Kitabı oku: «Burden of thoughts»
Helmut Lauschke
Burden of thoughts
Learning and reconciliation
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Reflections / meditations
From the center with the point
Too deep a silence makes me as alarming as too loud a scream.
That's the whole shame: the stupid are so sure and the clever are so full of doubt.
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of the terms.
Being able to ask wisely is half the story.
The happiness of life depends on the nature of the thoughts.
Logical thinking is the pattern of complete fiction.
The philosopher must be regarded as a researcher of wisdom.
Be the change you want in this world for yourself.
Intuition is a divine gift, the thinking mind a faithful servant.
The mind is everything. What we think we will be.
The years of learning and reconciliation
Preparations for the future and the withdrawal of the army doctors
The telephone rang on a Saturday morning
Dr Nestor became the first black superintendent in the history of the hospital
To cut off the girl’s arm
The siren wailed in three waves over the village
Impressum neobooks
Helmut Lauschke
Burden of thoughts
Learning and reconciliation
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) said, if force is equal to right, nations will exhaust each other and will finally find the lasting peace in the big grave that covers the atrocities of violence with their creators. It is a fact that nations take their right by force and not by a judiciary process. Therefore, victory by force on an unlawful way cannot compromise or nullify the meaning of rights got on a lawful way.
The human brings humanity at the brink. António Guterres at the GOP 26 UN-summit on climate change on Monday, the 1st November 2021 in Glasgow
We must restore what we have lost. Jeff Bezos at the GOP 26 UN-summit on climate change on Tuesday, the 2nd November 2021 in Glasgow
Thanking is an expression of thinking. The wisdom of the question is shown in the focus on the crucial point.
Reflections / meditations
From the center with the point
Too deep a silence makes me as alarming as too loud a scream (Sophocles)
That's the whole shame: the stupid are so sure and the clever are so full of doubt
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of the terms
Being able to ask wisely is half the story
The happiness of life depends on the nature of the thoughts
Logical thinking is the pattern of complete fiction
The philosopher must be regarded as a researcher of wisdom
Be the change you want in this world for yourself
Intuition is a divine gift, the thinking mind a faithful servant
The mind is everything. What we think we will be
The years of learning and reconciliation
Preparations for the future and the withdrawal of the army doctors
The telephone rang on a Saturday morning
Dr Nestor became the first black superintendent in the history of the hospital
To cut off the girl’s arm
The siren wailed in three waves over the village
Thoughts are a vital and dynamic force that is indestructible. Through human cooperation, thoughts are getting a creative power.
About physics and philosophy:
Thoughts can have the speed of light
Space and time save the thought
Thoughts are alive and create forces, thoughts are wireless messages
Thought transmission as silent communication
Undulating and swaying thoughts
Thoughts as an expression of energy
Thoughts bring knowledge and create science
Thoughts have shapes of different sizes and weights
The world of thoughts is limitless
In the order of thoughts it comes to knowledge and philosophy
The world is anticipated, bundled, stretched and merged by thoughts
Thoughts are timeless in the change of reality
Thoughts are the bridge from zeitgeist to spirit and vice versa
The thought sets its environment in all directions in vibrations
The thought is inexhaustible, so thoughts are immortal.
For the movement of thoughts: ‘Manas’, the spirit substance; how ether fills the whole space and serves as a means of transport for thoughts, as ‘Prana’ is the vehicle for feelings. Ether is the medium for warmth, light and electricity, and air is the vehicle for sound.
Thought forces move the world: The powerful thoughts of saints and clairvoyants are stored in the Akasha (Akashic Chronicle). Clairvoyant people pretend to be able to receive and read the thought images. The human being is surrounded by a "sea of thoughts". There are thoughts in which a person is absorbed while he rejects other thoughts into the world of thought. Everyone has his/her own world of thoughts.
Thought transfer: Science speaks of waves of heat, light and electricity. In Yoga, people speak of thought waves. Thoughts have power. Everyone experiences the power of thoughts often unconsciously.
Thought vibrations: Every thought that is sent out is a vibration; it vibrates in every part of the universe, and when the thought is noble and beneficial, it vibrates related thoughts. People unconsciously absorb the thoughts and send comparable thoughts depending on their strength. The result is that man sets forces in motion that work together to suppress base, detrimental thoughts emanating from selfish people.
Diversity of thought vibrations: Every person has his/her own spiritual world, his/her own way of thinking, his/her own way of understanding things, and his/her own way of acting. Just as people's faces and voices are different, so there are differences in thinking and understanding. That is why there are misunderstandings among friends. If one cannot properly understand the other's point of view, there is friction, rifts and quarrels within a minute, even among good friends. The friendship does not last long and falls apart.
One must be attuned to the spiritual vibrations and thought vibrations of the other, then one can understand the other. Thoughts of lust, hate, jealousy, and selfishness create distorted images in mind and obscure understanding, twist the mind, and cause memory loss and confusion in the mind.
Preservation of spiritual energy: In physics there is the term ›directional power‹. Even though the amount of energy is there, the current does not flow. It has to be connected to the magnet, then the electric current starts flowing by means of the directional force.
Likewise, the spiritual energy that is scattered and misdirected into worldly thoughts must be directed into the appropriate spiritual channels. Don't store useless information in the brain. Learn to "de-mind" the mind. Unlearn what was of no use to you. Only then you can fill your mind with lofty thoughts. You will gain spiritual powers when the scattered rays of the mind are gathered.
Cell theory and thoughts: The cell is a mass of protoplasm with a nucleus. It has 'intelligence'. Some cells secrete, other cells excrete. Testicular cells secrete semen; Kidney cells excrete urine. Some cells act as "soldiers". They protect the body from penetration and attacks by foreign poisonous matter or germs. They digest them and excrete them. Other cells carry food to tissues and organs.
The cells do their work without conscious action. Their activity is controlled by the central nervous system. They are directly related to the mind and brain. Some people are extremely body conscious and have no thought of self; their lives are messy and without discipline, they fill their stomachs with candy and the like. The digestive and excretory organs have no rest. They suffer from physical weakness and illness. Atoms, molecules and cells in the body generate inharmonic vibrations. They have no hope, no trust, no faith, no serenity and no happiness; they are unhappy. The life force is reduced, the vitality is at a low level. Their mind is full of fear, despair, fear and horror.
Primary Thoughts and Modern Science: Thoughts are the great forces on earth. They change, renew and build on constructive thoughts. The far-reaching possibilities of these powers were developed to the highest perfection in ancient times and brought to the greatest possible application, because the thought is the most important force at the origin and in the consequence of creation. The genesis of creation is seen as an all-encompassing thought that arose in the cosmic mind.
The world is the manifestation of the originating thought that arose from the infinite silence of the divine being. In classical terminology it is Iccha, the desire of the cosmic soul, which appears as Spandana that means vibration.
This vibration is an endless oscillation of physically subtle particles which the ordinary mind cannot perceive. It explains that all forces ultimately pass into the state of vibration. This is the conclusion that modern sciences have come to after investigations into external physical nature.
Reflections / meditations
Thought is the founding force at the origin and follows the creation; the genesis of all creation is seen as a single thought that arose in the cosmic mind.
From the center with the point
The power grows from the thought, which always creates the new from the origin, because that is the creation in the spiritual light, which works and shapes and directs timelessly.
So the germ stretches out of the law in order to keep growth before the last stone, which marks the limit from the beginning, and existence ultimately stagnates over the years.
The spirit, it pushes and floats and ignites, it lifts and strives and pulls and announces, passes on the law of being and time, is constantly on the way from here to eternity.
The thought that comes from the spirit carries the person who wonders in the mind that one can be lifted and without resistance, because that is life towards the whole.
Where the spirit stirs up the tender flame and leads people to new life, the soul stretches far out, hovers high above the mind and parental home.
Creation shines in the young light, it has size, resilience and weight, what the eye opens, widens, keeps open so that it can see what then pleases life.
That is that great things never become small, because the seasons rub in, because wind and rain refresh what is and what will remain for life.
So year after year in a new guise of hope and quiet expectation move across the country, forces rise from the center over the edge of knowledge, because what is old stretches the eye that invented it.
So flame and shine and rise higher, that is what the spirit means to man, when the thoughts grow into forms to what the air with its scents gives to breathing.
The young eye sees it, is amazed and wants to shape what is new and unknown to the senses, because the order is written and spoken to recognize the new that lies beneath the old.
Forces flare up and grow into action, probably for those who still have to advise with open eyes, because the time, it stands, even when it rushes through life, to give you respect for the great and the advice to do so.
Too deep a silence makes me as alarming as too loud a scream.
(Sophocles 496-406 BC) Sophocles lived in Athens, where he was one of the three great classical tragedy poets alongside Aeschylus and Euripides; he performed in some of his plays himself. Sophocles held high state offices several times: he was treasurer of the Attic League, strategist alongside Pericles, member of the oligarchical government and priest of Asclepius. As a poet, he contributed to the further development of Attic tragedy. Significant innovations include the introduction of the third actor, the expansion of the choir from 12 to 15 members and the introduction of painted sets. Sophocles detached the individual plays from the context of the trilogy. 123 of his pieces are known by title, but only 7 pieces, which are characterized by the design of the individual personalities, have been completely preserved: "Aias", "Antigone", "Elektra", "King Oedipus", "Trachinierinnen", " Philoctetes "and" Oedipus on Colonus ". A papyrus find added 400 verses, about half of the satyr play “Ichneutai” (sniffer dogs).
Quotes: No human life is free from calamity. But from now on and all future as before the law lasts. Those who are absent without intent will receive a mild judgment. How quickly people's thanks disappear - and ingratitude becomes. What are you wearing that is more than human? The gods implanted reason in man as the highest of all goods. Because where the evil deed has the attitude towards the mother, other evil deeds follow her as siblings. The sick person is sleepless. The burden of old age is alien only to the gods. Don't try to hide anything, because time, which sees and hears everything, reveals it. Happy to whom the gods gave clear meaning to all gifts. According to your own law, like none of the mortals, you step down alive to Hades. I don't like love who loves with words. Talking a lot and saying a lot are not one thing. Anyone who experienced happiness should never be stingy with happiness. For whoever thinks himself insightful reveals himself to be empty when viewed with light. It takes a long time to go a short way. The gods fall, rise again. Ideas are stronger than physical strength.
The idea is stronger than physical strength, everything else does not weigh more than a layer of snow that thaws away under the first ray of sun, so muscle strength has no other choice.
People should remember this in good time, when at daybreak they have to strengthen themselves for the work that is uploaded in front of them and is already difficult to take on responsibility.
May the gods overthrow arrogant people who sit grandly over dumb peoples, not to pull them out of distress and misery, but to flee with wealth in more security.
Gods tear down with hammer blows and angry faces, what arises, opposes the high court of justice, because whatever mouths babble, boast, talk badly, children quickly get to the point of falsehood.
May one call himself clever and insightful when the things of cleverness run out of his head, it is the conceit of sublimity and naked stupidity in the field of simple thinking with dumbness.
Nothing has changed when people speak things that they do not understand, only to arrogantly avenge themselves on the better behavior of others with more understanding, which they do not understand in arrogance that is known.
So many stay talking for hours, weeks and years, because without insight they have nothing to say about the core of things. What is missing, in addition to the lack of honesty, is a good education, which is why they thresh empty pods to the point of crazy rapture.
Whether something will change in this behavior of the nonsense is written in the stars alongside the other things of nonsense. It remains to be seen, in excess of excessive tolerance, how long the train of mismatched wagons will continue to travel such distant places.
Indeed: He is happy to be praised whom has given the gods the clear meaning of all gifts despite sharpened contradictions. The mercy of the highest creator comes into play here, who sets the good in man against doubt with questions.
The size is just different from what the person imagines, who wishes that it is him who is at the top in the shine. No, it's not him in his jostling for fame and power, that's what the dream tells him in the hours of the night.
The temptation is as old as there are people on the planet to hide and cover up what may harm vanity. But don't do it, because time sees and hears everything, it reveals it, whereas you cannot reach your vulnerability and weakness.
The burden of old age is alien only to the gods. So people know about it and suffer from it the more unbearable the burden becomes. Children may have the divine because they too are alien to the burden of old age, unless they are already deep in the misery of poverty.
When people bear the burden of arching their backs, then the question arises who put the burden on them for the rest of their lives. The uneducated mind gives the answer: the burden comes from people, because it’s not the gods who put the heavy burden on people.
The gods implant reason in man so that he can stand and walk straight, when he carries the weight of the task with diligence and responsibility through life with decency and righteousness, whereby the divine spirit gives him the advice and direction to do so to do.
Finally, in the age of humility, the human mind understands that there is no life that is to be fulfilled without suffering and calamity. From time immemorial and into the future, this has been the law that man has to understand and accept through and through.
Anyone who is missing and notices it late is faced with the difficult decision of checking whether he did it intentionally or purely by mistake, because both are negative and yet are fundamentally different in approach when the soul stretches for the good on the other hand not.
After all, it is reason as the greatest gift of the gods that makes the decision between good and evil and marks the path to be recognized and straight to go when it concerns humanity and its great concern, as it does with life go on.
That's the whole shame: the stupid are so sure and the clever are so full of doubt.
(Bertrand Russell 1872-1970) Quotes: The question today is how one can persuade humanity to consent to its own survival. Scientists strive to make the impossible possible. Science is what we know and philosophy is what we don't know. This is the essence of science: first you think of something that might be true. Then you look to see if it is, and generally it is not. What philosophy must remove is certainty, be it that of knowing or that of not knowing; that is the essence of science. The greatest risk is run by people who never want to take the slightest risk.
The politician differs from the scientist in that he can talk for a long time without having to say anything. Therefore there is no nonsense that a government cannot convince its people to be sensible.
What philosophy must remove is certainty, be it that of knowing or that of not knowing. In essence, science fights for the truth of the things that are extrapolated in research.
With us there are those who are considered moral lights, people who renounce ordinary joys themselves and, in order to keep themselves harmless, spoil the joys of others. Those who really have authority are not afraid to admit mistakes.
True morality in sexual life is based on respect for the personality of the other and an inner reluctance to use it as a means for the purpose of personal instinct saturation, regardless of one's own wishes.
A democrat needs not to believe that a majority will always make a wise choice. What he is supposed to believe in is the need that the majority decision must be passed until the majority passes another decision.
What is needed is not the will to believe, but the will to discover, which is exactly the opposite. You should never do the same stupidity twice, because there is plenty of choice. When all experts are in agreement, caution is advised.
Boredom is a serious problem. At least half of all human sins arise from fear of boredom. What people call the struggle for existence is in the great majority the struggle for ascent.
There is a separate discipline for acquiring each virtue. The best discipline to exercise restraint in judgment is philosophy. Even if all professionals are of the same opinion, they may very well be mistaken.
The particular skill of the politician is knowing which passions are easiest to arouse and how, once aroused, can be prevented from harming him and his followers.
Yet it now seems to be the fate of the idealists to preserve what they are fighting for in a form that destroys their ideal. The question today is how to persuade humanity to consent to its own survival.
Modern man views money as a means of getting more money, so that he can splurge and make an effort and triumph over those who have hitherto been his own.
Grandfather John Russell, who was given the title of Earl Russell in 1861, was British Prime Minister. Bertrand Russell's father, John Russell, died when Bertrand was three years old. His mother, Katherine Louisa Stanley, died of diphtheria before her husband.