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Kitabı oku: «England's Antiphon», sayfa 18

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  Ye hermits blest, ye holy maids,
          The nearest heaven on earth,
        Who talk with God in shadowy glades,
          Free from rude care and mirth;
        To whom some viewless teacher brings
        The secret lore of rural things,
    The moral of each fleeting cloud and gale,
  The whispers from above, that haunt the twilight vale:
        Say, when in pity ye have gazed
          On the wreath'd smoke afar,
        That o'er some town, like mist upraised,
          Hung hiding sun and star;
        Then as ye turned your weary eye
        To the green earth and open sky,
    Were ye not fain to doubt how Faith could dwell
  Amid that dreary glare, in this world's citadel?
        But Love's a flower that will not die
          For lack of leafy screen,
        And Christian Hope can cheer the eye
          That ne'er saw vernal green:
        Then be ye sure that Love can bless
        Even in this crowded loneliness,
    Where ever-moving myriads seem to say,
  Go—thou art nought to us, nor we to thee—away!
        There are in this loud stunning tide
          Of human care and crime,
        With whom the melodies abide
          Of the everlasting chime;
        Who carry music in their heart
        Through dusky lane and wrangling mart,
    Plying their daily task with busier feet,
  Because their secret souls a holy strain repeat.

There are here some indications of that strong reaction of the present century towards ancient forms of church life. This reaction seems to me a further consequence of that admiration of power of which I have spoken. For, finding the progress of discovery in the laws of nature constantly bring an assurance most satisfactory to the intellect, men began to demand a similar assurance in other matters; and whatever department of human thought could not be subjected to experiment or did not admit of logical proof began to be regarded with suspicion. The highest realms of human thought—where indeed only grand conviction, and that the result not of research, but of obedience to the voice within, can be had—came to be by such regarded as regions where, no scientific assurance being procurable, it was only to his loss that a man should go wandering: the whole affair was unworthy of him. And if there be no guide of humanity but the intellect, and nothing worthy of its regard but what that intellect can isolate and describe in the forms peculiar to its operations,—that is, if a man has relations to nothing beyond his definition, is not a creature of the immeasurable,—then these men are right. But there have appeared along with them other thinkers who could not thus be satisfied—men who had in their souls a hunger which the neatest laws of nature could not content, who could not live on chemistry, or mathematics, or even on geology, without the primal law of their many dim-dawning wonders—that is, the Being, if such there might be, who thought their laws first and then embodied them in a world of aeonian growth. These indeed seek law likewise, but a perfect law—a law they can believe perfect beyond the comprehension of powers of whose imperfection they are too painfully conscious. They feel in their highest moments a helplessness that drives them to search after some Power with a heart deeper than his power, who cares for the troubled creatures he has made. But still under the influence of that faithless hunger for intellectual certainty, they look about and divide into two parties: both would gladly receive the reported revelation in Jesus, the one if they could have evidence enough from without, the other if they could only get rid of the difficulties it raises within. I am aware that I distinguish in the mass, and that both sides would be found more or less influenced by the same difficulties—but more and less, and therefore thus classified by the driving predominance. Those of the one party, then, finding no proof to be had but that in testimony, and anxious to have all they can—delighting too in a certain holy wilfulness of intellectual self-immolation, accept the testimony in the mass, and become Roman Catholics. Nor is it difficult to see how they then find rest. It is not the dogma, but the contact with Christ the truth, with Christ the man, which the dogma, in pacifying the troubles of the intellect—if only by a soporific, has aided them in reaching, that gives them peace: it is the truth itself that makes them free.

The worshippers of science will themselves allow, that when they cannot gain observations enough to satisfy them upon any point in which a law of nature is involved, they must, if possible, institute experiments. I say therefore to those whose observation has not satisfied them concerning the phenomenon Christianity,—"Where is your experiment? Why do you not thus try the utterance claiming to be the law of life? Call it a hypothesis, and experiment upon it. Carry into practice, well justified of your conscience, the words which the Man spoke, for therein he says himself lies the possibility of your acceptance of his mission; and if, after reasonable time thus spent, you are not yet convinced enough to give testimony—I will not annoy you by saying to facts, but—to conviction, I think neither will you be ready to abandon the continuous experiment." These Roman Catholics have thus met with Jesus, come into personal contact with him: by the doing of what he tells us, and by nothing else, are they blessed. What if their theories show to me like a burning of the temple and a looking for the god in the ashes? They know in whom they have believed. And if some of us think we have a more excellent way, we shall be blessed indeed if the result be no less excellent than in such men as Faber, Newman, and Aubrey de Vere. No man needs be afraid that to speak the truth concerning such will hasten the dominance of alien and oppressive powers; the truth is free, and to be just is to be strong. Should the time come again when Liberty is in danger, those who have defended the truth even in her adversaries, if such there be, will be found the readiest to draw the sword for her, and, hating not, yet smite for the liberty to do even them justice. To give the justice we claim for ourselves is, if there be a Christ, the law of Christ, to obey which is eternally better than truest theory.

I should like to give many of the hymns of Dr. Faber. Some of them are grand, others very lovely, and some, of course, to my mind considerably repulsive. He seems to me to go wrong nowhere in originating—he produces nothing unworthy except when he reproduces what he never could have entertained but for the pressure of acknowledged authority. Even such things, however, he has enclosed in pearls, as the oyster its incommoding sand-grains.

His hymn on The Greatness of God is profound; that on The Will of God is very wise; that to The God of my Childhood is full of quite womanly tenderness: all are most simple in speech, reminding us in this respect of John Mason. In him, no doubt, as in all of his class, we find traces of that sentimentalism in the use of epithets—small words, as distinguished from homely, applied to great things—of which I have spoken more than once; but criticism is not to be indulged in the reception of great gifts—of such a gift as this, for instance:—


        O Lord! my heart is sick,
      Sick of this everlasting change;
        And life runs tediously quick
      Through its unresting race and varied range:
    Change finds no likeness to itself in Thee,
  And wakes no echo in Thy mute eternity.
        Dear Lord! my heart is sick
      Of this perpetual lapsing time,
        So slow in grief, in joy so quick,
      Yet ever casting shadows so sublime:
    Time of all creatures is least like to Thee,
  And yet it is our share of Thine eternity.
        Oh change and time are storms
      For lives so thin and frail as ours;
        For change the work of grace deforms
      With love that soils, and help that overpowers;
    And time is strong, and, like some chafing sea,
  It seems to fret the shores of Thine eternity.
        Weak, weak, for ever weak!
      We cannot hold what we possess;
        Youth cannot find, age will not seek,—
      Oh weakness is the heart's worst weariness:
    But weakest hearts can lift their thoughts to Thee;
  It makes us strong to think of Thine eternity.
        Thou hadst no youth, great God!
      An Unbeginning End Thou art;
        Thy glory in itself abode,
      And still abides in its own tranquil heart:
    No age can heap its outward years on Thee:
  Dear God! Thou art Thyself Thine own eternity!
        Without an end or bound
      Thy life lies all outspread in light;
        Our lives feel Thy life all around,
      Making our weakness strong, our darkness bright;
    Yet is it neither wilderness nor sea,
  But the calm gladness of a full eternity.
        Oh Thou art very great
      To set Thyself so far above!
        But we partake of Thine estate,
      Established in Thy strength and in Thy love:
    That love hath made eternal room for me
  In the sweet vastness of its own eternity.
        Oh Thou art very meek
      To overshade Thy creatures thus!
        Thy grandeur is the shade we seek;
      To be eternal is Thy use to us:
    Ah, Blessed God! what joy it is to me
  To lose all thought of self in Thine eternity.
        Self-wearied, Lord! I come;
      For I have lived my life too fast:
        Now that years bring me nearer home
      Grace must be slowly used to make it last;
    When my heart beats too quick I think of Thee,
  And of the leisure of Thy long eternity.
        Farewell, vain joys of earth!
      Farewell, all love that it not His!
        Dear God! be Thou my only mirth,
      Thy majesty my single timid bliss!
    Oh in the bosom of eternity
  Thou dost not weary of Thyself, nor we of Thee!

How easily his words flow, even when he is saying the deepest things! The poem is full of the elements of the finest mystical metaphysics, and yet there is no effort in their expression. The tendency to find God beyond, rather than in our daily human conditions, is discernible; but only as a tendency.

What a pity that the sects are so slow to become acquainted with the grand best in each other!

I do not find in Dr. Newman either a depth or a precision equal to that of Dr. Faber. His earlier poems indicate a less healthy condition of mind. His Dream of Gerontius is, however, a finer, as more ambitious poem than any of Faber's. In my judgment there are weak passages in it, with others of real grandeur. But I am perfectly aware of the difficulty, almost impossibility, of doing justice to men from some of whose forms of thought I am greatly repelled, who creep from the sunshine into every ruined archway, attracted by the brilliance with which the light from its loophole glows in its caverned gloom, and the hope of discovering within it the first steps of a stair winding up into the blue heaven. I apologize for the unavoidable rudeness of a critic who would fain be honest if he might; and I humbly thank all such as Dr. Newman, whose verses, revealing their saintship, make us long to be holier men.

Of his, as of Faber's, I have room for no more than one. It was written off Sardinia.


  O say not thou art left of God,
    Because His tokens in the sky
  Thou canst not read: this earth He trod
    To teach thee He was ever nigh.
  He sees, beneath the fig-tree green,
    Nathaniel con His sacred lore;
  Shouldst thou thy chamber seek, unseen
    He enters through the unopened door.
  And when thou liest, by slumber bound,
    Outwearied in the Christian fight,
  In glory, girt with saints around,
    He stands above thee through the night.
  When friends to Emmaus bend their course,
    He joins, although He holds their eyes:
  Or, shouldst thou feel some fever's force,
    He takes thy hand, He bids thee rise.
  Or on a voyage, when calms prevail,
    And prison thee upon the sea,
  He walks the waves, He wings the sail,
    The shore is gained, and thou art free.

Sir Aubrey de Vere is a poet profound in feeling, and gracefully tender in utterance. I give one short poem and one sonnet.


  Love thy God, and love Him only:
  And thy breast will ne'er be lonely.
  In that one great Spirit meet
  All things mighty, grave, and sweet.
  Vainly strives the soul to mingle
  With a being of our kind:
  Vainly hearts with hearts are twined:
  For the deepest still is single.
  An impalpable resistance
  Holds like natures still at distance.
  Mortal! love that Holy One!
  Or dwell for aye alone.

I respond most heartily to the last two lines; but I venture to add, with regard to the preceding six, "Love that holy One, and the impalpable resistance will vanish; for when thou seest him enter to sup with thy neighbour, thou wilt love that neighbour as thyself."


  Ye praise the humble: of the meek ye say,
  "Happy they live among their lowly bowers;
  "The mountains, and the mountain-storms are ours."
  Thus, self-deceivers, filled with pride alway,
  Reluctant homage to the good ye pay,
  Mingled with scorn like poison sucked from flowers—
  Revere the humble; godlike are their powers:
  No mendicants for praise of men are they.
  The child who prays in faith "Thy will be done"
  Is blended with that Will Supreme which moves
  A wilderness of worlds by Thought untrod;
  He shares the starry sceptre, and the throne:
  The man who as himself his neighbour loves
  Looks down on all things with the eyes of God!

Is it a fancy that, in the midst of all this devotion and lovely thought, I hear the mingled mournful tone of such as have cut off a right hand and plucked out a right eye, which had not caused them to offend? This is tenfold better than to have spared offending members; but the true Christian ambition is to fill the divine scheme of humanity—abridging nothing, ignoring nothing, denying nothing, calling nothing unclean, but burning everything a thank-offering in the flame of life upon the altar of absolute devotion to the Father and Saviour of men. We must not throw away half his gifts, that we may carry the other half in both hands to his altar.

But sacred fervour is confined to no sect. Here it is of the profoundest, and uttered with a homely tenderness equal to that of the earliest writers. Mrs. Browning, the princess of poets, was no partisan. If my work were mainly critical, I should feel bound to remark upon her false theory of English rhyme, and her use of strange words. That she is careless too in her general utterance I cannot deny; but in idea she is noble, and in phrase magnificent. Some of her sonnets are worthy of being ranged with the best in our language—those of Milton and Wordsworth.


  When some Beloveds, 'neath whose eyelids lay
  The sweet lights of my childhood, one by one
  Did leave me dark before the natural sun,
  And I astonied fell, and could not pray,
  A thought within me to myself did say,
  "Is God less God that thou art left undone?
  Rise, worship, bless Him! in this sackcloth spun,
  As in that purple!"—But I answer, Nay!
  What child his filial heart in words can loose,
  If he behold his tender father raise
  The hand that chastens sorely? Can he choose
  But sob in silence with an upward gaze?
  And my great Father, thinking fit to bruise,
  Discerns in speechless tears both prayer and praise.


  Speak low to me, my Saviour, low and sweet,
  From out the hallelujahs sweet and low,
  Lest I should fear and fall, and miss thee so,
  Who art not missed by any that entreat.
  Speak to me as to Mary at thy feet—
  And if no precious gums my hands bestow,
  Let my tears drop like amber, while I go
  In reach of thy divinest voice complete
  In humanest affection—thus, in sooth
  To lose the sense of losing! As a child,
  Whose song-bird seeks the wood for evermore,
  Is sung to in its stead by mother's mouth;
  Till sinking on her breast, love-reconciled,
  He sleeps the faster that he wept before.

Gladly would I next give myself to the exposition of several of the poems of her husband, Robert Browning, especially the Christmas Eve and Easter Day; in the first of which he sets forth in marvellous rhymes the necessity both for widest sympathy with the varied forms of Christianity, and for individual choice in regard to communion; in the latter, what it is to choose the world and lose the life. But this would take many pages, and would be inconsistent with the plan of my book.

When I have given two precious stanzas, most wise as well as most lyrical and lovely, from the poems of our honoured Charles Kingsley, I shall turn to the other of the classes into which the devout thinkers of the day have divided.


  My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
    No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey;
  Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
        For every day.
  Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
    Do noble things, not dream them, all day long;
  And so make life, death, and that vast for-ever
        One grand, sweet song.

Surely these last, who have not accepted tradition in the mass, who believe that we must, as our Lord demanded of the Jews, of our own selves judge what is right, because therein his spirit works with our spirit,—worship the Truth not less devotedly than they who rejoice in holy tyranny over their intellects.



And now I turn to the other class—that which, while the former has fled to tradition for refuge from doubt, sets its face towards the spiritual east, and in prayer and sorrow and hope looks for a dawn—the noble band of reverent doubters—as unlike those of the last century who scoffed, as those of the present who pass on the other side. They too would know; but they know enough already to know further, that it is from the hills and not from the mines their aid must come. They know that a perfect intellectual proof would leave them doubting all the same; that their high questions cannot be answered to the intellect alone, for their whole nature is the questioner; that the answers can only come as questioners and their questions grow towards them. Hence, growing hope, blossoming ever and anon into the white flower of confidence, is their answer as yet; their hope—the Beatific Vision—the happy-making sight, as Milton renders the word of the mystics.

It is strange how gentle a certain large class of the priesthood will be with those who, believing there is a God, find it hard to trust him, and how fierce with those who, unable, from the lack of harmony around and in them, to say they are sure there is a God, would yet, could they find him, trust him indeed. "Ah, but," answer such of the clergy and their followers, "you want a God of your own making." "Certainly," the doubters reply, "we do not want a God of your making: that would be to turn the universe into a hell, and you into its torturing demons. We want a God like that man whose name is so often on your lips, but whose spirit you understand so little—so like him that he shall be the bread of life to all our hunger—not that hunger only already satisfied in you, who take the limit of your present consciousness for that of the race, and say, 'This is all the world needs:' we know the bitterness of our own hearts, and your incapacity for intermeddling with its joy. We   have another mountain-range, from whence   Bursteth a sun unutterably bright;

nor for us only, but for you also, who will not have the truth except it come to you in a system authorized of man."

I have attributed a general utterance to these men, widely different from each other as I know they are.

Here is a voice from one of them, Arthur Hugh Clough, who died in 1861, well beloved. It follows upon two fine poems, called The Questioning Spirit, and Bethesda, in which is represented the condition of many of the finest minds of the present century. Let us receive it as spoken by one in the foremost ranks of these doubters, men reviled by their brethren who dare not doubt for fear of offending the God to whom they attribute their own jealousy. But God is assuredly pleased with those who will neither lie for him, quench their dim vision of himself, nor count that his mind which they would despise in a man of his making.

  Across the sea, along the shore,
  In numbers more and ever more,
  From lonely hut and busy town,
  The valley through, the mountain down,
  What was it ye went out to see,
  Ye silly folk of Galilee?
  The reed that in the wind doth shake?
  The weed that washes in the lake?
  The reeds that waver, the weeds that float?—
  young man preaching in a boat.
  What was it ye went out to hear
  By sea and land, from far and near?
  A teacher? Rather seek the feet
  Of those who sit in Moses' seat.
  Go humbly seek, and bow to them,
  Far off in great Jerusalem.
  From them that in her courts ye saw,
  Her perfect doctors of the law,
  What is it came ye here to note?—
  A young man preaching in a boat
  A prophet! Boys and women weak!
    Declare, or cease to rave:
  Whence is it he hath learned to speak?
    Say, who his doctrine gave?
  A prophet? Prophet wherefore he
    Of all in Israel tribes?—
  He teacheth with authority,
    And not as do the Scribes.

Here is another from one who will not be offended if I class him with this school—the finest of critics as one of the most finished of poets—Matthew Arnold. Only my reader must remember that of none of my poets am I free to choose that which is most characteristic: I have the scope of my volume to restrain me.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
20 temmuz 2018
300 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain

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