Kitabı oku: «The Second String», sayfa 15
"Barry, I must have a serious talk with you," said Jack.
"All serene, fire away. That blessed doctor has been at you, I can see it in your face," he replied with a smile.
"You are ill, it is no use trying to hide it. Because you have never been laid up before you fancy it will go on all right till the end of time, but it won't. You must rest. All your life you have been a hard worker, and now you are run down."
"How the deuce can I rest with these mines on our hands? It is too good a thing to leave go of now we have got the grip. Wait until I have settled this business and then I am your man."
"How long will it take?" asked Jack.
"Perhaps one year, perhaps two, it may be longer."
"And before then it will not matter to you whether you are rich or poor, money will be of no use to you."
"What do you mean?"
"What I say, money is of no use to a dead man."
Barry started and his face went a shade paler.
"Doctors are fools," he said.
"Patients who disobey their orders can be placed in that category," said Jack.
"But I cannot give this thing up yet, Jack, it's not fair either to you or me."
"Then it will give you up, and as for myself I would sooner have to start fresh than see any harm befall you."
Barry's face softened. Seldom in his tumultuous life had he heard a friend speak in this strain.
"I have a suggestion to make," said Jack. "Float the claims into a company. We can get as much as we want out of the concern in cash and hold the bulk of the shares. A responsible manager can look after things and take all the responsibility off your shoulders."
Barry laughed as he replied —
"That means allowing others to reap what we have sown."
"To get in some portion of the crop, I acknowledge," replied Jack, "but the bulk of the harvest will be ours."
"And supposing I agree, what shall we do?"
"Go to England. You promised to take a trip with me when I returned, and I know you will keep your promise. Moreover, in the event of a certain interesting ceremony taking place you promised to be best man. You cannot back down, and I am going home as soon as I can fix things up here."
Jack suddenly thought of the letter he had recently received with Winifred's message to Barry. He had it in his pocket-book, and taking it out handed it to Barry, saying —
"I am sure you will not refuse when you have read it."
Winifred's message was couched in terms she knew well how to use in conveying thanks to such a man and it also gave a cordial invitation from Sir Lester to visit The Downs, if ever he came to England.
"She's a real downright stunner," said Barry. "A splendid girl, there are not many like her."
"They are few and far between," answered Jack, proudly. "You cannot refuse now."
"It's a plot," said Barry, "to carry me off. Jack, you are a brigand chief."
"And your ransom will be a large one, once I get you in my clutches," he replied, laughing.
Eventually Barry agreed to accompany Jack Redland home, but he stipulated that they must not start until everything was in working order.
"We must leave nothing to chance," he said, "there is too much at stake."
About a month later the pearling schooners arrived at Fremantle, and Harry Marton reported a prosperous trip. He was pleased beyond measure to meet Jack again and to hear of his good fortune. There was much to tell on both sides, and Harry thoroughly approved of his friend's action in inducing Barry Tuxford to take a holiday.
"Anyone can see he is wearing himself out," said Harry, "and a rest will do him good; I am sure he deserves it."
"And what about yourself?" asked Jack.
"I shall remain here," replied Harry. "I have no ties to draw me home, and I have a bit of news to tell you, Jack."
"What is it?"
"I have asked my little girl to come out and risk matrimony, and she has consented. She's on her way, I believe, with our old friend Captain Seagrave, of the "Falcon."
"Bravo Harry," said Jack. "So you mean to make your home here?"
"Such is my intention, and thanks to our good friend Barry, the future seems assured. He wishes me to act as his general manager, whatever that may mean, and has promised me a share in all his ventures."
"I feel I owe my good fortune to you," said Jack. "I should never have known Barry Tuxford had it not been for you. When does the "Falcon" arrive? Does she come to Fremantle?"
"Yes, and ought to be here, I believe, in a few weeks."
"It would not be a bad idea to go home in her," said Jack.
"I am sure Barry would prefer her to one of the mail boats," replied Harry.
When the result of the pearling expedition was reckoned up, it was found that a profit of several thousand pounds had been made, and Captain Danks, Captain Hake, and Jacob Rank, were satisfied with their work.
Silas Filey turned up in due course from Shark's Bay, bringing the news of the murder of Amos Hooker.
"I'll bet a hundred that black devil, Kylis, did it," said Barry.
"He disappeared from the settlement," said Silas, "and has never returned."
"He's here, in Perth," said Barry.
"Then let him alone, Amos Hooker was a shocking bad lot," said Silas. He then told them by what means he secured the black pearl and expressed a keen desire to buy it.
"It is not for sale," said Barry. "What do you value it at for purposes of division?"
"About two thousand pounds," said Silas.
"Too much," Barry whispered to Jack.
"Not at all," he replied. "I shall be glad to get it at that price, less my share."
Silas handed it over with sundry groans and protestations.
"It'll be wasted, fairly wasted," he moaned. "You don't know where to plant it. I have a customer for it. He's got one black pearl and would give a small fortune for this. Let me have it, and I'll deal fairly with you."
Barry handed it to Jack, saying —
"It is your property, will you let him have it?"
"No," thundered Jack, "and as for it's being wasted, let me tell you, you old humbug, that it will adorn the fairest and best woman in England. My only regret is that you ever polluted it with your touch."
Silas Filey glared at him angrily as he said —
"Hard words, master, I am only a pearl buyer, and it is my business to secure the best I can for my clients. I have done the pearl no harm, and my hands are as clean as most folks."
Jack knew he had spoken hastily and soothed the old man's feelings by saying —
"If ever I want to part with it, Silas, you shall have first refusal."
Silas nodded, but he knew it was a very remote probability.
It took Barry some time to arrange affairs to his satisfaction, and eventually it was decided to float the Redland-Barry Mine in London, as he had had some experience in this line before.
Harry Marton was to be left in sole charge at Perth, with a power of attorney to act, and the pearling was to continue as usual.
The "Falcon" duly arrived at Fremantle, with Agnes Dixon on board, and her wedding with Harry Marton was celebrated, Jack acting as best man, Barry giving a great feast in honour of the occasion. It was generally acknowledged that Mrs. Harry Marton would be a decided acquisition to Perth society.
Captain Seagrave was jubilant when he learned Jack Redland and Barry Tuxford were to be passengers on the homeward voyage.
Jack had not informed Winifred of their intended departure for the old country, as he wished to give her a surprise.
"The shock will be too much for her," said Barry, "you ought to warn her, it's not fair."
The night before they were to sail, Jack sat on the verandah of Barry Tuxford's house thinking over all that had happened during the past few years. Fortune had indeed favoured him, and the words of the gypsy woman had come true. Very few men he knew had done so much, or met with such success in so short a time. His meeting with Harry Marton in London, appeared to him like a direct intervention of Providence in his favour, and then came Barry Tuxford, a crowning blessing upon his career. Jack Redland was grateful for all his good luck, and felt that he ought to be thankful all his life.
It seemed almost impossible that he should be a rich man, and yet such was the case, for when the new mine was floated, many thousands would be at his disposal. He did not pretend to misunderstand Barry Tuxford when he said he regarded him as a son. He knew Barry's wealth was great, and that in all probability he would leave him the bulk of it. He hoped Barry would live for many long years, but in the natural order of things the older man would go first. The voyage would do him good, add many years to his life, the doctor said, and Jack looked forward with pleasure to presenting his generous friend to Sir Lester and Winifred.
His pearl fishing experiences seemed like a dream; it was a rough time, but he did not dislike it, nay, he had enjoyed it while it lasted, but he would not care to go through it again.
The black pearl would always recall those days, when he saw Winifred wearing it.
And Winifred, she was waiting for him, he was sure of that, and yet no words of love had passed between them, no bond bound them to each other. Yes, there was a bond, although not a tie, the bond of unspoken love, and Jack looked forward to the time when he could put his real feelings into words, and pour them into Winifred's willing ears.
How would she look, what would she do when she first saw him? The picture he conjured up was wonderfully pleasant, and he kept it to himself.
The "Falcon" steamed out of Fremantle harbour, and commenced her voyage to England with Jack Redland and Barry Tuxford on board. As Jack looked at the fast receding headlands, he wondered if he would ever see them again. It was hard to say, but the chances were he was leaving Australia for ever. It seemed ungrateful to cast off the country that had done so much for him, and yet his lines were cast in other places, and he could not avoid his fate, a pleasant one, if he would.
Every year, men who have succeeded in life, leave the land in which they have toiled, to come home to that small spot so blessed amongst the nations of the earth. They give of their best to other lands, but take toll in return, and then when the time comes, and Fortune's smiles are at their best they turn to home, to England, which every son of her soil regards with a veneration too deep for words.
Jack Redland felt something of this as the "Falcon" steamed on her way.
He had come to love the land he was leaving behind, but he looked forward with a greater joy to the land that lay beyond the seas. He would never forget the country that gave him fortune, and helped him to gain the dearest wish of his heart – the girl he loved.
"The 'Falcon' has arrived at Tilbury," said Winifred, as she looked at the shipping news, which had interested her since Jack's departure. "I wonder if we shall see Captain Seagrave this time."
"And whether he will bring any nice presents from Jack, eh, Win?" said her father, laughing.
She little knew who had arrived on board the "Falcon," or her joy would have been unbounded.
"You will come with me to The Downs?" said Jack, as he sat in the smoking lounge of the Savoy Hotel, with his friend, Barry Tuxford.
"You must go alone, she will not like a stranger to be present at your meeting."
"You are not a stranger."
"To her I am."
"Not at all, I am sure she already regards you as a friend; so does Sir Lester," said Jack. He knew, however, that it would be better to do as Barry wished. Jack's feelings, as he once again found himself in the Brighton train, can better be imagined than described. Everything was familiar, and there seemed to be no change in the surroundings. He knew the time the train left London Bridge without looking at the guide, and he found there had been no alteration during the years he had been away.
His whole being responded to the sights and sounds that had been so familiar. He eagerly noted every spot of interest as the train sped on its way and brought him nearer to his destination and Winifred. He was coming home as a successful man, and the thought was pleasant. Had he returned a failure he knew his reception would have been none the less hearty, but he would have felt very different. Success begets confidence, and Jack was brimful of it.
At last, Brighton, the dear old place, the scene of so many memories of the past.
He inhaled the breeze with satisfaction, and walked on to the Marine Parade to look at the busy scene. He did not linger long, but went round to his former rooms in the Old Steyne, and found there had been no change there. His welcome assured him of the hearty reception he would get at Sir Lester's.
He took a victoria, and drove to within a couple of miles of The Downs, where he alighted and proceeded on foot.
How beautiful the country looked, so fresh and green, enchanting after the barren lands he had seen for so long. He walked slowly, as though loath to reach happiness too soon. Rounding a turn in the road he came in sight of Sir Lester's house, and his heart beat fast. He halted and feasted his eyes on the much loved spot, that had never been absent from his memory, no matter where his lot might be cast.
As he approached the entrance to the drive he saw the flutter of a white dress on the terrace – it was Winifred. He felt inclined to rush forward and shout wildly, his exultation was so great that it must break bounds.
As he walked up the drive Winifred saw him, and turning to her father said —
"There is someone coming, I wonder who it can be."
Then the familiar figure, the well known walk made her heart beat furiously with a great joy.
"Father, father, it's Jack!" she exclaimed.
"Nonsense, Win, how can it be Jack?"
"It is. I am sure it is. Look, look."
Sir Lester put on his glasses, and said —
"By jove, I believe you are right. Wait and see, we must not make a ridiculous mistake."
Jack Redland saw they recognised him, and ran forward, sprang up the terrace steps, and had Winifred in his arms, almost before she had recovered from her astonishment. She put her arms round his neck and kissed him, it seemed natural for her to do so, had she not waited a long time for him?
"It is you, Jack, dear Jack. You have come back to us. Is it really true?"
"Yes, it is true, Winnie, and I have looked forward to this day during all the time I have been away."
Sir Lester stood looking on, his face betraying his happiness.
"When you have quite finished with Jack you might allow him to shake hands with me," he said, smiling.
Winifred blushed, and Jack said, hastily —
"Forgive me, Sir Lester, there is no occasion to tell you now how much we love each other."
Sir Lester took him by the hand, and said —
"This is the happiest day of my life, Jack. God bless you, my lad, the shock is almost too much for me, I have not been very strong of late."
He staggered a little, and Jack supported him to a chair.
"Has he been ill?" he asked, turning to Winifred.
"Yes, very ill indeed."
"And if it had not been for Win I should not have pulled through," said Sir Lester.
During the next two or three days Jack Redland gave them an account of his varied experiences, and found attentive listeners. He handed the famous black pearl to Winifred, who was delighted with its dark beauty.
"It must be very valuable," she said.
"Worth a few thousands," said Jack, carelessly.
"He talks about thousands much in the same way as we ordinary mortals do about pounds," said Sir Lester, laughing. "How delightful it must be to be a millionaire."
"I am not that," laughed Jack, "far from it; but as we say in the Colonies, I have made a fair pile, thanks to Barry Tuxford."
"Barry, we have forgotten him; it is ungrateful," said Winifred.
"How did you leave him? He must have been sorry to part with you."
"We did not part, he came with me, he is in London," said Jack.
"And you did not bring him with you," said Sir Lester; "that is ungrateful."
"He would not come," said Jack.
"Not come, why?" exclaimed Winifred.
"Because he said he did not wish to disturb the joy of our meeting," replied Jack, smiling.
"Well done, Barry," said Sir Lester, laughing. "But I hope he will join us soon."
"Yes, he is waiting for his orders to march," said Jack.
"Then write them at once," answered Sir Lester, "We must welcome the man who has done so much for you, Jack."
In response to the summons, Barry Tuxford arrived at The Downs, and was delighted beyond measure with Sir Lester, and Winifred, and everything he saw.
Sir Lester became much interested in him, and they sat together for hours on the terrace, Barry relating his adventures, while Jack and Winifred wandered about the woods and dells, and the birds chanted a welcome to the lovers.
"So you are to float the Redland-Barry Mine," said Sir Lester. "I should like to take some shares."
"As many as you wish," replied Barry, "and you shall have them on the same terms as ourselves. It is a certain thing, Sir Lester, a real good spec."
Barry Tuxford was right, the Redland-Barry Mine shares went like wildfire, and there was a rush in 'Change to buy them. Before many weeks were past Jack was possessed of an ample fortune, and Sir Lester had increased his capital by the addition of many thousands of pounds.
Barry, to use his own expression, "sat tight" and said little, but he alone knew the enormous possibilities of the new El Dorado.
Jack, as a matter of form and courtesy, asked Sir Lester for Winifred's hand. In granting his request, Sir Lester said —
"I have always regarded you as a son, Jack, perhaps that is why I never contemplated the probability of you and Winifred falling in love. It was only after you left England that I found out how deeply she was attached to you. I regretted then that you had left us, but it was all for the best, although I assure you had you returned a poor man I should have put no obstacles in your way. I am glad you had the pluck to go out into the world and fight for your own hand, and nothing gives me more pleasure than to place in your keeping the future happiness of my child."
There was no occasion for a long engagement, and Sir Lester insisted upon Jack taking possession of The Downs until he had purchased a suitable property for himself.
The wedding proved how great was the popularity of both bride and bridegroom in the county, for there was an enormous attendance in the church, and the presents were costly and numerous. Barry Tuxford acted as best man, and quietly told Sir Lester, after the ceremony, that he had never gone through such a severe ordeal in his life.
"But it was worth it all to have the privilege of kissing the bride," he added, at which Sir Lester laughed heartily.
Of course Jack Redland had told Sir Lester all about the victory of Black Boy, and described the race to him in such a graphic way as to arouse his enthusiasm.
"I have brought the colours back with me," said Jack, "and hope to wear them for you before long. I gave Caleb the messages his brother sent and what do you think he suggested?"
"That the sooner you are in the saddle again the better."
"That was one thing, but he proposed that Black Boy should come over here and try what he could do on this side," said Jack.
"A capital idea," replied Sir Lester. "How is it to be done?"
"That will not cause much trouble," replied Jack. "When Barry returns he will see to it, and Joel Kenley will send a good man to be in charge of him during the voyage."
Barry Tuxford returned to Australia in the "Falcon" with Captain Seagrave, who had been at Jack's wedding. Before leaving he promised to take another trip in the course of a year or two.
"And who knows," he added, "but that I may end my days in the old country?"
"I hope you will," said Winifred. "We shall be charmed to have you near us. Promise me you will seriously consider it."
"I'd promise anything you asked," said Barry. "I don't know the man who could resist you, at any rate his name is not Barry Tuxford."
Black Boy arrived safely in England, in charge of Bricky Smiles, who was induced, without difficulty, to remain with Caleb Kenley, and look after the horse. Bricky's lot, in his declining days, had fallen in pleasant places, and he was very grateful to Jack for his kindness.
The Redland-Barry Mine turned out an even greater success than Barry Tuxford anticipated. The crushings were described as wonderful, and the shares went up by leaps and bounds, while the dividends were sufficiently high to make even a South African diamond magnate covetous.
Barry Tuxford arrived in England again in time to stand godfather to Jack and Winifred's second son, and he was very proud of the position.
"Makes me a sort of guardian of the youngster," he said. "I'll not be hard on him when he grows up."
"I do not think you will," replied Winifred, smiling. "You could not be hard upon anyone."
Barry Tuxford made no reply; he had been very hard on some men, but they deserved it.
Harry Marton frequently wrote to Jack. He had prospered exceedingly, and was Barry Tuxford's right hand man.
Sir Lester Dyke, now completely restored to health, often had the pleasure of seeing his son-in-law carry the black and orange jacket to victory, and during the Sussex fortnight there were no more popular colours seen on the racecourse.