«Преступления прошлого» kitabından alıntılar, sayfa 10

Он был настолько смятен отвратительной картиной, нарисованной ему воображением, что опрокинул свой чай, — хотя вряд ли для скатерти, ставшей палимпсестом бесчисленных предыдущих чайных аварий, имело значение еще одно пятно.

Это совсем разные вещи - спать одному днем и спать одному ночью.

And the bikes, why did people think bikes were a good thing? Why were cyclists so smug?.. If hell did exist, which Jacson was sure it did, it would be governed by a comittee of fifteen-year-old Italian boys on bikes.

Jackson started to worry about being late. On the way back to the car park he had to fight his way against a herd of foreigh-language students, all entirely oblivious to the existence of anyone else on the planet except other adolescents. Cambridge in summer, invaded by a combination of tourists and foreigh teenagers, all of whom were put on earth to loiter, was Jackson's idea of hell.

The language students all seemed to be dressed in combats, in khaki and camouflage, as if there were a war going on and they were the troops (God help us if that were the case).

"You like him too", she muttered. "I do. There's something very attractive about Mr.Brodie. He has his own teeth, he isn't even going bald yet", she said.

They were making supper together, Amelia poaching eggs, Julia warming baked beans in a saucepan. They were both at the frontier of their culinary capabilities.

She had been in Cambridge only a few days and yet her other life, her real life, already seemed a world away and she had to occasionnally remind herself that it existed.

Every evening since their arrival they had lit a fire and sat in front of the sitting-room hearth with the same kind of devotion chat prehistoric people must have afforded flames, except that prehistoric people didn't have Victor's extensive cable package to entertain themselves with.

Everything in the house seemed unsavory somehow, and in the kitchen and bathroom Amelia wore rubber gloves and cleaned constantly with antibacterial spray. "He didn't have the plague", Julia said, but wihout conviction beacause she had already boiled all the sheets and towels thet they were using.

Amelia wished she wouldn't do that, you didn't know where that dog's tongue had been - well, you did, that's why you didn't want it washing your face.