Kitabı oku: «The Colors Of A Optimistic World», sayfa 2

Yazı tipi:

Which sport suits me best?

Walking and jogging


Conclusion: Healthy weight loss begins in the head

Healthy nutrition

Wrong nutrition makes you sick

Change diet

Life in abundance

The nutrition pyramid

Structure of the nutrition pyramid


Fruit, vegetables & carbohydrates

Animal Food & Fats

Vegetable food

Fruit and vegetables


Cereals & Potatoes

Animal food

Milk & Cheese

Yoghurt & Buttermilk/Dickmilk/Kefir




Errors & supposed truths

Fat is unhealthy

Eggs are bad for cholesterol levels

Chocolate makes you fat

You shouldn't eat in the evening.

Eating little makes you slim

Light products are low in calories

Carbohydrates are bad

Healthy nutrition plan

Healthy vegetarian diet

Eating habits

Conclusion: Slimming to ideal weight

Successful work & in everyday life

Why customer-oriented communication?

The first impression is crucial

Positive from the start ...

... and on the phone

Linguistic sympathy alarm clock

The basics of good manners

Active listening is the be-all and end-all of communication

Mistake in listening

Active Listening Methods

Targeted questions - That's how important are questions in the customer cycle?

Open questions

Closed questions

The needs assessment is decisive for sales & consulting success

Careful, trap!

Model for customer inquiries

Two communication levels - subject & relationship level

Fact Sheets for Communication Professionals

The positive basic attitude makes the difference!

Formulate comprehensibly!

Formulate concretely!

Formulate positively!

Use (customer) benefit arguments!


Addressing complaints correctly

Basic rules for complaints & Co.


Attention...Escalation accelerator!

Six steps to successful complaint handling

Delivering bad news

Body language - facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice & Co.

Basic rules of body language

Body language signals in conversational communication

Release call blockades

Professional customer-oriented telephone calls

Voice and speech

Correctly forward conversations within the company

Checklist for professional telephone behaviour

Call setup for outgoing calls

Highly Sensitive - The Practical Manual For Dealing With High Sensitivity And Highly Sensitive People

What is high sensibility?

Special features of high sensitivity

High sensitivity and fears

Dealing with one's own high sensitivity

Dealing with other highly sensitive people

High sensitivity in the partnership

Dealing with a highly sensitive partner

Dealing with high sensitivity at work

Dealing with highly sensitive children

Tips for dealing with high sensitivity on a daily basis

Bottom line

Dog training - Successful dog education explained step by step

Communicate unambiguously with the dog

The sooner the better

No exceptions for small dog breeds

Convince instead of persuade

The basics with playful skill

Fast house cleanliness in the first 5 months

Always play without a leash

More than just a companion

The dog's going crazy.

Search and Bring Games

Retrieve "bring" for beginners

Give the dog a task

The right environment

Dog wish in the big city

Avoid begging at the table

No sweets for the dog

Help my dog doesn't eat any more

Training without treats

Learning to stay alone

Consistency in the living room

Loud noises against negative behaviour

Problems on New Year's Eve

The right praise is the key to success

This is the only way to raise a dog

No more boredom

Collect information in advance

Improvising during Agility Training

Emotional Motivation

Dogs must be moved

Avoid unpleasant dog encounters

Build up the social behaviour of the dog as early as possible

disinhibit jumping

Behaviour during biting among dogs

To break the habit of barking to small dogs

Driving with the dog without problems

Travelling with the dog

Dogs in summer, what needs to be considered

Protect dog paws from road salt

You have to want it

Everyone pulling together

Puppies without problems

Become interesting for the dog

Dogs live in the here and now

The three greatest needs of the dog

Dogs love hand signals

The embossing phase

Patience and consistency in dog training

The dog is afraid

How dogs perceive their surroundings

The coexistence of dog and cat

Bathing in the woods - In balance through the healing power of nature

Bathing in the woods: Healing from the forest

The secret life of the trees

The healing effect of forest air

How does forest bathing become a pleasure?

This is how bathing in the woods becomes a pleasure

Power and Energy through Trees: Seeing

Power and Energy through Trees: Touching

Power and Energy through Trees: Smelling

Power and Energy through Trees: Tasting

Power and Energy through Trees: Hearing

Power and Energy through Trees: Forest Walks

Power and Energy through Trees: Breathing Exercises

Power and Energy through Trees: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Power and Energy through Trees: Forest Training

A stay in the forest is always worthwhile

Losing weight with interval fasting - How to reach your ideal weight quickly and healthily with the 16/8 method

What is interval fasting?

The theoretical and historical background of interval fasting

For whom is interval fasting suitable?

Health benefits of interval fasting

Interval fasting against civilization diseases

Interval fasting and diet

Successful weight loss with interval fasting

Interval fasting and detoxification

The concept of purification

How long do you fast?

Practical Guide: The 16/8 Method in Practice

Other methods of interval fasting

Recipes for breakfast

Recipes for lunch

Recipes for dinner

Recipes for smoothies

Guide to happiness for more satisfaction & joy in life

Be happy: The 10 most important findings of Positive Psychology

Let them talk - What others think about you: 5 tips to become independent

Reasons why laughter is healthy and important

Mindfulness & Deceleration in everyday life - I am offline!

Concentrated holiday recreation - So you get a lot of relaxation from the days off

Dissatisfied with your job: Signs that you have the wrong job

Do I have a burnout? That's how you can tell the symptoms

Burnout prevention: 10 tips - You can do it yourself!

Fulfilled Partnership - What makes a relationship really happy

Tingle & Love - Tips to keep the relationship fresh

Happy long-distance relationship - Maintaining love despite distance

Staples in relationships - How to become less affectionate

Overcome and free yourself from fears, panic attacks & phobias in your life

Social phobia - Am I affected by it myself?

Learning to let go: How to conclude with negative experiences

The art of self-motivation - What really inspires us & how to train the drive for action

More motivation with this simple method

No motivation? Tricks to get started and hold out permanently

Strengthen self-confidence - How to gain self-esteem and self- confidence for everyday life, work and relationships

It is by far the most popular area of personality development: self-confidence. We've all heard about it, and we all want to know about it in our lives. Isn't it strange that very few people have a clear idea of what exactly "self- confidence" is? As soon as this term comes up, we usually first think of a straight attitude, a confident appearance, an exemplary career and a flourishing social life. Most people are not aware that all this is only the possible consequences of a healthy self-confidence and does not have much to do with the actual essence of the whole. This is also the reason why so many people do not have a "true" self-confidence and long for it. So the circle closes and there is only one way to break it: Understand what self-confidence really is. This is where this guide will help you.

In recent years I have learned that there is more to all this than just a confident appearance and a strong confidence in his personality. In fact, our self-confidence is the key element of our quality of life. If we build it conscientiously, we will have every imaginable opportunity to shape our lives positively. If we let it atrophy, we become passive, unsuccessful and dissatisfied. The better we understand the matter, the clearer it becomes how we can think and act more happily and success-oriented. I assure you that after reading this e-book you will have a much clearer idea of the whole subject. You will also be able to pave your way to a more self-confident life on your own.

The entire subject area is so diverse that it is almost impossible to be brief in this respect. Nevertheless, I take up the challenge to give you a short, effective and easily understandable introduction to the basics. This e-book is intended as a short guide and is aimed at all those who prefer short reading and long for quick positive results in their lives. Owing to the brevity of the adviser, we will not, of course, be looking at all possible aspects of the issue, but that does not make your chances of success any less likely. The theoretical basics and practical tips you will learn in the following are perfectly sufficient to build up a healthy self-confidence, a strong self-confidence and an honest self-love. The fact that you are dealing with the topic is the first big step in the right direction. Stay on the ball and shape your path to a more self-confident life.

What exactly does "self-confidence" mean? How does it differ from self-confidence? What are the reasons why so many people long to become more self-confident, and what concrete steps can be taken to achieve this? Which principles must be understood and which logical consequences result from this? We will deal with all these questions and more in the course of this short guide. Even more: Together we will find a helpful answer to each of these questions!

As in all my publications, I would like to point out to you that there is a basic requirement for your personal success. To deal intensively with a topic and to read a guidebook on it is an important step which triggers motivation and drive for action in you. It's this very zest for action you have to give in to. Just reading this e-book and feeling motivated will not lead to great results. It will rather cause frustration, because sooner or later you will find that despite all your good intentions you have not yet become more self-confident. This realization can even cause the opposite of the desired effect and depress you. Therefore, be open-minded and willing to get involved in your personality development. Don't find the following just meaningful and helpful, but try it out in your life. While reading, always ask yourself to what extent what you have experienced can be transferred to you and your personal situation. Every person is unique and therefore it is not possible to write a universal guide to success. It is your task to adapt the contents of this short guide to your needs and to act according to the advice given. Nothing comes from nothing. Only through real action can measurable results be achieved. The good thing about it is that it also gives you full power and personal responsibility. With this e-book I give you valuable facts and suggestions on your way. What you make of it is up to you.

On the following page you will find an introductory chapter in which you will learn everything you need to know about self-confidence. This is followed by the main part of the guide, which consists of 12 basic principles and practical measures for a more self-confident life. Then the whole thing is summarized briefly and concisely to refresh your memory and motivate you.

That you're reading these lines is a very good sign. It means that you have an honest desire to change for the better and that you are willing to follow your wishes with concrete actions. If you remain motivated and open- minded, you will achieve a lot with the help of this guide. Perhaps not everything you will read below will appear completely new to you, but that doesn't make it any less important. Building your self-confidence sustainably means significantly improving your quality of life. There is no better way to invest your time and attention. I hope you enjoy reading this and wish you many important insights.

Everything you need to know about self-confidence

Most people think that self-confidence is about success, persuasiveness or particularly disciplined behaviour. This is not entirely incorrect, but basically these qualities are only the result of a healthy self-confidence. In plain language this means: being successful, convincing or disciplined does not automatically make you self-confident. However, a solid self-confidence makes it much more likely and easier to let you be all that. But that's not all. Self-confidence is the key to personality development and can therefore do much more for you. Therefore one should not have such a narrow idea of it, but understand exactly what it is all about. So, what's self-confidence anyway?

By definition, self-consciousness is "the awareness of oneself as a thinking being", or: "the conviction of one's abilities, of one's value as a person, expressed especially in self-confident appearance".

The latter definition is more in line with the term "self-confidence", which we will deal with later. First and foremost, it is important to literally perceive and understand the word "self-confidence". It's about being aware of yourself. To perceive and understand oneself. Why is this so important? Because you are the central element of your life. You experience every day of your life. You make every decision yourself and basically you do nothing but decide all day long. You decide what to eat, where to go, what to do next, with whom to interact, etc. For a happy and self-determined life it is essential to understand how important self-perception and self-confidence are. When we do this, we understand our personal responsibility. We recognize not only that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives, but also that we have all the power over it and thus the possibility to shape it according to our ideas. That sounds simple, doesn't it?

What seems simple in theory is sometimes difficult in practice. We'll see what that's all about shortly. First of all, it is important to look at the difference between self-confidence and self-confidence.

Do you trust easily or do you have to earn your trust first? As a rule, we humans find it difficult to trust someone through the path we do not fully know. We often think that we need to find out more about a person before such an intimate relationship of trust can develop. It's the same with ourselves. We consciously do not perceive it, but in reality we distrust ourselves if we do not have a pronounced self-confidence. This is a very simple process that is completely subconscious. For this reason, self-confidence is a logical consequence of self-consciousness. Who has a consciousness about himself and knows himself completely, can also trust himself. Those who trust themselves have courage and confidence and can thus tackle great hurdles in everyday life. This ultimately results in successes that ensure self-confidence and strengthen trust. The aforementioned successes lead to pride and self-love and so the circle closes: one gets to know oneself, gains trust, is rewarded with success and admires oneself for it. After all, you're proud to be in your skin. This is what self-confidence really is and what it can do for you. Therefore, it cannot be too time-consuming to deal with the topic in peace: Because it can completely change your life for the better.

If it's so easy, why are so few people self-confident? In fact, there are many different reasons for this and it is difficult to generalize the causes. Since I do not know you personally and we communicate via this e-book, we cannot and will not undertake a journey into your very individual past. Instead, I will introduce you to general reasons for a lack of self-confidence, which you are likely to find yourself in. There's nothing wrong with that, because actually, we all can. Factors that negatively affect our self-awareness are omnipresent and it will be your job to avoid them in the future.

Among the most common reasons are the need to please others and the fear of confrontation. Most people already learn in their childhood that they receive praise and rewards from their parents, siblings and other role models if they behave according to their wishes. If they don't, they'll be blamed. While some people go through a rebellious phase as they grow up and impose their own will, others enjoy being passive and pleasing their fellow human beings. The logical consequence is a lack of self-confidence. Whoever only does what might be right for others loses sight of what he himself actually wants. One moves away from oneself and thus also weakens self- confidence.

Also the heteronomy and generalization make people less self-confident. We are constantly exposed to opinions that give us directions in life and convictions. It starts with reading the daily newspaper or watching the news on television. Furthermore, the media tell us what we should eat, what fashion trend we should not miss, what technical equipment we should buy and which car we absolutely need in order to convey a certain impression to the outside world. All this relieves us of many decisions and thus impairs our independent and self-confident thinking. Moreover, these circumstances generalize all humans. It is not about individuality and personalization, but about making everything possible "suitable for the masses". We like to underestimate it, but these influences also affect our self-confidence.

The last frequent reason for a lack of self-confidence and self-confidence that I will give you is failure. Whenever something fails in our everyday life, we are demotivated. We feel bad and never want to feel this feeling again. For many people, this means not facing the same situation again in order not to run the risk of failure in the first place. The consequence is that the trust in oneself and thus also the self-confidence disappears. One orients oneself more and more to what other, supposedly more successful people do. For this reason, it is important to remain motivated even after setbacks and defeats and not to doubt yourself.

These are just a few of the possible reasons for a weak self-confidence, but they are perfectly sufficient to understand the principle and counteract the negative influences.

They now know what self-confidence really is, how it arises, develops and why so many people lack it. Your task now is to make use of these foundations and to build up your self-confidence sustainably with the help of practical measures. In the following you will get to know 12 such measures. Question your own situation and the reasons why you long for more self-confidence. Be open-minded and willing to work against these causes. Use the main part of the short guidebook as motivation and support, so that you will soon be able to register the first positive results!

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