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Her heart sank. “Well, the least you can do is give me an opportunity to discuss Chantaine’s needs and what we have to offer.”

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders in a discouraging way, then pulled a card from his pocket. “Okay. Here’s my card. My schedule is very busy, but call my assistant and she’ll work you in.”

Work her in. Bridget clenched her teeth slightly at the words, but forced a smile. “Thank you. You won’t regret it.”

“Hmm,” he said in a noncommittal tone and walked away.

She barely resisted the urge to stick out her tongue at him.

Raoul appeared by her side. “Are you all right, Your Highness? You look upset.”

“I do?” she asked, composing herself into what she hoped look like a serene expression. She was finding it more and more difficult to pull off instant serenity these days. “I’m fine,” she said. “I’ve just encountered a slight obstacle to completing my assignment for Chantaine.”

She watched Ryder McCall’s broad shoulders and tall form as he wove through the crowd. Slight obstacle was putting it mildly, but she’d learned that a positive attitude could get a woman through a lot of tricky spots. “I need to know everything about Dr. Ryder McCall by morning, if not before,” she muttered and glanced around the room. It was amazing what one could learn about a person in a social situation such as this. She might as well make the best of it.

Ryder walked into his house braced for chaos. His home life had become one big state of chaos bigger than the state of Texas since he’d inherited his brother’s boys. Instead of pandemonium, his home was dark and quiet, except for the sound of a baseball game. Ryder spotted his longtime pal Marshall lounging on the leather couch with a box of half-eaten pizza on the coffee table and a beer in his hand.

“Your sitter called me,” Marshall said, not rising. “As your official backup. She said one of her kids got sick, so she couldn’t stay. Just curious, where am I on that backup list?”

Pretty far down, Ryder thought, but didn’t admit it. There were two middle-aged neighbors, an aunt on the other side of town and his admin assistant before Marshall. Ryder suspected he’d called in favors too often if everyone had refused but Marshall. “Thanks for coming. How are the boys?”

Marshall cracked a wily grin. “Great. Gave them a few Cheerios, wore them out and tossed them into bed.”

“Bath?” he asked.

“The sitter took care of that before I got here. That Travis is a pistol. Didn’t want to go to sleep, so I gave him my best Garth Brooks.”

Ryder gave a tired smile. “Must have worked. I’ll give a quick check and be right back.”

“Cold one’s waiting,” Marshall said.

Ryder trusted Marshall to a degree, but he didn’t think leaving the kids with his buddy from high school on a regular basis was a good idea. He wouldn’t put it past Marshall to slip the boys a sip from his beer if he was desperate enough. When pressured, Marshall could get a little too creative, like the time he hot-wired the car of one of the school’s top wrestlers because his own car had died.

Marshall owned a chain of auto-mechanic shops across Texas. He wore his hair in a ponytail and tattoos were stamped over his arms and back. He hadn’t attended college, but he’d made a success of himself. Most people couldn’t understand their friendship because they appeared to be total opposites, but a mutual appreciation for baseball, some shared holiday dinners which had always included hotdogs and hamburgers and the fact that they both tried to show up during the hard times had made them like family.

With his brother Cory gone, Marshall was the closest thing to family Ryder had. His gut twisted at the thought, but he shoved the feeling aside and gently opened the door to the nursery. He’d learned to walk with stealthlike quiet during the last month. The possibility of waking the boys made him break into a cold sweat.

Moving toward the closest crib, he glanced inside and even in the dark, he knew that this was Tyler, and he was in Travis’s bed. Travis was in Tyler’s bed. He wasn’t going to complain. They were both lying on their backs in la-la land. Which was exactly where he would like to be.

Instead, he walked on quiet footsteps out of the room and gently closed the door behind him. Returning to the den, he saw Marshall still sprawled on his sofa with the same beer in his hand.

“They’re asleep,” Ryder said and sank into a leather chair next to the sofa. He raked his hand through his hair.

“I coulda told you that,” Marshall said. “I made sure they would sleep well tonight.”

He shot a quick glance at Marshall. “You didn’t give them any booze, did you?”

Marshall looked offended. “Booze to babies? What kind of nut job do you think I am?”

“Well, you aren’t around kids very much,” Ryder said.

“Maybe not now, but I was an in-demand babysitter in junior high school. Some things you don’t forget. And just in case you’re worried, this is my second beer. I wouldn’t go on a bender when I was taking care of your kids.”

Chagrined, Ryder rubbed his chin. “You got me. Sorry, bud. Being in charge of two kids is making me a little crazy.”

“A little?” Marshall said and shook his head. “You’ve turned into the nut job. You know what your problem is, you’re no fun anymore. Those babies sense it and it gets them all uptight, too. It’s like a virus. You spread it to the babysitters and it makes them crazy, so they quit. You need to get laid and go to a ball game.”

“Thanks for the advice,” Ryder said. “I’ll take your advice in a decade or so.”

“Lord help us if you wait that long,” Marshall said. “Maybe I could set you up with somebody. Take the edge off.”

Ryder slid him a sideways glance. “I’ll pass. You and I may root for the Texas Rangers, but we don’t share the same taste in women.”

“Your loss,” Marshall said, sitting upright. “I know some women who could wear you out and make you sleep like a baby.”

“I’ve learned babies don’t always sleep that well.”

“It’s your aura,” Marshall said. “That’s what Jenny, my ex, would say. Your aura is poisoning your environment.”

“A dependable nanny is what I need,” Ryder said.

“Well, if you can get a sitter, I’ve got tickets to the Rangers game on Thursday. Take care, buddy,” he said, rising from the couch and patting Ryder on the shoulder. “Keep the faith, bud. And move me up on that backup list. I’m more dependable than your Aunt Joanie. I bet she’s always busy.”

Ryder smiled despite himself. “You got it. Thanks. If I can find a sitter, I’ll go to that game with you.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it. ‘Night,” Marshall said and loped out of the house.

Ryder sank farther into his chair, kicked off his shoes and propped his shoes onto the coffee table. He considered reaching for that beer, but drinking anything would require too much energy. Hearing the roar of the crowd and the occasional crack of the bat hitting the ball from the game on his flat-screen TV with surround system, he closed his eyes.

Making sure the twins were safe, taking care of his patients and covering for Dr. Walters were the most important things in his life, but he knew he needed help, especially with the twins. He’d never dreamed how difficult it would be to find dependable caretakers for the boys. His head began to pound. He could feel his blood pressure rising. Pinching the bridge of his nose, for one moment, he deliberately chose not to think about the next nanny he would need to hire and the deteriorating mental health of his mentor, Dr. Walters.

Ryder thought back to his high school days when he’d been catcher and Marshall had pitched. They’d won the state championship senior year. That weekend had been full of celebration. He remembered a cheerleader who had paid attention to him for the first time. She’d given him a night full of memories. Blonde, curvy and wiggly, she’d kept him busy. He hadn’t lasted long the first time, but he’d done better the second and the third.

His lips tilted upward at the memory. He remembered the thrill of winning. There had never been a happier moment in his life. He sighed, and the visual of a different woman filled his mind. She had dark shoulder-length hair with a wicked red mouth and cool blue eyes. She wore a black dress that handled her curves the same way a man would. She would be a seductive combination of soft and firm with full breasts and inviting hips. She would kiss him into insanity and make him want more. He would slide his hands into her feminine wetness and make her gasp, then make her gasp again when he thrust inside her….

Ryder blinked. He was brick-hard and his heart was racing as if he were having sex. He swore out loud.

He couldn’t believe himself. Maybe Marshall was right. Maybe he just really needed to get laid. His only problem was that the woman in his daydream had been Problem Princess Bridget Devereaux. Yep, Marshall was right. Ryder was a nut job.

Bridget read Dr. Ryder McCall’s dossier for the hundredth time in three days. He hadn’t had the easiest upbringing in the world. His father had died when he was eight years old. His mother had died two years ago.

Ryder had played baseball in high school and won an academic scholarship. He’d graduated first in his college class, then first in his medical-school class.

His older brother, Cory, had played football and earned a college scholarship. Unfortunately, he was injured, so he dropped out, took a job as a departmentstore manager and married his high-school sweetheart. They’d waited to have children. Six months after the birth of twin boys, they’d attended an anniversary dinner but never made it home. A tractor trailer jackknifed in front of them on the freeway. They both died before they arrived at the emergency room.

An unbelievable tragedy. Even though Bridget had lost both her parents within years of each other, she had never been close to them. Ryder had clearly been close to his brother. Now, a man who had previously been unswervingly focused on his studies and career, was alone with those precious motherless babies.

Her heart broke every time she read his story. This was one of those times she wished she had a magic wand that would solve all of Ryder’s problems and heal his pain. But she didn’t. As much as she wished it were true, Bridget was all too certain of her humanity.

In the midst of all of this, she still had a job to do. She needed to bring doctors to Chantaine, and Dr. McCall’s assistant hedged every time Bridget attempted to make an appointment. She would give the assistant two more tries, then Bridget would face Ryder in his own territory. If he thought an assistant would keep her at bay, he had no concept of her will. Surprise, surprise, especially to herself. She may have portrayed an airy, charming personality, but underneath it all, she was growing a backbone.

Chapter Two

Ryder left the hospital and picked up the boys after the latest sitter unexpectedly informed him that her child had a medical appointment she could not skip. He had an important meeting with several members of the hospital board this afternoon which he could not skip. He hated to press his admin assistant into baby service again, but it couldn’t be helped.

After wrestling the boys in and out of car seats and the twin stroller, he felt like he’d run a 10K race as he pushed the stroller into his office suite. Instantly noting that his admin assistant was absent from her desk, he felt his stomach twist with dread. She’d left her desk tidy and organized as usual. She’d also left a note on his desk. He snatched it up and read it.

Miss Bridget Devereaux called 3x this a.m. I can’t put her off forever. Gone to my anniversary celebration as discussed. Thank you for letting me off.


Ryder swore out loud then remembered the boys were in the room with him. “Don’t ever say that word,” he told them. “Bad word.”

He recalled Maryann asking for the afternoon off—it had to have been a week or so ago. He’d been busy when she asked and hadn’t given it a second thought. Now, he had to juggle his boys and an important meeting. He shook his head. Women managed children and careers all the time. Why was it so difficult for him? He was a healthy, intelligent man. He’d run marathons, worked more than twenty-four hours straight, brought a man back to life in the E.R., but taking care of these boys made him feel like a train wreck.

Ryder sat down at his desk and flipped through his contact list on his computer for someone he could call to watch the boys during his meeting. He sent a few emails and made three calls. All he got were voice mails.

“Well, hello, Phantom Man,” a feminine voice called from the doorway.

Ryder swallowed an oath. Just what he needed right now. He didn’t even need to look to know it was Princess Persistent. But he did and couldn’t deny that she was a sight for sore eyes. Wearing another black dress, although this one looked a slight bit more like business wear, she smiled at him with that wicked red mouth that reminded him of what he hadn’t had in a long time.

Dismissing the thought, he lifted his hand. “I have no time to talk. Important meeting in less than—” He glanced at the clock. “Thirty minutes. Got to find someone one to watch the boys.”

“Not having any luck?” she asked.


“You sound desperate,” she said, sympathy lacking in her tone.

“Not desperate,” he said. “Pressed.”

“Oh, well as soon as you give me a time for our meeting, I’ll get out of your way.”

“I already told you I don’t have time,” he said in a voice that no one in their right mind would question.

She shrugged. “All I want is for you to pull up your calendar and ink me in,” she said. “You already agreed.”


She crossed her arms over her chest. “You have your job. I have mine.”

Travis arched against the stroller restraints as if he wanted out. The baby wore an expression of displeasure, which would soon turn to defiance and fury, which would also include unpleasant sound effects. Ryder loosened the strap and pulled him into his arms.

Tyler looked up expectantly and began the same arching action against the stroller. Ryder withheld an oath.

“Want some help?” Bridget asked.

“Yes,” he said. “If you could hold Tyler, I have one more person I can—” He stopped as he watched her settle the baby on her hip. An idea sprang to mind. “Can you keep them for an hour or so?”

Her eyes widened in alarm. “An hour?” she echoed. “Or so?”

“Just for this meeting,” he said. “I’ll leave as soon as possible.”

She shot him a considering look. “In exchange for an opportunity to discuss Chantaine’s medical proposition with you, and you having an open mind.”

“I agree to the first half. The second is going to be tough.”

“How tough would it be to take your twins to your important meeting?” she challenged.

The woman was playing dirty. “Okay,” he said. “As long as you understand, my first priority is my residents’ professional success.”

“Done,” she said. “Did you bring a blanket and some food?”

“Whatever the sitter keeps in the diaper bag,” he said, relief flowing through him like a cool stream of water. “Thank you,” he said, setting Travis in the stroller seat. “I’ll see you after the meeting,” he said and closed the office door behind him.

Bridget stared at the babies and they stared at her. Travis began to wiggle and make a frown face.

“Now, don’t you start,” she said, pointing her finger at him. “You haven’t even given me a chance.” She set Tyler in the other stroller seat and dove into the diaper bag and struck gold. “A blanket,” she said. “You’re going to love this,” she said and spread it on the floor. Afterward, she set Travis on the blanket, followed by Tyler.

The boys looked at her expectantly.

“What?” she asked. “You’re free from the bondage of the stroller. Enjoy yourselves.” She narrowed her eyes. “Just don’t start crawling or anything. Okay? Let’s see what else is in the bag.”

Unfortunately, not much. She used up the small container of Cheerios within the first fifteen minutes and fifteen minutes after that, both boys had lost interest in the small set of blocks. She pulled out a musical toy and helped them work that over for several minutes.

Peekaboo killed a few more minutes, but then Bridget started to feel a little panicky. She needed more snacks and toys if she was going to keep the little darlings entertained. Grabbing some blank paper from Ryder’s desk, she gave each boy a sheet.

Travis immediately put it in his mouth.

“Let’s try something else,” she said and crumpled the paper.

He smiled as if he liked the idea. Great, she thought. More paper. She crumpled a few sheets into a ball and tossed it at them. They loved that. They threw paper all over the room.

After a few more minutes, Travis began to fuss, stuffing his fist in his mouth.

“Hungry?” It would help so much if they could tell her what they needed. Luckily two bottles were also stuffed in the bag. She pulled out one and began to feed Travis. Tyler’s face crumpled and he began to cry.

“Great, great,” she muttered and awkwardly situated both boys on her lap as she fed them both their bottles.

They drained them in no time. Travis burped on her dress.

Bridget grimaced. A second later, Tyler gave her the same favor.

At least they weren’t crying, she thought, but then she sniffed, noticing an unpleasant odor. A quick check revealed Travis had left a deposit in his diaper.

Ryder opened the door to his office prepared for screaming, crying, accusations from Bridget. Instead the boys were sprawled across her lap while she sang a medical magazine to the tune of Frère Jacques. He had to admit it was pretty inventive. His office looked like a disaster zone with papers strewn everywhere and he smelled the familiar, distinct scent of dirty diapers. He must have wrinkled his nose.

She did the same. “I didn’t think it would be considerate to toss the diapers into the hallway, so they’re in the trash can. I bundled them up as best as I could.”

The boys looked safe and content. That was what was important. “It looks like you had a good time.”

“Not bad,” she said with a smile. “Considering my resources. You’re really not set up for babies here.”

“I can’t agree more,” he said and snatched up a few wads of paper. “What were you doing?”

“Playing ball with paper. It worked until Travis was determined to eat it.” She gingerly lifted one of the boys in Ryder’s direction. “So, when do we have our discussion?”

He tucked Tyler into the stroller and followed with Travis. Ryder was tempted to name a time next year but knew that wouldn’t be fair. Better to get it over with. “Tonight, at my house,” he said. “Do you like Chinese?”

“I prefer Italian or Mediterranean,” she said, frowning as she rose to her feet. “At your house?”

“It’s the one and only time I can guarantee for the foreseeable future.”

She sighed. “It’s not what I hoped for. How am I going to have your undivided attention?”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll go to sleep,” he said.

Four hours later, Bridget could barely remember what she’d said or eaten for dinner. The boys had taken a nap in the car on the way home and woken up cranky. She suspected they hadn’t gotten enough of an afternoon nap. Although she resented the fact that she wasn’t getting Ryder’s undivided attention during their discussion, she couldn’t really blame him. In fact, despite the fact that he was clearly a strong man, she could tell that caring for the twins was wearing on him. He loved them and would protect them with his life, but the man needed consistent help.

It was close to eleven before the twins truly settled down.

“I’d offer you a ride to wherever you’re staying, but I can’t pull the boys out of bed again,” he said, after he had made the trip up and down the stairs five times.

His eyes filled with weariness, he raked a hand through his hair. Her heart tugged at his quandary. The urge to help, to fix, was overwhelming. “My security is always close by. He can collect me. It’s no problem.”

“I keep forgetting you’re a princess,” he said.

“Maybe it’s the baby formula on my dress,” she said drily.

“Maybe,” he said, meeting her gaze. The moment swelled between them.

Bridget felt her chest grow tight and took a breath to alleviate the sensation.

“I’m sure you’re tired. You could stay here if you want,” he offered. “I have a guest room and bath.”

Bridget blinked. She was tired, but staying here? “I don’t have a change of clothes.”

He shrugged. “I can give you a shirt to sleep in.”

The prospect of sleeping in Ryder’s shirt was wickedly seductive. Plus, she was tired. “I’d like to get your nanny situation in order for you.”

“That would be a dream come true,” he said. “Everything I’ve done so far hasn’t worked.”

“There may be a fee for an agency,” she said. “I’m not sure how it works here. I’ll have to ask my sister.”

“I took the first and second suggestions that were given to me and they didn’t pan out. It’s imperative that I have excellent care for the boys.”

“I can see that,” she said. “But do you also realize that you will have to make some adjustments as time goes on? Later, there will be sports and school activities where parents are expected to attend.” Bridget remembered that neither of her parents had attended her school activities. Occasionally a nanny had shown up, but never her parents. “Have you figured out how you’ll address that?”

He frowned thoughtfully. “I haven’t figured out much. I haven’t had custody very long. It’s still a shock to all of us. I know the boys miss their mother and father, but they can’t express it. I hate the loss for them. And I’m not sure I’m such a great choice as a parent. I’ve been totally dedicated to my career since I entered med school. Add to that how I’ve been filling in for Dr. Walters and it’s tough. I don’t want to let down my residents or the twins.”

Bridget studied Ryder for a long moment. “Are you sure you want to step in as their father? There are other options. There are people who would love to welcome the boys into their—”

“The boys are mine,” he said, his jaw locking in resolution. “It may take me some time, but I’ll figure it out. The boys are important to me. I held them minutes after they were born. I would do anything for them. We’ve just all been thrown a loop. We’re all dealing with the loss of my brother and sister-in-law. I will be there for them. I will be.”

She nodded slowly. “Okay. I’ll try to help you with your nanny situation.”

He paused and the electricity and emotion that flowed between them snapped and crackled. “Thank you.”

She nodded. “It’s late. I may need to borrow one of your shirts and I should talk to my security.”

“No problem,” he said, but the way he looked at her made her feel as if he’d much prefer she share his bed instead of taking the guest bed alone.

Bridget took a quick shower and brushed her teeth with the toothbrush Ryder supplied. Pushing her hands through the sleeves of the shirt he left in the guest bedroom for her, she drank in the fresh scent of the shirt. She climbed into bed, wondering what had possessed her to get involved in Ryder’s situation and she remembered all the things she couldn’t control or influence. Maybe, just maybe she could wave a magic wand in this one and help just a little.

It seemed only seconds after she fell asleep that she heard a knock at the door. She awakened, confused and disoriented. “Hello?”

“Bridget,” a male voice said from the other side of the door. “It’s me, Ryder.”

The door opened a crack. “I just wanted you to know I’m leaving.”

Her brain moved slowly. She was not at the hotel. She was at Ryder’s townhome. “Um.”

“The boys are still asleep.”

She paused. “The boys?” She blinked. “Oh, the boys.”

He came to the side of her bed. “Are you okay?”

“What time is it?”

“Five a.m.”

“Is this when you usually leave for work?”

“Pretty much,” he said.

“Okay,” she said and tried to make her brain work. “What time do they usually get up?”

“Six or seven,” he said. “I can try and call someone if—”

“No, I can do it,” she said. “Just leave my door open so I can hear them.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Check in at lunchtime,” she said.

“I can do that,” he said and paused. “Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are when you’re half-asleep?”

Unconsciously, her mouth lifted in a half smile. “I can’t recall such a compliment.”

“Nice to know I’m the first,” he said, bending toward her and pressing his mouth against hers. Before she could say a word, he left.

Bridget wondered if she’d dreamed the kiss.

She fell back asleep for what must have been 30 seconds and she heard the sound of a baby’s cry. It awakened her like cold water on her face. She sat upright, climbed out of bed and walked to the boys’ room. She swung open the door to find Travis and Tyler sitting in their cribs and wailing.

“Hi, darlings,” she said and went to Travis. “Good morning. It’s a wonderful day to be a baby, isn’t it?” She saw a twisty thing on the side of the crib and cranked it around. The mobile turned and music played. “Well, look at that,” she said and touched the mobile.

Travis gave a few more sobs, but as soon as he looked upward, he quieted as the mobile turned.

Bridget felt a sliver of relief. “Good boy,” she said and went to Tyler’s bed and cranked up the mobile. Tyler looked upward and gave up his halfhearted cry, staring at the mobile.

Diaper change, she thought and took care of Travis. Then she took care of Tyler and hoisted both boys on her hips and went downstairs. She fed them, changed them again and propped them on a blanket in the den while she called her sister’s friend for a reference for the best nanny agency in Dallas. Three hours later, she interviewed four nannies in between feeding the twins and changing more diapers and putting them down for a nap. When they fussed at nap time, she played a CD more repetitious than her brother’s top-adviser’s speech on a royal’s duty. She’d heard that lecture too many times to count. The huge advantage to the babies’ CD was that it included singing. Bridget wondered if she might have been more receptive to the lecture if the adviser had sung it.

The second prospective nanny was her favorite. She received letters of reference on her cell phone within an hour and sent a generous offer that was immediately accepted. After she checked on the boys, she ordered a nanny/babycam. Next in line, she would hire a relief nanny, but right now she needed a little relief of her own.

Bridget sank onto the couch and wondered when her day had felt so full. Even at this moment, she needed to use the bathroom, but she didn’t have the energy to go. She glanced at herself, in her crumpled dress from yesterday with baby formula, baby food and liquid baby burp. That didn’t include the drool.

Crazy, but the drool was sweet to her. How sick was that? But she knew the twins had drooled when they’d relaxed and trusted her.

She laughed quietly, a little hysterically. Anyone in their right mind would ask why she was working so hard to find a nanny for a doctor with two baby boys. Maybe a shrink could explain it, but these days, Bridget had a hard time turning down a cause of the heart. And Ryder and the boys had struck her straight in the heart with a deadly aim. She hoped, now, that she would feel some sort of relief.

Leaning back against the sofa with her bladder a little too full, she closed her eyes. Heaven help her, this baby stuff was exhausting.

Ryder left the office early, determined not to leave Bridget totally in the lurch with the boys. Stepping inside the front door, he found Bridget, mussed in the most alluring way, asleep on his couch.

She blinked, then her eyes widened. “Oh, excuse me. Just a second,” she said, then raced down the hallway.

He listened carefully, automatically these days. A CD played over the baby monitor, but there were no other sounds. A double check never hurt, he thought, and strode upstairs to listen outside the nursery door.

Nothing. He opened the doorknob in slow motion and pushed the door open. Carefully stepping inside, he peeked into the cribs. Both boys were totally zoned out. He almost wondered if they were snoring but refused to check.

Backing out of the room, he returned downstairs to the den. Bridget was sipping from a glass of water.

“Are they still asleep?” she asked.

He nodded.

She grimaced. “I hate to say this. You have no idea how much I hate to say this, but we need to wake them or they’ll be up all night. And I’m not staying tonight.”

“Yeah,” he said, but he was in no rush.

“I hired a nanny. She can start Monday. I’ve also ordered a baby/nannycam for your peace of mind. The next step is hiring a relief nanny because the twins are especially demanding at this age. Well, maybe they will be demanding at every age, but we have to deal with the present and the immediate future.”

Ryder stared at her in disbelief. “How did you do that?”

She smiled. “I’m a fairy princess. I waved my magic wand,” she said. “Actually I got into the best nanny agency in Dallas, used my title, interviewed four highly qualified women in between changing diapers, selected one applicant, received references, blah, blah, blah and it’s done.” She lifted her shoulders. “And now I’m done.”

“I’m sure you are. In any other circumstance, I would invite you out to dinner for the evening.”

“Lovely thought,” she said. “But I feel extremely grungy. The opposite of glamorous. I’m going to my sister’s ranch for the weekend. You can call me next week about all the doctors you want to send to Chantaine.”

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