Jack London

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John Griffith London (John Griffith Chaney; 12 Ocak 1876, San Francisco - 22 Kasım 1916, Kaliforniya), Amerikalı gazeteci ve roman yazarı. Vahşetin Çağrısı, Martin Eden, Demir Ökçe, Beyaz Diş ve Deniz Kurdu başta olmak üzere elliden fazla kitabın yazarı olan Jack London, Dünya ti

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The one opened the door with a latch-key and went in, followed by a young fellow who awkwardly removed his cap. He wore rough clothes that smacked of the sea, and he was manifestly out of place in the spacious hall in which he found himself

But there was life, abroad in the land and defiant.

regarded them with the merciless wistfulness

Limited minds can recognize limitations only in others.