Kitabı oku: «How to become a successful salesman»
© Konstantin Maramygin, 2024
ISBN 978-5-0064-2217-9
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
The book contains information that can impact your sales skills and generally clarify the nature of the relationship between buyer and seller. It will also help you realize that we are all essentially salespeople, whether we want to be or not. After all, every day we sell ideas and thoughts to friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues and we love to convince them of the correctness of our position by defending our views. In the process of talking to a person, we explain our views to them in such a way that they want to take our side. And if we are good at this, it means that there is an opportunity to earn good money through sales.
If you have picked up this book, then you are either just embarking on this path, or you probably already have something to do with sales, and you have experience and skills in this business. In this book, I have tried to present the most relevant information in a simple format with basic examples so that you can put the knowledge into practice immediately after reading and mastering the material. This book is based on my personal experience and my knowledge of sales.
Who this book is for:
1) For those who are considering becoming a salesperson and have no experience in the field.
2) For those who want to sell a lot and become a successful salesperson.
3) For those who need to train employees in sales skills.
4) For those who have their own business and its success is directly related to sales.
5) For those who are interested in the experience of the modern salesman as a specialist.
The purpose of this book is to show the right way of development, to explain that success in sales depends only on your skills and efforts, to describe with examples the basic sales techniques and to break them down so that you can put them into practice.
Unfortunately, today’s modern education does not consider the necessity and importance of learning sales skills. In educational institutions one gets professions of doctors, electricians, lawyers, accountants, programmers, etc. And there was a time when a working specialty was indeed generously paid. But a lot has changed since then. Now the market economy reigns. And if you have not earned an apartment yourself, the government or the factory where you work will not give it to you. That’s why today, more than ever, you need sales skills. After all, a person, whether he wants to or not, is constantly involved in this system of trade.
Day in and day out we sell ideas to our loved ones, prove a point, justify a position. And we don’t even think that these actions belong to the art of selling. These skills or, for example, the ability to show ourselves at our best or to justify being late for school or work, make our brains work in the improvisation mode, to conduct a kind of acting game.
Think back to a time in your life when you wanted to sell something through an ad or directly to someone you knew. How did you feel when you were asked uncomfortable questions that you didn’t want to answer? Perhaps you smiled and improvised on the spot.
In all of these situations, there are only two outcomes. Either you will sell – you will persuade, you will hold your position and you will get what you want. Or you don’t sell – you don’t persuade, you don’t hold the position and you don’t get what you want. That is why I believe that the art of selling today is one of the most important phenomena to study in modern society.
The most important thing is that you must understand who you are in a particular situation and how to act consciously. In fact, in any situation, the action is between the SELLER and the BUYER.
If you are a SELLER – act as the situation requires, use the necessary techniques and tools for a successful sale.
If you are a BUYER – act in such a way that in the end you get exactly what you want at a price that satisfies you, and not what they will impose on you.
Nowadays, no one will give us an apartment for our beautiful eyes or buy us a trip to the sea because we are good people. Nowadays, a person gets exactly as much as he has earned. Accordingly, I urge you to EARN MORE!
If you want to have an apartment, a car, a country house, dress well, vacation at sea, be wealthy and wealthy people and enjoy life, then you just have to be an EXPERT in sales!
If you are satisfied with your situation and you are not striving for financial independence, this book is not for you. Do not buy it or download it on the Internet – it will not work without an inner desire to change your life.
If you are a store owner and want to give your employees knowledge about the art of merchandising, this book will be the perfect material to train and test them.
So, let’s start in order.
Chapter 1. What does it mean to be a successful salesperson?
So, what does it mean to be a successful salesperson? It’s simple – to be successful in sales and, consequently, to earn good money!
To be successful, you need to be an industry expert. Being an expert in sales means understanding all the nuances of this business and learning how to use skills competently in practice.
Success in sales is expressed in the quantity and quality of deals made. Accordingly, a successful salesperson earns well. After all, the level of his financial well-being depends on his ability to sell.
Imagine for a moment the most successful salesperson ever. What does he look like? How does he talk? This is necessary for you to familiarize yourself with your conditional benchmark of a successful salesperson and, based on your perception, to understand whether or not you match it now.
For example. I am convinced that a successful salesperson should possess the following qualities:
1) look neat;
2) always have a positive attitude;
3) be friendly and polite;
4) be attentive to the interlocutor;
5) have a good knowledge of the product;
6) be able to give quality advice on the assortment, etc.
But most importantly, he must be a good psychologist. So that when talking to a person, he should be able to understand what he should say at a given moment in order to arouse his trust. After all, sales is primarily a communication with people. And, to successfully sell, you need to talk to them competently and correctly. This is the most important aspect of sales skills.
I have so many times faced situations when in a conversation with the seller realized that he himself does not fully understand the product, not quite competent use of sales skills and the thing itself I do not need. However, his ability to attract me to himself inclined me to make a purchase. This once again proves that the ability to create a sense of trust is the main factor in sales.
Therefore, I encourage you to learn how to talk to people. Try to be friendly and sincere with your interlocutor. Be able to listen and hear. Do not try to impose your opinion – try to listen to the person and only then try to convey your information to him in a calm tone. If you see that the person is not taking your information and is getting angry, you need to stop. People perceive a person with negativity if they do not trust him or feel threatened. So first of all, make them not to defend themselves against you, but to hear you – make them feel comfortable, make them start to trust you.
We come to the main conclusion: a successful salesperson is a good psychologist. Strengthen your skills in this area, train on your acquaintances, analyze mistakes and correct them. And remember: there is no limit to perfection!
We communicate with people every day and often do not even think about what we say, how we say it and why we say it. That is, we do it unconsciously and, accordingly, we cannot analyze the effectiveness of our communication. And when we start to approach this process consciously, we gain experience and draw conclusions – we correct and improve our communication skill. It is clear that at first it may seem difficult and unfamiliar, but in time you will find it easy and even interesting.
In the following chapters, we will look at sales skills in practice – in specific circumstances. The main idea you should learn from this section is that first you need to reproduce in your head the model of a successful salesperson, to understand what his strengths are and what exactly makes him successful. These are the things you should pay attention to when working on yourself.
Chapter 2. The buyer – who is he? How to understand what he really wants?
Let’s start with the fact that first and foremost, a customer is a human being. Just like you. With certain fears, worries, beliefs, needs and, of course, financial means.
Accordingly, in order to understand whether it will be possible to sell a particular person a product or not, it is necessary to learn more about his needs and financial capabilities. It is also necessary to take into account his individuality: to identify the distinctive features of his beliefs and views on the world, to understand how he identifies himself in society, whether he attributes himself to a particular nation, culture, class. After all, his model of behavior will be based on these factors.
So, to be a successful salesman and sell a lot, you need to understand who is in front of you. After all, it is obvious that for a person from an average family the main factor in the choice is “price-quality”, and for a person with more financial resources – external beauty, uniqueness, and often the history of origin of the goods.
Some people buy things just to emphasize their VIP status. Some people buy things because of their religious beliefs. Someone – solely on recommendations. And someone – to be like everyone else. Therefore, the expression “For every product there is a buyer” is one hundred percent true.
To understand what kind of person is standing in front of you, you can, of course, look at how he looks. But I would not recommend relying on this factor, because appearances are often deceiving. I have met many times with the inconsistency of a person’s image with typical templates. So the main thing is to listen, ask leading questions and, based on the answers, draw conclusions about the person.
In his time, the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow drew up the well-known pyramid of needs, on which he showed that each person, based on his position in society, has certain needs. It is very easy to understand the drawing. Its meaning goes back to our distant past and is based on simple instincts.
The point is that man has had needs since antiquity, but they were primitive. He needed to survive, and for this he needed food and protection from predators, enemy tribes, weather, etc. He also had and need for continuation of the species. And when the basic needs were satisfied, the following needs appeared – love, family, friendship, social relations. And after that the need for self-expression, manifestation of one’s “I”, self-improvement and learning came to the forefront.

You can read more about his theory if you wish, but I have given you the basic gist of it.
The fact is that nothing has changed in the many centuries of humanity’s existence. Just like in the past, we still need food, protection, communication, etc. In my opinion, the only changes have occurred in the social and personal aspects – they have become a bit more complex.
Based on all this, it becomes clear: in order to sell a sausage or a loaf of bread, you do not need to be a super-salesman and use complex sales techniques. Hunger itself will make people buy food. That’s why this field is so vast, and grocery stores are becoming more and more numerous every year.
But to sell a fur coat, a car, a boat, a house, building and finishing materials, etc. – this requires a special approach. After all, for example, when choosing a fur coat, a person is not based on basic needs. He makes a choice based on aesthetic appearance, fashion, social belonging, wants to emphasize his individuality and indicate the presence of taste.
So in such cases, you have to take everything into account and try to understand what is paramount for a person: what he relies on when choosing a product, what really drives him or her – what feeling, desire, need. Maybe it’s a childhood dream? If you understand this, you will definitely offer something that he will not be able to refuse. In such cases, the buyer usually says, “Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted!” and then thanks you for helping him understand his desires.
I’m sure someone can and does intuitively understand how and what to say and show. Many salespeople don’t even think about their actions, but they often use this very technique. The only problem is that when it happens spontaneously and unconsciously, you have no control over it and it depends on your mood, inner feelings, external factors, etc.
So I suggest you make a rule. It doesn’t matter what mood you’re in or what you’ve got going on. If you’re out at work and you’re going to sell people products, you just have to leave all the bad stuff at the door. Nothing should distract you. The moment you talk to a person, you should be open, friendly and able to hear to understand their needs and capabilities. And in time you will begin to understand people, as psychologists do. If you stay with a person for five minutes, you will be able to make him feel at ease, find out about his needs and possibilities, find out the reason why he came to you, etc. All this will happen, don’t worry! Everything will happen if you work on yourself and analyze your actions.
So, I propose to deal with the main questions of this chapter. What are buyers like? How do you understand what a buyer wants? How to recognize what class he belongs to? And what do you need to do to sell him a product?
First, to get clear, let’s understand the classes of buyers. I wonder if you recognize yourself in any of them? Once I tried to define myself to a certain class, but I could not make a clear choice. Then I decided that I am a mixture of everything in me, but I still liked the economy class the most from the list.
The point is that when we analyze ourselves, we have a lot more information at our disposal. And given that I have spent my life selling people products and studying their behavior, it was not so easy for me to evaluate myself as a customer. It’s like solving an equation: the fewer variables, the simpler the equation, and the more variables, the more complex. So when I asked an acquaintance to define me to a particular class, he did it in five seconds. It’s not for nothing that they say it’s easier to judge from the outside.
Why do I sympathize with the economy class? Because it is the people who belong to it who analyze the necessity of the purchase before buying. They are more rational in their choice. They need a good product for which they will not overpay. It is also important for them that it should be reliable, fashionable and modern. But this is personally my subjective view. And I do not urge you to judge by the categories of “good” or “bad”. After all, all people have different angles of vision. And the main difference between them is the amount of money.
This resource affects the thought process and people think in different categories. There will always be rich and poor. But to treat them based on their material status I think is absolutely wrong and ignorant. Every person is defined by his deeds. But that’s not the point now – we can talk about it for a long time.
But before we get to the class breakdown, I want you to remember the main point. Never evaluate a person solely on the basis of his appearance. And you should not be prejudiced against the economy class or, on the contrary, kiss the elite’s ass, prostrating yourself in front of them. You should be a specialist, equally friendly and sincere with any person. This position will protect you from unwanted mistakes. Stick to it!
So, let’s talk about classes:
1) Economy class. You need to be inexpensive and good, that is, so that the price equals the quality. If a customer is looking for an inexpensive product, there is no point in telling him about an exclusive collection or a premium segment. In no case should you allow him to feel like a beggar. Talk to him as if he is buying an expensive car. Give him attention and offer the kind of product he can actually buy. And never tell him that the item he is interested in is of poor quality or economical. Do not label him as poor. And believe me, the buyer will appreciate it, and you will hear from him words of gratitude. He will recommend you to friends and leave positive reviews on the Internet. That’s what it means to treat a person well.
2) The middle class is the most harmful. As a rule, its representatives are not very rich yet, but they are already trying to point out their financial well-being with all their appearance. They need to be different from everyone else – they try to stand out in society. Therefore, one of their main arguments when choosing a product will be accents on exclusivity, luxury, fashion and modernity.
Of course, in every rule there is an exception. And among the representatives of this class there are pleasant and good people. But, based on my practice, I can safely say that it is these people who are the most problematic. They take a very long time to choose – they check prices on the Internet, ask for a discount, haggle, at the last stage they can take and start all over again.
Here, to sell, you really need to work hard. It is necessary to understand what the buyer really wants and what he can count on. If you do everything right, you will soon make friends with him and he will listen to your opinion.
3) Premium class. As a rule, it includes people who have already self-actualized in life. They do not need to jump out of their pants to be recognized. They are self-confident and have the easiest attitude to shopping. You can spend thirty minutes with them and get a deal. They are always ready to get involved. What matters to them is the place where they order and your competence. To sell them something, you have to be highly qualified in their eyes. The buyer must feel that he has turned to a real professional and it is he who will offer him what he really needs – an option that is time-tested, has a history, and, accordingly, quality and reliability. They also perceive expensive classics well. They like classic and traditional styles. They realize that fashion comes and goes, but classics are eternal.
These are the main basic categories that I decided to highlight so that I can form sales principles for a specific group of people. I think that many of you who have been in sales for a long time have noticed similar behavior in certain categories of citizens. And you have automatically used worked out techniques. And for someone who is just now embarking on this path and has no experience yet, this information is extremely important and necessary for successful work.
In order to better understand the psychology of the customer, you need to constantly analyze cause-and-effect relationships. Why did he choose your store? Why is this particular product, in his opinion, more suitable for him? And so on. To begin with, you can practice on acquaintances and relatives. Ask them when they last bought any thing and what moved them at each stage: from choosing a store to buying goods. How did they perceive the seller at the time of consultation? Did they like it in the store? What, in their opinion, played a key role in the choice of goods? And so on. Practice analyzing and drawing conclusions.
Here is an example of a standard, in my opinion, analysis. Let me remind you that no one is restricting you – you can analyze deeper and on a larger scale.
My buddy bought a new pair of shoes the other day. I questioned him.
– Why did you decide to buy a new pair of shoes? You seem to have plenty of them already.
– I recently bought new pants and then realized I needed dark shoes or sneakers to go with them, and my similar ones are just about worn out.
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