyn, as it thrift war, and other vayn thewis,
And slepis quhen scho suld spyn,
With na will the warld to wyn;
This cuntre is full of caymis kyn,
And sik schire schrewis.
Quhat wikkytnes, quhat wanthrift now in warld walkis!
Baill hes banyst blythnes, bost gret brag blawis,
Prattis ar reput polycy and peralus pawkis,
Dignyte is laid dovn, darth to the dur drawis;
Of tratlys and tragedyis the text of all talk is:
Lordis ar left landles be onleill lawys;
Burgessis bryngis hame the bothe to breid in thar bawkis;
Knychtis ar kowhubeis, and commonys plukkyt crawis;
Clerkis for oncunnandnes mysknawis ilk wight:
Wifis wald haue all thar will,
Enewch is nocht half fyll,
Is nowder resson nor skill
In erd haldin rycht.
Sum latyt latton, but lay, lepys in lawyd lyt,
Sum penys furth a pan boddum to prent fals plakkis;
Sum gowkis quhill the glas pyg grow full of gold ȝit,
Throu cury of the quynt essens, thocht clay muggis crakkis:
Sum wernour for this warldis wrak wendis by hys wyt;
Sum trachour crynys the cunȝe, and kepys corn stakkis;
Sum prygpenny, sum pyke thank with prevy promyt,
Sum jarris with a jed staf to jag throu blak jakkis.
Quhat fenȝeit fair, quhat flattry, and quhat fals talys!
Quhat mysery is now in land!
Quhou mony crakkyt cunnand!
For nowther athis, nor band,
Nor selis avalis.
Prestis, suldbe patteraris and for the pepill pray,
Tobe Papis of patrimon and prelaceis pretendis;
Ten tendis ar a trump, bot gif he tak ma
Ane kynryk of paroch kyrkis cuppillit with commendis.
Quha ar wyrkaris of this weir, quha walkynaris of wa,
Bot incompetabill clergy, that Cristyndome offendis?
Quha revis, quha ar ryotus, quha rakles, bot tha?
Quha quellys the puyr commonys bot kyrkmen, weil kend is?
Thar is na stait of thar stile that standis content;
Knycht, clerk, nor common,
Burges, nor barroun;
All wald haue vp that is dovn,
Weltrit the went.
And as this leyd at the last lyggand me seys,
With a luke onlufsum he lent me sic wordis;
Quhat bern be thou in bed, with hed full of beys,
Grathit lyke sum gnappar, and, as thi greis gurdis,
Lurkand lyke a longeour? quod I, Lovn, thou leys.
Ha, wald thou feght? quod the freik; we haue bot few swordis:
Thar is sic haist in thi hed, I hop thou wald neys,
That brawlys thus with thi bost quhen bernys with the bourdis.
Quod I, Churle, ga chat the, and chyde with ane other.
Move the nocht, said he than,
Gyf thou be a gentill man,
Or ony curtasy can,
Myne awyn leif brother.
I speik to the into sport; spell me this thyng,
Quhat lykis ledis in land? quhat maste langis thou?
Quod I, Smake, lat me sleip; sym skynnar the hyng:
I weyn thou byddis na better bot I brek thi brow.
To me is myrk myrrour ilk mannys menyng;
Sum wald be cowrt man, sum clerk, and sum a cachkow.
Sum knycht, and sum capitane, sum Caser, sum Kyng,
Sum wald haue welth at thar will, and sum thar wame fow,
Sum langis for the leffyr ill to lyk of a quart,
Sum for thar bontay or boyn,
Sum to se the new moyn;
I lang to haue our buke done,
I tell the my part.
Thy buke is bot brybry, said the bern than,
Bot I sal leir the ane lesson to lys all thi pane.
With that he racht me a roll: to reid I began
The roytast ane ragment with mony rat rane,
Of all the mowys in this mold sen God merkyt man;
The moving of the mapamond, and how the moyn schane,
The pleuch, and the polys, the planettis began,
The son, the sevyn starnys, and the Charl wayn,
The elwand, the elementis, and Arthurus hufe,
The horn and the hand staf,
Prater Johne and Port Jaf,
Quhy the corn hes the caf,
And kow weris clufe.
Thys romans ar bot rydlys, quod I to that ray;
Leyd, lern me ane other lesson, this I ne like.
I persaue, Schir parson, thi purpos perfay,
Quod he, and drew me doun dern in dolf by a dyke;
Had me hard be the hand quhar a hurd lay,
Than prevely the pennys begouth vp to pike:
Bot, quhen I walknyt, all that welth was wiskyt away,
I fand nocht in all that feild, in faith, a be byke:
For as I grunschit at this grome, and glisnyt abowt,
I grapyt graithly the gyll,
Every modywarp hyll;
Bot I mycht pyke thar my fyll
Or penny come owt.
Than wolx I teyn at I tuke to sic trufis tent,
For swevynnys ar for swengeouris that slummyrris nocht weill;
Mony mervellus mater nevir merkit nor ment
Will seggis se in thar sleip, and sentens but seill:
War all sic sawys suythfast, with schame we war schent.
Thys was bot faynt fantasy, in faith, that I feill,
Nevir word of verite, bot all in waist went,
Throw roytnes and ravyng, that maid myne eyn reill,
Thus lysnyt I, as losanger, syk lewydnes to luke:
Bot, quhen I saw nane other bute,
I sprent spedely on fute,
And vndre a tre rute
Begouth this aucht buke.
Quhou Tiberinus, god of the ryver,
Till Eneas in visioun gan appeir.
As thys convyne and ordinance was maid
Of Latyum throw owt the boundis braid,
Quhilk, euery poynt, this Troiane lord onon,
Cummyn of the hows of kyng Laomedon,
In hevy curis flowand all on flocht,
Avysys weill, how all this thing was wrocht:
And hastely in mynd on euery sydis
Now for this purpos, now for that, providis,
Now heir, now thar, ryvest in syndry partis,
And sersys, turnand to and fra all artis.
Lyke as the radyus sonnys bemys brycht,
Or than the glymmerand monys schaddo lycht,
Reflexit from the brasyn veschell, we se,
Fillyt with watir to the cirkyll on hie,
Our all the hows reboundis and doys spreid
Schynand, and sersys euery sted on breid,
Quhil in the ayr vpgoys the twynkland lycht,
Glitterand on euery spar and ruf on hyght.
The nycht come, and all thing levand sessit;
Wery of wark baith byrd and brutal best
Our all the landis war at rest ilkane,
The profound swouch of sleip had thame ourtane;
Quhen this ilk prince, Eneas, all on flocht,
With mynd sowpyt in cuyr and hevy thocht,
And for this sorofull batale richt onglaid,
Apon the ryver bank hym self dovn laid
Vndre the cald firmament for the nanys,
And gave schort rest onto his wery banys.
Quham to the God of that sted dyd appeir,
Tyberynus, furth of the still ryver,
Amyd the branchis of the popill treys,
As agyt man semyng hym self vpheis:
A lenȝe watry garmond dyd hym vaill,
Of cullour fawch, schaip lyke a hempyn saill,
And leiffy redis dekkis weill hys haris:
To meys Eneas thochtis and hys sarys,
Thus he begouth to speke, and sayd, but dyn:
O gentill get, cummyn of hie goddis kyn,
Quhilk from thy fays to ws with mekill joy
Hes hyddir brocht the gret cite of Troy,
And Pergama, the Troiane wallys wight,
Eternaly conservis throu thy myght;
Desyrit maist of lang tyme, now welcum
Onto the grond and soill of Lawrentum,
And all the feildis eik of Latyn land:
Heir is thy sikkir duellyng place at hand,
Ane sovir ferm habitatioun for ay:
Withdraw the not fra hyne, pas nocht away,
Nor dreid na thing the bost of this batell.
The rancour all of Goddis, I the tell,
And boldynand wreth, appesyt ar almaste.
And so thow weyn not at my wordis be waist,
Nor fenȝeit dremys do to the appeir,
Vndyr sawch treis by thir bankis neir
Onon thou sall do fynd a mekill swyne,
With thretty hed ferreyt of grysys syne,
Of cullour quhite, thar lugyng on the grond,
Hyr quhite brodmell abowt hyr pappis wond.
That is the place to set vp thy cite,
Quhilk of ȝour laubour sovir rest salbe;
Quhar that, as thretty ȝheris byrun and gane is,
Ascanyus sal do beld of lyme and stanys
The cite hait fair Alba of delyte,
Berand hys name fra the fair cullour quhite.
Thus I declar the nane oncertane thing,
Bot verray suythfast takynnys and warnyng.
Now harkis bot a litill, I the pray,
I sall the lern in quhat wordis, quhat way
Thow may cum speid, and haue the haill ourhand
Twichand this instant mater now at hand.
Thar bene pepill of Arcad from the ryng
Cummyn in this land, discend of Pallas kyng,
Quhilk, with Evandir kyng in cumpany,
Followand the syngnys schaw, hes fast heir by
Chosyn a sted, and beldit a cite,
Amang the knollis round or motis hie,
Eftir thar forfader of nobill fame,
Pallas, clepyt Pallanteum to name.
Contynualy thir folkis euery ȝeir
Agane the Latyn pepyll ledis weir;
Adione to thir thyne ost in falloschip,
Do mak with thame a lyge, and bynd frendschip.
I sall my self convoy the the rycht way
Betwix thir brays vp the fludis gray,
So that agane the streme, throu help of me,
By ayris rowth thydder careit sall thou be.
Haue done, get vp, thou son of the Goddes;
First as the starris declynys, the addres,
I meyn into the dawyng rycht ayrly,
Dewly to Juno se thou sacryfy,
Hyr wreth and all sik mannans to ourset
With devoyt supplications maid of det:
And, quhen thou has optenyt victory,
To me thou sall do wirschip by and by.
I am God Tybris, watry hewyt and haw,
Quhilk, as thou seys, with mony jawp and jaw
Bettis thir brays, schawyng the bankis dovn,
And with full flude flowand fra tovn to tovn,
Throw fertill feildis scheryng thar and heir,
Vnder the lift the maste gentill ryver:
Heir is myne habitatioun huge grete,
Of mychty citeis cheif and souerane sete.
This beand sayd, this ilk God of the flude
Vnder the deip can dowk dovn quhar he stude,
And socht onto the watir grond onone,
So darnly hyd nane wist quhar he was gone.
The sow with grysis, as Tiberinus said,
Eneas fand, and sacrifice has maid.
The nycht fled, and the sleip left Ene.
On fut he startis, and onon can he se
Furth of the orient in the brycht mornyng
The sonnys hevynly bemys newly spryng,
And in the holl lufis of his hand quhar he stude
Dewly the water hynt he fra the flude,
Syne to the hevyn thus wys his prayeris maid:
O nymphys all of fludis blith and glaid,
And O ȝe haly nymphys of Lawrentum land,
Quham fra thir fresch ryveris, and euery strand
That flowys rynnyng as we se sa cleir,
Hes thar begynnyng furth of sowrssys seir;
And O thou haly fader Tiberyne,
With Tybris eik, thy blissyt flude dyvyne,
Ressave Eneas to ȝow onbekend,
And now at last from all perrellys defend.
And, gif thou takis rewth of our gret skathis,
Heir I awow and promittis with aithys,
Quhar evir thy lowch or fontane may be fund,
Quhar evyr so thy spryng is, in quhat grund,
O flud mast plesand, the sall I our all quhar
Hallow with honorabill offerandis euermar.
Hornyt ryver, ryngand as lord and kyng
Our all the fludis in to Itall ryng,
Be in our help, now at last, I requere;
Eftyr sa feill dangeris and perellis seir,
Conferm thy promys and orakill in hy.
Quhen this was said, furth of all his navy
Twa galeis dyd he cheis the ilk tyd,
With dowbill raw of ayris on athir syde,
And for the rowyng weil grathit thaim hes he,
Syne for the weir instrukkit his menȝe.
Bot lo, in haist befor hys eyn he saw
A mervalus and wondrus thyng to knaw;
A mylk quhite sow within the woddis lay
Apon the grene watris bank in hys way,
With hir lyttar new ferreit in that sted,
All of a cullour, grysys thretty hed:
Quham the devoyt Eneas on hys gys
Onto the, gretast Juno, in sacryfys
Brytnys, and, with hyr flok and followaris,
Hes set and offerit vp on thy altaris.
Tybyr his swelland fludis all that nycht,
Quhow lang at evir it was quhil days lycht,
Stabillys and cawmys at hys awin will;
The streme bakwartis vpflowys soft and still;
On syk wys mesand his watir, that he
Ane standand stank semyt for tobe,
Or than a smoith puyl, or dub lovn and fair,
So that the ayris mycht fyndyn na contrar.
Tharfor Eneas can hys tyme aspy,
And hastis on hys vayage bissely;
With prosper curs, and sobyr quhisperyng,
The pikkyt bargis of fyr fast can thryng,
And slydis throw the schaldis stil and cleir:
The watir ferleys of thar fard and beir;
The forest, nocht accustummyt to se
Sik thingis, wondris quhat at this mycht be,
As to behald schynand scheldis on far
On mennys schuldris ay cumand nar and nar,
The pantit carvellis fletyng throu the flude.
Baith nycht and day ilk man, as thai war wod,
Can spend in rowth with irksum lauboryng,
The lang stremys and welys rovnd sworlyng
Our slydyng fast vpwartis the ryver,
Hyd and ourheldit with mony treys seir;
Endlang the still fludis calm and beyn
Thai seik and schar throu owt the woddis greyn.
Quhou Eneas with kyng Evander met,
And bandis of kyndnes has betwix thame knet.
The fyry son be this ascendit evin
The myddill ward and regioun of the hevyn;
That is to knaw, be than it was myd day,
Quhen that on far the cite wallis se thai,
With towris and the hows hedis on raw
Skatterit dispers, and bot a few to knaw;
Quhilk now the mychty power of Rome tovn
Hes onto hevyn maid equal of renovn:
The kyng Evander, of moblys not mychty,
Held for that tyme bot sobyr senȝeory.
In haist thyddir thar stevynnys can do steir
Eneas sort, and to the tovn drew neyr.
Thys kyng Evander, born was of Arcad,
Percace the self day a gret honour mayd,
Solempnyt fest, and full hie sacryfys,
Onto the gret Hercules on thar gys,
That fostyr son was till Amphitrion,
And to the other goddis euery one,
Befor the cite in a hallowit schaw:
Pallas, hys son, was thydder alsso draw,
Togiddir with the principalis of ȝonkeris,
The sobir senatouris, and puyr officeris,
All sammyn kest ensens; and with a stew
Besyde the altar blude sched and scalit new,
Beand lew warm, thar full fast dyd reik.
Bot ȝit, als swyth as thai persauyt eyk
The gret bargis slydand thus on raw,
And throw the dern woddis fast thydder draw,
So stilly bendand vp thar ayris ilk wight;
Thai worth affrayt of the suddand syght,
And euery man thai left the burdis in hy,
On fut gan starting from the mangeory.
Quham hardy Pallas dyd forbyd and diffend
Thar sacrifys to brek, quhill it war end:
He hynt a wapyn, with a few menȝe
Thame to recontyr onon furth haldis he;
And ȝit weill far from a hill or a know
To thame he callys; standis, ȝyng men, howe!
Quhat caus hes movit ȝou apon sik way
Thir strange wentis onknawin to assay?
Quhiddir ettill ȝe, or quhat kynrent ȝe be?
Schaw quhens ȝe com, and quhilk is ȝour cuntre.
Quhidder do ȝe bryng onto our boundis heir
Bodword of peax, or cumis in feir of weir?
Eneas tho, the fader of wirschip,
Maid answer from the pulpyt of the schip,
And in hys hand straucht furth, at he mycht se,
In takyn of peax a branch of olyve tre:
My frend, quod he, thou seys pepill of Troy,
To Latyn folkis ennemys, man and boy;
Quhilk, flemyt of our realm, newly agane
Thai ilk Latynys hes socht with prowd bargane.
Onto the kyng Evander all seik we,
Hym to requir of succurs and supple.
Bair hym this message, and declar hym plane,
That chosyn men discend from kyng Dardane
Beyn hyddir cummyn, besekyng hys frendschip,
To knyt vp band in armys and falloschip.
Pallas, estonyst of sa hie a name
As Dardanus, abasyt worth for schame:
Cum furth, quod he, quhat evir thou be, bern bald,
And say befor my fader quhat thou wald,
And entyr in our lugyngis the to rest,
Quhar thou salbe ressauyt welcum gest.
And furth onone he hynt hym by the hand,
A weil lang quhile hys rycht arm embrasand:
Syne furth togiddir rakyt thai on raw,
The flud thai leif, and entris in the schaw.
Eneas tho, with frendly commonyng,
Spak curtasly, thus sayand to the kyng:
O thou maste curtas prynce, and best in neid
That evir was byget of Grekis seyd,
Quhamto fortoun wald I suld cummyn heir,
The lawly to besekyng and requir,
And wald alsso I suld furth reke to the
Wippyt with bendis the branch of olyve tre,
In takyn that of thy supple I neid;
Forsuyth, I caucht na maner feir ne dreid,
Thocht thou a capitane of the Grekis be,
Yborn alsso of Arcad the cuntre,
Of blude coniunct to the Atrides tway,
I meyn onto Agamemnon and Menelay:
Bot myne awin vertu, and haly oracleis
Of the goddis be devyn miracleis,
And our forbearis all of a kynred,
Thy fame dyuulgat into euery sted,
Hes me fermly adionyt onto the;
The fatis eik tharto inducis me,
That wilfully I obey thar command.
Schir Dardanus, the kyng first in our land
That belt the cite Troy or Ilion,
Our cheif fader, as Grekis grantis ilkone,
Born of Electra, Atlas douchter ȝyng,
Careit be schip come first to Troys ryng;
And this Electra gret Atlas begat,
That on hys schuldyr baris the hevynnys plat.
Mercur is fader of ȝour clan alssua,
Quham the schene madyn, the fair fresch Maya,
Apon the frosty hillys top all bair,
Quhilk Cillenus is hait, in Arcad bair;
And this ilk Maya suythly, gif that we
Ony credens to it we heir or se
May geif, Atlas begat, that sam Atlas
That rollys the hevynly starrit speir cumpas:
So baith our kynrentis, schortlie to conclud,
Devidit ar furth of a stok and blude.
Quharfor, havand confidens in thir thyngis,
Nothir by ambassat, message, nor writingis,
Nor other craft, thy frendschip first socht I;
Bot myne awin self in person com in hy,
That onto the submittit has my hed,
And the to pray socht lawly to this sted.
For the ilk pepill vnder Dawnus kyng,
That the Rutilianys has in governyng,
Quhilk ledis weir aganys thi cuntre,
With cruell batal now persewis me;
And gif thai mycht expel ws of this land,
Thai weyn tharby that nocht may thame ganestand,
Bot at thai sall vnder thar senȝeory
Subdew alhaill in thraldom Italy,
And occupy thai boundis oriental
Quhar as the ovir see flowys alhaill,
And eik thai westir partis, trastis me,
Quhilkis ar bedyit with the neddir see.
Ressaue, and knyt vp faith and ferm cunnand;
Tak our promyt, and geif ws treuth and band:
Strang bodeis til abyde bargane haue we,
With hardy myndis in batal or melle,
Exercit in weir, and expert at sik nedis,
In lusty ȝouth likly to do our dedis.
Thus said Eneas, and Evander than,
Fra tyme that he first forto speke began,
Hys eyn, hys mowth, and all hys body rycht,
Gan to behald, espying with hys syght;
Syne schortly maid hys ansuer thus agane:
O quhou glaidly the, mast forcy Troiane,
I do ressaue as tendir frend and feir!
Quhou blythly now I knaw and weil may heir
The voce, the wordis, and the speche, but les,
Of thy fader, the gretast Anchises!
And full perfytly now I draw to mynd
The vissage of that worthy knycht maste kynd.
For weill I do ramembir, lang tyme gone,
Quhou Priamus, son of Laomedon,
To vissy hys sisteris land Hesiona,
Socht to the cite hait Salamyna,
And at the sammyn rays hys vayage maid
Throw the cald frosty boundis of Arcaid.
My grene ȝouth that tyme with pilis ȝyng
First cled my chyn, or berd begouth to spryng;
I ioyt to se the Troian dukis ilkone,
And on the son of kyng Laomedone,
That is to say, this ilk ȝong Priamus,
Forto behald was mervel gloryus:
Bot thy fader Anchises, quhar he went,
Was hyar far than all the remanent.
My mynd brynt, of ȝouthed throu desire,
To speke and commoun with that lordly syre,
Tobe acquentit, and ioyn hand intil hand,
Cunnand to knyt, and bynd fordwert or band:
To hym I went desyrus of frendschip,
And sped that sammyn so in falloschip,
Within the wallys of Pheneus I hym led.
And quhen he dyd depart, or thens hym sped,
Ane courtly quavir ful curyusly wrocht,
With arowis maid in Lycia, wantand nocht,
Ane garmond he me gaue, or knychtly weid,
Prynnyt and wovyn full of fyne gold threid,
Twa goldyn bridillis eik, as he dyd pas,
Quhilk now my son occupyis, ȝong Pallas.
Quharfor our allyance, faith, and rycht hand,
As ȝe desire, ar ellys adionyt in band,
We bene of ald confideratis, perfay:
Quharfor to morn, alssone as the brycht day
Begynnys allycht the landis and the sky,
With succurs and suppovell blythly I
Sal ȝou fra hyne hame to ȝour army send,
And with my gudis and my mobillis amend.
And in the meyn tyme, sen, my frendis deir,
Onto our sacrefyis ȝe be cummyn heir,
Quhilk ȝeirly vsyng we as anniuersary,
That bene onlefull to defer or tary;
Tharfor with ws do hallow our hie fest,
And with glaid semlant blythly maste and lest
Accustom ȝou from thens, and now instant
Our tabillis as ȝour frendly burdis hant.
Quhen this was said, mesis and cowpis ilkane,
Quhilk war away tak, bad he bring agane,
And he hym self the Troiane men fut het
On sonkis of gresy scheraldis hes doun set:
Thar pryncipal capitane syne, Ene,
Beside hym self on des ressauys he;
The benk, ybeldyt of the grene holyne,
With lokkyrrit lyoun skyn ourspred was syne.
Than ȝong men walit bissy heir and thar,
And eik prestis of Hercules altar,
The rostit bullys flesch set by and by,
The bakyn breid of baskettis temys in hy,
And wynys byrlys into gret plente.
Eneas, sammyn with hys Troiane menȝe,
Dyd of perpetual oxin fillettis eyt,
And purgit entralis, clepit clengyng meit.
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Yaş sınırı:
12+Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018Hacim:
700 s. 1 illüstrasyonTercüman:
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Public Domain