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Cheese kebabs with olives and cherry tomatoes with mustard dip

Ingredients for 12 skewers

400 g mountain cheese

12 cherry tomatoes

24 pitted green olives

salt and coloured pepper from the mill

75 g sour cream

1 tbsp honey

2 tbsp coarse mustard

12 wooden skewers


Cut the cheese into 24 cubes. Wash and halve the tomatoes. Put cheese cubes, olives and tomatoes alternately on skewers and season with coloured pepper.

For the dip, mix sour cream, honey and mustard and season with salt. Skewers and sour cream.

Tandoori chicken bacon skewers on a colourful salad

Ingredients for 4 portions

1-2 tsp Tandoori powder

1 tbsp whole milk yoghurt

400 g chicken fillet

1 small red onion

1 large tomato

1/2 small yellow pepper

2 baby roman salads

4 slices breakfast bacon

2 tbsp oil

4 tablespoons basil vinaigrette

salt and pepper from the mill

1 pinch of sugar

8 wooden skewers


Mix Tandoori powder and yoghurt. Wash chicken fillet, dab dry and cut into cubes. Mix chicken cubes and Tandoori mix and chill for about 30 minutes.

Peel the onion and cut into thin slices. Wash and clean the tomato and cut into thin slices. Clean, wash and cut the peppers into strips. Clean and wash the salad and cut the leaves into strips.

Cut the bacon slices into 4-5 pieces each. Spread the chicken cubes and bacon pieces on 8 skewers. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the skewers for 6-8 minutes while turning.

Mix salad, vegetables and vinaigrette in a bowl and season with salt, pepper and sugar. Arrange salad and skewers in glasses.

Mozzarella caprese skewers

Ingredients for 20 skewers

20 yellow cherry tomatoes

20 red cherry tomatoes

5 slices Parma ham (50 g)

5 slices fennel salami (25 g)

2 packs of mozzarella balls (150 g each = 20 pieces)

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp coarse sea salt

coarse pepper from the mill

20 wooden skewers


Clean, wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut slices of ham and salami in half lengthwise. Drain and drain the mozzarella balls.

Wrap 1/4 of the mozzarella balls with ham and 1/4 of the balls with salami. Wash basil, shake dry and pluck leaves from stalks. Shorten the skewers.

Alternate the skewers with 2 mozzarella balls, 2 tomatoes and basil. Arrange on a plate and drizzle with olive oil. Season with coarse salt and pepper.

Snack and prawn sticks with Asian cucumber salad

Ingredients for 4-6 portions

2 large salad cucumbers

1/2-1 Chilli pepper (e.g. red)

6 tbsp white wine vinegar

salt and pepper from the mill

1 pinch of sugar

9 tbsp oil

1 onion

250 g mixed chopped meat

1 egg yolk or 1 tbsp quark

1 tbsp breadcrumbs

1 pinch curry

12 ready-to-cook raw shrimps (approx. 250 g)

1/2 fret/potty coriander

12 wooden skewers


Wash the cucumbers, cut off 6 thin slices and set aside. Peel and chop the rest. Clean, wash and finely chop the chilli. Peel the ginger, chop finely. Mix everything with vinegar, salt, pepper, 1 pinch sugar and 6 tablespoons oil.

Peel and chop the onion. Knead with minced meat, egg yolk and breadcrumbs. Season with salt, pepper and 1 pinch of curry. Form into 12 small balls. Fry in 2 tbsp. hot oil all around for approx. 6 minutes. Drain on kitchen paper.

Cut shrimps lengthwise at the back. Remove the dark intestine. Wash the shrimps and pat dry. Fry in 1 tablespoon of hot oil for approx. 3 minutes while turning. Season with salt and pepper.

Wash and pluck the coriander. Put on 6 skewers 2 meatballs each, some coriander and 1 slice of cucumber, on the remaining 2 shrimps each. Add the rest of coriander to the cucumber salad. Arrange everything in glasses.

Tomato and Mozzarella skewers

Ingredients for 6-8 portions

1 slice of toast bread

1 small onion

500 g mixed minced meat

1 egg (size M)

1 tbsp tomato paste

salt and black pepper from the mill

2 tbsp oil

1 bowl (150 g) mini mozzarella balls

200 g cherry tomatoes

1 bunch basil

wooden skewers


Soak toast in cold water. Peel and finely chop the onion. Squeeze out the bread well. Knead with minced meat, onion, egg and tomato paste. Season with salt and pepper.

Shape the chopping mass into small balls. Heat the oil in a pan, fry the balls in two portions while turning for 6-8 minutes. Drain on kitchen paper and leave to cool.

Drain the mozzarella. Wash the tomatoes and basil and pat dry. Place meatballs, mozzarella, tomatoes and basil leaves alternately on small skewers. It goes well with bread.

Melon and ham skewers

Ingredients for 8 skewers

4 mint stalks

1/2 honeydew melon

1 Cantaloupe melon

16 slices Parma ham

50 g white balsamic cream

8 wooden skewers


Wash mint, pat dry and pluck leaves. Halve the whole melon. Remove the melon seeds. Cut the melon halves into 8 slices each. Cut the melon slices from the skin and quarter them. Remove the Cantaloupe slices from the skin and cut in half.

Alternate pieces of melon and Parma ham with mint leaves on wooden skewers. Pour the balsamic cream over the skewers.

Cheese sticks with grapes

Ingredients for 1 serving

50 g low-fat Gouda cheese (16 % fat)

5 grapes

1 stalk parsley

1 gherkin


Cut the cheese into 5 pieces. Wash the grapes and parsley and pat dry. Cut the gherkin diagonally into 5 slices. Spit one grape, one slice of corniche and one slice of parsley on each cheese cube.

Turkey ham skewers

Ingredients for 6-8 portions

125 g apricot jam

2 courgettes (à approx. 175 g)

800 g turkey escalope

4 tbsp brandy

6 tbsp white balsamic vinegar

salt and pepper from the mill

5-6 thin slices (20 g each) of smoked ham

4 tbsp oil

1 pinch lemon pepper

Coriander green to garnish

18-24 wooden skewers


Pass the jam through a fine sieve. Clean, wash and chop the courgettes. Wash the meat, dab dry and cut into small cubes. For the marinade mix jam, brandy and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Place the meat and zucchini in the marinade, cover and leave to stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Cut the ham slices into 4 strips and fold them together. Pour the meat and zucchini into a sieve and drain well. Zucchini, meat and ham on skewers stick.

Heat the oil in 3-4 portions in a large pan, add the skewers and fry one after the other for about 5 minutes while turning. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm. Arrange three skewers each sprinkled with lemon pepper in serving bowls. Garnish with coriander.

Herbed sheep's cheese salami skewers

Ingredients for 12 skewers

1/2 bunch parsley

1/2 bunch chives

3-4 stems fresh sage

1-2 cloves of garlic

½-1 tsp dried thyme

10 tbsp olive oil

250 g feta cheese

150 g salami per piece

12 cherry tomatoes

Pepper from the mill

12 wooden shashlik skewers


Wash herbs and pat dry. Chop the parsley and cut the chives into fine rolls. Pluck the sage leaves from the stems. Peel the garlic and press it through a garlic press. Mix parsley, chives, thyme, garlic and oil. Cut the feta and salami into 12 cubes each. Wash and drain the tomatoes.

Place 1 cheese cube, 1 salami cube, 1 cherry tomato and 12 sage leaves on 1 skewer each. Place the skewers on a deep plate and spread the herb-oil mixture over them. Turn the skewers in it. Allow to infuse for approx. 1 hour. Cover and chill until serving. Grind some fresh pepper over it.

Recipes for small party snacks on hand

No good party without tasty food. The hit on every buffet are delicious sandwiches. There are no limits to the imagination when it comes to covering. Small slices of bread of all kinds or puff pastry are suitable as a basis for cutlets. The cut topping offers endless possibilities - whether classic topping with cheese, ham and egg or refined topping with raw tuna, scallops or avocado cream - all these cuts are delicious. So don't bother with the canapé.

Danish bread bites with salmon and prawns

Ingredients for 8 pieces

100 g cooked sea ice-cream prawns (refrigerated shelf)

1/2 bunch dill

1 tbsp lemon juice

35 g baby spinach leaves

4 slices sandwich toast

4 tbsp butter

200 g smoked salmon, sliced

8 tsp horseradish (glass)

small lemon slices to garnish


Wash and drain the shrimps. Wash dill, shake dry. Pluck off the flags and chop finely, except for something to garnish. Mix shrimps with lemon juice and dill. Wash the spinach and drain well. Halve bread slices diagonally and spread with butter.

Cut the salmon into broad strips and mix into the prawns. Spread the spinach on the breads. Put the salmon-shrimp mixture on top. Place 1 teaspoon of horseradish on each side. Garnish with lemon wedges and set aside dill.

Roasted bread with lightning poultry salad

Ingredients for 4 portions

2 chicken fillets

1 tsp oil

salt and pepper from the mill

1 bunch rocket (rocket)

100 g cherry tomatoes

1 clove of garlic

5 tbsp cream yoghurt

3 tbsp Sylter salad cream (for B. by Thomy)

3 tbsp black olives (in slices)

4 large slices mixed rye bread


Wash the meat, dab dry, dice finely. Fry in hot oil for 4-5 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Clean, wash, drain and chop the rocket. Wash and quarter the tomatoes.

Peel garlic, chop finely. Mix with yoghurt and salad cream. Season with salt and pepper. Mix prepared ingredients and olives with yoghurt sauce. Toast bread in a toaster. Spread the chicken salad on the breads.

Colourful dinner cakes

Ingredients for 4 pieces (starter rings Ø 8 cm)

2-3 carrots

2 small courgettes

1 bunch radish

50 g crispbread

50 g butter

2 sheets gelatine

200 g low-fat cream cheese

150 ml milk

salt and pepper from the mill

3 tsp breadcrumbs

1 egg (size M)

1/4 bed of garden cress to garnish

cling film


Peel and wash the carrots. Clean and wash courgettes and radishes. Grate the prepared vegetables separately and mix separately in bowls with 1/4 teaspoon salt each.

Finely chop the crispbread. Melt butter and mix with crispbread. Moisten a small flat plate or board. Lay foil flat on top. Place 4 starter rings (approx. 8 cm Ø) on top. Spread the crispbread crumbs in the rings and press firmly down, chill.

Soak the gelatine. Mix cream cheese and milk to a liquid cream, season with salt and pepper. Place vegetables one after the other on a sieve, squeeze out. Squeeze the vegetables again with kitchen paper and put them back in the bowls. Mix the vegetables with 1 teaspoon breadcrumbs.

Express gelatine, dissolve. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cream cheese cream to the gelatine. Stir the gelatine mixture into the rest of the cream. Place 1-2 tablespoons of cream on the crumb bases and chill for approx. 10 minutes. Spread a thin layer of radish on top, add 2-3 tablespoons of cream and chill for approx. 10 minutes. Repeat with other vegetables, finishing with a layer of cream. Refrigerate the tartlets for approx. 2 hours.

To serve, cook the egg for about 10 minutes in boiling water until hard, quench with cold water, peel and slice. Serve tartlets garnished with egg slices and cress.

Flat bread with feta and dates

Ingredients for 8 portions

12 dried and pitted dates

100 g walnut kernels

250 g flat bread

250 g creamy feta

8 tsp liquid honey

8 tsp olive oil

4 stems thyme

baking paper


Preheat oven (electric stove: 225 °C/Circulating air: 200 °C). Line a baking tray with baking paper. Cut the dates into slices. Coarsely chop the nuts. Cut bread into approx. 24 slices (à approx. 1⁄2 cm thickness).

Brush the bread slices with feta and place on the baking tray. Sprinkle with dates and nuts. Sprinkle with honey and oil.

Bake in the hot oven for 3-5 minutes. Wash the thyme, shake dry and remove the leaves from the stems. Sprinkle the breads au gratin with thyme.

Vitello Tonato Mushroom

Ingredients for 18 pieces

2 cans (185 g each) tuna fillets without oil

100 g capers

1 small onion

5 stalks parsley

100 g sour cream

salt and pepper from the mill

1 small red pepper

8-10 slices (approx. ½ cm thin) white bread

8-10 slices roast beef cold cuts

8-10 thin slices turkey breast cold cuts

Caper apples to garnish


Drain the tuna and capers. Peel and chop the onion. Wash parsley, shake dry and chop. Puree the tuna, 2⁄3 capers, onion, parsley and sour cream with a hand blender. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Clean, wash and finely chop the peppers. Stir into the tuna cream with the remaining capers. Cut out approx. 18 circles (approx. 5 cm Ø) each from white bread and cold cuts.

Cover half of the bread with roast beef, the others with turkey breast. Pour the cream into a piping bag with a perforated spout. Spray on half of the bread approx. 3⁄4 of the cream. Place the rest of the sandwiches on top. Garnish with the rest of the cream and caper apples.

Bread pralines with sheep's cheese filling

Ingredients for 4 portions (24 pieces)

1/2 bunch flat parsley

1 glass (340 g) grilled paprika in brine

1 pack (180 g) sheep's cheese light

4 slices (à approx. 40 g) egg white bread

12 thin slices (10 g each) of cottage ham

4 tomatoes

1 tbsp + 1 tsp olive oil

salt and pepper from the mill


Wash the parsley and pluck the leaves. Put some aside for the salsa. Drain the paprika. Put aside 100 g paprika for the salsa. Cut sheep's cheese, bread and paprika into 24 rectangles of equal size (approx. 1.5 x 6 cm). Cover the bread with cheese, parsley and paprika. Cut the ham in half lengthwise and wrap the pieces of bread in 1/2 slice each.

For the salsa, wash the tomatoes, quarter them, remove the core and dice the flesh. Dice the rest of the paprika as well. Finely chop the parsley. Mix parsley, tomatoes and paprika with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a coated pan. Fry the bread pralines for about 2 minutes over medium heat while turning. Remove from the pan and drain. Arrange the bread pralines on a plate. Salsa will do.

Tuna tartar on pumpernickel with lime salsa

Ingredients for 15 pieces

250 g tuna fillet

2 cloves of garlic

3 shallots (30 g each)

3 tsp olive oil

salt and pepper from the mill

1 organic lime (juice)

10 chives stalks

2 tomatoes

1 lime

15 slices of Party Pumpernickel


Wash the tuna and cut into very fine cubes. Peel the garlic and shallots, cut into very fine cubes and add half each to the tuna. Add 2 teaspoons oil, season with 1 teaspoon lime juice, salt and pepper. Cut 5 chives stalks into very fine rings and add half to the tartare.

For the salsa, wash, clean, quarter and seed the tomatoes. Cut the flesh into small cubes. Mix the remaining garlic and shallots cubes with 1 teaspoon of oil, the remaining lime juice and chives rolls. Add tomato cubes, except 1 teaspoon, to the salsa.

Peel the lime so that the white skin is completely removed. Using a sharp knife, remove the fillets between the skins and, except for a few to garnish, add to the salsa. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Tatar on pumpernickel. Garnish with tomato cubes, lime fillets and chives. Pour the salsa into a bowl and serve with the pumpernickel snacks.

Beef strips on Polentatalern with yoghurt-garlic dip

Ingredients for 20 pieces

250 ml milk

50 g butter (or margarine)

150 g polenta (corn semolina)

2 hip steaks (à approx. 180 g)

salt and pepper from the mill

1 tbsp oil

6-7 stems thyme

4 cloves of garlic

200 g whole milk yoghurt

6 cherry tomatoes

aluminium foil


Bring milk, 250 ml water, 1 teaspoon salt and 50 g fat to the boil. Stir in the polenta and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Still hot, spread on 1/3 of a baking tray (32 x 39 cm) lined with baking paper and allow to cool.

Wash meat, dab dry, season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the meat for about 5 minutes. Wash thyme, pat dry and pluck coarsely. Turn the meat over, add 1 teaspoon of thyme and fry for another 5 minutes. Remove meat, wrap in aluminium foil and let rest.

In the meantime, peel the garlic, cut 1 clove into thin slices and chop the rest very finely. Add the chopped garlic to the yoghurt, mix and season with salt and pepper.

Wash cherry tomatoes except 1-2 for garnishing, cut into 6 slices each. Cut out 20 circles (approx. 5 cm Ø) from the polenta. Cut the meat into thin slices and arrange on the Polentatalern. Add 1/2 teaspoon each of the garlic dip to the meat slices and garnish with tomato slices and thyme tips.

Cut the rest of the cherry tomatoes crosswise into deep slices and squeeze slightly at the bottom. Arrange the Polentataler and cherry tomatoes on a plate. Garnish yoghurt dip with garlic slices, cherry tomato slices and thyme.

Puff pastry slices with avocado wasabi cream and salmon

Ingredients for 13 pieces

1 pack (270 g) fresh butter puff pastry (ready to bake, rolled out in a rectangular shape on baking paper, approx. 42 x 24 cm)

1 egg yolk (size M)

1 clove of garlic

1 avocado (approx. 200 g)

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1 tbsp oil

2 tbsp whole milk yoghurt

2 tsp Wasabi (glass)

salt and pepper from the mill

1 pinch of sugar

1 small bunch rocket

125 g smoked salmon

5-6 tbsp soy sauce


Take the puff pastry out of the fridge 5-10 minutes before processing and let it rest. Unroll the dough on the baking paper, cut into thirds and cut into 9 strips each. Brush 13 strips thinly with water and cover with 1 strip each (1 strip remains, if necessary use as well).

Whisk egg yolk and 2 tbsp. water. Brush the dough strips with it and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven (electric cooker: 200 °C/ convection oven: 175 °C/ gas: stage 3) for 8-10 minutes until brown, remove and allow to cool.

Peel and chop the garlic. Cut avocado in half, remove pit, peel from flesh. Puree the avocado, garlic, lemon juice and oil. Stir in yoghurt and wasabi. Season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar.

Clean, wash and drain the rocket. Cut the salmon into strips. Spread the puff pastry slices with avocado cream and cover with rocket and salmon. Arrange the puff pastry slices and drizzle with soy sauce before serving.

Sardine bites

Ingredients for 4 portions

1 small onion

1 tbsp flour

2 tbsp olive oil

1 pinch salt

4 slices bacon (breakfast bacon)

4 small slices of olive or farmhouse bread

8 sardines pickled in olive oil


Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Turn in flour and fry in hot olive oil until golden yellow. Season with salt, drain well on kitchen paper. Fry the bacon in the fat until crispy.

Drain as well. Then fry the bread slices crispy in the frying fat on each side. Cover each slice of bread with 1 slice of bacon, 2 sardines and a few fried onions. Sprinkle with some pesto as desired.

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