Kitabı oku: «Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon», sayfa 5
~Tik'-tik~, n. By onoma. A watch.
~Til'-i-kum~, n. Chinook, TILIKHUM. People. Applied generally, it means those who are not chiefs. Cultus tilikum, common or insignificant persons; huloima tilikum, strangers; nika tilikum, my relations. It is also used to signify a tribe or band.
~Til'-i-kum-má-ma~, n. (Hale.) Chinook, TLKAMÁMA. A father. The word is not in use in Jargon.
~Till~, or ~Tull~, adj., n. English, TIRE. Tired; heavy; weight; a weight. Hyas till nika, I am very tired; kansih till okook, how much does that weigh; mamook till, to weigh.
~Tin'-tin~, n. By onoma. A bell; a musical instrument. Mamook tintin, to ring a bell. Among the Indians round the Hudson Bay Company's posts, the hours were thus known; as, mokst tintin kopet sitkum sun, two hours, i.e., two bells after noon.
~T'kópe~, adj. Chinook, idem. White; light-colored.
~Tlehl~. See KLALE.
~Tl'kópe~, v. Chinook, idem. To cut; hew; chop.
~Toh~, or ~Tooh~. By onoma. Mamook toh, to spit. A manufactured word.
~Tóke-tie~, adj. Kalapuya. Pretty. Not in common use.
~To'-lo~, v. Kalapuya. To earn; to win at a game; to gain. Kansih dolla nika tolo spose mamook? how many dollars will I earn if I work?
~To'-luks~, n. Clallam, TOYUK. The mussel. Used on Puget Sound only.
~To-mól-la~, adv. English, TO-MORROW. Ikt tomolla, or copet tomolla, the day after.
~Tot~, n. Chihalis, TOT, or TAT. An uncle.
~To'-to~, v. By onoma. Chinook, TOKH-TOKH. To shake; sift any thing; winnow.
~To-toosh'~, or ~Ta-toosh'~, n. Chippeway, TOTOSH. (Schoolcraft.) The breasts of a female; milk. Totoosh lakles, butter.
~To-wagh'~, adj. Chinook, TOWAKH. Bright; shining; light.
~Tsee~, adj. Chinook, idem. Sweet.
~Tsee'-pie~, v. Kalapuya. To miss a mark; to mistake one's road; to make a blunder in speaking; to err or blunder. Tseepie wayhut, to take the wrong road.
~Tshi'-ke~, adv. (Hale.) Quære u. d. Directly; soon. Not Jargon.
~Tshis~, adj. Chinook, idem. Cold. Not in common use.
~Tsi-át-ko~, n. Chihalis, Nisqually, &c., idem; Clatsop, ÉCHIATKU. A nocturnal demon, much feared by the Indians. The Skagits give this name to the "Couteaux," a tribe of Indians on Frazer River, of whom they stand in like awe.
~Tsik'-tsik~, or ~Tchik'-tchik~, n. By onoma. A wagon; a cart; a wheel. Tsiktsik wayhut, a wagon-road.
~Tsil'-tsil~, or ~Chil'-chil~, n. Chinook, ECHILCHIL. (Anderson.) Buttons; the stars.
~Tsish~, v. By onoma., in imitation of the sound of a grindstone.
(Shaw.) Mamook tsish, to sharpen. Of local use.
~Tsóle-pat~, n. Klikatat. A shot-pouch. Of local use only.
~Tso'-lo~, n. Kalapuya. (Shaw.) To wander in the dark; to lose one's way. Used in the Willamette valley.
~Tsugh~, n., v. Chinook, idem. A crack or split. Mamook tsugh, to split; chahko tsugh, to become split or cracked, as by the heat of the sun; mamook tsugh illahie, is by some used instead of klugh, for to plough.
~Tsuk~. See CHUCK.
~Tuk-a-mo'-nuk~, or ~Tak-a-mo'-nak~, adj. Chinook, ITAKAMONAK. A hundred. It is, like ten, combined with the digits; as, icht, moxt, klone takamonak, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, &c. Hyas takamonak, or tahtlelum takamonak, a thousand.
~Tuk'-wil-la~, or ~To'-kwil-la~, n. Kalapuya. The hazel-nut; nuts generally.
~Tum'-tum~, n. By onoma., from the pulsations of the heart. (Anderson.) The heart; the will; opinion. Mahsh tumtum, to give orders, mamook tumtum, to make up one's mind; mamook closhe tumtum, to make friends or peace; sick tumtum, grief; jealousy; moxt tumtum nika, I am undecided, i.e., I have two wills. Q. Kah nesika klatawa? where shall we go? A. Mika tumtum, wherever you please; as you will. Ikta mika tumtum? what do you think? Halo tumtum, without a will of one's own, as a child. The heart seems to be generally regarded as the seat of the mind or will.
~Tum-wa'-ta~, n. TUM, by onoma.; English, WATER. A waterfall, cascade, or cataract. Lewis and Clarke give TIMM as used by the Indians above the Dalles of the Columbia in directing them to the falls.
~Tup'-shin~, or ~Tip'-sin~, v. Chihalis, TUPSHIN. A needle. Mamook tipsin, to sew; to mend; to patch.
~Túp-so~, or ~Tip'-so~, n. Chinook, TEPSO, a leaf. Grass; leaves, fringe; feathers; fur. Often but incorrectly employed for YAKSO, hair; tipso illahie, prairie; dely tipso, hay.
~Ty'-ee~, n., adj. Nootka, TAIYI; TYEE (Jewitt). A chief. Any thing of superior order. Saghalie tyee, the Deity; tyee salmon, the spring salmon. TOYON is given by some of the northwestern voyagers as the Eskimo appellation for chief.
~Tzum~, n., adj. Chinook, idem. Mixed colors; spots or stripes; a mark or figure; writing; paint; painted. Tzum sill, printed calico; tzum pehpa, writing; mamook tzum, to write; tzum illahie, blazed or surveyed land.
~Wagh~, v. Chinook, WAKH, To pour; to spill; to vomit. Mamook wagh chuck, pour out some water.
~Wake~, adv. Nootka, WIK (Jewitt); Tokwaht, WEK. No; not.
~Wa'-ki~, adv. (Hale.) Chinook, WAKI. To-morrow. Not Jargon.
~Wap'-pa-too~, n. Quære u. d. The root of the Sagitaria sagittifolia, which forms an article of food; the potato. The word is neither Chinook nor Chihalis, but is everywhere in common use.
~Wash~, v. English, idem. Mamook wash, to wash.
~Waum~, adj. English, WARM. Hyas waum, hot; waum illahie, summer; mamook waum, to heat; waum-sick-cole-sick, fever and ague.
~Wau'-wau~, v., n. Nootka; Nittinat, WÁWE. To talk; speak; call; ask; tell; answer; talk or conversation. Cultus wauwau, idle talk; stuff; nonsense; hyas wauwau, to shout.
~Way'-hut~, ~Hweh'-kut~, or ~Wee'-hut~, n. Chinook, WÉHUT, a road;
Yakama, WIET, far. A road or trail. Tsik-tsik wayhut, a wagon-road.
About Vancouver, on the Columbia, it is pronounced HWÉHKUT; on Puget
Sound, WEEHUT.
~Weght~, conj. Chinook, idem. Again; also; more. Pe nika weght, and I too; pahtlatsh weght, give me some more; tenas weght, a little more yet.
~Whim~, v. Wasco. (Shaw.) To fell. Whim stick, a fallen tree; mamook whim okook stick, fell that tree. Also, to throw, in wrestling. Of local use only.
~Win'-a-pie~, adv. Nootka; Nittinat, WILAPI. By-and-bye; presently; wait. Of local use; the Chinook ALKI being more common.
~Wind~, or ~Win~, n. English, idem. Wind. The winds are often known by the country from which they blow; as, for instance, on the Columbia, an easterly is a Walla-walla wind; at the mouth of the river, a southerly is a Tilamooks wind, &c. Breath. Ex. Halo wind, out of breath; dead.
~Yah'-hul~, n. Chinook, YAKHUL; EUEKHOL. A name. Not in general use.
~Yáh-ka~, or ~Yok'-ka~, pron. Chinook, YÁKA. He; his; him; she; it, &c.
~Yah'-kis-ilt'h~, adj. Chinook, YAKISILT'H. Sharp. Mr. Anderson gives as the original, "cutting."
~Yah'-wa~, adv. Chinook, YAWÁKH. There; thither; thence; beyond.
~Yah'-whul~. See AYÁHWHUL.
~Yak'-so~, n. Chinook, idem. The hair of the head; hair generally.
~Ya-kwah'-tin~, or ~Kwah'-tin~, n. Chinook and Clatsop, YAKWATIN. The belly; the entrails.
~Yaub~. See LEJAUB.
~Yel'-a-kwat~. See KALAKWAHTIE.
~Yi'-em~, v., n. Chihalis, YAIEM. To relate; to tell a story; to confess to a priest; a story or tale.
~Youtl~, adj. Quære Chihalis, EYUTLH; Nisqually, JUIL, glad. Pleased; proud; (of a horse), spirited. Hyas youtl yakka tumtum, his heart is very glad; he is much puffed up.
~Yoútl-kut~, adj., n. Chinook, YÚTLKUT. Long (in dimension); length.
~Yoút-skut~, or ~Yutes'-kut~, adj. Chinook, YÚTSKUTA. Short (in dimension).
~Y-salt'h~, or ~Ye-salt'h~. See E-SALT'H.
~Yuk'-wa~, adv. Chinook, YAKWÁ. Here; hither; this side of; this way.
Yukwa kopa okook house, this side of that house.
~Above~, ságh-a-lie.
~Absolve~, mam'-ook stoh.
~Acorns~, káh-na-way.
~Across~, in'-a-ti.
~Afraid~, kwass.
~After, Afterwards~, kim'-ta.
~Again~, weght.
~All~, kon'-a-way.
~Alms~, e'-la-han, or e-lann'.
~Also~, weght.
~Although~, kégh-tchie.
~Always~, kwáh-ne-sum.
~American~, Boston.
~Amusement~, hee'-hee.
~And~, pee.
~Anger, Angry~, sol'-leks.
~Apple~, le pome.
~Apron~, kéh-su, or ki'-su.
~Arbutus uva ursi~, lahb.
~Arrive at~, ko.
~Arrow~, ka-li'-tan.
~As if~, káh-kwa spose.
~At~, ko'-pa.
~Aunt~, kwal'h.
~Awl~, shoes keep'-wot.
~Axe~, la-hash'.
~Bad~, me-sáh-chie; pe-shuk'.
~Bag~, le sak.
~Ball~, le bal.
~Bargain~, máh-kook; húy-húy.
~Bark~, s'ick-skin.
~Barrel~, ta-mo'-litsh.
~Basket~, o'-pe-kwan.
~Beads~, ka-mo'-suk.
~Bear~ (black), chet'-woot; its'woot; (grizzly), si-am'.
~Beat, to~, kok'-shut.
~Beaver~, ee'-na.
~Because~, kéh-wa.
~Become, to~, cháh-ko.
~Bed~, bed.
~Before~, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
~Behind~, kim'-ta.
~Bell~, tin'-tin.
~Belly~, ya-kwáh-tin.
~Below~, kee'-kwil-lie.
~Belt~, la san-jel'.
~Berries~, o'-lil-lie; o'-lal-lie.
~Best~, e'-lip closhe.
~Bird~, kal-lak'-a-la.
~Biscuit~, le bis'-kwee.
~Bitter~, klihl.
~Black~, klale.
~Blackberries~, klik'-a-muks.
~Blanket~, pa-see'-sie.
~Blind~, ha'-lo se-áh-host.
~Blood~, pil-pil.
~Blow out~, mam'-ook poh.
~Blue~ (light), spo'-oh.
~Blue~ (dark), klale.
~Blunder, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Board~, la plash.
~Boat~, boat.
~Bob-tailed; a bob-tailed horse~, sis'-ki-you.
~Boil, to~, lip'-lip.
~Bone~, stone.
~Borrow, to~, a-yáh-whul.
~Bosom~ (female), to-toosh.
~Both~, kun'-a-moxt.
~Bottle~, la-boo-ti'.
~Bow~, o'-pitl-kegh.
~Bowl~, oos'-kan.
~Box~, la ca-sett'.
~Bracelet~, klik'-wal-lie.
~Brave~, skoo'-kum tum'-tum.
~Bread~, le pan.
~Break, to~, kok'-shut.
~Breasts~, to-toosh'.
~Breech clout~, o'-poots sill.
~Bridle~, la bleed.
~Bright~, to-wágh.
~Broad~, kluk-ulh'.
~Broom~, bloom.
~Brother~, káhp-ho, if elder than the speaker;
ow, if younger. Male cousins the same.
~Brother-in-law~, ek'-keh.
~Bucket~, ta-mo'-litsh.
~Buffalo~, moos'-moos.
~Bullet~, le bal; ka-li'-tan.
~Bundle~, kow.
~But~, pe.
~Butter~, to-toosh' la-kles'.
~Buttons~, tsil'-tsil.
~Buy, to~, máh-kook.
~By-and-by~, win'-a-pie.
~Candle~, la shan-del'.
~Carrot~, la ca-lat'.
~Carry, to~, lo' lo.
~Cart~, tsik'-tsik; chik'-chik.
~Cascade~, tum' wa-ter.
~Castrate, to~, mahsh stone.
~Cat~, puss'-puss.
~Cataract~, tum' wa-ter.
~Cattle~, moos'-moos.
~Certainly~, na-wit'-ka.
~Chain~, la shen; chik'a-min lope.
~Chair~, la shase.
~Cheat, to~, la-láh.
~Chicken~, la pool.
~Chief~, ty-ee'.
~Child~, ten'-as.
~Clams~, o'-na; luk'-ut-chee; la-kwit'-chee.
~Clams~, the large kind, smet-ocks.
~Clear up, to~, cháh-ko klah.
~Cloth~ (cotton), sail.
~Clouds~, smoke.
~Coat~, ca-po'.
~Coffee~, kau'-py.
~Cold~, cole; tshis.
~Comb~, comb.
~Comb, to~, mam'-ook comb.
~Come, to~, cháh-ko.
~Confess, to~, yi'-em.
~Conjuring~, ta-máh-no-us.
~Cook, to~, mam'-ook pi'-ah.
~Copper~, pil chik'-a-min.
~Cord~, ten'-as lope.
~Corn~, _e-salt'h', _or ye-salt'h'.
~Corral~, kul-lágh.
~Cotton goods~, sail.
~Cough~, hoh'-hoh.
~Count, to~, mam'-ook kwun'-nun.
~Cousin~, see brother and sister.
~Coyote~, tal'-a-pus.
~Crab apple~, pow'-itsh.
~Cranberry~, so'-le-mie.
~Crazy~, pel'-ton.
~Cream colored~, le clem.
~Crooked~, ki'-wa.
~Cross~, la clo-a'.
~Crow~, káh-kah.
~Cry, to~, cly.
~Cup~, oos'-kan.
~Curly~, hunl'-kih.
~Cut, to~, tl'ko'-pe.
~Dance, to~, tanse.
~Dark, darkness~, po'-lak-lie.
~Day~, sun.
~Dead~, mem'-a-loost,
~Deaf~, ik-poo'-ie kwil-lan.
~Dear~, hy'-as máh-kook.
~Deep~, klip.
~Deer~, mow'-itsh.
~Demon~, skoo'-kum.
~Devil~, di-aub'; yaub; le-jaub'.
~Different~, hul-o'-i-ma.
~Difficult~, kull.
~Dig, to~, mam'-ook il'-la-hie.
~Dime~, bit, or mit.
~Do, to~, mam'-ook.
~Doctor~, doc'-tin.
~Dog~, kam'-ooks.
~Dollar~, dol'-la, or táh-la.
~Door~, la po'te.
~Down stream~, mi'-mie.
~Drink, to~, muck'-a-muck.
~Drive, to~, kish'-kish.
~Drunk~, páht-lum.
~Dry~, de-ly'.
~Duck~ (Mallard), kwéh-kweh; háht-haht.
~Dust~, po'-lal-lie.
~Eagle~, chak'-chak.
~Ear~, kwo-lann'.
~Early~, ten'-as sun.
~Earn, to~, to'-lo
~Earth~, il'-la-hie.
~Eat, to~, muck'-a-muck.
~Egg~, le sap'; le zep'.
~Eight~, sto'-te-kin.
~Elk~, moo'-lock.
~Enclosure~, kul-lágh.
~English~, king chautsh.
~Englishman~, king chautsh.
~Enough~, hi-yu'; ko-pet'.
~Entreiils~, ki-yágh.
~Evening~, ten'-as po'-lak-lie.
~Every~, kon'-a-way.
~Exchange~, húy-huy.
~Eyes~, se-áh-host.
~Face~, se-áh-host.
~Faded~, spo'-oh.
~Falsehood~, klim-in'-a-whit.
~Far~, si-áh.
~Fast~ (quick), hy-ak'.
~Fast~ (tight), kwutl.
~Fasten, to~, kow.
~Fat~, glease.
~Father~, pa'-pa.
~Fathom~, it'-lan.
~Fear~, kwass.
~Fell, to~ (as a tree), mam'-ook whim.
~Fence~, kul-lágh.
~Fetch, to~, mam'-ook cháh-ko.
~Fever~, waum sick.
~Few~, ten'-as.
~Fight, to~, mam'-ook sol'-leks.
~Fight, with fists~, mam'-ook puk'-puk.
~Figured~ (as calico), tzum.
~File~, la leem.
~Fill, to~, mam'-ook pahtl.
~Find, to~, klap.
~Fingers~, le doo.
~Fire~, pi'-ah; o-la-pits'-ki.
~First~, e'-lip, or el'-ip.
~Fish~, pish.
~Fish-hook~, ik'-kik.
~Five~, kwin'-num.
~Flea~, so'-pen e'-na-poo; cho'-tub.
~Flesh~, itl'-wil-lie.
~Flint~, kil-it'-sut.
~Flour~, sap'-o-lill.
~Fly, to~, ka-wak'.
~Fog~, smoke.
~Food~, muck'-a-muck.
~Fool~, pel'-ton.
~Foolish~, pel'-ton.
~Foot~, le-pee'.
~Forever~, kwáh-ne-sum.
~Forget, to~, máh-lie.
~Fork~, la poo-shet'.
~Formerly~, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
~Four~, _lak'-it, _or lok'-it.
~Fowl~, la pool.
~French~, Frenchman, pa-si'-ooks.
~Friend~, sikhs, or shikhs.
~Frog~, shwáh-kuk.
~Fry~, to, mam'-ook la po-el'.
~Frying-pan~, la po-el'.
~Full~, pahtl.
~Fundament~, o'-poots.
~Gallop, to~, kwa-lal'-kwa-lal'.
~Gather, to~, ho'-ku-melh.
~Get, to~, is'-kum.
~Get out~, mahsh.
~Get up~, get-up',-or ket-op'.
~Ghost~, skoo'-kum.
~Gift~, cul'-tus pot'-latch.
~Give, to~, pot'-latch.
~Glad~, kwann.
~Go, to~, klat'-a-wa.
~God~, ságh-a-lie ty-ee'.
~Gold~, pil chik'-a-min.
~Good~, klose, or kloshe.
~Good-bye~, kla-how'-ya.
~Goods~, ik'-tah.
~Goose~, whuy'-whuy; kal-ak-a-láh-ma.
~Grandfather~, chope.
~Grandmother~, chitsh.
~Grease~, la-kles'; glease.
~Green~, pe-chugh'.
~Grey; a grey horse~, le gley.
~Grizzly bear~, si-am'.
~Ground~, il'-la-hie.
~Gun; musket~, suk'-wa-lal.
~Hair~, yak'-so.
~Half~, sit'-kum.
~Hammer~, le máh-to.
~Hand~, le máh.
~Hand~ (game of), it'-lo-kum.
~Handkerchief~, hak'-at-shum.
~Hard~, kull.
~Hare~, kwit'-shad-ie.
~Harrow, to~, mam'-ook comb il'-la-hie.
~Hat~, se-áh-po; se-áh-pult.
~Haul~, haul.
~Hazel-nuts~, tuk'-wil-la.
~He, his~, yáh-ka.
~Head~, la tet.
~Heart~, tum'-tum.
~Heaven~, ságh-il-lie il'-la-hie.
~Heavy~, till.
~Help, to~, mam'-ook e-lann'.
~Here~, yuk'-wa.
~Hermaphrodite~, bur'-dash.
~Hide, to~, ip'-soot.
~High~, ságh-a-lie.
~Hit, to~, kwul'h.
~Hoe~, la pe-osh'.
~Hog~, co'-sho.
~Hole~, kla-whap'.
~Holiday~, sunday.
~Horn~, stone.
~Horse~, kiu'-a-tan.
~House~, house.
~How~, káh-ta.
~How are you~, kla-how'-ya.
~How many~, kun'-sih; kun'-juk.
~Hundred~, tuk-a-mo'-nuk.
~Hungry~, o'-lo.
~Hurry~, howh; hy-ak'.
~I~, ni-ka.
~If~, spose.
~In~, ko'-pa.
~Indian~, si'-wash.
~In shore~, máht-wil-lie.
~Iron~, chik'-a-min.
~It~, yáh-ka.
~Jealous~, sick tum'-tum.
~Jump, to~, so'-pe-na.
~Kam-ass root~, la'-ka-mass.
~Kettle~, ket-ling.
~Kick, to~, chuk'-kin.
~Kiss, to kiss~, be'-be.
~Knife~, o'-pit-sah.
~Knock, to~, ko'-ko.
~Knotty~, hunl'-kih.
~Know, to~, kum'-tuks.
~Lame~, klook te-áh-wit.
~Lamprey eel~, skwak'-wal,
~Language~, la lang.
~Large~, hy-as'.
~Lately~, chee.
~Laughter~, hee'-hee.
~Lazy~, lazy.
~Leap, to~, so'-pe-na.
~Leaf~, tup'-so, or tip'-so.
~Lean, to~, lagh.
~Leave, to~, mahsh.
~Leave off, to~, ko-pet'.
~Leg~, te-áh-wit.
~Leggings~, mi-tass'.
~Lend, to~, a-yáh-whul
~Lick, to~, klak'-wun.
~Lie, to~, klim-in'-a-whit.
~Like~, káh-kwa.
~Like, to~, tik-égh.
~Little~, ten'-as.
~Long~, youtl'-kut.
~Long ago~, áhn-kut-te, or áhn-kot-tie.
~Look, to~, nan'-itsh.
~Look here!~ nah.
~Look out!~ klose nan'-itsh.
~Looking-glass~, she-lok'-um.
~Loose~, stoh.
~Lose the way, to~, tso'-lo; tsee-pie' way-hut.
~Louse~, e'-na-poo, or in'-a-poo.
~Love, to~, tik-égh.
~Magic~, ta-máh-no-us.
~Make, to~, mam'-ook.
~Man~, man.
~Many~, hy-iu'.
~Marry, to~, mal-i-éh.
~Mass~ (Ceremony of), la messe.
~Mast~, ship stick.
~Mat~, klis'-kwiss.
~Mattock~, la pe-osh'.
~Measure, to~, tah'-nim.
~Meat~, itl'-wil-lie.
~Medicine~, la mes'-tin.
~Mend, to~, mam'-ook tip'-shin.
~Menstruate, to~, mahsh pil'-pil.
~Metal, metallic~, chik'-a-min.
~Middle, the~, kat'-suk, or kot'-suk.
~Midnight~, sit'-kum po'-lak-lie.
~Milk~, to-toosh'.
~Mill~, moo'-la.
~Mind, the~, tum'-tum.
~Miss, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Mistake, to~, tsee'-pie.
~Moccasins~, skin-shoes.
~Molasses~, mel-ass'.
~Money~, chik'-a-min.
~Month~, moon.
~Moon~, moon.
~More~, weght.
~Mosquito~, mel'-a-kwa.
~Mother~, mama; na'-ah.
~Mountain~, la mon'-ti.
~Mouse~, hool'-hool.
~Mouth~, la boos.
~Much~, hy-iu'.
~Mule~, le mel.
~Musical Instrument~, tin'-tin.
~Musket~, musket.
~Mussels~, to'-luks.
~My, mine~, ni'-ka.
~Nails~, le cloo. ~Name~, nem; yah-hul. ~Near~, wake si-áh. ~Neck~, le cou. ~Needle~, keep'-wot. ~New~, chee. ~Night~, po'-lak-lie. ~Nine~, kwaist, or kweest. ~No, not~, wake. ~Noise~, la tlah. ~None~, ha'-lo. ~Nonsense~, cul'-tus wau'-wau. ~Noon~, sit-kum sun. ~Nose~, nose. ~Notwithstanding~, kégh-tchie. ~Now~, al'-ta. ~Numerals—~ 1, ikt. 2, mokst. 3, klone. 4, lakit. 5, kwinnum. 6, taghum. 7, sinnamokst. 8, stotekin. 9, kwaist. 10, tahtlelum. 11, tahtlelum pe ikt 20, mokst tahtlelum. 100, ikt takarnonuk. ~Nuts~, tuk'-wil-la.
~Oak~, kull stick.
~Oar~, la lahm; la lum.