Kitabı oku: «Revenge – served cold», sayfa 2

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Chapter 2

" Are you going to the dining room?"

Julia jumped out of a box and ran toward me. I couldn't help but look away.

" No, there's a little coffee shop across the street called Orange. So many experiences, I wished I could sit in a quieter place."

And there was a more "star" place nearby, where I hoped the whole management would go. Which meant Dimitri wouldn't have to go to the Orange.

" That's a great idea. I'll keep you company. We'll have a little chat. I'll tell you more about the rules."

" Come on," I smiled.

I began to guess that Julia is a big fan of our boss. And wants to be friends only to glimpse more often in front of his eyes. Besides, what can I say, she looks much more spectacular against my background. But I didn't claim to be the boss, but the information about the company interested me.


"The orange turned out to be a nice place, besides, the owners wanted to create a private effect, and the sofas had high backs. I sat down in a corner by the window and ordered a business lunch and coffee. The worst thing for me in Moscow turned out to be the need to get up at half past six. And then, forty minutes to wash up, almost an hour on the bus to sleep. And then a fight in the subway for survival. And as a result, half an hour to catch my breath after a morning of "relaxation" on the road. So I felt like I'd just been woken up and forgotten to wake up.

" You must think I'm weird. I'm all over you, running around, asking you to join me for lunch."

" Oh, come on. Not at all," I lied.

" Oh! " Julia laughed. " Don't, don't lie. I can imagine how it looked from the outside. If I were you, I would start fleeing, and in the corridors running over… running over."

Imagining this situation, I supported Julia with laughter. Really, it would be funny.

" I won't lie to you, I have a vested interest."

" Honestly, " I grinned.

It turns out that someone has had a vested interest in me all my life. This one, at least, honestly confesses, without any love and friendship.

" Tell me, did you translate the letter? You know, from Chinese?"

" Yes, it was hard, really. I don't know the language very well. I taught myself. I took a few lessons at the center."

" That's a lot more than me or any other manager. And it's my first contract with them. No specialists. I only got this case because no one wanted it."

" Well, I'm glad I helped you."

" So, uh."

Julia moved closer to me and smiled. I moved a little away from her in surprise.

" Help me…" Julia purred in her Garfield voice.

" How? " I was surprised.

" The Chinese have a tasty project. A new tracker for training. We will represent their program in Russia. Well, there's adaptation, launch. The bonuses from this endeavor will be so… I'll tell Ms.Adams that we're working together, you as a translator, and we'll split the bonus between the two of us."

" If we split the bonuses, they won't be so tasty. Not for you. Why would you do that?"

" All right, the whole truth, so the whole truth… Our boss Natalia is going to America to visit her children. They studied there and stayed there after they got married. So she's going there for two months. I saw a signed vacation request on Galina's desk. We'll take over the project, get it off the ground. Andrew will officially put me in charge…"

" And when Natalia leaves, you'll take over. And in the long run, the position will be yours for good."

" There! You got it right away!"

" What if Andrew hands it over to another manager?"

" Who? Everyone in the department is busy. If only Dimitri. But Andrew doesn't like him. He would have fired him if Dimitri hadn't married the daughter of his father's friend," Julia snorted."

" Dimitri? " I whispered in a strangled voice. " Who's that?"

" Oh-oh! He's a goose! He came to work " very modestly. Now he thinks he's his father-in-law's successor. He doesn't want to work, he only gets a salary. And that's what's strange. He always has money. He even bought an apartment!

I made an expressive frown. He got the money for the apartment from a fool in love. It was a pity that it happened and I was the one."

" I'd hate to see him," I mumbled.

I suddenly had the idea that it would be better if he saw me when I had already established myself as a specialist. Then he wouldn't be able to get me fired.

" And I don't have to! He doesn't look at Andrew, " Julia snorted.

" You know, I agree. I too do not want to always sit in the waiting room. But to move to the department of translators."

We looked at each other and smiled smugly. Ramilya was right, we should have gotten out of our shells a long time ago.


After sitting in the Orange, discussing all the nuances of future work, I was fifteen minutes late for lunch. I had to run back. All the way I prayed that Andrew had not yet returned. I was lucky, instead of the boss in the waiting room I found a girl unknown to me. A blonde with bright scarlet lips, false eyelashes, in a perfectly fitting beige dress-flats and open light coat, frowned unhappily and swayed on stilettos.

" Good afternoon," I greeted her cautiously.

The blonde gave me an attentive look, and it was clear that we didn't like each other. Nevertheless, I smiled as friendly as I could. First of all, I didn't know who she was, and secondly, I was really late.

" Where is Andrew ? " she asked coldly.

She looked as if she was overpowering herself by talking to me. As if I am dirty, ragged and on the porch, not a secretary in the reception.

" Andrew is at a business lunch, will be later, " I kindly replied.

" Later! " snorted the blonde. " Call him and tell him that I'm waiting for him!"

" I'm sorry, Andrew told me not to disturb him. Negotiations are very important.

In fact, I didn't even know where my boss was going. And I couldn't call him, I don't have his cell phone number."

" You want to work here?! Tell him Camille's here right now!"

" Tea, coffee? " I smiled.

" You're fired! " The girl shouted and ran out of the reception area.

I sank exhaustedly into a chair, trying hard to suppress the urge to burst into tears. They say there are people who are energy vampires. This Camille was clearly one of them. We'd only talked for a couple minutes, and it was like all the energy had been drained out of me. Like air out of a balloon.

After I managed to blink and not ruin my makeup, I stood up, deciding to get my own coffee. Honestly, I didn't know what to do. The documents were taken away, there were no calls, and I was promised to be given assignments later. The only thing I could occupy myself with was familiarizing myself with office equipment. In fact, there wasn't much of it: a computer, a selector, a printer and a scanner. Well, also a coffee maker, which was hardly the most important of all the previous.

After making coffee, I turned around and almost ran into my boss. He flew into the reception area like a hurricane. I squirmed inwardly, waiting for the blonde to complain.

" Coffee, that's not a bad idea! Come to my office!"

The boss disappeared into the office, I had to follow him, remembering what kind of coffee he likes, and whether I brewed it correctly.

Andrew , carelessly threw his coat on his shoulders, sent his jacket there, and sat down at the table, rolling up the long sleeves of his shirt. I put a cup of coffee in front of him and froze half a meter away from the table. All the TV shows said that a secretary should keep that distance. But I didn't know how it really was " I didn't have any experience.

" Sit down," the boss said.

I sat down on the edge of the chair and looked at him fearfully. Andrew was looking for something on the table and did not pay attention to me. Finally, he pulled out a whole pile of stickers glued together and some notebooks.

" Look through these and make a schedule."

I scooped up the post-it notes and quickly glanced through them to make sure I could make out his handwriting.

" Excuse me, you have a meeting at three on Ramensky Boulevard, and half an hour later on Preobrazhensky Boulevard? How are you going to make it in time? These are different parts of Moscow!"

" Yes?!"

Andrew jumped up and looked over my shoulder. I froze, not knowing how to react to his behavior. This morning he seemed to me even too cold.

" Indeed. So, review and in such controversial moments, call back and reschedule the meeting. Or no, highlight them and show them. I'll tell you which is more important."

" Okay," I nodded.

The addition to the instruction appealed to me. I didn't know anyone yet and could inadvertently offend an important person.

" Andrew , while you were away, you had a visitor …"

It was pointless to hide this event from him. I'm sure the blonde just couldn't get through or wanted to cry from resentment at a personal meeting.

" Who?"

The boss returned to his chair and sipped his coffee. With a satisfied nod, he looked at me, waiting for an answer.

" Camille," I explained. " She wanted me to call and summon you …"

" And you didn't?"

I nodded dejectedly, belatedly feeling guilty. Maybe I should have gone through my notebooks and found the supervisor's phone number. There are records of all the employees!

" I just… didn't know your phone number… or the staff's…" I started to justify myself

" What are you mumbling about?"

I stammered and squeezed inwardly.

" Remember, I can't be distracted in negotiations. No matter who comes and no matter what they demand. Unless it's not OBOP in half with the tax came to gut our documents. Then you can let me know."

At the end of that sentence, he got a little funny. I realized it was a joke. Although with such things and structures, jokes are bad. He's probably sure that his company's documents and law are in order and he won't be visited.

" Encrypted? " I asked in a tone of voice.

" That would be very kind of you."

I allowed myself a smile, managing not to laugh. The boss's sense of humor was on the level. More importantly, he managed to lighten the mood.

" Can I go now?"

" Go ahead," I was told.

As I stepped out into the reception area, I managed to dodge in some unimaginable way. Camille was back, ready to tear me down and walk across the carpet of the secretary's body. I belatedly jerked back to follow and tried to stop her.

" I have to report to you!"

I was ignored. I had to run after her back to the office.

" Andrew , I…!"

" Honey! Fire her!"

The blonde reached the owner of the office, passionately kissed him and, climbing on the table, capriciously pouted her lips.

" Why should she? " surprised interrogated the "sweetheart".

" She was rude to me, and did not want to call you! I'm your fiancée! She must obey me."

From despair and resentment, I was speechless, and did not even try to defend myself. The blonde fiancée was lying through her teeth. I didn't even say a rude word to her.

" She was following my orders and not connecting me to anyone."

" You don't want to see me?! Have you fallen out of love?!"

The girl's eyes immediately filled with tears and her lips trembled. I couldn't help but wince. She's obviously overplaying it. A look of annoyance appeared on Andrew 's face for a moment.

" Can I get you anything? " I asked, just to remind myself.

They seemed to have forgotten about me. I didn't want to witness their stormy reconciliation.

The blonde jumped up, but the boss was ahead of her:

" No need for anything. Go to work."

I happily walked out the door and, closing it tightly, leaned back and exhaled in relief. It seems that no one is not going to fire me, which I can not be happy. But the blonde wouldn't stop there and would try to make my life a living hell.


Work in general was not difficult. Andrew had few visitors. He himself turned out to be very active and preferred to meet outside the office. The only thing is that there were a lot of calls in the afternoon. Everyone wanted something, either to sign documents or to schedule a meeting. So the organizer had to be dealt with urgently. There weren't many time overlaps. Just two. And the last one was due to a changed meeting place. After calling the secretaries, I easily rescheduled them.

However, the schedule for two weeks in advance turned out to be so tight that other people who wanted to meet had to either refuse or make arrangements to meet in two weeks. Plus, I put meetings on the schedule. And remembering the latter, I dug into the Internet in search of a decent company willing to organize a buffet in the office.

Camille left about an hour later, absolutely pleased with herself. She didn't even look at me, which pleased me greatly. So the first day, you could say, went smoothly.

As I headed out of the office, I thought it would be a good idea to go to the supermarket. Ramila had bought all the groceries before. She also cooked. Today, however, I got off around seven o'clock. That's very early for work in Moscow! When I ran down the stairs and turned the corner, I immediately turned back. Dimitri stood at the gatehouse, wearing a beautiful light colored coat. He was cooing softly with someone on the phone and promised not to stay anywhere.

My first impulse was to turn around and run to the toilet. Where I could lock myself in a stall and cry. The ex-lover looked like he'd just stepped off the cover of a magazine.

The second impulse was to crack him on the head, scratch his face and make an ugly scandal. Anger demanded an outlet. I managed to restrain myself and clenched my fists to the point of pain.

Dimitri smiled at the world, or rather, at the invisible interlocutor and looked happy. He used to smile at me like that. He spoke with the same intonation, and I believed that I was loved. And worst of all, I realized I was ready to go back to him. To be happy again.

Sighing, I adjusted my dress, tossed back my hair. I didn't want to hide from him anymore. On the contrary, I was going to walk over and look him in the eye.

Encouraging myself, I headed toward him. Dimitri finished the conversation, put the phone in his other hand and brought it to my ear again.

" Yes, yes! I'll be there in about ten minutes. But I can't stay today, I have a lot of work, so I'll have to go back to the office."

I froze, not believing my own ears, immediately suspecting him of another adultery.

" I'm ready to fly to you even to the end of the world!"

Dimitri, without turning around, jumped out into the street and took the wheel of a luxury foreign car, which immediately started off in an unknown direction. I waddled back to the subway. The day was ruined. It turns out I'm not ready to meet him. As soon as he smiled at me and said a few words, I'd believe him. Even though my mind knows that all beautiful words are lies, I can't order my heart.

And yet I was sure that both times he talked to women. Different ones, moreover. He couldn't have told his wife he had to go back to work. As I pondered this thought from every angle, I was once again immersed in a survival quest called, "The Road Home at Rush Hour!"

Chapter 3

Ramila's phrase after I told her about my meeting with Dimitri was vivid and nerve-wracking. However, it could only be repeated in decent society with prepositions and interjections.

I sat in the kitchen, climbing on a chair with my legs, and mindlessly chattering with a spoon in my tea. I felt like a rag doll.

“ You know, it's probably a good thing that everything turned out this way," she said calmly.

I looked up at her in bewilderment. What could be good in what happened? The man I love turned out to be a pig. And I found out about it, when nothing can be fixed.

“ Are you laughing?” I asked in a shaky voice.

For the first time all evening I wanted to cry.

“ Imagine if you had given birth to a child by him," Ramila suggested.

I immediately did what she told me to do, and tears ran down my cheeks.

“Maybe that's the reason? I wanted to wait.”

“ Don't talk nonsense!” Ramilya burst out.” No man has ever managed to bind anyone with this. Yes, maybe he would have gotten married. But then he would mock her all his life. You bet, the calculating predator had bound him hand and foot. Ruined his life! And a wedding is no indicator of fidelity and happiness. He would've kept on going.”

" Listen to you, there are no good men in this world."

" There are a lot of good men. But women love assholes."

Having stamped on both men and women at once, Ramila grabbed my glass and threw the cooled tea into the sink. I leaned back in my chair, not the least bit upset. My food wasn't good today, and I couldn't even swallow a cookie. Just the sight of it made me sick.

" So Dimitri didn't see you, and that's good. See, I was right about you getting a job at this office."

" Dimitri's the manager, and I'm the secretary."

" Dimitri's a jerk, and you're an asshole. The secretary is the closest person to the boss. You'll be with him for twelve hours. Helping him. Cover for him. And as a result, he'll treat you better than the rest of us. Imagine the controversial question, "who gets the lucrative assignment?" And you say, "Julia's more responsible," and that's it.

" Am I gonna get fired? " I suggested sarcastically.

" They'll listen to you," Ramilya said.

I, deciding not to argue, nodded in agreement. I felt resentment in my soul. I loved him so much, and he was just taking advantage of me....

" So, Julia offered you an interesting job? So do it. Don't cry!"

As if confirming her rightness, the phone rang, notifying about a message in Viber. Julia wrote that she had sent me the documents to the post office. I sighed and showed it to Ramila, who immediately ran happily to my room and brought a laptop and a Chinese dictionary.

" Go ahead. Tomorrow you'll hand in the first batch of papers and get your praise. You really miss it."

Having stroked the lid of the faithful comrade, my laptop was already three years old, and it worked properly, I got into the mail. Julia was not stingy on the amount of materials. It looks like we'll have to sit till morning!

" Pour me some tea too, please," she asked, seeing that Ramilya was making herself a fresh pot.

After estimating the amount of work, I suddenly calmed down. Even if she couldn't get revenge, she could just get her life back on track. And the place to start was work.

I opened the documents and reference books sent to me and immersed myself in the text. The case progressed slowly. The text contained a huge number of special terms with which I had not familiarized myself before.

But I began to understand what exactly our company does. It provides support for foreign companies that have decided to develop the Russian market. It sounded beautiful, but in reality it is a huge amount of paperwork. And also in the ability to maneuver between the conflicting laws of the two countries, as well as the wishes of the client and the reality that the Russian market has to offer.


At half past eight I was already in my seat in the office. I had to come in early. I had to print out what I had done yesterday. I put the papers in folders and waited impatiently for Julie to arrive. In the evening I sent her a few translated documents, and the rest I decided to give her at the office. And after receiving enthusiastic messages of gratitude, I suddenly felt that I liked it.

To my surprise, however, it was the boss who showed up at the office first. He looked a little wrinkled, wearing yesterday's shirt and a day's worth of unshaven hair.

" Good morning," I greeted him cheerfully.

" Please, not so loud."

The supervisor disappeared into his office. I shook my head and searched my bag for aspirin. Andrew was not the kind of man who liked to drink a bottle. His body was unprepared, so the result was not long in coming. Putting the papers aside for the time being, I gathered a tray: a glass with instant aspirin, a bottle of mineral water and coffee, the latter I put just in case.

Knocking and without waiting for an answer, she entered. Andrew was sitting at the table, concentrating on massaging his temples.

" Aspirin, " I informed him and put the glass on the table.

Andrew , grabbing the glass, drank the contents in a gulp and leaned back in his chair. I doubt that it helped immediately. Rather, the anticipation of relief tried it on with reality. I froze, waiting for further instructions.

" Everything else after… " he said.

I didn't ask after what. It was obvious. First he needs to come to himself. I silently put the tray with mineral water and coffee in front of him and left.

Julia flew into the waiting room at the same time as me. Swaying on her impressive heels, she took in more air, ready to burst into a tirade of gratitude. I was ahead of her, pressing my finger to my mouth. The girl obediently exhaled.

" Andrew has a headache, " I whispered. " And until the aspirin did not work …"

" Oh! Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders indefinitely. I didn't plan on giving away my boss's secrets. There was a reason he showed up earlier than half of the staff. Now he'll come to his senses, assess his appearance and go home to change. Although a man like Andrew should have a spare shirt with him. You never know!

" All right. Give me a hand, please. I need to write a letter to the partners."

Julia made huge eyes. I laughed quietly. Those who have never seen a computerized hieroglyphics layout won't understand. The characters are written on one key, four at a time. It's hard to tell the difference between half of them when you're not used to them.

" Leave the letter, I'll dial, " promised her.

" You're awesome! I love you!"

Julia handed me a thin opaque folder and rushed off. Hiding behind a ficus tree, I checked my makeup and, after making coffee for myself, returned to my desk. The main boss's reception area turned out to be the quietest place in the universe! I don't know about the deputies, but no one came in here.

About an hour later, Andrew called me in. He looked much better, even changed his shirt. I, trying to keep my distance, put in front of him the documents collected for signing and a separate folder prepared by me personally.

" You have a meeting tomorrow. Everything is ready for it, " I informed the boss.

Andrew was distracted from the papers and looked at me carefully.

" I forgot to ask, are you married?"

" No, " I answered dumbfounded.

I didn't expect such a question. Why would he be interested in the details of my personal life?

" Okay, " nodded Andrew . " There will be a conference in St. Petersburg on Saturday. I'm glad that you have no plans for the weekend, and you can accompany me. The hotel is already booked, we'll leave on Friday. You can go."

I just nodded and went out to the reception area. But I didn't expect such a turnaround. It turns out that if I don't have a husband and children, I don't have plans for the weekend either! Besides, who takes a secretary who has been working for a few days with them on a trip?

Feeling that I needed to share and consult with someone, I grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom to talk without interference. Experience told me that it was better to discuss a person behind his back when he was not around. And the neighboring office under the designation "far away" fell somehow weakly.

Having jumped out to the stairwell, I went down one flight and immediately turned back. Dimitri stood in the corridor and hugged the girl. Climbing a few steps, she tried to listen to his conversation.

" You don't give me enough time, " the girl said capriciously.

" I work, " Dimitri was naturally surprised.

" At night?"

It became clear to me that he was talking to his wife. It seems that their family life was marred by his inattention. By the way, there is such a peculiarity in Dimitri's behavior. At the beginning of the relationship, he was very attentive. Sometimes it seemed to me that he read my mind. But when our relationship became strong and stable, and I couldn't breathe without him, he became distant. No, in the moments he spent with me, even if only on the phone he was so gentle.....

" I've gotten a job, I don't want people to say I married you for a career. I will achieve everything on my own."

Dimitri spoke in a confident and unbending voice. Just a couple weeks ago I would have believed in his words unconditionally, but now it was funny. The girl whispered something fervently. I didn't eavesdrop any further and went back to the waiting room. The more I learned about him, the more disgusted I became. How could I love him?

The interesting thing was that I couldn't find a decent excuse. Betrayal killed love, and the brain kicked in. But so far he'd only wondered how blind I'd been.

I spent the whole day thinking about the stupid things I'd done in my life. Secretarial work was the most boring job in the world. The phone didn't ring very often, the visitors were mostly couriers who dropped by a couple times. And the boss seemed to have decided to sleep in, since he only called me once all day to let me know he was leaving.


I was home by eight o'clock, exhausted by the road, I walked up to our house without looking around. So I didn't notice the festivities right away. Neighbors, who jumped out of their houses, were frantically putting out the fire. I rushed to us and almost crashed into Ramila, who had come out of the house in a tiny robe, but with a huge bucket of water.

" What happened?"

" Idiots surrounded us!"

Ramila ran to the neighboring plot, and I rushed after her. The picture I saw was more pathetic than scary. A huge fire was burning in the middle of the neighbor's plot. When I looked closer, I realized that it was firewood prepared for the winter, but unused. A man in underpants, an alcoholic T-shirt and rubber boots was running around the fire. He didn't even try to put anything out, the neighbors were doing it. The curiosity of the situation was that the fire could spread to any house standing nearby. A strong gust of wind was enough to carry the spark.

Ramila splashed a bucket of water on the fire. The flames, hissing mockingly, continued.

" Damn fool! " The friend fawned over the man and ran back.

I agreed with her wholeheartedly, rushing back, going to join our rescue.

Following me, a burly woman flew into our plot, in whom I could hardly identify my neighbor on the right. This time she was wearing a plush bathrobe and carrying a huge skein of rubber in her hands. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a hose, just catastrophically wide in diameter.

" Come on, help me!"

The two of us quickly unwound the hose. I with one end stood in a fighting stance at the fence, going to water the fire. My neighbor hooked the other end to the faucet and opened the water.

The hose shuddered and hummed suspiciously. I was alarmed; I had never heard water make such a sound before. Seconds passed, and still no pressure.

The water rushed out like a geyser, hitting the fence. I fell on my back and let go of the hose. It danced around, splashing everyone with water. I jumped up and tried to grab the hose. A neighbor decided to do the same, and we collided on the approach. I collapsed to the ground, the neighbor snorted contemptuously. She was an indestructible rock holding the water pressure, directing it in the right direction. True, she had several targets, the fire and its culprit.

When she was done, she turned off the water and proudly walked away, leaving the firemen to deal with the arsonist. I was left sitting on the ground in a puddle of mudd.

" Impressive, to say the least," Ramilya commented.

I hooked and pulled myself up off the ground and wandered into the house. Why wouldn't this hard day full of surprises end?


After a sudden hose shower in the bathtub, I soaked for about an hour. I had to literally scratch the dirt out of my hair with a brush. And here's the most amazing thing, if you make a natural mask and diligently rub it into your scalp to revitalize and nourish the bulbs, about half of it stays dry. And if you fall on the ground and get doused with water, it's like you've gotten a lamination.

So I cleaned myself up. I got into a tracksuit, as it turned out, neighbors can quickly and effectively diversify life, and there will be no time to change clothes. I went to the kitchen. The suspiciously familiar smell of something spicy beckoned. I hope my nose is not deceiving me and Ramila is making mulled wine.

" You know what the saddest part is? You'll have to live side by side with these people for years to come," she said sadly.

" Maybe it's not so bad?"

Ramila looked at me skeptically. I lowered my eyes. We've only lived here a week, and the neighbors have already revived our life. They're running around our yard, or trying to burn it down!

While Ramila was stirring the potion of soothing, I made sandwiches. Dinner turned out to be peculiar and far from proper nutrition, but tasty. Sometimes you have to indulge yourself. After thinking, I sliced some cheese and opened a jar of olives.

Having poured the drink into half-liter high mugs, we sat down at the table. It was under the hot wine with spices that I told my friend about the upcoming business trip. The longer I thought about it, the more I did not understand the motives of Andrew .

" Great! " Ramilya was excited. " Is he handsome?"

" Who? " I did not understand.

" Andrew ."

" Mr. Roberts , " I added. " So…"

Feigning indifference, I introduced the boss, a tall, statuesque brunette with green eyes. And that's just the beginning of his virtues, to everything else he is also smart. He's just predictable, judging by Camille. But he always smelled nice, his perfume, obviously bought not in Russia, with dignity silent about the number of zeros in foreign currency in its price tag. Oh yes, without a doubt, you can't pass by such a thing. Only after some time, I'm allergic to handsome men.

" So he's handsome," Ramilya said.

" He's not my type," I said.

" Well, we've already seen yours," Ramilya said skeptically.

" You know, when I came to the interview, there was a whole corridor full of models, and I was chosen. What does that say?"

" That they birch trees? " Ramila suggested.

I shook my head and, carefully scooping up the "brew" with a tablespoon, drank my mental torment. Unlike my friend, I had another theory. Against the background of beauties with legs from the ears, I was a natural gray mouse. And Ms.Adams was looking for a secretary who would work, not dream about the boss. And if fantasies wander into her head, the boss will not want to realize them.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
06 eylül 2024
Yazıldığı tarih:
270 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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