Kitabı oku: «The Energy System of Matter: A Deduction from Terrestrial Energy Phenomena», sayfa 10
39. Relative Physical Conditions of Atmospheric Constituents
It will be evident that no matter where the evaporation of the aqueous material takes place, it must be carried out at the temperature corresponding to that location, and since the aqueous vapour itself is not superheated in any way (being transparent to the sun's influence), the axial energy transformed and the work energy stored in the material per unit mass, will be simply equivalent to the latent heat of aqueous vapour under the temperature conditions which prevail. In virtue of the relatively high value of this latent heat under ordinary conditions, the gas may be regarded as comparatively a very highly energised substance. It is clear, however, that since the gas is working at its precise temperature of evaporation, the maximum amount of energy which it can possibly yield up at that temperature is simply this latent heat of evaporation, and if this energy be by any means withdrawn, either in whole or in part, then condensation corresponding to the energy withdrawal will at once ensue. The condition of the aqueous vapour is in fact that of a true vapour, or of a gaseous substance operating exactly at its evaporation temperature, and unable to sustain even the slightest abstraction of energy without an equivalent condensation. No matter in what manner the abstraction is carried out, whether by the direct transmission of heat from the substance or by the expansion of the gas against gravity, the result is the same; part of the gaseous material returns to the liquid form.
In the case of the more stable or permanent constituents of the atmosphere, namely oxygen and nitrogen, their physical conditions are entirely different from that of the aqueous vapour. Examination of the Table of Properties (p. 133) shows that the evaporation temperatures of these two substances under ordinary conditions of atmospheric pressure are as low as -296° F. and -320° F. respectively. At an ordinary atmospheric temperature of say 50° F. these two gases are therefore so far above their evaporation temperature that they are in the condition of what might be termed true gaseous substances. Although only at a temperature of 50° F., they may be truly described as highly superheated gases, and it is evident that they may be readily cooled from 50° F. through wide ranges of temperature, without any danger of their condensation or liquefaction. Oxygen and nitrogen gases thus present in their physical condition and qualities a strong contrast to aqueous vapour, and it is this difference in properties, particularly the difference in evaporation temperatures, which is of vital importance in the working of the atmospheric machine. The two gases oxygen and nitrogen are, however, so closely alike in their general energy properties that, in the meantime, the atmospheric mixture of the two can be conveniently assumed to act simply as one gas—atmospheric air.
From these considerations of the ordinary atmospheric physical properties of air and aqueous vapour it may be readily seen how each is eminently adapted to its function in the atmospheric process. The peculiar duty of the aqueous vapour is the absorption and transmission of energy. Its relatively enormous capacity for energy, the high value of its latent heat at all ordinary atmospheric temperatures, and the fact that it must always operate precisely at its evaporation temperature makes it admirably suited for both functions. Thus, in virtue of its peculiar physical properties, it forms an admirable agent for the storage of energy and for its transmission to the surrounding air masses. The low temperature of evaporation of these air masses ensures their permanency in the gaseous state. They are thus perfectly adapted for expansive and other movements, for the conversion of their energy against gravity into energy of position, or for any other reactions involving temperature change without condensation.
40. Transmission of Energy from Aqueous Vapour to Air Masses
The working of the second or transmission stage of the atmospheric machine involves certain energy operations in which gravitation is the incepting factor or agency. Let it be assumed that a mass of aqueous vapour liberated at its surface of evaporation by the transformation of axial energy, expands upwards against the gravitative attraction of the earth (§§ 34, 38). As the gaseous particles ascend and thus gain energy of position, they do work against gravity. This work is done at the expense of their latent energy. Since the aqueous material is always working precisely at its evaporation temperature, this gain in energy of position and consequent loss of latent energy will be accompanied by an equivalent condensation and conversion of the rising vapour into the liquid form. This condensation will thus be the direct evidence and measure of work done by the aqueous material against the gravitational forces, and the energy expended or worked down in this way may now, accordingly, be regarded as stored in the condensed material or liquid particles in virtue of their new and exalted position above the earth's surface. It is this energy which is finally transmitted to the atmospheric air masses. The transmission process is carried out in the downward movement of the liquid particles. The latter, in their exalted positions, are at a low temperature corresponding to that position—that is, corresponding to the work done—and provided no energy were transmitted from them to the surrounding air masses, their temperature would gradually rise during the descent by the transformation of this energy of position. In fact the phenomena of descent, supposing no transmission of energy from the aqueous material, would simply be the reverse of the phenomena of ascent. Since, however, the energy of position which the liquid particles possess is transmitted from them to the atmospheric masses, then it follows that this natural increase in their temperature would not occur in the descent. A new order of phenomena would now appear. Since the evaporative process is a continuous one, the liquid particles in their downward movement must be in intimate contact with rising gaseous material, and these liquid particles will, accordingly, at each stage of the descent, absorb from this rising material the whole energy necessary to raise their temperature to the values corresponding to their decreasing elevation. In virtue of this absorption of energy then, from the rising material, these liquid particles are enabled to reach the level of evaporation at the precise temperature of that level.
Now, considering the process as a whole, it will be readily seen that for any given mass of aqueous material thus elevated from and returned to a surface of evaporation, there must be a definite expenditure of energy (axial energy) at that surface. Since the material always regains the surface at the precise temperature of evaporation, this expenditure is obviously, in total, equal to the latent heat of aqueous vapour at the surface temperature. It may be divided into two parts. One portion of the axial energy—the transmitted portion—is utilised in the elevation of the material against gravity; the remainder is expended, as explained above, in the heating of the returning material. The whole operation takes place between two precise temperatures, a higher temperature, which is that of the surface of evaporation, and a lower temperature, corresponding to the work done, and so related to the higher that the whole of the energy expended by the working aqueous substance—in heating the returning material and in transmitted work—is exactly equivalent to the latent heat of aqueous vapour at the high or surface temperature. But, as will be demonstrated later, the whole energy transmitted from the aqueous material to the air masses is finally returned in its entirety as axial energy, and is thus once more made available in the evaporative transformation process. The energy expended in raising the temperature of the working material returning to the surface of evaporation is obviously returned with that material. Both portions of the original expenditure are thus returned to the source in different ways. The whole operation is, in fact, completely cyclical in nature; we are in reality describing "Nature's Perfect Engine," which is completely reversible and which has the highest possible efficiency.1 Although the higher temperature at the evaporation surface may vary with different locations of that surface, in every case the lower temperature is so related to it as to make the total expenditure precisely equal to the latent heat at that evaporation temperature.2 It must be borne in mind also, that all the condensed material in the upper strata of the atmosphere must not of necessity return to the planetary liquid surface. On the contrary, immediately condensation of the aqueous vapour takes place and the material leaves the gaseous state, no matter where that material is situated, it is once more susceptible to the incepting influences of the sun. Re-evaporation may thus readily take place even at high altitudes, and complete cyclical operations may be carried out there. These operations will, however, be carried out in every case between precise temperature limits as explained above.
It will be evident, from a general consideration of this process of transmission of energy from the aqueous vapour, that relatively large quantities of that vapour are not required in the atmosphere for the working of the gaseous machine. The peculiar property of ready condensation of the aqueous vapour makes the evaporative process a continuous one, and the highly energised aqueous material, although only present in comparatively small amount, contributes a continuous flow of energy, and is thus able to steadily convey a very large quantity to the atmospheric masses. For the same reason, the greater part of the energy transmission from the aqueous vapour to the air will take place at comparatively low altitudes and between reasonably high temperatures. The working of any evaporative cycle may also be spread over very large terrestrial areas by the free movement of the acting material. Aqueous vapour rising in equatorial regions may finally return to the earth in the form of ice-crystals at the poles. In every complete cycle, however, the total expenditure per unit mass of material initially evaporated is always the latent heat at the higher or evaporation temperature; in the final or return stages of the cycle, any energy not transmitted to the air masses is devoted to the heating of returning aqueous material.
Referring again to the transmitted energy, and speaking in the broadest fashion, the function of the aqueous vapour in the atmosphere may be likened to that of the steam in the cylinder of a steam-engine. In both cases the aqueous material works in a definite machine for energy transmission. In the case of the steam-engine work energy is transmitted (§ 31) from the steam through the medium of the moving piston and rotating shaft, and thence may be further diverted to useful purposes. In the planetary atmospheric machine the work energy of aqueous vapour is likewise transmitted by the agency of the moving air masses, not to any external agent, but back once more to its original source, which is the planetary axial energy. In neither case are we able to explain the precise nature of the transmission process in its ultimate details. We cannot say how the steam transmits its work energy by the moving piston, nor yet by what agency the elevated particles of aqueous material transmit their energy to the air masses. Our knowledge is confined entirely to the phenomena, and, fortunately, these are in some degree accessible. Nature presents direct evidence that such transmissions actually take place. This evidence is to be found, in both cases, in the condensation of the aqueous material which sustains the loss of its work energy. In the engine cylinder condensation takes place due to work being transmitted from the steam; in the atmosphere the visible phenomena of condensation are likewise the ever present evidence of the transmission of work energy from the aqueous vapour to the air masses. In virtue of this accession of energy these masses will, accordingly, be expanded upwards against the gravitational attractive forces. This upward movement, being made entirely at the expense of energy communicated from the aqueous vapour, is not accompanied by the normal fall of temperature due to the expansion of the air. Planetary axial energy, originally absorbed by the aqueous vapour, in the work form, has been transferred to the air masses in the same form, and is now, after the expansive movement, resident in these masses in the form of energy of position. It is the function of the atmospheric machine in its final stage to return this energy in the original axial form.
41. Terrestrial Energy Return
Let it be assumed that an atmospheric mass has been raised, by the transmission of work energy, to a high altitude in the equatorial regions of the earth. The assumption of locality is made merely for illustrative purposes; it will be evident to the reader that the transmission of work energy to the atmospheric masses and their consequent elevation will be continuously proceeding, more or less, over the whole planetary surface. To replace the gaseous material thus raised, a corresponding mass of air will move at a lower level, towards the equator from the more temperate zones adjoining. A circulatory motion will thus be set up in the atmosphere. In the upper regions the elevated and energised air masses move towards the poles; at lower levels the replacing masses move towards the equator, and in their passage may be operated on by the aqueous vapour which they encounter, energised, and raised to higher levels. The movement will be continuous. In their transference from equatorial towards polar regions, the atmospheric masses are leaving the surfaces or regions of high linear velocity for those of low, and must in consequence lose or return in the passage a portion of that natural energy of motion which they possess in virtue of their high linear velocity at the equator. But on the other hand, the replacing air masses, which are travelling in the opposite direction from poles to equator, must gain or absorb a corresponding amount of energy. The one operation thus balances the other, and the planetary equilibrium is in no way disturbed. But the atmospheric masses which are moving from the equator in the polar direction will possess, in addition, that energy of position which has been communicated to them through the medium of the aqueous vapour and by the working of the second stage of the atmospheric machine. These masses, in the circulatory polar movements, move downwards towards the planetary surface. In this downward motion (as in the downward motion of a pendulum mass vibrating under the action of gravitation) the energy of position of the air mass is converted once more into energy of motion—that is, into its original form of axial energy of rotation. In equatorial regions the really important energy property of the atmospheric mass was indicated by its elevation or its energy of position. In the descent this energy is thus entirely transformed, and reverts once more to its original form of energy of rotation.
The continual transformation of axial energy by the aqueous vapour, and the conversion of that energy by the upward movement of the air masses into energy of position, naturally tends to produce a retardative effect on the motion of revolution of the earth. But this retardative effect is in turn completely neutralised or balanced by the corresponding accelerative effect due to the equally continuous return as the energy of the air masses reverts in the continuous polar movement to its original axial form. Speaking generally, the equatorial regions, or the regions of high velocity, are the location of the most powerful transformation or abstraction of axial energy by the aqueous vapour. Conversely, the polar or regions of low velocity are the location of the greatest return of energy by the air. As no energy return is possible unless by the transference of the atmospheric material from regions of high to regions of low velocity, the configuration of the planet in rotation must conform to this condition. The spheroidal form of the earth is thus exquisitely adapted to the working of the atmospheric machine. As already pointed out, however, the energising and raising of atmospheric masses is by no means confined to equatorial regions, but takes place more or less over the whole planetary surface. The same applies to the energy return. The complete cycle may be carried out in temperate zones; gaseous masses, also, leaving equatorial regions at high altitudes do not necessarily reach the polar regions, but may attain their lowest levels at intermediate points. Neither do such masses necessarily proceed to the regions of low velocity by purely linear paths. On the contrary, they may and do move both towards the poles and downwards by circuitous and even vortical paths. In fact, as will be readily apparent, their precise path is of absolutely no moment in the consideration of energy return.
It might naturally be expected that such movements of the atmospheric air masses as have been described above would give rise to great atmospheric disturbance over the earth's surface, and that the transfer of gaseous material from pole to equator and vice versa would be productive of violent storms of wind. Such storms, however, are phenomena of somewhat rare occurrence; the atmosphere, on the whole, appears to be in a state of comparative tranquillity. This serenity of the atmosphere is, however, confined to the lower strata, and may be ascribed to an inherent stability possessed by the air mass as a whole in virtue of the accession of energy to it at high levels. As already explained, the transfer of energy from the vapour to the air masses is accomplished at comparatively low altitudes, and when this reaction is taking place the whole tendency of the energised material is to move upwards. In so moving it tends to leave behind it the condensed aqueous vapour, and would, therefore, rise to the higher altitudes in a comparatively dry condition. This dryness is accentuated by the further loss of aqueous vapour by condensation as the air moves toward regions of low velocity. That air which actually attains to the poles will be practically dry, and having also returned, in its entirety, the surplus energy obtained from the aqueous vapour, it will be in this region practically in the condition of statical equilibrium of a gas against gravity (§ 34). But the general state of the atmosphere in other regions where a transference of energy from the aqueous vapour has taken or is taking place is very different from this condition of natural statical equilibrium which is approached at the poles. In the lower strata of the atmosphere the condition in some cases may approximate to the latter, but in the upper strata it is possessed of energy qualities quite abnormal to statical equilibrium. Its condition is rather one of the nature of stable equilibrium. It is in a condition similar to that of a liquid heated in its upper layers; there is absolutely no tendency to a direct or vertical downward circulation. In statical equilibrium, any downward movement of an air mass would simply be accompanied by the natural rise in temperature corresponding to the transformation of its energy of position, but in this condition of stable equilibrium any motion downwards must involve, not only this natural temperature rise, but also a return, either in whole or in part, of the energy absorbed from the aqueous vapour. The natural conditions are therefore against any direct vertical return. These conditions, however, favour in every respect the circulatory motion of the highly energised upper air masses towards regions of low velocity. All circumstances combine, in fact, to confine the more powerfully energised and highly mobile air masses to high altitudes. In the lower atmosphere, owing to the continuous action of the aqueous vapour on the air masses moving from regions of low to those of high velocity, the circulation tends largely to be a vertical one, so that this locality is on the whole preserved in comparative tranquillity. It may happen, however, that owing to changes in the distribution of aqueous vapour, or other causes, this natural stability of the atmosphere may be disturbed over certain regions of the earth's surface. The circumstances will then favour a direct or more or less vertical return of the energy of the air masses in the neighbourhood of these regions. This return will then take the form of violent storms of wind, usually of a cyclonic nature, and affording direct evidence of the tendency of the air masses to pursue vortical paths in their movement towards lower levels.
Under normal conditions, however, the operation of the atmospheric machine is smooth and continuous. The earth's axial energy, under the sun's incepting influence, steadily flows at all parts of the earth's surface through the aqueous vapour into the atmospheric masses, and the latter, rising from the terrestrial surface, with a motion somewhat like that of a column of smoke, spread out and speed towards regions of lower velocity, and travelling by devious and lengthened paths towards the surface, steadily return the abstracted energy in its original form. Every operation is exactly balanced; energy expenditure and energy return are complementary; the terrestrial atmospheric machine as a whole works without jar or discontinuity, and the earth's motion of rotation is maintained with absolute uniformity.
Like every other energy machine, the atmospheric machine has clearly-defined energy limits. The total quantity of energy in operation is strictly limited by the mass of the acting materials. It is well, also, to note the purely mechanical nature of the machine. Every operation is in reality the operation of mechanical energy, and involves the movement of matter in some way or other relative to the earth's surface and under the incepting action of the earth's gravitation (§§ 16, 20). The moving gaseous masses have as real an existence as masses of lead or other solid material, and require as real an expenditure of energy to move them relative to the terrestrial surface (§ 18). This aspect of the planetary machine will be more fully treated later.
Throughout this description we have constantly assumed the atmospheric mixture of oxygen and nitrogen to act as one gas, and at ordinary temperatures the respective energy properties of the two substances (§ 35) make this assumption justifiable. Both gases are then working far above their respective evaporation temperatures. But, in the higher regions of the atmosphere, where very low temperatures prevail, a point or altitude will be reached where the temperature corresponds to the evaporation or condensation temperature of one of the gases. Since oxygen appears to have the highest temperature of evaporation (see Table of Properties, p. 133), it would naturally be the first to condense in the ascent. But immediately condensation takes place, the material will become susceptible to the incepting influence of the sun, and working as it does at its temperature of evaporation it will convey its energy to the surrounding nitrogen in precisely the same fashion as the aqueous vapour conveys the energy to the aerial mixture in the lower atmosphere. The whole action is made possible simply by the difference existing in the respective evaporation temperatures of the two gases. It will give rise to another cyclical atmospheric energy process exactly as already described for lower altitudes. Axial energy of rotation will be communicated to the nitrogen by the working material, which is now the oxygen, and by the movement of the nitrogen masses towards regions of low velocity, this transmitted energy will be finally returned to its original axial form.
It has been already explained (§§ 10, 32) how all terrestrial energy processes, also, great or small, are sooner or later linked to the general atmospheric machine. The latter, therefore, presents in every phase of its working completely closed energy circuits. In no aspect of its operation can we find any evidence of, or indeed any necessity for, an energy transmission either to or from any external body or agent such as the sun. Every phenomenon of Nature is, in fact, a direct denial of such transmission.
The student of terrestrial phenomena will readily find continuous and ample evidence in Nature of the working of the atmospheric machine. In the rising vapour and the falling rain he will recognise the visible signs of the operation of that great secondary process of transmission by which the inherent axial energy of the earth is communicated to the air masses. The movements of bodies, animate and inanimate, on the earth's surface, the phenomena of growth and decay, and in fact almost every experience of everyday life, will reveal to him the persistent tendency of the energy of secondary processes to revert to the atmospheric machine. And in the winds that traverse the face of the globe he will also witness the mechanism of that energy return which completes the atmospheric cyclical process. It may be pointed out here also that the terrestrial cyclical energy processes are not necessarily all embodied in the atmosphere. The author has reason to believe, and phenomenal evidence is not awanting to show, that the circulatory motions of the atmosphere are in some degree reproduced in the sea. The reader will readily perceive that as regards stability the water composing the sea is in precisely the same condition as the atmosphere, namely, that of a liquid heated in its upper strata, and any circulatory motion of the water must therefore be accompanied by corresponding transformations of energy. That such a circulatory motion takes place is undoubted, and in the moving mass of sea-water we have therefore a perfectly reversible energy machine of the same general nature as the atmospheric machine, but working at a very much slower rate. It is not beyond the limits of legitimate scientific deduction to trace also the working of a similar machine in the solid material of the earth. The latter is, after all, but an agglomeration of loose material bound by the force of gravitation into coherent form. By the action of various erosive agencies a movement of solid material is continually taking place over the earth's surface. The material thus transported, it may be, from mountain chains, and deposited on the sea-bed, causes a disturbance of that gravitational equilibrium which defines the exact form of the earth. The forces tending to maintain this equilibrium are so enormous compared with the cohesive forces of the material forming the earth that readjustment continuously takes place, as evidenced by the tremors observed in the earth's crust. Where the structure of the latter is of such a nature as to offer great resistance to the gravitational forces, the readjustment may take the form of an earthquake. Geological evidence, as a whole, strongly points to a continuous kneading and flow of terrestrial material. The structure of igneous rocks, also, is exactly that which would be produced from alluvial deposits subjected during these cyclical movements to the enormous pressure and consequent heating caused by superimposed material. The occurrence of coal in polar regions, and of glacial residue in the tropics, may be regarded as further corroborative evidence. From this point of view also, it becomes unnecessary to postulate a genesis for the earth, as every known geological formation is shown to be capable of production under present conditions in Nature, and in fact to be in actual process of production at all times.
"My first steps in the right direction came about thus. I had always been working with a cylinder and piston, and could make no progress, till at length it struck me to make my cylinder high enough to do without a piston—that is, to leave the steam to itself and observe its behaviour when left to work against gravity. The first thing I had to settle was the height of my cylinder. And I found, by calculation from Regnault's experiments that it would require to be very high, and that the exact height would depend on the temperature of the water in the boiler which was the bottom of this ideal cylinder. Now, at any ordinary temperature the height was so great that it was impossible to get known material to support its own weight, and I did not wish to use a hypothetical substance in the construction of this engine. Finally, the only course left me was to abolish the cylinder as I had done the piston. I then discovered that the engine I had been trying to evolve—the perfect engine—was not the ideal thing I had been groping after but an actual reality, in full working order, its operations taking place every day before my eyes.
"Every natural phenomenon fitted in exactly; it had its function to perform, and the performance of its function constituted the phenomenon. Let me trace the analogy in a few of its details. The sea corresponds to the boiler; its cylinder surrounds the earth; it has for its fuel the axial energy of the earth; it has no condenser because it has no exhaust; the work it performs is all expended in producing the fuel. Every operation in the cycle is but an energy transformation, and these various transformations constitute the visible life of the world."