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LENISE ELROY arrived at the station and looked around for Mr. Rolfe. He was not there; at least she did not see him. As the time drew near for the departure of the train she became anxious; she hoped much from this railway journey in a reserved compartment: they would be able to talk without interruption.
Hector had seen Brack, who explained how Mrs. Elroy had questioned him at Torquay, and also Carl Hackler.
"You'd best be careful," said Brack; "I saw you talking with her on the course."
"She has no idea who I am. I thank you all the same," he answered.
"Mr. Woodridge has given me a hundred pounds and a new boat," said Brack.
"And you richly deserve it! Here's a twenty-pound note to add to it," said Hector.
"I'll be a rich man before I get back to Torquay," said Brack.
"Here you are; I thought you were not coming," said Mrs. Elroy, as Hector came up.
"There's plenty of time," he said; "ten minutes."
"You can't think how anxious I felt."
"Why? You could have gone on alone."
"That would not have suited me; I want your company," she said.
They were shown to a reserved compartment, the guard locking the door until the train started; it was crowded, and some of the race-goers are not particular where they get in.
"It's a non-stop train; we are alone until we arrive at King's Cross," said Hector.
Lenise was at her best. She confessed she was really in love this time; she meant to find out how matters stood with him.
Despite all she had done, he felt her charm still. She was not a good woman, far from it, but there was something so subtle and attractive about her he found it hard to resist the spell.
The thought of Sir Robert's words, "I wish the Admiral could have seen this," gave him courage. It had to be done – why not do it now? There was no escape for her; it was not a corridor train; they were boxed up for three hours or more. She looked at him with softly gleaming eyes; her whole being thrilled toward him; she had never been so fascinating.
"You are quiet. What are you thinking about?" she said. "Reckoning up your winnings on Tearaway, I suppose."
"My thoughts were far away from there," he said.
"Where were they wandering?"
"I was thinking about you," he said.
"How nice of you," she said quietly.
"You prefer me to Fletcher Denyer?"
"How can you ask such an absurd question?"
"I was wondering whether I loved you; I was thinking whether you would be my wife, if I had the courage to ask you."
"Try," she said, her eyes on him.
"Do you really love me?" he asked.
"You know I do; you must have known it from the first time we met."
"There should be no secrets between us," he said. "I have something to tell you."
She turned pale, a faint shiver passed through her; he noticed it. Would she confess what she had done?
"I too have a confession to make, if you love me, and wish me to be your wife."
"I shall keep my counsel; it would not interest you."
"Let me tell you something first," he said.
"As you please, confidence for confidence," she said with a faint smile.
"I have not always lived a decent life," he said. "I once committed a crime, I paid the penalty, I was sent to prison, to Dartmoor."
She started again, a look of fear was in her eyes.
"When I told you I was mining on Dartmoor it was not true; I worked on Dartmoor, but it was as a prisoner. I was in the same gang as Mr. Woodridge's brother."
"You were," she said in a hollow voice, wondering why he told her this.
"Yes, poor fellow. I never saw a man so broken down in my life; his face haunted me. I said something about it before, you may remember."
"Yes, I recollect," she said.
"We had very little chance of speaking but I heard his story in fragments, how he hated the woman who had brought him down so low. He swore to me he did not kill the woman's husband, but he would not tell me who did, although I asked him many times. From what I heard I came to the conclusion she fired the shot."
His eyes were on her; she could not face their searching glance.
She made no remark, and he went on: "It was mainly through me he escaped," he said. "When I was released I searched out his brother and made a suggestion. Mr. Woodridge has no idea I was in prison; he thought I had been abroad for several years. Needless to say, I did not enlighten him; I will trust you not to do so."
"I shall never speak of it."
"Does this alter your opinion of me? Shall I go on?" he asked.
"I love you," she said. "I shall always love you, no matter what happens."
"As you know, Hector Woodridge escaped."
"But he is dead."
"That is uncertain. He may be, or he may have got away and be in hiding. He must be greatly changed, no one would recognize him," he said.
"It is hardly possible," she said.
"Perhaps not, but still he may be alive, and if he is, the woman who ruined him had better beware. I believe he would kill her if he met her. What have you to confess to me? You see I have placed my character in your hands; you can ruin me socially if you wish."
"I do not wish, and I thank you for the trust you have placed in me," she said. "I am afraid to confess all to you, afraid you will never speak to me again when you know who I am."
"Who you are?" he exclaimed.
"I told you, when you remarked on the curious coincidence that my name was Mrs. Elroy, that I was not the Mrs. Elroy connected with Hector Woodridge's case."
"Well," he said.
"I told you a lie. I am the same Mrs. Elroy. It was my husband Hector Woodridge shot. It was me he was in love with."
He looked at her without speaking for several minutes. The silence was painful; he was thinking how to launch his thunderbolt, how best to trap and overwhelm her. There was no escape, she was entirely at his mercy.
"You ruined Hector Woodridge, sent him to penal servitude for life," he said.
"I was not entirely to blame. We loved, or at least we thought so."
"How did it happen?" he asked.
"The shooting?"
"It was quite unpremeditated; had the revolver not been there it would never have happened. I believe my husband intended to shoot him, and me – it was his revolver."
Hector wondered if this were true.
"The revolver was on a small table. I saw it but did not remove it; had I done so the tragedy would not have happened."
"Why did you leave it there?" he asked.
"I do not know; probably because I did not wish my husband to know I was afraid. I was aware he had found us out, that an exposure must come sooner or later. He was madly in love with me; I almost hated him, he was so weak, almost childish, and I wanted a strong man to rule me. Shall I go on, do you despise me, look upon me as a very wicked woman?" she asked in a strained voice.
"Go on," he said; "tell me the whole story, how he was shot, everything."
"I will, I will make a full confession; but be merciful in your judgment, remember I am doing this because I love you, that I do not want it to stand between us, I plead to you not to throw all the blame on me. Hector Woodridge was a strong man and I loved him, I believe he loved me, he overcame all my scruples. I yielded to him, gave myself to him – surely that was a great sacrifice, my name, honor, everything for his sake. We were together in my husband's study. We thought he was in London, but he did not go; he set a trap and caught us. I shall never forget the look on his face when he came into the room. I saw his eyes rest on the revolver, and I felt it was our lives or his, but we stood between him and the weapon.
"Hector Woodridge guessed what was in his mind; he must have done so, for he laid his hand on the revolver. My husband saw the movement and said, 'Put that down, you scoundrel,' and advanced toward us. Hector raised the revolver and told him to stand back. He did so; he was afraid.
"There was an angry altercation. I remember saying I was tired of him, that I would live with him no longer, that I loved Hector Woodridge. This drove him to distraction; he became furious, dangerous; he would have killed us without hesitation had he possessed the revolver, there was such a murderous look in his eyes. Does my sordid story interest you?" she asked.
"It does; everything you do or say interests me," he said.
"And you do not utterly despise me, think me too bad to be in decent society, to be sitting here alone with you?"
"Go on," he said in a tone that was half a command, and which caused her to feel afraid of something unknown.
"At last Elroy's rage got the better of his prudence; he made a dash forward to seize the revolver, raised in Hector's hand. It was the work of a second, his finger was on the trigger; he pulled it, there was a report, Elroy staggered forward, fell on his face, dead," she said with a blanched face, and trembling voice.
"You pulled the trigger," he said, calmly looking straight at her.
THIS direct charge so astonished her that for a few moments she did not recognize its full significance. She sat wildly staring at him, completely overwhelmed.
He watched; her terror fascinated him, he could not take his eyes off her.
She tried to speak and failed, seemed on the point of fainting. He let down the window; the cool air revived her, but she was in a deplorably nervous condition.
At last the words came.
"I pulled the trigger?" she said. "What do you mean, how can you possibly know what happened?"
"I said you pulled the trigger. It is true, is it not?"
"No; Hector Woodridge shot my husband," she said in a low voice. She was afraid of him; his knowledge seemed uncanny – or was it merely guesswork?
"That is a lie," he said.
"How dare you say that!" she said, her courage momentarily flashing out.
He smiled.
"I thought this was to be a full confession," he said.
"I will say no more; you do not believe me," she said.
"Then I will continue it," he said, and she seemed petrified with fright. He gave her no chance. He related the history of the trial; so minute were his particulars that she wondered if he were a man, or a being possessed of unearthly knowledge.
"Hector Woodridge was condemned to be hanged, and you spoke no word to save him. Your evidence damned him, almost hanged him, sent him to a living tomb."
"I could not lie; I had sworn to speak the truth," she faltered.
"You did not speak the truth," he almost shouted; and she shrank back, cowering on her seat. She wondered if he had suddenly gone mad. Impossible. His knowledge was uncanny.
"Had you spoken the truth you would have saved him; but you dared not. Had you told all he would have been set free, you would have been sentenced. You were too much of a coward to speak, fearing the consequences; but he, what did he do? He remained silent, when he might have saved himself and proved you guilty."
"It is not true," she murmured faintly.
"It is true," he said fiercely. "Think what he has suffered, think and tremble when you imagine his revenue. I will tell you something more. You were in Torquay when he escaped. You were at supper one night; there was a chink in the blind; footsore, hunted, his hands torn by the hound, his body all bruised and battered, hungry, thirsty, every man's hand against him. Hector Woodridge looked through it, he saw you feasting with your friends."
"Stop!" she cried in an agonized voice. "Stop! I can bear no more. I saw his face, I have never had a peaceful moment since."
"I shall not stop," he said harshly. "Outside he cursed you, prayed for justice, and another chance in life."
"How do you know all this?" she asked in a voice trembling with dread.
"Never mind how I know; sufficient that I know," he said. "Hector Woodridge, thanks to an old boatman, escaped and boarded the Sea-mew, his brother's yacht, lying in Torbay."
Her agitation was painful, her face became drawn and haggard, she looked an old woman. Rising from her seat, she placed her hands on his shoulders, looking long and searchingly into his face.
"Sit down," he said sternly, and she obeyed.
"He was taken away on the Sea-mew. He went mad, was insane for some time, then he fell dangerously ill; when he recovered he was so changed that even the servants at Haverton, who had known him all his life, failed to recognize him."
"He went to Haverton?" she said.
"Yes; he is alive and well. No one recognizes him as Hector Woodridge; he has assumed another name and once more taken a place in the world. To all who knew him he is dead, with two or three exceptions. The prison authorities think he is dead; they have given up the search for him. He is safe, able to carry out his scheme of revenge against the woman who so cruelly wronged him. You are that woman, Lenise Elroy."
"And what does he purpose doing with me?" she asked faintly. "You cannot know that."
"I do; I am his most intimate friend."
She started; a weird, unearthly look came into her face.
"His one object in life is to prove his innocence. He cannot do that unless you confess," he said.
"Confess!" she laughed mockingly. "There is nothing to confess."
"You know better, and you will be forced to confess or else – "
"If you do not prove his innocence he will – "
"Kill me?"
"That may happen, under certain circumstances, but he wishes to give you a chance."
"He has asked you to speak to me?"
"Yes; he was at Doncaster."
"At the races?"
"He saw you there. Something of the old fascination you exercise over him came back, and for a moment he wavered in his desire for revenge."
He saw a faint smile steal over her face.
"He told you this?"
"Yes, and more; but I have said enough."
"You have indeed. You have brought a terrible indictment against me, Mr. Rolfe; if it were true I ought to die of shame and remorse, but it is not true, not all of it," she said.
"Lenise, look at me. Do you love me after all I have said?"
"I do. Nothing you can say or do will ever alter that."
"And you will marry me?" he asked. "It is a strange wooing."
"I will be your wife. You will save me from him; you will try and persuade him I am not deserving of a terrible revenge," she said.
"Are you afraid of him – of – Hector Woodridge?"
She shuddered.
"Yes," she said, "I am."
"Supposing he were here, in this carriage in my place?"
"I should fling myself out," she said. "I should be afraid of him; it would be terrible, awful. I could not bear it."
"Because you know you have wronged him. Do the right thing, Lenise. Confess, prove his innocence, think how he has suffered for your sake, how he has kept silent all these years," he said.
"Why do you torture me? If he has suffered, so have I. Do you think the knowledge of his awful position has not made me shudder every time I thought of it? I have pictured him there and wished I could obtain his release."
"You can prove his innocence," he said.
"Supposing I could, what then? What would happen? I should have to take his place."
"And you dare not."
"I am a woman."
"Then you will not help to prove his innocence?"
"I cannot."
Hector got up quickly, took her by the wrists and dragged her up.
"Look at me, Lenise. Look well. Do you not know me?"
He felt her trembling; she marked every feature of his face. Gradually it all came back to her, overwhelmed her. She traced feature by feature – the eyes were his eyes, yes, the face was his face. He saw the dawn of recognition come over her and break into full light. She knew him; her eyes dilated with terror, her cheeks went ashen pale, her lips were colorless, her limbs trembled, she could hardly stand.
"Yes," he said. "It is I, Lenise, Hector Woodridge, and you are alone with me in this carriage."
"Mercy, Hector, mercy, I am only a woman."
"And you love me, you said so, you love William Rolfe?"
She sank on her knees, she clasped his limbs, looking piteously into his face. He saw how she suffered.
"Get up," he said; "do not kneel there."
She hid her face between her arms, he heard her sobs, saw they shook her frame. The train rattled on, whirling at a great pace, drawing nearer and nearer to London. She moaned, it cut him to the heart to hear her. A fierce struggle went on within him, a battle with his strong will. He placed in the front rank the memory of all he had suffered, then brought up his father's death, the cruel disgrace, as a reserve to support it. He had his enemy beaten at his feet, he was victor, it was a humiliating defeat for her.
"The quality of mercy is not strained."
Strange how the line should come into his mind at this moment. He had always been a student of Shakespeare, he knew much of it by heart, in prison he repeated whole parts, and it solaced him.
"Lenise, get up."
His tone had changed, she raised her tear-stained face. What she saw in his look made her cry out:
"Hector, is it possible? Speak to me, Hector! I know you now. Oh, what a fool I have been! I have always loved you, but I was a coward. It was you, not William Rolfe, I loved again when we met. You were Hector Woodridge and my soul went out to you. Do with me as you will. I am strong now, for I believe you love me. I will confess, make it public, tell everything. You know I did it. The revolver was in your hand, your finger on the trigger, I pulled your hand and it went off. I will make it known if only you will forgive me. God, what a fiend I have been to let you suffer so! And you have kept silence all these years for my sake!"
She spoke rapidly; he knew she was in earnest and his heart softened. He had loved her deeply, he loved her now, he had always loved her, even in his bitterest moments in prison, when he had framed a terrible revenge. It had been his intention to marry her in his assumed name, and on their wedding night tell her he was Hector Woodridge and then – well he shuddered at the mere thought of how near a brute he had been.
Hector was never more of a man than at this moment. He had won a great victory over himself, far greater than over the woman at his feet. He had conquered revenge, utterly crushed it, cast it out forever.
He stooped down and raised her gently.
The train hissed on, carrying its living freight, drawing nearer to London.
She hung her head; he raised it, looked straight into her eyes, then kissed her.
From that moment Lenise Elroy was another woman. She felt the change instantaneously; she was transformed, she knew whatever happened she would be true to him, that she would love him with a devotion that could not be surpassed.
He kissed her again as he held her in his arms.
"This is my revenge, Lenise," he said.
AT Haverton everything shaped well. Picton asked Rita to be his wife and she consented. They were very happy, Dick rejoiced exceedingly, Captain Ben was pleased, Brack congratulated them in his quaint way before he returned to Torquay.
"I'll give you The Rascal for a wedding present," said Dick. "I hope he'll win the National for you."
"He will have a good chance," said Picton. "It is a very welcome gift."
"I think you and Rita will be happy," Dick said.
"We shall, and when she is mistress here there will be a delightful change for the better," said Picton.
"I hope there will be no collision between Rita and Mrs. Yeoman," laughed Dick.
"No fear of that. She is very fond of Rita; she told me so, said she was very pleased I was going to marry her."
"Then that's all right," said Dick.
He and his sister remained a week longer, then returned to Torwood; Rita and Picton were to be married from there early in the New Year.
Dr. Elroy came from Doncaster for a few days' shooting. Picton liked him, so did Captain Ben. The doctor was an excellent shot, and accounted for many brace of grouse; he also showed some knowledge of horses, which at once ensured Brant's good opinion.
It was during the doctor's stay Picton received a letter from his brother, containing an enclosure. Both astonished him immensely, and small wonder.
He read them carefully twice, and decided that Hector's wishes should be obeyed. These were to the effect that Picton should read them to Captain Ben, Sir Robert Raines, and any other persons he thought desirable should know the truth. Picton decided Dr. Elroy should join them when he read the letter. Sir Robert received a hasty summons to Haverton.
"Wonder what's in the wind now," he said.
"A trial I expect," said his wife.
"You and Mr. Woodridge think of nothing but horses."
"I have had a communication I wish you to hear," said Picton. "I have heard from my brother."
"Hector!" exclaimed Sir Robert.
"Yes. He is alive and well. He knows you are to be trusted; he wished you to hear all he has written. You will be surprised to learn William Rolfe is Hector."
"Good heavens!" exclaimed Sir Robert. "Do you know, Picton, my boy, I thought he resembled him, but of course I had no idea he was Hector. It's wonderful; how did he get away?"
Picton gave him an account of Hector's escape and how he boarded the Sea-mew, and all that followed.
"The strangest part of the story is better told in his own words," said Picton. "I wish you, Captain Ben, and Dr. Elroy to hear it."
Sir Robert was lost in wonder at such strange happenings. When they were all seated in Picton's study he asked them to promise to keep everything secret, which they readily did, when he explained whom the communication was from.
Picton began Hector's letter, which, after a few preliminaries, read as follows: "You know how I escaped, and thanks to the good farmer on the moor, and with the aid of Brack, boarded the Sea-mew and got safely away. Then, taking the name of William Rolfe, I came to Haverton and no one knew me. I wish it to be thought that Hector Woodridge is dead, that I am William Rolfe, and shall always remain so, for reasons which I will explain, and which will cause you great astonishment. Something wonderful has happened since I left Haverton, something that surprises me even now, and which I can hardly understand, yet it is an accomplished fact, and I shall never regret it.
"I met Lenise Elroy at Doncaster station by appointment; we traveled alone in a reserved compartment. You have some idea of the vengeance I intended taking upon her, but you have no conception how terrible it was to be. I purposed carrying it out in the train, declaring to her who I was – she thought I was William Rolfe. I gradually led the conversation up to a point when I could relate to her how Hector Woodridge escaped and boarded the Sea-mew, and that he was alive and well, living under an assumed name. I posed as his best friend. She was amazed, and frightened, at the minute details I gave her, thought it uncanny. There was a dramatic moment when she explained what happened when Elroy was shot, in order to clear herself, offer an excuse for her conduct. She said Hector Woodridge pointed the revolver at Elroy and as he advanced, fired. Then I said, 'You pulled the trigger.' This, as you may imagine, was a knock-down blow for her; she almost fainted. She denied it, of course; it was a critical moment. Then I bade her look in my face, asked her if she recognized me. Gradually she did so; she fell on her knees, clasped my legs, sobbed as though her heart would break. She confessed all. She said I held the revolver pointed at Elroy, but she pulled my hand back, and it went off, killing him. I enclose a confession she has signed to this effect. It proves my innocence. I did not actually fire the shot, although I leveled the revolver at him, to frighten and keep him back. I had no intention of shooting him; as God is my judge, I did not wish to take his life. She acted on a sudden impulse; perhaps she wished to pull my hand down, thinking I intended shooting him, and, as my finger was on the trigger, it went off. It was all a terrible blunder, which she and I have suffered terribly for. You little know how she has suffered; she has told me and I believe her. What I suffered no one can imagine, but I believe I can learn to forget it under the new conditions of life I have mapped out.
"As she knelt at my feet sobbing, a strange revulsion of feeling swept over me. Before all this happened she acknowledged she loved me as William Rolfe, that she had done so from the first time we met.
"I looked down at her and spoke gently. She noticed the changed tone in my voice and raised her head. 'Hector!' she cried in strange surprise.
"Stooping down I raised her gently. I felt no desire for revenge; all my savage feelings were swept away. I loved her, loved Lenise Elroy, who had so deeply wronged me, with an undying love. I knew I had always loved her, even when in prison, and my feelings were bitterest against her. She saw something of this in my face. I kissed her and held her close to me. From that moment, Picton, I forgave all, she was very dear to me. No matter how she had sinned I knew she had always been mine. I remembered how she surrendered herself to me; I recognized that I had tempted her, as she had tempted me; that we were both guilty, that had I behaved as a man, and kept away from her, the tragedy which blighted so many lives would not have happened.
"We sat side by side and did not speak. The wonder of it all swept over us and held us silent. We looked into each other's eyes and read our thoughts. She was transfigured, a different woman, a new soul had entered her body, she was not the Lenise Elroy of old days. I felt all this; I was certain I could rely upon her. She spoke at last, and said she would write a confession which I could place in your hands to do as you wished with; she would abide the consequences. I have sent this to you, Picton, knowing you will never make it public, but hide it in some place until our deaths take place. You can read it to our old friend Sir Robert, and Captain Ben, and any one else you think ought to know, and that you can depend upon to keep silent. It is short, but true, and she has signed it.
"Perhaps the strangest news of all for you is that we are married, and are now Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe. I wished it to take place at once, and she was willing to do anything I asked.
"As Mr. and Mrs. William Rolfe, we sail for Melbourne in a fortnight, where I shall go up country and buy a small station somewhere. We intend to keep out of the world, to live for ourselves. Lenise wishes it, she says a lifelong devotion to me will only help to blot out the past. Of her love I am certain; she is not demonstrative, but I catch her sometimes unawares, and her face expresses her thoughts. Forgive her as I have, Picton, write her a kindly letter, tell her she has done right, wish her happiness in her new life. We shall not come to Haverton; it is better not.
"I won a large sum over Tearaway; I had a thousand pounds on her at a hundred to three. I do not want any more money. Keep the dear old place up; some day we may see it, but not for years – it may be never. I should like to see you, Sir Robert, and Captain Ben, if you will meet me in town, just to say farewell. I hope you will be happy with Rita; I am sure you will. At some future time you may tell her the tramp she treated so kindly on his way to Torquay was your brother Hector. I have Dick's coat she gave me; I shall always keep it as a treasured remembrance of a good woman's kindness and sympathy. Remember always that Hector Woodridge is dead, that William Rolfe lives, and is a settler in Australia. In that great country we shall be surrounded by new scenes, faces, and places; no one will know us; we shall live our lives peacefully until the end.
"The storm is over, Picton, and calm come at last. This is how I took my revenge. How strange are the workings of Providence, how sure is His eternal justice, how wonderful and mysterious His ordering of all things!"
Picton then read Lenise's confession, which exonerated Hector from blame. It was brief and to the point; she did not spare herself.
"I'll tell you what, Picton, Hector's a great man, an extraordinary man, he deserves the highest praise we can give him," said Sir Robert, and with this they all agreed.
"Remember, Hector is dead, William Rolfe lives," said Picton, and again they agreed to abide by this decision.