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Kitabı oku: «The Æneid of Virgil Translated Into Scottish Verse», sayfa 41

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Eneas feghtis and Turnus, hand for hand,
And Turnus fled, for he had brokkyn his brand.

Thys fader than, this gret prynce Ene,
Herand the name of Turnus cryit on hie,
The wallys left, and fra the tovn went away
Richt hastely, secludand all delay;
Styntis all the wark that he begunnyn had,
And hoppit vp for joy, he was so glaid:
The huslyng in his armour dyd rebund,
And kest a terribill or a feirfull sound.
Vpraxit hym he hes amyd the place,
Als byg as Athon, the hie mont in Trace,
Or heich as mont Erix in Scycily,
Or than the fader of hillys in Italy,
Clepyt mont Apennynus, quhen that he
Doith swouch or bray with roky quhynnys hie.
And joys to streik hys snawy top on hycht
Vp in the ayr amang the skyis brycht:
That is to say, amang all other wightis
Eneas semyt to surmontyn in hyghtis
The remanent of all the mekill rowt,
As thir montanys excedis the knollys abowt.
And than, forsuyth, Rutilianys egyrly,
And all the Troian ostis or army,
Towart thar dukis dyd return thar eyn;
The Rutilianys, I say, and eik bedeyn
All the Latynys that on the wallys stud,
And all thai als, tofor as thai war woid
The barmkyn law smait with the rammys fast,
Now of thar schuldris can thar armour cast.
The kyng hym self, Latyn, abasyt to se
Twa men sa byg of huge quantite,
Generit and bred in realmys far insundir
Of seir partis of the warld, that it was wondir
Twa of sik statur, onmysurly of hycht,
Fortill assembill sammyn into fyght,
Or forto se thame, matchit on the greyn,
Dereyn the bargane with thar wapynnys keyn.
And than athir thir campionys vndir scheild,
Quhen voydit weill and rowmyt was the feild
That patent was the plane a weil large space,
With hasty fard on far hes tane thar rays,
And can thar speris cast, or thai cum neir,
Quhil scheildis soundit and all thar other geir;
Ane marcial batale thai begyn, but baid,
And athir sternly dyd hys fa invaid.
So dyd the strakis dyn on thar steill weid,
The erd granys and dyndlys far onbreid,
Syne raschit togidder with swerdis, or euer thai stynt,
And rowtis thik thai doublit, dynt for dynt;
With fors of prowes and fatale aventur
Mydlit sammyn the bargane thai endur.
Lyke as twa bustuus bullys by and by,
On the hie month Taburn in Champany,
Or in the mekill forest of Syla,
Quhen thai assembill in austern bargane thra,
With front to front, and horn for horn, attanys
Ruschand togiddir with cronys and feirfull granys,
That fe masteris and hyrdmen, euery wight,
Abasyt gevys thame place, so brym thai fight:
For feir the bestis dum all standis by,
And all in dowt squelys the ȝong ky,
Quha salbe master of the catal all,
Or quhilk of thame the bowys follow sall:
Tha twa bullys, thus stryvand in that stond,
By mekill fors wyrkis other mony a wond,
And duschand festynnys fast thar hornys stowt,
Quhill that abundans of blude stremys owt,
That can do wesch, bedy, or all to baith,
Thar grym nekkis and thar spaldis baith;
That of thar rowstyng all the large plane
And woddis rank rowtis and lowys agane.
Nane other wys Ene, the Troian heir,
And Dawnus son, Turnus, sammyn infeir
Hurlys togiddir with thar scheildis strang,
That for gret raschis all the hevynnys rang.
Thus Jupiter hym self hes atheris chance
A weill lang space to hungyn in ballance
Be equale myssour, and pasyt hes alsso
The fatis diuers of thame baith two;
Quham the stowt laubour suld deliuer fre,
And quham the pasand wecht ourwelt to de.
Turnus at this tyme walxis bald and blyth,
Wenyng to caucht a stound hys strenth to kyth
But ony danger or aduersyte;
He raxis hym, and hevis vp on hie
Hys bludy sword, and smait in al hys mayn.
A gret clamour gave the pepill Troian,
And eik the Latynys quakyng gaue a schowt,
Full prest thame to behald stud athir rowt.
Bot this ontraste fals blaid is brokyn in sundyr,
And ardent Turnus brocht hes in gret blundir;
For it amyddis of hys dynt hym falys,
And dissolet hym left, that nocht avalys
To hym hys strenth, hardyment, and mycht,
Les than he tak for hys defens the flycht:
Ȝa, swyftar than the wynd he fled, I ges,
Quhen that he saw hys rycht hand wapynles,
And persauyt the plummet was onknaw.
For so the fame is, at the ilk thraw
Quhen he first ruschit in hys cart inhy,
And gart do ȝok hys stedis by and by
To go onto the batale the sam day,
That, for the suddand onset and effray,
The cartar Metiscus sword he hynt in hand,
And all forȝet hys faderis nobill brand:
And this ilk swerd was sufficient a lang space,
Quhill that he followit the Troianys in the chais,
That gaue the bak, as we haue said or this;
Bot alsfast as it twichit and matchit is
With dyvyn armour maid by God Wlcan,
And tharon smyttyn in al Turnus mayn,
This ontrew temperit blaid and fykkill brand,
That forgit was bot with a mortal hand,
In flendris flaw, and at the first clap,
As brukkill ice, in litill pecis lap,
Quhil the small partis of the blaid brokin in twa
As glas gletand apon the dun sand lay.
Quharfor this Turnus, half myndles and brane,
Socht diuers wentis to fle throu owt the plane;
With mony wyndis and turnys, all on flocht,
Now heir, syne thar, onsovirly he socht.
Troianys stude thik bylappit inveroun
In maner of a conpas or a crovn;
And on the ta half eik a laik braid
Hym so inclusyt that he mycht nocht evaid,
And on the tother syde fermyt als was he
With the hie wallys of the cheif cyte.
And thocht the wond tarreis Ene sum deill,
Wrocht to hym by the takill with hed of steill,
To weild hys kne maid sum impediment,
That he mycht nocht braid swyftly our the bent,
With na les pres and haist ȝit, nocht for thy,
He, fute for fut, persewys him fervently:
Lyke as, sum tyme, quhen that the huntar stowt
Betrappit has and ombeset about
With hys ralys and with hys hundis gude
The mekill hart swymmand amyd the flude,
Quhilk thar inclusit neidlingis mon abyd;
For he may not eschape on nother syd,
For feir of hundis, and that awfull bern
Baryng schaftis fedderit with plumys of the ern;
The rynnyng hund dois hym assail in threte
Baith with swift rays and with hys questis grete:
Bot this hart, all abasyt of thar slycht,
And of the strait and stay bankis gret hycht,
Can fle and eik return a thousand ways;
Bot than the swypir Tuscan hund assays
And nerys fast, ay reddy hym to hynt,
Now, now, almaste lyke, or euir he stynt,
He suld hym hynt, and, as the beste war tak,
With hys wyd chaftis at hym makis a snak,
The byt oft falȝeis for ocht he do mycht,
And chakkis waist togiddir hys wapynnys wycht.
Richt so, at this tyme, apon athir syde
The clamour rays, that all the laik wyde
And brays abowt thame answerd, so thai ferd,
The hevyn our all eik rumlyt of ther rerd.
And Turnus, fleand, sammyn fast can call
Rutilianys, chidand baith ane and all,
Every man clepand by hys proper name,
To reke hym hys traist swerd for schame:
And by the contrar, awfully Ene
Can thame mannans, that nane sa bald suldbe,
And schew present the deth all reddy heir
To thar ondoyng, gif that ony drew neir,
And quakyng for affeir maid thame agast;
Schorand the cite to distroy and doun cast,
Gif ony help or supple to hym schew,
And, thocht he sair was, fersly dyd persew.
Thus fyve tymys round intill a rays
About the feild can thai fle and chais,
And als feill sys went turnyng heir and thar,
Lyke as befor the hund wiskis the hair.
And na wondir; for sa the mater lyis,
To na bowrdyng twichit thar interprys,
Na for small wagis thai debait and stryfe,
Bot apoun Turnus blude schedding and lyfe.
On cace, amyd this feild had grow of lait
Ane wild olyve to Fawnus consecrait,
Quharon grew bittyr levys, and mony ȝheris
Was hald in wirschip with all maryneris;
At the quhilk tre, quhen thai eschapit had
The stormys blast, and wallis maid thame rad,
Tharon thar offerandis wald affix and hyng
Onto this God vmquhile of Lawrent kyng,
And tharon eik the clathis bekend vpstent:
Bot tho the stok of this tre doun was rent
By the Troianys, mysknawand it hallowit was,
To that entent to plane the batale place.
Eneas byg lance or hys castyng speir
Percays apon the poynt was stykand heir;
Thiddir this schaft the gret fors of his cast
Had thraw the ilk stund, and thar fixit fast,
Amang the grippill rutis fast haldand,
Weggit full law the lance on end dyd stand.
The Troiane prynce it grippis in that sted,
Willyng in hand to pull owt the steill hed,
With cast tharof to follow hym at the bak,
Quham he throw speid of fut mycht nocht ourtak.
Bot than Turnus, half mangit in effray,
Cryis, O thou Fawnus, help, help! I the pray;
And thou Tellus, mast nobill God of erd,
Hald fast the speris hed by ȝour werd;
As I that evir has wirschipit on thir planys
Ȝour honour, that be the contrar Eneadanys
Hes violet and prophanyt be stryfe, quod he,
With blude scheddyng, and down hewyn ȝour tre.
Thus said he, and no thyng in vane, I wys,
The Goddys help he axit; for, at hys wys,
A full lang tyme wrelis and tareis Ene
Furth of the teuch rutis of this ilk tre
Hys speir to draw, and bytis on his lip;
Bot festynnyt sa is in the war the gryp.
That by na maner fors, thocht he was wight,
Furth of the stok the schaft vp pull he mycht.
And as he brymly thus inforcis fast
To draw the speir, this Goddes at the last,
I meyn Juturna, douchter of Dawnus king,
Owt throw the feld com rynnand in a lyng,
Changit agane, as that befor scho was,
Into Metiscus semlant and lyknes,
And to hir brother hes hys swerd betaucht:
Quhar at Dame Venus gret disdenȝe caucht,
Sik thyng suldbe tholit this bald nymphe to do;
Than suddanly to the speir rakis scho,
Baith schaft and hed onon, or evir scho stent,
At the first pull from the deip rute hes rent.
Than athir restit and refreschit weill
Baith in curage and scharp wapynnys of steill,
He trastand in hys swerd that weill wald scheir,
And he full prowd and stern of hys byg sper;
Incontrar otheris baldly lang thai stand
In marciall batale athir resistand,
Ilkane full wilfull otheris till ourthraw,
At sic debait that baith thai pant and blaw.


Quhou Jupiter and Juno dyd contend
Eneas stryfe and Turnus fortill end.

The fader almychty of the hevyn abuf,
In the meyn tyme, onto Juno his lufe,
Quhilk tho down from a watry ȝallow clowd
Beheld the bargane, therof na thing prowd,
Thus spak and said; O my deir spous, quhat now?
Quhat end salbe of this mater, or quhou?
Quhat restis finaly now atall? lat se.
Thou wait thi self, and grantis thou wait, Enee
Is destinat onto the hevin to cum,
And for tobe clepit with all and sum
Amang the Goddis a God Indigites,
And by the fatis forto rest in pes,
Sesit abuf the starry skyis hie.
Quhat purposis or etlys thou now? lat se;
Or into quhat beleif, or quhat entent,
Hyngis thou swa in the cald firmament?
Was it honest a godly dyvyne wight
With ony mortal strake to wond in fight?
Or ȝit ganand, the swerd lost and adew,
To rendir Turnus, lo, hys brand of new,
And strenth encress to thame at venquist be?
For quhat avalit Juturna, but thy supple?
Desist heirof, now at last, be the lest,
And condiscend to bow at our request;
Ne suffir not thy hyd sorrow, I pray,
Na langar the consume and waist away,
That I na mar sik wofull thochtis se
Schyne nor appeir in thy sweit face, quod he:
For now is cum the extreme lattir punct.
Thou mycht, quhil now, haue catchit at disiunct
The silly Troianys baith be sey and land;
And eik thou mycht alsso at thyne awin hand
A fell ontellabill batal rays or weir,
Deform the howshald, and bryng all on steir
Be mony diuers ways of fury rage,
And all with murnyng mixt thar mariage:
Bot I forbyd ȝou ony mar sic thing.
Thus spak and carpis Jove, gret hevynnys kyng.
Saturnus dochtir, Juno the Goddes,
Ansuerit on this wys, castand doun hir face:
O Jupiter, deir lord, certis, said sche,
Because this thy gret will was knawyn to me,
On fors tharfor, and incontrar my mynd,
I left the erd and my frend Turnus kynd.
Ne, war not that, suld thou me se allone
Thus sittand in the ayr al wobegone,
Sustenand thus al maner of myscheif,
And euery stres, baith lesum and onleif;
Bot at I suld, gyrthit with flambis red,
Stowtly haue standyn in ȝon batale sted,
And suld haue drawyn ȝon Troianys, ane and all,
Into fell mortal bargane inimicall.
I grant, I dyd persuading owt of dreid
Juturna to pas doun at sik neid
To hir brothir, and for his lyfe eik I
Approvis weill, and als dois ratify,
To vndertak mair than to hir pertenyt;
Bot I forsuith persuadit neuer, nor menyt,
That scho suld dartis cast, or takillis draw,
Nor with the bow mak debait ony thraw:
I swer tharto be the onplesand well
Of Stix, the flud and cheif fontane of hell,
Quhais only dreidfull superstitioun heir
The Goddis kepis, that nane dar it forswere.
And now, forsuith, thy will obey sall I,
And giffis owr the caus perpetualy;
And heir I leif sik werys and debait,
The quhilk, certis, I now detest and hait.
Bot for the land of Latium or Itaill,
And for maieste of thine awin blude, sans faill,
A thing I the beseik, quhilk, weill I wait, is
Na wys include in statutis of the fatis:
That is to knaw, quhen that, as weill mot be,
With happy wedlok and felicite
Ȝon pepillis twane sall knyt vp peax for ay,
Bynd confiderans baith coniunct in a lay,
That thou ne wald the ald inhabitantis
Byd change thar Latyn name nor natyve landis,
Ne charge thame nother tobe callyt Troianys,
Nor ȝit be clepit Phrigianys nor Tewcranys;
Ne ȝit the Latyn pepill thar leid to change,
Nor turn thar clething in other habyt strange.
Lat it remane Latium, as it was air;
And lat the kyngis be namyt euermar
Pryncis and faderis of the stile Albane;
The lynage eik and gret ofspring Romane
Mot discend tharfra potent and mychty,
Vndir the virtuus titill of Italy.
Troy is doun bet; doun bet lat it remane,
With name and all, and neuer vprys agane.
Than gan to smyle Jupiter the gret kyng,
That is producear of men and euery thing:
Systir german, quod he, to Jove art thou,
And secund child to Saturn ald; ha, quhou
Sa gret a storm or spait of felloun ire
Vndir thy breist thou rollis hait as fyre?
Bot wirk as I the byd, and do away
That wreth consauyt but ony caus, I pray.
I geif and grantis the thi desyre, quod he;
Of fre will, venquyst, referris me to the.
Thir ilk pepill clepit Ausonyanys,
On otherwys callit Italianys,
The auld vsans and leyd of thar cuntre
Sall bruke and joys, and eik thar name salbe
As it is now, and as thar stile remanys:
Alanerly thar personys the Troianys
Sall entyr myddill and remane thame amang:
The fassonys and the ritis, that nocht ga wrang,
Of sacrifice to thame statute I sall,
And Latyn pepill of a tung mak thame all.
The kynd of men discend from thir Troianys,
Mydlit with kyn of the Italianys,
Thou sall behald in piete and gentilnes
To go abufe baith men and Goddis expres;
Nor neuer clan or other nation by
Lyke thame sall hallow, ne ȝit sanctify
Thy wirschip, eik and honour, as thai sall do.
Juno anerdit, and gaue consent heirto,
Ful blith and joyus of this grant, perfay,
Fra hir ald wraith hes writhit hir mynd away;
And in the meyn tyme onto the hevyn hir drew,
And left the clovd, and bad Turnus adew.
Thys beand done, as said is, on sik wys,
This hie fader can with hym self devys
Ane other craft; and providis the way
Quhou that he sall Juturna dryfe away
From helpyng of hir brother intill armys.
Thar beyn twa vengeabill monstreis full of harmys,
Clepit to surname Dire, wikkit as fyre,
That is to say, the Goddis wraik or ire:
Quhilk myschewos and cruell sisteris twa,
Sammyn with the hellys fury Megera,
Bair at a birth, for na thing profitabill,
The Nycht thar moder, that barntyme miserabill;
And all elike wymplit and cled thir trakis
With eddris thrawin, and harys full of snakis,
And tharto ekit weyngis swift as wynd.
Thir wikkit schrewys reddy sal ȝe fynd
Befor the troyn of Jove, and eik also
Within the wanys of cruell kyng Pluto:
Thai scharp the dreid to mortale wrachit wightis,
Quhen euir the kyng of Goddis by his mychtis
The deth, or the contagius seiknes seir,
Disponys hym to send in the erth heir,
Or quhen that hym list do smyte and affray
Citeis with weirfar, as deservit haue thai.
Jove ane of thir, full swipper to discend,
Furth of the hevin abuf onon hes send,
And bad hir hald doun baldly to the erd,
Forto resist Juturnais ire and werd.
And scho onon doun flaw, to ples the lard,
And to the grund thuddis with hasty fard:
Nane other wys than from the stryng doith fle
The swift arrow owt throw the ayr we se,
Or, into bittyr vennom wet, sum flane
Castyn or schot by sum archer Persayn,
By sum Persayn or man of Cydony
The schaft thrawyn, that quhirris throu the sky,
And, quhar it hyttis, wirkis a wond of pyne,
Oncurabill by the craft of medycyne,
And sa swiftly slydis throu the clowdis gray
That quhar it went nane may persave the way.
On sik maner the Nyghtis douchtir onflocht
Throw the skyis doun to the erth sone socht:
And eftir that scho saw the Troian ostis,
And Turnus rowtis arrayt on the costis,
Scho hir transformyt in lyknes of a fowle,
Quhilk we a litil howlet cleip, or owle;
That sum tyme into gravis, or stokkis of tre,
Or on the waist thak, or hows rufis hie,
Sittand by nycht syngis a sorowfull toyn
In the dyrk skowgis, with scrykis inoportoyn:
This vengeabill wraik, in sik form changit thus,
Evyn in the face and vissage of Turnus
Can fle and flaf, and maid hym forto grow,
Scho soundis so with mony hys and how,
And in hys scheild can with hyr weyngis smyte.
A new dolfnes dissoluyt hys membris tyte;
For verray dreid and for gret horrour als
Vp stert hys hair, the voce stak in hys hals.
Bot as Juturna soyn on far dyd heir
Of this fury the quhislyng and the beir,
The swouchyng of hir weyngis and hir flycht,
This woful sister hyr hair rent for that sycht,
With nalys ryvand reuthfully hir face,
And smytand with hir nevis hir breist, allace!
Turnus, my best belovit brother, quod sche,
Quhat may thy sistir help now, wa is me!
Or quhat now restis to me, wrachit wight?
Thy life prolong quhou may I? Be quhat slycht
May I oppone me to resist or stryve
With sik a monstre? Na, nane wight alyve.
Now, now, I leif the feild, and goys away.
O ȝe myschewos fowlis, I ȝou pray,
Do me na mair agrys trymland for feir;
The clappyng of ȝour weyngis I knaw and heir,
And eik the dedly sovndis weill on far:
The provd command of myghty Jupiter,
That gydis al thing by hys maieste,
Dois me not now astart, for I it se.
Is this the ganȝeld that he rendris me
In recompens of my virginite?
Quharto eternal lyfe hes he me geif?
Quharto suld I on this wys euer leif?
Quharto is me byreft the faculte
Of deth, and grantit immortalite?
For, gif I mortal war, now, now suythly,
Thir sa gret dolouris mycht I end in hy,
And with my reuthfull brother go withall
Amangis the dym schaddoys infernall.
O deir brother german, without the
Is na thing sweit nor plesand onto me.
O now quhat grund, land, or erd tewch
Sal swelly me tharin half deip eneuch,
And, thocht I beyn a Goddes, doun me draw,
And send ontil infernal wightis law?
Thus mekil said scho; and tharwith bad adew,
Hir hed valit with a haw claith or blew,
And, murnand gretly thar as that scho stud,
This Goddes dowkit deip vnder the flud.


At Eneas Turnus a stane dyd cast;
Bot Eneas has slane hym at the last.

Ene with this instantly list not ces
Forto recontyr Turnus in the pres,
And hys big speir apoun hym schakis he,
Quhilk semyt rude and squar as ony tre;
And with a bald and bustuus breist thus spak:
Quhat menys this langsum delay ȝhe mak?
Quhy tary ȝe for schame, Turnus, all day?
Quharto withdrawis thou the so away?
We pyngill not for speid na curs to ryn,
Bot we debait suld, this barres within,
With wapynnys keyn and with our burnyst brandis,
Togiddir met dereyn it with our handis.
Do change thy self, or turn at thy awyn eys
In all maner of figuris as the pleis;
Gaddir togiddir and assembill now, lat se,
All that thou has of strenth or subtelte;
Wys now to fle vp to the starnys on hycht
With fedderit weyngis forto tak thy flycht,
Or forto cloys thy self this ilk thraw
Into sum cavern vnder the erd law.
Turnus, schakand hys hed, said, thou fers fo,
Thy fervent wordis compt I not a stro,
Thy sawis makis me not agast, perfay;
It is the Goddis that doith me affray,
And Jupiter becummyn myne ennemy.
Ne mor he said, bot blent about in hy,
And dyd aspy quhar that a gret roke lay,
Ane ald crag stane huge gret and gray,
Quhilk on the plane, percace, was liggand neir,
A marche set in that grand mony ȝeir
Of twa feildis, forto decern tharby
The ald debait of pley or contrauersy;
Scarsly twys sax stowt walit men and wight,
Quhilk now the erd producis, hes sik mycht
To charge it on thar schuldris or to beir;
Quham full lychtly Turnus, that nobill heir,
Hynt in hys hand, and swakkit at his fo,
And raxit hym on hicht thar vndir alsso,
And tharwith chargit a full swyft curs ran.
Bot sa confundit is this douchty man,
That he ne knew hym selvyn in that sted,
Nowder quhar that he ran, nor quhar he ȝed.
Nor felt hym self liftand on the land
The mekill stane, nor steir it with his hand:
Hys kneis stummerit, and hys lymmys slydis,
The blude congelit for feir within hys sydis;
So that the stane he at his foman threw
Fayntly throwowt the voyd and waist air flew,
Ne went it all the space, as he dyd mynt,
Nor, as he etlyt, perfornyst not the dynt.
Lyk as, sum tyme, in our swevyn we tak keip,
Quhen langsum dravillyng or the onsound sleip
Our eyn oursettis in the nyghtis rest,
Than semys ws full bissy and full prest
That we ws streke, and doith adres in hy
Lang renkis for to mak and ryn swiftly:
Bot all for nocht, for at the first assay,
Or in the myddis of the start, by the way,
All fante we faill, as forfeblit war we;
The tung avalis not, it will not be;
Ne ȝit the strenthis in our body knaw
Semys sufficient to ws at that thraw;
For, set we pres ws fast to spek owt braid,
Ne voce nor wordis followys, nocht is said.
Siklyke wys hes this Goddes myschews
Ombeset all the ways of Turnus:
Quhat evir to do by hys strenth etlyt he,
Scho maid obstakill; all that ganestandis sche.
Than in hys mynd becom his wittis strange,
And begouth forto vary and to change;
And oft he dyd behald Rutilianys,
And oft the cite with all that ryall wanys:
He hovirris all abasyt for dreid and feir,
And gan do quaik, seand at hand the speir;
Ne can he fynd quhiddir away to wend,
Nor on quhat wys hym self he may defend,
Nor with quhat strenth assaill hys aduersar,
Nor be na ways persaue hys cart or char,
Nor se hys sistir, that had hys cartar be.
And as he stud on hovyr thus, Ene
The fatale dedly speir in hand gan tays,
And with hys eyn markit and walit has
Ane place be fortoun to smyte oportune,
And with the hail fors of hys body soyn
Furth from hys hand weil far the lance gan thraw.
Neuer sa swiftly quhidderand the stane flaw
Swakkit from the engyne onto the wall,
Nor fulderis dynt, that causis towris fall,
With sik a rummyll com bratland on sa fast.
Lyke the blak thud of awfull thundris blast
Furth flaw the schaft to smyte the dedly straik,
And with it brocht cruell myschewos wraik;
Quhilk throu the hawbrik skyrtis persyt has,
And the extreme bordour gan arras
Of hys strang scheild, cowchit of sevyn ply,
And quhirrand smait hym throw the thee in hy:
That with the dynt huge Turnus, full onsound,
With faldyn howchis duschit to the grund.
Vpstart Rutilianys sammyn complenyng
With a ȝelloch and cairfull womentyng,
Quhill all the hillys rumysit thame abowt,
And far on breid thyk woddis gaue a schowt.
And Turnus than, quhar he at erth dyd ly,
Addressis furth full humyll and lawly
Towart Ene hys syght and eyn tway,
And strekis eik hys rycht hand hym to pray:
And thus he said; forsuyth, I haue deserve
The deth, I knaw, and of thy hand to sterve,
Ne wil I not beseik the me to spair;
Oys furth thy chance: quhat nedis proces mar?
Bot gif that ony cuyr or thocht, quod he,
Of ony wofull parent may twich the,
Haue rewth and mercy of kyng Dawnus the ald;
Thou had forsuyth, as I haue hard betald,
Anchises, sik a fader as is he;
And me, or than, gif bettir lykis the,
My body, spulȝeit and the life byreft,
Onto my folkis thou may rendir eft.
Thou hes me venquyst, I grant, and me ourcum;
Italian pepill present all and sum
Hes sene streke furth my handis humylly;
Lavinia is thy spows, I not deny:
Extend na forthir thy wraith and matalent.
Eneas stern in armys tho present
Rolland hys eyn toward Turnus dyd stand,
And lyst nocht stryke, bot can withdraw hys hand;
And mor and mor thir wordis, by and by,
Begouth inclyne hym to reuth and mercy,
Abydand lang in hovir quhat he suld do:
Quhen, at the last, on Turnus schuldir, lo!
The fey gyrdill hie set dyd appeir,
With stuthis knaw and pendes schynand cleir,
The belt or tysche of the child Pallas,
Quhilk by this Turnus laitly venquyst was,
As we haue said, and with a grews wond
Slane in the feld, bet doun, and brocht to grund;
And Turnus, in remembrans of this thing,
Abowt his schuldris bair this onfrendly syng.
Bot eftir that Eneas with hys eyn
Sa cruell takynnys of dyseys hes seyn,
And can sik weid byreft thar aspy,
All full of furor kyndlys he inhy,
Full brym of ire and terribill thus can say:
Sall thou eschape me of this sted away,
Cled with the spulȝe of my frendis deir?
Pallas, Pallas, with this wond rycht heir
Of the ane offerand to the Goddys makkis,
And of thy wikkit blude punytioun takkis.
And sayand thus, full fers, with all hys mayn,
Law in hys breist or cost, lay hym forgayn,
Hys swerd hes hyd full hait; and tharwithall
The cauld of deth dissoluyt hys membris all:
The spreit of lyfe fled murnand with a grane,
And with disdeyn vnder dyrk erth is gayn.
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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018
700 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain