Kitabı oku: «The Book of the Epic: The World's Great Epics Told in Story», sayfa 33
Abbasides, 398
Abdiel, 298, 299
Abduction of Persephone, 64
Abel, 142, 311
Abeniaf, 116, 118
Abenteuerbuch, 326
Abraham, 311
Abstinence, 263
Abul Kasin Mansur, 398
Abu Zaid, 398
Acadia, 468
Achan, 170
Achates, 64-66
Acheron, 141
Achilleis, 63, 69
Achilles, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30-40, 42, 46, 53, 61, 88, 143, 269
Acrasia, 264, 265, 267-269
Active Virtues, 354
Açvaghosha, 415
Adam, 142, 179, 186, 293-298, 302-313, 317, 322
Adamastor, 134, 135
Adonais, 221
Adone, 139
Adonis, 139
Adrian V., Pope, 170
Adventurous Band, 202, 204
Adversary, 292, 395
Aegistheus, 43
Aeneas, 23, 25-27, 37, 64-74, 76-80, 142, 146
Aeneid, 63, 64-80, 83, 108
Aeolus, 50, 51, 64
Aeschere, 226
Aesculapius, 258
Aethiopia, 17
Aetna, Mt., 70
Afrasiab, 404, 408, 412
Africa, 64, 65, 116, 120, 126, 194
African, 71
Agamemnon, 18, 21, 26, 29-33, 36, 42, 53, 178
Age of Gold, 400, 417, 429
Agias of Troezene, 18
Agnani, 170
Agnello, 154
Ahab, 316
Ahasuerus, 394, 396
Aino, 377, 378
Aix, 87, 99
Aix la Chapelle, 99
Ajax, 18, 24, 28, 29, 31, 33-35, 53, 61
Akitoshi, 458
Aladine, 199, 200-202, 206, 213
Alamanni, 139
Alaric, 84
Al Asmai, 398
Alastor, 221
Alba, 283
Alba Longa, 64
Alban, 80
Albany, Duke of, 193
Albion's England, 220
Alborz, Mt., 402
Al-Bukhari, 394
Alcazar, 120
Alcinous, 46, 47, 55
Alcocer, 115
Alda, 89
Alethes, 201
Alexander, 19, 63, 107, 148, 218, 219, 233, 324, 361, 398
Alexanderlied, 324
Alexandra, 19
Alexandreid, 83
Alexandras, 392
Alexandria, 20
Alfonso, 111-113, 115, 116, 119-124
Alfonso V., 133
Alfred, King, 222
Aliscans, 81
Allah, 200
Allahabad, 436
Allan a Dale, 247-249, 251, 254
Allemaine, 100
Almesbury, 242
Alonzo, 132
Alphonso the Brave, 132
Alphonsos, 131
Alpine fog, 169
Alps, 233
Alsatian Chronicle, 327
Al-Tirmidhi, 394
Alvar Fanez, 109, 113, 118, 119, 123
Amadis de Gaule, 107, 127, 221
Amalung, 339
Amata, 79, 80
Amazons, 18, 199, 269, 281, 408
Ambrosius, Aurelianus, 230
America, 464
American Epics, 464-467
American-Indian Epic, 464
Americans, 464
Amfortas, 349, 351, 353-355
Aminta, 197
Amis et Amiles, 82, 83
Amoret, 273-278
Amram's Wooing, 467
Amrita, 420
Ananias, 154
Anarchiad, 467
Anastasius, Pope, 147
Anchises, 23, 68, 69, 72, 74
Ancient Mariner, 221
André, Major, 465
Andreas, 218
Andrew, 316
Andromache, 27, 28, 38
Andvari, 365
Aneurin, 216
Angel of Absolution, 165
Angel of Pity, 411
Angelica, 190-194, 196
Angels, 177, 187
Anglo-Norman, 229, 346
Anglo-Saxon, 222
Anlaf, 217
Anna, 70, 71
Anna, St., 188
Annales, 63
Annunciation, 166
Antaeus, 156
Antenora, 157
Antinous, 44, 57, 59, 60
Antioch, 83, 198, 207
Apocalypse, 396
Apollo, 18, 21, 25, 28, 28, 33, 34, 38, 39, 60, 177
Apollonius Rhodius, 20
Apollonius of Tyre, 218
Apostle of India, 136
Aquinas, St. Thomas of, 179, 180
Aquitania, 324
Arab, 397
Arab Days, 397
Arabia, 397, 401
Arabian and Persian Epics, 397-414
Arabian Conquest, 399
Arabian Nights, 327, 398
Arabians, 394
Arabian Tales, 394
Arabic, 393, 397, 398
Arab Iliad, 398
Arab Literature, 394
Arachne, 167
Aragon, 109, 125, 126
Arany, 393
Archangels, 177, 178, 187
Archimago, 256, 259-261, 264, 267
Arctinus of Miletus, 17, 18
Arden, 190, 191
Ardennes, 324
Argalio, 190
Argantes, 201, 204-206, 208
Argenti, 145
Argentina, 108
Argonautica, 20, 63, 139
Ariolant, 193
Ariosto, 85, 138, 189, 192, 197, 220
Aristotle, 218
Arjasp, 413
Arjuna, 435, 437, 439-444, 446
Ark, 166
Armida, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210-213
Arminius, 323
Armorica, 216
Arno, 168
Arnold, Edwin, 452
Arnold, Matthew, 221, 230, 408
Arrebo, 360
Artegall, Sir, 269, 270, 275, 276, 279, 280-284
Arthur, 82, 107, 137, 216, 218-220, 229-235, 239, 241, 242, 261, 281-283,
285, 286, 326, 349, 351-353
Arthur a Bland, 247
Arthuriana, 230
Arthurian Cycle, 216, 229-243, 346
Arthurian Legend, 219, 221, 222, 240
Arthurian Romances, 127
Asbjörnsen, 362
Ascanius, 66
Asia, 21, 75, 319
Asiatic, 394
Aso, Mt., 456
Assyria, 319
Assyrian, 465
Astolat, 236
Astolfo, 190, 194, 195, 196
Asvatmedha, 417
Aswathaman, 441, 442
Athens, 321
Atli, 370, 371
Attila, 323, 324, 328
Atridae, 18
Aucassin, 82,101-106
Aucassin et Nicolette, 82, 101-106
Aude, 99, 324
Augustan Age, 63
Augustine, St., 188
Augustus, 74
Aulis, 21
Auracana, 108
Aurora, 36, 44, 200
Austria, 392
Austriada, 108
Austrian, 392
Austro-Gothic, 328
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 392, 393
Automedon, 35
Avalon, Isle of, 242
Avarchide, 189
Avarice, 257
Ave Maria, 178
Awe, 282
Ayodhya, 416
Azevedo, 108
Babylonia, 319
Bacchus, 129, 130, 135
Bactrachomyomachia, 20
Badajoz, 131
Bagdad, 399
Balaam, 397
Baldwin, 372
Balin and Balan, 240
Balkan Peninsula, 392, 393
Ballads of Robin Hood, 220
Balmung, 329, 362, 363
Baptist, John The, 213, 316
Bards, 214
Barlaam, 361
Barlaamssaga ok Josaphats, 361
Barlow, 466, 467
Barons' Wars, The, 220
Battle of Frogs and Mice, 20
Battle of the Kegs, 465
Battle of Maldon, 217
Batyushkoff, 372
Bavaria, 100, 192, 325
Bavieca, 120, 126
Beatrice, 133, 140, 147, 164, 168, 173-189
Bedevere, 229, 241, 242
Beelzebub, 289, 291, 298
Belacqua, 163
Belgard, 288
Beige, 282, 283
Belgium, 214, 282
Belgrade, 196
Belial, 290, 317
Belisarius, 138, 179
Bellicent, 82
Bellona, 26
Bellum Punicum, 63
Belphebe, 277, 278
Benedict, St., 184, 188
Benoit de St. Maur, 19, 219, 230
Beowulf, 217, 222-229
Béranger, Raymond, 179, 206
Bern (Verona), 323
Bernard, St., 188
Bernardo del Carpio, 107
Berni, 85, 138
Bertha, 324
Bertrand de Born, 155
Besançon, 92
Bethlehem, 315
Beves of Hamdoun, 317
Bhagavad-gita, 440
Bharata, 418, 423, 431, 432
Bhartruhari, 415
Bhima, 434, 436, 442
Bhishma, 433, 434, 438, 441, 443
Biaucaire, Count of, 102, 104-106
Bible, 217, 360, 415
Biglow Papers, 467
Bildad, 396
Bira, 101
Bird of God, 402
Blanchefleur, Lady, 354
Blatant Beast, 278, 283-288
Blaye, 99
Blue Sea, 378
Boccaccio, 138
Bodleian Library, 84
Bogovitch, 393
Bohemians, 392
Boiardo, 85, 138, 189, 192, 197
Boniface, Pope, 152, 170
Book of the Dun Cow, 215
Book of Heroes, 326
Book of Leinster, 215
Book of Taliessin, 216
Bordeaux, 99
Born, Bertrand de, 155
Bornier, 85
Bors, 229, 355
Bors, Sir, 352
Bosphorus, 186
Boston Library, 355
Bower of Bliss, 264, 268
Brabant, 351
Bradamant, 192, 196
Bradstreet, Anne, 465
Braggadocchio, 280
Bragi, 361
Brahma, 416-419, 447
Brahfans, 436, 437, 450
Bramimonde, 101
Branstock, 362, 369
Brengwain, 239
Breton, 100
Breton Cycle, 82
Briareus, 167
Bridal of Triermain, The, 221
Bride's Choice, 436, 447, 448, 450
Britain, 84, 216, 218, 219, 231, 232
British, 214, 267, 469
British Isles, 214
British Museum, 222
Britomart, 269, 270, 273-276, 279, 281
Brittany, 193, 216, 241
Broceliande, 241
Brons, 347, 348
Brown the Bear, 357-359
Brunetto, Sir, 149
Brunhild, 330-334, 337, 339
Brut, 218, 220
Brutus, 84, 139
Bryant, 467
Bryhtnoth's Death, 217
Brynhild, 367-371
Buccaneers, 467
Buddha, 415, 457, 458
Bulgarians, 196, 197, 393
Buonaventura, St., 180
Buovo d'Antona, 137
Burgos, 112, 114, 119
Burgundian, 127, 323, 328, 329, 334, 338-344
Burgundian-Hunnish Cycle, 324
Burgundy, 331-333, 339, 340, 367
Busirane, 273, 274
Butler, 466
Bylinas, 372
Byron, 221
Byrsa, 65
Cabra, 110
Cacciaguida, 182.
Cacus, 154
Caecilius, 171
Caedmon, 217
Caesar, 65, 318, 320
Caiaphas, 154
Cain, 223, 311
Caina, 157
Calahorra, 109
Calespine, Sir, 285, 287
Calicut, 135
Calidore, Sir, 283-285, 287, 288
Caliphs, 398
Callisthenes, 19
Calypso, 40, 44, 45
Camelot, 235, 241, 352
Camilla, 76, 79, 142
Camoëns, Luis de, 127, 128, 136
Campeador, 110, 126
Can Grande, 182
Canterbury, 232
Canterbury Tales, 138, 220
Capaneus, 149
Cape of Good Hope, 134
Cape of Tempests, 134
Capitol, 320
Care, 266
Carlemaine, 85, 100
Carleon, 234, 241
Carthage, 65, 71, 106
Carthaginians, 70-72
Cary, 140
Casella, 161
Cassandra, 67, 68
Cassius, 159
Castile, 108, 110, 112, 116, 131
Castilian, 115
Castle of the Maidens, 354
Catalogue of Beotian Heroines, 20
Cathay, 190, 191
Cato, 160, 161
Cattle of Cooly, 215
Celestine V., Pope, 141
Celt, 214
Celtic, 214, 215, 217
Centenera, 108
Central Europe, 392
Cerberus, 143, 284
Cervantes, 107
Ceuta, 133
Ceylon, 415, 424, 426-428
Champion of Purity, 354
Chancery, 265
Chanson de geste, 81, 82
Chanson de Roland, 81-101
Chaos, 290-293, 302
Chapelain, 84
Charity, 165, 174, 183, 262
Charlemagne, 81, 82, 85-90, 92, 94-100, 127, 137, 183, 189, 190, 192,
193, 195, 196, 218, 323-325, 360, 361
Charles the Great (see Charlemagne), 326
Charles Martel, 179
Charon, 73, 141
Charybdis, 53, 54, 70
Chastity, 269
Chateaubriand, 84
Chaucer, 220
Chernubles, 91
Cherubim, 177, 184, 187
Chimera, 284
China, 456
Chinese, 415, 456
Chiron, 147
Chivalry, 261
Chosen People, 311, 321
Chrestien de Troyes, 82, 219
Christ, 81, 142, 145, 147, 154, 169, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186,
188, 213, 293, 301, 312-315, 318-322, 327, 347, 393, 465
Christabel, 221
Christiad, 393
Christian Church, 174
Christian Epic, 64
Christian Era, 179
Christianity, 64, 81, 214, 360
Christians, 107, 178, 183, 191, 195, 198-200, 203, 205-208, 210-212,
Chrysa, 21
Church, 176
Ciacco, 144
Cid, the, 107, 108-146, 221
Cimmerian Shore, 52
Circassia, 192
Circassian, 205
Circe, 18, 51-54, 74
Citra-Kuta, 423
Civil Wars, 220
Claudianus, 64
Cleopatra, 143
Cloelia, 76
Clorinda, 199-202, 204-206, 208, 209
Clovis, 84
Clytemnestra, 43
Cocles, 76
Coimbra, 110, 127
Colada, 115, 122
Coleridge, 221
Colin Clout, 287
College of New Jersey, 464
Cologne, 92
Columbia, 464
Columbiad, 466
Columbus, 210
Combat des Trente, 84
Combel, 275
Comforter, 312
Concord Hymn, 467
Conington, 65
Conquest of Canaan, 466
Conrad von Kürenberg, 328
Constance, 230, 231
Constantine, 183, 230
Contemplation, 262
Cooper, 467
Cordova, 86
Coridon, 287, 288
Corineus, 219
Corneille, 107
Cornwall, 216, 237, 239
Corpes Woods, 124
Cortes, 123, 124
Courage, 259
Court Epics, 415
Courtesy, 283
Courtship of Miles Standish, 467, 468
Cow Chase, 465
Cowley, Abraham, 220
Crassus, 170
Crawford, 374
Creacion del Munde, 108
Creation of the Maize, 464
Crete, 69, 73, 149
Crist, 217
Croatian, 393
Cronica rimada, 107
Cross, 212
Crucifixions, 347
Crusade, 198, 199, 208
Crusade epics, 83
Crusaders, 198, 201-204, 206, 208, 209, 212, 213
Cuchulaind, 215
Cumae, 73, 146
Cumaean Sibyl, 70
Cunizza, 180
Cupid, 66, 286
Curse of Kehama, 221
Cycle of Brittany, 82
Cycle of France, 81
Cyclops, 36, 48-50, 70
Cyllenius, 61
Cymbeline, 219
Cymochles, 265
Cynewulf, 217
Cypria, 17
Cyprian Iliad, 63
Czechs, 392
Czuczor, 392
Daedalus, 73, 179
Dagobert, 85
Dalian Frogaell, 215
Damascus, 203, 206
Damayanti, 447-451
Damian, 184
Dana, 467
Dandaka, 421
Danes, 227, 343
Danger, 84
Daniel, 171, 217, 318
Daniel, Samuel, 220
Danish, 217, 360
Dankwart, 342, 343
Dante, 137-189
Danube, 338, 339
Dasaratha, 417
Dauphin, 19
David, 166, 183, 220, 312, 318, 320
Davideis, 220
Day of Doom, 465
Dead Sea, 207
Death, 34, 291, 307, 308, 312, 314, 381, 382
Decameron, 138
Deceit, 265, 266
Deerslayer, 467
Deev, 400
Defense of Guinevere, 221
Delhi, 432, 438
Delos, 69
Deluge, 311, 439, 447
Demodocus, 46
Denmark, 222-225, 329, 371
Destiny, 195
Detraction, 283
Dharma, 446
Dhritarashtra, 433
Diana, 172
Diaz, 134
Dido, 65-67, 70-72, 74, 143, 170
Dietrich von Bern, 323, 328, 338, 340-343, 345, 346, 361
Diomedes, 25, 26, 29-33, 155
Dionysius, 148
Dis, 72, 145, 146, 159
Discord, 31, 75, 76, 193, 194
Disdain, 286
Divina Commedia, 137, 139-189
Divine Comedy, 139-189, 467
Divine Essence, 177
Divine Majesty, 188
Divine Song, 440
Doctors of the Church, 174
Doctor Patience, 262
Dog of Montargis, 83
Dolon, 31
Dominations, 177, 183, 187
Dominic, St., 180
Don Garcia, 109, 110
Don Gomez, 108
Don John, 133
Don Juan, 221
Don Pedro, 132
Don Quixote, 107
Don Ramon, 115
Don Sancho, 110, 111
Doomsday, 341
Dragontine, 191
Draupadi, 436-439, 442, 443, 445, 446
Drayton, 220
Drepanum, 70, 72, 74
Drona, 434, 435, 441, 442
Druidic cult, 214
Drunkenness, 444
Dryden, 220
Dublin, 255
Dudon, 202
Duessa, 257-259, 261, 264, 282
Du Guesclin, 84
Dumby, 124
Dunstan, St., 250
Durendal, 90, 91, 96, 97
Durindana, 90, 91
Dushyanta, 431, 432
Dutch, 356
Dwight, Timothy, 466
Eagle, 183
Early Christian Epics, 395
Earthly Paradise, The, 221
Easter Day, 145
Ebro, 98
Ebuda, 193
Ecclesiastes, 396
Ector, Sir, 232, 234, 242
Edda, 215, 361, 362
Eden, 165, 186, 210, 294, 303, 314
Edward, 199
Egas Moniz, 131
Egilssaga, 361
Eginhart, 85
Egypt, 18, 43, 44, 161, 201, 204, 207, 289, 290, 317, 398
Egyptian, 19, 211, 212
Ekkehard, 324
Ekkewart, 333, 338, 340
Elaine, 229, 236, 352
Elder Edda, 361
Eleanor, Queen, 250, 251
Eleanora, 132
Elene, 218
Eleonora, 197
Elijah, 316, 317, 318
Eliphaz, 396
Elizabeth, 255, 281
Eljubarota, 133
Ellen, 247, 248
Elsa of Brabant, 351, 352
Elysian Fields, 44, 72, 741
Emerson, 467
Emmanuel, 133
Emmet, Prior of, 249
Empire, 176, 183
Empyrean, 176, 187
Enchanted Castle, 355
Endymion, 221
Enfances de Godefroi, 83
England, 192, 214, 217-220, 222, 230-232, 348, 465
English, 217, 243
Enid, 229
Ennius, 63
Enoch Arden, 222
Envy, 283
Eoiae, 20
Ephialtes, 156
Epic of Commerce, 128
Epic of the Gypsies, 393
Epic of Hades, 221
Epic of Kings, 398
Epics of the Netherlands, 356-359
Epic of Patriotism, 128
Epic Poetry, 17
Epic of the Volsungs, 362-371
Epigoni, 19
Epirus, 69
Epopée galante, 221
Erato, 75
Erec et Enide, 82
Ermanrich the Goth, 323
Erminia, 202, 205, 212
Ernst, Herzog, 325
Error, 256
Erse Poetry, 215
Erzilla, 108
Esau, 179
Eschenbach, Wolfram von, 219, 230, 326, 328, 352
Esther, 394, 396
Eternal City, 320
Eternal Rose, 187
Etruria, 76, 79
Etruscan, 76, 78
Ettarre, 229
Etzel, 328, 337-344, 346
Eugammon of Cyrene, 18
Eunoe, 174
Euphemia, Queen, 360
Euphemiaviser, 360
Europe, 127, 133, 137, 194, 198, 230, 372
European, 137, 216, 356
Europeans, 464
Euryalus, 77
Eurycleia, 42, 58
Eustace, 204
Evander, 76
Evangeline, 467, 469
Evangelists, 174
Eve, 188, 294-297, 302-310
Evelake, 348
Evil Pits, 151
Exact Epitome of the three first Monarchies, etc., 465
Excalibure, 283, 241, 242
Exodus, 217, 323, 395
Eyrbyggjasaga, 361
Faerie Queene, 220, 255-288
Fafnir, 365, 366, 371
Fairy Queen, 261, 269
Faith, 165, 174, 183, 185, 262
Faithlessness, 257
Fame, 465
Famine, 468
Famine Tower, 157
Far East, 356
Farinata, 146
Faroese, 360
Fata Morgana, 194
Fate, 75, 77, 78
Fates, 170, 195
Faust, 327
Faustus, Dr., 327
Felez Munos, 122
Fénelon, 19, 84
Fennian, 215
Feridoun, 401, 402
Fernando, 132
Fernan Gonzales, 107
Ferrando, King, 108, 110
Ferrara, 192, 197, 211
Ferrau, 190, 191, 192
Fiance (bishop), 215
Fidessa, 257, 258
Fingal, 215
Finland, 372
Finn, 215
Finnish, 468
Finnish Epics, 372
Finns, 372, 373
Finnsburgh, 217, 225
Firdusi, 398, 399
First Crusade, 197
Fixed Stars, 176, 184
Flamença, 81
Flanders, 356
Florence, 140, 144, 146, 154, 163, 168, 182, 197
Florentine, 144
Flores and Blancheflour, 219
Florimell, Lady, 271, 272, 275, 276, 278, 280
Flourdelis, 283
Folco, 180
Folengo, 138
Force, 266
Forese, 171, 172, 177
Forest Book, 439
Fortiguerra, 139, 197
Fortitude, 160
Fortunate Isles, 210
Fortune, 144
Fountain of Youth, 83
Fountains Abbey, 250
Four sons of Aymon, 219
France, 84, 86, 88, 89, 92, 97, 99, 107, 127, 140, 191, 193, 214,
219, 283, 347
Francesca da Rimini, 143
Franciade, 84
Francis of Assisi, St., 180, 188
Franciscans, 180
Francus, 84
Frankish, 328
Franks, 84, 88, 89, 90, 100
Fraud, 266
Frederick II., 137, 148
Frederick of Telramund, 351
French, 85, 87, 89, 90, 170, 392, 393
French Classic, 18
French Epics, 81-106
Frenchmen, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100
Friendship, 275
Frisian, 323
Frithjof Saga, 360
Froschmeuseler, Der, 327
Frost God, 385
Furies, 75
Furor, 265
Gabriel, St., 100, 101, 114, 181, 188, 198, 295, 296, 303, 314, 317,
322, 469
Gaelic Literature, 215
Galahad, 229, 236, 352, 353, 354, 355
Galland, 394
Gallicia, 110, 112
Gamelyn, Tale of, 220
Gan (Ganelon), 100
Ganelon, 81, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 98, 99, 100, 324
Ganga, 432
Ganges, 133, 416, 419, 422, 432, 434, 435, 439, 443, 444, 446, 447
Ganymede, 165
Garcia Ordonez de Montalvo, 108
Garden of Eden, 174
Gareth and Lynette, 229, 240
Garin le Lorrain, 81
Gascony, 89
Gaucher, 230
Gawain, 229
Geats, 227, 229
Gemini, 184
Genesis, 217
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 216, 218, 219, 230
George of Merry England, St., 262
Georgos, 255, 260, 262, 264
Geraint and Enid, 229, 240
Gérard de Roussillon, 83
Gerbert, 230
Gereones, 282, 283
German, 392
German Epics, 323
German Literature, 327
Germany, 84, 214, 323, 325
Gernando, 204
Gernot, 344
Gerusalemme, 138
Gerusalemme, Conquistata, 138
Gerusalemme Distrutta, 139
Gerusalemme Liberata, 197
Geryon, 150, 151
Gherardeschi, Count Ugolino de, 157-158
Ghibelline, 146, 179
Giants, Battle of the, 64
Gibraltar, Strait of, 128, 186, 194, 210
Gideon, 318
Gildas, 218, 219, 230
Gil Diaz, 126
Gildippe, 199, 213
Ginevra, 193
Giovanna, 165
Girone il Cortese, 139
Giseler, 340
Glastonbury, 242, 348
Glauce, 269
Gleemen, 214, 360
Glittering Heath, 366
Gloriana, 255, 256, 262, 267, 269, 279, 283, 288
Gluttony, 257
Goa, 128
Goddess of Discord, 20
Goddess of Fame, 71
God of Death, 453
God of the Forest, 382
God of Sleep, 33
God of Time, 431
Godfrey of Bouillon, 138, 183, 198, 199, 201-204, 206, 207-213
Goethe, 84, 85, 327, 356
Golden Age, 107, 108, 415
Golden Fleece, 151, 268, 373
Golden Legend, 326, 467, 468
Golden Tree, 355
Gomorrah, 173
Good and Evil, 373
Gorgon, 146
Gorlois, 229, 231, 232
Goth, 323, 362, 371
Gothland, 363
Goths, 138, 362, 363, 364
Gottfried von Strassburg, 230
Gouvernail, 237
Graces, 287
Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle, 467
Grane, 364
Grantorto, 283
Great War, 440, 442, 444
Grecian, 463
Greece, 20, 24, 29, 36, 290, 393
Greek Epics, 17-62
Greek Literature, 17, 63
Greeks, 21, 25, 28-37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 66, 67, 68,
70, 73, 196, 214, 373
Grendel, 223-227, 229
Grettissaga, 361
Greyfell, 364
Griffeth, 416, 435
Grimbart, the Badger, 356-359
Guardians of the Holy Grail, 355
Gudrun, 325, 326, 367-371
Guelf Party, 140
Guelfs, 146, 150, 179
Guillaumey Charlotte, 216
Guido, 146
Guild, 367
Guillaurae d'Orange, 81
Guimaraens, 131
Guinevere, 229, 233-236, 242, 352
Guinicelli, 137
Gundulitch, 393
Gunnar, 367-371
Gunnlaugssaga, 361
Gunther, 323, 324, 328-337, 345
Guy of Warwick, 217
Guyle, 282
Guyon, Sir, 263-270, 280
Gyöngyösi, 392
Hades, 53, 61, 72, 73, 141, 144, 145, 147, 149, 160, 161, 256, 258,
308, 380, 382, 383
Hadubrand, 323
Hagan, 325
Hagar, 318
Hagen, 324, 329-345
Hale, 467
Hall, 223
Halleck, 467
Haman, 169
Hanuman, 426, 427
Hardré, 82
Harivamça, 446
Harjala, 384
Harpies, 69, 75, 148
Harte, Bret, 467
Hartford, 467
Hartmann von der Aue, 219, 230, 326
Harvard, 464
Hasâr Afsâna, 398
Hastin, 432
Hastinapur, 432, 434
Hastings, 85
Hauteclaire, 91
Havelock the Dane, 217
Hawthorne, 467
Heavenly Wisdom, 174
Hebrew, 361
Hebrew Epics, 395
Hector, 17, 23, 24, 26-30, 32-35, 37-40, 67, 69, 74, 142
Heimskringla, 360, 361
Heinrich, Der Arme, 326
Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 328
Heldenbuch, 326
Helen, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 43, 44, 56, 78, 143, 457
Helena, 218
Helenus, 69, 70
Heliant, 323
Heliodorus, 170
Hell, 315
Helm of Dread, 365
Hemans, Mrs., 131-132
Hengist, 231
Henning the Cock, 357
Henriade, La, 84
Henriqueiada, 127
Henry, 127
Henry II. of England, 155, 243, 244, 251
Henry IV., of France, 383
Heorot, 223, 225, 227
Heracles, 19
Hercules, 18, 76, 147, 155, 404
Hereford, Bishop of, 249, 251
Heresy, 256
Hermann und Dorothea, 327
Hesiod, 19
Hesperia, 68, 69
Hexaemeron, 360
Hezekiah, 183
Hiawatha, 372, 464, 467, 468
Hieronymo, see Jerome, 119
Higelac, 224
Highlands, 215
Hildebrand, 323, 340, 345, 346
Hildebrandslied, 323
Hildegund, 324
Himalayas, 419, 434, 439, 447
Himavat, 445
Hindu, 415, 416, 419, 431, 435, 440, 444, 452
Hintze the Cat, 357
Hisi, 381, 390
Historia Britonum, 218
History of Britain, 218
Hoenir, 364
Högni, 369, 370
Holiness, 256
Holmes, 467
Holy City, 201
Holy Grail, 127, 216, 229, 230, 234, 236
Holy Grail, Story of, 346-355
Holy Mountain, 348
Holy Sepulchre, 199, 213, 348
Homer, 17, 18, 20, 21, 40, 142, 372, 399
Homer of the East, 399
Homeric, 299
Homeric Battle, 26
Homeward Voyage, 18
Hope, 84, 165, 174, 183, 185, 262
Hopkinson, Francis, 465
Horace, 142
Horn, King, 217
Horsa, 231
Hostius, 63
House of Usher, 467
Hrothgar, 222-227
Hudibras, 466
Hug-Dietrich, 325
Hugues Capet, 83, 170
Hunnish, 328
Hun, 323, 328, 341-345, 370, 371
Hungarian, 392, 393
Hungary, 179, 323, 337, 338, 342, 343, 370
Hunt, Leigh, 221
Huntington, Earl of, 254, 255
Huon de Bordeaux, 83, 219, 327
Hvin Haustlöng, 361
Hyperion, 221
Hypocrisy, 256
Icarus, 151
Iceland, 360
Icelandic, 360
Ida, Mt., 29, 149
Idleness, 257
Idle Sea, 265
Idylls of the King, 222
Igerne, 229, 231, 232
Igor, 372
Ilia, 64
Iliad, 17, 19, 20-40, 63, 83, 139, 155, 221, 325, 398, 465, 467
Ilion, 40
Ilion Persis, 18
Ilmarinen, 374, 379, 380-386, 389
Ilmater, 374
Ilya Muromets, 373
Impha, 101
India, 127-129, 133, 135, 398, 415, 419, 429, 431, 434, 439
Indian, 130, 136, 427, 430, 467
Indian Edda, 468
Indian Epics, 415-455
Indian Literature, 415
Indian Myths, 467
Indian Peninsula, 426
Indians, 464
Indra, 439, 444, 445, 446.
Indraprastha, 438
Indus, 133
Inez de Castro, the Fair, 131-132
Infantes of Carrion, 120-125
Infantes de Lara, 107, 108
Infernal Regions, 159
Inferno, Dante's, 139-160, 164, 184
Inouye, 456
Inquisition, 282
I Promessi Sposi, 139
Iran, 401
Ireland, 214, 218, 237, 238, 279, 283
Irena, 279, 283
Iris, 23, 24, 39, 40
Irish, 214, 215
Irish Channel, 239
Irus, 57, 72
Irving, Washington, 467
Isabella, 221
Isegrim the Wolf, 356-359
Isenland, 330, 332
Iseult, Queen, and Princess, 237-240
Iseult of Brittany, 240
Iseult of Cornwall, 240
Iseult of the White Hands, 240
Isfendiyar, 412, 413
Isidro, St., 116
Isis, 281
Islamic, 397
Isle of Avalon, 242
Isle of Joy, 136
Isle of Refuge, 385
Ismarus, 47
Ismeno, 199
Isolde, 326
Israel, 161, 312, 320
Israelites, 316, 318
Istria, 63
Isumbras, Sir, 220
Italia Liberate, 138
Italian, 80, 137-139, 189, 206, 392, 393
Italian Epics, 137-213
Italy, 64, 70, 71, 74, 78, 137, 138, 197, 323, 328
Ithaca, 40, 41, 45, 50, 62, 155
Ithacan, 55, 62
Ithuriel, 295
Iulus, 66, 68, 71, 75, 76, 78
Ivain le Chevalier au Lion, 82
Iwein, 326
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 467
Jacob, 179
James, St., 185
Janak, 420
Janes Vilez, 393
Janus, 76
Japan, 456
Japanese Poetry, 456
Jason, 20, 151
Javanese, 129
Jemshid, 400, 401
Jephthah, 178, 318
Jerome, Bishop, 116, 119, 126
Jerusalem, 139, 198, 201-203, 205-207, 210-213, 319, 322, 325
Jerusalem Delivered, 197, 198, 372
Jesus, 214, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321
Jewish Heroine, 394
Jews, 114, 119, 178, 347
Joan of Arc, 221
Joan Delaemi, 893
Joannes Boetgezant, 356
Job, 314, 316, 318, 395, 396
John, the Baptist, 171, 188, 213, 316, 356
John, King, 254
John Little, 244
John the Messenger of Repentance, 356
John, St., 174, 185, 186, 195, 234
John II., 133
Jongleurs, 107
Jordan, 213, 315, 316
Josaphat, 361
Joseph, 156, 318, 348, 353
Joseph of Arimathea, 347, 355
Joshua, 180, 183
Jove, 156, 184
Joyeuse, 98
Joyless, 258
Joyous Garde, 236, 241
Judas, 157, 159, 347
Judea, 319
Judecca, 159
Judges, 312
Judgment, 183
Judgment of God, 359
Judith, 188, 323
Juglares, 107
Juliana, 217
Juliet, 403
Julius Caesar, 63, 318
Jumna, 435, 438
Juno, 20, 22, 26, 30, 33, 35, 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78, 80
Jupiter, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, 29-34, 36, 40, 44, 45, 62, 64, 65, 71,
77, 78, 80, 129, 149, 176, 183
Jupiter Ammon, 19
Justice, 160, 279, 433
Justice, Champion of, 269
Justinian, 178, 179
Juturna, 80
Juvencus, 64
Kaaba, 397
Kabul, 403, 414
Kaikeyi, 420
Kaikobad, 404, 405
Kaikous, 405, 407
Kai-Khosrau, 412
Kalevala, 372, 373-391, 468
Kali, 448, 449, 450
Kalidasa, 415
Karl, 87-90, 99, 101
Karlamagnussaga, 361
Karna, 435, 442
Kaspar von der Rhön, 323, 326
Kauravas, 434
Kavah, 401
Kaviraja, 415
Kavyas, 415
Kay, Sir, 232
Keats, 221
Keewaydin, 468
Kiev, 373
King's Cottage, 464
Kireyevski, 372
Kirk Lee, 254
Kjaempeviser, 360
Klopstock, 327
Knight of the Cart, 235
Knight of the Red Cross, 256, 258
Knight with the Lion, 326
Knights of the Holy Grail, 348
Knights of the Bound Table, 82
Knight's Tale, The, 220
Knot de Provence, 230
König Laurin, 326
Krieg auf der Wartburg, Der, 326
Kriemhild, 328-330, 332-338, 340-346
Krishna, 437, 440, 444, 446
Krist, 323
Kullerwoinen, 385, 386
Kumarasambhava, 415
Kundrie, 351
Kurvenal, 237
Kurukshetra, 440
Kurus, 434, 436, 438-442
Kusa, 429
Kuvera, 439
Labyrinth, 73
Lady of the Lake, 221, 233, 234, 241
Lady of Sorrows, 234
Laertes, 41, 56, 61, 62
Laestrigonians, 51
Laexdaelasaga, 361
Laisses, 85
Lake Avernus, 72, 73
Lakshmana, 418, 422, 423
Lalla Rookh, 221
Lament of the Nibelungs, 346
Lancelot, 242
Lancelot du Lac, 218
Land of the Dead, 384
Land of Heroes, 373-391
Lang, Andrew, 101
Langobardian, 323, 325
Lanka, 427
Lapland, 377, 381, 384
Laplanders, 373
Lapps, 373, 376, 378, 385
Laocoon, 18, 67
Last Judgment, 465
Last of the Mohicans, 467
Last Supper, 347
Latin Epics, 63-80
Latin Literature, 63
Latins, 75, 80, 85, 137, 138, 160, 392
Latinus, 75, 76, 79
Latium, 72, 73, 80, 164
Launcelot du Lac, 82, 143, 229, 234-236, 242, 352
Laurin, 326
Lausus, 76, 78
Lava, 429
Lavinia, 75, 79, 80, 169
Lawlessness, 260
Lay of the Pious Maiden Shirakiku, 456
Lechery, 257
Lawrence, St., 178
Layamon, 218, 219, 230
Lay of the Last Minstrel, 221
Lays of Ancient Rome, 221
Lazarus, St., 109
Lea, 173
Lear, King, 219
Leather Stocking Tales, 467
Leda, 20
Légende des Siècles, 84
Legend of the Sleepy Hollow, 467
Leicester, 261
Lemminkainen, 381, 382, 384, 385
Leon, 110, 112
Lethe, 174, 175
Lettsom, 328
Leucothea, 45
Libyan, 66
Life and Death of Jason, 221
Life of Christ, 64
Life of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 392
Light and Darkness, 373
Lincoln, 244, 245, 253
Lisbon, 127-129, 136
Liszti, 392
Little Iliad, 18
Little John, 244-255
Lives of Saints, 323
Livius Andronicus, 63
Llywarch Hen, 216
Loathley Damsel, 354
Lockhart, 221
Locksley, 243
Lohengrin, 351, 352
Loki, 364, 365
Lombards, 189, 325
Lombardy, 182
London, 244, 255
Longfellow, 326, 372, 464, 467, 468
Lönnrot, Elias, 372, 373
Lord, The, 108
Lotus-eaters, 48
Louhi, 379-383, 385, 388, 389
Louis, 100
Louis I., 323
Louis XIV., 19, 394
Love, 273
Low Countries, 356
Lowell, 467
Lucan, 63, 142
Lucia, St., 140, 165, 166, 188
Lucifer, 139, 157, 296, 298, 299, 347
Lucifera, Queen, 257
Lucius Varius Rufus, 63
Luck of Roaring Camp, 467
Lucretia, 142
Lucretius, 63
Ludwigslied, 323
Luke, St., 174
Lüneburger Chronicle, 327
Lusiad, 127-136, 139
Lusitanians, 129, 135, 136
Luxembourg, 356
Lycia, 34
Lycophron, 19
Lynette, 229
Lyonnesse, Tristram of, 284
Mab, Queen, 215
Mabinogion, 216
Macaire, 83
Macao, 128
Macaulay, 221
Maccabees, 183, 319
Macedo, de, 127
Macedon, 318
Macpherson (James), 215, 218
Madagascar, 129
Madeira, 134
Madoc, 221
Magdalen, 180
Magnetic Rock, 268
Magyar Epic, 392
Mahabharata, 415, 416, 431-455
Mahàkavyas, 415
Mahmoud, 399
Mahomet, 135, 155, 398
Maid Marian, 251
Maid of Beauty, 379, 381, 383
Maiden of the Rainbow, 379, 383-386
Malbecco, 273
Malebolge, 151, 154, 155
Malebouche, 84
Malepartus, 358
Malgigi, 191
Malory, 230, 240
Mammon, 265, 268, 290
Mandara, Mt., 426
Mandricar, 194
Manessier, 230
Manfred, 162, 221
Manlius, 76
Manto, 152
Mantua, 152, 164
Manu, 416
Man Without a Country, 467
Manzoni, 139
Marches of Brittany, 85
Marco Bozzaris, 467
Marco Polo, 137
Mariatta, 390
Marie de France, 82, 219, 230
Marinell, 271, 278, 280
Marinus, 139
Mark, King of Cornwall, 237-240
Marmion, 221
Mars, 25, 26, 65, 77, 129, 130, 176, 182
Marseilles, 194, 347, 348
Marsile, 85-90, 98, 99
Martin Antolinez, 114, 119
Martyrs, Les, 84
Mary, Queen of Scots, 257, 282
Mary Stuart, 220
Mary, Virgin, 140, 165, 172, 181, 297, 314, 316, 317
Mathilda, Queen, 199
Matière de Rome la grand, 83
Matilda, Countess, 174, 175
Matter of France, 218
Maur, Benoit de St., 19, 219, 230
Mauritania, 134
Mazinderan, 399, 405, 406
Mazuranie, 393
McFingal, 465
Mecca, 397
Medea, 151
Mediaeval India, 415
Medina, 115
Mediterranean, 348
Medusa, 146
Medway, 278
Melchisedec, 179
Melesigenes, 17
Melibee, 287, 288
Melinda, 130, 135
Menelaus, 18, 20-26, 31, 35, 41, 43, 44, 56
Meneses, 127
Mentor, 42, 43
Mercilla, 281, 282
Mercury, 44, 52, 61, 65, 71, 129, 130, 176, 178, 179
Merlin, 82, 216, 218, 229-234, 240, 241, 261, 269, 347, 351, 352
Merlin and Vivien, 229
Meru, Mt., 415, 420, 444, 445
Mezentius, 76, 78
Messenian Strait, 53
Messiah, 299, 301, 312
Messias, 327
Michael, 144, 193, 206, 291, 295, 299, 300, 309-312
Michael's Mount, St., 92
Mickle, 130
Midas, 170
Midsummer Night's Dream, 219, 327
Milton, 139, 217, 288, 290, 292, 294, 313, 347, 356
Milutinovitch, 393
Mimer, 364, 365
Minerva, 20, 22, 23, 25-28, 30, 31, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 55-59,
61, 62, 68, 436
Minnehaha, 468
Minnesingers, 326
Minos, 74, 142, 156
Minotaur, 147
Minuchir, 402
Mirth, 265
Mogg Megone, 467
Mohammed, 394
Mohammedan, 394
Moloch, 290, 300
Mombaça, 130, 135
Monçaide, 135, 136
Mon-da-min, 464
Montereggion, 156
Montjoie, 90
Montsalvatch, 348-350
Moon, 176
Moore, 221
Moors, 94, 95, 107-117, 119, 120, 122, 125, 128, 130, 133, 135
Mordred, 82, 241
Morgana the Fay, 233, 242
Morgante Maggiore, 138
Morning Star of American Poetry, 465
Moro Exposito, El, 108
Morocco, 117
Morolt, 237, 238
Morpheus, 256
Morris, William and Lewis, 221, 361
Moscow, 373
Moses, 188, 311, 435
Morte d'Arthur, 240
Mozambic, 135
Mucius Scevola, 178
Muiredhach, 215
Müller, Paludan, 360
Muslem, 394
Muspilli, 323
Mycenae, 42, 44
Myrden, 216
Mystic Rose, 188
Naevius, 63
Naimes, Duke, 86, 89, 97
Nala, 428, 439, 447-451
Namus, see Naimes, 192
Naobumi Ochiai, 456
Naomi, 396
Naples, 162, 198
Nausicaa, 45, 46
Navarre, 112, 125, 126, 153
Nazareth, 317
Nectanebus, 19
Nennius, 218, 219, 230
Nepenthe, 43
Neptune, 29, 32, 33, 37, 45, 50, 52, 64, 68, 72, 135
Nessus, 147
Nestor, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30-33, 41-43, 56
Netherlands, 356
Neurouz, 400
New Jerusalem, 262
Nibelungen hoard, 329, 332, 338, 339
Nibelungenklage, 346
Nibelungenlied, 325,328-346, 361, 362,370
Nibelungs, 332, 336, 337, 339, 367-369
Nicaea, 198, 206
Nicholas III., Pope, 152
Nicolette, 101-106
Night, 290, 292
Nimrod, 156, 167
Nimue, 233
Niobe, 167
Niphates, 293
Nisus, 77
Njalssaga, 361
Noah, 142, 311
Noble, the Lion, 356-359
Noman, 49, 50
Nonnenwörth, 325
Norman, 84, 100, 323
Norman Conquest, 218
Norse Discovery, 468
Northland, 374, 375, 378, 383-385, 390
Norway, 204, 361
Northumbrian, 222
Norwegian, 360, 361
Nostroi, 18
Nottingham, 243, 245, 252, 253
Novgorod, 373
Nüremberg, 326
Nymue, 233
Oberon, 327
Oblivion, 196
Odenwald, 335
Odin, 222, 362, 364, 366, 367, 370, 371