The Green Gourmet Cookbook

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Brussels sprouts pasta with parsley pesto

Ingredients for 2 portions

300 g Brussels sprouts

½ bunch smooth parsley

30 g almond kernels

1 piece Parmesan cheese (30 g)

100 ml classic vegetable broth

2 tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper

100 g ribbon noodles

½ Lemons

1 tbsp small capers (glass)


Clean, wash and drain the Brussels sprouts.

Wash the parsley, shake dry and pluck the leaves.

Coarsely chop the almonds and roast them in a pan without fat until they smell.

grate parmesan cheese.

Place the almonds and parsley in a tall bowl. Using a hand blender, gradually add the broth and 1 tablespoon of oil until a paste is obtained. Stir in Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Heat the remaining oil in a coated pan. Cut the Brussels sprouts into quarters and steam or lightly fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.

Meanwhile cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water according to the package instructions. Squeeze the lemon and season the Brussels sprouts with lemon juice. Add capers and season with salt and pepper.

Drain the pasta in a sieve, collect 1-2 tbsp. pasta water and stir into the parsley pesto. Mix pasta with pesto and Brussels sprouts and serve.


If you can't get a fresh Brussels sprout at the moment, you can go for a frozen one. This even saves work when cleaning, because the florets only have to defrost before you cut them into quarters and prepare them in the pan as described.

Per serving: 462 Kcal

Tagliatelle with asparagus puree and sheep's cheese

Ingredients for 2 portions

500 g green asparagus

1 clove of garlic

1 tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper

½ TL brown sugar

150 ml classic vegetable broth

100 g ribbon noodles

80 g sheep's cheese

6 stalks parsley

½ Lime


Clean the asparagus, peel in the lower third and cut off the woody ends. Cut the sticks into pieces.

Peel the garlic and chop finely.

Heat the oil in a coated pan. Sauté the garlic and asparagus for about 5 minutes, season with salt, pepper and sugar. Remove 2 tablespoons of asparagus and set aside.

Pour the hot broth into the pan and cook the asparagus at medium heat for about 8 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the ribbon noodles in plenty of boiling salted water according to the package instructions.

Crumble the sheep's cheese coarsely.

Wash parsley, shake dry, pluck leaves and chop coarsely.

Drain the ribbon noodles in a sieve, collecting 1-2 tablespoons of noodle water. Drain the ribbon noodles well.

Squeeze out half the lime.

Place asparagus with broth and about 5 tablespoons of pasta water in a tall container. Puree with a hand blender, season to taste with salt, pepper and lime juice. Mix noodles and puree, arrange with asparagus pieces, sheep's cheese and parsley.


Anyone who pays strict attention to fat calories will go for the fat-reduced sheep's cheese.

Per serving: 375 Kcal

Vegetable omelette with tomatoes and paprika

Ingredients for 2 portions

1 onion

2 small peppers (1 red, 1 yellow, à approx. 125 g)

2 tomatoes (approx. 160 g)

1 sprig thyme

1 clove of garlic

1 tbsp olive oil

2 eggs

2 tablespoons sour cream (approx. 40 g)

salt and pepper


6 stems smooth parsley


Peel and chop the onion.

Halve the peppers, remove seeds, wash and cut into fine strips.

Cut out the stems of the tomatoes in a wedge shape. Dip the tomatoes briefly in boiling water, remove, rinse with cold water and peel off the skin. Dice the tomatoes.

Wash thyme, shake dry, pluck leaves and chop finely.

Peel and halve the garlic. Rub out a coated pan with the halved clove of garlic.

Heat the oil in the pan. Brown the onion cubes and thyme over medium heat.

Add pepper strips and sauté for 2-3 minutes, add tomato cubes and sauté for another 2-3 minutes.

Whisk eggs and sour cream, season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and let it falter at low heat for 5-8 minutes to taste (depending on how hard you like the egg).

Wash parsley, shake dry, pluck and chop leaves. Sprinkle on the vegetable omelette and serve.


In the Basque Country, the vegetable omelette is particularly popular with fried Bayonne ham. If you want the dish with meat inlay, it is best to use lean boiled ham and place it in the pan, diced with the egg mixture.

Per serving: 200 Kcal

Spaghetti with Mushroom Bolognese and Fennel

Ingredients for 2 portions

250 g mixed mushrooms (e.g. mushrooms, herbs and shiitake)

1 small carrot (approx. 50 g)

1 celery stick (approx. 100 g)

1 onion

1 clove of garlic

2 tbsp olive oil

salt and pepper

425 g canned tomatoes (drained net weight)

150 ml classic vegetable broth

1 teaspoon fennel seed

½ TL dried oregano

150 g wholemeal spaghetti

20 g pecorino cheese


Clean and finely chop the mushrooms.

Peel the carrot. Clean, wash and unthread the celery. Finely dice both vegetables. Peel and chop the onion and garlic.

Heat the oil in a large flat pan. Sauté the diced vegetables, garlic and onion over medium heat for 4-5 minutes while stirring until translucent.

Add the mushrooms and cook for 3 minutes while stirring. Season with salt and pepper.

Add the canned tomatoes and broth to the pot and bring to the boil. Cover and cook over medium heat for a total of 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile, finely crush the fennel seed in a mortar. After 5 minutes add to the pot and stir into the sauce.

Wash oregano and shake dry. After a further 5 minutes, add to the sauce in the pot; leave to boil for another 10 minutes. In the meantime for the spaghetti, bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook the spaghetti in it until al dente according to the package instructions.

Drain the spaghetti and drain well.

Season the sauce with salt and pepper and turn the spaghetti in it. Put on a plate and rub the pecorino over it.


During the tomato season you can use fresh, sun-drenched tomatoes for the sauce. They usually taste sweeter than canned tomatoes. If the fresh ones are less juicy, add some vegetable stock to the sauce.

Per serving:436 Kcal

Bean Pasta with Rucola

Ingredients for 2 portions

200 g thick beans (deep-frozen or approx. 800 g fresh pods)

pinch of salt

1 small onion

1 clove of garlic

2 celery sticks

¼ Bundle of rocket (approx. 25 g)

3 tbsp olive oil

150 g Tortiglioni noodles (preferably wholemeal)

1 piece Pecorino cheese (approx. 20 g)

freshly ground pepper


Defrost the broad beans. Add 1 minute to boiling salted water (blanch), drain, quench and squeeze the seeds out of the skin (fresh seeds should boil for 7-8 minutes).

Peel and finely chop the onion. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into fine slices.

Wash, clean and unthread the celery and cut into 5 mm cubes.

Wash the rocket, shake dry and remove the stems. Put 5 leaves aside. Puree the rocket with 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil.

Cut the rest of the rocket into fine strips.

Cook the pasta according to the package instructions in plenty of boiling salted water until al dente. 6 minutes before the end of the cooking time, heat the remaining olive oil in a pan. Brown the onions, garlic and celery for 3 minutes over medium heat.

Put the beans into the pan and stew for 2 minutes. Rub Pecorino.

Drain the pasta and mix with the beans. Season with salt and pepper. Mix in rocket and rocket oil. Sprinkle with pecorino.


If possible, use rocket from outdoor cultivation. It contains significantly less nitrate. For children, additionally remove the stems, because most of the nitrate is stored in them.

Per serving: 560 Kcal

Spaghetti with herb-soyacreme and smoked tofu

Ingredients for 2 portions

150 g smoked tofu

1 piece Parmesan cheese (25 g)

3 stalks parsley

150 g Linguine wholemeal noodles

pinch of salt

1 tbsp butter (approx. 15 g)

150 ml soy cream

freshly ground pepper


Cut the tofu into 1 cm cubes.

Grate the cheese finely.

Wash parsley, shake dry, pluck leaves and chop coarsely.

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water according to the package instructions.

Meanwhile, froth the butter in a pan and fry the tofu for 1-2 minutes.


Add soy cream, parsley and bring to the boil. Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.

Drain the pasta and drain well. Mix with the sauce and stir in the cheese. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately.


A small leaf salad, e.g. with rocket, goes well with the noodles. It provides additional vitamins, minerals and protective secondary plant substances.

Per serving: 588 Kcal

Green chickpea soup with scrambled eggs crostini

Ingredients for 4 portions

3 onions (à 50 g)

1 clove of garlic

2 tbsp olive oil

800 ml classic vegetable broth

200 g chopped spinach (deep-frozen)

½ bunch smooth parsley

3 basil stems

4 eggs

2 tbsp Ajwar

265 g Chick peas (tin; drained net weight)

8 slices wholemeal baguette (approx. 100 g)

salt and pepper

½ TL ground coriander

4 teaspoons sour cream to taste


Peel onions and garlic. Cut onions in half and cut into cubes, chop garlic.

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a pot. Steam onions and garlic until translucent. Add 100 ml vegetable stock, bring to the boil and steam covered over a low heat for about 5 minutes.

Put the frozen spinach in the pot, bring to the boil and cover and cook over a low heat for another 5 minutes.

Meanwhile rinse parsley, shake dry, pluck leaves and chop coarsely. Rinse the basil, shake dry and pluck the leaves.

Whisk the eggs in a small bowl with Ajwar and 2 tbsp. water and salt. Rinse the chickpeas in a sieve and drain.

Place the baguette slices on a baking tray and roast until golden brown under the preheated grill of the oven.

Add the remaining vegetable stock with chickpeas and parsley to the vegetables and bring to the boil again. Season the soup with salt, pepper and coriander and keep warm. If you like, you can also puree the soup with a hand blender. That makes them very creamy.

Heat the remaining olive oil in a coated pan. Add the whisked eggs and let them falter at medium heat. Push it again and again from the edge to the middle. Spread the scrambled eggs on the baguette slices and cover with basil leaves. Sprinkle the soup with the remaining chickpeas and serve with sour cream as desired. Serve with scrambled eggs crostini.


Instead of making scrambled eggs, crumble 100 g fat-reduced sheep's cheese (25 percent fat in dry matter, 9 percent absolute), mix with the Ajwar, spread on the unroasted baguette slices, then gratinate.

Per serving: 319 Kcal

Bread dumplings on vegetables with chives and pumpkin seeds

Ingredients for 4 portions

8 slices wholemeal wheat toast (approx. 200 g)

3 sticks celery (à approx. 75 g)

2 leeks (à approx. 200 g)

2 eggs

125 ml milk (1,5 % fat)

1 heaped tablespoon butter (approx. 20 g)

1 bunch chives


salt and pepper

1 tbsp flour

1 tbsp olive oil

100 ml classic vegetable broth

125 g chopped spinach (deep-frozen)

2 tbsp pumpkin seeds

300 g peas (frozen)


Cut whole grain toast into small cubes and spread on a baking tray. Roast in a preheated oven at 180 °C (circulating air 160 °C, gas: stage 2-3) for about 10 minutes and allow to cool.

While the toast cubes are in the oven or cooling down, wash the celery, shake the leaves dry and set aside. Clean and unthread the celery. Halve leeks lengthwise, wash and clean. Cut the celery and leek diagonally into pieces about 5 mm wide.

Whisk eggs and milk in a bowl. Melt the butter in a small pot and add. Add toast bread cubes and mix thoroughly. Leave to swell for 15 minutes.

Rinse the chives, shake dry, cut into fine rolls and add to the bread mixture. Add a little nutmeg, salt and pepper. Stir in the flour.

Boil up plenty of salted water in a large saucepan. Reduce the heat so that the water boils only slightly. With moistened hands form 8 dumplings from the bread mass, put them into the pot and simmer at low heat for about 12 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in another shallow pot. Sauté the celery and leek, add the vegetable stock and deep-frozen spinach and cook covered over a low heat for 6-8 minutes.

Roast the pumpkin seeds in a small pan without fat until they smell.

Add the peas to the vegetables. Add salt, pepper and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Chop the set aside celery green.

Grate nutmeg to taste with vegetables and season to taste. Remove the dumplings from the pot with a skimmer, drain and serve with the vegetables. Garnish with celery green, add pumpkin seeds and serve.


Practical use of leftovers: If you still have some old baked rolls left (approx. 200 grams are needed), you can use them instead of toast bread. Simply cut into small cubes and add to the milk.

Per serving: 385 Kcal

Fried pickled cabbage with parsley quark

Ingredients for 4 portions

1 large red sweet potato (approx. 400 g)

2 red onions (approx. 100 g)

500 g pickled cabbage

40 g almond sticks

1 tbsp germ oil

100 ml classic vegetable broth

70 g raisins

1 bunch smooth parsley

300 g low-fat curd cheese

pinch of salt

cayenne pepper

liquid sweetener (as desired)


Peel the sweet potato with a peeler, rinse and plane on a vegetable slicer into long, very fine strips.

Peel and halve the onions and cut into strips.

Drain the pickled cabbage in a sieve. Roast almond sticks in a pan without fat until golden brown and let cool.

Heat the germ oil in a large pan or wok. Add the onion strips and sauté briefly.

Add the sweet potato and fry over low heat for 5 minutes, turning frequently. Add the vegetable stock bit by bit.

Add pickled cabbage and raisins to the vegetables. Turn occasionally and fry over low heat for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, wash the parsley, shake dry and pluck the leaves; set some aside, chop the rest very finely.

In a small bowl, mix the low-fat curd cheese with the chopped parsley, salt and cayenne pepper.

Season pickled cabbage with salt, cayenne pepper and a few drops of sweetener to taste. Sprinkle with almond sticks, garnish with the rest of the parsley and serve with the parsley quark.


If you can't get a sweet potato, you can use carrots. They're even cheaper.

Per serving: 316 Kcal

Fried sheep's cheese with lemon red cabbage

Ingredients for 4 portions

1 small red cabbage (approx. 600 g)

1 onion

1 organic lemon

700 g small waxy potatoes

2 tbsp coarse sea salt

3 tbsp olive oil

200 ml classic vegetable broth

2 bay leaves

½ TL dried thyme

1 egg (S)

2 tbsp flour

1 ½ tbsp breadcrumbs

200 g sheep's cheese (9 % fat in dry matter)

salt and pepper

liquid sweetener to taste


Wash and clean the red cabbage, halve lengthwise and cut into fine strips.

Peel and halve the onion and cut into small cubes.

Rinse lemon hot, rub dry and peel very thinly with a peeler. Cut the lemon zest into fine strips, halve the lemon and squeeze it out.

Brush potatoes thoroughly under running water. Pour into a pot and cover about half of it with water. Bring to the boil, add the sea salt and cook covered over a low heat for about 20 minutes.

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large coated pan. Brown the red cabbage and onion cubes.

Add the vegetable stock, bay leaves, half of the lemon peel and the thyme. Bring to the boil once and simmer covered over a low heat for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile whisk the egg on a plate. Place the flour and breadcrumbs on another plate each.

Dry the sheep's cheese, cut into 8 cubes and turn in flour. Knock off excess flour. Pull the cheese through the beaten egg, drain and turn in the breadcrumbs.

Heat the rest of the oil in a coated pan and fry the breaded sheep's cheese cubes on low heat all around for 6-8 minutes until golden brown.

Continue cooking the potatoes in an open pot until the liquid has evaporated and a white layer of salt forms on them.

Season the cabbage with 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice, salt and pepper. Season to taste with sweetener. Sprinkle with the remaining lemon peel, arrange with sheep cheese and serve with the potatoes.


Also very tasty if you use white cabbage instead of red cabbage! In each case the rustikale vegetable offers apart from plentifully ballast materials with approximately 50 Milligramm (per 100 gram) Vitamin C full .

Per serving: 318 Kcal

Savoy cabbage lasagne with tomato sauce

Ingredients for 4 portions

1 small savoy cabbage (600 g)

2 medium onions

350 ml classic vegetable broth

1 tsp dried thyme

½ TL Fennel seed

5 small tomatoes (à 50 g)

1 clove of garlic

2 tbsp olive oil

400 g pizza tomatoes (tin; drained net weight)

salt and pepper

Paprika powder (hot as roses)

100 ml milk (1,5 % fat)

1 ½ tbsp flour

3 tbsp grated Emmentaler


12 wholemeal lasagne leaves (without precooking)


Wash and clean the savoy cabbage, halve lengthwise and cut into fine strips.

Peel the onions. Halve 1 onion and cut into strips.

Bring 100 ml vegetable stock to the boil in a saucepan. Bring the thyme, fennel, savoy cabbage and onion strips to the boil and simmer covered over a low heat for about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, wash the tomatoes, cut the stalks into wedges and cut the tomatoes into slices.

Peel and chop the garlic. Halve the rest of the onion and chop into small cubes.

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a 2nd pot. Add the garlic and onion cubes, cover and cook over a low heat for 5 minutes.

Add pizza tomatoes, bring to the boil once, season with salt, pepper and paprika powder. Allow to cool a little.

Bring the remaining olive oil and vegetable stock to the boil in another pan.

Mix milk and flour in a bowl with a whisk until smooth. Stir slowly into the broth-oil mixture and bring to the boil again.

Stir 2 tbsp. grated cheese into the liquid and melt over low heat. Salt and pepper the cheese sauce and add a little nutmeg.

Pour half of the tomato sauce into a rectangular baking dish (approx. 20x28 cm). Place 1 layer of lasagna leaves on top, then spread 1/3 of the cheese sauce and then half of the savoy cabbage vegetables on top.

Then add 1 layer of lasagne sheets and the rest of the tomato sauce. Place another layer of lasagna leaves on top and spread 1/3 cheese sauce and the rest of the savoy cabbage on top one after the other.

Cover with a last layer of lasagne sheets, spread with the rest of the cheese sauce and spread with tomato slices. Sprinkle with the rest of the grated cheese and pepper. Bake the savoy cabbage lasagne in a preheated oven at 200 °C (convection oven 180 °C, gas: stage 3) for about 45 minutes.


Lasagne also tastes great with pointed or Chinese cabbage. Since both are somewhat more tender than savoy cabbage, the time for steaming is reduced by 5 minutes.

Per serving: 325 Kcal

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