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Part I (Faces of the Past)


For several years now, a bloody war has been going on between Meinard and the group of allied states of Arkon and Vauton. These three great countries were an oasis of civilization in the ocean of lifeless lands in the South and wild peoples inhabiting the Northern territories. Arkon and Vauton, once bitter rivals, rallied in the face of a common threat of extermination.

The "Marna" corps of the army of His Majesty King Virgil under the command of the famous General Swan, pushed back the army of Meinard, coming closer and closer to his capital. But the decisive battle was yet to come.

Athanasius Mirra – Arkon's warrior is on the front lines. He has nothing to prove in this war. He only does what he does best.

Chapter 1 (Change)

The sun had not yet appeared over the horizon, and Tan was already tying the laces on his boots. As often happened, he had a difficult night. Blame the nightmares that have followed him for a long time. These scary and brutal nocturnal references came from his childhood. In most cases, these were some small segments that were difficult to see in the fog. They were like a fuzzy reflection on the water surface. But sometimes, the dreams were vivid, as if it was happening now at the moment. The last thing he remembered before he opened his eyes was how his mother was screaming his name Athanasius !!! Athanasius !!! Run quickly, my boy …

He raised his head, took in the air heavily with his lungs, and exhaled just as hard. More than thirty years have passed since the moment when his village was attacked. But to this day, the past did not let him go and did not give him peace. He missed her! On her soft hands and tender lips that kissed his disheveled head. His eyes were suddenly saturated with moisture. But Tan drove those thoughts out of his head. The time in which he lives does not forgive weakness. He could show such vulnerability only in moments when he was alone, but leaving his command tent, he became Athanasius Mirra – the commander of the vanguard of the army of His Majesty King Virgil! It should be noted that by the age of thirty-seven, Athanasius had already become known as a great warrior. He visited five major battles, which won the king Virgil control over the vast territory that once belonged to people who call themselves Meinardians. Tan paid tribute to the ability of Meinard's warriors to take a blow. They were ferocious people. They were physically very strong and powerful, in part, it was because of this that Tan was constantly exercising! He could not afford to concede in anything to anyone. Unlike the people of Meinard, the Arconians, which Athanasius was, were not as physically developed, but they had impressive growth, on average about two meters in height. They had blonde hair and good vision in the dark, which was passed down from their ancestors who lived most of their lives in caves. Although, with a sharp change in lighting, it took some time for the eyes to adjust. And also differed in skin color. The people of the Arkon race had white skin, while the Meinardians had dark skin, the color of red clay. And it is not surprising, given how hellishly their sun was burning at its zenith. Looking through the window opening, Tan did not find a single cloud in the sky, which meant that another hot day awaited him, although the summer was already over. He swore to himself. But still forced myself to get up. While the sun has not yet appeared, he will have time to perform the ritual that accompanied him on all campaigns. Namely, jogging, with a distance of about 7-10 kilometers, and after compulsory physical exercises with their own weight.

Throwing open the door, Tan went out into the street. I breathed in the air. -Very dry, he thought. How Athanasius yearned for the rain. Approaching a barrel of water, which stood next to the entrance to the tent, he scooped water into a jug standing there and poured all its contents onto his head. Suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, Tan heard sounds coming from the direction of the forest: singing of birds, rustling of branches. An unknown insect chirped in the grass nearby. And all these sounds reminded him so much of home. Smiling slightly, Tan went to perform his morning ritual.

A few hours later, having heavily refreshed himself, Tan was at the training base, where he checked and supervised the training of his squad.. They weren't the best of the best. But these were the very people with whom Tan wanted to serve and those who eventually replaced his family. Under his supervision, everyone performed the exercises with special zeal, because Tan enjoyed indisputable authority, both among ordinary soldiers and officers. Tan knew that rumors and various tales were circulating in the detachment and beyond about his military exploits. Tan even heard that he single-handedly chopped an entire enemy squadron to pieces. He always found it amusing how from mouth to mouth five people turn into fifty elite thugs. But the skill in working with the sword was not to be occupied by Tan. At the same time, add the speed and mighty strength that he had. And believe me, there are few who would like to measure their strength with him. But nevertheless, from time to time such people were. As a rule, these were battle-hardened wars who wanted to write their names in history. Tan has fought over a hundred such fights. And he was never defeated. Therefore, there have not been many such challenges lately. The last challenge was accepted about two years ago. It was a large Arconian named Egon, who also had the blood of Meinard's people in his veins. Therefore, in physique he was not inferior to Atanasius. However, the battle did not last even one minute. Tan, like no one knew how to read his opponent, and after a little reconnaissance and parrying several blows of Egon's sword, he struck him with a lightning blow with his left hand from below in the jaw. The blow was delivered with such force that Egon's head threw back, and it seemed that it was about to tear off the spine. Needless to say, after that, he fell as if knocked down in the tournament circle, and Tan didn't even lose his breath. The face showed no emotion. He knew this would happen. This has always been the case. After that, Athanasius Mirra stopped taking calls. He even received an offer to go to serve in the guard of the castle of Virgil himself. Who would have thought, the son of a simple blacksmith, would be in the personal guard of the king. But Mirra did not need such work. Although he sometimes didn’t know what he wanted, it was definitely not city life in a warm bed. The army is his home!


Tan, awakened by a woman screaming. This scream was like a bolt from the blue. He jumped out of bed and immediately grabbed the scabbard, in which was his faithful friend and companion, the sword that was forged for him by the masters from Ancalite, a place where good steel is valued. Places where weapons for the king's army were forged.

Everything was like a fog. With an uneven, staggering gait, Tan moved toward the door. Grasping the handle, he pulled towards himself, but the door would not budge. Then he pressed harder, but the door, as before, stood on its own, like a silent guard. Tan felt as if someone had taken all his power. Suddenly he heard a noise in the opposite part of the room. Tan turned around and saw a gaping hole in the wall, from which screams and bright light could be heard. So bright that it is impossible to see through it. Tan swallowed, from the fact that his throat was wildly dry and went to the doorway with full determination to find out what was going on. But the body did not obey him and instead of the usual speed, Tan barely moving his legs, dragging his sword in its sheath, across the floor, moved towards the light. Entering it, Tan found himself on the street … The small village in which he was was half engulfed in flames. Some of the houses had already burned down, and some were just beginning to burn. People, women and children were running around, terrified trying to find salvation. At the end of the street, he saw a silhouette of a man emerge from behind a blazing house. He had a sword in his hands.

Dressed in all black, with a hood on his head, he began to look around. Noticing Tana, the stranger moved towards him. As he approached, there was a tension in the air. Suddenly, next to him, a shadow jumped out of the door of the house, it was Aengus, a neighbor's boy of about fourteen. The man cut off the guy's leg with a sharp movement of his hand, and with the second movement, he cut off his head just as quickly that Aengus did not even have time to utter a word. He did it without fuss, without unnecessary movements, as if he had swatted a cockroach. This was Wotan's representative. The territories of Wotan and Arkon were bordered by each other. However, a peace agreement was concluded between the rulers of both peoples, which had lasted for hundreds of years, and the representatives of Arkon were not afraid to build their houses near the borders. It is obvious that once it was one people, one tribe, but for some reason they split up. They were distinguished by the complete absence of hair and eye color. For Wotan's representatives, they were bright blue, which glowed in the dark. But this one was different. When he looked up, Tan saw that from the seemingly bottomless darkness in the hood, bright blue eyes with red blotches of bloody color were gazing at him. Tan waited, preparing to fend off the attacker. As the man in black approached, Tan began to realize how impressive his size was. Approaching a sufficient distance, the man in black lunged to the side. At the same time, with a lightning-fast movement, he raised his mighty hand, in which was a sword, and with deafening force sent it directly to Tan's head. But Tan managed to raise his hand and his sword took the blow.

Thane's sword, which had been forged by Ancalite's finest craftsmen, shattered into tiny pieces. From the force of the blow, Atanasius sat down on his ass, leaning on the ground with his left hand, and on his outstretched right, he watched the handle of his former friend, with a small fragment of metal remaining in it. Tan just couldn't believe it. And the man in black loomed over him. Only now did he notice his war paint on his face, which made him even more terrifying. He had already raised his hand to complete what he had begun, but suddenly he heard the sonorous voice of his mother.

– Athanasius!

Tan turned around and saw his mother standing near the house, covered in blood and shouting:

– Athanasius, run quickly, my boy!


As always, the sun had not yet had time to show its sharp rays, and Tan was already sitting on the bed and thinking about the dream he had seen. Suddenly his thoughts were unceremoniously broken by a knock at the door. "What the heck?! Who else is there! " Tan thought.

Opening the door, he saw a young man, his name was Bercy and he was the personal adjutant of General Swann. Tan nodded his head to him so that he would immediately come in. Bercy was slightly overweight and shifted from foot to foot, not looking into the eyes of Athanasius. But he was very fulfilling and did all the work entrusted to him with diligence. He was always so nervous in the presence of Tan that it even slightly amused the latter, because he knew that the reason for everything was rumors about his ferocity in battle and exactingness to the soldiers. Athanasius decided to maintain the tension, and, frowning, with a steel gaze in his eyes, inquired about the reason for such an early visit. Hearing the question, Bercy immediately stretched out like a string and his cheeks trembled with zeal. It looked so comical that Tan could not restrain himself, smiled and, going up to Bercy, patted him on the shoulder. – Relax guy, what's up?

– General Swann, asks you to report immediately to his apartment, Bercy said;

– For what purpose? – Tan pressed;

“I don’t know,” Bercy replied.

– Okay, inform the general that I will arrive now!

Bercy immediately turned around and headed for the exit, glad that communication with Tan was over.

Tan watched the departing young man, smiled and thought that not everyone in the army was destined to be a war and, shaking his head, closed the door.

Having dressed, he immediately went to the general. It took a good ten minutes to go to the general's house, so Tan, in order not to waste time, decided to take his brigantine with him and fasten it along the way. Because it is necessary to come to the general in a proper form and be ready to immediately go on a mission without delay. His sword was also with him. He was excellent. The handle was brown calfskin. The pommel and the V-shaped guard, the rays of which go in the opposite direction from the handle, were covered with gilding. The Ricasso blade was adorned with red tourmaline. The straight, double-edged blade hid behind an elaborate black scabbard. His pants and boots were of high quality leather, made to last, but already pretty well worn and well worn. His brigantine was trimmed with black leather. A pattern was embroidered on the chest and abdomen with white threads. Ornament from the lines. The bottom, unlike the standard form, was sharpened. Shoulders with similar embroidery and neck protection were also attached to it. The belts were designed in such a way that it would be possible to fasten it yourself, without helpers. She was in better shape than pants and shoes, although she had several marks from contact with the blades of opponents swords. Bracers with inserts of metal steel plates were made in the same style as the brigantine. He needed them in battle, because he practically did not use a shield.

At the door of the general's house, he was met by guards in the form of two guards with spears. Seeing the approaching guest, the guards tensed slightly, but as soon as they realized who it was, they immediately greeted him. Tan so put his right hand to his chest.

Bercy opened the door for him. When Athanasius entered, he found General Swann collecting things in the chests. The general, noticing Tan, gestured to Bercy that he would go out. Swann was gloomy, but this was not uncommon. Approaching Tan, he handed him a scroll with the royal seal. Athanasius, without taking his eyes off the general, asked:

– What is it?

– Read it.

Tan began to read and after a while, looking up at the general asked: – When?

As you may have noticed, I am packing my things, my boy. And as you might have guessed, I'm not crazy about this idea. My place is just like yours on the battlefield. But the king believes that he has too many politicians in his military advisers and it is time to dilute them with the company of a military general. '' Hmm, Tan replied, theorists are a dime a dozen, but practitioners can be counted on one hand.

– All correctly answered the general and, coming closer to Tan, said: – You will go with me.

– What…? I AM…? General, I'm needed here. My place is here. We are aware of the concentration of strength of the opponents. A battle is coming soon.

“We both know that this war has already been won,” the general said with a sad note in his voice.

– But what about my squad? My people? I must lead them with me!

– Athanasius, do you remember our first meeting?

Tan has a lump in his throat! And he immediately fell silent.

“When we came to the village, I was only twenty years old,” the general continued. "Gloomy warrior", as I called myself then. I already commanded a detachment, the same as you are commanding now, and I did not know anything about the war! What we saw there changed me forever. Such atrocities have not been seen, even by those who have been in the battles of the war. All the villagers were killed! Their tortured and disfigured bodies were everywhere, where our eyes did not fall. And then in the compost pit, on the outskirts of the village, we heard a rustle. Everyone grabbed their swords, not knowing what to expect. But a boy came out of the pit, he looked only seven or eight years old. But contrary to the expectation that the guy would roar excitedly and tremble at nonsense, which would be logical, given what was happening, he just looked at me, and I looked at him. I looked, and could not believe in any way that a child could have such a look. There was everything in him … I have never seen such a look either before or after – the general's voice trembled. Since then we have not parted with you. I taught you everything I know. You have a family, instead of the one that was taken from you. As you know, I have no one dearer than you. I am proud of who you have become. And I need you and your support, because I have no one to rely on in the capital. So what do you say?

Athanasius could not refuse.


Amid the peaceful and soothing clatter of hooves, Tan, General Swann and a dozen soldiers headed to the capital! Anamut, was the concentration of Arkon's power and power. Tanu had a chance to visit it somehow. He was amazed at the skill and greatness of the mastery of the architects of his people! I was even able to see the castle of the king from afar.

– Why now? Tan asked.

– I suppose there are several reasons for this. Firstly, in two weeks the meeting of the high command will take place, where the question of the final stage of the war will be decided. And the advice of an experienced military leader will be extremely useful. Also do not forget that 20 years ago, King Virgil and King Orme made peace between our states. And on this occasion, the king wants to organize a feast and festivities. Of course, I understand that you have your own scores with the Wotans, but for me it is better to drink ale at the celebration of peace than to choke on blood in a war.

Tan understood this very well. Over the long years of service in the army, he saw a lot and agreed with the general. For all his hatred of Wotan, he even felt sympathy for King Orm.

Twenty years ago, Orme became a rebel general who overthrew his ruler, the brutal King Reim. And immediately after that, he made an appeal to end this senseless war unleashed by his king. When Athanasius was young and inexperienced, he assumed that Orma made the people king in gratitude for the liberation from the tyrant and the end of the bloody war. But now he knew that the power he received was due to the power that he had. There was an army behind him, that's the whole secret.

– You must understand, continued Swann, life at court is not sweet to me myself. However, this position opens up great opportunities and prospects. Tell me, how many senseless sacrifices could have been avoided if the council had people who know their business? Competent commanders who have fought more than once themselves?

There he looked at the general, and, meeting his eyes, nodded to him in approval.

After a few minutes of silence, and enjoying the chirping of birds and the sound of trees, General Swann continued.

– Tell me, how are you doing on the personal front?

The corners of Tan's lips lifted slightly. He could not seriously talk about such a topic. – Nothing serious. I guess I'm not made for family life.

– From what? the general asked. You're still young. Representatives of our race live on average about a hundred years. So you still have time to find that one. Have offspring. A reliable rear has not harmed anyone yet.

Tan retorted, – Well, judge for yourself, whose husband is always not at home, and who may not return from another campaign. Not an enviable share for a girl.

– So find yourself one that will share your hobbies.

– Warrior ?! No really. These are completely crazy. Don't you know.

Then the general and Tan burst into loud laughter. – It's better as it is. Everything suits me.

– Do not take an example from me, Mirra! I will have no one to bring a glass of water before I die.

–Tan smiled again. “We both know the servants will do it for you.

Swann laughed. – Your truth. Since I am destined to settle in the capital at the court of the king, it is useless to wipe my ass myself. I may be misunderstood.

And they both burst out laughing. Yes, so loud that the birds fell from the trees and flew along the edge of a small cliff, along the river, dodging between the branches of the bushes and flying next to the heads of the leading soldiers. In the distance, hills were visible, and from the left on the other side of the river, fields of wheat went into the horizon

Swann was one of the few people who entered the innermost recesses of the soul of Athanasius. Tan was overjoyed about this. After all, everyone needs a loved one next to him, even if this relationship is not by blood.


It was a grueling ten days. Due to the fact that the meeting was to begin fourteen days after the departure from the "Marne" building, it was necessary to walk seventy miles a day. Everyone was pretty tired. But it was necessary. And now ten days passed, and the general with his retinue was already approaching the borders of Anamut. It was immediately clear that this was the capital of a prosperous state. Long before the city itself, wretched hovels and shacks had replaced houses skillfully crafted by Mister Wood, with gardens, vineyards and landscaped grounds. Increasingly, patrols and checkpoints began to come across on the way. During these 10 days, the cloudless sky with the blazing sun changed to a more welcoming one with islands of clouds, but still sunny and blue. After another couple of miles the city appeared. The first thing that a traveler saw approaching the capital was two standing towers about 100 meters high, which settled above the rooftops and divided the city into northern and southern parts. One of the towers was occupied by the scientists of Anamut, and in the other there were soldiers who guarded the city. In the center was the king's castle. Although it would be more accurate to say, it was a complex of structures, which also included the future workplace of General Swann, the Anamut conglomerate. The meetings of which were attended by various representatives of state authorities, ranging from the military and ending with the masters of coins.

There were, of course, several passages to the city, but the central and largest was the Royal Gateway.

The general and his companions were in riding clothes, therefore, when they entered the capital, no one paid much attention to them. Another military who arrived in the city.

– Athanasius, find yourself a room in any of the visiting houses. And buy yourself some new clothes. You, however, are my confidant and in four days you will go with me to Duke Erhard. Bercy and I will stay at the Royal Guest Palace, at his invitation. You have a couple of days to spare, so don't waste them. Smiling at each other, they shook hands, and Tan headed towards his horse.

Suddenly the general called out to him. Turning around, he saw Swann throw something at him. After catching it, Tan realized that it was a bag of coins. He raised his head and looked at his old friend in bewilderment.

– Why are you looking at me like that, Athanasius? asked Swann, not hiding a smile. It is the king who pays you, not me. Then he climbed on a horse and with his retinue went further, deep into the city, where he was lost in a second among the people and stalls.

There he looked at the bag, smiled, tossed it with his palm and immediately caught it. Well, since the king pays for everything …

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
06 ekim 2020
Yazıldığı tarih:
230 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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