Kitabı oku: «H. R. GIGER TAROT», sayfa 4

Yazı tipi:


• How do I see my partner and how does my partner see me?

• What shadow do I reflect in the other person or live out in my counterpart?

• How do I consider my relationship overall?

• What does my inner image of the relationship look like?


This is about the relationship between you and your partner. In more precise terms, this is about making contact with the aspect of your partner that reflects you. None of us can be content with ourselves – or with what we consider to be ourselves. As a result, we need the other person, or at least the image of the other person, which corresponds to our expectations. A man experiences himself in a woman through his own unconscious feminine aspect (anima); the woman experiences herself in a man through her own unconscious male aspect (animus). We can emerge from ourselves only when we are prepared to accept that the opposite sex within ourselves can only be recaptured through a partner. Then we enter into a more complete form of the relationship: one in which our present self becomes the part that is only really “the complete self” when it integrates the image of our experience.

Allegory (Adam’s Rib)

The search for the self in the image of the partner is an emotional process, which has already been handled as a biblical allegory in the myth of Eve’s creation from Adam’s rib. It is usually interpreted by saying that this is how original man achieved first achieved the completeness of human existence – including partnership with the opposite sex. But it is also possible to interpret the myth in the opposite way: Adam was, so to speak, made “incomplete” by having a part of himself extended into the world so that he had to seek outside of himself and then integrate it within himself. In this myth of how woman was created, the seed had already been sown for expulsion from Paradise since it is practically an expulsion from Adam’s own self. The goal of human beings is consequently prescribed through God’s will: to reunite the separated parts of our own nature. The motivation to attain the original wholeness is the hunger for what has been lost. It is the hunger for that part of the self beyond the ego, forcing human beings to step out of themselves and into the world.

The door through which we come out of ourselves and enter into the world is our self. If our karma is good, we can certainly confront our inner tensions by perceiving what fascinates us in others as the unredeemed element within ourselves. But we must first understand that we only feel attracted by people towards whom we already have a willingness to be attracted. This leads us to the insight that the part we are searching for in others is the part of the self that needs to be reclaimed from world outside.

The “rib” belonging to us but existing outside of us is the mercy granted to us by God when we had to abandon Paradise and step down into duality. By rediscovering it, we will once again become complete and a part of God. Unless we recognize what is not redeemed within ourselves, we are incapable of any real relationship because we can never truly see or experience the other person separate from our own images and imagination.

Yet, as long as the karma is still clouded by the fog of the unconscious, we will project our unredeemed elements onto the world. Not recognizing them, we fight against them like an evil enemy. We will see through everything the whole of humanity can do for us because we intuitively feel that all things incomprehensible are working against us. With the help of outside circumstance, our projections therefore compensate for our attempted repression. Then we put the label of “destiny” (or chance) on whatever we inflict upon ourselves with the kind assistance of outside circumstances.

At this point, what displeases us in the other person can only be what plagues us in ourselves. For whatever does not plague us cannot be summoned into consciousness by the other. But, on the other hand, if we recognize that we can experience nothing in the outside world that is not already within ourselves, then we can finally discover that every encounter serves a single purpose: to encounter ourselves!


1 The Background of the Relationship

The issue of the relationship.

2 Your Own Relationship Plane

The plane of consciousness upon which you encounter your partner, what you think of your partner, and how you view the relationship.

3 The Relationship Plane of the Other

The plane of consciousness upon which your partner encounters you, what your partner thinks of you, and how your partner views the relationship.

4 The Animus or Anima

The anima of the man or the animus of the woman, meaning the opposite sex within us as seen in the image of the other. This card shows what you look for in the other or what you find within the other as a result of your own search.

5 The Animus or Anima of the Other

This is the anima of the male partner or the animus of the female partner reflecting in you: The man discovers his female aspect within the woman, and the woman experiences her masculine aspect as herself within the man.

6 The Unconscious Relationship Plane

The essence of cards 2 and 4 or the four combinations of man and woman, man and anima, woman and animus, and anima and animus.

7 The Unconscious Relationship Plane of the Other

The essence of cards 3 and 5 or the four types of contact (see card 6).

8 The Shadow

This is the shadow that you cannot tolerate in yourself, project onto the other, and consequently reject in the other: the counterbalance, so to speak, of card 4.

9 The Shadow of the Other

The shadow projected onto you by the other and fought by the other in its role as proxy: thus, the counterbalance of card 5.


The Ten-Ray Spread takes the form of the Celtic Cross, the classic among spreads. It can basically be applied to any topic, but is particularly suitable for questions related to the trend of events:

• Where is my path leading me?

• What is the inner purpose of my actions?

• In what direction are my external aims developing?

• And how do I encounter the fruits of my actions in the external world?


So that the messages received from the ten selected cards do not become too complicated, it is recommended that you first concentrate on the framework – the axes 1/7 and 4/10 – and disregard the other cards for the time being.

Card 1 then shows us who we are against the background of the question. Card 7 describes the psychological data bank (“inner self”) we have at our disposal from the rich store of individual learning and experience. At the same time, it provides hints about the final outcome – card 10, which sits in a state of grace upon the foundation of the soul (card 4). Card 7 depicts our spiritual power, or the higher self in which we appear “before the supreme being.” If card 4 is the unconscious character trait pointing to the verdict of fate (card 10), then card 7 is the higher aim of the ego (1) or the “path to the throne.”

If we consider this from a broader perspective, card 2 enables us to see the obstacle blocking our path in: the shadow, in so far as we redeem it, leads us to what card 7 shows us. Cards 5 and 6 indicate the background that constellates the problem relating to our current situation (3). The cards in positions 8 and 9 indicate the inner specters (hopes and fears) that we attract to ourselves from the world outside because they complement our inner disposition.


1 The Significator

The significator shows the position you are in, and thereby reflects the issue in question.

2 The Barrier

This depicts the inner or outer resistance that is crippling you. But it also shows your repressed side, which will make you complete if you succeed in living it out in a conscious manner.

3 The Foreground Experience

This card illustrates the foreground goal for which you are striving, everything you see and keep in view. It therefore stands for everything that drifts to the surface and can be observed.

4 The Foundation

The foundation is the original root or basis of the matter. It shows the more profound preconditions that have led to where you are now. “It comes down to this” is the magic formula. It indicates the unconscious original source. It is not be unusual to be surprised by this image because you repress the motives that demand to be elevated into consciousness.

5 The Recent Past

The fifth position reflects events from the immediate past (“This was before”). It therefore shows the visible effects of the unconscious foundation of card 4 elevated to the realm everyday life.

6 The Immediate Future

The immediate future gives you a view of the effects that will soon openly manifest themselves and reverberate in the world (“This comes afterwards”). This card therefore represents a direct consequence of cards 4 and 5.

7 The Higher Self

The relationship between the seventh card and the first is like the relationship between the self and the ego. It shows you the potential for growth needing to be integrated into your self by the ego through the developmental task of the situation in which you find yourself.

8 The Environment

The next card describes your situation from other people’s viewpoint: the image that your environment has of you and to which you can only respond in such a way as others expect.

9 Hopes and Fears

The second-to-the-last card reveals the world in the mirror of your expectations and fears. It makes you aware of the mask that you wear when you are confronted with your inner hopes and fears. It shows how you react to what you assume corresponds to the situation of your experience – regardless of whether something has taken place or not.

10 Culmination and Goal

Everything that demands to be realized as an end and new beginning is brought to completion here. This last card summarizes the other nine and is the goal of the development and the seed from which a new set of objectives can be born.


The most intuitive, profound, and serious way of using the tarot is meditating with the cards. We can approach the mystery of the oracle by withdrawing to a quiet place for the activation of our spiritual perception. Sitting in a relaxed position, we close our eyes. With a little patience, a particular card will appear spontaneously at some point before our inner eyes. It will gradually vibrate onto the wavelength of a specific feeling or sensation, to which our spiritual aura then responds. For a moment, we have the experience of being part of the vibration of the card. We allow ourselves to be touched by what it says and perceive the longings or fears that this triggers within us. These vibrations, which our consciousness filters out of all the instinctive, mental, and bodily associations, are the focus upon which our psyche is now directed. Our subconscious mind tries to vibrate at the frequency of this specific card in order to unite with its spirit and receive its message.

In this type of meditation, we see particularly clearly that the individual preconditions in the personality structure always exist even before any form of interaction with the environment. In fact, it is our own spiritual disposition that initially and intuitively leads us to the card corresponding to our present inner state or in accord with the current development concepts in our psyche. The card surfacing before your inner eye is therefore not the perspective with which you look at the world, but rather a mirror in which your inner development is reflected.

Meditation sometimes occurs as a result of questioning the cards. We spread out the cards and one of them suddenly appears to have a very special meaning. Whether we like the card or not is beside the point: The determining factor is what compels us to like it or reject it. But it can awaken within us whatever has been slumbering unrecognized in our subconscious mind. Whether or not we believe in the reincarnation of the soul, in the soul’s sense of guilt caused by its own actions in earlier incarnations, is not important. The card we like embodies our conscious aims, and the card we do not like represents the shadow currently accompanying us. So we focus on the way in which we experience the card: Which experiences do we associate with this card and what we can gain if we recognize and integrate the things that the card triggers?

This form of meditation demands a certain willingness and ability to become involved with the inner images. If our own perceptions are orientated less towards the images and more towards rational understanding, there are other possibilities. For example, we can read the descriptions of the cards and focus on the interpretations of the specific cards that provoke a spontaneous, deep reaction within. This can also help us become clear about light and shadow regions in our own soul wanting to be acted out, meaning those areas whose description shocks us in one way or another. “The path to the light leads through hell, which can only be overcome by self-knowledge (in the mirror of one’s self)!”


He who always longs for me will set out in search of me; he will find me and look me in the eye – and there he will discover none other than himself!

The Roaring in the Cosmos

The Card

The end of one thing is always the beginning of another. While the last card of the Giger Arcana shows a spaceship escaping the terrors of Planet Earth, the first one shows the return: an old man clad in a diaper. So this cycle begins where it ended since we can feel that the decline also contains the unborn potential of the beginning, which leads to the birth of a new Fool.

He still has the umbilical cord around his neck and his legless torso sits in a urinal. At the same time, he is looking straight at the seam of life: a woman is kneeling in front of him and presenting her vagina to him. In his helpless, embryo-like position, he reveals the innocence of new life. This is the original, healthy state of the psyche before the viruses of social conditioning infect it. The Fool’s soul is like a blank page, and his internal emptiness means inner strength. In this emptiness, opposites can still harmoniously complement each other rather than battling or canceling each other out. As a result, the Fool is not yet aware of the conflict between the rational mind and the instinctual nature. He also sees more than just the woman’s sex between her legs. In his mind’s eye, he is looking at the steps that lead to life, the reforming of the eternal into the physicality of the material world. The Fool longs both for life and for death, since at the end of that path he will re-encounter the roots of his beginnings. He suspects that he has always been what he is now, and always will be what he can ever become because he yearns for the aims that were already within him before the beginning. The Janus-like double-headed nature of the eternally young, agelessly old Fool is also expressed in the fact that the “flute” is revealed to be a shotgun on closer examination. The Fool shoots himself before he is born, exemplifying everything that strives for life, and therefore towards death.

The Fool embodies both nothingness on the verge of becoming something and the endless emptiness of the universe that will absorb existence back into itself at the end of its development. He is the herald of pure, unfiltered truth from the limbo that lies between death and birth. On the one hand, he embodies nothingness on the threshold of being, which is expressed by his embryonic pose in the urinal. On the other hand, he is striving towards his own end by becoming something, as is dramatically shown by the barrel of the gun in his mouth. We are confronted by the double-faced head of Janus, who destroys on the one side what he creates on the other, or the Hindu god Shiva, whose dance brings about the end of the world, but who is also the god of the procreative force. As a result, this way we encounter the end that simply marks the beginning of a new end. Since the end must bring forth the beginning and the beginning must create the preconditions for the end, the Universe is the goal that exists in the Fool as a spiritual blueprint. In other words: both past and present are equally real at the same time because the end is the beginning. Likewise, the beginning can be described as the end because the end is always a new beginning of another end, which on another level requires another end for each new beginning.

The woman seductively stretching her buttocks towards the Fool is a striking variation of the archetypal mother. The humanity that raises itself to God in the last Major Arcanum of the tarot returns to earth in an endless loop through her. This phase in the development of life is also part of the universal act of creation. The path of life’s development is a spiral: it may turn in circles, but it also leads upwards and therefore also – in the figurative sense – “forwards.” So the spaceship on the last card, rising from the ruins of Earth in search of a better future, is also the face of the Great Goddess, through whose mouth humanity once again returns to its origins.

Back to Mother, monochrome stone lithograph (1986)

H.R. Giger ARh+, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, Cologne, 1996, p. 67

The top left-hand corner of the drawing shows a newborn baby slipping from its mother’s womb. The umbilical cord is cut, and the baby is placed amid the tensions of human society, symbolized by the table soccer game. Here it learns to compensate for its loss of security through struggle and toughness. The separation from the entire abundance and wholeness of being that takes place at birth marks the beginning of life as an individual. We are forced to combine with other parts of the whole in order to once again ecstatically experience our own lost wholeness in the brief moment of merging. This is reflected in the picture where each shot at the goal also makes the woman pregnant. Sexuality is not just a means for procreation and desire; it also conceals the metaphysical intention of passing on the tension of unfulfilled longing, which keeps the world in eternal motion.

The Interpretation

On the negative side, the Fool represents self-deception and is the manifestation either of what you really want to achieve or your efforts to avoid confronting it. However, the positive aspect of this card may be an expression of the power to strive for things that lie beyond the boundaries of the perceivable. On an inner level, this means that you can come closer to yourself by experiencing deep, hidden feelings and gradually rid yourself of restricting compulsions. You have the ability to probe more deeply inside yourself to perceive your own wishes more intensely and the desire to adopt a more spiritual approach to your inner needs. This often means that you drift into the realms of self-deception, particularly when you try to escape the world through irrational behavior. It is therefore important for you to integrate your personal impulses into reality, to bring contents out of the unconscious mind into the light of day, and to sympathize with the needs of those around you so that you do not need to constantly run away from yourself into your illusions.

This is a constructive approach in which the creative potency of absolute nothingness seeks to manifest itself within you. The world shows itself as if through the window of a dream; in this dream, you can experience yourself as part of a larger whole, which is the dream of life itself. This means that you do not find it difficult to feel the eternal within you since you do not simply let your ego express itself carelessly, but subjugate it to the unseen vibrations of your inner voice. While you merge with the longing that you project onto your surrounding world, it mirrors back to you everything that reflects your feelings. If you accept that these pictures do not reflect reality but only the illusions of all your dream-like images, then you are in harmony with them. Under their influence, you will be highly successful in creatively encountering your unconscious objectives in your fellow humans.


Here you are in constant search of the unreachable, but you do not really wish to find it because you prefer to dabble and the tangible always manages to escape you. As a result, you let yourself be possessed by your inner yearnings to live out your emotional needs only at a higher level since you give up any orientation towards worldly goals by transcending your material objectives. If you recognize that you will never attain the image that you seek so desperately, you will be left empty-handed. And because you have not learned to formulate your wishes but only to project your objectives around whatever leads you further and further away from reality, the end of the story is the unreachable image of your inner longing, which is basically unwilling to fulfill your wishes so that they can remain the objective of your dreams.

Your relationship with those around you is a very dreamy one that usually leads to friction. Under its influence, you frequently seem incapable of clear thoughts because it always lures out your vague, irrational desires and vague objectives. On the other hand, this behavior may also contribute to the development of your higher intuition if you succeed in encountering the nebulous longings of your repressed mystic and occult-utopian fictions in your “mental soup.” In this process, the details are less important than highlighting an understanding of the entire situation.

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Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
23 aralık 2023
274 s. 75 illüstrasyon
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